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Condemn Zionism or Be Complicit in WWIII

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First published: 31st July 2014 @ 5.


Message To Editors: Condemn Zionism or Be

Complicit in WWIII
If Rabbis are calling for the dissolution of the state of Israel, then why
can't I?

In the following open letter to British newspaper and TV news

editors, former MI5 officer and expert on Natural Law warns them
that they have to act bravely and humanely to prevent mass
slaughter and World War Three.
Dear editors:

Zionism is state-organised terror

[We] reject the Zionist state and condemn its war crimes
[The] Torah demands all Palestine be returned to Palestinian sovereignty
Let me first say that I have nothing but the utmost respect for those Israelis and
Jews who bravely condemn the state of Israel for its crimes against humanity.
Judaism is after all a religion which includes the commands given (later) by the
Biblical Christ to 'Love God' and 'Love your neighbour...' in its holy book, the
Torah, or the first five books of the Old Testament.
And secondly, let me make it clear, the words quoted above are not my words but
those of 'Jews against Zionism', an alliance of US-based believers in the Jewish
God, IHVH (pronounced 'Jesus'). One of their spokesmen, Rabbi Dovid Weiss,
has blamed Zionism for creating 'rivers of blood' and has called for the abolition
of the Israeli state.
Does that make him an 'anti-Semite'?
Because the term is used to condemn the very reasonable critics of the barbaric
Israeli regime, it is clearly used in a deliberately misleading way. Conventional
research will tell you that the Semites are a race of people which includes the
Arabs, the very people who are currently being oppressed as the Palestinians.
As those who criticise Israel are by reason standing up for the rights of these
Semites, you can see for yourself just how nonsensical the term 'anti-Semite' is,
in this context. Nor is 'anti-Jewish' correct because the Israeli state is not a
Jewish state. Like the regimes of Saddam and Qadhafi, it is pluralist, inhabited by
people of different races and religions.
(To give it its due, the Israeli Supreme Court has consistently ensured that
minorities within the jurisdiction of the state of Israel are guaranteed equal rights.
It does though deny those in the Occupied Territories any rights at all, including
the right to life).
And let's face it, no one in this day and age outside a handful of Islamic
Extremists is criticising the state of Israel because it is largely full of Jews. Israel
is criticised so strongly because it is peopled with psychopathic war criminals,
racists and child mutilators.

So, editors, it is wholly wrong to call critics of war criminals and racists 'antiSemitic', especially when it has such a chilling effect on the free speech you are
supposed to stand up for, and when it is directed against people of peace striving
to create a world in which we all have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness. But you knew that any way.
I don't for a second believe that you don't know what you are doing when you
confuse those who oppose Zionism, a political idea which seeks to oppress
mankind, with those who oppose Judaism, a religion of love and peace..
After all, Zionism is corporatism. Zionism is centralisation. Like fascism, Zionism
is the union of State and Corporate Power. Like Nazism, Zionism is anti-Semitic.
Zionism seeks to exploit, oppress and discriminate against the Muslims and Arabs
and the Jews who genuinely follow God's commandments, (branding them 'selfhating Jews').
Zionism is 'political Judaism' in the same way the practices of certain Islamic
Extremists are 'political Islam'. In both cases, the belief system is one created by
man in the name of the said religion rather than being part of the teachings of the
Prophet or the Holy Book. Since that is the case, wouldn't it be encouraging to
see just a few of the Jews who live in our country condemning the violence of the
Zionists, as Rabbi Weiss and his organisation has done?
Those most offended by anti-Semitism are in any case most often the political
class and the liberal elite in particular. They imagine they are being oh-so PC.
Yet it is that failure to condemn the Nazis of Zionism that has led to the atrocities
we see today in Israel -- the indiscriminate culling of civilians; the use of
Palestinian children as human shields; the rape of Palestinian women by Israeli
soldiers; the use of white phosphorous; depleted uranium and cluster bombs.
When I was in Israel, I was surprised by the out-and-out racism of the middle
class Israelis filming me for a documentary. Their attitudes reminded me of the
Belfast Protestants' attitude to the Catholics or the attitudes of hicks in the Deep
South of the US to black people not so long ago.
And we know where this casual contempt, unjustified disgust and downright
discrimination -- which sees other people as less than human -- leads: the
massacre of millions of Native Americans; the rounding up of thousands of Jews
and dissidents into concentration camps; the shoot-to-kill policy and orchestrated
assassination of Catholics on the part of British soldiers in Northern Ireland.
Under the Law of God laid out in the Jewish Torah, no one has the right to steal
land off people already using it who respect the rights of others. In the Bible,
'Israel' is not a state in the sense of a country but is a state of being, meaning
'those who struggle with El (God)'.
'Israel' should not be confused wit the Northern kingdom of Omride kings in the
first millennium BC, which although referred to as 'Israel' in English is in fact a
different word in Hebrew, 'Izraael' sometimes transliterated as 'Jezreel'.
Indeed, there is absolutely no evidence of the Kingdom of David or the Empire of
Solomon, on which the Jews lay their claim to that land including the fabled
temple on which the freemasons base their belief system and which scholars
believe existed around 1000BC to 900BC.
Applying the Torah Law stated above which is also expressed as 'Do as you
would be done by' - imagine, editors, how you would feel if you lived under an

occupying force whose territory was taken by violence and coercion at the
expense of the land your parents or grandparents peacefully and lawfully lived off.
Imagine they then bulldozed your home, kicked you off your property then built
their homes on the very spot.
Go on, newspaper and TV editors, imagine the reaction of your wife and children
as violent foreigners came and demolished your homes leaving you destitute.
Would you collaborate and respect that state? Or would you do everything within
the Law to throw off your oppressor in self-defence so your children might enjoy a
more peaceful and prosperous future than you?
Why then deny that right to the Palestinians? In law, an occupying force cannot
claim self-defence because it is the aggressor. It has already broken the Law.
Imagine if the Nazi command had tried to claim at Nuremberg that it acted in
self-defence against the French Resistance. Or the Argies claiming they acted in
self-defence against the Falkland Islanders?
Quite rightly, the Law recognises the right of those living under occupation to use
force to rid themselves of their criminal oppressors.
The Israelis state was founded on the back of the terrorism of Jewish extremist
groups like the Stern gang, the Al Qaeda of the day. Its operatives for example
carried out the bombing of the King David Hotel which killed 91 people, many of
them British, at the time one of the biggest terrorist attacks in history.
I have no recollection of any IRA operation killing anywhere near that many Brits,
yet you editors assiduously and dutifully remind your readers of the significant
anniversaries of the RA's atrocities like Omagh or Enniskillen.
There were no such articles reminding us of the anniversary of the attack on the
King David Hotel 22 July 1946. In fact, it would be fair to say that these Jewish
Zionists invented modern guerrilla warfare.
Ironically, the current backers of Zionist violence and oppression come from the
other nation conceived and founded in terrorism and most prone to the use of
unprovoked violence, the US. Without the $3billion it gets in aid off the Federal
government welfare for the rich which Israel has to be spend in the American
arms industry Israel would be in no position to carry out these war crimes.
And know this editors, what I have wanted to tell you all along: the British
intelligence services are penetrated by the Zionists. That's why they supported
the use of cherry-picked, unreliable intelligence to justify the case for war in Iraq.
And it is all of course part of a wider picture on the world's stage. The Zionists are
trying to create the Third World War as part of their efforts to subjugate humanity
through repression and debt. The First World War 'the war to end all wars' (not)
saw the UK's national debt rocket by over 1,000 per cent in four years. As a
nation, we have never really recovered and have since then lived in hock to the
You are in a position to help end this madness. Read my research into the Law
and usury. At the sane time, you might like to check out the Protocols of the
Elders of Zion for yourself-- unlike those fake liberals who again imagine
themselves oh-so PC when they believe the propaganda that the document is an
'anti-Semitic' forgery.

The forgery charge is in any case an irrelevance. Even if the document was
forged, it is clear that the real powers-that-be are making the scenario it predicts,
come true, according to the anti-human and anti-law agenda set out within. .
(You might like to acquaint yourself with the evidence that 9/11 and 7/7 were
inside jobs, mostly likely carried out by a cabal motivated by these Zionist
If you think my evidence and analysis is wrong in any of these areas, including
the Protocols, then behave like a man or woman of reason. Bring your counterclaims and arguments to the table to discuss rationally and humanely.
If not, accept the validity of my research and message. Accept that the only way
to bring down this abhorrent system: tell the public they can lawfully not pay the
mortgage or taxes to the banksters and their puppets in government.
In other words, you can help cut off the funding for these heinous and abhorrent
crimes to clear your conscience and begin your journey of redemption although
if past form is anything to go by -- I fear you will resort to the same old bully boy
tactics of the coward across the ages.
If you do, remember this. You will be responsible for contributing to the causes of
the Third World War, with all the suffering, murder and mutilation conflict brings.
If you're happy to let that happen, then expect me and many others to pursue
you until true justice is visited upon you, and your wife and family, as the
receivers of your ill-gotten wealth.
And don't imagine that your psychopathic Zionist friends in high places will always
think you worthy of protection or be there to stop you being brought to justice for
the crime of encouraging war.

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