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SS2 Chemistry (2nd Term)

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1. The existence of an element in more than one different forms in the same physical state is
known as A. Isotopy B. Allotropy C. Isomerism D. Allotrope.

2. All of the following elements have allotropes Except A. Carbon B. Oxygen C. hydrogen
D. Sulphur.

3. The process used in the large scale production of hydrogen is called A. Deacon’s process
B. Solvay process C. Haber’s process D. Bosch’s process.

4. Which of the following is a raw material in the industrial manufacturing of hydrogen?

A. Producer gas A. Water gas C. CaCO3 D. butane gas

5. Which of the following is a neutral oxide? A. Nitrogen IV oxide B. Carbon IV oxide

C. Sulphur VI oxide D. Nitrogen II oxide.

6. Water gas is a mixture of A. CO2 and H2 B. CO and H2O C. CO and N2 D. CO

and H2.

7. Which of the following does not affect the rate of a chemical reaction? A. Concentration
of the reactants B. Addition or presence of a catalystC. Size of the reactant particles D.
The enthalpy change for the reaction.

8. All of the following properties are exhibited by catalyst Except A. Altering the rate of a
chemical reaction B. Same and composition at the end of the reaction C. Causing a change
in the equilibrium position of a reversible reaction. D. Starting up a reaction which will
normally not occur.

9. “The rate of a reaction is proportional to the number of effective collisions occurring per
second between the reactants”. This statement is associated with the A. Kinetic theory
B. Rate law C. Collision theory D. gas laws.

10. The rate of production of hydrogen gas from the reaction between Zinc granules and
hydrochloric acid can be increased by A. Cooling the reaction mixture B. Using zinc
powder instead of zinc granules C. Using zinc rod instead of zinc granules D. carrying out
the reaction at a higher pressure.

11. What type of reaction is represented by the equation: Mg(s) + 2HCl (aq) MgCl2 (aq)+ H2(g).
A. Decomposition B. Dissociation C. Displacement D. Precipitation.

12. Consider the reaction represented by the following equation: H2 (g) + I2 (g) 2HI (g).
The number of effective collisions of the molecules decreases as A. The temperature is
raised B. The pressure is increased C. The volume of the system is increased
D. a catalyst is introduced into the system.
13. An exothermic reaction is one which involves A. Attainment of dynamic equilibrium
B. Loss of heat to the surrounding C. Evolution of gas as it proceeds D. positive
change in the value of enthalpy.

14. What does ∆H represent in the following equation? Cl (g)+ e- Cl- (g); ∆H= -363kJmol-1
A. Ionization energy B. Electron affinity C. Dissociation energy D. Heat of atomization

15. Consider the following equation: Ag+ (aq) + Cl-(aq) Ag+Cl-(s); ∆H = -65.7 kJmol-1.
From the equation, it can be deduced that A. Direct combination is involved and the reaction
is endothermic B. A solid is formed and heat is evolved C. Activation energy is high
and a catalyst is required D. the reaction is endothermic and occurs at high temperature.

16. Which of the following statements about an exothermic reaction is correct? A. The
products have less heat content than the reactants B. The system absorbs heat from the
surrounding C. The activation energy is high D. the enthalpy change is positive.

17. Which of the following is an endothermic reaction? A. Dissolving NH4Cl crystals in

water B. Addition of concentrated H2SO4 to water C. Dissolving NaOH pellets in water
D. passing SO3 gas into water.

18. Consider the reaction: H+ (aq) + OH- (aq) H2O (l). The energy change taking place in the
reaction above is enthalpy of A. Formation B. Hydration C. Neutralization D. Solution

19. The melting of ice at room temperature is A. Spontaneous and exothermic B. Non-
spontaneous and exothermic C. Non-spontaneous and endothermic D. spontaneous

20. The energy change (∆H) for the reaction CO(g) + 1/2O2(g) CO2(g) is
[∆H(CO) = - 110.4 kJmol-1; ∆H(CO2)= -393kJmol-1]
A. -503.7kJ B. +503.7kJ C. -282.9kJ D.+282.9kJ E.+393.3kJ.

21. 2H2 (g) + O (g) 2H2O (g); the entropy change ∆S, for the reaction is A. Positive B.
negative C. Zero D. constant.

22. The criterion that a given chemical reaction will occur spontaneously is given by
A. ∆G < 0 B. ∆G = 0 C. ∆G > 0 D. ∆G ≥ 0

23. What number of moles of Cu2+ will be deposited by 360 coulombs of electricity?
A.5.36 x 10-4 mol B. 1.87 x 10-3mol C. 9.35 x 10-4mol D. 3.73 x 10-3 mol.
[F = 96500Cmol-1]

Consider the equation for the equilibrium reaction below and use it to answer questions 24-

N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) 2NH3 (g); ∆H = -92 kJmol-1

24. The equilibrium constant for the reaction can be expressed as

A. Kc = 2[NH3] B. Kc = [NH3]2 C. Kc = 3 [H2]. [N2] D. Kc = [N2].[H2]3

3[H2].[N2] [N2].[H2]3 2[NH3]

25. Which of the following factors the production of ammonia in the above reaction?
A. Increase in temperature and decrease in pressure B. Decrease in temperature and
increase in pressure C. Using a larger container D. removing some of the H2

26. The equilibrium is caused to shift to the left by A. Removing some of the H2 molecules
B. Increasing the temperature C. increasing the pressure D. removing some of the NH3

27. Which of the following industrial processes is chlorine not used? A. Production of
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) B. Manufacturing of hydrochloric acid
C. Manufacturing of common salt D. Manufacturing of domestic bleach.

28. Which of the following will burn in excess oxygen to form a product that is neutral to
litmus? A. Carbon B. Hydrogen C. Sulphur D. Sodium.

29. All of the following are the products formed when chlorine reacts with hot-concentrated
NaOH except A. NaCl B. NaOCl C. H2O D. NaClO3

30. The products formed when chlorine water is exposed to sunlight is

A. HCl B. HCl and O2 C. HOCl and HCl D. HOCl

31. The catalyst used in the contact process for the manufacture of tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid
is A. manganese (IV) oxide B. manganese (II) tetraoxosulphate C. Vanadium (V)
oxide D. iron metal.

32. Which of the following gases can be collected by the upward displacement of air?
A. NO B. H2 C. NH3 D. Cl2

33. Which of the following oxides of nitrogen is unstable in air?

A. NO2 B. NO C. N2O4 D. N2O5

34. The bleaching action of sulphur (IV) oxide is by

A. reduction B. oxidation C. dehydration D. sulphonation

35. All of the following compounds give oxygen on heating except

A. manganese (IV) oxide B. hydrgogenperoxide C. zinc trioxonitrate D. sodium

36. Haber process is used in the industry to produce

A. H2SO4 B. Sulphur C. NaHCO3 D. NH3

37. What happens when chlorine gas is bubnled into water and the resulting solution is
exposed to sunlight? A.The solution gives out chlorine gas and hydrogen chloride gas B. The
solution liberates oxygen and leave oxochlorate (I) acid behind C. The solution liberate chlorine
gas and oxygen gas D. Oxygen gas is liberated leaving behind hydrochloric acid.

38. Oxochlorate (I) acid is used as a bleach because A. it is a strong acid B. it

yields chlorine in pure water C. it is an oxidising agent D. it is a weak acid.

39. PCl5(g) PCl3(g) + Cl2(g). In the reaction above, a decrease in pressure will A.
decelerate the reaction B. increase the yieldof PCl3 C. increase the yield of PCl5 D.
accelerate the reaction.

40. P(g) + Q(s) 3R(s) + S(g); DH is negative, Which of the following will increase the
yield of R? A. removing some S B. using a larger closed vessel C. adding a positive catalyst
D. increasing the temperature.


SECTION A- Answer ALL question in this section.

1. a (i) Define the term activated complex

(ii) State One reason why a collision may not produce a chemical reaction

(iii) The formation of water gas is represented by the following equation:

C(s) + H2O (g) CO(g) + H2(g) ∆H= + 131 kJmol-1

Draw an energy profile diagram for the reaction showing the

I. activated complex

II. enthalpy of reactants

b (i) Mention any THREE factors which affect the rate of a chemical reaction

(ii) Explain two factors which determine whether a chemical reaction will occur or not.

c (i) State any THREE characteristics of a catalyst

(ii) Name one manufacturing process in which each of the following metals is used as a

I. Iron II. Nickel

2. a (i) Using appropriate equations, briefly explain the Bosch’s Process

(ii) Give Two industrial uses of hydrogen

b (i) Give the reason why the decomposition of silver trioxonitrate (V) is will be preferred to
sodium trioxonitrate in the laboratory preparation of oxygen.

(ii) State the products obtained when Lead (IV) oxide reacts with excess Hydrogen.

c. (i) Draw the laboratoraty set up for the preparation of Oxygen from the decomposition of
potassium trioxochlorate.

(ii) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of chlorine with water.

d. (i) Consider the equation of reaction: H2 (g) + I2(g) 2HI(g) : ∆H= - 13KJmol-1

If the concentration of HI (g) increases from 0.000 to 0.002 moldm-3in 80 seconds, what is the
rate of the reaction?

(ii) Write the equilibrium constant expression for the reaction:

CuO(s)+2HCl(aq) CuCl2(aq)+H2O(l)

SECTION B- Answer only ONE question in this section

3. (a) (i) Explain what is meant by acid anhydride and give ONE example.

(ii) Mention three types of oxides and give One example each.

(b) Explain each of the following observations:

(i) On adding dilute H2SO4 separately to zinc dust and zinc granules of the same mass, the
dust produced more vigorous effervescence.

(ii) Copper and iron react with concentrated H2SO4 but only one of them reacts with
dilute acid.

(iii) Some reactions are naturally fast while some are slow.

(c) (i) Define activation energy.

(ii) Sketch and label an energy profile diagram for the following reaction:
A+B C + D; ∆H= - xkJmol-1.

(ii) Explain why the heat of reaction of the mineral acids with sodium hydroxide is
constant in value.

(d) (i) Given that the standard heat of combustion of butane (C4H10) is +5877 kJmol-1.
Calculate the heat of combustion of 14.5g of butane. [H = 1, C = 12].

(ii) Mention the factors which affect chemical reactions in equilibrium.

4. (a) (i) Name the possible types of reaction shown by the following equation:

I. Fe(s) + Cl2 (g) FeCl3 (s)

II. Ca (HCO3)2(s) ∆ CaCO3 (s) + CO2 (g) + H2O (l)

III. NH4Cl(s) + Ca (OH) 2 (s) CaCl2 (s) + NH3 (g) + H2O (l)

(ii) List any three characteristics of a chemical system in equilibrium.

b. (i) Define each of the following terms: I. Heat of combustion II. Heat of neutralization.

(ii) Write an equation to illustrate each of the terms in 2(b)(i) above.

c. Use the energy profile diagram below to answer questions 2(c) (i) and (ii)

(i) From the diagram, determine the enthalpy change of the reaction, ∆H.

(ii) If the entropy change, ∆S of the reaction at 40 ̊C is -300 kJmol-1, Calculate its
free energy, ∆G and comment on the spontaneity of the reaction.

(d) (i) Consider the reaction represented by the following equation:

Q(s) Q (l) ; ∆H= +xkJmol-1

(ii) What will be the effect of decrease in temperature on the system at equilibrium?

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