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Tambunting v. CIR

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Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. 173373

July 29, 2013


To be entitled to claim a tax deduction, the taxpayer must competently establish the factual
and documentary bases of its claim.
H. Tambunting Pawnshop, Inc. (petitioner), a domestic corporation duly licensed and
authorized to engage in the pawnshop business, appeals the adverse decision promulgated
on April 24, 2006,1 whereby the Court of Tax Appeals En Bane (CTA En Bane) affirmed the
decision of the CTA First Division ordering it to pay deficiency income taxes in the amount
of P4,536,687.15 for taxable yaar 1997, plus 20% delinquency interest computed from
August 29, 2000 until full payment, but cancelling the compromise penalties for lack of basis.
On June 26, 2000, the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), through then Acting Regional
Director Lucien E. Sayuno of Revenue Region No. 6 in Manila, issued assessment notices
and demand letters, all numbered 32-1-97, assessing Tambunting for deficiency percentage
tax, income tax and compromise penalties for taxable year 1997,2as follows:
Deficiency Percentage Tax
Taxable Sales/Receipts


Percentage Tax due (5%)

P 637,456.76

Add: 20% Interest up to 7-26-00


Total Percentage Tax Due

P 957,970.00
Deficiency Income Tax

Taxable Net Income per Return

Adjustments per investigation Section 28

P 54,107.36

Overstatement of gain/loss on auction sales

Gain/Loss per F/S

P 4,914,967.50

Gain/Loss per Audit



Unsupported Security/Janitorial Expenses

Per F/S


Per Audit



Unsupported Rent Expenses

Per F/S


Per Audit


Unsupported Interest Expenses


Unsupported Management & Professional Fees


Unsupported Repairs & Maintenance


Unsupported 13th Month Pay & Bonus


Disallowed Loss on Fire & Theft


Taxable Net Income per Investigation

P 11,344,295.43

Income Tax Due (35%)

P 3,970,503.40

Less Income Tax Paid


Deficiency Income Tax


Add: 20% Interest to 7-26-00


Total Income Tax Due

Compromise Penalties

Late Payment of Income Tax


Late Payment of Percentage Tax


Failure to Pay Withholding Tax Return for

the Months of April and May


On July 26, 2000, Tambunting instituted an administrative protest against the assessment
notices and demand letters with the Commissioner of Internal Revenue.3
On February 21, 2001, Tambunting brought a petition for review in the CTA, pursuant to
Section 228 of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997,4 citing the inaction of the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue on its protest within the 180-day period prescribed by
On October 8, 2004, the CTA First Division rendered a decision, the pertinent portion of
which is hereunder quoted, to wit:
In view of all the foregoing verification, petitioners allowable deductions are summarized

Loss on Auction

Per Petitioner's

Per BIR's

Per Court's

P 4,914,967.50

P 133,057.40

P 133,057.40

Security & Janitorial





Rent Expense




Interest Expense



Repairs &



Month pay &



Loss on Fire


Professional &
Management Fees


-------------------P 12,216,452.34

-------------------P 926,264.17


-------------------P 3,314,004.95

Apparently, petitioner is still liable for deficiency income tax in the reduced amount
of P4,536,687.15, computed as follows:
Net Income Per Return


Add: Overstatement of Gain/Loss on Auction Sales

Gain/Loss on Auction Sales per F/S
Gain/Loss on Auction Sales per Courts



Unsupported Security/Janitorial Services

Security, Janitorial Services per F/S
Security, Janitorial Services
per Courts Verification



Unsupported Rent Expenses

Rent Expenses per F/S
Rent Expenses per Courts



Unsupported Management & Professional Fees


Unsupported Repairs & Maintenance

(P348,074.68 - P329,399.18)
Disallowed Loss on Fire & Theft

Net Income
Income Tax Due Thereon
Less: Amount Paid

--------------P 8,956,554.65
P 3,134,794.13


P 3,115,856.56

Add: 20% Interest until 7-26-00




WHEREFORE, petitioner is ORDERED to PAY the respondent the amount of P4,536,687.15

representing deficiency income tax for the year 1997, plus 20% delinquency interest
computed from August 29, 2000 until full payment thereof pursuant to Section 249 (C) of the
National Internal Revenue Code. However, the compromise penalties in the sum
of P49,000.00 is hereby CANCELLED for lack of legal basis.
After its motion for reconsideration was denied for lack of merit on February 18,
2005,6 Tambunting filed a petition for review in the CTA En Banc, arguing that the First
Division erred in disallowing its deductions on the ground that it had not substantiated them
by sufficient evidence.
On April 24, 2006, the CTA En Banc denied Tambuntings petition for review,7 disposing:
WHEREFORE, the Court en banc finds no reversible error to warrant the reversal of the
assailed Decision and Resolution promulgated on October 8, 2004 and February 11, 2005,
respectively, the instant Petition for Review is hereby DISMISSED. Accordingly, the
aforesaid Decision and Resolution are hereby AFFIRMED in toto.
On June 29, 2006, the CTA En Banc also denied Tambuntings motion for reconsideration
for its lack of merit.8
Hence, this appeal by petition for review on certiorari.
Tambunting argues that the CTA should have allowed its deductions because it had been
able to point out the provisions of law authorizing the deductions; that it proved its
entitlement to the deductions through all the documentary and testimonial evidence
presented in court;9 that the provisions of Section 34 (A)(1)(b) of the 1997 National Internal
Revenue Code, governing the types of evidence to prove a claim for deduction of expenses,
were applicable because the law took effect during the pendency of the case in the
CTA;10 that the CTA had allowed deductions for ordinary and necessary expenses on the
basis of cash vouchers issued by the taxpayer or certifications issued by the payees
evidencing receipt of interest on loans as well as agreements relating to the imposition of
interest;11 that it had thus shown beyond doubt that it had incurred the losses in its auction
sales;12 and that it substantially complied with the requirements of Revenue Regulations No.
12-77 on the deductibility of its losses.13

On December 5, 2006, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue filed a comment,14 stating that
the conclusions of the CTA were entitled to respect,15 due to its being a highly specialized
body specifically created for the purpose of reviewing tax cases;16 and that the petition
involved factual and evidentiary matters not reviewable by the Court in an appeal by
On March 22, 2007, Tambunting reiterated its arguments in its reply.18
The petition has no merit.
At the outset, the Court agrees with the CTA En Banc that because this case involved
assessments relating to transactions incurred by Tambunting prior to the effectivity of
Republic Act No. 8424 (National Internal Revenue Code of 1997, or NIRC of 1997), the
provisions governing the propriety of the deductions was Presidential Decree 1158 (NIRC of
1977). In that regard, the pertinent provisions of Section 29 (d) (2) & (3)of the NIRC of 1977
(2) By corporation. In the case of a corporation, all losses actually sustained and
charged off within the taxable year and not compensated for by insurance or
(3) Proof of loss. In the case of a non-resident alien individual or foreign
corporation, the losses deductible are those actually sustained during the year
incurred in business or trade conducted within the Philippines, and losses actually
sustained during the year in transactions
entered into for profit in the Philippines although not connected with their business or trade,
when such losses are not compensated for by insurance or otherwise. The Secretary of
Finance, upon recommendation of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, is hereby
authorized to promulgate rules and regulations prescribing, among other things, the time and
manner by which the taxpayer shall submit a declaration of loss sustained from casualty or
from robbery, theft, or embezzlement during the taxable year: Provided, That the time to be
so prescribed in the regulations shall not be less than 30 days nor more than 90 days from
the date of the occurrence of the casualty or robbery, theft, or embezzlement giving rise to
the loss.
The CTA En Banc ruled thusly:
To prove the loss on auction sale, petitioner submitted in evidence its "Rematado" and
"Subasta" books and the "Schedule of Losses on Auction Sale". The "Rematado" book
contained a record of items foreclosed by the pawnshop while the "Subasta" book contained
a record of the auction sale of pawned items foreclosed.
However, as elucidated by the petitioner, the gain or loss on auction sale represents the
difference between the capital (the amount loaned to the pawnee, the unpaid interest and
other expenses incurred in connection with such loan) and the price for which the pawned
articles were sold, as reflected in the "Subasta" Book. Furthermore, it explained that the

amounts appearing in the "Rematado" book do not reflect the total capital of petitioner as it
merely reflected the amounts loaned to the pawnee. Likewise, the amounts appearing in the
"Subasta" book, are not representative of the amount of sale made during the "subastas"
since not all articles are eventually sold and disposed of by petitioner.
Petitioner submits that based on the evidence presented, it was able to show beyond doubt
that it incurred the amount of losses on auction sale claimed as deduction from its gross
income for the taxable year 1997. And that the documents/records submitted in evidence as
well as the facts contained therein were neither contested nor controverted by the
respondent, hence, admitted.
In this case, petitioner's reliance on the entries made in the "Subasta" book were not
sufficient to substantiate the claimed deduction of loss on auction sale. As admitted by the
petitioner, the contents in the "Rematado" and "Subasta" books do not reflect the true
amounts of the total capital and the auction sale, respectively. Be that as it may, petitioner
still failed to adduce evidence to substantiate the other expenses alleged to have been
incurred in connection with the sale of pawned items.
As correctly held by the Court's Division in the assailed decision, and We quote:
x x x The remaining evidence is neither conclusive to sustain its claim of loss on auction sale
in the aggregate amount of P4,915,967.50. While it appears that the basis of respondent is
not strong, petitioner, nevertheless, should not rely on the weakness of such evidence but on
the strength of its own documents. The facts essential for the proper disposition of the said
controversy were available to the petitioner. Petitioner should have endeavored to make the
facts clear to this court. Sad to say, it failed to dispute the same with clear and convincing
proof. x x x19
We affirm the aforequoted ruling of the CTA En Banc.
The rule that tax deductions, being in the nature of tax exemptions, are to be construed in
strictissimi juris against the taxpayer is well settled.20 Corollary to this rule is the principle that
when a taxpayer claims a deduction, he must point to some specific provision of the statute
in which that deduction is authorized and must be able to prove that he is entitled to the
deduction which the law allows.21 An item of expenditure, therefore, must fall squarely within
the language of the law in order to be deductible.22 A mere averment that the taxpayer has
incurred a loss does not automatically warrant a deduction from its gross income.
As the CTA En Banc held, Tambunting did not properly prove that it had incurred losses. The
subasta books it presented were not the proper evidence of such losses from the auctions
because they did not reflect the true amounts of the proceeds of the auctions due to certain
items having been left unsold after the auctions. The rematado books did not also prove the
amounts of capital because the figures reflected therein were only the amounts given to the
pawnees. It is interesting to note, too, that the amounts received by the pawnees were not
the actual values of the pawned articles but were only fractions of the real values.
As to business expenses, Section 29 (a) (1) (A) of the NIRC of 1977 provides:
(a) Expenses. (1) Business expenses. (A) In general. All ordinary and necessary
expenses paid or incurred during the taxable year in carrying on any trade or business,

including a reasonable allowance for salaries or other compensation for personal services
actually rendered; traveling expenses while away from home in the pursuit of a trade,
profession or business, rentals or other payments required to be made as a condition to the
continued use or possession, for the purpose of the trade, profession or business, of
property to which the taxpayer has not taken or is not taking title or in which he has no
The requisites for the deductibility of ordinary and necessary trade or business expenses,
like those paid for security and janitorial services, management and professional fees, and
rental expenses, are that: (a) the expenses must be ordinary and necessary; (b) they must
have been paid or incurred during the taxable year; (c) they must have been paid or incurred
in carrying on the trade or business of the taxpayer; and (d) they must be supported by
receipts, records or other pertinent papers.23
In denying Tambuntings claim for deduction of its security and janitorial expenses,
management and professional fees, and its rental expenses, the CTA En Banc explained:
Contrary to petitioners contention, the security/janitorial expenses paid to Pathfinder
Investigation were not duly substantiated. The certification issued by Mr. Balisado was not
the proper document required by law to substantiate its expenses. Petitioner should have
presented the official receipts or invoices to prove its claim as provided for under Section 238
of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1977, as amended, to wit:
"SEC. 238. Issuance of receipts or sales or commercial invoices. All persons subject to an
internal revenue tax shall for each sale or transfer of merchandise or for services rendered
valued at P25.00 or more, issue receipts or sales or commercial invoices, prepared at least
in duplicate, showing the date of transaction, quantity, unit cost and description of
merchandise or nature of service; Provided, That in the case of sales, receipts or transfers in
the amount of P100.00 or more, or, regardless of amount, where the sale or transfer is made
by persons subject to value-added tax to other persons also subject to value-added tax; or,
where the receipts is issued to cover payment made as rentals, commissions, compensation
or fees, receipts or invoices shall be issued which shall show the name, business style, if
any, and address of the purchaser, customer, or client. The original of each receipt or invoice
shall be issued to the purchases, customer or client at the time the transaction is effected,
who, if engaged in business or in the exercise of profession, shall keep and preserve the
same in his place of business for a period of 3 years from the close of the taxable year in
which such invoice or receipt was issued, while the duplicate shall be kept and preserved by
the issuer, also in his place of business, for a like period.
With regard to the misclassified items of expenses, petitioner's statements were self-serving,
likewise it failed to substantiate its allegations by clear and convincing evidence as provided
under the foregoing provision of law.
Bearing in mind the principle in taxation that deductions from gross income partake the
nature of tax exemptions which are construed in strictissimi juris against the taxpayer, the
Court en banc is not inclined to believe the self-serving statements of petitioner regarding the
misclassified items of office supplies, advertising and rent expenses.
Among the expenses allegedly incurred, courts may consider only those supported by
credible evidence and which appear to have been genuinely incurred in connection with the
trade or business of the taxpayer.24

As previously discussed, the proper substantiation requirement for an expense to be allowed
is the official receipt or invoice. While the rental payments were subjected to the applicable
expanded withholding taxes, such returns are not the documents required by law to
substantiate the rental expense. Petitioner should have submitted official receipts to support
its claim.
Moreover, the issue on the submission of cash vouchers as evidence to prove expenses
incurred has been addressed by this Court in the assailed Resolution, to wit:
"The trend then was to allow deductions based on cash vouchers which are signed by the
payees. It bears to note that the cases cited by petitioner are pronouncements by this Court
in 1980, 1982 and 1989.
However, latest jurisprudence has deviated from such interpretation of the law. Thus, this
Court held in the case of Pilmico-Mauri Foods Corporation vs. Commissioner of Internal
Revenue C.T.A. Case No. 6151, December 15, 2004;
[P]etitioners contention that the NIRC of 1977 did not impose substantiation requirements on
deductions from gross income is bereft of merit. Section 238 of the 1977 Tax Code [now
Section 237] provides:
From the foregoing provision of law, a person who is subject to an internal revenue tax shall
issue receipts, sales or commercial invoices, prepared at least in duplicate. The provision
likewise imposed a responsibility upon the purchaser to keep and preserve the original copy
of the invoice or receipt for a period of three years from the close of the taxable year in which
the invoice or receipt was issued. The rationale behind the latter requirement is the duty of
the taxpayer to keep adequate records of each and every transaction entered into in the
conduct of its business. So that when their books of accounts are subjected to a tax audit
examination, all entries therein could be shown as adequately supported and proven as
legitimate business transactions. Hence, petitioners claim that the NIRC of 1977 did not
require substantiation requirements is erroneous."
In order that the cash vouchers may be given probative value, these must be validated with
official receipts.25
Petitioners management and professional fees were disallowed as these were supported
merely by cash vouchers, which the Courts Division correctly found to have little probative
Again, we affirm the foregoing holding of the CTA En Banc for the reasons therein stated. To
reiterate, deductions for income tax purposes partake of the nature of tax exemptions and
are strictly construed against the taxpayer, who must prove by convincing evidence that he is
entitled to the deduction claimed.27 Tambunting did not discharge its burden of substantiating
its claim for deductions due to the inadequacy of its documentary support of its claim. Its
reliance on withholding tax returns, cash vouchers, lessors certifications, and the contracts

of lease was futile because such documents had scant probative value. As the CTA En Banc
succinctly put it, the law required Tambunting to support its claim for deductions with the
corresponding official receipts issued by the service providers concerned.
Regarding proof of loss due to fire, the text of Section 29(d) (2) & (3) of P.D. 1158 (NIRC of
1977) then in effect, is clear enough, to wit:
(2) By corporation. In the case of a corporation, all losses actually sustained and
charged off within the taxable year and not compensated for by insurance or
(3) Proof of loss. In the case of a non-resident alien individual or foreign
corporation, the losses deductible are those actually sustained during the year
incurred in business or trade conducted within the Philippines, and losses actually
sustained during the year in transactions entered into for profit in the Philippines
although not connected with their business or trade, when such losses are not
compensated for by insurance or otherwise. The Secretary of Finance, upon
recommendation of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, is hereby authorized to
promulgate rules and regulations prescribing, among other things, the time and
manner by which the taxpayer shall submit a declaration of loss sustained from
casualty or from robbery, theft, or embezzlement during the taxable year: Provided,
That the time to be so prescribed in the regulations shall not be less than 30 days nor
more than 90 days from the date of the occurrence of the casualty or robbery, theft,
or embezzlement giving rise to the loss.
The implementing rules for deductible losses are found in Revenue Regulations No. 12-77,
as follows:
SECTION 1. Nature of deductible losses. Any loss arising from fires, storms or other
casualty, and from robbery, theft or embezzlement, is allowable as a deduction under
Section 30 (d) for the taxable year in which the loss is sustained. The term "casualty" is the
complete or partial destruction of property resulting from an identifiable event of a sudden,
unexpected, or unusual nature. It denotes accident, some sudden invasion by hostile
agency, and excludes progressive deterioration through steadily operating cause. Generally,
theft is the criminal appropriation of anothers property for the use of the taker.
Embezzlement is the fraudulent appropriation of another's property by a person to whom it
has been entrusted or into whose hands it has lawfully come.
SECTION 2. Requirements of substantiation. The taxpayer bears the burden of proving
and substantiating his claim for deduction for losses allowed under Section 30 (d) and should
comply with the following substantiation requirements:
(a) A declaration of loss which must be filed with the Commissioner of Internal
Revenue or his deputies within a certain period prescribed in these regulations after
the occurrence of the casualty, robbery, theft or embezzlement.
(b) Proof of the elements of the loss claimed, such as the actual nature and
occurrence of the event and amount of the loss.
SECTION 3. Declaration of loss. Within forty-five days after the date of the occurrence of
casualty or robbery, theft or embezzlement, a taxpayer who sustained loss therefrom and
who intends to claim the loss as a deduction for the taxable year in which the loss was

sustained shall file a sworn declaration of loss with the nearest Revenue District Officer. The
sworn declaration of loss shall contain, among other things, the following information:
(a) The nature of the event giving rise to the loss and the time of its occurrence;
(b) A description of the damaged property and its location;
(c) The items needed to compute the loss such as cost or other basis of the property;
depreciation allowed or allowable if any; value of property before and after the event;
cost of repair;
(d) Amount of insurance or other compensation received or receivable.
Evidence to support these items should be furnished, if available. Examples are purchase
contracts and deeds, receipted bills for improvements, and pictures and competent
appraisals of the property before and after the casualty.
SECTION 4. Proof of loss. (a) In general. The declaration of loss, being one of the
essential requirements of substantiation of a claim for a loss deduction, is subject to
verification and does not constitute sufficient proof of the loss that will justify its deductibility
for income tax purposes. Therefore, the mere filing of a declaration of loss does not
automatically entitle the taxpayer to deduct the alleged loss from gross income. The failure,
however, to submit the said declaration of loss within the period prescribed in these
regulations will result in the disallowance of the casualty loss claimed in the taxpayer's
income tax return. The taxpayer should therefore file a declaration of loss and should be
prepared to support and substantiate the information reported in the said declaration with
evidence which he should gather immediately or as soon as possible after the occurrence of
the casualty or event causing the loss.
(b) Casualty loss. Photographs of the property as it existed before it was damaged will be
helpful in showing the condition and value of the property prior to the casualty. Photographs
taken after the casualty which show the extent of damage will be helpful in establishing the
condition and value of the property after it was damaged. Photographs showing the condition
and value of the property after it was repaired, restored or replaced may also be helpful.
Furthermore, since the valuation of the property is of extreme importance in determining the
amount of loss sustained, the taxpayer should be prepared to come forward with
documentary proofs, such as cancelled checks, vouchers, receipts and other evidence of
The foregoing evidence should be kept by the taxpayer as part of his tax records and be
made available to a revenue examiner, upon audit of his income tax return and the
declaration of loss.
(c) Robbery, theft or embezzlement losses. - To support the deduction for losses arising from
robbery, theft or embezzlement, the taxpayer must prove by credible. evidence all the
elements of the loss, the amount of the loss, and the proper year of the deduction. The
taxpayer bears the burden of proof, and no deduction will be allowed unless he shows the

property was stolen, rather than misplaced or lost. A mere disappearance of property is not
enough, nor is a mere error or shortage in accounts.
Failure to report theft or robbery to the police may be a factor against the taxpayer. On the
other hand, a mere report of alleged theft or robbery to the police authorities is not a
conclusive proof of the loss arising therefrom. (Bold underscoring supplied for emphasis)
In the context of the foregoing rules, the CT A En Bane aptly rejected Tam bunting's claim for
deductions due to losses from fire and theft. The documents it had submitted to support the
claim, namely: (a) the certification from the Bureau of Fire Protection in Malolos; (b) the
certification from the Police Station in Malolos; (c) the accounting entry for the losses; and (d)
the list of properties lost, were not enough. What were required were for Tambunting to
submit the sworn declaration of loss mandated by Revenue Regulations 12-77. Its failure to
do so was prejudicial to the claim because the sworn declaration of loss was necessary to
forewarn the BIR that it had suffered a loss whose extent it would be claiming as a deduction
of its tax liability, and thus enable the BIR to conduct its own investigation of the incident
leading to the loss. Indeed, the documents Tambunting submitted to the BIR could not serve
the purpose of their submission without the sworn declaration of loss.
WHEREFORE, the Court AFFIRMS the decision promulgated on April 24, 2006; and
ORDERS petitioner to pay the costs of suit.

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