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Construction Waste Minimization in The UK: Current Pressures For Change and Approaches

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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 40 ( 2012 ) 37 40

1877-0428 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Asia Pacific Business Innovation and Technology
Management Society
doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.03.158
International Conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation and Technology
Construction Waste Minimization in the UK: Current
Pressures for Change and Approaches
Associate Professor in Architecture and Sustainable Construction,
School of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University, UK

Recent figures published by the UK Government reveal that construction and demolition waste in the UK is
around 120 million tonnes per annum, including an estimated 13 million tonnes of unused material. Furthermore,
the introduction of new legislation, the emergence of new technologies and practices in both waste disposal and
recovery, and the rising tide of public awareness are all conspiring to change the face of waste management. The
opportunities and responsibilities to minimise construction waste rest with clients, contractors, suppliers and
designers (architects/engineers). The paper evaluates construction waste minimization drivers and pressures for
change in the UK; discusses construction waste source evaluation; and explores current thinking on construction
waste research.

2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Asia

Keywords: Waste mangement; Construction; Design waste; UK.
1. Introduction
highly challenging target in construction, but by involving and committing all stakeholders to reduce waste at
source and developing efficient waste management strategies by reusing and recycling materials and components,
ation of
construction waste can occur at various stages of a project life cycle; and opportunities and responsibilities lie
with all supply chain stakeholders, particularly clients, designers, contractors and suppliers. The paper evaluates
construction waste minimization drivers and pressures for change in the UK; discusses construction waste source
evaluation; and explores current thinking on construction waste research.
2. Definitions
There is no generally accepted definition of construction waste. One common definition of
construction waste, as issued by the European Council Directive 91/156/EEC,
object which the holder discards or intends or is required to Directive 91/156/EEC [1],
Article 1, Letter a). This definition applies to all waste irrespective of whether or not it is destined for
disposal or recovery operations. However, Skoyles and Skoyles [2] defined construction waste as a
other than the intended specific purpose of the project due to damage, excess or non-use or which
Available online at
2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Asia Pacific
Business Innovation and Technology Management Society
38 M.Osmani / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 40 ( 2012 ) 37 40
cannot be used due to non-compliance with the specifications, or which is a by-product of the
[11]. Similarly, the adopted definition of construction waste minimization for this
the reduction of waste at source, (i.e. designing out waste) by understanding its root causes
and re-engineering current processes and practices to alleviate its generation (Osmani, 2011[3]).
3. Construction waste management drivers
3.1. Legislative drivers
The UK Government has been using a combination of regulation, economic instruments and
voluntary agreements to meet targets of ethical, social and environmental performance in driving the
published in June
2008, calls for a step change in the sustainability of procurement, design, and operation of all built
assets, to be driven by innovation [4]. The aim of the Strategy is to improve the built environment
performance with a focus on reducing carbon emissions and resource consumption in new buildings. In
encouraging the construction industry to drive its own resource efficiency program, the Strategy calls
for zero construction waste to landfill by 2020. It also set a target to halve the amount of construction,
demolition and excavation wastes going to landfill by 2012 in comparison with 2008 levels, as a result
of waste reduction, re-use and recycling. This is a significant challenge for the industry. Additionally,
existing waste related legislation, especially the Landfill Tax (56 per ton in 2011), which will make
the current waste disposal methods too costly for construction firms), the Aggregates Levy (2 per ton
for on the extraction of aggregates); and Site Waste Management Plans Regulations 2008 (compulsory
for all construction projects that exceed the value of 300,000) should contribute to a transition away
from land-filling towards waste reduction, reuse and recycling. However, as yet this does not appear to
have seriously reduced the amount of waste production, the UK Government is likely to introduce
other fiscal measures and legislation in the future, which will push the construction industry towards a
closed loop production system.
3.2. Financial drivers
The construction industry in the UK spends over 200 million on Landfill Tax each year.
Waste typically costs companies 4% of turnover with potential savings of 1% through the
implementation of a comprehensive waste minimization program. Furthermore, WRAP [5] estimates
that 1.5 billion is wasted in materials that are delivered to the site but unused. Construction-related
businesses can take advantage of government funding to implement waste minimization practices.
Indeed, from April 2005 to March 2008, the government granted 284 million of Landfill Taxes to the
Business Resource Efficiency and Waste (BREW) program. Over 65% of this funding was approved
for waste management initiatives.
3.3. Business drivers
In order for construction to improve its performance in this competitive age, it has become
essential that sustainable practices, including waste minimization, are adopted and implemented.
Indeed, clients are increasingly demanding for enhanced sustainable project performance and are
exerting more influence on the industry to reduce onsite waste and cut costs [12]. This is gradually
becoming a necessary requirement for procurement across the entire supply chain. In response to such
pressures, businesses are abandoning their narrow theory of value in favor of a broader approach,
which not only seeks increased economic value, but considers corporate social responsibilities and
4. Origins of construction waste
There are a variety of different approaches to the evaluation of the main origins, sources and causes
of construction waste. The extant of literature reveals a number of construction waste generation
sources, which can be broadly categorized into eleven clusters. Table 1 shows that construction waste
is generated throughout the project from inception to completion and the pre-construction stage has its
-related waste sources
showed that these fall under four main themes: uncoordinated early involvement of project
39 M.Osmani / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 40 ( 2012 ) 37 40
stakeholders, ineffective project communication and coordination, unclear allocation of responsibilities,
and inconsistent procurement documentation [6]. Furthermore, it has been estimated that 33% of
wasted materials is due to architects failing to design-out waste [7]. However, construction waste
minimization through design is complex because buildings embody a large number of materials and
processes. Equally, Osmani et al [8
measures in their projects. This is made more complex when further waste is created directly or
-contractors and suppliers.
Nonetheless, there is a general consensus that design changes during operation activities are key origins
of construction waste [9; 10]. The main drivers for design variations during construction are mainly
due to a lack of understanding the
changing requirements; complex designs; lack of communication between design and construction
teams; lack of design information; unforeseen ground conditions; and long project duration.

5. Construction waste reduction approaches
Despite international governmental, industrial and academic efforts to develop waste reduction
thinking in construction, uptake globally is piecemeal. The current and ongoing research in the field of
construction waste management and minimisation can be broadly categorised into the following
thirteen clusters.

1. Construction waste quantification and source evaluation.
2. Procurement waste minimization strategies.
3. Designing out waste.
4. On-site construction waste sorting methods and techniques.
5. Development of waste data collection models, including flows of wastes and waste
management mapping, to help with the handling of on-site waste.
6. Development of on-site waste auditing and assessment tools.
7. Impact of legislation on waste management practices.
8. Improvements of on-site waste management practices.
9. Reuse and recycle in construction.
10. Benefits of waste minimization.
11. Waste minimization manuals, including guides for designers.
12. Attitudes towards construction waste minimisation.
13. Comparative waste management studies.

A number of recent reports aim to promote awareness in the building construction industry about the
benefits of waste minimization, including cost savings, and environmental issues and use of recycled
and reclaimed mater -use and recycle), otherwise
known as the waste hierarchy, has been widely adopted. Similarly, the impact of legislation,
particularly the Landfill Tax, and its effects on the behavior and practices of the construction industry
has resulted in a number of research studies. Furthermore, the last few years many waste minimization
and recycling guides have been produced such as WRAP [5]. These documents give broad guidance for
designers to adopt a waste minimization approach in their projects; however, the recommendations in
the complex design and construction process and the supply chain. Additionally, they do not
specifically identify waste-stream components in relation to their occurrence during the architectural
design stages. Additionally, tools, models and techniques, such as SMARTWaste in the UK and
WasteSpec in the USA, have been developed to help handle and better manage on-site waste
generation and assess the associated cost implications. These tools which facilitate on-site auditing,
waste management, and cost analysis deal with waste that has already been produced. Consequently,
there is insuff
prevent it from being generated at the first place.
6. Discussion and conclusions
40 M.Osmani / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 40 ( 2012 ) 37 40
At present, legislative and fiscal measures are undoubtedly the major drivers for construction waste
reduction in the UK, which were directly related to the rising Landfill Tax, increasing cost for waste
disposal, and compliance requirements with Site Waste Management Regulations 2008. However
current legislation fails to impose responsibilities on architects to minimise waste, which is by far most
practical way to reduce waste at the onset of a project through design, rather than implementing waste
minimisation measures later on during construction.
Waste minimization can be viewed as a threat requiring ever-increasing expenditure on end-
of-pipe technologies to meet ever-increasing legislation, or as an opportunity to cut costs and improve
performance. The choice should be obvious, but there is a need for a culture change. This requires re-
engineering current practice to contribute to a cleaner environment through efficient and cost effective
sustainable waste minimisation strategies. However, for waste minimisation to be effective and self-
sustaining, it is important that all stakeholders along the construction supply chain adopt a more
proactive approach in dealing with waste, i.e. designing out waste. In recognition of the responsibility
of the architectural profession, through its leading role in project management and a key player in the
- -on
approach to design.


[1] EU Directive 91/156/EEC. Availablt at:!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=en&type_doc=Directive&an_doc
[2] Skoyles, E.R. & Skoyles, J.R.. Waste Prevention on Site. Mitchell: London, 1987.
[3] Osmani, M. Construction Waste. In Letcher T M and Vallero D A, editors .Waste: A handbook for management,
Oxford, Elsevier, 2011, p. 207-218.
[4] DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs), Strategy for Sustainable Construction, London,
DEFRA, 2008.
[5] WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Programme), Designing out waste: a design team guide for buildings, 2009.
[6] I.S.W. Gamage, M. Osmani, J. Glass, An investigation into the impact of procurement systems on waste generation:
the contractors' perspective, In: Proceedings of the Association of Researchers in Construction Management
(ARCOM), Nottingham, UK, September 2009, p.103-104.
[7] S. Innes, Developing tools for designing out waste pre-site and onsite. In: Proceedings of Minimising Construction
Waste Conference: Developing Resource Efficiency and Waste Minimisation in Design and Construction, New Civil
Engineer, London, UK, October 2004.
[8] Osmani, M., Glass, J. and Price, A.D., Architect and contractor attitudes towards waste minimisation. Waste and
Resource Management, 59(2), 2006, p 65 - 72.
[9] B.A.G. Bossink, H.J.H. Brouwers, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE 122 (1996), p. 55
[10] M. Osmani, J. Glass, A.D. Price, Architects perspectives on construction waste minimisation by design, Waste
Management, 28(7), 2008, p.1147-1158.
[11] Tseng M.L. (2011) Importance-performance analysis on municipal solid waste management in uncertainty.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 172(1-4), 171-187
[12] Tseng, M.L. (2010). An assessment of cause and effect decision making model for firm environmental knowledge
management capacities in uncertainty. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment161, 549-564

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