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Metabolism and Relaxation

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KRIYA For Metabolism and Relaxation

(Keeping Up! Yogi Bhajan, pp. 21-22.)

1. Sit on Your Heels. Interlock the fingers of both hands in Venus Lock and extend the arms straight
out, parallel to the ground. Inhale deeply and hold the breath. Rapidly raise the arms straight up
over your head and then lower them down to the original position. Repeat this pumping motion 3
times, holding the breath in. then exhale with the arms in the original position. Continue for 1-2
Then, using the same motion, begin pumping the arms 10 times on each inhalation. Continue for 1-2
minutes, then relax.
This exercise works on the metabolism by stimulating the thyroid and parathyroid glands. This position also
aids in digestion.
2. Lie on Your Back. Place the hands in Venus Lock, fingers interlocked, behind the neck. Raise the left
leg up to a height of 2 feet. Keep the leg straight and point the toes. Continue with long, deep
breathing for 1-2 minutes. Then switch legs and continue once again with long, deep breathing for
1-2 minutes.
This exercise works on the navel point and aids in digestion.
3. Easy Pose. Cover the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand. Breathe long and deep through
the left nostril. Continue for 1-2 minutes.
Cover the left nostril with the index finger of the right hand and continue long, deep breathing through
the right nostril for 1-2 minutes.
Making a u with the thumb and index finger of your right hand, use them as you did above; begin
inhaling through the right nostril and exhaling through the left. Continue for 1-2 minutes.
Now, using the fingers in the same way, begin Breath of Fire, inhaling through the left nostril and exhaling
through the right. Continue for 1-2 minutes.
Then switch hands and continue Breath of Fire, inhaling through the right nostril and exhaling through
the left. Continue for 1-2 minutes. Inhale deeply through both nostrils. Hold briefly, exhale and relax.
This series of breathing exercises (pranayam) opens the lungs and directs the nervous system to coordinate left
and right hemisphere interaction. It also activates the pituitary and pineal glands.
4. Stretch Pose. Lie on the back with the legs together and raise the heels, head and shoulders
simultaneously to six inches. Stare at your big toes. Stretch the arms out pointing towards the toes.
In this position begin Breath of Fire and continue for 1-3 minutes. Inhale and hold briefly. Exhale.
Inhale. Exhale completely and apply Mulbandh. Inhale and relax.
This exercise activates and balances the third chakra, sets the navel point and aids digestion.
5. Remain on the Back. Bring the knees tight to the chest, clasping the arms around the knees. Raising

the head, tuck the nose in between the knees. Begin Breath of Fire. Continue for 1-3 minutes.
This exercise stimulates the thyroid, opens up the sacral area and relieves the pressure of intestinal gas.
6. Sit up with Legs Stretched out Straight. Grab the big toes of each foot by locking the forefingers
around the toes and pressing the thumbs against the toenails. (If you cannot reach the toes, grab
the shins, knees, thighs...whatever you can reach.) Bend forward, leading with the chest, bringing
the elbows to the ground, if possible. Breathe long and deep for 1-3 minutes. Inhale and relax.
This exercise stretches the life (sciatic) nerve and the spine.
7. Lie on the Back with the Legs out Straight. Raise the head 12 inches. Stretch the arms forward
parallel to the legs. Focus at the third eye point. Begin Breath of Fire. Continue for 1-3 minutes.
Inhale and relax.
This exercise coordinates stimulation of the thyroid and the pituitary to prepare you for deep relaxation.
8. Relax on the back in Corpse Pose. Let the arms be at the sides with palms facing up. Deeply relax.
What this Kriya will do for you: Deep relaxation is a must for physical and mental health. This kriya is a
complete preparation for releasing tension accompanied by nervousness. It also works on the upper
triangle of chakras and stimulates the balance of the thyroid and parathyroid glands. It is an easy exercises
series which derives its powerful eects from the sequence of glandular stimulation and the use of
The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan - All Rights Reserved
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