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Communicating With Special Populations

Vol. 34, No. 5


The Role of Health Literacy

in Patient-Physician Communication
Mark V. Williams , MD; Terry Davis , PhD; Ruth M. Parker, MD; Barry D. Weiss , MD

Background and Objectives: Patients health literacy is increasingly recognized as a critical factor affecting patient-physician communication and health outcomes. We reviewed research on health literacy, examined its impact on patient-physician communication, and offer recommendations to enhance communication with patients who have poor health literacy. Methods: We conducted a literature review using the
MEDLINE database for January 1966 through July 2001. The keywords literacy and health literacy
were searched independently and in combination with the medical subject headings (MeSH) physicianpatient communication, communication, and reading. Results: Poor health literacy is common,
especially among elderly patients. More than 33% of patients ages 65 and older have inadequate or
marginal health literacy, as do up to 80% of patients in public hospital settings. Patients with poor health
literacy have a complex array of communication difficulties, which may affect health outcomes. Such
patients report worse health status and have less understanding about their medical conditions and treatment; they may have increased hospitalization rates. Professional and public awareness of the health
literacy issue must be increased, beginning with education of medical students and physicians and improved patient-physician communication skills. Conclusions: Future research needs to address identification of optimal methods for communicating with patients who have low literacy skills. This should focus
on the effect of poor health literacy on patients ability to communicate their history and physicians
ability to solicit information, as well as identifying the most-effective techniques to educate patients.
(Fam Med 2002;34(5):383-9.)

Communication is a core skill for physicians, yet many

patients have difficulty understanding what physicians
tell them.1-3 Even immediately after leaving their physicians offices, patients are able to recall 50% or less
of important information just given to them.2 Patients
with inadequate literacy skills, particularly those with
a poor understanding of common medical terms3-5 and
written health materials,6-9 probably account for a substantial portion of these patients. Indeed, the concept
of poor health literacyhas been coined to describe
patients with an inability to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed
to make appropriate health decisions10,11
From the Department of Medicine, Emory University (Drs Williams and
Parker); the Department of Pediatrics and Medicine, Louisiana State University-Shreveport (Dr Davis); and the Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Arizona (Dr Weiss).

With the number of Americans who have limited literacy estimated at more than 40 million,12 the ramifications of poor health literacy, and the associated lack
of understanding of written or oral health communication, are many. They include difficulties navigating the
health care system, inaccurate or incomplete histories,
missed doctors appointments, pills taken at incorrect
times or inappropriate dosages, and lack of informed
This article reviews evidence documenting the prevalence of inadequate health literacy in America, the effect of limited literacy on patient-provider communication, identification of patients with low literacy, and
research on interventions to enhance the outcomes of
patients with inadequate health literacy. After a review
of research examining the issue, we provide recommendations for how clinicians can optimize communication with patients who have limited health literacy.


May 2002

We searched MEDLINE for English-language articles published between October 1966 and July 2001.
The keywords literacy and health literacy were
searched independently and in combination with the
medical subject headings (MeSH) physician-patient
relations, communication, and reading. Subject
headings were exploded to expand the search. After
reviewing the title and abstract of all articles retrieved,
one author identified pertinent publications. The reference lists of the articles obtained through the MEDLINE
search were reviewed to identify additional articles.
Re sults from p re viously c onduc te d litera ture
searches10,11 and systematic reviews on patient-doctor
communication were also reviewed.1,2
These search strategies yield a total of 66 salient articles and books. In this paper, we categorized these
publications into those addressing (1) prevalence of the
problem, (2) effect of health literacy on patient-physician communication, (3) association of health literacy
to outcomes, and (4) interventions to enhance communication with patients who have inadequate or marginal
health literacy.
Literacy and Health Literacy in
AmericaPrevalence of the Problem
According to the National Adult Literacy Survey
(NALS),12 considered the most accurate portrait of literacy in the United States, about one fourth of American do not have the ability to read, write, and speak in
English and compute and solve problems at levels of
proficiency necessary to function on the job and in society.12 Persons with inadequate literacy skills come
from a variety of backgrounds, including all races and
socioeconomic classes. These functionally illiterate
adults are more likely to have health problems, live in
poverty, and have fewer years of education.12 Of note,
lack of adequate literacy is twice as common for older
Americans and inner-city minorities, the primary users
of Medicare and Medicaid.
The findings of the NALS have been corroborated
in health care settings. For example, an evaluation of
more than 2,500 patients at two public hospitals, using
the patients native language (English or Spanish), revealed that 42% could not understand directions for
taking medication on a empty stomach, 26% could not
understand an appointment slip, and 60% could not understand a standard informed consent document.9 The
prevalence of inadequate or marginal functional health
literacy was more pronounced among older persons,
with more than 80% of those older than 60 having inadequate health literacy.9 Similar finding were noted
in a cross-sectional survey of 3,260 community-dwelling Medicare enrollees in a managed care plan from
three different states. That study revealed that 34% of

Family Medicine
English-speaking and 54% of Spanish-speaking respondents had inadequate or marginal health literacy.19
Effect of Health Literacy on PatientProvider Communication
Understanding the Physicians Vocabulary. The terminology or language that health care providers use
to communicate with patients is a barrier for patients
with inadequate health literacy. Multiple studies document that physicians use of medical terms, combined
with patients limited health vocabulary, results in inadequate and even confusing communication,3-5,20,21 and
patients commonly complain that physicians do not
explain their illness or treatment options to them in
terms they can understand.3 An older, yet still relevant,
study assessed 125 hospitalized patients comprehension of 50 of the most common health words found in
transcripts of physician-patient interviews.20 While almost all (98%) understood the word vomit, only 35%
of patients understood the word orally, 22% understood nerve, 18% comprehended malignant, and
just 13% understood terminal.
A more recent study revealed confusion and lack of
understanding of medical terms used in describing colon cancer screening. Many participants did not know
the meaning of commonly used terms such as polyp,
tumor, lesion, screening, or blood in the stool. None
knew what or where the colon or bowel was, and many
were not clear about the rectum.5
(1) Understanding Patient Education Pamphlets. Patients ignorance of medical terms interferes with the
usefulness of written patient education pamphlets. Numerous studies have documented that standard patient
education materials are frequently written at levels exceeding patients literacy skills.22 Studies in the mid1990s found that only 19% of health education pamphlets written for parents of pediatric patients were
written below a ninth-grade level, and only 2% were
written below a seventh-grade levelplacing them
beyond the reading comprehension of most US adults,
for whom average reading skills are at the eighth-grade
In the last few years, some health education materials have been written in simpler language. Yet, current
studies show that much health educational material is
still written with wording too difficult for patients with
inadequate or marginal health literacy.24-26
(2)Understanding On-line Information. The Internet
is a potentially attractive method for patients to get specific health information. However, current formats are
not suitable for audiences with low literacy skills. A
recent study conducted by Rand found that 100% of
the English-language Web sites evaluated presented
health information at a ninth-grade level or higher, and
six of seven Spanish-language sites presented information on at least a high-school level.27 Additionally, the

Communicating With Special Populations

National Cancer Institute found that although more
people are going on-line for health information, most
users cannot find the information they are looking for. 28
(3) Understanding Instructions from Clinicians. Insufficient comprehension of health vocabulary, limited
health knowledge, and impaired ability to assimilate
new information and concepts play varying roles in lowliterate patients ability to communicate with health care
providers.3,4,9,13,14,20,29 A study in senior citizens public
assistance housing complexes found that subjects with
the poorest literacy skills reported greater difficulty
understanding information given to them by health care
providers.30 Simple instructions such as take medicine
orally, on an empty stomach, or three times daily are
daunting to many low-literate patients. They commonly
do not understand the context, detail, or significance
of their diagnoses,31-33 and hospital discharge instructions are often too complex for them.32,34
Such concerns are validated in studies documenting
that patients with chronic diseases, such as diabetes,
hypertension, asthma, or HIV infection are also less
likely to understand their disease and its treatment.35-37
Low-literate patients may feel overwhelmed with information about their illness and ask fewer questions
than their more-literate counterparts.3 Moreover, providers give too much detailed information or information that is not relevant to these patients or their cultural backgrounds.1,3,29,38-40

Vol. 34, No. 5


score in the demented range because they cannot read

or count well enough to accurately complete some of
the items on the test such as writing a sentence, following instructions to close your eyes, or serial subtraction by sevens.
Association of Health Literacy
With Medical Outcomes
While there is abundant research documenting the
prevalence of inadequate health literacy and its correlation with health knowledge, research on the association of health literacy with medical outcomes is less
developed. Most studies have focused on general health
outcomes and health care costs. A few preliminary studies have evaluated disease-specific health outcomes.
Overall, these studies indicate that patients health literacy is associated with less-optimal health outcomes,
health status, and hospitalization rates.

Validity of the Medical History. A total of 60%80%

of diagnostic information physicians acquire is from
what patients say (ie, from the history).42-45 Patients with
low literacy may not realize what information doctors
need, may lack the health vocabulary to report symptoms accurately, or may relate information in an illogical or out-of-sequence fashion. Checking to ensure that
information gathered from patients is accurate and confirming that patients understand questions being asked
are among the most importantbut least usedinterviewing skills a physician has.46 In one cross-sectional
study of audiotaped encounters between patients and
their internists or family physicians, physicians assessed
patients understanding only 2% of the time.47

General Health Outcomes and Costs. In a study involving low-level readers enrolled in adult basic education classes, 52 subjects with the lowest reading skills
had poorer physical and psychological health than those
with better reading skills. These relationships persisted,
even after statistic al a djustments for confounding
sociodemographic factors. A study of 2,659 patients at
two public hospitals found that those with inadequate
functional health literacy were more than twice as likely
to have poor self-reported health status than subjects
with adequate literacy.53 Literacy was a stronger correlate of health status than education level and other
sociodemographic variables. In fact, after adjustment
for literacy, education level had no significant association with health status.19,22,53
Patients with limited literacy skills may also have
higher health care costs. A study of English- and Spanish-speaking Medicaid participants revealed that among
those enrolled in Medicaid because of medical need or
indigence, those reading at the lowest grade levels
(grades 02) had average annual health care costs of
$12,974, compared with $2,969 for the overall population studied.54,55 Finally, in a study of 958 low-income
patients followed for 2 years, patients with inadequate
literacy were nearly twice as likely to have been hospitalized during the previous year (31.5% versus 14.9%),
a relationship that persisted after adjustment for health
status and various socioeconomic indicators.56 Inadequate health literacy has also been confirmed as an
independent risk factor for hospital admission among
elderly managed care enrollees.57

Validity of Medical Tests. Low health literacy may interfere with the validity of instruments used to screen
for cognitive impairment. In particular, scores on the
Mini-mental State Examination (MMSE)48 are influenced by a patients literacy skills.49-51 Patients may

Disease-specific Health Outcomes. One study found

that low literacy was a better predictor than race or age
of metastatic disease at presentation of prostate cancer.58 Another study, which examined breast-feeding
practices, found that first-time mothers with lower

Compliance. It has been suggested that limited literacy

may be related to poor compliance with recommended
treatments.3 Indeed, patients with poor literacy skills
may take medications at the wrong dosage or frequency
and are not always cognizant of treatment side effects
or the need for follow-up testing.15,41


May 2002

health literacy were less likely to initiate and continue

breast-feeding than women with higher literacy (23%
versus 54%).59
Interventions to Enhance Communication
Written Materials. A variety of techniques are recommended for preparing simplified written patient education materials to use with low-literacy populations.60
Some studies have demonstrated these techniques to
be successful in improving patients understanding of
health-related information,32 but other studies have not.7
An encouraging recent study by Jacobson demonstrated
in a controlled trial that a simple one-page low-literacy
handout written at a less than fifth-grade level increased
pneumococcal vaccination rates five-fold in an elderly
low-literate minority population.61
Research suggests that the benefit of written handouts depends considerably on how they are organized
and used. Studies in family practice settings have shown
that it makes a difference whether or not patients are
given health information directly from physicians. In
practices that stockpiled written patient education
materials, physicians were unfamiliar with the materials and tended not to recommend or give them to patients. In contrast, physicians were most likely to use
written health materials when they took responsibility
for selecting and maintaining a small collection of
materials. Physicians could then select a familiar handout, use it as a teaching tool, and tailor its message to
the patients needs.62-64
If written materials are used, evidence indicates that
they should be written following recommendations
from experts in the development of brochures.60 Patient acceptance of written materials is also enhanced
if development of the materials includes review by focus groups consisting of patients from the target audience.65
Non-written Materials. International health experts
have long known that visual aids can help communication with nonliterate persons.66,67 Recent studies have
shown such aids to be effective in industrialized nations. One study showed that use of video, in comparison to written materials, increased comprehension by
low-literate patients.68 Another study showed that pictographs (ie, pictures that represent ideas) enhanced
recall of spoken medical instructions from 14% to 85%
among literate individuals,69 and similar findings were
noted with low-literate individuals, including long-term
retention of information.70 Cartoon illustrations also
improve comprehension of and compliance with health
care instruction in most, though not all, studies.71-73 Finally, interactive computer-based multimedia represents
an approach that appears successful in educating patients with inadequate health literacy.74,75

Family Medicine
A marked expansion in patient education requirements has paralleled the recent growth in medical technology. For example, patients with an acute myocardial infarction are now typically hospitalized for just 2
to 4 days (compared to 4 weeks about 30 years ago),
will probably be discharged on five or more medications ( blocker, aspirin, anti-platelet agent, ACE inhibitor, lipid-lowering agent), and given detailed dietary
and exercise instructions.76,77
Such demands on patients medical knowledge, combined with their limited health vocabulary and frequent
use by physicians of medical terms, represent a major
source of miscommunication between patients and physicians. Although physicians frequently believe they
speak to patients in laymans terms, patients and nurses
do not perceive this. 78 Indeed, Waitzkin found that physicians used nontechnical language in only 12% of explanations to patients. 79 Not surprisingly, therefore,
patientsespecially those with limited health literacy
commonly report that physicians do not adequately
explain illness or treatments in understandable terms.3
Identifying Patients With Limited Health Literacy
Unfortunately, it is difficult to identify patients with
low health literacy skills because they do not fit a
steroptype.12 Many well-groomed, articulate, intelligent-sounding individuals have limited health literacy.
Further, most individuals with limited literacy try to
hide this limitation from others because of shame.80 A
previous study found that 67% of patients with low literacy had not told their spouse, more than half had not
told their children, and 19% never told anyone.80
Clinicians often attempt to assess patients literacy
by asking how far they went in school, but there is a
poor correlation between educational attainment and
literacy skills. A study of five family practices in a southern city found that more than 60% of patients had reading skills at least three levels below the highest school
grade they attended.20 The previously mentioned survey of Medicare managed care enrollees found that 27%
of those who graduated from high school had inadequate
or marginal health literacy, as did 17% of those with
some college education.19 Thus, one cannot predict literacy level simply by inquiring about a patients education level.
Tests such as the Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy
in Medicine (REALM)81 and the Test of Functional
Health Literacy in Adults (TOFHLA)82 can identify
patients with low literacy skills, the former in as little
as 90 seconds. The literature does not, however, support using these instruments to test patients literacy
skills unless health care providers are willing to tailor
communication and health education to the needs of
low-literacy patients identified by testing.83

Communicating With Special Populations

However, certain clues to limited literacy skills, if
present, should not be ignored. Specifically, patients
may have limited literacy skills if they claim to be unable to read something because I forgot my reading
glasses, regularly bring family members with them to
office visits, or fill out intake forms incompletely or
inaccurately. Individuals who did not graduate from
high school are also likely to have limited literacy.
Dealing With Limited Health Literacy. Dealing with a
patient who has limited literacy takes timea commodity in short supply in most medical offices.77 Office systems must be developed to help patients complete forms. Relatives must be invited to participate in
medical interviews or patient education sessions. Clinicians must verify that patients have understood essential information.
Based on published research and our experience serving on a health literacy working group, we recommend
six simple steps for communicating with patients who
have inadequate and marginal health literacy (Table 1).
Further, the American Medical Association has developed an inexpensive videotape that can be used in teaching students, trainees, and practicing health care providers about the issue of health literacy.84 The videotape can be ordered by calling 312-464-5355.

Vol. 34, No. 5

Table 1
Six Steps to Enhance Understanding
Among Patients with Low Health Literacy
Slow down and take time to assess patients health literacy skills.
Use living room language instead of medical terminology.
Show or draw pictures to enhance understanding and subsequent recall
Limit information given at each interaction and repeat instructions
Use a teach back or show me approach to confirm understanding.
This approach involves having clinicians take responsibility for adequate
teaching by asking patients to demonstrate what they have been told (ie,
teach back to you how to take their medications) to ensure that education
has been adequate.
Be respectful, caring, and sensitive, thereby empowering patients to
participate in their own health care.


Poor health literacy is common, especially among
poor and elderly patients. Patients with poor health literacy have a complex array of communications difficulties that may affect health outcomes. Such patients
report worse health status and have less understanding
about their medical conditions and treatments; they may
have increased hospitalization rates.
While a variety of methods have been recommended
and studied for communicating with patients who have
limited literacy skills, our search of the literature found
little experimental researc h to determine which
method(s) is optimal and leads to the best health outcomes. Such research is needed.
Corresponding Author: Address correspondence to Dr Williams, Emory
University, School of Medicine, 69 Butler Street, SE, Atlanta, GA 30303.
404-616-5287. Fax: 404-616-0747.





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