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The Structure of The Mstofa

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The key takeaways are that the Moorish Science Temple of America was established to restore the lost identity and nationality of African Americans and empower them by teaching them about their Moorish heritage and governing themselves by their own customary laws.

The Moorish Science Temple of America was established to restore the lost nationhood and identity of African Americans and empower them as a free national people governed by their own customary laws.

Prior to the establishment of the Moorish Science Temple of America, African Americans had been reduced to the level of domesticated animals and lost the ability to think for themselves due to the oppressive conditions of slavery and racial oppression.

The Structure of the MSTofA

The Restoration of The Nation

The Moorish Science Temple of America
Authorized by Bro. David Bailey El, Supreme Grand Sheik
September 17,2011
Approved by the Supreme Body
Key 15: For what purpose was the Moorish
Science Temple of America founded?
Within this demonstration, well be delving into what was
transpiring before and during the time of the Prophet Noble
Drew Ali
Well be addressing and illustrating how the Holy Prophet
Noble Drew Ali established The Moorish Science Temple of
America as a Nation-State
Well be expounding upon the structure of this Free National
Government while shedding light on the truth of this Divine
and National Movement
Henry Berry, 1832- State Delegate of Virginia
We have, as far as possible, closed every
avenue by which Light might enter the
Negroes mind. If we could extinguish the
capacity to SEE THE LIGHT, our work would be
complete. They would be on a level with the
beast of the field. And we would be safe. I am
not certain that we would not do it if we could
find out the process and that on the plea of
State Official Henry Berry: Appeal to Virginia
House of Delegates, 1832

The European conceived a plan to reduce our people to the
level of the beast of the field, to the degree of an animal.
Without the knowledge of self, shackles were placed upon
their minds. Our people lost the ability to think for
themselves. They lost the ability to reason and understand
their condition.
Not only were our people reduced to the level of animals but
they were domesticated as well. Domesticated animals
cannot fend for themselves. They are subservient to a
Master and under their control. This control has been
implemented through fear, programming, and manipulation.
It truly took a form of Divine intervention to lead our people
out of this condition, a condition of social servitude, mental
slavery, exploitation, and self-doubt.
Psalms 83:2-5,For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: And they that hate
thee have lifted up the head. They have taken crafty counsel against thy
people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. They have said, come and
let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no
more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with one
consent: they are confederate against thee.

Tumult: tumult Noun/t(y)oomlt/
1. A loud, confused noise, esp. one caused by a large mass of people.
2. Confusion or disorder.

Why would the European state, We would be safe? What was going on
at that time in this hemisphere and around the world?
Shaykh Abu Alfa Muhammad Shareef bin Farid said on page
4, In fact, because the African Muslim revolts against
slavery began as far back in mainland America as 1511,
when Muhammad Sanbu led a two month insurrection in
league with other Fulbe and African Muslims in Baton
Rouge indicates that the REAL American revolution did not
begin in 1776, when Anglo-Americans decided they had had
enough of their English overlords, but the REAL American
Revolution began and continued from 1511 with
Muhammad Sanbu. It persisted in 1812 with Muhammad
Bilali and his comrades brave military assistance to the
Anglo-Americans against the British on the Sea Islands off
the coast of Georgia and South Carolina. In the mid-17th
century, the impact upon the thinking and lives of African
American revolutionaries such as Denmark Vessey (who
became Muslim at the hands of the enslaved Fulbe Muslims,
Umar ibn Sayyid), David Walker (who became Muslim at the
hands of the enslaved Fulbe Muslim, Abdr-Rahman ibn
Ibrahim Sori) and Frederick Douglass (who was a direct
descendent of the above mentioned enslaved Fulbe Muslim,
Muhammad Bilali). It persisted throughout the Great
Seminole wars where African Muslims in confederation with
the Seminole Nation fought against Anglo-American control
in the Florida Everglades. Finally in 1864 when Muhammad
Nicolous Said led the northern Union African Core into the
southern states in their victory against Anglo-American
slavery. It is in this light that African Muslim revolts in Bahia
Brazil from 1807 until 1835, must be understood and
Shaykh Abu Alfa Muhammad
Shareef bin Farid
The Fulbe or Fulani Moors
The Fulbe are a tribe
of Moors in West
Africa who founded
Fouta Djallon as a
Theocratic Monarchy.
They see Allah as
being the Sovereign
power and rule
themselves by
Religious Law.
Fouta Djallon Found in W. Africa

The Importance of Historical Consciousness

The Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali stated in Key 85, Name some of the marks
that were put upon the MOORS of Northwest by the European nations in 1774.
Answer: Negro, Black, Colored and Ethiopian.

Shaykh Muhammad Shareef states on page 6,Resistance, revolt, and eventual
social transformation is born out of an oppressed peoples awareness of
themselves and the knowledge that their collective soul is under attack by
their oppressors. To the degree that this cultural cohesiveness persists
determines the degree to which the oppressed group will go in order to assure
its survival. It is knowledge of ones authentic culture, religion, social status
that germinates the desire for RESISTANCE in the face of cultural aggression.
However, when the historical conscience and culture of an oppressed group
has been erased and destroyed, it determines the manner in which they will
resist or if they will opt for resistance at all.
Resistance is Key
The Moorish Science Temple of America, founded by our Holy and
Divine Prophet Noble Drew Ali stated in our Koran that, "We, as a
clean and pure nation descended from the inhabitants of Africa, do
not desire to amalgamate or marry into the families of the pale
skin nations of Europe.
In essence, Allah, through His Prophet, saw fit to establish a means
for us to resist oppression, to resist domination, and to resist a
mental inferiority complex.
Not only is The Moorish Science Temple of America a self-
government. It represents the ultimate resistance movement,
covenanted by our Father God, Allah.

John the Baptist, the modern day Marcus Garvey, spoke on the
confusion used by the European nations.

Forms of Confusion
New York, 7 August 1924
The convention resumed at 10 a.m., Marcus Garvey,
Speaker, presided. After the usual preliminaries, the
convention proceeded to discuss the following: The French
policy toward the Negro, the British policy toward the
Negro, and the American policy toward the Negro. The
Speaker outlined the subject, giving his views on the
different policies and suggesting the channels in which the
discussions should run. He said that the British policy was
skillful and hypocritical, harmful and dangerous; the French
was better, and the American was more straightforward.
However, it seemed that the French and Americans were
gradually adopting the British policy. He called upon Bishop
McGuire to address the house on the British policy. Bishop
McGuire explained that on account of the stand he had
taken, whereas he had once been very popular, now he was
in disfavor with his former government, the British. They
thought that as the exponent of religious freedom for the
Negro, he was striking at the very roots of the British
religious system, which was part of the policy to subjugate
and dominate the Black people.
Forms of Confusion
England had used the Anglican Church and other
religious societies with telling effect in the scheme of
conquest of the natives, and he predicted that she will
become more concerned when she hears of the
resolutions that had been passed with regard to the
deification of the Black Man of Sorrows. The mainstay
of Britain's policy was "Divide and rule." It was very
effective, especially among Negroes. Hon. W.A.
Wallace, of Illinois, who was called by the speaker to
speak on the policy of America, said that the political
weapon was one of America's agencies. Negro
preachers were easily secured for a consideration to
preach to their congregations and get their support for
a certain candidate. In that way an economical slavery
was established. The doctrine of the South was a white
supremacy, while the supporters in the North adopted
the policy also of keeping the Negro in his place. The
only solution of the problem facing the race in America
was the building up of a nation in Africa, which would
be in a position to protect the interests of Negroes
everywhere. Hon. J.J. Peters, on invitation of the chair,
outlined the policy of France toward the Negro. He
claimed that that policy was the best of the three
making comparisons as to the treatment of the people
by the three different governments. He said the
Negroes under the French were considered as citizens
and were given high office. The French, however,
exploited the people in the colonies in the same way as
the British, and handicapped them in many directions,
particularly in regard to nationhood.
Lets look at an example of French policy:
In the Book, Works of Shaykh Ibrahima Fall,
The Great Murid Gateway to the Murids, Men
and Women page one, it states, Senegal is
located in the most westernly point in Africa.
For a very long time it has been contested by
the Dutch, Portuguese, the British and finally
the French. In the 19th century, the imperialist
greed of Europe dictated a policy of conquest
which led to colonization. This expansionist
policy would face a fierce resistance from the
local aristocracy. In 1891, the resistance ended
up as a failure, and the French next step was
to assimilate the masses to their western
It continues, Having dismantled the local authority, they started a fight with fury
against the Muslim leaders through banishment, deportation, or merely the
suppression of their lives, to destroy religious authority. If they succeeded, it
would be a total hand over of the country.
To continue, another good reference is John Blassingames book, The Slave
Community. It illustrates the Americanization of the African, the process that the
European nations took to give the Asiatics of the Americans the mindstate of a
European which our Prophet calls mental slavery.
So, within this introduction, we have pointed out to you what was going on
within the world, the global dominance of our People, and how the European
went about confusing our people to place them into a mindstate of inferiority
and racial and cultural amnesia.
So what was the light that the European attempted to hide from us? They
attempted to hide: The importance of National identity, Culture, and the
Religion of Islam. During the Convention of the UNIA, 1924, it was stated that,
The only solution of the problem facing the race in America was the building up
of a nation in Africa, which would be in a position to protect the interests of
Negroes everywhere. Were going to revisit this later.
Timeline during the Prophet
5/1/1913 Canaanite Temple Founded in Newark, NJ
8/8/14 The Beginning of the Destruction of the Ottoman
Empire *
1916 - Shariff Husain becomes British Ally *
5/1/1916 Moorish Divine National Movement Founded
6/10/1916 Arab Revolt; Saud becomes British Military Ally *
7/9/1916 Mustapha Kemal comes into Power as British Ally*
1924 - Khilafat Movement founded in India *
10/11/1925 Organized as Moorish Temple of Science
1926 Sultan Saud Takes Control of Mecca, Medina and
Forms Saudi Arabia by 1932 *
* - denotes video link
Beginning of the Destruction of the
Ottoman Empire
Sheik Hosein states that WWI was started as a precursor to
destabilize the Islamic world to remove what is known as the
Khaliphate, a term that means central authority and religious
What needs to be understood is that Religious Law and Rule
is prescribed to Moslems by Allah and His Prophet
Muhammad(PBUH) and the powers that be sought to
destroy it.
The Ottoman Empire represented the head at that time and
as the Prophet Noble Drew Ali teaches us, this is the region
where Satans head was taken and where he (Satan) was
bound in part.
Shariff Husain The King of the Arabs
Just as the British and French found co-conspirators within
the Islamic world to assist them in destroying the Caliphate,
the same similarities can be found within the Moorish
Science Temple of America. Sharif Husain, a custodian of the
Holy places of Islam, betrayed Allah and Prophet
Muhammad(PBUH) and formed alliances with the Christians
and the Jews to do away with the Khaliphate and took on
the title and position of King of the Arabs for 7 Million
sterling pounds.
Infiltrators and agents have also invaded this Divine and
National Movement in their attempt to destroy our ability
to govern ourselves, by attempting to overthrow its
Leadership and removing our Holy Prophets intentions.
Abdul Aziz Ibu Saud Military Ally to
Britain and France succeeded in their pursuit of obtaining
Shariff Husain. They now needed to find an ally within the
region of the Holy Places of Islam. The custodian was on
board . They now needed a military ally. Abdul Aziz Ibu Saud
This is before he became wealthy from oil. The oil had not
yet been discovered in that region. He too betrayed Allah
and His Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in forming alliances
with the Christians and the Jews.
Mustapha Kemal Comes Into Power
Mustapha Kemal, a tool for the British, came into power in Turkey and assisted in
destroying the remnants of the Ottoman Empire.
Not only did he do that, but as a 32 degree Mason and homosexual, he
played a significant and primary role in taking the Fez from the Moors as our
national and religious headdress and gave it to the Masons, specifically the
Shriners. Also, many of the states that supported the Ottoman Empire turned their
backs on the newly formed republic that was created by the British and Zionist

In a similar instance, after our Holy and Divine Prophet changed form
(passed away), those who worked against the rightfully appointed Supreme
Grand Sheik were successful in obliterating the oneness of the movement.
Those who left attempted to overthrow the Supreme Grand Sheik, or went
and started their own organizations. Many of the temples within the
Grand Body turned their backs on the Prophets choice and left this Theocratic
Monarchy and chose to govern themselves by Christian ideals.
The Moorish Science Temple of America was now only a shadow of what it
once was.

Indian Muslims Establish the Khilafat
Being that the Muslims in India established the Khilafat Movement to
remove British colonialism and establish Islamic Rule for the Muslims,
we in the Grand Body of the Moorish Science Temple of America
say that the Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali established the same here in the

The Moorish Divine National Movement, founded by the Holy Prophet
Noble Drew Ali, was established to remove European colonialism and to
re-establish Islamic Rule for the Moors here in the Americas.

The Negro problem is being solved only as it can, and that is by the Moorish
National Divine Movement. The Voice of the Prophet by Prophet Noble
Drew Ali

Sultan Saud - The Head of the Holy
City of Mecca
The Holy Prophet Noble Drew Alis only statement about Sultan Abdul Aziz
Ibu Saud is that he is, The Descendant of Hagar, Now The Head of the Holy
City of Mecca. He did not state how he became the Head of the Holy City
of Mecca.
There are those who make up stories by calling our Holy Prophet Al Hajj Sheik
Sharif Abdul Ali and how he was commissioned to be a Prophet after making
his Hajj to the Holy City of Mecca. This is a complete and utter lie used to
confuse those who desire to know the truth.
No where does our Holy Prophet utilize that title nor name. This is an attempt
by the evil-spirited ones to reduce our Prophet to a mere Sheik and raise
themselves in the eyes of others.

Delegation From Medina Visits Spiritual
Authority in West Africa (Moorish Empire)
In 1922, Sheik Ahmad Bamba El-Bekki, also known as Serigne
Touba, received delegation from Morocco, Syria, Algeria, Tunisia,
Egypt, Central Asia, and other countries. The most famous
delegation came from the Holy City of Medina. This delegation
included seven Abdal (Substitutes in the Spiritual Government) led
by Sheik Muhammad Ali Jawwad from the Khalwati tariqat. There
were wars going on in Arabia, especially in the Hijas where Shariff
Husain was fighting the Saud family. Abdul Aziz ibu Saud started
the Wahabi movement to conquer all of Arabia. At this time, even
making Hajj was not safe. Some pilgrims were attacked, robbed
and even killed while making Hajj. This was done by the tribes
who were at war. This delegation from the Holy City of Medina
recognized Serigne Touba as the Qutub Gawth (Spiritual Pole of
this time period). They asked him to pray to Allah for them to stop
the war in the Holy Land of Mecca and Medina. This delegation
asked him about the Wahabi movement in the holy lands. They
wanted to know if it was part of Islam. He compared it to a tree
that is dry on the inside and does not have the potential to
produce fruit.
Delegation From Kingdom of Morocco Visits Spiritual
Authority in West Africa (Moorish Empire)
Delegation meeting Serigne Saliou El-Bekki Son of Shaykh Ahmad Bamba El- Bekki
Copy of Letter written to Ahmad Bamba El-Bekki
(Play Video)
Timeline during the Prophet
11/29/1926 Incorporated as Moorish Temple of Science
6/14/1927 Adopted the Moorish Holy Temple of Science
1927 Foreign Shaykh (Saati Majid) Attempts to take
Prophet Noble Drew Ali to court over the Koran of the MSTA,
version of Islam, and His Prophethood
1/20/1928 2/16/1928 Prophet Noble Drew Ali in Havana,
Cuba representing the Moors as a Head of Nation-State at 6

Pan-American Conference
5/2/1928 Legally changed Name to Moorish Science
Temple of America
8/1/1929 Corporate status to Religious; Established Home
Rule Authority and Self-Government
We have shed light on what was transpiring before and
during the time of our Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali. We
illustrated why Allah saw fit to send us our Divine and Holy
Prophet and how He guided him in establishing the Moorish
Science Temple of America for our earthly and divine
There are many outside of the Temple, founded by our
illustrious Prophet, that attempt to say that The Moorish
Science Temple of America is not a Nation-Sate and how we
as Officers do not have the ability to nationalize our
Let us now look at how Allah through His Prophet made that
so during his visit in Havana, Cuba during the 6
American Conference and what is now known as the
Bustamante Codes.
How can a Religious Society be
a Nation-State?
Compulsion in Religion Forbidden
Surah 2:254- 257,section 34: O you who believe, spend out of what
We have given you before the day comes in which there is no
bargaining, nor friendship, nor intercession. And the disbelievers
they are the wrongdoers. Allah- there is no god but He, the Ever-
living, the Self-subsisting by Whom all subsist. Slumber overtakes
Him not, nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and
whatever is in the earth. Who is he that can intercede with Him but
by His permission? He knows that is before them and what is behind
them. And they encompass nothing of His knowledge except what
He pleases. His knowledge extends over the heavens and the earth,
and the preservation of them both tires Him not. And He is the
Most High, the Great. There is no compulsion in religion- the right
way is indeed clearly distinct from error. So whoever disbelieves in
the devil and believes in Allah, he indeed lays hold on the firmest
handle which shall never break. And Allah is Hearing, Knowing.
Allah is the Friend of those who believe- He brings them out of
darkness into light. And those who disbelieve, their friends are the
devils who take them out of light into darkness. They are the
companions of the Fire; therein they abide.

The response of the believers, when they are invited to Allah and His
Messenger that he may judge between them, is only that they say: We hear and
we obey. And these it is that are successful. And he who obeys Allah and His
Messenger, and fears Allah and keeps duty to Him, these it is that are the
achievers. And they swear by Allah with their strongest oaths that, if thou
command them, they would certainly go forth. Say: Swear not; reasonable
obedience (is desired). Surely Allah is Aware of what you do. Say: obey Allah and
obey the Messenger. But if you turn away, he is responsible for the duty
imposed on him, and you are responsible for the duty imposed on you. And if
you obey him, you go aright. And the Messengers duty is only to deliver (the
message) plainly. Allah has promised to those of you who believe and do good
that He will surely make them rulers in the earth as He made those before them
rulers, and that He will surely establish for them their religion, which He has
chosen for them, and that He will surely give them security in exchange after
their fear. They will serve Me, not associating aught with Me. And whoever is
ungrateful after this, they are the transgressors. And keep up prayer and pay the
poor-rate and obey the Messenger, so that mercy may be shown to you. Think
not that those who disbelieve will weaken (the Truth) in the earth; and their
abode is the Fire. And it is indeed an evil resort!

Maulana Muhammad Ali translation
*Requisites of a State of International Law
A State or person of international law should according to
existing practice, posses the following qualifications:
1) There must be a people. According to Rivier, law book, it
must be sufficient in numbers to maintain and perpetuate
itself. This requirement could not, he declares, be met by a
casual gathering of individuals or by a chance group of bandits
or by a society of pirates.
OVER 100,000 members BY 1928 IN NORTH AMERICA,
36 Temples throughout this hemisphere.
An independent Economy: The Moorish Guide, The
Moorish Manufacturing Company, and stores and
businesses in major cities.
*Requisites of a State of International Law
2) There must be an organized government exercising control
over, and endeavoring to maintain justice within, the territory.
Executive Rulers represent the Governing body of
Officers within the Moorish Divine National Movement.
They represent the Grand Sheiks, Governors and Grand
Governors within this Islamic Nation-State. The Holy
Prophet made note of them within the Questionnaire,
and several public speeches and articles that appeared
within The Moorish Guide and Chicago Defender
*Requisites of a State of International Law
3) There must be a fixed territory which the inhabitants occupy.
Nomadic tribes or peoples are thus excluded from consideration.
CHAPTER 47:6,7 of The Holy Koran of the Moorish Science
Temple of America
The Moabites from the land of Moab who received
permission from the Pharaohs of Egypt to settle and inhabit
NW Africa; they were the founders and are the true
possessors of the present Moroccan Empire. With their
Canaanite, Hittite and Amorite brethren who sojourned from
the land of Canaan seeking new homes. Their dominion and
inhabitation extended from NE and SW Africa, across the
great Atlantis even unto the present North, South and Central
America and also Mexico and the Atlantis islands; before the
great earthquake, which caused the great Atlantic Ocean.
This notes our dominion and inhabitation which is found
within the ancient records. A source of reference, see
Moorish Empire by Budgett Meakin

*Requisites of a State of International Law
4) There must be capacity to enter into relations with the outside world. The management
of foreign affairs may, however, be lodged in any appropriate quarter, and even confided to
a State that is other than, and foreign to, the country that professes to be one.
Independence is not essential.
In a word, the existence of statehood is not dependent upon the possession by a country of
a right to maintain contracts with others through agencies of their own choice, or within its
own control, or exercising their functions from a place within its own territory. The requisite
personality, in an international sense is seen when the entity claiming to be a State has in
fact its own distinctive association with the members of the international society, as by
which, howsoever concluded in its behalf, mark the existence of definite relationships
between itself and other contracting Parties.
It is the possession and enjoyment of this capacity, with or without restriction, and
regardless of the instrumentality through which it is utilized, which distinguishes the State
of international law from the large number of political entities also given that name, and
yet which do not appear to be endowed with it. It differentiates Guatemala from Alaska and
Spain from South Carolina.

*Requisites of a State of International Law
5) The inhabitants of the territory must have attained a degree of
civilization such as to enable them to observe with respect to the
outside world those principles of law which are deemed to govern
the members of the international society in their relations with each
other. KEYS 17-18; ISLAMISM!
Our religious creed is known around the world and the
nations of the earth know how we are to function and govern
ourselves. Our religious creed serves a function of civilizing
us as a people through its divine principles. A principle is a
fundamental law that controls conduct. The European stated
in his Declaration of Independence, "We hold these truths to
be self-evident, that all MEN are created equal , that they are
endowed by THEIR CREATOR.
We all have different Gods and we all dont see God the same
way. Our God is Allah and within Surah 49:13, it confirms
Religious Societies
Religious societies are not regarded as States of international law save
when circumstances combine to enable them to satisfy all of the
requisites of statehood which have been noted.

The Moorish Science Temple of America and The Vatican are the
only 2 exceptions known within the world that qualify as being
Nation-States and recognized Internationally.

*Information provided by Columbia Law Library
*Requisites of a State of International Law
I Am A Citizen of the USA
Definition 1,It may be merely a sovereign
occupying the position analogous to that of
other sovereigns in the family of nations.
The US Supreme Court defined in 1945 three
different definitions pertaining to the term
United States. In 1928, the Holy Prophet
Noble Drew Ali made us a sovereign nation
analogous to that of other sovereigns in the
family of nations. This took place in Havana,
Cuba at the 6
Pan-American Conference.
The Moorish Americans are Citizens of their own Nation and not the Europeans here
within the Americas as found on our Nationality and Identification card(our domicile).
The Structure of the MSTofA
What Type of Government is the M.S.T. of A?
Its a Theocratic Salic Monarchy
There contains three branches of Government
Allah represents the Sovereign Power, Absolute Ruler

Prophet Noble Drew Ali stated in Prophet Makes A Plea to
Nation: It is the Great God Allah, alone that guides the
destiny of this Divine and National Movement.
Chapter 35, Religion verses 1,10:
There is but one Allah, the author, the creator, the governor
of the world; almighty, eternal, and incomprehensible.
He hath instituted laws for the government of the world; He
hath wonderfully varied them in all beings; and each, by his
nature conformeth to His will.

The 3 Branches of Government
The MSTA Divine Constitution and By-Laws, Act 1.The Grand
Sheik and the chairman of the Moorish Science Temple of
America is in power to make law and enforce laws with the
assistance of the Prophet and the Grand Body of the Moorish
Science Temple of America. The Assistant Grand Sheik is to
assist the Grand Sheik in all affairs if he lives according to Love,
Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice and it is known before the
members of the Moorish Science Temple of America.
Executive Grand Sheik and Chairman
Legislative Grand Body + Prophet(works, words, and deeds)
Judicial Supreme Grand Council (comes out of the Grand

The Separation of the Branches
Page One Page Two
Letter Illustrating the Separation of Government Branches by SGS E. Mealy El
The Grand Sheik and Chairman
Grand Sheik and Chairman represents the Caliphate.
Page 34, The caliphate, which is synonymous with the
Imamate, is a general leadership in matters of al-Din and of al-
Duniya. Its fundamental function is to watch over the
interests of the millat and over the administration of the
What this alludes to is found on page 39,In particular, they
laid emphasis on the fact that the Caliph must combine in his
office temporal as well and religious leadership. Secondly,
there can only be one Caliph at a time since, among other
things, the role of the institution of the Caliphate is to unify
the Ummah.
The Caliphate The Hijaz and the Saudi Wahabi Nation State, by Sheikh Imran Hosein
The Grand Sheik and Chairman

The solution to the problem
would be the establishment of a
multiplicity of Jamaaat in all
parts of the world of Islam, each
with its own Ameer/Imam, with
each imam receiving the Baiyah
from the members of the jamaah
and carefully conducting the
affairs of the jamaah, to the
maximum extent possible, in a
manner which conformed with
the Divinely revealed sacred law
of Islam.
The fundamental verse of the
Quran concerning the dynamics
of leadership in the model of
Islam stated that Muslims must
conduct their affairs on the basis
of mutual consultation:

Surah 42:58,And their affairs are
conducted on the basis of mutual
consultation amongst
The basic implication of this
verse was that in an Islamic
community the appointment of
the leader and his removal and
replacement by another(which is
the most important of all the
collective affairs of the believers),
must be effected through a
process of mutual consultation
amongst all the believers. Pgs. 43,47

The Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali noted within our Supreme
Laws procedures and regulations on how to remove Leaders
from within our Moorish Ummah or Community. The Grand
Sheik and Chairman represents the local head within a
community. The Supreme Grand Sheik represents the
Supreme Head Appointed over the entire Community which
all Grand Sheiks and Governors haved pledge their
allegiance to. The next slide illustrates an example of a
lawful removal of a Supreme Grand Sheik by the Grand

The Caliphate The Hijaz and the Saudi Wahabi Nation State, by Sheikh Imran Hosein
Removal from Office of Supreme Grand Sheik
The members of the Grand Body
of the Moorish Science Temple
of America lawfully and legally
removed Brother Braswell-Bey
from office and expelled him
from the Moorish Ummah as
handed down to us by the Holy
Prophet Noble Drew Ali. Brother
David Bailey El was accepted
and appointed by the Grand
Body of the Moorish Science
Temple of America to the
station of Supreme Grand Sheik.
By the will of Allah and His
Prophet, we abide by the tenets
handed down to us and follow
all precepts as faithful and
righteous Moslems.
The Grand Sheik and Chairman
As Moorish American Moslems, we are not identifying with an
Arabized version of Islam. We are adhering to the form of
Islam that was perfected during the time of Prophet
The Caliphate was being replaced by the modern secular
nation-state. An institution considered to be a part of the
religion of Islam was being replaced, under the impact of
western political thought and civilization, by a political system
which belonged to the western world, and terminology used
in the old orthodox model was now being used in a new sense
to fit the new modelpage 33.

Key 17. What is our Religion? Islamism

Key 18. Is that a new, or is that the old time religion? Old time Religion.
Islamism defined on our corporate website states, Islamism (in Arabic it is
called al-'islamiyyah) is a set of ideologies holding that Islam is not only a
religion but also a political system; such that modern Moslems must return to
the creed, principles and roots of the religion of their ancient forefathers, and
unite socially, economically and politically to establish uniting among the
nations of the human family.

Chapter 48:8 While we, the Moorish Americans are returning to Islam,
which was founded by our forefathers for our earthly and divine salvation.

The old time religion encompasses the ability to govern oneself by divine
principles, not the secularized religious creed that is mostly dogmatic.

Home Rule Authority
The power vested in a local unit of government, usually a city, to
draft or change its own charter and to manage its affairs. Home rule
limits legislative interference in local affairs.
It may be required or permitted by the state constitution or be
granted by the legislature without specific constitutional
authorization. The city under home rule has control over its local
problems provided it does not violate state constitution or general
laws of the state. SEE CHARTER
How and When was Home Rule Authority implemented?
When the Prophet filed the Affidavit in Cook County, Illinois
re-organizing The Moorish Science Temple of America as a
Religious Corporation in Accordance with Hurds Revised
Statutes Chapter 32, 36.
Home Rule Authority is implemented via allegiances to leadership.
The Pledge of Allegiance
When the baiat/jebelu(Pledge of Allegiance) is mentioned in
the Quran as it relates to the Prophet Mohammed(PBUH) it
states in Surah 48:10,Surely those who swear allegiance to
you do but swear allegiance to Allah; the hand of Allah is
above their hands. Therefore whoever breaks(his faith), he
breaks it only to the injury of his own soul, and whoever
fulfills what he has covenanted with Allah, He will grant him a
mighty reward.
Surah 4:59, O you who believe, obey Allah and obey the
Messenger and those in authority from among you; then if
you quarrel about anything, refer it to Allah and the
Messengerif you believe in Allah and the Last Day.
I do hereby declare that you are a Moslem
Moslem Law: One of two great systems of Customary
laws that the English found in India. It regulated the
Life and the regulations of all Moslems, especially its
Penal System where it applied to the Moslems and the
Muhammadan Law: A system of Native Law prevailing amongst the Muhammadans
In India and administered there by the British Government.
As found upon our Nationality and
Identification Card, The Holy Prophet Noble
Drew Ali not only stated what we are but under
what laws are we to govern ourselves by.
Please note the two definitions below found
within Blacks Law Dictionary.
All officers and members of the Moorish Science Temple of America and any such
rules and regulations of the constitution shall be in writing and not at variance with
any law of the city, town or nation which the Prophet shall declare a law. Prophet
Announces His Authority And Power, Prophet Noble Drew Ali.(Reflect upon Khilafat Movement)
Native and Customary Laws
Chapter 44:6,Know thou, notwithstanding, that in this is
error. Custom cannot alter the nature of truth; neither can
the opinion of man destroy justice; the glory and the shame
are misplaced. The Holy Koran of the M.S.T.ofA.
When the European came to these shores, he saw that we were
governing ourselves by Customary and Native Laws. By these
Laws(Moslem and Muhammadan Law), we are guaranteed to be
able to function as a Free Nation of People, unhindered, non-
molested, and not disrupted by any other nation of people.
These are what we call Free National Standards. As Moors,
Surah 22:67 re-emphasizes this: To every nation We appointed
acts of devotion, which they observe, so let them not dispute
with thee in the matter, and call to thy Lord. Surely thou art on a
right guidance.
The Wisdom of the Descendants of Africa
A great example of this being practiced is in the Moorish
territory known as Senegal. The power of prayer and
allegiance to ALLAH, Prophet Muhammad and the Grand
Marabouts (leaders within the Islamic brotherhoods) has
convinced the majority of the populace that earthly and
divinely rewards are the result of their piety.
The Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali illustrated this within our
divinely prepared Koran in Chapters 28, 29: Master and
Servant, Magistrate and Subject. Like within Senegal, we are
to practice a tolerant form of Islam which fosters harmony and
stability among all people.
In conclusion, we have given you a brief demonstration on the
Moorish Science Temple of America and The Holy Prophet Noble
Drew Ali. May this be well received in light of the confusion and
misinformation that is being conveyed to the masses. Be cautious
of those who attempt to say that they are representing The
Moorish Science Temple of America or if they are leaders within
this Divine and National Movement. As the Holy Prophet stated in
the Additional Laws, All Temples must be approved by those whom
he appoints and those within the Supreme Body(Grand Body and
Supreme Grand Council). The Grand Body is still functioning and
Chicago is still Mecca. Theres only one Supreme Grand Sheik. All
others are self-appointed, renegades and bootleggers. May Allah
Be Pleased.
Peace and Love.
From the Desk of Home Office
Bro. David Bailey El, Supreme Grand Sheik
The Moorish Science Temple of America
Authorized by Bro. David Bailey El, Supreme Grand Sheik
September 17,2011
Approved by the Supreme Body

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