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Case Report: Bruxism Control in A Child With Cerebral Palsy

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International Scholarly Research Network

ISRN Dentistry
Volume 2011, Article ID 146915, 4 pages
Case Report
BruxismControl in a Child with Cerebral Palsy
Cristiana Aroeira G. R. Oliveira,
Viviane Andrade Cancio de Paula,
Maristela Barbosa Portela,
1, 2
Laura Salignac Guimar aes Primo,
and Gloria Fernanda Castro
1, 3
Department of Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,
Rio de Janeiro, 21941-901/RJ, Brazil
Department of Clinics and Pediatric Dentistry, Fluminense Federal University (UFF), Niter oi, Brazil
Caixa Postal 68066 Cidade Universit aria (CCS), Rio de Janeiro RJ, CEP: 21941-971, Brazil
Correspondence should be addressed to Gloria Fernanda Castro,
Received 22 September 2010; Accepted 4 November 2010
Academic Editors: J. H. Jeng and C. Robinson
Copyright 2011 Cristiana Aroeira G. R. Oliveira et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Cerebral palsy (CP) is one of the most severe childhood disabilities due to a lesion in the developing brain. Oral conditions often
observed in this pathogenic are a tendency for the delayed eruption of permanent molars, higher percentages of malocclusion and
parafunctional habits, including bruxism. The signicance of oral conditions observed in CP patients demonstrates the need for
intensive home and professional care for these individuals. This paper presents a 7-year-old boy, with cerebral palsy, severe mental
retardation, who had high abrasion wear of the primary teeth related to bruxism. Dental care was carried out under oxide-induced
sedation, and management of the bruxism was achieved after the use of a resin acrylic protective appliance xed on both sides of
the mandibula. The treatment performed oered eciency advantages, was clinically viable, and should be a valuable option to
practitioners considering appliance therapy to control parafunctional behavior.
1. Introduction
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a severe childhood disability, charac-
terized by a nonprogressive motor disorder of posture and
movement due to a lesion in the developing brain [1]. The
prevalence of this clinical condition among children aged 3
10 years has been reported to be 2.4 in every 1000 live-borns
[2], being signicantly higher in males and black people.
The most common disorders associated with CP are mental
retardation, sensory limitations, epilepsy, speech disorders
and hearing loss [3]. The more common oral conditions in
individuals with CP include higher mean decayed, missing
and lled surfaces index, higher plaque index, tendency for
delayed eruption of permanent molars, malocclusion [4], as
well as high rates of bruxism [5].
Bruxism means grinding or gnashing of the teeth [6].
This rhythmic grinding can cause masseter hypertrophy,
headaches, temporomandibular joint destruction, and tooth
wear. The incidence of bruxism in the general population has
been reported to be as high as 21%, but its incidence in PC
is still unknown [7]. Many factors may be involved in the
etiology of this parafunctional activity such as spasticity [8];
unbalanced oral myofunctional disturbance[3, 5], backbone
dysfunction with the head projected forward, which changes
the contact between the teeth and predisposes hyperactivity
of the main masticatory muscles (temporal and masseteric)
[9], lack of control of the mandibular posture which can
worsen in periods of emotional stress [10]; sleep disorders
[11]; use of neuroleptics [5] and malocclusion [12]. Some of
these changes are very common in children with PC [5].
The mastigatory musculature spasticity of CP can inter-
fere with daily activities such as tooth brushing, cleaning of
the oral cavity and eating [7]. The treatment for this para-
functional activity includes restorative treatment, occlusal
adjustment[9], the use of oral splints, pharmacological
treatments and dental extraction [6]. The most severe cases
require a multidisciplinary input, including pediatricians,
psychiatrists, paediatric dentists, and/or oral surgeons [13].
2 ISRN Dentistry
The following paper reports a severe case of bruxism in a
child with cerebral palsy and discusses the treatment given.
2. Case Report
A seven-year-old boy with spastic cerebral palsy (type
quadriplegia, the severest CP) was brought to the Pediatric
Dentistry Department of the Federal University of Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil because his parents complained of the
repeated grinding which was damaging his teeth and gums.
The parents reported during anamnesis that the pregnancy
and parturition were normal and he was born in 40th week
of gestation. When he was 5 days old he spent 11 days in the
neonatal intensive care unit because of icterus with moderate
bilirubin levels and he needed a blood transfusion.
The child was under medical treatment during his rst
year of life because of convulsive crises. He has always been
cared for by his parents for all daily actives. The child has
been followed up by a multidisciplinary team including
pediatrician, physiotherapist, psychologist and neurologist.
Medicines taken by the patient daily included Gardenal,
Lorenal, Motile and Rivertril.
Clinically, there were no extraoral ndings of note.
Intraoral examination revealed a mixed dentition and good
oral hygiene. All deciduous teeth presented severe dental
wear, indicating a pronounced bruxism. The enamel had
been worn away on large areas of anterior cusps and
mastigatory primary molar surfaces. Because of the poor
participation of the patient, the size of movements could
not be measured. He had no salivary drooling and had
an adequate swallow in spite of evidence of facial and
hypoglossal nerve dysfunction. His parents reported he used
to eat ordinary food, but in the last six months they had
noticed he appeared in pain while eating so he was only able
to eat pur eed food.
As the molars had extensive teeth surface losses, stainless
steel crowns were the proposed treatment for the primary
molars under local anesthesia and nitrous oxide-induced
sedation (N
O) [14]. At the rst appointment, the treatment
of the right molars was carried out and four stainless steel
crowns were cemented on the primary molars. Seven days
later the same treatment was performed on the left primary
molars. A week later a protective oral appliance was designed
for covering all the maxillary molars, in order to reduce
the bruxism and prevent injuries to the soft tissues [15].
Impressions were made with a silicone material to obtain a
working model (Figure 1) and two acrylic resin appliances
were made (Figures 2 and 3) under N
O sedation. At the
following appointment, the protective appliance was xed
on both sides of the mandibular teeth by means of ionomer
cement. The parents were educated on the proper oral
hygiene measures to be adopted and the need for regular
dental visits in the future. After a period of two weeks,
grinding behavior had decreased signicantly and no further
damage to the dentition were seen. His parents reported
that the child had received the appliance well and he no
longer ground his teeth (the bruxism had been controlled
with concomitant alleviation of symptoms); feeding had
improved, because he was able to consume solid foods
instead of the semisolid diet that he had before treatment.
The patient was periodically followed up in order to remove
and clean the appliances, apply topical uoride and instruct
the parents on oral hygiene. Six months later, the eruption
of permanent central incisors of both jaws could be noted
and at the one year (Figure 4) review the crowns of these
teeth were more exposed. The child remains under continued
intervention through a multidisciplinary team.
3. Discussion
Individuals with CP tend to develop accentuated involuntary
muscle tonus in orofacial muscles and other muscles and
often show various types of stereotypy [16], especially when
they lack any other occupation, as in this case, where the
child occupied himself by grinding his teeth for a large
part of the day. Lindqvist and Heijbel [16] observed that
abnormal dental wear is closely related to a low level of
mental development [17] and severe dental wear indicates
that CP children have more pronounced bruxism than
normal children [8, 9].
In this case, clinical signs as lip biting or small ulcers were
not found, even though they have been reported as clinical
signs of bruxism [6, 18].On the other hand, the patient
presented limited mouth opening or trismus, an inherent
characteristic of bruxism [18].
There is contradictory information in the literature
regarding the incidence of oral diseases in patients with CP.
According to Brown and Schodel [17], these controversies are
due to the failure of the criteria used to choose the population
to be studied as well as the absence of control groups. Santos
[4] observed a high-risk for dental caries in CP children.
However, no carious lesions were diagnosed in the patient
described in the present case. This may be explained because
the parents had received oral hygiene and diet instructions
in a pediatric clinic when the child was very young and they
have always been very careful with the childs oral hygiene.
Dental treatment for handicapped patients presents
multiple diculties. They are often treated under general
anesthetic or deep sedation, which has many disadvantages
[19]. Yoshida et al. [14] presented a study pointing out
the benecial properties of nitrous oxide-(N
O-) induced
sedation performed during dental treatment on CP patients.
The authors decided to carry out the dental procedures on
the patient using N
O sedation considering the procedure
was of short duration, the diculties involved in local
hospital admission and the safety of the technique [20].
In studies of bruxism in mentally retarded children in
the literature, the term abnormal abrasion has varying
implications; so treatment for the oral injuries caused by this
parafunctional activity may include restorative techniques,
dental extractions [21], and the use of oral protective
appliances [22]. The rst choice was to restore the primary
molars with stainless steel crowns because of their high
degree of dental wear. This procedure was not suciently
eective, since the patient continued to grind his teeth
with great force. Therefore it was decided to make xed
acrylic appliances to reduce the bruxism. Although the
appliance was cemented, the parents were instructed to
ISRN Dentistry 3
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 1: Inicial models. Lateral and frontal vision. The high abrasive wear of primary teeth and the delayed eruption of permanent incisors
can be seen.
Figure 2: Frontal vision after the adaptation of stainless steel
crowns, showing the eruption of the permanent incisors.
Figure 3: Models used to make the oral appliances before being
cemented on the patients primary molars.
verify the stability of the appliance in order to avoid the
risk of aspiration. Although the appliance was cemented,
before choosing this treatment option, the authors discussed
the risk of aspiration with the childs parents. They were
instructed to verify the stability of the appliance and to keep it
cleaned. Although there are few studies concerning the use of
oral devices directly with children, an oral appliance applied
to prevent the self-mutilation of the lower lip in a mentally
handicapped patient with Moebius syndrome, has been
Figure 4: One-year-review: the crowns of permanent central
incisors can be seen.
described, with positive results [15, 23]. The bruxism was
reduced and the parents related that activities like eating and
sucking became easier for the patient. It probably occurred
because the resin appliance increased vertical dimension and
the occlusal parameters had been established, so the patient
was able to have a better functional occlusal activity.
In a later followup, the eruption of permanent rst
molars and incisors was observed, indicating the success of
the treatment. As the child gets older, the appliance can be
extended to other teeth if necessary, as his future neurological
condition cannot be predicted.
Early diagnosis and interventions of parafunctional
habits in individuals with CP is important to reduce invasive
treatment and worse complications for the patient. This
paper also highlights that oral protective appliances can be
clinically viable and eective for the prevention of bruxism.
Furthermore, this case illustrates the importance of the
treatment by a dental team in patients with cerebral palsy.
The authors thank Fundac ao Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo
` a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ) for the
nancial support (Proc. E-26/100.645/2008).
4 ISRN Dentistry
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