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(IJIT-V8I5P1) :dr. A. Alphonse John Kenneth, Mrs. J. Mary Amutha

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International Journal of Information Technology (IJIT) – Volume 8 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2022


A Study of Technology Based E- Commerce in Tanzania

Dr. A. Alphonse John Kenneth [1], Mrs. J. Mary Amutha [2]
Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, DMI-St. Eugene University, Lusaka.
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, DMI-St. Eugene University, Lusaka - Zambia.

As the World Wide Web (www) has grown so is the number of e-Commerce merchants has also grown. The
Internet has become an important channel for business victory, and as such it is becoming the path for
communications and transactions. This has led to growth in e-Commerce; and as this has grown so has the
concerns about security. The paper proposes to study the capability of consumers to purchase online, the
available motivation to do so, and the opportunities for Internet access. We argue the Government and central
bank to maintain modern latest hi-tech developments by pre-regulating electronic money to familiarize itself
with electronic money schemes commonly.
Key words: - E-commerce, e-business, eBay, Tanzania.

I. INTRODUCTION multitudes of buyers and sellers come together to

conduct business [4]. The main purposes of this
Tanzania has one of Africa’s fastest growing study are to impose the value e-commerce adoption
economies with nearly 7 percent annual national in Tanzanian SMEs and to suggest some
GDP growth since 2000[1]. E-commerce is not recommendations for applying e-commerce
broadly used in the Tanzanian market. In the successfully.
private sector, e-business is increasing, but is still
in its infancy. Very a small amount of private
sector companies have recognized business-to-
business websites, secure credentialing is still DEVELOPMENT FOR THE E-
nascent, and very few buyers have internationally COMMERCE
accepted credit cards. During 1971 - 80
E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the buying • 1971 Or 1972: The Arpanet Is Used To
and selling of goods and services, or the Arrange A Cannabis Sale connecting Students At
transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic The Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
network, primarily the internet [2]. E-commerce And The Massachusetts Institute Of Technology,
has helped businesses launch a wider market Later Described As "The Seminal Act Of E-
presence by providing cheaper and more efficient Commerce" In John Markoff's Book What The
distribution channels for their products or services. Dormouse Said.
These business transactions are Business-to- • 1979: Michael Aldrich Demonstrates The First
Business (B2B), Business-to-Consumer (B2C) , Online Shopping System.
Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C), Consumer-to- During 1981 - 90
Business (C2B), Business-to-Administration (B2A, • 1981: Thomson Holidays UK is the first
Consumer-to-Administration (C2A)[3]. For business-to-business online shopping system to be
example, the mass retailer Target has supplemented installed.
its brick and-mortar presence with an online store • 1982: Minitel was introduce nationwide in
that lets customers purchase everything from France by France Télécom and employ for
clothes to coffeemakers to toothpaste to action online ordering.
figures. Individual sellers have increasingly • 1983: California State Assembly holds first
engaged in e-commerce transactions via their own hearing on "electronic commerce" in Volcano,
personal websites. Finally, digital marketplaces California. Testifying are CPUC, MCI Mail,
such as eBay or Etsy serve as exchanges where Prodigy, CompuServe, Volcano Telephone, and

ISSN: 2454-5414 Page 1

International Journal of Information Technology (IJIT) – Volume 8 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2022

Pacific Telesis. (Not permitted to testify is • 1996: Indiamart B2b Marketplace Established
Quantum Technology, later to develop into AOL.) In India.
• 1984: Gateshead SIS/Tesco is first B2C online • 1996: Ecplaza B2b Marketplace Established In
shopping system and Mrs Snowball, 72, is the Korea.
initial online home customer • 1996: The Use Of Excalibur Bbs With
• 1984: In April 1984, CompuServe launch the Replicated "Storefronts" Was An Early
Electronic Mall in the USA and Canada. It is the Implementation Of Electronic Commerce Started
first broad electronic commerce facility. By A Group Of Sysops In Australia And
• 1989: In May 1989, Sequoia Data Corp. Replicated To Global Partner Sites.
introduce Comp market The first internet base • 1998: Electronic Postal Stamps Can Be
system for e-commerce. Sellers and buyers Purchased And Downloaded For Printing From
could post things for sale and buyers could seek The Web.
the database and make purchases with a credit • 1999: Alibaba Group Is Established In China.
card. Business.Com Sold For Us $7.5 Million To
• 1990: Tim Berners-Lee Writes The First Web Ecompanies, Which Was Purchased In 1997 For
Browser, Worldwideweb, Using A Next Us $149,000. The Peer-To-Peer Filesharing
Computer. Software Napster Launches. Atg Stores Launches
During 1991 - 2000 To Sell Decorative Items For The Home Online.
• 1992: Book Stacks Unlimited In Cleveland • 2000: Complete Idiot's Guide To E-Commerce
Opens A Commercial Sales Website Released On Amazon
(Www.Books.Com) export Books Online With • 2000: The Dot-Com Bust.
Credit Card Processing. During 2001 - 2010
• 1993: Paget Press Releases Edition No. 3 Of The • 2001: Alibaba.Com Achieved Profitability In
First App Store, The Electronic Appwrapper December 2001.
• 1994: Netscape release The Navigator Browser • 2002: Ebay Acquires Paypal For $1.5 Billion.
In October Under The Code Name Mozilla. Niche Retail Companies Wayfair And Netshops
Netscape 1.0 Is introduce In Late 1994 With Ssl Are Founded With The Concept Of Selling
Encryption That Made Transactions Secure. Products Through Several Targeted Domains,
• 1994: Ipswitch Imail Server Becomes The Rather Than A Central Portal.
First Software accessible Online For Sale And • 2003: Amazon.Com Posts First Yearly Profit.
Immediate Download Via A Partnership • 2003: Bossgoo B2b Marketplace Established In
Between Ipswitch, Inc. And Openmarket. China.
• 1994: "Ten Summoner's Tales" By Sting • 2004: Dhgate.Com, China's First Online B2b
become The First Secure Online Purchase Transaction Platform, Is Established, Forcing Other
Through Netmarket. B2b Sites To Move Away From The "Yellow
• 1995: The Us National Science Foundation Pages" Model.
Lifts Its Former Strict Prohibition Of • 2007: Business.Com Acquired By R.H.
Commercial Enterprise On The Internet. Donnelley For $345 Million.
• 1995: Thursday 27 April 1995, The PurchaseOf • 2009: Zappos.Com Acquired By Amazon.Com
A Book By Paul Stanfield, Product Manager For $928 Million. Retail Convergence, Operator
For Compuserve Uk, From W H Smith's Shop Of Private Sale Website Ruelala.Com, Acquired
Within Compuserve's Uk Shopping Centre Is By Gsi Commerce For $180 Million, Plus Up
The Uk's First National Online Shopping Service To $170 Million In Earn-Out Payments Based
Secure Transaction. On Performance Through 2012.
• 1995: Jeff Bezos Launches Amazon.Com And • 2010: Groupon Reportedly Rejects A $6
The First Commercial-Free 24-Hour, Internet- Billion Offer From Google. Instead, The Group
Only Radio Stations, Radio Hk And Netradio Buying Websites Went Ahead With An Ipo On
Start Broadcasting. Ebay Is Founded By 4 November 2011. It Was The Largest Ipo Since
Computer Programmer PierreOmidyar As Google.
Auctionweb. During 2011 - 2015

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International Journal of Information Technology (IJIT) – Volume 8 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2022

• 2012: Zalora Group Was Founded And Started $294 Billion, An Increase Of 12 Percent Over
Operations Around Asia. 2013 And 9% Of All Retail Sales. Alibaba Group
• 2014: Overstock.Com Processes over $1 Million Has The Largest Initial Public Offering Ever,
In Bitcoin Sales. India's E-Commerce Industry Is Worth $25 Billion.
Estimated To Have Grown More Than 30% From • 2015: Amazon.Com Accounts For More Than
2012 To $12.6 Billion In 2013. Us E-Commerce Half Of All E-Commerce Growth, Selling
And Online Retail Sales Projected To Reach Almost 500 Million Sku's In The Us. [5][6]

E-Commerce technology Usage in Business Processes in Tanzania: 2C E-commerce

index, 2020, with other selected countries:
Table 1
Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank
2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Switzerland 1 2 3 2 9 14
Netherlands 2 1 1 4 15 11
United States of 12 13 14 6 8 15
Japan 20 21 24 8 5 12
United Arab Emirates 37 28 33 23 25 66
India 71 75 80 83 90 83
Egypt 109 107 113 116 82 68
United Republic of 110 99 110 119 107 122
Zambia 120 125 126 121 110 93
Malawi 141 139 133 131 129 123
Source UNCTAD [8]-[10]

In the year of 2020: Based on the category of Share of individuals

Based on the category of Share of individuals using Internet (2016), Share of individuals with
using Internet (2016), Share of individuals with an account (15+, 2014 or latest) , Secure Internet
an account (15+, 2014 or latest) , Secure Internet servers per 1 million people (normalized, 2016) ,
servers per 1 million people (normalized, 2016) , UPU postal reliability score (2016), Index Value
UPU postal reliability score (2016), Index Value (2016 data), and Index Value (2015 data) by
(2016 data), and Index Value (2015 data) by UNCTAD B2C E-COMMERCE INDEX United
UNCTAD B2C E-COMMERCE INDEX United Republic of Tanzania is listed as 110 rank
Republic of Tanzania is listed as 110 rank . In the year of 2017:
In the year of 2019: Based on the category of Share of individuals
Based on the category of Share of individuals using Internet (2016), Share of individuals with
using Internet (2016), Share of individuals with an account (15+, 2014 or latest) , Secure Internet
an account (15+, 2014 or latest) , Secure Internet servers per 1 million people (normalized, 2016) ,
servers per 1 million people (normalized, 2016) , UPU postal reliability score (2016), Index Value
UPU postal reliability score (2016), Index Value (2016 data), and Index Value (2015 data) by
(2016 data), and Index Value (2015 data) by UNCTAD B2C E-COMMERCE INDEX United
UNCTAD B2C E-COMMERCE INDEX United Republic of Tanzania is listed as 119 rank
Republic of Tanzania is listed as 99 rank . In the year of 2016:
Based on the category Share of individuals using
In the year of 2018: Internet (2014 or latest) , Share of individuals with

ISSN: 2454-5414 Page 3

International Journal of Information Technology (IJIT) – Volume 8 Issue 5, Sep – Oct 2022

credit card (15+, 2014 or latest) , Secure Internet Manchester: Industrial Systems Research. ISBN
servers per 1 million people (normalized, 2014) , 0906321271.
UPU postal reliability score (2013- 14) , UNCTAD [7]
B2C e-commerce Index value 2015 United document/tn_unctad_ict4d07_en.pdf
Republic of Tanzania is listed as 107 rank . [8]
In the year of 2015: document/ier2015_en.pdf
Based on the category Share of individuals using [9]
Internet (2014 or latest) , Share of individuals with document/tn_unctad_ict4d17_en.pdf
credit card (15+, 2014 or latest) , Secure Internet [10]
servers per 1 million people (normalized, 2014) , document/tn_unctad_ict4d14_en.pdf
UPU postal reliability score (2013- 14) , UNCTAD [11] E-Commerce Technology Usage in Business
B2C e-commerce Index value 2015 United Processes in Tanzania: Is There a Significant Gap
Republic of Tanzania is listed as 122 rank . in Perceived Value and Perceived Risk? 1 2
III. CONCLUSION GOPAL 1, 2 Binary University of Management &
Entrepreneurship, Malaysia
The business users are still balancing the benefits
and possibility of e-commerce technologies in
business processes in Tanzanian. Tanzania needs to
do more on e-commerce usage for enhanced
absorption. Businesses in Tanzania need to identify
and employ the Internet to handle every business
expansion competitively and boldly. Need to move
away from general knowledge towards specific
support and expand trade activities using e-
commerce stage. That need to understand that
some boundaries are self-made by the organization
themselves; can be beat by the organization
themselves through better training and coaching.
Government policy can co operates a vital role to
minor the perceived risk and the require to
investment in ICT infrastructure.


growth-and-trade., Agricultural trade drives
Tanzania’s economy, Megan Johnson/USAID
[2] ›
[5]S.Sridhar*et al. (IJITR) INTERNATIONAL
AND RESEARCH Volume No.5, Issue No.3, April
– May 2017, 6183-6198. 2320 –5547 @ 2013-2017
Http:// All rights Reserved.
[6] Abbott, ed. by Lewis F. (2003). Industry and
enterprise : an international survey of
modernization and development (2nd rev. ed.).

ISSN: 2454-5414 Page 4

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