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Water Pollution

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Chapter 18 Lecture Outline

Water Pollution
• Types and Effects of Water
– Point vs. Non-Point Sources
• Water Quality Today
– Surface Water
– Groundwater
– Ocean Water
• Water Pollution Control
– Source Reduction
– Municipal Sewage Treatment
• Water Legislation
– Clean Water Act (1972)
Water Pollution
• Any physical, biological, or
chemical change in water
quality that adversely
affects living organisms or
makes water unsuitable for
desired uses can be Pollution originating from a single,
considered pollution. identifiable source, such as a discharge
– Point Sources - discharge pipe from a factory or sewage plant, is
pollution from specific called point-source pollution.
• Factories, power plants, drain
– Non-Point Sources - scattered
or diffuse, having no specific
location of discharge
• Agricultural fields, feedlots
Atrazine is a herbicide, applied in the spring to kill

Water Pollution weeds before crops begin to grow.  It’s also an

endocrine disrupter, meaning that it can interfere
with normal hormone activity.  When organisms
are exposed to atrazine, particularly at sensitive
– Non point sources periods in their development, bad things happen. 
Exposure as low as 0.1 parts per billion have
continued been shown to cause the development of female
• Atmospheric Deposition - sex characteristics in male frogs and the
contaminants carried by development of eggs in male frog testes. 
air currents and
precipitated into
watersheds or directly
onto surface waters as
rain, snow or dry particles
• Estimated 600,000 kg of
the herbicide atrazine in
the Great Lakes
– Most thought to have
been deposited from the
• Contaminants can also
evaporate from lakes.
Types and Effects of Water Pollution

• Infectious Agents
– Main source of waterborne pathogens is improperly treated
human waste
• Animal waste from feedlots and fields is also important source of
– At least 2.5 billion people in less developed countries lack adequate
sanitation, and about half of these lack access to clean drinking water.
Infectious Agents
• In developed
countries, sewage
treatment plants and
devices have greatly
reduced pathogens.
– Coliform bacteria -
intestinal bacteria;
used to detect water
– Drinking water
generally disinfected
via chlorination
• Water with an oxygen content >
6 ppm will support desirable
aquatic life.
– Water with < 2 ppm oxygen will
support mainly detritivores and

• Oxygen is added to water by

diffusion from wind and waves,
and by photosynthesis from
green plants, algae, and
– Oxygen is removed from water
by respiration and oxygen-
consuming processes.

Oxygen-Demanding Wastes
• Biochemical Oxygen
Demand - amount of
dissolved oxygen consumed
by aquatic microorganisms.
Used as a test for organic
waste contamination.
• Dissolved Oxygen Content -
measure of dissolved oxygen
in the water
• Effects of oxygen-demanding
wastes on rivers depend on
volume, flow, and
temperature of river water.
– Oxygen Sag - oxygen levels
decline downstream from a
pollution source as
decomposers metabolize
waste materials
Oxygen Sag
Plant Nutrients and
• Oligotrophic - bodies of water
that have clear water and low
biological productivity
• Eutrophic - bodies of water that
are rich in organisms and
organic material Oligotrophic
– Eutrophication - process of
increasing nutrient levels and
biological productivity
• Cultural Eutrophication -
increase in biological
productivity and ecosystem
succession caused by human
– Algal blooms often result.
Decomposing algae rob
water of oxygen.

The effects of possibly agricultural runoff in the Danube can be seen in this SeaWiFS
image as the river empties into the Black Sea at the bottom of this image.

Black Sea Cultural Eutrophication

Toxic Tides
• Red tides - dinoflagellate
blooms - have become
increasingly common in
slow-moving and shallow
– Dinoflagellates are single-
celled organisms that swim
with 2 whiplike flagella.
• Pfiesteria piscicida is a
poisonous dinoflagellate
recently recognized.
– Found in marine zones that
are hypoxic due to
eutrophication e.g. dead
zone at mouth of
Mississippi River
Inorganic Pollutants
• Metals
– Many metals such as mercury,
lead, cadmium, and nickel are
highly toxic.
• Highly persistent and tend to
bioaccumulate in food chains
• Most widespread toxic metal
contaminant in North America is
mercury (found in fish)
– 600,000 American children
have mercury levels high
enough to cause mental
deterioration and 1 woman in 6
has levels high enough to
harm fetus.
Other Metal Contaminants
in Water
• Mine drainage and leaching are serious sources of
environmental contamination.
– In a Tennessee study, 43% of streams and 50% of
groundwater contaminated by metals and acid from
mine drainage
Inorganic Pollutants
• Nonmetallic Salts
– Many salts that are non-
toxic at low
concentrations can be
mobilized by irrigation
and concentrated by
evaporation, reaching
levels toxic to plants and
• Leaching of road salts
has had detrimental effect
on many ecosystems.
• Arsenic in India and
Acids and Bases

• Acids and Bases

– Often released as by-products of industrial processes
– Coal mining is an especially important source of acid water
• Many streams acidified by acid mine drainage are lifeless
– Combustion of fossil fuels releases sulfuric and nitric acids that
are deposited in water.
• Thousands of lakes are empty of fish and support only a few
mosses and fungi due to low pH.

Acid Mine Run off ~ South Africa

Organic Chemicals
• Thousands of natural and synthetic organic chemicals are used to
make pesticides, plastics, pharmaceuticals, pigments, etc.

• Two most important sources of toxic organic chemicals in water are:

– Improper disposal of industrial and household wastes
– Runoff of pesticides from fields, roadsides, golf courses, lawns, etc.
Detection Frequency of Organic

Sediment turbidity caused by

excessive sediment content
dramatically affects water

• Human activities have accelerated erosion rates in

many areas.
– Human-induced erosion and runoff contribute about 25 billion
metric tons of sediment and suspended solids to world surface
waters each year.
• Obstructs shipping channels, clogs hydroelectric turbines,
smothers fish eggs, blocks out light needed for photosynthesis
• Sediment can also be beneficial e.g. building coastal wetlands
and nourishing floodplain fields
Thermal Pollution
• Raising or lowering water
temperatures from normal
levels can adversely
affect water quality and
aquatic life.
– Oxygen solubility in water
decreases as temperatures
• Species requiring high
oxygen levels are
adversely affected by
warming water.
• Humans cause warming
by discharging heated
water from power plants
and other industries.
Thermal Pollution
• Industrial cooling processes
often use heat-exchangers to
extract excess heat, and then
discharge heated water back
into original source as a
thermal plume.
– Disrupts natural ecosystems
• Die off of heat sensitive
• Other organisms are attracted
to warmth, but die when flow
of warm water is interrupted by
plant shutdown.
– Cooling ponds or towers

Kitts Sugar Manufacturing Corporation

with cooling pond in foreground
Water Quality Today
• Areas of Progress
– Clean Water Act (1972)
established a National
Pollution Discharge System
which requires a permit for
any entity dumping wastes
in surface waters and
requires disclosure of what
is being dumped. “Almost four decades ago, Congress passed the
• Significant improvement in Clean Water Act to force polluters to disclose the
water quality, mostly due to toxins they dump into waterways and to give
regulators the power to fine or jail offenders. States
sewage treatment have passed pollution statutes of their own. But in
• But goals have not been recent years, violations of the Clean Water Act have
fully met; 21,000 water risen steadily across the nation, an extensive review of
bodies do not meet water pollution records by The New York Times found.
In the last five years alone, chemical factories,
designated uses
manufacturing plants and other workplaces have
violated water pollution laws more than half a million
Areas of
• In 1998, EPA switched
regulatory approaches.
Rather than issue
standards on a site by site
basis, the focus is now on
monitoring and protection.
– States are required to
identify waters not meeting
water quality goals and
develop total maximum
daily loads for each
pollutant and each listed
water body.
• Encouraging example:
Lake Erie
Remaining Problems
• Some of the greatest
impediments to achieving
national goals in water quality
are sediment, nutrients, and
pathogens, especially from
non-point discharges.
– About three-quarters of water
pollution in the U.S. comes
from soil erosion, air pollution
fallout, and agricultural and
urban runoff.
• Cattle in feedlots produce 144
million tons of manure and pet
waste does not go through
sewage treatment.
Other Countries Also
Have Water Pollution
• Sewage treatment in
wealthier countries of
Europe generally equals or
surpasses the U.S.
• In Russia, only about half of
the tap water supply is safe
to drink and in China 70% of
surface waters are unfit for
• South America, Africa and
Asia have poor water quality
due to poverty, population
growth and shift of polluting
industries from countries
where laws are strict to
where they are lax.
• The Yamuna River and 2/3
of the other surface waters in
India are so polluted that it is
dangerous to even have
contact with the water. Yamuna River India
Groundwater Is
Hard To Monitor
And Clean
• About half the U.S.
population, and 95% of
rural residents, depend on
underground aquifers for Rialto-groundwater contamination
drinking water. with Perchlorate (link on web page
– For decades, groundwater to more information.)
was assumed impervious to
pollution and was considered
the gold standard for water
quality, but that is no longer
– Methyl tertiary butyl ether
(MTBE). a suspected
carcinogen found in gasoline,
now contaminates
Groundwater and
Drinking Water
• EPA estimates 4.5 trillion liters
(1.2 trillion gal) of contaminated
water seep into the
groundwater in the U.S. every
– Comes from septic tanks,
cesspools, landfills, waste
disposal sites, etc.
• 1 gal of gasoline can make 1
million gal of water
– In agricultural areas, fertilizers
and pesticides commonly
contaminate aquifers and
– Contaminants remain for
thousands of years
Groundwater Pollution
Groundwater and Drinking Water
• In addition to groundwater,
contaminated surface waters
can make drinking water
– 2008 EPA data show that
30,000 people in the U.S. get
water from community systems
that don’t meet all health-based
drinking water standards
• An estimated 1.5 million
Americans fall ill from fecal
contamination annually
– Cryptosporidium outbreaks
• Milwaukee - 400,000 sick, 100
Drinking Water Systems with
EPA Violations
There Are Few
Controls On
Ocean Pollution
• Coastal zone often
overwhelmed by
contamination from heavy
metals, toxic chemicals,
oil, pathogens, sediment.
These zones would
otherwise be among most
“The detritus of our mass consumption
productive. surfaces in an astonishing place: inside
– Discarded plastics are non- the stomachs of thousands of dead baby
biodegradable, last for albatrosses. The nesting chicks are fed
years, and are carried by lethal quantities of plastic by their parents,
currents around the world. who mistake the floating trash for food as
• Often ensnare bird and they forage over the vast polluted Pacific
mammals, choking them Ocean
For me, kneeling Chris Jordan Gallery: Midway Island
over their carcasses
is like looking into a
macabre mirror.
These birds reflect
back an appallingly
emblematic result of
the collective trance
of our consumerism
and runaway
industrial growth.
Like the albatross,
we first-world
humans find
ourselves lacking the
ability to discern
anymore what is
nourishing from what
is toxic to our lives
and our spirits.
Choked to death on
our waste, the
mythical albatross
calls upon us to
recognize that our
greatest challenge
lies not out there, but
in here.”
Ocean Pollution
Oil Pollution
• Few coastlines in the world
remain uncontaminated by
oil pollution.
– 3 to 6 million tons of oil are
released into ocean each
year, about half of which is
due to marine transport.
– Major oil spills from
transport, military conflict,
oil drilling in risky locations
such as the North Sea
– There are plans to drill in Daryl Hannah tests water in Ecuador
seismically active California
and Alaskan coasts.
Source Reduction Can Reduce
Water Pollution
 Cheapest and most
effective way to
reduce pollution is
avoid producing it or
releasing it into the
• Studies show as much
as 90% less road salt
can be used without
significantly affecting
• Carefully dispose of oil
• Recover metals from
industrial waste and
sell them
Land Management
Controls Nonpoint
• Some main causes of
nonpoint pollution:
– Agriculture
– Urban runoff
– Rain water runoff from an agricultural
Construction sites
field is channeled through a flume at the
– Land disposal Pioneer Research Farm in Platteville,
• Generally, soil Wis., on Aug. 17, 2005. Monitoring
conservation methods equipment connected to the flume
records the volume, velocity and
also help protect water chemical make-up of such water runoff.
quality. Researchers at the University of
• In urban areas, reducing Wisconsin-Madison are working on a
Wisconsin Phosphorus Index (P Index)
materials carried away by and software program to provide farmers
storm runoff is helpful. with nutrient management tools and
practices to help assess and reduce farm
fertilizer runoff.
Signs Can Remind People
Where Wastes Go
Human Waste Disposal
• More than 500 pathogenic
bacteria, viruses, and
parasites can travel from
human or animal excrement
through water.
• Natural Processes
– In many areas, outdoor
urination and defecation is the
• When population densities
are low, natural processes
can quickly eliminate waste,
but in cities this is
– A significant proportion of MEXICO. Mexico City. Sewage
dust in Mexico City is from Mexico City being pumped into
actually dried feces.
the canal.
A plume of sewage- and
sediment-laden runoff from
Tijuana empties into the Pacific
Ocean via the Tijuana River.
The Tijuana River Estuary, on
the U.S. side of the border, is
shown lower left; Tijuana is
upper left.
Human Waste Disposal
• In many countries, especially in Asia, “night soil” (human and animal waste)
is spread on fields as fertilizer, but it can cause disease.

• Until about 70 years ago, most rural areas in the U.S. depended on
outhouses, which contaminated drinking water supplies.

• Development of septic fields which clean water by aeration and remove

excess nutrients through bacterial action. Solids are pumped out and taken
to a treatment plant.
Municipal Sewage Treatment
• Primary Treatment - physical • Tertiary Treatment - removal of
separation of large solids from plant nutrients (nitrates and
the waste stream phosphates) from secondary
• Secondary Treatment - – Chemicals which bind or
natural wetlands
biological degradation of
dissolved organic compounds
– Effluent from primary • In many U.S. cities, sanitary
treatment transferred into sewers are connected to storm
trickling bed, or aeration tank sewers.
• Effluent from secondary – Heavy storms can overload
treatment is usually the system, causing by-pass
disinfected (chlorinated)
before release into nearby
dumping of raw sewage and
waterway. toxic runoff directly into
Low-Cost Waste
• Effluent Sewerage
– Hybrid between traditional
septic tank and full sewer
• Pump liquid tank contents
to central treatment plant
rather than use drainfield

• Wetlands
– Effluent flows through
wetlands where it is filtered
and cleaned by aquatic
plants and microscopic
Water Remediation
• Containment methods confine liquid wastes in place, or cap surface
with impermeable layer to divert water away from a site that is
causing pollution.
• Extraction techniques are used to pump out polluted water for
– Oxidation, reduction, neutralization, or precipitation of contaminants
• Living organisms can also be used to break down pollution (called
Ecological Engineering
• Ocean Arks International designs vessels that combine living
organisms with containment. In a machine, water flows through a
series of containers, each with a distinctive biological community.
Waste from one vessel becomes the food for the next vessel.

• Final effluent is technically drinkable, but more often used for

irrigation or flushing toilets.
Ecological Engineering
• U.S. Clean Water Act
– Goal was to return all U.S.
surface waters to “fishable
and swimmable” conditions
• For point sources,
discharge permits and best
practicable control
technology (BPT) are
– Set goals of best
available, economically
achievable technology
(BAT) for zero discharge
of 126 priority toxic

Stream contaminated by chemicals and

• Areas of
Clean Water Act Contention
(1972) – Draining or filling of
wetlands is
• Farmers and
consider this the
taking of private
– Unfunded
• State or local
governments must
spend monies to
comply with
regulations but
are not repaid by
– Agricultural runoff is
largest source of
surface water
degradation, but
regulation remains
a problem.
Other Important Water Legislation
• Safe Drinking Water Act
regulates water quality in
municipal and commercial

• CERCLA (1980) created

Superfund program to
clean up toxic waste sites
– Amended in 1884 by SARA,
which provides immediate
response in emergency
situations and permanent
remedies for abandoned
Clean Water Legislation

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