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Focus 2 - Modal Subjunctive - Environment

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1. Must + have + V3/ed
a. chc chn khng th
2. Should + Have + V3/ed
b. c th
3. Shouldnt + Have + V3/ed
c. nn lm m khng lm
4. Neednt + Have + V3/ed
d. e l
5. Might/may + have + V3/ed
e. khng cn lm m lm
6. Could/should + have + V3/ed
f. chc l
7. Cant + Have + V3/ed
g. khng nn lm m lm
1. Jessica looks very tired. She ______ have stayed up late to finish her assignment last night.
A. would
B. should
C. will
D. must
2. You ______ have cooked so many dishes. There are only three of us for lunch.
A. wouldnt
B. oughtnt
C. neednt
D. couldnt
3. That style of dress _____have been designed by Titian, because it wasnt worn till after his death.
B. shant
C. cant
D. oughtnt
4. My boss is angry with me now. I _________him my report last week.
A. must have sent
B. should have sent
C. should have sent
D. might have sent
5. She ________the hotel but let me check it.
A. must have left
B. might have left
C. would have left
D. should have left
6. I __________all the way here but I underestimated the time.
A. shouldnt have run
B. cant have run
C. didnt run
D. neednt have run
7. You __________her the truth. I think she wasnt ready to accept it.
A. shouldnt have told
B. neednt have told
C. cant have told
D. mustnt have told
8. Asenal _________the match last night but they were unlucky.
A. should have won
B. could have won
C. would have won
D. will have won
9. She _________so early. The plane has been delayed.
A. mustnt have left
B. shouldnt have left
C. cant have left
D. neednt have left
10. I am not sure but someone ________the door open last night.
A. must have left
B. should have left
C. may have left
D. would have left.
1. My watch says its only five past six. It (stopped) __________________________________
2. They arrived very early this morning. They (drive) ________________________all last night.
3. I (lend) __________________you some but I didnt know about that.
4. You (not spend) ___________________on such expensive clothes. We have no money left now
5. That is the place we (visit) __________________long ago.
6. Perhaps someone (steal)__________________________it.
7. You (not meet) ______________in Sai Gon yesterday. I and him went to Vung Tau together.
8. I (not send) ___________________the present. I didnt know then that I can see him now.
9. I (not tell) _____________________in the face that he was wrong. It embarrassed him a lot.
10. He (steal)__________________my wallet. He was the only one that entered my room.




1. Degradation
2. external
3. aquatic
4. terrestial
5. consequence
6. necessitate
7. compensation
9. motality
10. ecosystem

a. all the plants and animals in a particular area

b. a result or effect of something
c. finally agree
d. death rate
e. relating to the Earth
f. money that someone receives in return of some bad..
g. make st more necessary
h. A decline to a lower condition, quality, or level.
i. belonging or relating to water
k. outside

1. directly
2. get rid of
3. complex
4. permenantly
5. numerous
6. prevent
7. sustainable
8. external
9. alter
10. natural

a. simple
b. environmentally harmful
c. acquire
d. internal
e. keep, reserve
f. indirectly
g. artificial
h. permit
i. rare
k. temporary

Pollution is the degradation of natural environment by external substances introduced directly or indirectly.
Human health, ecosystem quality and aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity may be affected and altered
permanently by pollution.
Pollution occurs when ecosystems can not get rid of substances introduced into the environment. The critical
threshold of its ability to naturally eliminate substances is compromised and the balance of the ecosystem is
The sources of pollution are numerous. The identification of these different
pollutants and their effects on ecosystems is complex. They can come from
natural disasters or the result of human activity, such as oil spills, chemical
spills, nuclear accidents ... These can have terrible consequences on people
and the planet where they live: destruction of the biodiversity, increased
mortality of the human and animal species, destruction of natural habitat,
damage caused to the quality of soil, water and air ...
Preventing pollution and protecting the environment necessitate the
application of the principles of sustainable development. we have to consider
to satisfy the needs of today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. This
means that we should not only remedy existing pollution, but also anticipate and prevent future pollution
sources in order to protect the environment and public health. Any environmental damage must be punishable
by law, and polluters should pay compensation for the damage caused to the environment.

1. Pollution is the degradation of natural environment by foreign substances.
2. Human health, ecosystem quality may be temporarily altered by pollution.
3. When the ecosystem can dispose of external substances, pollution cannot take place.
4. Pollution is supposed to break the balance of ecosystem.
5. There are not many sources of pollution
6. The pollutants and their effects can easily be recognized
7. Human activity also causes pollution
8. Pollution will apparently dicline the death rates.
9. Compromise with the environment means make it worse.
10. According to the passage, polluters are now punished by laws and must pay compention
1. Pollution is caused by___________________
A. internal sustances
B. external substances
C. chemical sustances
D. all mentioned
2. According to the passage,which of the following may not be altered permenently by pollution
A. peoples health
B. water biodiversity
C. ecosystem quality
D. the earth
3. Pollution occurs when
A.ecosystems can compose of substances introduced to the environment.
B. the threshold of natural elimination be compromised
C. the balance of the ecosystem is rebuilt.
D. All above
4. What has NOT been listed as human activity that causes pollution
A. oil spill
B. nuclear accident
C. forest fire
D. chemical spills
5. What should we NOT do to prevent pollution
A. compromise the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
B. apply the principles of sustainable development.
C. enact laws to punish those causing environmental damage
D. force polluters to pay compensation for the damage caused to the environment.
Pollution has been defined as the addition of any substance or form of energy to the environment at a rate
faster than the environment can accommodate its dispersion, breakdown, recycling or storage in some
harmless form. In simpler terms, pollution means the poisoning of the environment by man.
Pollution has accompanied mankind every since groups of people settled down in one place for a long time.
It was not a serious problem during primitive times when there was more than ample space available for each
individual or group. As the human population boomed, pollution became a major problem and has remained
as one every since. Cities of ancient times were often unhealthy places, fouled by human wastes and debris.
Such unsanitary conditions favored the outbreak of diseases that killed or maimed many people living in
those times.
The rapid advancement of technology and industrialization today is something that man can be proud of.
However, it has brought along with it many undesirable results, one of which is the pollution of our
environment. Humanity today is threatened by the dangers of air, water, land and noise pollution.
The air that we breathe is heavily polluted with toxic gases, chemicals and dust. These consist of the
discharge from industrial factories and motor vehicles. The emission of tetraethyl lead and carbon monoxide
from exhaust fumes is a major cause for concern too. Outdoor burning of trash and forest fires have also
contributed to air pollution. They cause the smarting of the eyes, bouts and coughing and respiratory

problems. Owing to the burning of fossil fuels, the level of carbon monoxide in the air is more than desirable.
Too high a level of carbon dioxide will cause the Earth's temperature to rise. The heat will melt the polar
caps, thus raising the sea level and causing massive floods around the world. the burning of fuels also
produces gases which form acid rain. Acid rain has a damaging effect on water, forest and soil, and is
harmful to our health.
Man has reached the moon and invented supersonic crafts that can travel faster than the speed of sound.
However, these inventions emit pollutants which contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer. This
depletion of ozone, which absorbs the harmful rays of the sun and prevents them from reaching the Earth,
will have drastic effects on all living things. It will lead to a rise in the number of people suffering from skin
Water pollution has become widespread too. Toxic waste has found its way into our lakes, streams, rivers
and oceans. This waste is released by factories and sea-going vessels. Spillage of oil by tankers and during
the recent Gulf War has caused irreparable damage to marine life. Thousands of sea animals have died or
were poisoned by the pollutants in their natural habitat. As such, it is dangerous for humans to consume sea
food caught in polluted waters.
Dumping of used cars, cans, bottles, plastic items and all other kinds of waste material is an eyesore. Much
of the refuse is not biodegradable and this interferes with the natural breakdown process of converting
substances from a harmful form to a non harmful one. As such, it becomes a hazard to one's health.
We are often faced with noises from construction sites, jet planes and traffic jam. we may be unaware of it
but noise pollution has been attributed to causing a loss of hearing, mental disturbances and poor
performance at work.
To control environmental pollution, substances which are hazardous and can destroy life must not be allowed
to escape into the environment. this calls for united decision-making among world leaders and a public
awareness of the dangers of pollution.
From paragraph 1 :
1. (a) In your own words, explain what pollution is.
(b) Explain how recycling can help prevent pollution.
From paragraph 2 :
2. (a) Why was pollution not a problem during primitive times ?
(b) Explain the meaning of the word 'maimed'.
From paragraph 3 :
3. What is the adverse effect brought about by technological and industrial progress ?
From paragraph 4 :
4. (a) What causes air pollution ?
(b) Briefly explain what you understand by the term 'acid rain'.
(c) What do you think a person feels when there is 'smarting of the eyes' ?
(d) How will a rise in the Earth's temperature endanger life ?
From paragraph 5 :
5. Why is the ozone layer important ?
From paragraph 6 :
6. (a) What is the effect of the spillage of oil during the Gulf War ?
(b) What do you understand by the term 'irreparable damage' ?
From paragraph 7 :
7. (a) What causes land pollution ?
(b) Which word in this paragraph means 'danger' ?
From paragraph 8 :
8. (a) What are the effects of noise pollution ?
(b) Explain the meaning of the word 'attributed'.
From paragraph 9 :
9. (a) How can we control environmental pollution ?
(b) Give another word that has the same meaning as 'united'.

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