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Business Etiquettes and Professionalism

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Submitted To:
Dr. Ashw!i Bh""
Pro#rm $oordi!tor
M $om Busi!ess I!!o%tio!s
I/ 'rm!0ot )ur Thi!d/ stude!t o1 M $om 2B.I.34,
wou"d "i5e to th!5/ Dr. Ashw!i Bh""/ the 6ro#rm
7oordi!tor/ !d m& te7her 1or busi!ess eti8uettes
!d 6ro1essio!"ism who #%e me the o66ortu!it& to
wor5 o! this ssi#!me!t 2Bri!#i!# Pro1essio!"ism
I! M!#eme!t with moder! 6ers6e7ti%e3.
9hi"e wor5i!# o! this ssi#!me!t I 7me to re"i:e
the %rious s6e7ts !eeded 1or m!#eme!t !d
"er!ed wht it me!s to be 7""ed 6ro1essio!". Sir/
without &our he"6 !d su66ort I wou"d h%e !e%er
mde this su77ess1u" ssi#!me!t.
Th!5i!# ;ou/
'rm!0ot )ur Thi!d.
" SUB(E$TI?IT; ,@
12 $ON$LUSION ,*
13 BIBLIO<RAP'; ,=
Tod& e%er& m!#er is re8uired to wor5 s "eder !d there1ore/ he is
re8uired to be 7o!s7ious o1 the 17t tht he 7!!ot sur%i%e i! the or#!i:tio!
s e11e7ti%e !d use1u" "eder u!"ess there is rdi7" 7h!#e i! his out"oo5 to
7hie%e the disti!7tio! o1 his bei!# true m!#er with hi#h su77ess1u"
re7ord o1 7hie%eme!t. 'e shou"d u!derst!d the i!here!t 6ossibi"ities i!
i!ter7ti!# with other 6ro1essio!"s. The busi!ess wor"d is 1i""ed with
6ossibi"ities 1or those who u!derst!d 5e& busi!ess 6rt!ershi6s !d the
6ote!ti". )!owi!# how to i!ter17e with busi!ess 6ro1essio!"s 7! #ret"&
eB6!d our !etwor5 o1 7o!t7ts !d our 77ess to 7riti7" 7reer i!1ormtio!.
O!e shou"d t5e res6o!sibi"it& whe! he hs mde mist5e !d others re
wro!#. O!e w& to er! the eter!" #rtitude o1 those rou!d him is b& bei!#
wi""i!# to t5e b"me. 9he! m!#er 7! do this/ he wi"" %irtu""& !e%er
h%e to t5e "" o1 the b"me/ be7use !o o!e wi"" e%er "et him. A6o"o#ies re
"w&s 77e6ted !d #r7ious!ess 7ou!ts 1or "ot. O!e shou"d use
6ro1essio!" methods o1 7ommu!i7tio!. I1 the m!#ers re #oi!# to be
i!ter7ti!# with other 6ro1essio!"s !d re7ei%i!# 7o!1ide!ti" i!1ormtio!
throu#h home e4mi" or o! home %oi7e mi"/ it is !ot the best time to
h%e two4&er4o"d m5e the mess#e/ !d it is the time to !ot use Chotmi"C
or some other 7o!!e7tor whi7h sou!ds "i#htwei#ht.
The word m!#eme!t hs bee! de1i!ed b& di11ere!t writers di11ere!t"& but
1or our 6ur6ose this 7! be de1i!ed i! the sim6"est 7o!7e6t/ DM!#eme!t is
the Or#!i:tio!/ 7o!tro" !d moti%tio! o1 hum! e11orts dire7ted to the set
M!#eme!t is ! i!di%idu" or #rou6 o1 i!di%idu"s tht 77e6ts
res6o!sibi"ities to ru! ! or#!i:tio!. The& 6"!/ or#!i:e/ dire7t !d
7o!tro" "" the esse!ti" 7ti%ities o1 the or#!i:tio!. M!#eme!t does !ot
do the wor5 themse"%es / the& moti%te others to do the wor5 !d 7o4
ordi!te their wor5 1or 7hie%i!# the ob0e7ti%es o1 the or#!i:tio!. 'e!7e
we m& s& tht m!#eme!t is bsi7""& Dm!#i!# 6eo6"e t wor5 !d 7o4
ordi!ti!# their 7ti%ities.E
M!#eme!t is the 6ro7ess o1 desi#!i!# !d mi!ti!i!# 6er1orm!7e
e!%iro!me!t throu#h re"tio!s bui"di!# withi! !d outside the or#!i:tio!
b& uti"i:i!# o6tim""& "" resour7es i!7"udi!# hum!/ %i"b"e to it !d
m!#e e11e7ti%e !d e11i7ie!t use 1or tti!i!# se"e7ted 6ur6ose 1or whi7h
the or#!i:tio! hs bee! estb"ished !d the! to 7hie%e e7o!omi7 sur6"us/
so s to 6romote the best i!terest o1 7o!sumers i! 7om6etiti%e 7o!ditio!s.
M!#eme!t bri!#s to#ether "" 6M$% i.e.
Me! !d 9ome!
A77ordi!# to &a'o() Koo+,-F
Management is the art of getting things done through and with people in
formally organized groups
A!& M!#eme!t !"&ses situtio!s !d 17ts 1or #uidi!# !d dire7ti!# the
or#!i:tio! ob0e7ti%es !d the m!#er is the d&!mi7 !d "i1e #i%i!#
17tor 1or the #rowth o1 the or#!i:tio! !d the !tio!" 6ros6erit&.
M!#eme!t is d&!mi7 6ro7ess/ e%er 6ro#ressi!# i! the 6r7ti7e with
7h!#i!# wor"d s7e!e. The mi! ob0e7ti%e o1 the m!#eme!t is set #o"
7hie%eme!t 1or e7o!omi7 #rowth o1 the 7ou!tr& i! wider se!se. No
e7o!omi7 #rowth 7ou"d e%er be 7hie%ed b& "e#is"tio!/ dmi!istrti%e
re#u"tio! !d eBhorttio! It is o!"& throu#h MAN !d e11i7ie!t !d
e11e7ti%e m!#eme!t
The oB1ord E!#"ish di7tio!r& de1i!es PROFESSION s D 6id o77u6tio!
es6e7i""& o!e tht i!%o"%es 6ro"o!#ed tri!i!# !d 1orm" 8u"i1i7tio!.E
Pro1essio!"s re the o!es who re
A!d 6ro1essio!"ism is the "e%e" o1 7om6ete!7e !d eB7e""e!7e tht is
eB6e7ted o1 6ro1essio!". It is 5!owi!# how to do it/ whe! to do it
!d doi!# it.
Pro1essio!"ism is bsi7""&/ the 5!ow"ed#e tht ! i!di%idu" 7rries bout
7erti! 1ie"d. At wor5/ 6ro1essio!"ism re1ers to 6erso! doi!#
hisGher 0ob with si!7erit&/ !d mi!ti!i!# 6ro1essio!" eti8uette
!d ethi7s t wor56"7e. It "eds to "o#i7" !d 7om6"ete"& u!bised
de7isio!4m5i!#/ m5i!# it the bsis o1 #ood wor5 e!%iro!me!t.
Pro1essio!"ism t wor5 is 7om6"ete"& de%oid o1 6o"iti7s/ 6ositi%e
6o"iti7s or mi!d #mes. Its root "ies i! those who do their wor5 with
8u"it& !d 8u!tit& i! mi!d.
Pro1essio!"ism is esse!ti" trit both i! busi!ess !d the so7iet&. It is tht
8u"it& tht dri%es 6erso!Hs 66er!7e/ 6erso!" !d 6ro1essio!"
i!ter7tio! !d whi7h 6ro%ides others with 1irst im6ressio!.
6P$% o. /'o.e%%0o+a(0%1 a'e2
Adhere to &our 7ommitme!ts with the re6orti!# heds !d 7o""e#ues.
Li%i!# u6 to &our 7ommitme!ts e%er& si!#"e time is mr5 o1 true
Re"i:e the se!siti%it& o1 the wor5 tht 7omes o%er to &ou !d m5e
sure !ot to misuse it i! !& w&. This wi"" m5e &ou trustworth&
?"ui!# the time !d e11ort s6e!t b& others is !e%er t5e! 1or #r!ted
b& thorou#h 6ro1essio!".
$o!du7ti!# &ourse"1 we"" i! o11i7e/ 1o""owi!# 7erti! set o1 wor5
6ri!7i6"es !d setti!# ! eBm6"e 1or others wi"" m5e &ou #ood ro"e
L&i!# hi#h st!drds 1or &our wor5 6er1orm!7e 1rom time to time
!d "w&s doi!# &our best i! "" tht &ou do/ s6e5s %o"umes bout
&our 6ro1essio!"ism t wor5.
First"& 6ro1essio!"ism ws re"ted o!"& with some s6e7i1i7 0obs "i5e do7tor/
e!#i!eer/ "w&er et7.. but !ow 6ro1essio!"ism !eed to be i! e%er& 0ob
irres6e7ti%e o1 de#ree !d desi#!tio! whether it is musi7/ 6hoto#r6h&/
mi"itr&/ te7her/ et7..
I! the or#!i:tio!s er"ier the to6 m!#eme!t
ws o!"& res6o!sib"e 1or bri!#i!# the 6ro1essio!"ism to the or#!i:tio! but
!ow i! the or#!i:tio!s e%e! the bottom "i!e hs to be 6ro1eesio!" i! order
to 7hie%e the or#!i:tio!" #o"s.
Pro1essio!"ism is somethi!# e%er& busi!ess must 6rese!t to 7ustomers/
%e!dors/ !d 7om6etitio!. M!& 6eo6"e %iew 6ro1essio!"ism s somethi!#
tht i!di%idu"s shou"d 6r7ti7e. 'owe%er/ the 7o!7e6t stret7hes to ""
s6e7ts o1 busi!ess. A su77ess1u" busi!ess i!te#rtes 6ro1essio!"ism i!to ""
s6e7ts o1 its o6ertio!s/ d%ertisi!#/ !d 7ustomer re"tio!s.
I! order to u!derst!d the true im6ort!7e o1 6ro1essio!"ism/ the 1irst ste6
is to u!derst!d wht it me!s. O!e #ood de1i!itio! #oes somethi!# "i5e
this. Pro1essio!"ism is dheri!# to set o1 %"ues whi7h i!7"ude meeti!#
6ro1essio!" ob"i#tio!s/ 7o!du7ti!# o!ese"1 77ordi!# to 1orm" !d
i!1orm" 7odes o1 7o!du7t/ !d meeti!# the eB6e7ttio!s o1 e%er&o!e with
whom we 7ome i!to 7o!t7t s 6rt o1 our busi!ess ro"e.
'e!7e 1o""owi!# re the 6oi!ts whi7h dis7uss the im6ort!7e o1
6ro1essio!"ism i! m!#eme!t:
Pro1essio!"ism t wor5 is im6ort!t to e!sure #ood 6er1orm!7e b&
"". I1 e%er&o!e is 6ro1essio!"/ e%er&o!e wi"" do the best the& 7! t
their 0ob.
Pro1essio!"ism t wor5 is re8uired to e!sure #ood tem s6irit. I1
6eo6"e wor5 6ro1essio!""&/ the& wi"" 5!ow how to %"ue their
or#!i:tio!" #o"s/ "o!# with their 6erso!" o!es.
Pro1essio!"ism is re8uired to 5ee6 "" the em6"o&ees moti%ted.
'66& em6"o&ees re 6ositi%e br!d mbssdors 1or the
or#!i:tio!. )ee6i!# the em6"o&ees moti%ted/ is im6ort!t to
mi!ti! #ood re6uttio! o1 the o11i7e.
It is im6ort!t to e!sure 0usti7e to e%er&o!eIs e11orts. I! 6ro1essio!"
e!%iro!me!t/ 6erso!Is 8u"it& o1 wor5 is t5e! i!to 7o!sidertio!
"o!# with the 8u!tit& o1 their wor5. This 6he!ome!o! does 0usti7e
!d 66re7ites the e11orts o1 the em6"o&ees.
Pro1essio!"ism t wor5 he"6s i! mi!ti!i!# the ri#ht mou!t o1
7ommu!i7tio! t the wor56"7e. It "so e!sures tht those who !eed
to be herd/ re herd.
Pro1essio!"ism is the Bis rou!d whi7h !& or#!i:tio! re%o"%es.
9ithout this Bis/ the or#!i:tio! wi"" be "ost i! the #"B& o1 6o"iti7s/
mi!d #mes !d b"me #mes.
The #retest 10%4o+4e/,0o+ bout 6ro1essio!"ism is tht it is "" bout
mo!e& but this is !ot true. O!e shou"d be"ie%e 6ssio!te"& i! wht &ou do
!d !e%er 5!owi!#"& 7om6romise &our %"ues !d st!drds. A7t "i5e true
6ro1essio!"/ imi!# 1or true eB7e""e!7e !d the mo!e& wi"" 1o""ow &ou.
9e 5!ow tht m!#eme!t is "i5e ! i!di7tor tht eBits betwee! wor5 !d
resu"ts. 9ithout 6ro6er i!di7tor o!e wou"d h%e bee! i!
disrr&. Due to 1st te7h!o"o#i7" 7h!#es !d i!!o%tio!s/ hi#h
7om6etitio!s/ s6red o1 edu7tio! !d 5!ow"ed#e/ 7h!#e i! the
!ture !d ttitude o1 7ustomers et7/ m!#i!# ! or#!i:tio! is
be7omi!# i!7resi!#"& 7om6"eB !d 7h""e!#i!# tod& !d he!7e
7""s 1or 6ro1essio!" s5i""s o1 hi#h 7"iber. A 6ro1essio!" m!#er
hs to 5!ow m!& thi!#s i! dditio! to hisGher bsi7 5!ow"ed#e/
8u"i1i7tio! !d eB6erie!7es. It de6e!ds o! how we""
6ro1essio!" m!#er i!te""i#e!t"& 7t o! 6rti7u"r situtio!/
de%e"o6 his ides/ thou#hts im#i!tio!s/ 7reti%it&/ mi!ti!
dis7i6"i!e i! e%er& res6e7t/ 7ommu!i7te e11e7ti%e"&/ ho"d b75 his
6erso!" e#o 1or the "r#er i!terest o1 hisGher 1e""ow 7o""e#ues
!d his or#!i:tio!. I! short heGshe is to m5e 6ro6er 6"!!i!#
we"" i! d%!7e/ or#!i:i!# his ts5 s&stemti7""& with mi!imum
7ost/ time !d e11ort/ dire7ti!# "" i!di%idu"s to m5e 6ro6er
eBe7utio! o1 the ts5s/ 7o4ordi!ti!# "" 17i"ities !d 1i!""&
7o!tro""i!# "" 7ti%ities i! 7o!1orm!7e to the 6"!s o1 the
To be7ome true 6ro1essio!" m!#er/ o!e must 6ossess su11i7ie!t
5!ow"ed#e/ s5i""s !d 7om6ete!7e i! the 6riorit& re/ whi7h 7! be 78uired
!d de%e"o6ed throu#h 1orm" edu7tio!/ tri!i!#/ eB6erie!7es !d
eB6osures et7. A 6ro1essio!" m!#er shou"d "so 7o!st!t"& u6dte hisGher
5!ow"ed#e b& #etti!# himse"1Gherse"1 sso7ited with re"e%!t 6ro1essio!"
sso7itio!sGbodies/ b& u!der#oi!# 6eriodi7 tri!i!#/ tte!di!# !d
6rti7i6ti!# semi!rs/ wor5sho6s et7 !d b& %isiti!# 6ro1essio!""&
m!#ed or#!i:tio!Gi!stitutio!s/ both withi! !d outside the 7ou!tr& !d
b& redi!# 7urre!t m!#eme!t boo5s/ m!#eme!t 0our!"s/ 6eriodi7"s/
reser7h 0our!"s/ 7se studies et7. I! dditio!/ heGshe shou"d 7"er"&
u!derst!d the ob0e7ti%es !d missio! o1 the or#!i:tio!/ bi"it& to !"&se
both short term !d "o!# term o66urtu!ities !d 6riorities/ de%e"o6 6ro6er
s&stem !d 7u"ture/ shre or#!i:tio!" 7o!7er! 1or de%e"o6i!# 76bi"ities
o1 "" 7te#or& o1 em6"o&ees i! the or#!i:tio!.
So/ !ow tht we 5!ow wht 6ro1essio!"ism is "" bout/ it is im6ort!t to
5!ow how to i!du7e it i! the em6"o&ees. It is %er& im6ort!t to e!sure tht
6ro1essio!"ism is u!derstood b& the em6"o&ees who m5e ! or#!i:tio!.
So how do &ou i!7u"7te 6ro1essio!"ism t wor56"7eK
)ee6 u!i1orm e!%iro!me!t 1or 7ommu!i7tio!. I1 &ou wish to re1er
to e7h other with 1orm"it& 2tht is with the sur!me/ or usi!# CsirC
!d CmImC3/ the! "et tht be 7o!st!t 1or ""/ i! the wor56"7e. I1 &ou
w!t more 1rie!d"& e!%iro!me!t/ the! "et e%er&o!e re1er to "" with
the 1irst !me. 9hte%er &ou 7hoose/ it hs to be 7o!st!t !d u!i1orm
1or "".
It is im6ort!t tht "" em6"o&ees re wre o1 the 6ro1essio!"
e!%iro!me!t t wor5. 9hi"e their 6erso!" issues wi"" be 7o!sidered
b& the m!#eme!t whe! re8uired/ the& !eed to bsti! 1rom
dis7ussi!# it duri!# o11i7e hours. This 5ee6s the o11i7e e!%iro!me!t
1ree 1rom em6th& re"ted bises bout 6rodu7ti%it&.
Em6"o&ees shou"d be to"d o11 1rom the 7o!7e6t o1 7om6etitio!
bshi!#. O1te! i! the het o1 the mome!t/ em6"o&ees #o bout bshi!#
their 7om6etitio!Is re6uttio!. This wou"d i!7"ude 7om6"i!i!# to the
m!#eme!t bout 7erti! s6e7ts bout them/ or s6redi!# rumors
%i the #r6e%i!e. This shou"d be %oided t "" times. I1 !&o!e is
1ou!d i!du"#i!# i! su7h 7ti%ities/ stri7t 7tio! shou"d be t5e! t the
Pu!7tu"it& is %er& im6ort!t. I1 the o11i7e hs 1iBed wor5i!# hours/ it
shou"d be bided b& "" the em6"o&ees. I! 7se there is de%itio! b&
!& em6"o&ee/ either the& shou"d i!1orm be1oreh!d/ 7o%er u6 1or the
wor5 i! the !er 1uture/ or 7om6"ete their d&Is tr#et i! short s6!
o1 time.
Pro1essio!" dress 7ode shou"d be mi!ti!ed. Luri!# se!ior b&
weri!# 6ro%o7ti%e 7"othes hs bee! tried !d tested method. I1 o!e
wishes to %oid the use o1 su7h t7ti7s t the wor56"7e/ !d %oid the
6ossibi"it& o1 1rter!i:i!# withi! the wor56"7e/ it is im6ort!t tht
e%er&o!e dresses i! 7erti! m!!er/ tht is 77e6tb"e b& "" i! the
These tri!i!# ti6s re to show how to 5ee6 the e!%iro!me!t 6ro1essio!"/
&et 1"eBib"e. A 6ro1essio!" e!%iro!me!t does !ot !e7essri"& h%e to be
restri7ti!# o!e.
Ethi7s !d 6ro1essio!"ism re 7"ose"& re"ted. The m!#eme!t shou"d set hi#h
ethi7" st!drds 1or em6"o&ee beh%ior. It shou"d su66ort those st!drds with
tri!i!#/ 7ommu!i7tio! !d ! tmos6here o1 trust. Ethi7" 6rob"ems 7! dd
u6 to si#!i1i7!t "e#" eB6osure !d "oss o1 7om6etiti%e d%!t#e i! the
mr5et6"7e.CThe em6"o&ers tht best %oid these di11i7u"ties re !ot
!e7essri"& the o!es with the 1!7iest ethi7s 6o"i7ies/ but those tht most
e11e7ti%e"& 6ro%ide their wor51or7e with the 1rmewor5 to ide!ti1& !d ddress
ethi7" issues s the& rise."
Fe5 6a%04 78a(0,0e% o. /'o.e%%0o+a( 1a+age'% a'e2
,. '%e ! i!si#ht o1 hisGher 0ob re8uireme!tsL
.. $rr& out 7o!ti!uous u6dti!# o1 "" his "er!i!# to 1u"1i"" his 0ob
+. '%e 6er1orm!7e orie!ted re"tio!shi6 with the su6eriors/ sub4
ordi!tes !d 7o""e#ues/ bsed o! mutu" res6e7t to 17i"itte
temwor5 1or 7o""e7ti%e 7o!tributio! to the or#!i:tio!L
@. '%e re"tio!shi6 bsed o! "o!# term mutu" be!e1it 66ro7h with
7ustomers/ su66"iers !d other members o1 6ub"i7L
A. '%e "i!5#e with 1e""ow 6ro1essio!"s to im6ro%e the st!drd/
7o!tributio! !d 6resti#e o1 the m!#eri" 6ro1essio!.
Pro1essio!"ism i! m!#eme!t hs brou#ht rdi7" 7h!#es i! "" w"5s o1
"i1e/ 6rti7u"r"& i! the i!dustri" !d busi!ess wor"d. The 7h""e!#e hs "so
ssumed si#!i1i7!7e i! %iew o1 hi#h 7om6etitio! !d "so r6id #rowth
mi!"& 1ter "iber"i:tio! !d #"ob"i:tio! o1 the e7o!om&.
The ri#ht ttitude !d 66ro7h to m!#eme!t.
The s&stemti7 e%o"utio! o1 ob0e7ti%es 1or the or#!i:tio!
The 66"i7tio! o1 66ro6rite methods 1or 7hie%i!# the ob0e7ti%es o1
the or#!i:tio!.
The %er& ob0e7ti%e o1 6ro1essio!"ism i! 7o!st!t e!de%or b& the
M!#er is to erdi7te the re" short 7omi!#s !d bri!# i! re"it& to 6r7ti7e
1or the 7hie%eme!t o1 or#!i:tio!" ob0e7ti%es with the he"6 o1 his
edu7tio!/ tri!i!#/ s5i""s/ eB6erie!7e !d %isio! with ri#ht ttitude !d
66ro7h/!d with the re8uired do6tio! i! the e!%iro!me!t i! whi7h he
Pro1essio!"ism must "ed to the s7e!d!7& o1 M!#eri" eB7e""e!7e o%er
%rious 7o!stri!ts !d how this 7! be brou#ht bo%e 1orm" edu7tio! !d
tri!i!#. 9ht is !eeded is to 7rete re" wre!ess mo!# the m!#eme!t
E%er& m!#er is re8uired to wor5 s "eder !d there1ore/ he is re8uired
to be 7o!s7ious o1 the 17t tht he 7!!ot sur%i%e i! the or#!i:tio! s
e11e7ti%e !d use1u" "eder u!"ess there is rdi7" 7h!#e i! his out"oo5 to
7hie%e the disti!7tio! o1 his bei!# true m!#er with hi#h su77ess1u"
re7ord o1 7hie%eme!t. Pro1essio!"ism wi"" the! 66er to be me!i!#1u" to
him. It is 'er7u"e! ts5 to 7hie%e 6ro1essio!"ism i! m!#eme!t but
both o1 them re %er& 7"ose to e7h other. I! 6rese!t d& m!#eri"
situtio!s/ 6ro1essio!"ism dds #reter stre!#th o1 7hie%eme!t/ m& be/
sim6"er too. There1ore/ 6ro1essio!"ism i! m!#eme!t is desirb"e !d ""
e11orts shou"d be mde to 7hie%e it.
Fo""owi!# re the 6oi!ts whi7h m& he"6 the or#!i:tio! to 6r7ti7e its
m!#eri" 1u!7tio!s !d 7rete 1%orb"e situtio!s 1or bri!#i!#
6ro1essio!"ism to m!#eme!t :
Fa0,9 a+) 4o+.0)e+4e :
E%er& 6ro1essio! is der to its 6ro1essio!"s. But "" those who re i! the
6ro1essio! m& !ot be m!#ers !d re res6o!sib"e to m!#e. E%e! those
who re so res6o!sib"e m& !ot bri!# 6ro1essio!"ism to m!#eme!t.
U!"ess the& h%e 1ith !d 7o!1ide!7e i! their 6ro1essio!/ its use1u"!ess to
m!#eme!t !d the or#!i:tio!. There1ore/ 1ith !d 7o!1ide!7e i! the
6ro1essio! !d its uti"it& 1or the m!#eme!t wi"" !ot o!"& m5e the
m!#eme!t esier but "so wi"" 6rodu7e resu"ts whi7h otherwise 7ou"d !ot
h%e bee! 6ossib"e.
Fa:o'a6(e a,,0,8)e a+) a//'oa49:
No 6ro1essio!"ism i! m!#eme!t wi"" be e11e7ti%e !d use1u" to the
m!#eme!t o1 the or#!i:tio! u!"ess who i!te!d it !d those who wi"" be
usi!# 1or ob0e7ti%e 7hie%eme!ts h%e ri#ht 66ro7h !d ttitude i!
uti"i:i!# the 6ro1essio!"i:ed m!#eme!t. The bse!7e o1 6ro6er 66ro7h
!d ttitude the 6rt o1 6ro1essio!"s !d m!#ers wi"" !ot o!"& hi!der i!
ser%i!# the 6ur6ose but m& hrm the m!#eme!t !d be re" hurd"e !d
7o!stri!t 1or ob0e7ti%e 7hie%eme!t.
Co1/e,e+4e a+) 4a/a60(0,0e%2
For ob%ious reso!s/ 6ro1essio!"i:i!# m!#eme!t 7!!ot be sid to be
"w&s smooth se""i!#. 'owe%er/ i!s6ite o1 its 6ro1essio!"ism 7! be
brou#ht i!to m!#eme!t i1 the 7o!7er!ed m!#ers re 6ossessi!# de8ute
76bi"ities !d re 7om6ete!t to m5e 6ro6er d0ustme!ts i!
6ro1essio!"i:i!# the m!#eme!t.
A M!#er hs to 6ossess the 8u"it& o1 7reti%it& !d su7h m!#ers re !ot
o!"& 6ro 6ro1essio!"i:es but m5e "" e!de%or to 77e6t 6ro1essio!"i:tio!
i! M!#eme!t.
Rea%o+a6(e .'ee)o1< Sa.e,; a+) %e48'0,;2
M!#eme!t 1u!7tio! hs i!7resi!#"& bee! 7om6"eB !d 7o!stri!ts o1te!
imb"!7e the m!#eri" situtio!s. There1ore/ the m!#eme!t hs to
h%e de8ute s1et&/ se7urit& !d 1reedom i! its 1u!7tio!s whi7h wi"" he"6
i! !ot o!"& m!#i!# the or#!i:tio! but 6ro1essio!"i:i!# m!#eme!t
1u!7tio!s whi7h m5es ob0e7ti%e 7hie%eme!ts es&.
Ma+age1e+, o. %0,8a,0o+ = E+:0'o+1e+,2
Po"iti7"/ so7i"/ !d e7o!omi7 situtio!s i! our 7ou!tr& is 7h!#i!# %er& 1st
!d be7omi!# 7om6"eB d& b& d&. Tod&Is m!#er 1i!ds it re""& hrd to
1u!7tio! !d 6rodu7e desired resu"ts. 'e is re8uired to m!#e the
e!%iro!me!t !d situtio!s !d !ot o!"& 7o!tro" them but m5e them
1%orb"e 1or 77om6"ishi!# his m!#eri" 1u!7tio!s. There1ore/ the
m!#eme!t hs to e%o"%e s&stems !d do6t 66ro6rite mesures to
m!#e the situtio! !d e!%iro!me!t whi7h wi"" 7rete tmos6here 1or
bri!#i!# 6ro1essio!"ism i!to m!#eme!t.
U/)a,0+g K+o5(e)ge a+) e)84a,0o+2
Be he 6ro1essio!" or member o1 the m!#eme!t tem or he is i! !&
s6here o1 "i1e/ de8ute 5!ow"ed#e is must !d u6dti!# o1 this is
desirb"e. A m!#er 7!!ot 1u!7tio! e11e7ti%e"& !d e11i7ie!t"& u!"ess he is
5!ow"ed#eb"e !d im6ro%es his 76bi"it& throu#h de8ute 5!ow"ed#e
whi7h is 6ossib"e throu#h 6ro6er edu7tio! !d u6dti!# o1 the 5!ow"ed#e.
Pro6er edu7tio! o1 the m!#eme!t tem !d u6dti!# their 5!ow"ed#e
wi"" h%e hi#her beri!# o! bri!#i!# 6ro1essio!"ism !d its 6r7ti7e
there1ter 1or ob0e7ti%e 7hie%eme!t.
O+ go0+g a+) 0+4o10+g %0,8a,0o+ o'0e+,e) a60(0,;2
AN or#!i:tio! 7!!ot 7hie%e its desired #rowth u!"ess its m!#eme!t is
e11e7ti%e. M!#eme!t 7!!ot be e11e7ti%e i1 it is wre o1 o!"& the o!#oi!#
h66e!i!#s !d tur!s out itse"1 de1 to the 1uture. There1ore/ the
m!#eme!t shou"d be 1u""& wre o1 wht is h66e!i!# !ow !d h%e to
se!se wht mi#ht h66e! i! d&s !d 1ew &ers to 7ome. The m!#eme!t
7! do6t 6ro1essio!"ism !d use it e11i7ie!t"& i1 se!si!# 6ower is 6ossessed
!d de8ute mesures re t5e! to hr!ess the 1uture.
Ma+ag0+g ,9e Ma+age1e+,2
A m!#er i! the m!#eme!t tem 7!!ot be e11e7ti%e u!"ess he is 76b"e
o1 m!#i!# the m!#eme!t i! wider se!se. 9hi"e 6"&i!# his ow! ro"e
he hs to 6"& 7erti! ro"es i! some situtio!s !d m5e the m!#eme!t
tem to 1u!7tio! e11e7ti%e"&. E%er& m!#er !d e!tire m!#eme!t tem
hs this res6o!sibi"it& to dis7hr#e !d su7h 8u"it& he"6s #ret"& to bri!#
6ro1essio!"ism to m!#eme!t.
Ado6tio! o1 6ro1essio!"ism i!to m!#eme!t wi"" 17e hurd"es i1 the
m!#eme!t tem is disi!7"i!ed or disi!terested !d do6tio! is
7ir7umst!ti"/ i1 it is so/ "it wi"" !ot ser%e !& 6ur6ose !d mde do hrm to
the or#!i:tio! !d the m!#eme!t. There1ore/ m!#eme!t tem hs to
be 6ro6er"& dis6osed 1or bri!#i!# 6ro1essio!"ism to m!#eme!t whi7h
wi"" he"6 the m!#eme!t to 7hie%e the ob0e7ti%es o1 the or#!i:tio!.
9hi"e there re m!& strte#ies !d t7ti7s ! or#!i:tio! 7! 7o!sider/
The <o"s I!stitute re7omme!d tht the 1o""owi!# three ste6s 7! be
7o!sider to i!s6ire !d #uide the 6ro1essio!" beh%iour:
S,e/ 1? E%,a6(0%9 ,9e @'8(e%A
The 1irst ste6 is to estb"ish the Dru"esE o1 6ro1essio!" beh%ior tht
e%er&o!e is to 1o""ow.This me!s do6ti!# writte! 6o"i7ies/ 6ro7edures/ !d
7odes o1 7o!du7t tht estb"ish %"ues/ st!drds/ !d 6ri!7i6"es o1 beh%ior
i! t!#ib"e 1orm.
This is im6ort!t. It 6ro%ides re1ere!7e set o1 be!7hmr5s tht em6"o&ees
!d m!#ers 7! use 1or mode"i!#/ #uidi!#/ !d 7orre7ti!# beh%ior.I! our
e!%iro!me!t o1 di%erse 7u"tures !d b75#rou!ds/ it is 1oo"ish to ssume tht
6eo6"e 5!ow ri#ht 1rom wro!# !d u!derst!d wht the& shou"d do or !ot do
to thi!5 !d 7t 6ro1essio!""&.I1 we do !ot te"" 6eo6"e eB7t"& wht we w!t
them to 5!ow !d do/ the& re #oi!# to #uess. O1te!times the& re #oi!# to
#uess i!7orre7t"&.I! estb"ishi!# st!drds o1 7o!du7t !d ru"es 1or #uidi!#
6ro1essio!" beh%ior/ m!& or#!i:tio!s 1"" short o1 the mr5. The&
ttem6t 6ie7eme" 66ro7h or the& re !ot s eB6"i7it !d 7"er s the&
must be.
S,e/ 2? Tea49 ,9e @'8(e%A
The se7o!d ste6 is to te7h i!di%idu"s the ru"es !d m5e sure the&
u!derst!d them. This me!s 6ro%idi!# i!di%idu"s o66ortu!ities to red !d
"er! the or#!i:tio!Hs #uidi!# 6ri!7i6"es 1or 6ro1essio!" beh%ior.
Peo6"e !eed o66ortu!ities to s5 8uestio!s !d #et !swers. The& shou"d be
b"e to obti! 1irst h!d #uid!7e 1or how the& shou"d 66"& the ru"es i!
their i!di%idu" 7ir7umst!7es !d e!%iro!me!t.
S,e/ 3? Re0+.o'4e a+) e+.o'4e ,9e @'8(e%A
The third ste6 is to rei!1or7e !d e!1or7e the ru"es. This me!s 6ro%idi!#
o!#oi!# remi!ders !d rei!1or7eme!t b& re7o#!i:i!# !d rewrdi!# the
6ro1essio!" beh%iors desired.
It "so me!s bei!# i!to"er!t o1 beh%ior tht is !ot 77e6tb"e !d
6ro%idi!# 66ro6rite 6e!"ties !d 7o!se8ue!7es 1or !o!47om6"i!7e.
M!#ers !eed to "er! how to i!sist tht 6ro1essio!"ism st!drds re
mi!ti!ed. The& "so !eed to 5!ow how to ddress beh%ior tht is !ot
To 01/(e1e+, ,9e ,9'ee %,e/% a6o:e< a+ o+go0+g %0B?/o0+, /'og'a1 0%

Estb"ish Pro1essio!"ism <o":
Estb"ish #o" o1 6o"ishi!# !d re%it"i:i!# 6ro1essio!"ism !d
6ro1essio!" beh%ior throu#hout the or#!i:tio!.
Estb"ish <rou6 o1 Pro1essio!"ism $hm6io!s:
Estb"ish 7ore #rou6 o1 Pro1essio!"ism $hm6io!s to 6ursue the #o"/
s6erhed the e11ort/ !d 5ee6 it "i%e.
Estb"ish the Ru"es:
Estb"ish the bsi7 Dru"esE o1 6ro1essio!" beh%ior b& do6ti!# the
7o!7e6ts i! Pro1essio!"ism Is 1or E%er&o!e s #uidi!# 6ri!7i6"es.
Pro%ide 7o6& o1 the boo5 to e7h em6"o&ee.
Tri! E%er&o!e 2
Pro%ide 7o!ti!uous 6rese!ttio!s/ semi!rs/ !d dis7ussio! sessio!s to
te7h e%er&o!e the 6ri!7i6"es i! Pro1essio!"ism Is 1or E%er&o!e. <i%e
them o66ortu!ities to 6ro%ide i!6ut !d s5 8uestio!s.
Pro%ide Remi!ders !d Rei!1or7eme!t:
$rete !d im6"eme!t series o1 e%e!ts/ rewrds/ !d remi!ders to 5ee6
the s6irit o1 6ro1essio!"ism "i%e !d to6 o1 mi!d. These 6ro#rms
shou"d dri%e 6ro1essio!"ism i!to the DNA o1 the or#!i:tio! !d
17i"itte 6ositi%e 7or6orte 7u"tur" 7h!#e.
I!7or6orte Professionalism Is for Everyone :
I!7or6orte the Pro1essio!"ism Is 1or E%er&o!e boo5 i!to o!#oi!#
orie!ttio! 6ro#rms 1or !ew em6"o&ees. Let 6eo6"e !ew to &our #rou6
u!derst!d/ 1rom D& ,/ wht the eB6e7ttio!s re 1or 6ro1essio!"
Be7use o1 the w& 6ro1essio!"ism is 0ud#ed the term is sub0e7ti%e. 9ht is
7o!sidered 6ro1essio!" i! o!e 7u"ture m& be 7o!sidered u!6ro1essio!" i!
!other. For eBm6"e/ whi"e wor5ers i! o!e so7i" subset mi#ht %iew
bri!#i!# #i1ts to !e#otitio!s s 6ro1essio!" #esture o1 #oodwi""/ wor5ers
i! !other subset mi#ht %iew bri!#i!# #i1ts s ! u!6ro1essio!" ttem6t to
Ado6ti!# the st!drds o1 6ro1essio!" 7o!du7t #e!er""& wor5s to im6ro%e
em6"o&ee re"tio!shi6s/ busi!ess e11i7ie!7& !d 7om6!& re%e!ue. 'owe%er
6ro1essio!" beh%iour 7! be misu!derstood or 6er7ei%ed i! more
!e#ti%e "i#ht be7use it 6"7es beh%iour" eB6e7ttio!s o! i!di%idu"s tht
mi#ht sti1"e true 6erso!"ities !d st&"es/ some m& sus6e7t tht time tht
7ou"d be de%oted to 6rodu7tio! !d #etti!# the 0ob t h!d do!e is wsted i!
Dred t6eE or 66er!7es or tht u!ethi7" 6r7ti7es o! the 6rt o1
m!#eme!t re bei!# 1oisted u6o! them u!der the #uise o1 6ro1essio!"ism.
I! this r#ume!t/ there is d!#er o1 "osi!# i!di%idu"it& i! the !me o1
res6e7t/ 6ro1it !d 6rodu7tio!.
Pro1essio!"ism is res6o!sib"e 1or se%er" 6ositi%e 7tio!s i! the
or#!i:tio!. As 1"i6 side to the 7oi!/ "75 o1 6ro1essio!"ism wi"" be
res6o!sib"e 1or se%er" !e#ti%es.
L75 o1 moti%tio! t wor5 o1te! o77urs due to "75 o1
L75 o1 6ro1essio!"ism wi"" "ed to em6"o&ees !ot thi!5i!# o1 the
or#!i:tio! s their ow!/ but s 6"7e where the& re ti"" somethi!#
better 7omes u6. It wi"" "ed to de7"i!i!# 0ob stis17tio!.
L75 o1 6ro1essio!"ism "eds to u!ethi7" 7ts i! the 7om6!& tht
wou"d mr its re6uttio!.
L75 o1 6ro1essio!"ism "eds to hi#her ttritio! rte/ whi7h 5ee6s the
or#!i:tio!Is re7ruitme!t bud#et i! use t "" times/ 7usi!# it
1i!!7i" stri!.
It "so "eds to "75 o1 "o&"t& betwee! the m!#eme!t !d the
em6"o&ees/ m5i!# the bsi7 1u!7tio!i!# i! the or#!i:tio! di11i7u"t.
The re7e!t tre!ds i! I!di h%e bee! 1%orb"e i! m!& dis7i6"i!es !d
or#!i:tio!s !d 6ro1essio!"ism hs to i!to m!#eri" 1u!7tio!s. 9ith
6ro6er tri!i!# !d u!derst!di!#/ ri#ht ttitude !d 66ro7h do emer#e
!d this hd he"6ed i! 6ro1essio!"i:i!# the m!#eme!t. Pro6er 1ith/
7o!1ide!7e !d dis6ositio! re 5e&s to su77ess !d 7hie%i!# the ob0e7ti%es
o1 the or#!i:tio! throu#h 6ro1essio!"i:i!# the M!#eme!t.
To 7o!7"ude we m& s& tht DP'o.e%%0o+a(0%1 0% E+o50+g 9o5 ,o )o 0,<
59e+ ,o )o 0,< a+) )o0+g 0,.D

,. Pri!7i6"es !d Pr7ti7es o1
M!#eme!t. Pub"ished b& S$DL
.. www.#oo#"e.7om
+. www.wi5i6edi.7om
@. www."t%ist.7om

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