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Architecture Santo Tomas Syllabus

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The key takeaways are that the course covers site planning principles and techniques, ecological and social considerations for site planning, and landscape design.

The main topics covered in the course include site selection and analysis, ecological considerations, social and psychological considerations, aesthetic and physical considerations, movement systems, site development, and landscape design.

The assessment methods used in the course include quizzes, projects/case studies, prelims and finals exams.

Pontifcal and Royal

University of Santo Tomas

The Catholic University of the Philippines
Espana, Manila

Course Syllabus
Course Title PLN1- Site Planning Course Code
Course Description The artistic and functional arrangements of buildings; enhancement and design techniques for
exterior environments.
No. of Lecture Hours
Per Week
Three (3) Credit Units Three (3) Pre-requisite Surveying, Architectural
esign 3
Course !"ecti#es At the end of the course, the student should be able to!
". #x$lain the art of site $lanning and landsca$e architecture, ex$osition of their basic $rinci$les
and methods of construction;
%. escribe the ecological, social, $sychological, aesthetic and functional basis of site $lanning;
3. &elate the social issues ' im$lications of site $lanning; and
(. &elate history and $lanning theories to ecology and sustainable develo$ment.
$alue %i&s
Course Progra&
'odule Course Content Description( %cti#it) Week
1.+ ,ntroduction to Site Planning and Landscape %rc-itecture
..+ Para&eters of Site Selection and
Site %nal)sis
)vervie* of the fundamental
conce$ts and $rinci$les of the
$arameters used in site selection and
Site Planning by -evin .ynch, (3
#dition) /assachusetts! The /0T
1ress, "23(
Site Analysis by 4ames .agro, 4r., 5e*
6or,! 4ohn +iley ' Sons, 0nc., %77"
/.+ 0cological Considerations of Site
3." 8round form 9asic ,no*ledge of to$ogra$hy,
slo$e, and variation of elevation on a
site and its surrounding landsca$e.
Site Planning by -evin .ynch, (3
#dition) /assachusetts! The /0T
1ress, "23(
Site Analysis by 4ames .agro, 4r., 5e*
6or,! 4ohn +iley ' Sons, 0nc., %77"
Site Planning Standards by 4ose$h e
:hiara and .ee #. -o$$elman, .., 5e*
6or,! /c8ra*;<ill :o., "2=3
Environmental Planning for Site
Development by 4ean /aconald
9eer, #ngland! :ha$man and <all,
3.% Soils and 8eology 9asic understanding of surficial
geology *hich is concerned *ith the
structure, com$osition, and stability
of materials beneath, and in some
cases, at the earth>s surface.
3.3 +ater &esources 9asic ,no*ledge of hydrology in
relation to land develo$ment, i.e.,
im$act on *ater quality,
flooding?runoff, erosion, etc.
3.( /icroclimate @nderstanding vegetation cover,
*ind, slo$e, landforms, etc. and its
im$act on the microclimate of a site. 3
Week 3.A )rientation @nderstanding the basics of sun and
*ind orientation and ho* it influences
site $lanning.
1ui2 1 To$ic! 0cological Considerations
of Site
3.+ Social and Ps)c-ological Considerations
(." Site Balues?Social 0m$act A$$reciation of the social and
economic issues (i.e., $ast land use
and historic features, demogra$hics,
land o*nershi$, $lanning controls,
etc.) and its direct effect on individual
Site Planning by -evin .ynch, (3
#dition) /assachusetts! The /0T
1ress, "23(
Site Analysis by 4ames .agro, 4r., 5e*
6or,! 4ohn +iley ' Sons, 0nc., %77"
Site Planning Standards by 4ose$h e (.% 9ehavior Settings 0ntroduction to environmental
$sychology and the conce$t of
Cbehavior settings> as a tool to aid site
$lanning and design. 4
:hiara and .ee #. -o$$elman, .., 5e*
6or,! /c8ra*;<ill :o., "2=3
Environmental Planning for Site
Development by 4ean /aconald
9eer, #ngland! :ha$man and <all,
An Introduction to Landscape
Architecture by /ichel .aurie, 5e*
6or,! American #lsevier 1ublishing :o.,
0nc., "2=A
(.3 @ser &equirements 9asic understanding of the various
a$$roaches used in obtaining user
needs (i.e., $ublic $artici$ation,
survey, direct observation, etc.) as
in$uts in coming out *ith a user brief.
(.( :ultural?<istorical Significance 0ntroduction to basic conce$ts and
$rinci$les of historic conservation.

(.A Activity?:ommunications .in,ages 9asic a$$reciation of s$atial
integration and synthesis by
understanding the interconnectivity of
human activities?communications.
(.D 1ertinent .a*s 0ntroduction to local government
ordinances, land use and Eoning, etc.
s$ecifically, those that influences site
1ui2 . To$ic! Social and Ps)c-ological
Considerations of Site
4.+ %est-etic and P-)sical Considerations
A." Site :ontext 9asic understanding of the cultural
attributes of a site, i.e., land use and
tenure, land use regulations, historic
resources, $ublic infrastructure,
$erce$tual quality, etc.
Site Planning by -evin .ynch, (3
#dition) /assachusetts! The /0T
1ress, "23(
Landscape Architecture: A manual of
site planning and design (4
Edition) by
4ohn )rmsbee Simonds, 5e* 6or,!
/c8ra* <ill, %77D
An Introduction to Landscape
Architecture by /ichel .aurie, 5e*
6or,! American #lsevier 1ublishing :o.,
0nc., "2=A
A.% 0mage?Symbols 0ntroduction to the use of $otential
images and symbols as an essential
design consideration in site analysis.
A.3 Sensuous Fualities @nderstanding human $erce$tion
through the five senses and ho* it
contributes to the total ex$erience of
the $hysical environment. =
A.( Bocabulary of S$ace 0ntroduction to understanding
Csensuous forms> and its contribution
to site design.
1ui2 / To$ic! %est-etic and P-)sical
Considerations of Site
5.+ 'o#e&ent S)ste&s
D." Behicular @nderstanding of fundamental
conce$ts of vehicular and $edestrian
movement system as it relates to site
imesaver Standards for Landscape
Architecture by :harles +. <arris and
5icholas T. ines, eds. 5e* 6or,!
/c8ra*;<ill 9oo, :o., "22A
Site Planning Standards by 4ose$h e
:hiara and .ee #. -o$$elman, .., 5e*
6or,! /c8ra*;<ill :o., "2=3
D.% 1edestrian
D.3 &oad .ayouts 0ntroduction to basic conce$ts and
$rinci$les in road layouts such as
hierarchies, functions, etc.
1ui2 3 To$ic! 'o#e&ent S)ste&s
Preli&inar) 06a&ination Depart&ental 06a&ination "7
7.+ Site De#elop&ent 9asic understanding of earth*or,s,
site utilities (i.e., *ater su$$ly,
se*age dis$osal, storm*ater
management and *ater resources
$rotection) and other cost factors in
site develo$ment.
!onstruction Design for Landscape
Architects by Albe /inson, 5e* 6or,!
/c8ra* <ill, "2=(
Site Design " !onstruction Detailing
Edition) by Theodore +al,er, 5e*
6or,! Ban 5orstrand &einhold, "22%
imesaver Standards for Landscape
Architecture by :harles +. <arris and
5icholas T. ines, eds. 5e* 6or,!
/c8ra*;<ill 9oo, :o., "22A
Site Planning by -evin .ynch, (3
#dition) /assachusetts! The /0T
1ress, "23(
8.+ Landscape Design 9asic ,no*ledge of conce$ts and
$rinci$les of landsca$e design such
as $lant selection, aesthetics and
function, site furniture, etc.
An Introduction to Landscape
Architecture by /ichel .aurie, 5e*
6or,! American #lsevier 1ublishing :o.,
0nc., "2=A
Site Planning by -evin .ynch, (3
#dition) /assachusetts! The /0T
1ress, "23(
Landscape Architecture: A manual of
site planning and design (4
Edition) by
4ohn )rmsbee Simonds, 5e* 6or,!
/c8ra* <ill, %77D
A Pictorial !yclopedia of Philippine
$rnamental Plants (%
Edition) by
omingo /adulid, /a,ati :ity!
9oo,mar,, %777
1ui2 4 To$ic! Site De#elop&ent 9
Landscape Design
:.+ ;reen %rc-itecture 0ntroduction to basic conce$ts and
$rinci$les of 8reen Architecture as
a$$lied in site $lanning and
landsca$e design.
!limate !onsiderations in &uilding and
'r(an Design by 9aruch 8ivoni, 5e*
6or,! Ban 5ostrand &einhold, "223
1ui2 5 To$ic! ;reen %rc-itecture
:.+ Pro"ects(Plates(Case Studies
2." &esearch?Gield Study "(
2.% 8rou$ +or,? :onsolidation "A
2.3 8rou$ +or,?:onsolidation "Dth
2.( 8rou$ 1resentation?&e$orting?
<inal 06a&ination Depart&ental 06a&ination "3
Course *equire&ents
*equire&ents ;rade Percentage
Definition( Para&eter *eco&&ended Teac-ing
Strateg)( 'et-odolog)
FuiEEes %7H
A tool in measuring oneIs a$titude and ,no*ledge
acquired in the course of discussion; involves fe*
to$ics, subsequent evaluation is administered.
StudentIs &esearch
and &e$orts
1roJect or :ase Study
/ulti;media /ethod
1lan .ayout #xercises
Gield Tri$? Site Bisit
1relims and Ginals (7H
A com$rehensive tool in assessing oneIs ,no*ledge
and ability. 0n a broader s$ectrum, it covers a *ide
range of to$ics; used at establishing studentIs level of
&esearch, case
study, home*or,,
$lates, etc.
A method or $rocedure aimed at develo$ing oneIs
research s,ills *hile instilling the values of diligence,
resourcefulness and initiative.
;rading S)ste&
2D; "77 ".7 #xcellent
*e&arks 2(; 2A ".%A Bery 8ood
2%; 23 ".A7 8ood
32; 2" ".=A Satisfactory
3=; 33 %.7 Satisfactory
3(; 3D %.%A Gair
3%; 33 %.A Gair
=2; 3" %.=A Gair
=A; =3 3.7 1ass
9elo* =A A.7 Gail
+G +ithdre* *ithout $ermission
+1 +ithdre* *ith $ermission
GA Gailed due to absences
Course Professor( ,nstructor
1rofessor>s? 0nstructor>s 5ame :ontact 5os.
1hone /obile #;mail

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