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Moorish College Advance Lessons 1-2-3b PDF

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The text discusses light as a form of divine thought that transmits force and patterns forms. It also discusses light operating through different atmospheric conditions of thought.

Light is described as the organism through which thought lives, moves, works and has its being. It primarily transmits thought in terms of force, which becomes action through spirit intelligence. Light in its fundamental character is the pattern maker of form.

The text explains that there are nine creative centers in the body, which are nine elements of creative thought. These are nine attributes of Divine Essence which gave the Wise Men of Old knowledge symbolized as 'The Nine Pointed Star' or 'The Star of Bethlehem'.





The subject to be considered in this lesson is: Light.

It is essential that you be given somewhat of an understanding as to the explanation of LIGHT

from the observation of scientific wisdom.

You must realize in the study of LIGHT in its construction coming out of universal thought, that
it is not what the average individual wants to make it. LIGHT is quite different from the
luminosity that you want to make it, being visible to the eye.

It is two-fold in character. It is only visible as incandescence at a certain rate of vibration, while at

other tones and wave lengths it is as hard as steel.

LIGHT is the organism through which thought lives, moves, works and has its being. The
functioning of LIGHT primarily is to transmit thought in terms of force, which becomes action
through spirit intelligence.

LIGHT in its fundamental character is the pattern maker of form.

LIGHT operates through Divine Thought impinging upon atmospheric conditions of thought
which either operates in forms of creation. You can strictly speaking, have the ability of
generating LIGHT so powerful within yourself as to recreate every action of divinity within
yourself. It is the object of this lesson to give you as much as will enable you to take one slight
step forward and upward securely, knowing that the next step in the next lesson shall also be
upward, and I would suggest that according to your own consciousness and your own
determination, so shall you proceed. Allow nothing to sway you from the Path upon which you
have started.

Proceeding with your instructions, I would have you ponder well on the first law which you must
realize, and that first Truth which will lay the foundation of the roadway upon which you are now
to travel. Ponder well upon this Truth, and make an honest attempt to fully understand the many
attributes which are necessary in order to use this first law.

“Whatsoever is below is like that which is above; and that which is above is like that which is
below. All that which is bound on earth is that which is bound in heaven and that which is loosed
on earth is also loosed in heaven.”

In the above saying, brief though it may be, lies the pith of the mysteries of the ages.

And again, from the one preceded all; In the One are contained all, and by the One are all made
manifest. Such is the seed from which comes the mighty oak. It is symbolized by the circle,
which has neither beginning nor end. Such is the LIGHT form which everything comes,
continuing onward and upward into Infinity. The One God, the maker of the universe and earth,
and all that is contained therein, in its manifestation or creation is the One, both concealed and

revealed thus the two-fold aspect, the seen and the unseen, the inner and the outer, the objective
and the subjective, the earth and its universe.

From the Divine to the Natural, from the Natural to the Divine, is the logical expression of man’s
involution from divinity, and evolution back to Infinity. From man to God is the words as the
Supreme Revelation of self unfoldment, thus, can you see the projection of LIGHT or DIVINE
THOUGHT IMPINGING upon ether for the purpose of experiencing through a material covering
the reaction to divinity in the travel back to itself. Do you see the Spirit working through the
mind, which is in the brain, reacting through material perception to be capable of overcoming
material reaction in our journey back.

In the progress of experience by which knowledge is acquired, you become in the highest sense
the thing you KNOW. All life is an evolution; all knowledge is an initiation; it is through the
mysteries we have learned the first principles of life. Study them with real zeal, and the mysteries
of God concealed, will become the realities of God revealed in nature and around about. Seek
diligently the “I AM” in multitudinous garments wearing its masks-the body, the pride and the
selfishness. This is discoverable under any guise by he who has the attentive, the instructive
tongue and the faithful heart.

Whatever is below is like that which is above- the outer man, the flesh, is but the mask or the
reflection of the inner self, the other side, THE SOUL. This outer man bears witness to his divine
nature by the warm flame of love he sends forth, when in his most exalted moods. He manifests
his God likeness. The works of love through men are like unto the works of God. Through God’s
love worlds are made, peopled and redeemed. Through man’s love he finds the secrets of creation
and redemption and so worketh with God.

generated by reacting upon and in harmony with, and in return to itself, which becomes GOD IN

One other Truth I would bring you in order to bring you understanding. LIGHT was made
manifest in its first principle through the love of substance. In its second principle through the
perfection of Truth, combined with the love of substance. In the third principle, manifested in a
life of action. These in their proper order are what we know as the three first principles, or the
Trinity emerging from the One Divine Principle into a three dimensional universe.

To give you an example upon which to ponder, would say that by a simple photograph, and
impingement is made, so to speak, on a negative plate in our camera, by DIVINE THOUGHT
ESSENCE so magnified through the camera lens under time exposure, but low, we find as we
withdraw the plate form the camera, no photograph or tangible reflection to the mortal eye,
however, when we put our negative plate through a four dimensional process in the
photographer’s studio, which will consist of an earth, air, fire and water process, we then have
tangible to the mortal eye, a complete reflection of what the Divine Thought Process has revealed
to us through the proper technique.

Will you earnestly ponder upon this thought, as the dove sitteth upon her eggs; find that
wondrous flame of love within yourself of LIGHT as the thought essence of the GOD within.
Feel it unclothing you that you may be clothed upon. Not until you are unclothed, or the soul is
bared, can you begin this journey to the mountain top, else you would be too heavy for the

The mantle of pride must be shed. The bodies of sorrow, the outer self, the flesh, would be too
heavy ere you could take as single step; KEEP THE LIGHT BURNING.

Keep the windows clean, in other words, see the material as a reflection of the divine. Work
steadily with the head, the hand and the heart to manifest in your life-“That which is above is like
that which is below.” That which is below should reflect that which is above, the love in thee,
which is the LIGHT in thee, is like that which is in the universe.

LUX (LIGHT) is the watchword of this lesson. Speak it often. Meditate upon it. Let it shine.
Should thy eye be single, then thy whole body is full of LIGHT.Experiment: At least thirty
minutes before retiring at night you should sit in silence and ask for LIGHT.

The center of all life, all vibrations, all force and all power is in the heart.

The little sperm of the ovule looses its head, assumes a triangular shape, and becomes the heart of
the fetus. It is the first life, the first to live, IT IS LIGHT IN ACTION, and is everlasting.

From this heart the whole embryo grows-thus the heart builds not only the physical but all other
bodies. The LIGHT within us burns in the center of the heart. It enfolds us and unfolds us again.
The LIGHT moulds the body from the Soul and from the Spirit.

As man or woman thinketh in their heart, so are they.

Out of the heart are the issues of life.

Wherever the heart is, there your treasures lie.

Hold this thought constantly.

O thou Divine Spirit. I ask for LIGHT.

Dietary rule during exercise: Do not consume an abundance of salt, it rushes the red sea (blood)
and causes the brain to react through the nerve system before its time.

Breathing: learn to inhale the life force first through your nose, and then exhale through your
mouth. Normal breathing is when you inhale, your stomach should expand and when you exhale
your stomach should retract. Before the actual exercise if you have not been taking in the life
force correctly you are advised to begin. Reflect on your introductory lessons if you have not
been wholly faithful to yourself. Breath always three times before you begin your process. Do
this until you further advance in your lessons.

CONTINUE the ONE thought through the two weeks before taking up your next lesson.




The subject to be considered in this lesson is:



Even as man by his thoughts, his concentration, and his meditation, so magnetizes his own mind
(which is installed in the brain), so also does the Great God, the infinite Creator and the Holy
Spirit, so illuminate the entire human body through the synthetic system upon by the sympathetic


MEDITATION is the passive or open state of mind, after the extending or the directing of
Thought given by the mantras.

IN MEDITATION COMES REVELATION. Yet as a preparation for receiving the revelation,

concentration (the activity of the mind employed in strict attention to the word or statement) is
most valuable. Its full value is received by the focus of power on the idea thought of, which
increases the faculty for intensity of attention, making it an important aid to mental thoughts,
while meditation itself is the hushing of all thoughts and the state of perfect placidity on the mind.

I would call your attention to the following part of your first advance lesson-

“Whatsoever is below is like that which is above; and that which is above is like that which is
below. All that which is bound on earth is that which is bound in heaven and that which is loosed
on earth is also loosed in heaven.”

Can you make it possible now to realize this body as a UNIVERSAL BELOW, which is reacting

Also hold in mind this idea-THE UNIVERSE ABOVE IS PERFECT.

Could it now be possible that by the application of the human body (which is the universe below)
turned loose, so to speak, that it could become perfectly susceptible to the universe above.

Let us look at this again in a still more minute way:

First, let us draw an imaginary line around the body slightly below the solar plexus. Now, realize
the ductless glands which are in the body above the line, have complimentary glands in the body
which is below the line, and that each are reacting to the other.

Ponder well upon this. You will find that the creation of the generation operating from below will
be the answer to illumination operating above.

The Universe is likened unto the Grand Man. Man is likened unto a cell in the body of God. In
this cell there is a perfect universe. IN MAN IS GOD MADE MANIFEST.

What I am attempting to bring to your attention is the fact set forth under symbolism, that having
the universe in the man, the same would apply to the man that would apply to the universe.

Now, as you realize more and more, that in the human body we also have what can be termed the
“ above” and then apply our ancient saying with understanding , we come to a full realization that
such glands as the optic thalamus, the pineal body and also the pituitary body applying to the
“above” all have complimentary glands reacting from the “below.”

By scientific analysis, that which is allowed to come under the jurisdiction of the glands “above”
causes regeneration, and perfect illumination. I bring you this thought here, I order for you to
grasp more fully the importance of your lesson work, this phase of the glands will be gone into in
detail later.

Have you considered, have you practiced diligently, that which was given to you in your first

Do you see that as DIVINE FAITH went forth saying:-


IN YOU it must go forth with the same mandate, until the whole vast darkness within you, is
transformed by LIGHT.

This transformation takes place within your consciousness, which was created in the drama of

That which is VOID within you, must be formed and molded into shape.

You WATERS (change opinions) must be divided, the firmament above and below must be
established. Your Sun, your Moon and your Stars, must be set in their places. Your Mountains,
and your seas, your plains and your valleys, your forests and your deserts, must all be uncovered
by this wondrous LIGHT.

And in your very nature, the beasts, the fish and the fowl, and every creeping thing will stand
forth, your own to dominate and to rule.

When you are breathed upon by the One from whom you came forth, then shall you know

You may now understand the Moorish Sage who said: “Oh, seek after the Divine Mysteries,
Know thou that the door to his own and understands his own spirit.”

Thus is shall be proven that when you know that which is “below” you will find it as that which is
“above”. As LIGHT sent forth into the physical universe, generates motion, so also shall LIGHT
sent forth through your universe (human body) set in motion forces that will bring all things
within you to the pattern of the Divine Idea.

LIGHT then is to be your watch-word and desire.
LIGHT that shall reveal you to yourself and to the possibilities within you.

LIGHT of discernment that you may perceive the likeness the laws of things made manifest.

LIGHT of judgment that you may decree as a Master.

LIGHT of power that like the Alchemist of old you may attract and transmute according to your
will whatsoever is within or without you.

This is the great hidden wisdom that teaches the true nature of the inner man as well as the
organization of the body.

Learn and remember well, that the small is as the great, that the simplest perfected miniature is
the type and pattern of the universe.

SPEAK THE WORD AS GOD SPAKE IT. Thunder forth the edict-

Upon your mind shall steal the magic LIGHT or a Divine Day, the Day of Revelation, of activity
of joy.

You shall look to the heavens above (your divinity within) and read the laws and secrets of the
heavens within you.

You shall read the history of the cycle of necessity, as it brings all within the varying and
manifold experiences which evolution and involution stamp as a universal law.

Herein, lies the prophetic hint of that which will be proven in your journey to the mountain top.

OBSERVE, STUDY, COMPARE, ANALYZE, but in the meantime-

Let go of that which is hampering you.


And again each day, sit twice for thirty minutes through, alone and with earnestness profound,
repeat this:-


Wait patiently with unmeasured faith.




The subject to be considered in this lesson is:


In this lesson, the third step upward in the journey, up the mountain side, I am calling
your close attention to the following explanation of concentration.

In the first lesson you have asked for LIGHT.

In the second lesson you have asked that the LIGHT BE MADE MANIFEST.

In this lesson you are about to consecrate yourself to LIGHT.

Now, let us look at it from a different point of view.

First, you received an idea.

Second, you asked for the answer.

Third, you are ready to commence the actual creation from the first-projection, and the


And again, in the first place you received and idea and in becoming aware of the idea,
you have demanded- “LET THERE BE LIGHT”.

In so doing you subject yourself to the answer of the idea, while in the third place the “I
AM” in you is about to start to create the revelation of the idea.

Next, think of it in this way: First, you love the substance, next you become aware of the
truth of the substance you love, and now you are about to realize the actual action, which
is again the creation.

This creation, like every created thing, will have to grow, and being but an infant now,
must grow through constant concentration. However, before we proceed, allow me to call
your attention to a third phase of the same as follows:

In the first place you came before your master to overcome yourself.

In the second place you put SELF under your feet.

In this third step you consecrate the real you or the real “I AM” for service on the path.

You are advised to meditate and ponder well upon these things as they are set forth
above, because you will find out in this lesson that you are actually going into a course of
study, so profound that you will truly realize, or at least have the opportunity to do so,
that this Class work has a Divine Power behind it that transcends any other knowledge of
the present day.

What I mean by this is, not that every phase of explanation can be given in one course of
lectures, but if these lessons are studied diligently and you abide by them sincerely and
diligently you will find that whatever knowledge you are CRAVING, will come to you in
its proper place, at the proper time.

This work is given to you for the purpose of so building up your power, you magnetism
and your will to operate, so magnetically that every knowledge in universal law shall
accrue to you, according to your ability to use the work, as it is intended for you to use it,
always in the name of the father within, God within, your Creation termed in the
Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ ‘that still soft voice that speaks from within’.
Through His perfect son or Mediator, our Lord Jesus, the Christ. Keep in mind that Jesus
means Just Us and the word Christ is a Title. So every man and woman seeks to be Christ

Perhaps you fully realize through the first two lessons that tremendous amount of
powerful knowledge that has been given to you. If the first two steps have been taken
honestly and earnestly you now have a real analysis that is to you, if you have built it in,
a wonderfully creative thing, a channel whereby it is possible to create all things in
thought and it deed.

Now, we come to our lesson on CONCENTRATION.

Heed closely that which follows, and in your mind and in your heart, carry out every
detail of instruction.

• You stand wondering-LISTEN

You are to go to the Hall of Preparation, in other words to prepare yourself to enter the
pathway up the mountain side, and arise to the Hill of Aspiration through earnest

In this situation of MEDITATION always face the EAST, for there lies the Gate of
Entrance. You are to enter between the two pillars, the first called sincerity and the
second humility. Consider them both. Now, we go forward, eyes straight before you fixed
upon the TRUTH. As you have now dropped the heavier part of your clothing, the mantle
of pride, the bodies of sorrow and the shoes of selfishness, you may enter here. Go on
still farther through the vestibule of faith, and into that still small room, where you will
find a bath and clean linen awaiting you. The bath is fresh crystal water from the fountain
of Holiness. In it you will remain until you have forgiven all your enemies, also yourself,
and cast away from you all remembrances of all injuries.-

As all unworthiness is washed from your mind, you will feel as sweet thrilling joy
creeping into your heart, and music rare and sweet will fill your ears. You will be
strengthened with courage, faith and zeal.

Withdraw then from the water and put on the clean linen garments. You will observe the
left breast, the left knee and the left foot are partly uncovered. This is to signify that on
the left side of your nature you are ever responsive to the inspiration and light from
heaven and that as you wear this garment you will be especially opened to instructions
and guidance from the Spirit of the Most High.

“Here in the presence, Oh My Father, I come to thee with all I am in heart, with all I can
give in my hands. To thee and thee alone am I now given, to be used according to Thy
good pleasure. Take me, head, heart and hands, feet and all. Open my eyes to see more
clearly thy gracious Truth; open my heart that it may be filled and beat only for thee;
open my ears that they may hear thy voice; open my intellect that it may interpret thy
message to the children of earth. Anoint me with the oil of the blessing and empower me
to minister unto my brothers everywhere. Now, am I ready Father, Whatsoever gifts thou
wouldst have me use, show them to me and in thy sight shall they increase with
consecrated use. Amen Ra.

And now, arise; proceed through the passage of dedication and into the chamber of
Silence. Here, remain until they senses are sealed again all sight, all sound, all conditions
and thoughts of earth. Think nothing. Be the Spirit.

And when you have received or heard THE INNER VOICE and received the key to
silence wherewith to lock thy lips, return again to where the outer garments lie. Clothe
yourself again for the out world, meditating much upon this initiation.

Everyday for thirteen days proceed exactly under the above directions, remain in the
silence chamber as long as you can spare the time, and as you go forth repeat this three
times by holding the thought during the inhalation exercise then release the though with
the holy breath.


Now, you will find that in this lesson you have gone through the proper method of
concentration, and if you will follow my line of explanation, you will readily see that it
requires no material knowledge, or any material temple, that could be seen with mortal
eyes, in order to faithfully fulfill that which is dictated above.

Let us look it over with the aid of a spiritual direction. Calling you attention to the fact
the “Hall of Preparation” would be gone through all according to your serious conception
of the work itself, and the “Hill of Aspiration” would be according to the aspired self, in
as much as you would aspire to gain, just that much more force would be added to the
creation of thought, and as you face the Truth in the East, you would be apt to see
yourself, and become aware of the fact that only without the desires and without the
feelings could you concentrate at all in a selfless manner.

Then would the faith be unto you multiplied in such a manner that you would find the “I
AM” within awaiting you to furnish the bath, so spoken of, and if you have followed me
closely you will find that the real concentration will lead to consecration, and the bath
and clean linen spoken of represents the ancient dew precipitated from the action of the
thoughts flowing through the mind or through the different ventricles of the brain which
formulates the crystal water from the fountain of Holiness.

As we get into this vault, and abide with our divine thoughts we should ask in all
contriteness for the forgiveness of our enemies and of ourselves. Cast out every thought
that is heavy, and in so doing, these cleansing waters, so to speak, becomes crystal like,
through our cleansing thoughts. And thus our mind is washed free of all unworthiness.

Now , will you listen faithfully, you will here find that strength will abide with you, with
courage, faith and zeal, and you begin to realize that the most sensitive points of your
body for pure divine reception are the left breast, because of the heart, the left knee and
also the left food. The reason that the left side of the nature is ever responsive to
inspiration, and the light of heaven, is because the glandular system on that side of the
body is the pure receiving system.

It is connected with the “above” while the right side is the projective system, and is
connected with the “below”.

Consider here, at this particular point, keeping will in mind all that has been described to
you, one of the must ancient messages that existed, a message of TRUTH, coming from
the Lord and Master within.

“Nine (9) is the symbol of eternal waters wherein bathe the beauteous ones; Nine is the
symbol of living fire wherefrom arose the beauteous ones; Nine is the symbol of opening
skies from whence came down the Spirit of Jordan”.
Note that in the above, the beauteous ones are in reality Divine thoughts recreating within
ourselves a perfection and a creation, and then referring to the quotation above wherein
we find; “Nine is the symbol of the eternal waters wherein bathed the beauteous ones” ,

consider these eternal waters as being purified by the illumination of the ductless glands

Consider further: Nine is the symbol of the living fire wherefrom arose the beauteous
ones”, The Divine Fire risen up from the bottom of the spine to the top of the spinal
column where it resides upon the Altar to illuminate these thoughts.

And again, “Nine is the symbol of opening spies whence came down the Spirit of
Jordan”. The eternal waters again after becoming crystal like, the divine fire which has
arisen from “below” now sending forth from what is known as the peduncles, to
illuminate the entire body, through the River Jordan, which is the spinal column.

Our Savior has again said: “Over the waters appeareth a form; it texture hath radiance; it
beareth in its hands a Lamp and a Book”. And in addition to this He also says: “The
Nines of Creation have come to their heritage; the Nines of Creation have drunk of the

By way of explanation, there are nine creative centers in the body, which are nine
elements, so to speak, of creative thought. These are nine attributes of Divine Essence
which gave the Wise Men of Old the knowledge from that which is anciently known in
symbolic form as “The Nine Pointed Star”. In other words “The Star of Bethlehem”.
These will be gone into in detail in later lessons.

Is it not worth while considering that the Eternal still small voice from within makes
known to us these truths. If you will ponder over these things diligently, you will find that
you have every reason to believe that as you follow these lessons faithfully, you will have
the golden key which shall open to you the entire store house of all necessities.

Do not fail to follow the details of your concentration and repeat often the message that is
given to you here, and KNOW and fully REALIZE within yourself



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