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Bai Tap Thuc Hanh Tieng Anh 10 Global UNIT 9 PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT

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I. Underline the stressed words in the sentences.
1. Animals have a natural instinct for survival.
2. Global warming has become a hot issue.
3. Do we have law to protect threatened species?
4. We can’t overbuild a natural environment area.
5. Many endangered species now face extinction.
6. Our water supply is becoming polluted with nitrates.
7. Plants absorb carbon in the form of carbon dioxide.
8. Have the fish been contaminated in the Arctic Ocean?
9. The koala is listed among Australia’s endangered animals.
10. Deforestation is destroying large areas of rainforests.
II. Put a main stress for the bold words in the sentences.
1. Some endangered animals can be bred in zoos.
2. Pollutants are being released into the atmosphere.
3. Filters do not remove all contaminants from water.
4. Are we doing enough to protect the environment?
5. Polluted water sources are a hazard to wildlife.
6. Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.
7. Air pollution has risen above an acceptable level.
8. The woods are inhabited by many wild animals.
9. Supermarket encourages shoppers to reuse plastic bags.
10. People should keep away from the radioactive waste.
I. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
ecosystem animal parts habitat biodiversity wildlife climate
endangered animals deforestation air pollution harmful substances
1. People were concerned that pets or __________ could be affected by the pesticides.
2. __________ is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest.
3. Among causes of __________ , car exhaust fumes may be the worst offender.
4. Javan rhinos, Amur leopard, and Sunda Island tiger are some of the world’s most _______.
5. Water pollution occurs when __________ - often chemicals or microorganisms - contaminate
a body of water.
6. Our planet earth has a natural environment, known as __________ , which includes all
humans, plant life, mountains, glaciers, atmosphere, rocks, galaxy, massive oceans, and seas.
7. __________ refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns.
8. With so many areas of woodland being cut down, a lot of wildlife is losing its natural
9. __________ is the diversity of genes, species and eco-systems that occupy the earth.
10. Many shoppers post on the social media accounts of major brands urging them to stop selling
materials made of __________ .
II. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1. (Banning/ Allowing) new internal combustion engine cars reduce tailpipe CO, emissions.
2. Nuclear waste is particularly (endangered/ dangerous), as well as plastics and electronic waste.
3. Research shows a trillion trees could be (cut down/ planted) to capture huge amount of carbon
4. Do we need to discuss only top environmental problems and offer some real-world (issues/
solutions) to each one?
5. Whales and some African animals have become endangered due to (hunting/ fishing) issues. Trang 1
6. Immediate (flood/ drought) impacts can include visibly dry vegetation and lower water levels
in lakes and reservoirs.
7. Mayan society and Babylon empire in history were totally devastated and then (disappeared/
appeared) due to certain environmental problems.
8. Glaciers and ice sheets are (melting/ freezing) because climate change is increasing global
9. Regarded by the Interpol as the third largest (legal/ illegal) business in the world, wild animal
traffic raises a serious threat for the world’s biodiversity survival.
10. UNICEF acts to (destroy/ protect) children’s health from toxic metals, chemicals, hazardous
waste, air pollution and other harmful biological products.
III. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
1. _______ erosion occurs primarily when dirt is left exposed to strong winds, hard rains, and
flowing water.
A. Water B. Air C. Soil D. Ice
2. Many factors related to _______ down trees contribute to driving species to extinction.
A. clearing B. cutting C. putting D. changing
3. Is the environmental impact of petroleum often negative because it is toxic to almost all
_______ of life?
A. ranges B. standards C. levels D. forms
4. Scientific studies indicate that _______ weather events such as heatwaves and large storms
will become more frequent.
A. serious B. extreme C. practical D. diverse
5. As _______ worsens, dangerous weather events are becoming more frequent or severe.
A. habitat loss B. lung cancer C. respiratory disease D. climate change
6. If one part of an ecosystem changes quickly, it can upset the balance and put wildlife in
A. impact B. protection C. danger D. disappearance
7. Starting as a light-out event in 2007, Earth Hour has grown to become an international
________ for the environment.
A. movement B. solution C. issue D. practice
8. Air pollution is mainly caused by waste gases that _______ out of vehicles, machines, or
A. come B. lead C. produce D. run
9. The ice _______ in the Arctic sea region is a serious problem, and there are many dangers and
risks associated with this.
A. flooding B. burning C. melting D. rising
10. Logging, or reducing trees in a very forest to reap timber for wood, products or fuel, may be
a primary driver of _______.
A. deforestation B. wildlife C. biodiversity D. ecosystem
IV. Supply the correct form of the word in the brackets.
1. Humans destroy nature, accelerate climate change, and __________ biodiversity. (danger)
2. Upsetting the natural balance of ecosystem can be harmful to __________ things. (live)
3. Natural gas has lower life cycle greenhouse gas __________ than coal and oil. (emit)
4. Air pollution damages the plant life and biodiversity that animals depend on for ________.
5. __________ areas are a key strategy for conserving nature and halting the loss of biodiversity.
6. Local communities around the globe claim the __________ of wild edible plants. (disappear)
7. Illegal dumping, also called fly dumping, is the dumping of waste __________ instead of
using an authorized method. (legal)
8. Unsustainable consumption and production practices deplete __________ resources. (nature) Trang 2
9. Is increasing the cost of fuel a good way to __________ the world’s environmental problems?
10. Many famous __________ from the past to present have raised awareness of environmental
issues. (environment)
I. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1. Sue said that she (has/ had) been regularly discussing environmental issues recently.
2. Josh Frydenberg’s office (asked/ said) if environmental rule changes could be kept secret.
3. She (told/ said) more must be done to enhance collective efforts to achieve a safer world.
4. The questions asked them (whether/ if) in the previous year they had sorted their garbage or
5. She said to herself that there (will/ would) be a better way to preserve the local ecosystem.
6. Scientists (asked/ told) us that Great Lakes were threatened by pollution from the steel plants.
7. He said that the weather service issued some different weather advisories (this/ that) afternoon.
8. Environmentalists often say countries (need/ needed) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
9. They asked what solutions (would he/ he would) propose if he were a young climate activist.
10. The students said they had finished the essay about water pollution two hours (ago/ before).
II. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
1. The politician said that everything _______ be fine _______.
A. were going to - the previous years B. was going to - years ago
C. was going to - the following years D. is going to - next years
2. The weather forecast said that there _______ heavy rains later _______.
A. would probably be - that day B. would probably be - the day before
C. will probably be - the next day D. will probably be - tomorrow
3. They asked, “Did Ms. Greta Thunberg attend the UN climate summit _______?”
A. the month before B. the previous month
C. next month D. a month ago
4. The teacher asked the students, “_______ overpopulation the source of all environmental
A. Is B. Are C. Would be D. Were
5. She said that the youth movement _______ a decisive force in the climate transition and
A. has been B. is C. was D. will be
6. We asked them _______ more difficult or easier for them to be sustainable right then.
A. if was it B. if it is C. whether was it D. whether it was
7. The president said, “This environmental issue probably _______ in our country.”
A. happened B. won’t happen C. had happened D. was happening
8. They asked Graham _______ personal awareness about environmental concerns.
A. if he had B. whether he has C. whether has he had D. if did he have
9. She _______ that she _______ the types of environmental topics included.
A. asked me - didn’t know B. told to me - hadn’t known
C. told me - didn’t know D. said to me - doesn’t know
10. The officer said, “The government _______ the project _______ most of our citizens
_______ no to it.”
A. will call off - if - said B. will call off - if - say
C. will call off - whether - say D. would call off - whether - said
11. It was announced that the Minister for Environment _______.
A. was resigned the day before B. resigned yesterday
C. has resigned the previous day D. had resigned the previous day
12. Mrs. Neha said she _______ the air quality to see _______ her children _______ out to play.
A. would check - whether - could go B. will check - if - could go Trang 3
C. will check - whether - could go D. would check - if - can go
13. Shellenberger has said that harvesting nature _______ neither profitable nor sustainable.
A. is B. was C. were D. had been
14. They threatened to withdraw their capital _______ the government _______ more to protect
the rainforest.
A. whether - didn’t do B. whether - hadn’t done
C. if - won’t do D. if - didn’t do
15. She said that she _______ valuable experiences in _______ volunteer programme.
A. has gained - this B. had gained - that C. will gain - that D. gains - this
16. In the meeting, the participants _______ the scholar if _______ the best way to reduce plastic
A. asked - he would mind telling them B. asked - they minded telling him
C. told - did they mind telling him D. said - would he mind telling them
17. The zookeeper said, “The birds in the cages were singing well _______.”
A. the morning before B. previous yesterday morning
C. yesterday morning D. the previous morning
18. Mary Ann said that having more women in positions of decision-making power, with people
listening to _______, _______ to reduce global warming.
A. her - helps B. she - helped
C. they - had helped D. them - would help
19. The students said that they _______ a documentary about endangered animals _______.
A. have watched - for some hours B. had watched - some hours before
C. had watched - some hours ago D. watched - some hours before
20. On average only 17% of Europeans said they _______ environmentally-friendly products
within _______.
A. have bought - since previous month B. bought - the month before
C. had bought - the previous month D. had bought - a month ago
III. Complete the second sentences in the reported speech.
1. “Our waters are struggling and so is the land,” said Ms. Tanya Plibersek.
Ms. Tanya Plibersek said that
2. “Climate change is happening so we must turn words into actions,” he stressed.
He stressed that
3. Mr. Henry said, “I’ve seen catastrophic impacts of climate change in my lifetime.”
Mr. Henry said that
4. Many people have said, “There are many causes of air pollution in the world.”
Many people have said that
5. Some people said, “Global warming has caused us to reconsider major life decisions.”
Some people said that
6. She always says, “It is possible to combine emission reduction and economic development.”
She always says that
7. He said, “The level of poverty situation in some countries is dire and unacceptable.”
He said that
8. The teacher asked us, “What are socio-economic correlates of environmental awareness?”
The teacher asked us
9. Plibersek said, “The new Australia’s Labour government mightn’t allow new coal mines.”
Plibersek said that
10. He added, “Most of our country’s electrical energy has come from renewable sources.”
He added that
11. One of the scientists said on the media, “We expect nations to limit global warming to 2°C.”
One of the scientists said on the media that Trang 4
12. Hans Dahlgren said to heads of ministry, “A lot has been achieved since the Stockholm
Hans Dahlgren said to heads of ministry that
13. George Carlin once said, “The planet will shake us off if humans cause too much trouble.”
George Carlin once said that
14. Some scientists said, “The temperature could increase 3 °C by the end of the century.”
Some scientists said that
15. Two-thirds of the respondents to our survey said, “We engage in climate advocacy.”
Two-thirds of the respondents to our survey said that
16. She said, “They promote climate science through speeches, publications or videos.”
She said that
17. He said “The earth’s ecological situation is in a far more perilous state than it has been
He said that
18. They said, “We experience anxiety and distress because of concerns over climate change.”
They said that
19. Most of the survey’s respondents said, “The global warming will constitute a crisis.”
Most of the survey’s respondents said that
20. They say, “The earth is warming, air and water quality is deteriorating, and the forests are
They say that
IV. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting.
1. We asked them what type of conservation efforts had they been involved in up to then.
2. He said that many people have prospered over the years at great cost to the environment.
3. It said that business environment is uncertain because it is difficult to predict future
4. Many environmentalists asked, “Even if our jobs don’t pay, we will still do
environmental work.”
5. About 3% environmentalists said that the world might limit their warming goal to 1.5 °C.
6. The reporter said the international community was back in Stockholm to ask if or not
the world was better.
7. We wondered if the world will have the capacity to produce quality food for a population of
10 billion inhabitants.
8. He said that they were working to enhance renewable energy and reducing the use of
plastic and hazardous materials.
9. A reporter asked, “Will the environment conference be held in Thailand
the following month?”
10. Reports say it is crucial to empower local communities around the world financial
and technological in order to achieve environmental protection. Trang 5
I. Choose the best answer to complete the dialogues.
1. - “_______” - “That’s okay.”
A. Would you like tea or coffee? B. May I see your ID card, please?
C. I’m sorry to trouble you. D. You don’t have to make excuses for her.
2. - “I apologize for my discourtesy in arriving late.” - “_______”
A. Absolutely. B. You’re welcome. C. That’s all right. D. Yes, please.
3. - “_______” - “Don’t worry about it.”
A. Please accept my season’s greetings.
B. Please accept my best wishes for your bright future.
C. Please accept my warmest congratulations on your engagement.
D. Please accept my sincere apologies for not attending the meeting.
4. - “I forgot to send you a message before I came to your place. “ - “_______”
A. Never mind. B. I disagree.
C. That’s very kind of you. D. You can say that again.
5. - “_______” - “Don’t mention it.”
A. I’m glad that the exams are over.
B. I regret not doing anything to help you.
C. I’m so sad that you haven’t come.
D. You should put more effort into your work.
II. Match the sentences.
1. When was WWF set up? a. About 5 million worldwide.
2. Pardon me, sir, but couldn’t I go after him? b. We learnt about the geography of the
3. How many supporters do they have? c. In 1961.
4. What did you do in the library yesterday? d. This side of the lake is five meters deep.
5. I hope you’ll pardon me saying so. e. Yes, you could.
6. Excuse me for interrupting. Who’s in charge f. It’s me. What’s the problem, officer?
7. I owe you an apology for my absence last g. Yes, I have. I’ve got raincoats.
8. What’s the depth of the water here? h. Yes, I will. Don’t worry.
9. As a student, you should focus on your i. Don’t mention it.
10. Have you taken into account the possibility j. I understand, Dad.
of rain in the national park?
I. Read the passage and choose the best answers to fill in the blanks.
Electric cars, or electric vehicles, EVs, have a (1) __________ environmental footprint
than conventional internal combustion engine vehicles. While aspects of their production can
induce similar, less or alternative environmental (2) __________ , they produce little or no
tailpipe emissions, and (3) __________ dependence on petroleum, greenhouse gas emissions,
and health effects from air pollution. Electric motors are significantly more efficient than internal
combustion engines and thus, even (4) __________ for typical power plant efficiencies and
distribution losses, less energy is required to operate an EV. Manufacturing (5) __________ for
electric cars requires additional resources and energy, so they may have a larger environmental
footprint from the production phase. EVs also (6) __________ different impacts in their
operation and maintenance. EVs are typically heavier and could produce more tire and road dust
air pollution, (7) __________ their regenerative braking could reduce such particulate pollution Trang 6
from brakes. EVs are mechanically simpler, (8) __________ reduces the use and disposal of
engine oil.
1. A. weaker B. higher C. bigger D. smaller
2. A. benefits B. advantages C. contributions D. impacts
3. A. increase B. reduce C. enhance D. strengthen
4. A. resolving B. resulting C. accounting D. creating
5. A. batteries B. tools C. tailpipes D. petroleum
6. A. form B. set up C. generate D. produce
7. A. but B. so C. and D. or
8. A. that B. which C. whose D. who
II. Read the passage and choose the best answers to the questions.
When humans destroy their forest habitats, animals and insects seek shelter in the populous
villages surrounding forests. Animal migration into human territory leads to an unprecedented
amount of contact between humans and wildlife that’s not only unnatural but dangerous. This is
because animals can spread pathogens to humans. These pathogens cause illnesses known as
zoonotic diseases, which transmitted from animals to humans. A 2021 report from the Harvard
School of Public Health cautioned that, in order to prevent the spread of zoonotic disease, we
must change our agricultural practices and protect our forests.
Sadly, zoonotic diseases are already more prevalent in areas experiencing deforestation.
Mosquitos spread malaria to humans, and mosquito populations flourish when biodiversity
drops. A 2020 study found that “deforestation is associated with increased malaria prevalence,
suggesting that in some cases forest conservation might belong in a portfolio of anti-malarial
interventions.” A 2019 case study in Indonesian villages further solidified the connection
between malaria and deforestation: researchers found that a 1% loss in forest cover increased the
incidence of malaria by 10%.
Malaria is not the only zoonotic disease that arises from deforestation. A 2017 study linked
outbreaks of ebola in Central and West Africa to the recent loss of forests, citing “more frequent
contact between infected wild animals and humans” as a probable cause.
Though its origins are still unclear, scientists have hypothesized that the virus that causes
Covid-19, SARS-CoV2, jumped from animals to humans. Our immune systems can’t handle
these new, emerging pathogens, leading to the rampant spread of infectious disease that can grow
into a global pandemic. The FAO warns that “habitat loss due to forest area change and the
expansions of human populations to forest areas” increases the risk of wildlife spreading disease
to humans. If we want to avoid future pandemics caused by the spread of zoonotic disease, we
must protect habitats from deforestation.
1. Which is the best title of the passage?
A. Impacts of deforestation
B. Effects of deforestation on human health
C. Habitat loss due to deforestation
D. Wild animals and deforestation: the causes of zoonotic diseases
2. The word ‘pathogens’ in the first paragraph means _______.
A. animals and insects seeking shelter outside the forests
B. animals migrating into human territories
C. unnatural and dangerous contacts between humans and wildlife
D. bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms that can cause disease
3. According to researchers, how much will the incidence of malaria increase if the forest loses
2% of its cover?
A. 1% B. 2%. C. 10% D. 20%
4. Which of the following diseases have a connection to deforestation?
A. Malaria B. Ebola C. A and B D. Covid-19
5. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? Trang 7
A. Decrease in biodiversity contributes to the growth of mosquito populations.
B. Forestation is not considered as a solution when fighting against malaria.
C. Covid-19 pandemic is a clear demonstration that our immune systems can handle new
D. Habitat loss due to forest area change reduces the risk of wildlife spreading diseases to
I. Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one.
1. She said to me, “I’m sorry for calling you at this late hour.”
A. She apologised to me for calling me at that late hour.
B. She regretted to call me at that late hour.
C. She wanted me to say sorry for calling her at that late hour.
D. She suggested me to call her at that late hour.
2. The WWF is the world’s largest environmental organisation.
A. No other environmental organisations are larger than the WWF.
B. Some environmental organisations in the world are as large as the WWF.
C. The WWF is larger than most of the environmental organisations in the world.
D. No other environmental organisations in the world are as large as the WWF.
3. She asked, “Is the specific impact of the greenhouse effect unmeasurable?”
A. She asked whether the specific impact of the greenhouse effect is unmeasurable.
B. She asked if was the specific impact of the greenhouse effect unmeasurable.
C. She asked if the specific impact of the greenhouse effect was unmeasurable.
D. She asked that was the specific impact of the greenhouse effect unmeasurable?
4. People believe that illegal hunting can be prevented by banning wild trade.
A. It is possible to prevent illegal hunting not only by banning wild trade.
B. It is believed that illegal hunting can be prevented by banning wild trade.
C. That illegal hunting can be prevented by banning wild trade is unbelievable.
D. Illegal hunting is believed to be prevented by people who ban wild trade.
5. She said that they all needed to look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint.
A. She said, “They all need to look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint.”
B. She said, “We all needed to look for ways to reduce your carbon footprint.”
C. She said, “We’ll all need to look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint.”
D. She said, “We all need to look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint.”
II. Complete the second sentences in direct speech.
1. The most recent report asked how the number of endangered species was.
The most recent report asked,
2. Weinstein said that the sustainability field required knowledge from many different sectors.
Weinstein said,
3. They said that their desire to better the world was the key in their becoming environmentalists.
They said,
4. She said that the morality of their actions in the present would shape their character for the
She said,
5. He said that the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals was lagging then.
He said,
6. She said that they envisioned a climate-resilient planet, with zero plastics and green jobs.
She said,
7. They said that the world had grappled with triple planetary crisis, with extreme poverty rising
the year before.
They said, Trang 8
8. He said that they needed to recognize the environmental crisis’s impact on health and equality
across generations.
He said,
9. Steffen asked if human influence upon farming land was contributing to a loss in plant’s
Steffen asked,
10. The president said that unless global cooperation problems were dealt with seriously, the
Sustainable Development Goals would be impossible.
The president said,

I. 1. Animals have a natural instinct for survival.
2. Global warming has become a hot issue.
3. Do we have law to protect threatened species?
4. We can’t overbuild a natural environment area.
5. Many endangered species now face extinction.
6. Our water supply is becoming polluted with nitrates.
7. Plants absorb carbon in the form of carbon dioxide.
8. Have the fish been contaminated in the Arctic Ocean?
9. The koala is listed among Australia’s endangered animals.
10. Deforestation is destroying large areas of rainforests.
II. 1. Some enˈdangered ˈanimals can be ˈbred in ˈzoos.
2. Polˈlutants are being reˈleased into the ˈatmosphere.
3. ˈFilters do not reˈmove all conˈtaminants from ˈwater.
4. Are we ˈdoing eˈnough to proˈtect the enˈvironment?
5. Polˈluted ˈwater sˈources are a ˈhazard to ˈwildlife.
6. ˈWater is comˈposed of ˈhydrogen and ˈoxygen.
7. Air polˈlution has ˈrisen above an acˈceptable ˈlevel.
8. The ˈwoods are inˈhabited by many ˈwild ˈanimals.
9. ˈSupermarket enˈcourages ˈshoppers to reˈuse ˈplastic ˈbags.
10. ˈPeople should ˈkeep away from the radio ˈactive ˈwaste.
I. 1. wildlife 2. Deforestation 3. air pollution
4. endangered animals 5. harmful substances 6. ecosystem
7. Climate change 8. habitat 9. Biodiversity
10. animal parts
II. 1. Banning 2. dangerous 3. planted 4. solutions 5. hunting
6. drought 7. disappeared 8. melting 9. illegal 10. protect
III. 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. C
10. A
IV. 1. endanger 2. living 3. emissions 4. survival 5. Protected
6. disappearance 7. illegally 8. natural 9. solve 10. environmentalists
I. l. had 2. asked 3. said 4. whether 5. would
6. told 7. that 8. need 9. he would 10. before
II. l. C 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. B
11. D 12. A 13. A 14. D 15. B 16. A 17. C 18. D 19.
B 20. C
III. 1. Ms. Tanya Plibersek said that their waters were struggling and so was the land. Trang 9
2. He stressed that climate change was happening so they must turn words into actions.
3. Mr. Henry said that he had seen catastrophic impacts of climate change in his lifetime.
4. Many people have said that there are many causes of air pollution in the world.
5. Some people said that global warming had caused them to reconsider major life decisions.
6. She always says that it is possible to combine emission reduction and economic
7. He said that the level of poverty situation in some countries was dire and unacceptable.
8. The teacher asked us what socio-economic correlates of environmental awareness were.
9. Plibersek said that the new Australia’s Labour government mightn’t allow new coal
10. He added that most of their country’s electrical energy had come from renewable
11. One of the scientists said on the media that they expected nations to limit global
warming to 2°C.
12. Hans Dahlgren said to heads of ministry that a lot had been achieved since the
Stockholm Conference.
13. George Carlin once said that the planet would shake them off if humans caused too
much trouble.
14. Some scientists said that the temperature could increase 3 °C by the end of the century.
15. Two-thirds of the respondents to our survey said that they engaged in climate advocacy.
16. She said that they promoted climate science through speeches, publications or videos.
17. He said that the earth’s ecological situation was in a far more perilous state than it had
been thought.
18. They said that they experienced anxiety and distress because of concerns over climate
19. Most of the survey’s respondents said that the global warming would constitute a crisis.
20. They say that the earth is warming, air and water quality is deteriorating, and the forests
are disappearing.
IV. 1. C (they had been) 2. B (had prospered) 3. A (is said) 4. A (said)
5. C (its) 6. C (whether) 7. B (would have) 8. D (reduce)
9. D (next month) 10. C (financially and technologically)
I. l. C 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B
II. 1. C 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. h 6. f 7. i 8. d 9. j 10. g
I. 1. D 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. B
II. 1. B 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. A
I. 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. D
II. 1. The most recent report asked, “How is the number of endangered species?”
2. Weinstein said, “The sustainability field requires knowledge from many different sectors.

3. They said, “Our desire to better the world is the key in our becoming environmentalists. ”
4. She said, “The morality of our actions in the present will shape our character for the
future. ”
5. He said, “The implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals is lagging now. ”
6. She said, “We envision a climate-resilient planet, with zero plastics and green jobs. ”
7. They said, “The world grappled with triple planetary crisis, with extreme poverty rising
last year.”
8. He said, “We need to recognize the environmental crisis’s impact on health and equality
across generations. ” Trang 10
9. Steffen asked, “Is human influence upon farming land contributing to a loss in plant’s
10. The president said, “Unless global cooperation problems are dealt with seriously, the
Sustainable Development Goals will be Impossible. ” Trang 11

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