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PECS: Facts and Fiction

Catherine Horton Jo-Anne Matteo Jill Waegenaere Lori Frost

Development began in 1985 by Lori Frost, MS/CCC-SLP and Andy Bondy, PhD Based on principles of Applied Behavior Analysis and on B. F. Skinners 1957 Verbal Behavior Protocol was developed as a result of creative problem solving with one learner

Bobs story
Bobs background information: Attended Delaware Autism Program No functional communication skills, as he was unsuccessful with speech, sign and picture point systems Contextually Inappropriate Behaviors resulted from inability to communicate

Bobs story (contd)

First PECS Implementation: Matchbox cars were identified as a reinforcer Bob was successful in exchanging a picture to receive the reinforcer Progress with additional skills lead to the creation of PECS protocol

Phase Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Attributes Phase V Phase VI

Target Skill Physical exchange of the picture (pick-up, reach and release) Distance and persistence Visual discrimination among pictures Sentence structure Expansion of language concepts Responsive requesting (Responding to the question, What do you want?) Commenting

PECS has become very popular:

"The most widely used intervention was PECS, with almost all of the participants mentioning it, even those who did not use any other intervention in their program."
Stahmer, A.; Collings, N. & Palinkas, L. (2005). Early Intervention Practices for Children With Autism: Descriptions From Community Providers. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Studies, 20, 66-79.

Popularity also brings controversy!

Copyright, 2008, by Pyramid Educational Consultants, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Common misconceptions about PECS

1. If you use pictures, youre using PECS 2. If you implement PECS, the learner will never develop speech 3. If the learner begins speaking, stop using PECS immediately 4. PECS can only be used with children with autism 5. PECS only teaches learners to make single picture requests

Common misconceptions about PECS

6. You cant do PECS with other programs (i.e. TEACCH, ABA, etc.) 7. Sign language is better 8. Receptive always precedes expressive in language development 9. There is no research to support PECS 10. PECS doesnt work

MYTH: If you use pictures, youre using PECS FACT:

Many people use pictures to target receptive communication skills (i.e. visual schedules) PECS = Picture Exchange Communication System Pictures PECS! Pec picture!

MYTH: If you implement PECS, the learner

will never develop speech

All research shows increased vocalizations and improved speech when speech skills are acquired Research on single-subject and group design shows large proportion developing speech or improving current speech characteristics

MYTH: If you implement PECS, the learner

will never develop speech

N u m b e r o f P ic tu r e s a n d S p o k e n W o r d s A c q u ir e d A f te r P E C S T r a in in g


Speech development takes time! Typical speech acquisition could take over 1 year for children who start using PECS prior to age 6 The biggest change occurs when sentence structure is introduced (Phase IV)

160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 1 3

Pictures Words

(9 1 )

(6 1 )






Number of Months After PECS

A g e a t S ta r t = 3 y ea r s 0 m o n th s

F ir s t S p o k e n W o r d

Copyright, 2008, by Pyramid Educational Consultants, Inc. All Rights Reserved

When is speech bolstered?

Figure 2: Mean Length of Utterance
Phase 1 Phase 2
2 pictures

MYTH: If the learner begins speaking, stop

using PECS immediately

Phase 3
3 pictures 4 pictures 6 pictures

Phase 4

6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00

There is no evidence to support that taking away pictures will promote more speech
Anecdotal information shows the opposite effect





15 17 Day







If you take away skills (by taking away pictures) that is unethical

Ganz, J. & Simpson, R. (2004).

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Issues Related to Modality Transitioning

Transition from PECS to speech or PECS to voice output device Criteria for successful transition
Speech vocabulary = PECS vocabulary Rate of initiation is equal Length of utterance is equal Speech is at least 85% intelligible to untrained listener

MYTH: PECS can only be used with

children with autism

PECS was originally developed for young children with autism Since development in 1985, research indicates that PECS is a successful communication tool for learners of various ages and diagnoses

Learners with the following diagnoses have demonstrated success with PECS!
Agenesis of the Corpus Collosum Angelman Syndrome Apraxia Alzheimer Disease Asperger Syndrome Autism Brain Anomaly Brain Tumor Cerebral Palsy CHARGE Syndrome Cleft Lip and/or Palate CMV (Cytomegalovirus) Cognitively Impaired Cornelia deLange Syndrome Cri du Chat Syndrome Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Learners with the following diagnoses have demonstrated success with PECS!
Developmentally Delayed Down Syndrome ESL (English as a Second Language) Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Fragile X Syndrome Isodicentric 15 Syndrome Microcephaly Partial Trisomy of 4P Septo Optic Dysplasia Speech/Language Delay Rett Syndrome Traumatic/Acquired Brain Injury Turner Syndrome William Syndrome

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Age Ranges

MYTH: PECS only teaches learners to make

single picture requests

Youngest learners with developmental disabilities: 16 months old Oldest learners: 80+ years old
PECS starts with single picture exchanges to request PECS expands to multi picture requesting PECS expands to commenting, both responsively and expressively

MYTH: You cant do PECS with other programs FACT: PECS can act as the communication
component within any teaching program Program


Requesting desired item within interactions or circles of communication, requesting help/go/out, etc. within playful obstructions


How PECS can be incorporated

Requesting reinforcer learner wants to work for, choosing the order of activities (labeling pictures first, sequencing next, etc), choosing materials to use (which puzzle to do, which manipulatives to count with, which book to read) Sabotaging known routines (removing some of the known materials from the bin, removing the finished bin, etc), can elicit a response or a comment

Hanen focuses on the role of the parent/carer in interacting with the communication impaired child. PECS can provide the modality in which the child may respond to the parents/carers interaction. Both focus on students interests PRT: Speech based; PECS: picture based Both research-based Similar outcomes


PRT (Pivotal Response Training)

MYTH: Sign language is better Fact:

There is NO research indicating that learners with autism acquire large sign vocabulary There is NO research showing that groups using sign perform better than those using PECS, including any co-occurring impact on speech development

PECS vs. Sign

Visually mediated Easily understood in community and by peers Sequences remain visible Virtually no prerequisites

Material preparation Portable?


Visually mediated No external materials necessary Portable

Typically requires an imitative repertoire Fine motor skills may be atypical/learners use homemade signs Community knowledge Sequencing of signs may be difficult

Copyright, 2008, by Pyramid Educational Consultants, Inc. All Rights Reserved

MYTH: Receptive Always Precedes

Expressive in Language Development

MYTH: There is no research to support


Receptive skills and expressive skills are initially acquired independently Children can learn to ask for RED candy before they can respond to Give me the RED candy For many children, the reward for requesting is much more powerful than the reward for complying

The first publication was a descriptive report, including outcome for a large group of preschoolers- no control group Subsequent research has employed singlesubject and group designs More research is underway with excellent initial results

PECS Research Beth Sulzer-Azaroff

The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS): What do the data say (in press) Conclusions
Improvement in communication skills for the vast majority of participants When compared with other training methods those using PECS performed as well or better

PECS Research Research further indicates:

Increases in functional communication skills Increases in spoken utterances, including increases in mean length of utterance (MLU) Decreases in contextually inappropriate behaviors

MYTH: PECS doesnt work FACT:

Research clearly suggests that PECS is an effective communication tool When difficulties arise, problems are often due to:
Lack of powerful reinforcers Trainer error

For more information The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) Training Manual, 2nd Edition. (Frost &
Bondy, 2002. Pyramid Educational Products, Inc., Newark, DE).

The Pyramid Approach to Education (2nd Edition). (Bondy & Sulzer-Azaroff, 2002. Pyramid
Educational Products, Inc., Newark, DE).
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Copyright, 2008, by Pyramid Educational Consultants, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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