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University of Greenwich, Faculty of Engineering and Science



Course Code and Title

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Table of Contents
Part One.........................................................................................................................................................1
Introduction to the Research Area..............................................................................................................1
Problem Statement.....................................................................................................................................2
Potential Benefits and Impact....................................................................................................................2
Novelty & Contribution to Knowledge......................................................................................................3
Part Two.........................................................................................................................................................4
Literature Review.......................................................................................................................................4
Knowledge Gap.........................................................................................................................................8
Part Three.......................................................................................................................................................8
Research Techniques..................................................................................................................................9
Gantt Chart...............................................................................................................................................11
Key Deliverables......................................................................................................................................12
Project Risks............................................................................................................................................12
Part One
The world's construction industry is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, and urgent actions
must be taken to lessen its environmental footprint. This research seeks to propose a general technique
involving the reduction of carbon footprint in all stages of building construction. The LCA principles are
included, lean construction is integrated, and sustainable construction material selections are considered
to choose the phases where carbon emissions can be reduced at every point of the construction process.
The research integrates a broad range of qualitative and quantitative techniques, starting from case
studies, gathering data, and using the analysis tools, to cover all construction activities, the use of
materials, power consumption, and the production of wastes. The main achievements are research papers,
presentation programs, methodology accountants, and applying the strategies to case studies in actual
projects. The project schedule is set out in phases such as campaign preparation, data acquisition and
interpretation, creation of intervention measures, execution and tracking, and the analysis and report
generation. Present risks, which include data as a limitation, effective stakeholder engagement,
technological problems, regulatory changes, and financial hurdles, are integrated and handled during the
research process. The results of this research are forecasted to assist greatly in ameliorating the state of
construction work and creating less pollution in the construction industry, hence moving green
conservation and sustainable growth a step forward earlier.
Introduction to the Research Area
Even though the world defines the construction industry as the largest one to become the largest source of
carbon emissions having an overabundance of 39% all energy-related carbon dioxide emits. Therefore,
this sector's call for immediate response in dealing with its pressing environmental impacts is
overwhelming, while the world searches for ways to satisfy targets of sustainability and fight climate
change. To be able do so, it is essential first to audit and understand the full carbon footprint of different,
ongoing construction projects during all stages of their lifecycle. The end-of-life assessment (LCA) has
rapidly become one of the key methodologies for the purposes of identifying the environmental profile of
the builders and the builders. The whole globe from material extraction all the way to demolition is
studied and all these processes are scrutinized so that a holistic impact of the environment can be
estimated. Such an integrated approach enables the stakeholders to assess carbon emissions at each phase
and identify where natural carbon is released, which helps to identify the most optimal means of reducing
the carbon footprint across the entire life cycle of a project. This, in turn, promotes sustainable practices
from the start till the end.
Indeed, the literature has investigated the carbon footprint of the construction sector. In primary focus are
the critical areas that the intervention must articulate from it. Their article, which is called "Global
Review and Supply Chain Analysis of the Textile Industry: The Scale of the Emissions and Mitigation
Hot Spots" (Onat, 2020), reveals the extreme number of emissions in the industry and emphasize
mitigation points. For example, the work of (Lai, 2023) and (Labaran, 2022) on quantification of carbon
emissions from construction materials production processes and envisioning of how to control and
efficiently reduce environmental impact is also a subject of discussion. Furthermore, technological
developments, like Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Lean Construction, aid in adding a
sustainability touch to all these parameters through the design, execution, and operation. The stakeholders
may employ a life cycle sustainability assessment framework, as laid out by (Figueiredo, 2021), and make
informed decisions regarding material selection and project management, hence reducing the carbon
footprint of the projects.
In light of these observations, this study will evaluate how the building process is affecting the
environment through its lifetime with data and literature review from the literature. Furthermore, this

research will recommend ways that construction industry can attain low carbon footprint and
sustainability through environmental impact assessment processes.

Problem Statement
 High Carbon Emissions: The construction sector is a traditional greenhouse gas emitter,
producing vast amounts of carbon dioxide, which remains stubbornly in the atmosphere and
warms the global climate. Addressing this problem is a complex process because it demands
understanding and mitigation of emission throughout all phases of the construction industry.
 Resource Depletion: Building is almost exclusively sustained by natural resources which are
non-renewable like timber, ferrous materials, and fossil fuels. In order to avoid depletion of
resources and preserve the environment’s well-being, the wise management of resources is vital.
 Waste Generation: The construction project generates consequently lots of the waste which
consists not only from the construction materials but also from energy. Reducing unnecessary
waste generation and efficient waste management methods being fully supported by Extended
Producer Responsibility (EPR) and the Circular economy would be a big step towards reducing
environmental impacts.
 Environmental Degradation: In recent years, the construction enterprises occur frequently, and
the main following negative environmental impacts are including the habitat destruction, soil
erosion and water pollution. Reducing these impacts needs to develop sustainable practices place
emphasis mainly on the protection and scarcity of the ecosystems.
Potential Benefits and Impact
 Economy: Implementing sustainable construction could bring many economic gains. Through
energy-efficient designs and reuse of construction material, the project would certainly produce
high benefits to the overall cost-saving that a project would incur on the life cycle of the project.
Increased savings of energy and minimization of waste costing for project stakeholders will
involve significant financial benefits. Furthermore, it is important to note that a smooth transition
from unsustainable to sustainable during construction processes will involve the creation of new
job opportunities in sectors such as renewable energy, green infrastructure development, and eco-
friendly building technologies. This leads not only to increase in the national economic rate but
also encourages innovation, entrepreneurship within the construction sector and eventually the
entire economy, which mean that the economy becomes stronger and developed.
 Society: Sustainable construction practices’ application has a major impact on social
development. Buildings that are sustainable and are equipped the occupants’ health as a
prioritized element, give a healthier indoor air quality, thermal comfort, and overall wellness.
Healthier environment and living style are formed which improves productivity and reduces
health care cost for building occupants. Moreover, the view also advocates that construction that
adapts to environmental sustainability leads to social equity through the provision of safe and
affordable housing to all neighborhoods. Through incorporating environmental standards and
social inclusivity in construction practices societies are strengthened and being able to maintain
themselves and become working communities where residents prosper.
 Environment: Sustainably generated construction gives a comprehensive range of advantages
from the environmental aspect of view. These can be achieved by implementing these strategies
coupled with the use of low-carbon materials during construction projects, and this would reduce
the carbon footprint by a large margin. The effect is to add to the worldwide struggle in the fight
against climate warming and to zero-emission status. Besides, productive construction involves
being responsible for resource conservation by encouraging material reusing, recycling, and
sourcing from reliable sources. This way there is less utilization of natural resources, the project
area is protected from environment pollution and at the end there is less impact on environment.

Finally, putting environment sustainability at the helm of construction projects can significantly
help to protect and keep wild lives as well as natural resources in good health which are key to
the well-being of the planet in the long run.
The ultimate goal for this project is to conduct a complete examination of the environmental
consequences of construction activities along their whole life cycle, identifying ways to cut their carbon
footprint. This implies conducting an audit or investigation of every phase of building activities in all the
sectors, from the extraction of raw materials, through production to the point of destruction: from
construction that is, to demolition. A thorough assessment is planned to be performed with the aim to
contribute to the movement forward of green construction, which will be beneficial to the environment
and mitigate the climate change.
 First, an examination of current academic papers on construction sector’s carbon footprint that are
related to life cycle assessments, carbon emissions quantification and mitigation proposals should
be undertaken.
 Identify crucial sectors with high contribution to the carbon emissions and environmental damage
by the process of building, including material manufacture, transportation, and final building’s
 Carbon footprint quantification and life cycle assessment such methodologies can employ with
the resource to mathematically measure the carbon released during construction projects.
 To come up with effective and feasible mitigation strategies to limit the carbon print of
construction enterprises, including advice for the promotion of energy-efficient design, materials
selection, waste handling and construction practices.
The project will be dedicated to the environmental effects of construction initiatives, taking particular
focus on carbon emissions during their life cycle. It will engulf a wide area of construction operations
which involves, among others, residential, commercial, and infrastructure projects. The range includes
steps taken at the beginning of the materials harvesting and production phases and further extends to the
lifetime of buildings and their demolition towards the end. Besides the other thing the task will pay
attention to the different setting and construction procedures to illustrate a realistic perspective of the
carbon footprint of this construction industry.
Novelty & Contribution to Knowledge
This research stands out from the rest because of its comprehensive concept that is implemented to
measure and reduce environmental impact during the construction phase, with the major focus being
carbon footprint. Several aspects contribute to the uniqueness and novelty of this study.
 Integration of Multiple Disciplines: This study is based on a multidisciplinary approach that can
be used by environmental science, engineering, and construction management. By virtue of
combining information from a wide range domain, it gives a well-rounded view of the
environmental challenges faced by the construction industry, which are then solved through
interdisciplinary approaches.
 Application of Advanced Methodologies: The study employs the use of the cutting-edge tools
including the life cycle assessment (LCA), carbon footprint evaluation, and social-economic
sustainability assessment. These methodologies not only facilitate an assessing process that takes
into account exhaustive carbon emissions from the construction projects but also pinpoints in
areas such as emissions where the most impacts are hugely felt.

 Exploration of Innovative Solutions: The study will look for examples of new solutions and the
proper handover of the environmental impact of construction undertakings. The evaluation of the
new technologies, the ecofriendly building materials and the sustainable building practices are a
part of this. An array of such practices is capable of achieving the environmental impact reduction
by the manner of their implementation.
 Addressing Critical Knowledge Gaps: Through collection of the most recent articles, other
sources and processing of the relevant data, this study fills the critical space in the picture of the
carbon emissions in the construction industry. It brings new view circles on emits sources, their
quantification technique and effective means to cut down emissions, which in turn propel the
field of research further.
In this research, a multidimensional approach will be introduced, which will be based on the use of
existing methods, exploration of novel ideas and filling the knowledge gap in the field of sustainable
construction. These actions will help to make the research data more relevant and provide solutions-
oriented recommendations that can lead to a reduction in the negative environmental footprint of
construction activities and greater greenness within the industry.

Part Two
Literature Review
Reference 1: Onat, N.C. and Kucukvar, M. (2020). Carbon footprint of construction industry: A
global review and supply chain analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 124,
Main Contribution to Knowledge: Onat and Kucukvar (2020) provide a thorough sediment of literature
along with a supply chain analysis of the carbon footprint resulting from the construction sector's
production across the world. The present study plays the integral role in integrating the elements of
existing research and empirical data to come up with facts about operational processes of the construction
supply chain, which involves the extraction of raw materials, production, transportation and construction
process. The supply chain can be examined in its entirety, and through this, the report isolates the crucial
hotspots for intervention by suggesting various measures for mitigating carbon emissions with the aim of
promoting sustainability within the business sector. More so, the researcher digs into the regional
differences in the carbon emission intensity as well as the domination of the global effects such as the
legal frame works, the resource availability, and the technological presence. Systematical analysis of this
study further contributes to advancement of knowledge on environmental impact of construction activities
and then provide solid foundation for industry stakeholders, policymakers and researchers for making
informed choice.
Shortcomings: Nevertheless, while the research of Onat and Kucukvar (2020) has obvious value in terms
of the global carbon footprint in the construction sector, the probable drawback can be purely specific the
lack of elaboration on particular mitigation strategies or solutions in the reducing the carbon pollution.
Although the study points out zones requiring interventions, it still does not offer specific management
tactics or the practical implications on the sites which are different in terms of the geographical settings as
well as the nature of construction projects. Finally, there should be no thorough coverage of the non-social
and economic implications of any mitigation strategy just as well as the study may not always include the
trade-offs, hence limiting the study’s applicability from the stakeholders or policymakers’ perspective.
Reference 2: Roberts, M., Allen, S., & Coley, D. (2020). Life cycle assessment in the building design
process–A systematic literature review. Building and Environment, 185, p.107274.
Main Contribution to Knowledge: Roberts, Allen, and Coley (2020) in the framework of the system
article of introducing the life cycle assessment (LCA) into the design process did a systematic literature.

This work help show the usability of LCA frameworks, data sources, and case studies in building design
by combining different research studies. A summary of the review contains the most effective practices,
the main problems, and key chances involved into the LCA introducing to the beginning stage of the
construction project. Furthermore, this presents significant benefits in terms of using LCA as a powerful
tool for sustainability in building design and for facilitating the sustainable decision-making process for
architects, engineers and investors. The study provides systematic evaluation of the application of LCA in
the building design by which it builds knowledge in this respect and lays a foundation for future
investigations in this area.
Shortcomings: The limitation of this review might have been ignoring the application of LCA in other
stages, though the design phase was the only thing being focused on. It can be considered as a useful
study as it informs how LCA implementation could fail but offers no practical recommendations on how
to overcome these limitations, making it inefficient, and not useful to industry stakeholders. Also, it might
not go into the lengthy explanation on whether or not can LCA be applied to different specific design
practices and projects thereby resulting into limited usage of such in the building industry.
Reference 3: Lai, K.E., Rahiman, N.A., Othman, N., Ali, K.N., Lim, Y.W., Moayedi, F., & Dzahir,
M.A.M. (2023). Quantification process of carbon emissions in the construction industry. Energy
and Buildings, 289, p.113025.
Contribution to Knowledge: Lai et al. (2023) provide detailed calculations of greenhouse gas flows for
use in the construction sector and offer a systematic model that can incorporate the entire construction
process into estimating greenhouse gas emissions in construction projects. Their application classifies
carbon emissions in three phases, which are (1) material production, (2) transportation, (3), construction,
and, (4) operation. Through depicting a detailed system of carbon emissions measurement, furthermore,
the study contributes to greater transparency and standardization of the assessment of construction
activities serviceability to the environment.
Shortcomings: Nevertheless, the study might still have its own weakness in the sense that it just shows
the steps of quantification but no consideration is given in the aspect of how factors cause emissions or
how mitigation is achieved. Although it does play a role in quantified emissions estimation, it may be not
as practical for understanding how such emissions can be eradicated or limited. However, as the study
may not cover all the challenges, the data availability, accuracy, and reliability could affect the strength of
carbon emissions quantification based on real construction projects.
Reference 4: Figueiredo, K., Pierott, R., Hammad, A.W., & Haddad, A. (2021). Sustainable material
choice for construction projects: A Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment framework based on BIM
and Fuzzy-AHP. Building and Environment, 196, p.107805.
Contribution to Knowledge: According to Figueiredo et al. (2021), the LCSA framework proposed for
use in construction projects can be accomplished through an integration of BIM and Fuzzy-AHP
methodologies. The framework enables stakeholders to analyze the environmental, social and economic
impacts of different material choice through the project life cycle in order to promote sustainability as
well as informed decision-making. Through the integration of BIM and Fuzzy-AHP, this study provides a
systematic basis on weaving sustainability importance into the selecting materials process that contributes
constructively to improving the environmental effects of construction systems.
Shortcomings: Nevertheless, the key limitation of this study could be the complexity of implementing the
presented LCSA framework, for example, for stakeholders who do not have enough expertise or tools to
do that. What is fairly advantageous and comprehensive is the framework itself; nonetheless, it can be
difficult to apply it for example in building projects in a practical way if compared to have it as a
theoretical tool. The study does not also consider the possible difficulties regarding the introduction of
BIM and Fuzzy-AHP methodologies which can negatively affect the adoption of this because it is not

quite common in the industry. In addition to this, the further study might target the resolution of the listed
main hurdles and look into the framework’s functionality in projects of various nature.

Reference 5: Sizirici, B., Fseha, Y., Cho, C.S., Yildiz, I., & Byon, Y.J. (2021). A review of carbon
footprint reduction in the construction industry, from design to operation. Materials, 14(20),
Contribution to Knowledge: Sizirici et al. (2021) in their literature review comprehensively cover carbon
footprint reduction strategies in construction, ranging from the design phase to the energy consumption of
building during operation. Their review consolidates various studies on different strategies for mitigation,
that include, Energy-efficient design, renewable energy integration, material substitution and sustainable
construction. Through an evaluation of the different strategies' positive and negative effects on various
stages of construction projects, the research provides an understanding of all-inclusive models with a
view to lower carbon emission and environmental-friendliness in the construction industry.
Shortcomings: Nonetheless, one possible downside of this survey could be the non-appearance of critical
analysis or synthesis about the effectiveness of diverse carbon footprint reduction strategies. Although it
gives the general picture of the current policies, what effects the measures have been not clear enough,
because the same policies may work differently depending on the particular context. Moreover, the study
may not cover trade-offs and untelevised impacts related to some mitigation measures, hence, the study
becomes less practical for informed decisions by industry players.
Reference 6: Labaran, Y.H., Mathur, V.S., Muhammad, S.U., & Musa, A.A. (2022). Carbon
footprint management: A review of the construction industry. Cleaner Engineering and Technology,
9, p.100531.
Contribution to Knowledge: Labaran et al. (2022) furnished a full-range overview of carbon footprints
that derive inside the construction industry and then emphasized the major barriers existing, without
forgetting the trend and developing strategies improvements. Their report presents the global carbon
emissions quantification, removal and regulatory frameworks taken by companies, highlighting the
current practice and trends. The research also offers a deep analysis of the efficiency of various
management strategies and regulatory actions that results in the growth of knowledge on sustainable
construction practices and helps determine future lines of research and policy.
Shortcomings: Yet, this review may contain one principal drawback by solely concentrating on carbon
footprint management with a possible disregard of other environmental effects related to construction
activities. However, like grasping only the midstream emissions quantification and mitigation here, it
leaves the broader environmental aspects out of this sector or the consideration not as a whole approach.
With this, the research may not have enough analysis and synthesis on case studies or empirical evidence
supporting the usefulness of various management strategies, which eventually limit its application to
industry practitioners.
Reference 7: Wibowo, M.A., Sholeh, M.N., & Rizkyawan, A.W. (2020). Lean construction:
Evaluation of waste and carbon footprint in construction project. IOP Conference Series: Earth
and Environmental Science, 448(1), p.012057.
Contribution to Knowledge: The authors of Wibowo et al. (2020) explored the effectiveness of lean
construction in minimizing waste and greenhouse gas emissions for construction projects are. The
students explore the application of lean concepts like value stream mapping, pull planning, and Kaizen
which are tools to eliminate waste and carbon dioxide. By evaluating the lean construction in respect of

waste reduction and greenhouse gas emission, the research is able to supply information on the priority of
adopting the lean functions in construction projects.
Shortcomings: Though, there is the possibility of this study being confined in just looking at waste
management level without the investigation for how Lean Construction can help in reducing carbon
emissions. While it provides waste management strategies, it may not be quantifiable and cover the
carbon emissions of lean practices. Moreover, the study does not take other barriers or issues into account
such as the Lean Construction principles applicability and scalability which can be affected in different
construction project contexts.
Reference 8: Atmaca, A., & Atmaca, N. (2022). Carbon footprint assessment of residential
buildings, a review and a case study in Turkey. Journal of Cleaner Production, 340, p.130691.
Main Contribution to Knowledge: The recent study by Atmaca and Atmaca (2022) covers all possible
carbon footprint evaluation methodologies in the circle of residential buildings and in particular contains
both theoretical and practical case studies. A review is conducted by combining already existing literature
research to specific residential construction carbon emission methods and techniques. Moreover, the
methodological analysis of the emissions from Turkey will be illustrated as the study's case study, which
will prove the usefulness of greenhouse gas footprint evaluation in the real world. The study investigates
alternative assessment techniques and their determination on lowering of carbon dioxide emission as well
as improving knowledge of sustainable building practice for specific residential areas.
Shortcomings: Moreover, one major weakness of this research could be the fact that this is just a study of
residential buildings, while other forms of buildings are ignored which in turn, could lead to carbon
footprint omissions. Although it gives a clear picture of private construction processes, but may fail to
address wider sustainability issues or interrelationships between residential, and other construction
industries sectors. Moreover, the study does not require certain deduction or integration of the
effectiveness of various mitigation interventions lowering the level of greenhouse gases inhouse holding a
library of facts for policy actions of commercial players.
Reference 9: Labaran, Y.H., Mathur, V.S., & FAROUQ, M.M. (2021). The carbon footprint of the
construction industry: A review of direct and indirect emission. Journal of Sustainable
Construction Materials and Technologies, 6(3), pp.101-115.
Main Contribution to Knowledge: Labaran et al. (2021) present an analytic review of the construction
sector embodied carbon, which determines two types of emissions, namely direct and indirect. The
research paper utilizes the previous literature to figure out the sources and motors of carbon emission
during the construction supply chain. By investigating not only the emissions that direct construction
activities produce, but also the indirect emissions related to the supply and transportation of materials as
well as energy consumption, the study is able to achieve a total picture of the carbon footprint of the
construction industry.
Shortcomings: Although, one limitation of the research is the only review of published studies, thus,
might not take into account empirical evidence or cases showing where mitigation strategies are effective
in reducing carbon emissions. Although it offers a useful frame of reference for the causes of greenhouse
gases, it may fail to help polluters to develop methods and actions required to comply with environmental
requirements. Besides, the article does not deal completely the socio-economic dimensions in the
mitigation process or the kind of trade-offs involved, limiting its use to guide industry players and policy-
Reference 10: Wibowo, M.A., Sholeh, M.N., & Rizkyawan, A.W. (2020, March). Lean construction:
Evaluation of waste and carbon footprint in construction project. In IOP Conference Series: Earth
and Environmental Science (Vol. 448, No. 1, p. 012057). IOP Publishing.

Main Contribution to Knowledge: Wibowo et al. (2020) aimed at breaking down the problems subjected
to construction waste and carbon footprint with using Lean Construction features. During their evaluation
lean tools like value stream mapping, pull planning, and continuous improvement which contribute to
elimination of waste and reduction of carbon emission are considered. The research by understanding the
effect of Lean Construction on emissions reduction and carbon footprint makes it evident how lean
construction can swiftly contribute to environmental benefits.
Shortcomings: Yet, a weakness of this research design is the concentrated effort on wastage reduction
with relatively little focus on the elimination of the carbon footprint. It gives the information on waste
management attempts but it does not provide complete assessment or measurement of the carbon
emission due to lean practices. Furthermore, the research might not touch upon the possible challenges or
certain limitations while implementing Lean Construction principles in various project contexts in the
construction industry, which may affect its relevance and applicability.
Knowledge Gap
The 10 sources have a number of research gaps related to sustainability of the building construction
industry, which among other things refers to the carbon footprint during the life cycle of the projects.
There appears to be a missing in-depth examination of specific mitigation strategies for cutting down the
carbon emissions besides the mostly used approach of the study of quantification methods. Moreover, the
references summarize sustainability schemes and analyses but fail to supply extensively on the strategies
for implementation and expansion. Moreover, no research addressing the socio-economic implications
and trade-off associated carbon footprint reduction measures available and as a result, decision making is
limited. Also, notice that there is a lack of cooperation of interdisciplinary approaches, such as united lean
construction principle with carbon emission reduction technique, which presents total solution.
Furthermore, to some extent the preference for living building types is not very objective because the
principle applies to other buildings as well. The last issue here is that there is high need of empirical
factors and case studies to prove that prevention procedures are effective on real building sites. The
overall objective is to break the gaps among the practical, interdisciplinary, solutions for carbon footprint
reduction throughout the project life cycle, with consideration of the socio-economic factors and
empirical validation using case studies.

Part Three
The major goal of the research, which is being projected, is a full methodology of the carbon footprint
reduction of building projects throughout the depths of their life cycle. This approach addresses various
sustainability principles, such as LCA, lean construction, and sustainable material selection to identify
emission reduction opportunities at all stages of construction. The proposed methodology consists of
several interconnected elements:
 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): Carrying out a complete LCA which estimates the carbon
emissions related to the material, techniques and activities involved in the different process
phases of the construction project.
 Lean Construction Principles: Lean construction involves optimizing processes it also involves
waste minimization and footprint reduction during the construction activities.
 Sustainable Material Selection: A watchful outline utilizing the Life Cycle Sustainability
Assessment (LCSA) methodology to examine the environmental, social and economic aspects
that are governing the selection of construction materials.
 Carbon Footprint Reduction Strategies: The development and implementation of particular
interventions for reducing GHG emissions like energy-efficient planning, renewable energy
installations, power substitution, and green construction.

 Monitoring and Evaluation: Installing monitoring and evaluation methods to trace carbon
emissions throughout the project’s entire duration and evaluate the impact of the applied


Life Cycle Lean Construction

Assessment Principles

Carbon Footprint Sustainable Material

Reduction strategies Selection

Monitoring and Environmental Friendly

Evaluation Structure

Research Techniques
This research project directed toward becoming carbon neutral for the construction sector, will be
supported by numerous research methods. These techniques would include:
 Case Studies: Implementing the most thorough painting of construction projects for the purpose
of the carbon footprint decomposition by all the project life cycle stages. Cases studies will give
us the opportunity to visit the sites, interview project stakeholders, and perform analysis of the
project documentation to gather complete data, encompassing construction activities, materials,
energy consumption and waste produced.
 Data Collection Methods: Data collection being done to obtain pertinent carbon footprint by the
usage of various approaches. This could be achieved by getting data on material production
processes, transportation means, energy use and the practice of waste management from industry
reports and databases as well as governmental agencies. Additionally, one can use primary data

collection methods such as surveys, interviews, and on-site analysis for site-specific information
 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): Employing the LCA method of evaluation in order to quantify the
environmental footprint left by construction projects during different parts of their life cycle. In
an LCA, data for inputs (e.g. materials, energy) and outputs (e.g. atmospheric emissions, waste)
are gathered for the entire project and then environmental impact assessment methods are used to
assess their consequences.
 Lean Construction Techniques: Start employing lean construction approaches by using value
stream mapping, pull planning and continuous improvement to make construction processes
leaner, reduce waste and lower carbon footprint. Data on process efficiency, materials utilization
and waste generation shall be collected to study the contributions of lean system towards
decreasing carbon footprints.
 Monitoring and Evaluation: Putting in place monitoring systems that monitor emission-related
big performance indicators all through a project life cycle. It could be done by installing sensors
and meters to determine on the spot how much energy used in real time and also generation of
waste and emission. Regular assessment of monitoring data would uncover weak points and see
whether the strategies meant for carbon reduction are effective.

Gantt Chart

Key Deliverables
 Research Reports: Systematized reports presenting the results of all the stages of the R&D
project, such as literature review results, data analysis outcomes, mitigation strategies, and
proposals for reducing construction carbon footprint.
 Presentation Materials: Presentation slides or studio papers detailing research findings and
recommendations that could be used as an extension document for the stakeholders, industry
experts, or academic audience.
 Methodology Documentation: The whole documentation paper on the research process along
with its type of data collection which includes data analysis and mitigation strategy development
processes. The documentation in this regard will be open, accepted and adopted for further
 Case Studies: Detailed case studies which are illustrative of the technique as well as mitigation
strategies application, with reference to exterior buildings structures that have lower carbon-
Project Risks
 Data Availability: Too little information, which can be both the latest projects as well as data
collected directly by a company, may limit the breadth of the research and thus risks derailing the
 Stakeholder Engagement: Flash point of participation and collaboration among the stake holders
like construction business, policy formators, and environmental agency could cause minor
implementation of solutions and research.
 Technological Challenges: Some problems that link to technology such as the needs to fit in
chips or have software that will make decisions might impose adoption and functionality of the
proposed methods.
 Budget and Time Constraints: Lack of financial resources besides scarcity of time is most likely
to limit the number and volume of research and also delay the project or data collection process.

 Atmaca, A. and Atmaca, N., 2022. Carbon footprint assessment of residential buildings, a review
and a case study in Turkey. Journal of Cleaner Production, 340, p.130691.
 Figueiredo, K., Pierott, R., Hammad, A.W. and Haddad, A., 2021. Sustainable material choice for
construction projects: A Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment framework based on BIM and
Fuzzy-AHP. Building and Environment, 196, p.107805.
 Labaran, Y.H., Mathur, V.S. and FAROUQ, M.M., 2021. The carbon footprint of construction
industry: A review of direct and indirect emission. Journal of Sustainable Construction Materials
and Technologies, 6(3), pp.101-115.
 Labaran, Y.H., Mathur, V.S., Muhammad, S.U. and Musa, A.A., 2022. Carbon footprint
management: A review of construction industry. Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 9,
 Lai, K.E., Rahiman, N.A., Othman, N., Ali, K.N., Lim, Y.W., Moayedi, F. and Dzahir, M.A.M.,
2023. Quantification process of carbon emissions in the construction industry. Energy and
Buildings, 289, p.113025.
 Onat, N.C. and Kucukvar, M., 2020. Carbon footprint of construction industry: A global review
and supply chain analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 124, p.109783.
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