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Interpersonal Communications Skills

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Interpersonal Communications Skills

One, apparently large, obstacle for many new Explorers is communication and public
speaking skills. As you will find, public speaking skills will make a huge difference in the
perception your Department and the public has regarding your Post can mean the difference
between first and last place in Explorer competitions.
From this section the Explorer should develop effective interpersonal communication skills
The basic models and principles of communications:
A failure to communicate could result in dire consequences.
Communication is the transfer of meaning.
For communication to be successful, the meaning must not only be sent, but also comprehended.
A Linear Communication Model
Mental images - Nonverbal feelings, intentions, or mental pictures
Method of communication (nonverbal, verbal, or written)
The actual transmission
Action process of changing the message back into feelings, intentions or mental pictures
Recipient of the message
Linear communication is not a complete representation of the type of communication we want the Explorer to
master, the Explorer needs to be using the interpersonal variety.
In order for the sender to know if the message was received, the sender must obtain feedback.
Interactive Communication
Feedback is achieved by the receiver using the same methods previously used by the sender.
communication is called "Interactive communication."

This type of

The model of interactive communication suggests that after a period of time the mental images of both sender and
receiver ought to match. If this happens then successful communication has occurred. This often does not occur.
The meaning of your message is mistaken.
Your constructive suggestion is taken as criticism.
Your carefully phrased question is misunderstood.
Your friendly joke is taken as an insult.
Why does this occur? There are obstacles that must be overcome before effective communication can occur.
Environmental Communication
A person's environment influences how that person decodes the message that was sent. The term environment refers
to a person's history or background. Each individual has different experiences to relate to for a certain situation.
Different types of environments
- Poor
- Healthy
- Young
- Indifference
External, Physiological and Psychological Noise

Texas Association of Police Explorers

Texas Explorer's Guide to Law Enforcement Training

Noise can be external, physiological, or psychological.

External Noise - physical noises in the environment, e.g., heavy equipment, sirens, people talking, etc.
Physiological Noise - involves biological factors such as a hearing loss, illness and so on.
Psychological Noise - refers to forces within a communicator that interfere with the ability to express or understand
a message accurately.
Transactional Communication
Not simply a sender then receiver, sender then receiver type of communication, but rather both individuals sending
and receiving at the same time.
One person may be talking, i.e., sending communication, while receiving
communications from another party that may be nonverbal.
Some principles of communication
Communication can be both intentional and unintentional.
It is impossible not to communicate through body language, dress and distance.
Communication is based on:
7% to 10% content
33% to 40% tone
60% to + nonverbal
Barriers to effective communication
Filtering - Intentionally manipulating information
Selective perception - Selectively seeing and hearing based on one's needs, motivation, experience,
background, and other personal characteristics.
Emotions- How the receiver feels at the time.
Words - Words mean different things to different people (age, education, and cultural background).
Information overload -Too much information into the brain at one time (Crime scenes-cannot remember
what happened).
Nonverbal signs- When nonverbal cues are inconsistent with the oral message, i.e., conflicting signals.
Time pressures- Trying to communicate in a short amount of time that results in messages that are
abbreviated and the meaning of the message is not fully sent.
Perceptions formulated by our needs, our past experiences, and our personal theory of personality. (Newil, p. 10)
Inference means to assess or to make an assumption as to why a certain act/behavior occurred in an interpersonal
environment (Neil, p. 12) Being able to give accurate feedback is an essential skill.
Discuss examples of problems arising from faulty perceptions or inferences.


Texas Association of Police Explorers

Texas Explorer's Guide to Law Enforcement Training

Helping Techniques
(Also see Helping Techniques Handout at the end of this section)
Non-Verbal Techniques
Eye contact
Body posture
Verbal Techniques
Active listening
Allowing Silence
Stating the Obvious
Personalized Statements
Sharing Feelings
Employing tactical communications appropriate to the situation:
Distancing far enough to be safe, close enough to see and hear.
Facing squarely the person, persons, or situation.
Looking directly at persons and situation; making eye contact.
Standing erect to show strength and confidence.
Eliminating distracting behaviors, e.g., biting nails, foot tapping, etc.
Inclining forward to show that you are focused, interested, and concerned.
Looking carefully at behavior appearance, and environment.
Drawing inferences (initial conclusions subject to change as information becomes available) about feelings,
relationships, energy levels, and values.
Determining if things are normal or abnormal.
Deciding whether it's a "trouble" or "no trouble" situation.
Suspend judgment temporarily so you can hear what's being said.
Pick out key words and phrases.
Determine the intensity considering both volume and emotion. High intensity with an offender is a sign of
Reflect on the mood as positive, negative, or neutral, and whether this mood is normal or abnormal.

Responding to content
o Reflecting on what was seen and heard

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Texas Explorer's Guide to Law Enforcement Training

Use respond format: "You're saying _____."

Responding to feeling
o Reflect on feeling and intensity
o Respond to feeling: "You feel ____."
Responding to feeling and meaning
o Reflect on feeling and reason
o Respond to feeling and meaning: "You feel ____ because ____."
Asking questions
Using the 5WH method (where, who, what, when, why, how)
Thinking about what was said or not said in answering your question
Responding to the answer by reflecting back content, feeling, and meaning.

Information in this section taken from Interpersonal Communications in the Correctional Setting: Instructor's
Guide. National Institute of Corrections, May 1983.

Demonstrate effective positive controlling behavior appropriate to the situation.

Handling requests
Check things out to determine if they are reasonable
Give response and reason
Making requests
Check things out using your sizing up and responding skills
Taking action by selecting best way to make your request
Start with politeness, getting stronger where necessary.
Reinforcing behavior
Reinforcing positively and negatively
Using verbal and non-verbal techniques

Define passive, assertive, and aggressive behavior/communications.

Definition and characteristics of passive, assertive, and aggressive behavior:
Communications and behavior can be seen as existing along a continuum that ranges from passive or non-assertive
on one end to aggressive at the other extreme. Somewhere in the middle of these two extremes is assertive behavior.
Behavior near the extremes does not usually achieve the legitimate goals of professional policing. Aggressive
behavior may become necessary in an arrest situation when use of force becomes necessary. Passive behavior may
become necessary to retain one's composure when dealing with verbally hostile individuals.
The Advisor may want to encourage discussion, giving examples of each behavior.


Texas Association of Police Explorers

Texas Explorer's Guide to Law Enforcement Training

This section will describe certain techniques that have been found useful in crisis intervention.
These consist of verbal and non-verbal communication techniques that experienced officers may
recognize as behaviors they have used intuitively for some time. Naming and describing them
will, it is believed, help both the veteran and the recruit to use them more effectively. Not all
techniques will work for all people; nor is this list presented as a complete catalogue of all the
things one might do to help victims.
It is common knowledge that the non-verbal aspects of communication are often more important
than the verbal. That is, what is said is less important than how it is said. The reason for this is that
the non-verbal techniques indicate exactly what interpretation should be put on the words that are
uttered. However, we rarely examine exactly what factors in our non-verbal communication are
most important. The following list examines some of the most important features of non-verbal
communication and indicates how they may be used to help victims.
1. Eye Contact: This behavior is important for communicating that one is listening and is
concerned. Victims will often avoid eye contact, but the officer who keeps looking directly
at the victim's eyes will eventually establish contact. The result is usually an improvement
in the victim's response to the officer, for eye contact usually communicates
encouragement and support. On the other hand, the officer who is looking at a notebook or
somewhere else may inadvertently communicate disinterest or impatience. Looking up to
make eye contact after writing a statement and while asking the next question will often
help establish better communication between the officer and the victim.

2. Body Posture: When we are sympathetically listening or even attentive, we tend to incline
our heads (and sometimes the whole upper part of our bodies) toward the speaker.
Standing or sitting with the head in an exactly upright position usually indicates that we are
being impersonal. Leaning back from the speaker frequently indicates disbelief or
skepticism. When interviewing victims, it is a good idea to monitor one's body posture to
determine what is being communicated. This is less important when the officer is speaking,
for the words will compensate somewhat for any body messages, but it is very important
when the victim is speaking and can gauge the officer's responses and attitude only from
the non-verbal messages.

3. Distance: There is usually an optimal distance to maintain when talking to other people. If
one stands too close or too far away, the conversation is likely to be uncomfortable.
However, there is a catch in the fact that the distance varies from person to person and
across situations. Generally, the closer one stands the more one expresses intimacy. The
greater the distance, the greater the feeling of formality. A police officer must learn to
judge by the victim's responses whether the distance is too great or too small. If a victim
starts to edge away, the officer should back up a half step; if the victim moves forward, the
officer should stand fast until the victim has reached a comfortable place.
Texas Association of Police Explorers
Texas Explorer's Guide to Law Enforcement Training

4. Touching: People generally feel more comforted when someone gives them a supporting
hand or arm. However, some victims may be threatened if an officer reaches out to them.
This is particularly true of victims of sexual assaults. One way out of this dilemma is for
the officer to make it possible for the victim to initiate touching and to accept such an
initiation if it occurs. (It can be devastating for a rape victim to touch an officer's hand and
have it jerked away). One can facilitate such initiation by putting one's hand on a table
between oneself and the victim or by standing close enough to allow touching.
Alternatively, an officer might make a gesture of offering a hand and allowing the victim
to take it or not.
5. Vocalization: This term refers to the volume, speed and pacing of speech. It is generally a
good idea to speak to victims in a soft and slow voice, while allowing a few seconds to
lapse between questions. People who are upset tend to speak loudly and quickly. The
officer's soft, slow voice will lead them to speak in a similar fashion. People who hear
themselves speaking in this manner are likely to be better able to control their own
emotions than people who hear themselves talking loudly and quickly. Pacing questions
slowly gives an impression of patience and concern. The quick firing of questions leads to
an impression of impatience and adds a note of interrogation that can lead the victim to feel

The importance of non-verbal behaviors must not be taken to mean that what is said is
unimportant. There are some particular kinds of statements and inquiries that greatly aid the victim
in coping with crisis.
Texas Association of Police Explorers
Texas Explorer's Guide to Law Enforcement Training

1. Active Listening: When another person is talking, we may simply be present or we may
communicate that we are interested in hearing what is being said. The latter process is
called "active listening". Some of the main features of active listening are listed below.
a. Clarification. We clarify when we interrupt the speaker to ask a question about what
was just said. This indicates that we have been listening and that the details are
important to us. It is best to clarify when the person has finished a segment of the story
and not to interrupt repeatedly to ask about details. For example, when a burglary
victim has finished telling about finding the door open and is ready to begin describing
what has been stolen, one might clarify by asking, "I didn't get about what time this
b. Summarization. When a person has completed a statement, one can show interest by
summarizing what has been said so far. The summary need not be long. Its purpose
is to demonstrate to the victim that one has been following what was said. For
example, an officer might say to the hypothetical burglary victim just mentioned.
"Let me see if I have this straight...You came home from work about five and found
the glass broken on the window and evidence that someone had entered the house. Is
that the heart of it"?
c. Allowing Silence. Paradoxically, allowing silence to last is a way of showing that
one is listening. Victims often are confused and need time to collect their thoughts.
The officer who lets a silence last after a question is asked demonstrates to the
victim an awareness of this fact. The tendency is to rephrase a question if it is not
immediately answered, and this can often be confusing to a victim, especially if he
or she is somewhat anxious that the police are going to be impatient.
2. Stating the Obvious. Victims are usually confused and thinking slowly. In many
respects, their emotional level has reverted to that of children in that things are not clear
to them. Therefore, the police officer does well to make obvious statements to reassure
the victim. Stating, "I am here to help you", "You are safe now", or "I can see that this
has been an upsetting experience to you", may seem condescending but really is
important for the victim to hear.

3. Personalized Statements. Officers do not differ from other people in large organizations in
their tendency to make impersonal statements on the order of, "It's probably a good idea for
you to see a doctor". When dealing with victims, it is more effective to personalize
statements by prefacing them with, "I feel", or "I think". "I think it's a good idea for you to
see a doctor" conveys personal concern and involvement.

Texas Association of Police Explorers

Texas Explorer's Guide to Law Enforcement Training

4. "Mind-Reading Officers often recognize similarities between victims that let them know
what to anticipate. Expressing this to the victim can often help the victim by identifying a
response or feeling as common and not a cause for alarm. For example, and officer might
say, "I know burglary victims often wonder whether there is something special about their
house that led the burglars to pick on them...I can tell you that burglars simply go where
they think valuables are and where it looks like they can get in". Mind-reading often helps
anticipate fears that the victim can't voice and lets the officer initiate reassurance without
the victim asking for it. For example, an officer might say, "I wouldn't worry about them
coming back to harm you...victims often worry about that, but most burglars get what there
is to get and then vanish".
Sharing Feelings. Officers are rightfully taught to be impartial. Unfortunately, as noted
earlier, they often translate "impartial" into "impersonal". When dealing with victims, a personal
expression of concern, such as, "I'm sorry this happened", can be very comforting to the victim.
Some situations, especially sex crimes, cause discomfort in the officer. Rather than try to conceal
the emotions, the officer does well to let the victim know that they are present. Non-verbal
behaviors will betray that the officer is uncomfortable and, rather than have the discomfort
misinterpreted by the victim, the officer should acknowledge them. The officer who is
uncomfortable is asking a rape victim about the crime might say, "I'm going to have to ask you a
few questions about exactly what will probably be a little uncomfortable when I
get to them, and so will I...but there aren't very many, and I'm not going to be asking a lot of

Texas Association of Police Explorers

Texas Explorer's Guide to Law Enforcement Training

Deciding if someone is not being completely honest

Dishonesty - Verbal Clues

1. Repeating the question
2. Mumbling or speeding up
3. Nervous or false laughter
4. Hesitations or mental blocks
5. Fragmented or incomplete sentences
6. Voice changes or throat clearing
7. Inconsistencies of statements

Nonverbal Clues
1. Supportive gestures
2. Increasing manipulators
3. Averting eyes or darting glances
4. Shifting body position
5. Micro or squelched expressions
6. Asymmetrical facial expressions

Texas Association of Police Explorers

Texas Explorer's Guide to Law Enforcement Training

The Advisor may try using this checklist when evaluation an Explorers
communication skills during a roll-play situation.
Non-Verbal Techniques
Appropriate use of the following techniques.

Eye Contact:


Body Posture:







Verbal Techniques
Appropriate use of the following techniques.

Active Listening:





Allowing Silence:


Stating the Obvious:


Personalized Statements:




Sharing Feelings:

Overall Reactions: (Was the communication effective? Was it honest and ethical?)

Texas Association of Police Explorers

Texas Explorer's Guide to Law Enforcement Training


Report Writing
Through this section the Explorer should improve their skills of written communication as
it applies to report writing and communicating ideas. Although there are few competition
events that require written reports, this section should help to improve the Explorers over
all communication skills and help those that intend to go into Law Enforcement after
Identifying and writing complete sentences:
A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought.
A sentence is a group of words that contains a subject, a predicate, and, if required by the predicate's verb, a
word or words following the verb that complete its meaning.
The subject of the sentence is the person, place, thing, or idea about which something is said.
The predicate tells something or asks something about the subject of the sentence. The simple predicate of
a sentence is the verb.
Written communication is an integral part of every day for each peace officer.
Without clear, complete sentences in reports, a peace officer's thoughts cannot be understood by the any
number of people who rely upon the report and/or notes.
An understandable and well-written report can help make a case.
Clear notes and reports can help jog a peace officer's memory when needed.
We typically speak using groups of words that are not complete sentences. If the person listening cannot understand
what is said, s/he can ask the speaker about the meaning. When written, however, the groups of words must state
complete thoughts to help the reader to understand.

Two serious sentence errors occur in written communication as results of our trying to write
in the same way as we talk: sentence fragments and run-on sentences.

Sentence Fragments

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Texas Explorer's Guide to Law Enforcement Training


A sentence fragment is a group of words that is only a piece, or fragment, of a complete

sentence. Pieces of important information are left out of the "sentence."
The reader may have difficulty following what is meant and is left to try to figure out who did what, when,
and where. This can lead to dangerous assumptions in some cases.
Sentence fragments often occur through the simple omission of words - the mind racing ahead of the hand.
A sentence fragment can also occur as a result of incorrect punctuation, i.e. a period in the middle of the
idea rather than at the end.
Run-on Sentences
A run-on sentence is created when the period or other end mark is not placed at the end of a sentence.
Two or more sentences written as one are a run-on sentence.
Closely related sentences are frequently but mistakenly combined as one, especially if the second begins
with a personal pronoun referring to a noun in the first sentence.
Joining two sentences together with a comma is called a comma splice.
Run-on sentences cause similar confusion for the reader and can lead to incorrect conclusions about the
intent of the writing.
Recognizing sentence clarity problems and correct them:
To achieve sentence clarity, the writer must avoid and/or eliminate errors such as misplaced modifiers, sudden shifts
in tense or in point of view double negatives, passive voice, and misuse of quotation marks.
The Placement of Modifiers

A misplaced modifier is one that attaches itself to the wrong word in the sentence.
This error causes the reader to try to figure out the meaning of the sentence.
Place every modifier as close as possible to the word it modifies.
We saw many swimming pools flying over California.

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Texas Explorer's Guide to Law Enforcement Training


Avoid needless shifts

From active to passive voice or vice versa.
We telephone all our friends, even strangers were called.
In tense, i.e. if a sentence begins in present tense, it should continue in that tense.
The class was studying quietly, and suddenly Jerry lets out a yell.
In person and number,
If one hears a baseless rumor, you can either ignore it or try to find out how it started.
The class roared its approval, and then they left the room.
Double negatives

When two negative words are used in the same clause, the result is a double negative.
The following negative words should be used one at a time, not in pairs: no, not, never, none, no one,
nobody, nothing, nowhere, neither.
The following words are negative in meaning and should not be used in the same clause with any of the
negative words above: barely, scarcely, hardly.
There isn't no time left.
I can't hardly see the road in this fog.
Passive voice
When the verb is in the active voice, the subject performs the action. When the verb is in the passive voice,
the subject receives the action.
Generally, use the active voice -- the sentence is clearer and stronger. If the actor is not known, however,
the passive voice may be necessary.
Passive: The bystander was hit by a stray bullet.
Active: A stray bullet hit a bystander.
Quotation marks
Quotation marks help the reader by setting off the words of the speaker.
When quoting someone's exact words, set off their words, such as: Carl yawned and said, "Let's go."
If not quoting verbatim, do not use quotation marks: Carl yawned and said that we should go.

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Texas Explorer's Guide to Law Enforcement Training


Texas Association of Police Explorers

Texas Explorer's Guide to Law Enforcement Training


Observation and descriptive skills:

The better an officer observes things, the better the officer can then describe them.
We experience the world through our five senses -- sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.
Concentrate on a different sense at various times to awaken and sharpen those less used. All senses must
be sharp for the peace officer to effectively and safely do his/her job.
In the daily routine the peace officer must quickly describe things, places, and people, using clear and vivid
language. This takes practice.
When describing things, look for every possible distinguishing mark and for anything that might be
compared or related to a commonly known thing or idea.
Look for color, size, shape, texture, location, type.
Places should also be described spatially, beginning at one point then proceeding top to bottom, left to
right, or the opposite -- as long as it is thorough and systematic. The goal is to paint a picture of the place
with words.
Describing people is the most difficult. Use all of the above tips but, if possible, include other descriptive
characteristics of persons, such as manner of speaking or walking, movements, things they are carrying.

Texas Association of Police Explorers

Texas Explorer's Guide to Law Enforcement Training


The significant uses of the police report:

Permanent record of facts
Coordination of follow-up
Basis for prosecution and defense
Performance evaluation of officer
Statistical data
Reference material
The essential characteristics of the police report:
Grammatically correct
Correct spelling
Four common types of police reports:
Arrest reports
Incident reports
Offense reports
Supplemental reports
Chronological or categorical order report writing:
Chronological - arrangement of information in order of occurrence
Categorical - arrangement of information by category, i.e., witnesses, suspects, crime elements, etc
The basic elements necessary in police reports:
Verification that an offense or incident has actually occurred, identification of the victim, suspects,
witnesses, the place of the crime or incident, and when the crime occurred
Identification of solvability factors or leads
Communication of the circumstances of the crime or incident, identification of completed investigative
tasks and those tasks yet to be done.
The importance of separating fact from opinion in police reports:
Anything other than facts must be labeled as such to avoid any possible confusion.

Categories to Help in Descriptive Writing

Texas Association of Police Explorers
Texas Explorer's Guide to Law Enforcement Training


Car Noises:
engine sound
gunning the motor
squealing brakes
# of car doors closing
distinct marks
lights (on/off)

manner of walking
manner of movement
alterations in original appearance

facial expression
compare to familiar
relation to surroundings
hand placement

dead telephones
compare to familiar
unexpected noises

location & time

defined by noises
# people
I.D. clues

type of weapon

Walking noises:








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Texas Explorer's Guide to Law Enforcement Training



weather conditions
compare to familiar
location clues
locate weapons
air flow

personal scents
motor exhausts
gun powder
sulfur matches
cooking odors

compare to familiar
location clues
newness of things

Most tastes in police work are secondary functions of smell, i.e. salt air.

Texas Association of Police Explorers

Texas Explorer's Guide to Law Enforcement Training


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