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E Commerce

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1982: Minitel was introduced nationwide in France

by France Tlcom and used for online ordering.

Electronic commerce, commonly known as Ecommerce or eCommerce, is trading in products or

services using computer networks, such as the Internet.
Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as
mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain
management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory
management systems, and automated data collection
systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the
World Wide Web for at least one part of the transactions
life cycle, although it may also use other technologies
such as e-mail.

1983: California State Assembly holds rst hearing

on electronic commerce in Volcano, California.[4]
Testifying are CPUC, MCI Mail, Prodigy, CompuServe, Volcano Telephone, and Pacic Telesis.
(Not permitted to testify is Quantum Technology,
later to become AOL.)
1984: Gateshead SIS/Tesco is rst B2C online shopping system [5] and Mrs Snowball, 72, is the rst online home shopper[6]

E-commerce businesses usually employ some or all of the

following practices:

1984: In April 1984, CompuServe launches the

Electronic Mall in the USA and Canada. It is the
rst comprehensive electronic commerce service.[7]

Provide Etail or virtual storefront on websites with

online catalogs, sometimes gathered into a virtual
Buy or sell on websites or online marketplaces.

1984: California becomes rst US state to enact an

Electronic Commerce Act dening basic consumer
rights online.

Gather and use demographic data through web contacts and social media.

1990: Tim Berners-Lee writes the rst web browser,

WorldWideWeb, using a NeXT computer.[8]

Use electronic data interchange, the business-tobusiness exchange of data.

1992: Book Stacks Unlimited in Cleveland opens a

commercial sales website ( selling
books online with credit card processing.

Reach prospective and established customers by email or fax (for example, with newsletters).

1992: St. Martins Press publishes J.H. Snider and

Terra Ziporyns Future Shop: How New Technologies Will Change the Way We Shop and What We

Use business-to-business buying and selling.

Provide secure business transactions

1992: Terry Brownell launches a fully graphical,

iconic navigated Bulletin board system online shopping using RoboBOARD/FX.


1993: Paget Press releases edition No. 3 of the rst

AppStore, The Electronic AppWrapper[10]

A timeline for the development of e-commerce:

1994: Netscape releases the Navigator browser in

October under the code name Mozilla. Netscape 1.0
is introduced in late 1994 with SSL encryption that
made transactions secure.

1971 or 1972: The ARPANET is used to arrange a

cannabis sale between students at the Stanford Articial Intelligence Laboratory and the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, later described as the seminal act of e-commerce in John Marko's book
What the Dormouse Said.[1]
1979: Michael Aldrich demonstrates the rst online
shopping system.[2]

1994: Ipswitch IMail Server becomes the rst software available online for sale and immediate download via a partnership between Ipswitch, Inc. and

1981: Thomson Holidays UK is rst business-tobusiness online shopping system to be installed.[3]

1994: Ten Summoners Tales by Sting becomes

the rst secure online purchase.[11]

1995: The US National Science Foundation lifts its
former strict prohibition of commercial enterprise
on the Internet.[12]

Commerce for $180 million, plus up to $170 million

in earn-out payments based on performance through

1995: Thursday 27 April 1995, the purchase of

a book by Paul Staneld, Product Manager for
CompuServe UK, from W H Smith's shop within
CompuServes UK Shopping Centre is the UKs
rst national online shopping service secure transaction. The shopping service at launch featured W H
Smith, Tesco, Virgin Megastores/Our Price, Great
Universal Stores (GUS), Interora, Dixons Retail,
Past Times, PC World (retailer) and Innovations.

2010: Groupon reportedly rejects a $6 billion oer

from Google. Instead, the group buying websites
went ahead with an IPO on 4 November 2011. It
was the largest IPO since Google.[19][20]

1995: Je Bezos launches and the rst

commercial-free 24-hour, internet-only radio stations, Radio HK and NetRadio start broadcasting.
Dell and Cisco begin to aggressively use Internet for
commercial transactions. eBay is founded by computer programmer Pierre Omidyar as AuctionWeb.
1996: IndiaMART B2B marketplace established in
1996: ECPlaza B2B marketplace established in Korea.
1996: Sellerdeck, formerly Actinic, the UKs rst
PC/LAN e-commerce platform established.
1998: Electronic postal stamps can be purchased
and downloaded for printing from the Web.[13]

2011:, parent company of,

acquired by for $500 million in cash
plus $45 million in debt and other obligations.[21]
GSI Commerce, a company specializing in creating, developing and running online shopping sites
for brick and mortar businesses, acquired by eBay
for $2.4 billion.[22]
2013: US eCommerce and Online Retail holiday
sales reach $46.5 billion, up 10 percent.[23]
2014: processes over $1 million in
Bitcoin sales.[24] Indias e-commerce industry is estimated to have grown more than 30% from a year
earlier to $12.6 billion in 2013.[25] US eCommerce
and Online Retail sales projected to reach $294 billion, an increase of 12 percent over 2013 and 9%
of all retail sales.[26] Alibaba Group has the largest
Initial public oering ever, worth $25 billion.

2 Business applications

1999: Alibaba Group is established in China. sold for US $7.5 million to eCompanies, which was purchased in 1997 for US
$149,000. The peer-to-peer lesharing software
Napster launches. ATG Stores launches to sell decorative items for the home online.
2000: The dot-com bust.
2001: achieved protability in December 2001.
2002: eBay acquires PayPal for $1.5 billion.[14]
Niche retail companies Wayfair and NetShops are
founded with the concept of selling products through
several targeted domains, rather than a central portal.
2003: posts rst yearly prot.
2004:, Chinas rst online b2b transaction platform, is established, forcing other b2b sites
to move away from the "yellow pages" model.[15]
2007: Flipkart is established in India.
acquired by R.H. Donnelley for .$345 million.[16]
An example of an automated online assistant on a merchandising

2009: acquired by for

$928 million.[17] Retail Convergence, operator of Some common applications related to electronic comprivate sale website, acquired by GSI merce are:

Document automation in supply chain and logistics
Domestic and international payment systems
Enterprise content management
Group buying
Automated online assistant
Online shopping and order tracking
Online banking
Online oce suites
Shopping cart software
Electronic tickets
Social networking
Instant messaging

Governmental regulation

In the United States, some electronic commerce activities

are regulated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
These activities include the use of commercial e-mails,
online advertising and consumer privacy. The CANSPAM Act of 2003 establishes national standards for direct marketing over e-mail. The Federal Trade Commission Act regulates all forms of advertising, including online advertising, and states that advertising must be truthful and non-deceptive.[27] Using its authority under Section 5 of the FTC Act, which prohibits unfair or deceptive practices, the FTC has brought a number of cases to
enforce the promises in corporate privacy statements, including promises about the security of consumers personal information.[28] As result, any corporate privacy
policy related to e-commerce activity may be subject to
enforcement by the FTC.

the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce

(1996) [33]
Internationally there is the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN), which was
formed in 1991 from an informal network of government
customer fair trade organisations. The purpose was stated
as being to nd ways of co-operating on tackling consumer problems connected with cross-border transactions
in both goods and services, and to help ensure exchanges
of information among the participants for mutual benet
and understanding. From this came, an
ICPEN initiative since April 2001. It is a portal to report
complaints about online and related transactions with foreign companies.
There is also Asia Pacic Economic Cooperation
(APEC) was established in 1989 with the vision of
achieving stability, security and prosperity for the region
through free and open trade and investment. APEC has
an Electronic Commerce Steering Group as well as working on common privacy regulations throughout the APEC
In Australia, Trade is covered under Australian Treasury Guidelines for electronic commerce,[34] and the
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission[35]
regulates and oers advice on how to deal with businesses
online,[36] and oers specic advice on what happens if
things go wrong.[37]
Also Australian government e-commerce website[38] provides information on e-commerce in Australia.
In the United Kingdom, The FSA (Financial Services
Authority)[39] is the competent authority for most aspects
of the Payment Services Directive (PSD). The UK implemented the PSD through the Payment Services Regulations 2009 (PSRs), which came into eect on 1 November 2009. The PSR aects rms providing payment services and their customers. These rms include banks,
non-bank credit card issuers and non-bank merchant acquirers, e-money issuers, etc. The PSRs created a new
class of regulated rms known as payment institutions
(PIs), who are subject to prudential requirements. Article 87 of the PSD requires the European Commission
to report on the implementation and impact of the PSD
by 1 November 2012.[40]

The Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act of 2008, which came into law in 2008, amends In India, the information technology act, 2000 governs
the Controlled Substances Act to address online pharma- the basic applicability of e-commerce. It is based upon
UNCITRAL Model but is not a comprehensive legislacies.[29]
tion to deal with e-commerce related activities in India.
There is also collaboration between Google and US fed- Further, e-commerce laws and regulations in India [41] are
eral authorities to block illegal online pharmacies from also supplemented by dierent laws of India as applicable
appearing in Google search results.[30] Recently FedEx to the eld of e-commerce. For instance, e-commerce reCorporation pleaded not guilty to charges made against it lating to pharmaceuticals, healthcare, traveling, etc. are
regarding dealing with illegal online pharmacies.[31]
governed by dierent laws though the information techConict of laws in cyberspace [32] is a major hurdle nology act, 2000 prescribes some common requirements
for harmonisation of legal framework for e-commerce for all these elds. The competition commission of Inaround the world. In order to give a uniformity to e- dia (CCI) regulates anti competition and anti trade praccommerce law around the world, many countries adopted tices in e-commerce elds in India. [42] Some stakehold-


ers have decided to approach courts and CCI against ecommerce websites to le complaint about unfair trade
practices and predatory pricing by such e-commerce websites. [43] [44]


Contemporary electronic commerce involves everything

from ordering digital content for immediate online consumption, to ordering conventional goods and services,
to meta services to facilitate other types of electronic

merce is growing quickly with retail eCommerce sales

expected to grow at a healthy double-digit pace through
2014. By 2016, eMarketer expects retail ecommerce
sales in Brazil to reach $17.3 billion.[51] Indias ecommerce growth, on the other hand, has been slower although the countrys potential remains solid considering
its surging economy, the rapid growth of internet penetration, English language prociency and a vast market
of 1.2 billion consumers (although perhaps only 50 million access the internet through PCs and some estimate
the most active group of e-commerce customers numbers
only 2-3 million). E-commerce trac grew about 50%
from 2011 to 2012, from 26.1 million to 37.5 million,
according to a report released by Com Score. Still much
of the estimated 14 billion dollars in 2012 ecommerce
was generated from travel sites.

On the institutional level, big corporations and nancial

institutions use the internet to exchange nancial data to
facilitate domestic and international business. Data ineCommerce is also expanding across the Middle East.
tegrity and security are very hot and pressing issues for
Having recorded the worlds fastest growth in internet uselectronic commerce.
age between 2000 and 2009, the region is home to more
Aside from traditional e-Commerce, m-Commerce as than 60 million internet users. Retail, travel and gaming
well as the nascent t-Commerce[45] channels are often are the regions top eCommerce segments, in spite of difseen as the current 2013 poster children of electronic I- culties such as the lack of region-wide legal frameworks
and logistical problems in cross-border transportation. ECommerce has become an important tool for small and
large businesses worldwide, not only to sell to customers,
but also to engage them.[52][53]
5 Global trends
In 2010, the United Kingdom had the biggest ecommerce market in the world when measured by the
amount spent per capita.[46] The Czech Republic is the
European country where ecommerce delivers the biggest
contribution to the enterprises total revenue. Almost a
quarter (24%) of the countrys total turnover is generated
via the online channel.[47]
Among emerging economies, Chinas e-commerce presence continues to expand every year. With 384 million
internet users, Chinas online shopping sales rose to $36.6
billion in 2009 and one of the reasons behind the huge
growth has been the improved trust level for shoppers.
The Chinese retailers have been able to help consumers
feel more comfortable shopping online.[48] Chinas crossborder e-commerce is also growing rapidly. E-commerce
transactions between China and other countries increased
32% to 2.3 trillion yuan ($375.8 billion) in 2012 and accounted for 9.6% of Chinas total international trade [49]
In 2013, Alibaba had an e-commerce market share of
80% in China.[50]
Other BRIC countries are witnessing the accelerated
growth of eCommerce as well. In Russia, the total ecommerce market is projected to total somewhere between
690 billion rubles ($23 billion) and 900 billion rubles ($30
billion) in 2015, at 2010 values. This will equal 5% of total retail volume in Russia. Longer-term, the market size
of Russian e-commerce could reach $50 billion by 2020.
Ecommerce players need to understand unique insights
about trust factor, online payments and language peculiarities to penetrate the Russian market. Brazils eCom-

In 2012, ecommerce sales topped $1 trillion for the rst

time in history.[54]
Mobile devices are playing an increasing role in the mix
of eCommerce. Some estimates show that purchases
made on mobile devices will make up 25% of the market by 2017.[55] According to Cisco Visual Networking
Index,[56] in 2014 the amount of mobile devices will outnumber the number of world population.
Multichannel Selling is also worth mentioning, when it
comes to e-commerce. As stated in E-commerce trends
for 2014, multichannel selling is relatively young but
though has already managed to become a key driver for
promotion of small business companies unable to compete with media giants in Google. The essence of it lies
in equipping a few shopping platforms like Amazon or
Nextag for goods promotion.

6 Impact on markets and retailers

Economists have theorized that e-commerce ought to
lead to intensied price competition, as it increases consumers ability to gather information about products and
prices. Research by four economists at the University
of Chicago has found that the growth of online shopping
has also aected industry structure in two areas that have
seen signicant growth in e-commerce, bookshops and
travel agencies. Generally, larger rms are able to use
economies of scale and oer lower prices. The lone exception to this pattern has been the very smallest category

of bookseller, shops with between one and four employees, which appear to have withstood the trend.[57]
Individual or business involved in e-commerce whether
buyers or sellers rely on Internet-based technology in
order to accomplish their transactions. E-commerce is
recognized for its ability to allow business to communicate and to form transaction anytime and anyplace.
Whether an individual is in the US or overseas, business can be conducted through the internet. The power
of e-commerce allows geophysical barriers to disappear,
making all consumers and businesses on earth potential
customers and suppliers. eBay is a good example of ecommerce business individuals and businesses are able
to post their items and sell them around the Globe.[58]

Distribution channels

Payment card
Social commerce
Types of E-commerce
Southeast Asia eCommerce List
Virtual economy
Wire transfer

9 References
[1] Online highs are old as the net: the rst e-commerce was
a drugs deal. The Guardian (London). 19 April 2013.
Retrieved 17 June 2013. |rst1= missing |last1= in Authors list (help)

E-commerce has grown in importance as companies have

adopted pure-click and brick-and-click channel systems.
We can distinguish pure-click and brick-and-click channel system adopted by companies.

[2] Tkacz, Ewaryst; Kapczynski, Adrian (2009). Internet

Technical Development and Applications. Springer. p.
255. ISBN 978-3-642-05018-3. Retrieved 28 March
2011. The rst pilot system was installing in Tesco in the
UK (rst demonstrated in 1979 by Michael Aldrich).

Pure-click or pure-play companies are those that

have launched a website without any previous existence as a rm.

[3] 1988 Palmer.C Using IT for competitive advantage at

Thomson Holidays, Long range Planning Vol 21 No.6
p26-29, Institute of Strategic Studies Journal,LondonPergamon Press [now Elsevier.B.V.] December 1988.

Bricks-and-clicks companies are those existing

companies that have added an online site for ecommerce.
Click-to-brick online retailers that later open physical locations to supplement their online eorts.[59]

See also
Alternative payments
Mobile commerce
Comparison of shopping cart software
Digital economy
Electronic bill payment
Electronic money
E-commerce credit card payment system
Comparison of free software e-commerce web application frameworks
Non-store retailing
Online marketplace
Paid content
Payments as a service

[4] [ht:tp://
E-Commerce-1554293.html E Commerce Essays Hpandurang92"]. Study mode. Retrieved 17 June
[5] Online shopping: The pensioner who pioneered a home
shopping revolution. BBC News. 16 September 2013.
[6] Aldrich, Michael. Finding Mrs Snowball. Retrieved 8
March 2012.
[7] The Electronic Mall. GS Brown. 30 April 2010. Retrieved 17 June 2013.
[8] Tim Berners-Lee: WorldWideWeb, the rst Web client.
W3. Retrieved 21 December 2012.
[9] Snider, J.H.; Ziporyn, Terra (1992). Future Shop: How
New Technologies Will Change the Way We Shop and What
We Buy. St. Martins Press. ISBN 978-0-312-06359-7.
Retrieved 28 December 2012.
[10] AppWrapper Volume 1 Issue 3 Ships (press release).
[12] Kevin, Kelly (August 2005), We Are the Web, Wired
13 (8)
[13] FIrst Electronic Stamps Being Put to Test. Sunday Business. April 6, 1998. Retrieved 16 July 2013.
[14] eBay acquires PayPal. Investor. eBay. Retrieved 21
December 2012.


[15] Diane Wang: Rounding up the Ant Heroes. Sino Foreign Management. Retrieved 3 September 2011.

[34] Australian Treasury Guidelines for electronic commerce. Australian Federal Government.

[16] R.H. Donnelley Acquires for $345M.

Domain Name Wire. Retrieved 4 September 2011.

[35] Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

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[17] Amazon Buys Zappos; The Price is $928m, not $847m.

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[18] Ahmed, Saqib Iqbal (27 October 2009). GSI Commerce

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[24] Duryee, Tricia (2014-03-04). Overstock hits $1 million in sales from virtual currency. Geekwire. Retrieved
[25] Laus, Petronela (January 8, 2014). India Weighs FDI In
E-Commerce. The Wall Street Journal India.
[26] US eCommerce Forecast: 2013 to 2018. Forrester Research.
[27] Advertising and Marketing on the Internet: Rules of the
Road. Federal Trade Commission.
[28] Enforcing Privacy Promises: Section 5 of the FTC Act.
Federal Trade Commission.
[29] H.R. 6353: Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer
Protection Act of 2008. Govtrack.
[30] Illegal Online Pharmacies Are On Hit List Of Google
And Federal Authorities Of US. Exclusive Techno Legal Centre Of Excellence For Cyber Crimes Investigation In
India. 14 March 2014. Retrieved 19 August 2014.
[31] FedEx Corporation Pleaded Not Guilty To U.S. Charges
Of Delivering Prescribed Drugs From Illegal Internet
Pharmacies. E-Retailing Laws And Regulations In India.
31 July 2014. Retrieved 19 August 2014.

[37] What to do if thing go wrong in Australia. Australian

Federal Government.
[38] Australian government ecommerce website. Australian
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[39] FSA. UK.
[40] The Payment Services Regulations 2009. UK: Legislation. Retrieved 17 June 2013.
[41] E-Retailing Laws And Regulations In India. Online
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Regulations In India. 9 October 2014. Retrieved 13 October 2014.
[44] CAIT to launch nationwide protest against online retail
cos. Business Standard. 13 October 2014. Retrieved 13
October 2014.
[45] Hacon, Tom. T-Commerce What the tablet can do for
brands and their consumers. Governor Technology. Retrieved 2013-03-04.
[46] Robinson, James (28 October 2010). UKs internet industry worth 100bn. The Guardian (report) (London).
Retrieved 21 December 2012.
[47] Eurostat (18 June 2013). Ecommerce contribution in
Europe (infographic). Retrieved 18 June 2013.
[48] Olsen, Robert (18 January 2010). Chinas migration to
eCommerce. Forbes.
[49] Tong, Frank (16 September 2013). Chinas cross-border
e-commerce tops $375 billion in 2012. Internet Retailer.
[50] Steven Millward (17 September 2014). Here are all the
must-see numbers on Alibaba ahead of record-breaking
IPO. Tech In Asia. Retrieved 17 September 2014.
[51] More Buyers Join Brazils Robust Ecommerce Market.

[32] Conict Of Laws In Cyberspace, Internet And Computer

Era. Conict Of Laws In Cyberspace, Internet And Computer Era. 9 October 2013. Retrieved 19 August 2014.

[52] Eisingerich, Andreas B.; Kretschmer, Tobias (March

2008). In E-Commerce, More is More. Harvard Business Review 86: 2021.

[33] UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce

(1996)". UNCITRAL. 12 June 1996. Retrieved 19 August 2014.

[53] Burgess, S; Sellitto, C; Karanasios, S (2009), Eective

Web Presence Solutions for Small Businesses: Strategies
and Successful Implementation, IGI Global

[54] Ecommerce Sales Topped $1 Trillion for First Time in

2012. eMarketer. Retrieved 14 May 2013.
[55] Enright, Allison. Top 500 U.S. E-Retailers - U.S. ecommerce sales could top $434 billion in 2017. Internet
Retailer. Retrieved 2014-05-30.
[56] Cisco Visual Networking Index.
[57] Economics focus: The click and the dead.
Economist. 39 July 2010. p. 78.


[58] OBrien, A. J. & Marakas, M. G. (2011). Management

Information Systems. 10e. New York: NY
[59] (Gap Inc/The) (2013-07-10). Click-to-Brick: Why Online Retailers Want Stores in Real Life. Business week.
Retrieved 2014-05-30.


Further reading

Laudon, Kenneth C.; Guercio Traver, Carol (2014).

E-commerce. business. technology. society. 10th
edition. Pearson. ISBN 978-013-302444-9.
Chaudhury, Abijit; Kuilboer, Jean-Pierre (2002). eBusiness and e-Commerce Infrastructure. McGrawHill. ISBN 0-07-247875-6.
Frieden, Jonathan D.; Roche, Sean Patrick (19 December 2006). E-Commerce: Legal Issues of the
Online Retailer in Virginia (PDF). Richmond Journal of Law and Technology 13 (2).
Graham, Mark (2008). Warped Geographies of
Development: The Internet and Theories of Economic Development (PDF). Geography Compass 2
(3): 771. doi:10.1111/j.1749-8198.2008.00093.x.
Humeau, Philippe; Jung, Matthieu (21 June 2013).
In depth benchmark of 12 ecommerce solutions
Kessler, M (22 December 2003), More shoppers
proceed to checkout online, USA today, retrieved
January 13, 2004.
Kotler, Philip (2009). Marketing Management.
Pearson: Prentice-Hall. ISBN 978-81-317-1683-0.
Miller, Roger (2002). The Legal and E-Commerce
Environment Today (hardcover ed.). Thomson
Learning. ISBN 0-324-06188-9. 741 pp.
Nissano, Daniel (2006). FutureShop: How the New
Auction Culture Will Revolutionize the Way We Buy,
Sell and Get the Things We Really Want (hardcover
ed.). The Penguin Press. ISBN 1-59420-077-7.
246 pp.
Seybold, Pat (2001). Crown Business Books (Random House). ISBN 0-609-607723.

11 External links
E-Commerce and E-Business at Wikibooks
Small Business E-Commerce Resources, US: SBA.




Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses


E-commerce Source: Contributors: Kpjas, Robert Merkel, Youssefsan,

Christian List, Heron, Netesq, Hephaestos, Edward, Patrick, Michael Hardy, Brian Sayrs, Kku, 6birc, Kosebamse, Ahoerstemeier, Haakon,
Ogmios, Mac, Ronz, Jiang, MasterDirk, Mydogategodshat, Coren, Andrewman327, Rudolph, Greenrd, Pedant17, Tpbradbury, Maximus Rex, Tempshill, SEWilco, Skybunny, Mrdice, Jni, Phil Boswell, Robbot, Sander123, Astronautics, Chrism, Vespristiano, RedWolf,
ZimZalaBim, Altenmann, Nurg, Bkell, Kamakura, Hadal, HaeB, Dchaey, MikeCapone, Cutler, Matt Gies, Pretzelpaws, Everyking,
Mboverload, Alvestrand, Jackol, Dave2, Golbez, ALargeElk, Btphelps, Stevietheman, Utcursch, Toytoy, Antandrus, Beland, Kusunose,
Djhipask, Bumm13, Kuchiguchi, Karl-Henner, Sam Hocevar, Nickptar, Goobergunch, Adashiel, Canterbury Tail, AAAAA, Monkeyman, CALR, DanielCD, Discospinster, Rich Farmbrough, Rhobite, Guanabot, Hydrox, Deh, Autiger, Chowells, Notinasnaid, Brian0918,
RJHall, DS1953, RoyBoy, Coolcaesar, Femto, Jpgordon, Evyn, Smalljim, Flxmghvgvk, BrokenSegue, .:Ajvol:., Maurreen, Dejitarob, Chirag, Stephen Bain, Jumbuck, Alansohn, Gary, SnowFire, Pmetzler, Henry plantagenet, Ashley Pomeroy, PaePae, Wtmitchell, Velella, BDD,
Versageek, SteinbDJ, HenryLi, Ceyockey, Furchild, Rzelnik, Nuno Tavares, Angr, Woohookitty, Mindmatrix, Cyberpunkdreams, Camw,
LOL, Localh77, Uncle G, Ruud Koot, Wikiklrsc, SCEhardt, Eyreland, Wayward, Wiki-vr, Paxsimius, GSlicer, BD2412, Canderson7,
Ketiltrout, Crzrussian, Sjakkalle, Rjwilmsi, Jog1973, Jake Wartenberg, Bruce1ee, Boccobrock, Durin, The wub, Bhadani, Sleepyhead81,
Sango123, Qaqaq, Calvinlough, Windchaser, Soph, Old Moonraker, Kmorozov, Ewlyahoocom, Lmatt, Nabarry, Imnotminkus, Foxtrot
Romeo India Zulu Echo, Coolhawks88, ...adam...,, Efthimios, The Rambling Man, YurikBot, Whoisjohngalt, RobotE, Phantomsteve, RussBot, Briaboru, RadioFan, Akamad, Stephenb, Gaius Cornelius, Cryptic, NightWolfe, NawlinWiki, Wiki alf, Nirvana2013,
Irishguy, Malcolma, Jpbowen, Matticus78, Barbeta, Misza13, Nate1481, Syrthiss, Agassi001, Ziplip, DeadEyeArrow, Unforgiven24,
Getcrunk, Deville, Theodolite, Zzuuzz, 2bar, Ageekgal, Closedmouth, GraemeL, JoanneB, JLaTondre, Mais oui!, Memodude, Allens,
Kungfuadam, Meegs, Shintohi, Teo64x, Veinor, SmackBot, Reedy, Stev0, Marc Lacoste, Jared555, Ariedartin, Unyoyega, Bomac, Delldot, Yamaguchi , Gilliam, Ohnoitsjamie, Thegn, Rkitko, MK8, Cattus, Oli Filth, SchftyThree, Deli nk, Jenny MacKinnon, Colonies
Chris, Jmax-, Can't sleep, clown will eat me, HoodedMan, JonHarder, TheKMan, Addshore, Platinum design, Nakon, MichaelBillington, Dreadstar, Gamefreak117, ShaunES, Weregerbil, MartyAcks, Armanseth, Tomnap, Bidabadi, Pilotguy, Ohconfucius, Nmnogueira,
The undertow, Heyjohngreen, ArglebargleIV, Swatjester, MartrtinS, JzG, Kuru, Khazar, John, VSabre, Heimstern, IronGargoyle, Ckatz, MarkSutton, Dan128, Pondle, Slakr, Shangrilaista, Boomshadow, Mr Stephen, Imagine Wizard, MTSbot, Alexa Foster, Amitch,
Hu12, BranStark, Sephylight, Jnklein, Walton One, Sheky100, Igoldste, Shoy, Blehfu, O1ive, Hearts of clear lake, Trialsanderrors, Courcelles, Linkspamremover, Tawkerbot2, Nerfer, Henhouse, The Haunted Angel, JohnTechnologist, Kmayes, SkyWalker, Bazaarbuilder,
Filbert, G6abyss, Woudloper, Lighthead, Baiji, Wwwild, OMGsplosion, Requestion, Tech8000, Moreschi, Gonzodog, No1lakersfan, Imdabs, Equendil, Cydebot, Mike Christie, Bcvzzz, Gogo Dodo, TicketMan, Mjhoogev, TedTheGreek75, A Softer Answer, Pascal.Tesson,
Sa.vakilian, Odie5533, Martin Jensen, Tawkerbot4, Kvtej, Omicronpersei8, Voldemortuet, Jguard18, Rbanzai, Rider kabuto, Epbr123,
RobertandKathy, Devellion, Bot-maru, Peter johnson4, Dasani, Atiq321, E. Ripley, Rob Abdul, Seth Nimbosa, Jonnychallenger, SusanLesch, Tallac20, Dawnseeker2000, Mentisto, AntiVandalBot, Gioto, Obiwankenobi, QuiteUnusual, GetUWired - Small Business
Web Hosting, Camelback, Damaro-sscharf, Cyberoid, Smartse, Ukfashionhouse1, DarthShrine,, Galesbury, Craigsmith33, JAnDbot, Madalino, Xomid, Minhadd, Barek, MER-C, Bp102371, Brack-29, Fetchcomms, Cleanupman, Cjkporter, PhilKnight,
MSBOT, , Acroterion, Osc4you, Force10roop, Smartyy1, WigsgiW, Pedro, Bongwarrior, VoABot II, Yandman, Think outside the
box, Timtamtoboot, Bob742, Kharri1073, Wrockca, Fabrictramp, Theroadislong, Superworms, Jjrs79, Roue2, Upholder, Suisse2007,
28421u2232nfenfcenc, Billt8, F1Krazy, Allstarecho, Khawari, Glen, DerHexer, Rathins, Untchbl, Oicumayberight, Alexville, Lucidwave,
Cthackers, Flowanda, MartinBot, Sjjupadhyay, Ibmrg, Radnam, Poeloq, Funlake, Reggy73, Devin87, R'n'B, Oscommerce1, Qwerty bill,
Gokuss000, Dapps007, Jackbower, LiveDesign, Cyrus Andiron, Tgeairn, Wine kid, J.delanoy, Superblu, Trusilver, Svetovid, Thomas
Larsen, Mikael Hggstrm, Danmilward, Dvdpwiki, Seelygant, AntiSpamBot, Alhambra11, Darrendeng, Edmonton1, Bak123, Tormah
hetah, Rfwilson45, DadaNeem, JHeinonen, Smart-shop, Cometstyles, Jackson4u, Yesbaby, C. Foultz, Razzatk, U.S.A.U.S.A.U.S.A., Airlineinfo, Mike V, Morris118, Maple626, Bonadea, ProductCart, Uvacss, Plantsbrook, Ashford57, Plantsbrook1, X!, Jackofwiki, Choisey,
Alfeewusy, Turnkey Websites, Sporti, LionMans Account, Philip Trueman, DoorsAjar, Sroc, Kww, Technopat, Tituamitgupta, Retiono
Virginian, Anna Lincoln, Lradrama, Corvus cornix, Coach88, Martin451, Cybercrime77, Fredsmith2, LeaveSleaves, UnitedStatesian, RedRussia60, Ebr3ddigi, Madhero88, Sci-fry2001, Rjgodoy, Finngall, Meters, Jlcook, BrianY, Monty845, Joekucker, Dradra, Yomaceo,
Thunderwing, Thw1309, Charliearmor, Pjstarr, Sgroiwes, SieBot, Paulister, Ttonyb1, Calliopejen1, Nubiatech, Speed Air Man, Malcolmxl5, Azmax007, Winchelsea, Plinkit, Commercehelper, Yintan, M.thoriyan, Shajalal, Info on us, Clive ellings, Flyer22, Tiptoety,
Masgatotkaca, JSpung, Jarmo99, Oxymoron83, Antonio Lopez, Aspininteractive, Billgray50, Mansuetodigital, StaticGull, Kelley pec, Horace.wk.chan, Pinkadelica, Denisarona, Alok Tibrewal, Sokari, DonaldHeng, Sfan00 IMG, ClueBot, Mjsvatek, The Thing That Should Not
Be, WriterListener, Gaia Octavia Agrippa, Arakunem, Meekywiki, Chimpanz6, Cp111, Suptegrove, Evo584, Ricardo300395, Bbb2007,
Excirial, Jesco dalquen, Resoru, Rwilli13, Vivio Testarossa, Fastalloy, Wisemankosi, Hsn mhd, ChrisHodgesUK, Thingg, Chasecarter, Irazmus, Johnuniq, SoxBot III, Gijswijs, Nks27, XLinkBot, Runnynose47, GameLegend, Little Mountain 5, Avoided, Williamctam, WikHead,
PL290, Badgernet, SimonKSK, Thebestofall007, Dinudana, Teafragger, Willking1979, Tylerdjeerson, Landon1980, Captain-tucker,
Jareme, Ronhjones, Fieldday-sunday, Moosehadley, KorinoChikara, Shirtwaist, Fluernutter, Cevalsi, MrOllie, Download, Chamal N,
Joycloete, Glane23, Hellobob5000, Yucamaster, Rmspangler, Trevorb19067, ChenzwBot, West.andrew.g, Ching18, Lightbot, Kiril Simeonovski, Teles, Jarble, Johnwenceslaus, Oruek, Legobot, Luckas-bot, Yobot, Themfromspace, Legobot II, Captainfandango, Cyanoa Crylate, Jtnoonan90, Durzman, Kilom691, THEN WHO WAS PHONE?, Davidprice35, Nyat, Victser, Dmarquard, AnomieBOT, Doristein,
BsBsBs, Jim1138, Booboobabez, Fracta, Materialscientist, RobertEves92, JamesLWilliams2010, Citation bot, Qwertybum, Kmankyle72,
ArthurBot, Quebec99, Chloe1983, Xqbot, Addihockey10, Capricorn42, Ngilmore, Thesecret16, TheWeakWilled, Flavonoid, Rowswim,
Crzer07, SyedHasan.Mahmood82, GrouchoBot, Grmx1995x, Marrigoni, Nomob, Mark Schierbecker, Kyng, PSiudek, Syedhasanmahmood, Niazza, Hanssmellinckx, Shadowjams, Pratheep77, PM800, iedas, Hdzimmermann, FrescoBot, Sania2009, Iokr, Shameermbm,
Wikipe-tan, Cruiserbmw, Pjw0066, Yohay123, Andrew.stilliard, Corso84, TTGL, Atlantia, Thinkbeta, Citation bot 1, Jkw0010, Tintenschlein, Pinethicket, Newjohn1, Mma285, 10metreh, Jonesey95, A8UDI, Morganeason, Achraf52, Phearson, Johnnrep, Venom1blood,
Merlion444, Santanaquinta, TobeBot, Trappist the monk, Patelviraln, Santanaquintas, Dinamik-bot, Vrenator, HASEE-UK, Davish Krail,
Gold Five, Takumi22, Nexusdoan, Diannaa, Vanished user aoiowaiuyr894isdik43, Dragonlordman, ThinkEnemies, Suusion of Yellow,
Minimac, DARTH SIDIOUS 2, Whisky drinker, RjwilmsiBot, Waterscapeman, Santanaquintass, B6E0, S Malvin, Rollins83, DASHBot, Laesod, J36miles, EmausBot, Thejeansdroop, WikitanvirBot, Nmurthyr, Percip, Luke1396, GoingBatty, RenamedUser01302013,
NotAnonymous0, N25260, Dsst-student, Talking image, Kkm010, PS., John Cline, KuduIO, Key cee, Bxj, Gandupj, Kilopi, Gz33,
Ocaasi, Rjd170, Erianna, Louie-1997, Nick007p, Donner60, Damirgrati, Abby1028, Carmichael, Happiness366, Cherry369, Neil
P. Quinn, DASHBotAV, Juanparve, Jazoreo, ClueBot NG, Jameslet, Stevo1234567890, Shobhit jaiswal, Satellizer, Onecco, Totus 11,



Snotbot, SY2020, Optic88, Profnotime, Rezwankhan11, Psharma1720, Widr, LillyBlanche, Golnaz1360, Johnmiltonjfu19, Helpful Pixie
Bot, Kjames26, Tr10d, Calabe1992, DBigXray, Kinaro, Lowercase sigmabot, Laohei, Aroragalaxy, BG19bot, Linda201103, Orangeollie714, Jbpkkh2011, CityOfSilver, JBCAllen, GennaBr, PhnomPencil, Wiki13, Cd1111, Sam 1498, MusikAnimal, Ymelinkova, Ramoin1,
Bweilac, Sudden888, Pc ocn, President editor, Mmovchin, Jkw0020, Shiju, HaloUK, Sjorsmith, Itemsuchmarksmore, LE0327, Qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp, Khumzi, Simsim 92, Amyronald, BattyBot, Pai Walisongo, LuizCent, Automaticorphan, Pratyya Ghosh, Dshim, Perruci, Jcalvar2, ImmortalWriter, Marilunieto, Ecommerceclass, Stuajones, Jacko8202, Electricmun11, Argadha, Junemashi, Boogie314,
Jeetu22, Harsh 2580, Humzah123, 613Don, Desmondous, Mela.fashions, Webclient101, Mogism, Zyonelamey, Alphama, AlbertJB, Purchocity, 4iPublius, Catsrule22, Lugia2453, BDE1982, Nkucuk, SFK2, Jamesx12345, CHU33 Z, Hankfagley, Corn cheese, Hillbillyholiday, Vonscheel, Dada22xs, Altered Walter, Epicgenius, Kakaya36, Vanamonde93, Edmondwang, Boban2Z, Knowworld2012, Philipwyers,
EngGerm12, Husnain053, Geetexcelsior, DavidLeighEllis, Martypark, Dabramsdt, Sociallyawesome, Dineshisbacktowiki, Rohitanshu23,
Aleml78, Ginsuloft, Aanyad, Clark626, DenitionWizard, Ecommerist56, Chhaya Sharma, Sameer643, Tahmina.tithi, Hihaveyoumetjacob, , Bhargava786, Chem Ka Locha, Marktomcat, Lewiam, ThesaIntATS, Craigbark, Anshbakshi, CGTraver, Andatza,
RYE350SE, Writers Bond, Monkbot, Laus Petronela, Teenybits, Gersangerson, Nailafaculty, Kbihler, Jimmy14k, Aeros1971, Johnandrew765, Ebenezer Dorset,, 44robby, Ashishbedi21, Pcgameslab, VegasCasinoKid, Matthew Zito, Whikie, Warpedlive,
Jonesbrian0024, Carlo Dani, Stlouisfan, Williamahendric, Atechnocrat01, Abhisek.nun and Anonymous: 1283



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