No Exit: Exposition
No Exit: Exposition
No Exit: Exposition
Inciting moment
- Inez seduces Estelle while Estelle seduces Garcin.
- Realization that their torture is to make each other miserable.
Rising Action
- Everyone admits their crimes for being in hell.
- Garcin demanding trust from Estelle and Inez.
- Garcin busrts in anger and tries to escape.
Falling Action
- The door suddenly opens but they all hesitate to escape.
- Garcin concludes that Hell is other people.
A plain room in hell furnished with the style of the Second French Empire.
bore his child, and drowned the child. After her lover blew his brains out, she caught
pneumonia and died.
External Justification
This is Sartres main theme people need others to define themselves and make themselves confident.
This directly corresponds to Sartres idea of hell hell is other people. This is seen in the fact that
there are no mirrors in the room. The characters are unable to judge themselves; they must completely
depend on what others say to define themselves. Also, the push and pull triangle created by what the
characters want and what they need from each other highlights the theme hell is other people.
Jean Sartres style is direct or clipped. Theres no beating around the bush, for Sartre or for his
characters. The majority of text is short, clipped dialogue, almost a Q and A form.
In No Exit, Sartre rids hell of any mirrors. This forces the characters to look within themselves and the
opinions of others in order to judge themselves. Estelle, during her life, kept a mirror with her at all
times. Estelle needs the mirror to justify who she is, she needs to prove to herself that she is attractive
by the reflection of the mirror, not the judgments of others. The mirror symbolizes other people, another
set of eyes, in which to reflect each other, but not the true reflection. Estelle could never be left alone,
for how would she survive without the mirrors. She could never define herself without the help of the