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Selective Hydrogenation of 2-Ethylanthraquinone Over An Environmentally Benign Ni-B/SBA-15 Catalyst Prepared by A Novel Reductant-Impregnation Method

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Journal of Catalysis 220 (2003) 254257

Research Note

Selective hydrogenation of 2-ethylanthraquinone over an environmentally

benign NiB/SBA-15 catalyst prepared by a novel
reductantimpregnation method
Xueying Chen, Huarong Hu, Bo Liu, Minghua Qiao, Kangnian Fan, and Heyong He
Laboratory of Molecular Catalysis and Innovative Materials, Department of Chemistry, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, Peoples Republic of China
Received 8 May 2003; revised 27 June 2003; accepted 30 July 2003

An environmentally benign SBA-15-supported amorphous nickel boride alloy catalyst, prepared by a novel reductantimpregnation
method, exhibits superior activity, selectivity, and stability in the selective hydrogenation of 2-ethylanthraquinone (eAQ) to 2-ethylanthrahydroquinone (H2 eAQ), which is the dominating process for the production of hydrogen peroxide in industrial scale. The unique characters
of the amorphous alloy as well as the pore structure of the mesoporous SBA-15 molecular sieve are crucial for the excellent catalytic behavior
of the title catalyst.
2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: NiB; Mesoporous molecular sieve; SBA-15; eAQ; Hydrogenation; H2 O2

1. Introduction
The hydrogenation of 2-ethylanthraquinone (eAQ) into 2ethylanthrahydroquinone (H2 eAQ) is one of the key steps
in the industrial manufacturing of H2 O2 , which is a nonpolluting oxidizing agent [13]. In industry, Raney Ni and
palladium are the most frequently used catalysts for this
reaction. However, even on the most selective palladium
catalyst some degradation products [3] are easily formed,
which leads to the loss of fed hydrogen and the expensive eAQ. Moreover, the palladium catalyst is expensive.
Thus, it is highly desirable to develop nonnoble catalysts
with exclusive selectivity in carbonyl group hydrogenation,
at the same time preventing hydrogenation of the aromatic
In previous work, our group reported on two kinds of
catalysts which exhibit higher selectivity than the conventional Raney Ni catalyst, one is the rapid-quenched skeletal
Ni catalyst (RQ-Ni) and the other is a nanosized amorphous NiCrB catalyst [4,5]. However, a detailed chromatographic analysis reveals that over the RQ-Ni catalyst
* Corresponding authors.

E-mail addresses: (M. Qiao), (H. He).
0021-9517/$ see front matter 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

18% of eAQ was converted to 2-ethyltetrahydroanthrahydroquinone (H4 eAQH2 ) and 3% of eAQ was deteriorated [4].
It is noted that the oxidation rate of H4 eAQH2 is sharply
slowed down compared to that of eAQH2 , leading to lower
efficiency in H2 O2 production [5]. Besides, H4 eAQH2 can
be further hydrogenated to 2-ethyloctahydroanthrahydroquinone (H8 eAQH2 ) which does not produce H2 O2 [3].
Although the nanosized NiCrB catalyst shows 100% selectivity in eAQ hydrogenation to H2 eAQ [5], its low thermal stability and difficulty in separation from the reaction
products impede its practical application. Moreover, the
Cr additive in the NiCrB catalyst is enviromentally hazardous.
Here we report on a mesoporous molecular sieve SBA15-supported amorphous nickel boride alloy catalyst (denoted as NiB/SBA-15) prepared by a novel reductant
impregnation method. This NiB/SBA-15 catalyst exhibits
higher activity and stability than the nanosized amorphous
NiCrB catalyst and can efficiently block the hydrogenation of the aromatic rings in eAQ. Even after a reaction
time of 240 min, the amount of eAQ only dropped by 6%,
while no degradation products were detected. Along with
its enviromentally benign nature, this novel NiB/SBA-15
catalyst shows an attractive perspective for industrial application.

X. Chen et al. / Journal of Catalysis 220 (2003) 254257


2. Experimental and methods

2.3. Reaction and analytical procedures

2.1. Catalyst preparation

The activity test was carried out in a 220-ml stainlesssteel autoclave with a magnetic stirrer. A mixture of trioctylphosphate and trimethylbenzene (volume ratio 3/7)
was used as the solvent and the concentration of eAQ in the
working solution was 50 g l1 . The reaction conditions were
as follows: 70 ml of working solution, 1.0 g of catalyst, reaction temperature of 323 K, H2 pressure of 0.3 MPa, and a
stirring rate of 1000 rpm to exclude diffusion effects. The reaction process was monitored by sampling the reaction mixture at intervals for O2 oxidation. The H2 O2 produced was
extracted by distilled water and then titrated with KMnO4 .
The percentage yield of H2 O2 (X) is expressed as the ratio of the molar number of H2 O2 to the initial molar number
of eAQ in the reactor, i.e., X = ntH2 O2 /n0eAQ 100%, which
also represents the selectivity to H2 eAQ and H4 eAQH2 . The
organic layer was further analyzed by HPLC (HP 1100)
with an ultraviolet detector and the Zorbax column (ODS,
4.6 mm 15 cm) to quantify eAQ and H4 eAQ.

Pure silicate SBA-15 was synthesized according to the

well-established method designed by Zhao et al. with
triblock poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(propylene oxide)-bpoly(ethylene oxide) copolymer (Pluronic, EO20 PO70 EO20 ,
P123 ) as the template [6]. Then it was crushed and sieved to
obtain a particle size of 4060 meshes.
NiB/SBA-15 catalyst was prepared by the following procedure. The SBA-15 (1.0 g, 4060 meshes) was
immersed into a 3.0 M potassium borohydride solution
(13.74 mmol) at 293 K for 15 min. The excessive solution was decanted and a 0.42 M nickel chloride solution
(3.41 mmol) was poured into the flask containing SBA-15 to
start the reduction. The mixture was placed undisturbed at
293 K until no bubbles were generated. The resulting black
solids were washed with distilled water to neutrality and then
with ethanol three times to replace water. The catalyst was
finally kept in ethanol for characterization and activity tests.
For comparison, the ultrafine NiCrB catalyst was prepared by mixing K2 CrO4 salt in the nickel chloride aqueous
solution before potassium borohydride reduction as previously reported [5].
2.2. Catalyst characterization
The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were collected
on a Bruker AXS D8 Advance X-ray diffractometer with
Cu-K radiation. The BET surface area and the pore volume were determined by N2 physical adsorption at 77 K
on a Micromeritics TriStar 3000 adsorption apparatus. The
bulk compositions of the as-prepared catalysts were detected by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) analysis. The
crystallization process and the crystallization temperature
were determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC,
Perkin-Elmer DTA-7) analysis which was carried out under nitrogen atmosphere (99.9995%) with a heating rate
of 10 K s1 . The active surface area was measured by H2
chemisorption, taking H/Ni(s) = 1 and a surface area of
6.5 1020 m2 per Ni atom [7]. Turnover frequency (TOF)
was expressed as the number of H2 molecules consumed per
active surface nickel atom per second at the beginning of the
reaction. The types of active sites existing on the catalyst
were studied by temperature-programmed desorption of H2
(H2 -TPD). The pore structure and selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern of the catalyst were acquired by
a transmission electron microscope (TEM, JEM2011), fitted
with an energy dispersive X-ray emission analyzer (EDX).
The surface composition and electronic state were detected
by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS, Perkin-Elmer
PHI 5000C). All binding energy (BE) values were referenced to that of contaminant carbon (C 1s = 284.6 eV).

3. Results and discussion

The nickel loading of the as-prepared catalyst is 9.84 wt%
with a chemical composition of Ni57.7 B42.3 (molar ratio) as
determined by ICP analysis. The pore diameter of the catalyst calculated by the BJH method is 6.5 nm and the BET
surface area is 367 m2 g1 . The pore volume of the catalyst
(0.482 cm3 g1 ) remarkably drops as compared to that of the
original SBA-15 (1.233 cm3 g1 ), suggesting the incorporation of the nickel boride particles in the SBA-15 channels.
TEM unambiguously confirmed this suggestion and further
revealed that the nickel boride particles (the darker ones as
verified by EDX) were uniformly dispersed in the SBA-15
channels (Fig. 1a). The average particle size of the NiB
amorphous alloy in the NiB/SBA-15 catalyst is 6.5 nm. It
is worth noting that on mesoporous MCM-41 or HMS molecular sieve-supported nickel boride catalysts prepared in the
same way, the amorphous NiB alloy particles are mainly
located outside the mesopores with scattered particle-size
distributions ranging from 20 to 60 nm (Fig. 1b).
XRD patterns of original SBA-15 and NiB/SBA-15
catalysts verified the intact framework of SBA-15 in the
catalyst. For the NiB/SBA-15 sample, besides the typical SBA-15 diffraction peaks, one broad peak centered at
2 = 45 , characteristic of the amorphous nature of NiB
[8] was observed, which was further confirmed by SAED,
as only a diffractive halo was observed (inset in Fig. 1).
DSC demonstrated the superior thermal stability of the asprepared catalyst, as its crystallization temperature is 80 K
higher than that of ultrafine NiCrB [5]. XPS spectra
showed that in the NiB/SBA-15 catalyst Ni is predominantly in its elemental state [9]. However, the B1s-binding
energy is 1.2 eV higher than that of pure amorphous B.
This implies that boron donates electron to nickel in the Ni


X. Chen et al. / Journal of Catalysis 220 (2003) 254257

Fig. 2. The percentage yield of H2 O2 (X). Inset is the evolution of eAQ

and H4 eAQ over the NiB/SBA-15 catalyst as a function of reaction time
(reaction conditions: [eAQ] = 50 g L1 , T = 323 K, PH2 = 0.3 MPa,
rs = 1000 rpm, Wcat = 1.0 g).

Fig. 1. TEM images of (a) NiB/SBA-15 (inset showing its SAED pattern)
and (b) NiB/MCM-41 catalysts.

B/SBA-15 catalyst, resulting in electron-rich metallic Ni [9].

Moreover, the H2 -TPD profile of the catalyst exhibited only
one peak at 700 K, from which we infer the uniformity of
the active sites on the catalyst.
Fig. 2 presents the percentage yield of H2 O2 over the Ni
B/SBA-15 catalyst as a function of time. To get a deeper
insight into the selectivity, the evolution of eAQ and H4 eAQ
was also plotted as an inset. It should be stressed that eAQ
virtually denotes the summation of unreacted eAQ and eAQ
hydrogenated to H2 eAQ, while H4 eAQ is equal to H4 eAQH2
in quantity, as illustrated by the reductionoxidation cycle [4]. As Fig. 2 shows, the H2 O2 yield over NiB/SBA-15

increased steeply up to 100% in a reaction time of 90 min

and then began to fall marginally. The TOF of the Ni
B/SBA-15 catalyst in this reaction is 0.12 s1 , which is
much larger than the value found for the ultrafine NiCrB
catalyst ( 0.03 s1 ), demonstrating the superior activity of
the NiB/SBA-15 catalyst. HPLC analysis showed that the
amount of eAQ remained constant and no H4 eAQ was detected within the first 90 min (inset in Fig. 2). Prolonged
reaction time led to a decrease in the amount of eAQ and
simultaneously an increase of H4 eAQ. Nevertheless, even
after a reaction time of 240 min, the amount of eAQ only
dropped by 6%, while no degradation products appeared.
This clearly demonstrates the excellent selectivity of the Ni
B/SBA-15 catalyst. Moreover, the catalyst is highly stable,
as confirmed by its invariable catalytic behavior in successive runs and virtually unchanged TEM feature of the
used catalyst. In contrast, there was evidence for the lower
thermal stability and significant leaching of the active component on the MCM-41 or HMS-supported NiB catalyst.
Here the time for achieving the maximum H2 O2 yield was
prolonged to 180 min.
From the characterization and the activity test shown
above, the superior activity and selectivity of NiB/SBA-15
in carbonyl group hydrogenation can be addressed as follows. First, due to the isotropic nature of the amorphous
alloy [10], the active center on the present catalyst is expected to be more homogeneous, which is the prerequisite
for the high selectivity. On the other hand, the coordinatively
unsaturated structure of the amorphous alloy [10] makes it
bind tightly with hydrogen, which is disadvantageous for the
hydrogenation of the aromatic ring [11]. The H2 -TPD result
is in support of our hypothesis. Second, owing to the unique
electron state of the amorphous nickel boride alloy [12], the
electrons are prone to transfer from the electron-rich nickel
to the antibonding orbitals of the carbonyl group, which
induces a suitable adsorption configuration for the activation

X. Chen et al. / Journal of Catalysis 220 (2003) 254257

and hydrogenation of the carbonyl groups, therefore promoting the selectivity in eAQ hydrogenation. Third, the unique
pore structure of SBA-15 [6,13] may also contribute greatly
to the superior performance of the NiB/SBA-15 catalyst.
The large pore size of the SBA-15 mesoporous molecular
sieve ( 6.5 nm) makes it possible for the amorphous NiB
alloys to be formed inside the SBA-15 channels as verified
by the TEM image. Thus the aggregation of the nanosized
particles can be readily impeded by the isolation of the channel walls. At the same time, the mesopores of SBA-15 are
large enough for the diffusion and reaction of eAQ inside
the SBA-15 channels. The pore size of MCM-41 or HMS
(< 3 nm) may be too small to incorporate the amorphous
NiB particles, thus leading to inferior stability and less active sites accessible by the reactants.

4. Conclusions

Over the NiB/SBA-15 catalyst, the hydrogenation of the

aromatic ring in eAQ is essentially suppressed, leading to
a high yield of H2 O2 and less consumption of eAQ. The
unique characters of the amorphous alloy and the pore structure of the mesoporous SBA-15 molecular sieve are crucial
for its excellent catalytic behavior.


This work was supported by the State Key Basic Research Development Program (G2000048009) and the National Science Foundation of China (20005310, 20073008,

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