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Shams, Al Reem Island
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Project No. FCDB110132




06 June 2012


Tel. 02.676.3360, P.O. Box 44387, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Tel. 04.330.4400, P.O. Box 53150, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Residential Development, Plot RS-6-C1

Shams, Al Reem Island
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Request For Proposal

For Geotechnical Investigation

Table of Contents



Standards and Codes of Practice


Site Investigation



Site Location
Reference Benchmark
Existing Services
Boring Through Obstructions
Care in Execution and Reinstatement

Sampling and Testing


Disturbed Samples
Undisturbed Samples
Core Samples
Groundwater Samples


In-Situ Testing
Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
Pressure Meter Testing
Permeability Testing


Laboratory Testing
Moisture Content Determination
Particle Size Distribution
Specific Gravity
Chemical Analysis
Uniaxial Compression Test for Rock


Geotechnical Report

Fig. 1 Borehole Location Plan

Appendix 1 Confirmation of Site Visit

Project No. FCDB110132

06 June 2012
Page 2

Residential Development, Plot RS-6-C1

Shams, Al Reem Island
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Request For Proposal

For Geotechnical Investigation

This document details specific requirements for the execution and reporting of a
Geotechnical Investigation (hereinafter referred to as The Works) to be undertaken
on the site of the proposed residential development (residential building) in Al Reem
Island, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (hereinafter referred to as The Site). The
client is Real Estate Options Co. (Hereinafter referred to as The Employer). NORR
Group Consultants International Limited (hereinafter referred to as The Engineer)
has been appointed as the Design Consultant for the project.
Included in The Works are field exploration work, laboratory analysis and
preparation of a report, details of which are specified below.
The purpose of The Works is to determine the nature and properties of the ground to
assist in the design of foundations for the new proposed residential building. The
residential building is envisaged to include:

Two (2) Basement Levels + Ground Level + Eight (8) Typical Levels +
Roof/Mechanical Level. The building is approximately 32.0m tall above Ground
Level floor slab and the lowest Basement Level floor slab is approximately 9.0m
below Ground Level floor slab. The underside of the lowest slab/foundation is
expected to be approximately 10.0m below Ground Level floor slab (-1.00m ADM
Note: Existing grade at the site is assumed at +5.00m ADM level.


The number of Basement Levels and Typical Levels has not been finalized.
Geotechnical Engineer shall request for this information before finalizing the
Geotechnical Report.

The maximum column load is approximately 16,600 kN (unfactored) for 9mx9m

column grid layout.

Preferred foundation system is solid concrete raft. Recommendation should also

be provided for bored cast-in-place piles with pile caps foundation system.


Unless specified otherwise in this document, all equipment, materials and
procedures associated with The Works shall comply with current (latest) editions of
the following relevant standards and codes of practice (but not limited to):

Guidelines from the Local Regulatory Authorities having jurisdiction on

geotechnical investigation works.

BS 1377

Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes.

BS 4019

Rotary core drilling equipment.

Project No. FCDB110132

06 June 2012
Page 3

Residential Development, Plot RS-6-C1

Shams, Al Reem Island
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Request For Proposal

For Geotechnical Investigation

BS 5930:1999

Code of practice for site investigations.

ASTM D2938-95

Standard Test Method for Unconfined Compressive

Strength of Intact Rock Core Specimens.

ASTM D7012 - 07e1

Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength and

Elastic Moduli of Intact Rock Core Specimens under
Varying States of Stress and Temperatures.

Where the requirements of the above referenced documents are in conflict with this
document, the more stringent (as determined by The Engineer) shall take precedence.
The Contractor shall supply and maintain on site copies of all referenced standards
and codes of practice. The standards and codes of practice shall be made available to
The Engineer at The Site.




Before beginning The Works, the Contractor shall obtain permission from all Local
Regulatory Authorities having jurisdiction and shall agree the dates and times for
access to The Site with The Engineer.


Site Location
The site is Plot RS-6-C1, located in Al Reem Island, Abu Dhabi, United Arab


The Works shall be performed under the constant supervision of at least one fully
qualified and experienced Geotechnical Engineer or Engineering Geologist who is
fully cognizant of the geotechnical and engineering considerations involved. The
Contractor shall submit credentials of their proposed supervisor to The Engineer for
approval prior to commencing The Works.


The site investigation phase of The Works shall include the following:

Drilling of 4 nos. 35m depth boreholes (BH01 BH04) and 1 no. 40m depth
borehole (BH05). Refer attached Fig. 1 (Borehole Location Plan).

Required borehole depths are indicated on the attached drawing. The noted borehole
depths shall be considered a minimum; the Contractor may deem it necessary to
extend one or more boreholes to a greater depth in order to provide
recommendations outlined in Section 5.0 Reporting. Borehole locations shall be

Project No. FCDB110132

06 June 2012
Page 4

Residential Development, Plot RS-6-C1

Shams, Al Reem Island
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Request For Proposal

For Geotechnical Investigation

setout by the Contractor to within 0.50 m of the specified plan position unless
instructed otherwise by The Engineer.
As the work proceeds any modifications to the borehole depths will be determined
by The Engineer in consultation with the Contractor. If access to a borehole location
is obstructed or difficult, the position may be changed with the prior agreement of
The Engineer. Actual borehole locations shall be recorded by the Contractor and
indicated on a borehole plan - see Section 5.0 Reporting.
Boring in soils shall be to a minimum diameter of 150 mm and shall be undertaken
by light cable percussion methods of a type which enables BS standard U100
undisturbed samples to be obtained. Boring in rocks shall be undertaken by rotary
coring methods to obtain cores of diameter not greater than 100 mm. All boreholes
shall be supported as may be found necessary with casing to prevent collapse of the
sides. If it is necessary to add water to any borehole to facilitate drilling, this shall be
used sparingly and not in such a manner as would prevent accurate observations of
the groundwater conditions in the borehole.
Borehole depths shall be measured using a tape measure either directly down the
borehole or by measuring the length of tools or drill rods inserted to the base of the
borehole. Measurements shall be made immediately before and immediately after
each sample is taken, in-situ test carried out, or groundwater observation made. The
measurements shall be made to an accuracy of 10 mm and shall be recorded on the
borehole logs.


It is the contractors responsibility to comply with all the

requirements of the Local Regulatory Authorities having
jurisdiction for subsurface investigations, sampling and soil reports.

Reference Benchmark
For the purpose of determining levels, the Contractor shall, in coordination with The
Engineer, establish a temporary benchmark on an existing stable feature on, or in the
vicinity of, The Site. A qualified surveyor shall be retained by the Contractor to
determine existing grade elevations, relative to the benchmark, at each borehole to an
accuracy of 0.05 m. Survey Station, of the Local Regulatory Authority having
jurisdiction, shall be used as the reference level for vertical measurements. All
elevations shall be determined relative to the datum of the Local Regulatory
Authority having jurisdiction.


Existing Services
Prior to commencement of site work, the Contractor shall obtain all No Objection
Certificates (NOCs) and any other required approvals from all Local Regulatory
Authorities having jurisdiction. The Contractor shall acquaint himself with the
position of all existing services and obtain clearance from the relevant authorities
before commencing any work in a particular area. The Contractor shall obtain
information by formal notice regarding the location of all services the complete
responsibility for obtaining this information rests with the Contractor. The
Contractor shall be held entirely responsible for any damage to existing services or

Project No. FCDB110132

06 June 2012
Page 5

Residential Development, Plot RS-6-C1

Shams, Al Reem Island
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Request For Proposal

For Geotechnical Investigation

works and shall be liable for all costs in the repair or replacement of such services,
and statutory fines imposed.
The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to avoid damage to underground
services such as sewers, drains, gas and water pipes, electricity and other cables, etc.
The Contractor shall be held entirely responsible for any damage to existing services
and shall be liable for all costs associated with the repair or replacement of such
services damaged during the execution of The Works.
Investigation by machine shall not begin until the presence or absence of all services
has been established. The Contractor shall acquaint himself with the position of all
existing services and shall start all boreholes by means of a hand excavated trial pit.

Boring Through Obstructions

If an obstruction in the form of bedrock, boulder, concrete, brickwork, timber or other
object is encountered which prevents further progress in boring by light cable
percussion methods, the Contractor shall attempt to break through the obstruction by
chiseling. If the size or composition of the obstruction is such that little or no
progress is obtained by chiseling, the Contractor may be required to use rotary coring
methods to drill through and obtain cores of the obstruction, in which case the cores
shall have a diameter of not less than 50 mm. If the boring shows that the obstruction
is bedrock, rotary core drilling shall be continued to the required depth and to an
appropriate diameter not exceeding 100 mm to prove the continuity and engineering
characteristics of the formation. If the obstruction is shown to be a boulder, ledge of
rock or other object underlain by soil, then the Contractor shall enlarge the cored hole
to permit continuation of drilling by light cable percussion boring.


Care in Execution and Reinstatement

The Contractor shall carry out all site work with the least possible damage to
property or disturbance to the operations in the vicinity of The Site. Throughout the
progress of The Works, the Contractor shall keep The Site and all working areas in a
tidy and workmanlike condition free from rubbish and excess waste materials.
On completion of work in any working area, the Contractor shall within 2 weeks
after backfilling or otherwise making safe the area, restore the ground surface as
nearly as possible to its original condition (reinstatement shall be such that the
ground surface is able to perform the same function as that which it had prior to The
Works) to the satisfaction of The Engineer. This shall include removal all material,
rubbish or plant, making good damage to fences, sidewalks, pavements or other
property, etc.



In addition to the sampling and testing specified below, The Works shall include any
other tests and procurement of any other samples, this shall include but not limited
to sampling and testing of any presence of contaminated soil deemed necessary to
provide the recommendations noted in Section 5.0 Reporting.

Project No. FCDB110132

06 June 2012
Page 6

Residential Development, Plot RS-6-C1

Shams, Al Reem Island
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Request For Proposal

For Geotechnical Investigation

Samples taken from the site shall be representative and be adequate to permit visual
identification and classification of the materials encountered as well as verification by
means of laboratory analysis.
Samples and cores shall be kept for a minimum period of 3 months after submission
of the Geotechnical Report and may be discarded after that time only on the written
instructions of The Employer. The Employer may require that certain samples
and/or cores be retained by the Contractor or sent elsewhere.


Disturbed Samples
Disturbed soil samples shall be taken in both cohesive and non-cohesive soils at the
top of each stratum, at intervals not exceeding 1.0 m in any stratum thicker than 1.0
m, or as otherwise directed by The Engineer. Material from the cutting shoes of
undisturbed samplers, and from equipment used to perform Standard Penetration
tests, shall also be taken as disturbed samples. Samples shall be truly representative
of the composition of the in-situ soil and shall be not less than 0.5 kg in mass.


Undisturbed Samples
Undisturbed samples 100 mm in diameter (U100 samples) shall be taken in all
cohesive soils. In each borehole when a new cohesive stratum is encountered, a U100
sample shall be taken immediately and further U100 samples shall be taken at every
1.0 m increment of depth in the first 5 m of the borehole and at 1.5 m increments
thereafter, or as directed by The Engineer.
The Contractor shall make every effort to avoid disturbance of the material being
sampled. Before taking an undisturbed sample, the bottom of the borehole shall be
carefully cleared of disturbed material. Where an attempt to take an undisturbed
sample is unsuccessful the borehole shall be cleaned out for the full depth to which
the sampling tube had been pushed or driven and the recovered soil saved as a
disturbed sample. A second attempt shall then be made from immediately below the
level of the previous attempt.


Core Samples
In coreable soil (i.e. rock) continuous cylindrical core samples shall be taken by rotary
drilling for subsequent laboratory analysis. Cores shall be wrapped in polyethylene
sheeting and stored in core boxes, wooden spacers being placed between samples to
prevent movement of the sample during transport.
All cores shall be photographed in their core boxes against a matt grey background
with a clearly legible label containing the following information:

Contractors name.
Contract name and reference number.
Borehole number.
Depth below grade of the top and bottom of the core.
Scale bar graduated in metres and centimeters.

Project No. FCDB110132

06 June 2012
Page 7

Residential Development, Plot RS-6-C1

Shams, Al Reem Island
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Request For Proposal

For Geotechnical Investigation

The photographs shall be of a quality acceptable to The Engineer and shall be

submitted with the Geotechnical Report.

Groundwater Samples
Samples of groundwater shall be taken from each borehole and trial pit in which
water is found. Where more than one water table is found, each shall be sampled
separately. Where water has previously been added to the borehole, this shall be
noted in the daily report and a sample of the added water taken.
Water samples shall have a volume of at least 1 liter and shall be placed in approved
airtight and scrupulously clean containers. Samples shall be labeled to indicate
borehole reference number, depth from which sample was taken, depth at which
water was encountered in the borehole, and date/time of sampling.


In-Situ Testing


Standard Penetration Test (SPT)

In cohesionless (non-coreable) soil Standard Penetration tests shall be carried out at
intervals not exceeding 1 m and at every change in stratum. If gravelly soil is
encountered, the standard penetration tool shall be fitted with a cone at its tip and
the test carried out as normal.
In soils with a measured N-value of 10 or less, the test shall be continued
immediately by driving the sampler an additional 300 mm. The number of blows for
each 75 mm shall be recorded together with the total number of blows for the
additional 300 mm penetration.
If there is reason to believe that unrealistically low results are being obtained or soil
flows into the borehole so fast as to prevent the test being carried out, report to The
Engineer and obtain instructions whether an alternative test is to be undertaken.


Pressure Meter Testing

Pressure meter testing shall be carried out using a high capacity pressuremeter for
use in weak to medium strength rock. The pressure meter shall be suitable for use in
a borehole having a diameter of between 76 mm and 80 mm, and shall be capable of
exerting a maximum radial pressure of 20 MPa.
Testing and interpretation procedures shall generally be in accordance with ASTM
D4719 07 (Standard Test Method for Prebored Pressuremeter Testing in Soils).
Testing shall be performed in 2 nos. boreholes.

Two (2) tests minimum per

The Contractor may propose a different pressuremeter diameter and borehole

diameter combination to that specified herein, subject to approval of The Engineer.

Project No. FCDB110132

06 June 2012
Page 8

Residential Development, Plot RS-6-C1

Shams, Al Reem Island
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Request For Proposal

For Geotechnical Investigation

Permeability Testing
Permeability testing at two (2) boreholes shall be completed to provide information
for dewatering. Permeability results shall represent the various soil profile
encountered in the selected boreholes.


Laboratory Testing


Moisture Content Determination [BS1377-Part 2:1990 Clause 3]

Submit moisture content expressed as a percentage of dry weight of soil to two
significant figures.
A minimum of one soil sample per stratum above the water table shall be tested per


Particle Size Distribution [BS1377-Part 2:1990 Clause 9]

Report cumulative percentages by weight of soil passing BS test sieves after wet
sieving and drying, presented in the form of semi-logarithmic particle size
distribution curves.
A minimum of one soil sample per stratum per borehole shall be tested.


Specific Gravity [BS1377-Part 2:1990 Clause 8]

Report specific gravity of soil particles to two significant figures.
A minimum of one soil sample per stratum per borehole shall be tested.


Chemical Analysis [BS1377-Part 3:1990]

Submit water soluble sulphate content of soil expressed as percentage of sulphur
trioxide, chloride content of soil expressed as percentage of sodium chloride,
sulphate content of groundwater expressed as concentration (g/L) of sulphur
trioxide, chloride content of groundwater expressed in g/L, and pH value of
Tests shall be carried out on all groundwater samples and on a minimum of one soil
sample above groundwater level per borehole.


Uniaxial Compression Test for Rock

Conduct test in accordance with ASTM D2938-95 and report:
1. Physical description of sample including rock type, location and orientation of
apparent weakness planes, bedding planes, large inclusions, etc.
2. Dimensions of specimen.
3. Bulk and dry densities of specimen.
4. Moisture condition of sample at time of test.
5. Type and location of failure.

Project No. FCDB110132

06 June 2012
Page 9

Residential Development, Plot RS-6-C1

Shams, Al Reem Island
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Request For Proposal

For Geotechnical Investigation

6. Uniaxial compressive strength to the nearest 10 kPa.

Tests shall be carried out on samples taken at 1 m intervals in all rock cores.




Geotechnical Report
A Geotechnical Report shall be prepared by the Contractor and submitted to The
Engineer in triplicate. This report shall include the following information (but not
limited to):

Factual description of the site and surrounding area including geology,

topography, surface water and drainage features, vegetation, and any other
geotechnical relevant information.

Factual description of work carried out, including number and type of boreholes,
type of equipment used, time of year, weather conditions, personnel, samples
taken, field and laboratory testing, etc.

Plan indicating location of all boreholes.

Core photographs.

Longitudinal or transverse geologic cross-sectional plots.

Elevation of the water table, if encountered.

Expected total and differential settlement.

Effects of adjacent loads.

Borehole records which are to include the following information:

1. Soil/rock description.
2. Soil/rock strength indication (e.g. Standard Penetration Test (SPT),
Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS)).
3. Rock core recovery and quality data (e.g. Total Core Recovery (TCR),
Solid Core Recovery (SCR), Rock Quality Designation (RQD)).
4. Groundwater levels.
5. Existing grade (ground) elevations relative to the datum of the Local
Regulatory Authority having jurisdiction.

Details of all field and laboratory tests conducted (including permeability tests).

Project No. FCDB110132

06 June 2012
Page 10

Residential Development, Plot RS-6-C1

Shams, Al Reem Island
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Request For Proposal

For Geotechnical Investigation

Recommendations for foundation type to include the following information (but

not limited to):
1. Allowable bearing capacities for shallow foundation systems including
raft, strip and pad footings. Provide the modulus of subgrade reaction Ks
for the design of slabs or raft foundations and allowable foundation
2. Allowable capacities (both compressive and tensile) for bored cast-in-situ
concrete piles; theoretical rationale on which recommended pile capacities
are based shall be provided. The following pile sizes and lengths shall be
600 mm , lengths 10, 15, 20, 25m.
750 mm , lengths 10, 15, 20, 25m.
800 mm , lengths 10, 15, 20, 25m.
900 mm , lengths 10, 15, 20, 25m.
1000 mm , lengths 10, 15, 20, 25m.
1200 mm , lengths 10, 15, 20, 25m.
For pile foundations, the following shall also be provided:

Recommended center-to-center spacing of deep foundation

Reductions (factor) for group action, where necessary.
Load test requirements.

Lateral earth pressure parameters including angle of internal friction,

dry/saturated densities, at-rest/active/passive pressure coefficients, etc.

Soil Profile Type (S) as defined in Table 16-J of the 1997 Uniform Building Code
(UBC). This factor shall be determined from the encountered soil profile and will
be used to determine seismic loads as per 1997 UBC. Shear wave velocity test
must be conducted.

Site class assigned to the site based on the type of soil present and its engineering
properties as defined in Table 1613.5.2 of the 2009 International Building Code
(IBC). This factor shall be determined from the encountered soil profile and will
be used to determine seismic loads as per 2009 IBC. Shear wave velocity test
must be conducted.

Methods of protecting concrete exposed to soil and/or groundwater.

Methods of protecting reinforcing steel against possible corrosion.

Recommended shoring system for the proposed excavation for Basement Levels
construction. Final number of Basement Levels will be provided to the
Geotechnical Engineer before finalizing the Geotechnical Report.

Methods of earth excavation for Basement Levels construction.

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06 June 2012
Page 11

Residential Development, Plot RS-6-C1

Shams, Al Reem Island
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Request For Proposal

For Geotechnical Investigation

Specification for backfill material and compaction criteria.

Dewatering procedures.

Survey Station, of the Local Regulatory Authority having jurisdiction, shall be

used as the reference level for vertical measurements. All elevations shall be
determined relative to the datum of the Local Regulatory Authority having

--- End of section ---

Project No. FCDB110132

06 June 2012
Page 12

Residential Development, Plot RS-6-C1

Shams, Al Reem Island
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Request For Proposal

For Geotechnical Investigation


Project No. FCDB110132

06 June 2012
Page 13

Residential Development, Plot RS-6-C1

Shams, Al Reem Island
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Request For Proposal

For Geotechnical Investigation

Appendix 1


We hereby confirm having visited and examined the site and its surroundings or caused it to
be visited on our behalf by a competent and reliable person and have taken into account in
the preparation of our tender all requisite information concerning climate, location, access,
working restrictions, substrates, soils, slopes, contours, ground conditions, existing services,
sets-outs, grids, tolerances, adjacent buildings, height restrictions, traffic and all other factors
which may affect or influence our tender in any way and confirm that we have no queries or
qualifications on any matter whatsoever concerning prevailing site conditions.

Signed by


In the capacity of


For and on behalf of






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06 June 2012
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