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Maritime News 17 June 14

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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

International maritime news for seafarers
Energy demand narrows gap between
emerging, developed nations
Global energy consumption are posting significant hies in both de!eloped and
emerging economies as of this year, indicating that growth gap between the two
groups is gradually narrowing"
In the #$ %tatistical &e!iew of 'orld (nergy 2014 report, it was stated that global
energy demand went up by 2")* + slightly below the historical a!erage" ,hina-s
slumping economic growth caused energy consumption in emerging nations to post a
long term a!erage rate of .ust )"1*"
#ut in de!eloped economies, energy demand surged by 1"2* on the bac of strong
growth in the /%, prompting the gap between growth in 0(,1 and non+0(,1 nations
to reach le!els ne!er before seen since 2000"
The report also highlighted the impact of political conflicts in some nations that
affected global oil production, although such a problem was fended off by a hie in /%
crude output"
2The re!iew again demonstrates the strength of the fle3ible global energy system in
adapting to a changing world" The ma.or disruptions to production seen throughout
201) were balanced by continued rises in production elsewhere,2 #$ Group chief
e3ecuti!e officer #ob 1udley said"
4e noted that such de!elopments signal the need for the international community to
.oin forces in tapping new resources, as well as in adopting new measures to boost
marets and in!estments and application of new technologies"
The #$ report also highlighted the gradual growth in renewable energy, which now
account for more than fi!e percent of global power production"
MSC approves changes to SOLAS
The 5aritime %afety ,ommittee 65%,7 of the International 5aritime 0rganisation
6I507 has appro!ed changes to the %afety of 8ife at %ea 6%089%7 con!ention that will
re:uire !erification of container weights as a condition for loading paced e3port
containers aboard ships" 5is+declared container weights ha!e been a long+standing
problem for the transportation industry and for go!ernments as they present safety
ha;ards for ships, their crews and other cargo on board, worers in the port facilities
handling containers and on roads" 5is+declaration of container weights also gi!es rise
to customs concerns"
The appro!ed changes to the con!ention will enter into force in July 201< upon final
adoption by the 5%, in =o!ember 2014" In order to assist supply chain participants-
and %089% ,ontracting Go!ernments- implementation of the container weight
!erification re:uirement, 5%, also issued a 5%, ,ircular with implementation
%ource> I50
Ancient Chinese ship replica construction
9n ambitious ,hinese plan to build a replica of 1?th century e3plorer @heng 4e-s
2treasure ship2 has run aground, reports said 5onday, with some :uestioning whether
the !essel will e!er sail, 9A$ reported"
9ccording to the state+run ,hina 1aily newspaper, wor began in 200? on the replica,
which, if completed, would be the world-s largest handmade wooden ship"
Bet the 71"1+metre+long !essel now stands half+finished at a shipyard in the eastern
,hinese city of, with those in!ol!ed in the pro.ect offering conflicting
e3planations for the delay"
9dmiral @heng 4e, ,hina-s most famous sailor, embared on a two+year e3pedition in
the 1400s that too his fleet of )00 ships and )0,000 men as far as 9frica"
4e was a 5uslim from Bunnan who became an imperial eunuch after being taen
capti!e and castrated at the age of 10 by the 5ing as their armies o!erthrew the
area-s 5ongol rulers" 9t court he rose :uicly to become a ey ad!iser, before being
entrusted with his !oyages of e3ploration" %ome writers claim he beat ,hristopher
,olumbus to 9merica, but that !ersion of history is widely seen as contro!ersial"
PH loos !orward to approved MLC "##$
The $hilippines- 8abor %ecretary &osalinda #aldo; has underscored the importance of
adopting the amendments to the 5aritime 8abor ,on!ention of 200< 658,, 200<7"
#aldo; stressed that Ailipino seafarers will benefit a lot from the changes, including
better protection and support from in.ury and illness"
2It is in our country-s best interest to pro!ide our )<0,000 ocean+going seafarers with
the best terms and conditions of employment and welfare, including the welfare of
their families" 9s a flag state, we are strongly assured that seafarers in all $hilippine+
flagged ocean+going and inter+island ships employing an estimated <0,000 seafarers
shall be co!ered by internationally+benchmared standards that secure their welfare
and protection,2 #aldo; was :uoted as saying"
The 10)rd International 8abour ,onference recently adopted the changes to the 58,
#aldo; noted that the go!ernment will be establishing procedures to ensure that the
changes to the 58, are properly implemented"
5eanwhile, the $hilippine official also stressed the need to engage in regular
dialogues between the go!ernments and member+states that ha!e Ailipino seafarers
on board their !essels to ensure that both sides- concerns in ey issues are properly
Liverpool hosts ey bi% event
9 ey business forum will be held in 8i!erpool on Tuesday" The International Aesti!al
for #usiness will highlight the importance of shipping and port sectors- role in spurring
trade growth not only in the /nited Cingdom, but also across the globe"
,arrying the theme 24arnessing the %trength of %hipping Inno!ation, the e!ent, in
which some 2?0,000 !isitors are e3pected to participate, will also feature a debate
amongst representati!es from all sectors of the shipping industry on how to further
enhance international trade flows"
The shipping industry, which has surpassed !arious challenges such as the recession
brought about by the 200D financial crisis, has been playing a ey role in de!eloping
world trade, as well as assisting nations to achie!e economic stability"
0ne of the e!ent-s ey speaers will be #raemar %eascope group research director
5ar 'illiams, whose speech will focus on the shipping industry-s current status and
will discuss the latest de!elopment on !arious sectors such as oil, gas and cargo"
'illiams e3pressed delight o!er his stint at the forum, saying> 2This e!ent underlines
the importance of 8i!erpool and the =orth 'est to the /C-s maritime economy, and
the importance of the /C-s maritime e3pertise to pro.ecting a strong image of the /C
&S calls !or more e!!ort to protect oceans
/% %ecretary of %tate John Cerry said 5onday the world-s oceans are facing threats
from o!erfishing, pollution and acidification, and called for 2a comprehensi!e, global
strategy2 to protect the seas that co!er three :uarters of the earth"
Cerry made the remars as he opened a two+day international ocean conference, the
first of its ind hosted by the /% 1epartment of %tate, to discuss the danger to the
ocean and concrete actions that should be taen, Einhua reported"
9round 400 people from more than D0 nations, including 'orld #an $resident Jim
Bong Cim, se!eral heads of state as well as foreign ministers, were present at the
20ur 0cean2 conference held in 'ashington, 1," 2%tewardship of our ocean is not a
one+person e!ent, it is a nation e!ent, it is a country e!ent, it is a uni!ersal
re:uirement all across this planet,2 Cerry told the conference participants"
2=o one should mistae that the protection of our ocean is a !ital international security
issue,2 he said"
2The ocean today supports li!elihoods of up to 12* of world-s population" #ut it-s also
essential to maintaining the en!ironment in which we all li!e"2
9ccording to Cerry, one third of the world-s fish stocs are now o!ere3ploited, and
nearly all the rest are being fished at or near their absolute ma3imum sustainable
2If it continues much longer, a significant chun of marine life may simply die out
because it can no longer li!e, no longer sur!i!e, in the oceans- water,2 said Cerry, who
belie!ed so far all the efforts to sa!e the oceans 2ha!e only been applied on a
relati!ely small scale and only applied in one region and another" 2
PPA, PSC eye trade deal
The $hilippine $orts 9uthority 6$$97 on Tuesday announced that it is forging an
agreement with the $ort of %an Arancisco ,ommission 6$%,7 in its bid to facilitate
trade at the $ort of 5anila"
The port regulator, led by its General 5anager Juan ," %ta" 9na, !isited the $%,
recently that coincided with the $ermanent International 9ssociation of =a!igation
,ongresses that was held in %an Arancisco in the first wee of this month"
%ta" 9na, who was also accompanied by $$9 9ssistant General 5anager for
,orporate and %pecial $ro.ects 4ector (" 5iole, e3pects to complete the sister port
agreement by =o!ember of this year"
The $ort of %an Arancisco is 9merica-s gateway to (ast 9sia that offers ma.or assets
such as naturally deep water, hundreds of s:uare feet of co!ered storage, on+doc
rails, acres of unobstructed lay+down space and modern and well maintained cargo
/nder the proposed partnership, both parties will share general information, policies
and best practices on port planning and building, port management and operations,
information technology, personnel training, en!ironmental protection measures, port
safety and security, supply chain logistics, cruise tourism, among others, $=9
SCEA sees to boost data gathering with
new MO&
In a bid to sa!e on transport and logistics cost, the %hippers ,ouncil of (ast 9frica
6%,(97 and the Intergo!ernmental %tanding ,ommittee on %hipping ha!e agreed to
share !ital information in a memorandum of
understanding 650/7 signed by officials of the two sides"
%,(9 chief e3ecuti!e officer Gilbert 8angat said that shippers and cargo owners
depend on information and logistics"
2Aor us to be efficient and eep abreast with what is going on in the shipping industry,
we ha!e to ha!e rele!ant information since a lot of issues happening internationally
ha!e a direct impact on the sector,2 8angat said"
'wo missing people rescued by &S Coast
Two people reported missing after their fishing boat san ha!e been rescued by the
/% ,oast Guard on %unday"
The two rescued were on a fishing boat on %aturday night when their !essel san"
9 call for help was transferred to the ,oast Guard %ector 4ampton &oads
watchstanders, prompting them to send a rescue team"
The call came at around )>2?am and one of the sur!i!ors was located at 4am" 4e was
able to swim ashore and was hoisted to ahelicopter dispatched by the rescue team
and taen to a hospital"
The other sur!i!or was found around 7am and later taen to a hospital for treatment
Arab Academy !or Science, 'echnology )
Maritime 'ransport
The 9rab 9cademy for %cience, Technology F 5aritime Transport, located in
9le3andria, (gypt, is a regional uni!ersity operated by the 9rab 8eague" 99%T5T is
nown for its programmes in marine transportation, business and engineering"
The 99%T5T began operations in a temporary location in 9le3andria on 2Dth
Aebruary 1G72"
9 fi!e+year technical aid worth /%12") million was allocated for it in the form of
e3perts, training delegations and training e:uipment" The pro.ect then recei!ed a two+
year e3tension with the assistance increased to /%1)"< million"
The (gyptian go!ernment has pro!ided the use of the following facilities and
e:uipments to 99%T5T>
The 140+acre land in (l+Tarh in 9bu Cir, 9le3andria, as the 99%T5T-s first campusH
campus buildings, a felucca anchorage and anchorage buoysH furniture, supplies and
training e:uipment apart from those pro!ided by the /=1$H sailing boats, life boats
and launches for training on the use of radarsH the training ship 29ida ),2 on an as+
needed basisH and transportation such as buses for students and staff members"
In 1G7G, the 99%T5T decided to set up an e3amination centre to :ualify captains,
dec officers and marine engineers to ac:uire the necessary competence certificates
to wor on board oceangoing ships"
Toward this goal, the /nited =ations pro!ided a computer to contain the database for
the e3ams and their model answers"
In 1GG4 the 99%T5T recei!ed a state+of+the+art simulator from the /nited %tates
,o+operation programmes with 9merican partners continued to the establishment of
an ad!anced technology centre"
Thus far, the 99%T5T has pro!ided more than 120,000 scholarships to deser!ing
maritime students from ?D countries"
The 'orld #an has also chosen the 99%T5T to de!elop maritime education in
This is considered an achie!ement, as the 99%T5T-s proposal has been considered
as the best both technically and financially"
Market snapshot: (June 17)
Dry Index BDI 858 -22
Capesie Index BCI 1!7! -1"
#ana$ax Index B#I 51% -28
&upra$ax Index B&I 72% -1!
'e( )ork (Mon C*s)
+,n Curren-y .&D in +,n
in .&D Curren-y
Britain (#ound) 1/!"7" 0/58"0
Canada (Do**ar) 0/"215 1/0851
China ()uan) 0/1!0! !/2255
1uro 1/25!8 0/7270
India (3upee) 0/01!! !0/1%00
Indonesia (3upiah) 0/000085 11820/00
Japan ()en) 0/00"821 101/8200
'or(ay (4rone) 0/1!70 5/"8"%
#hi*ippines (#eso) 0/0228 %2/8"00
#o*and (5*oty) 0/227% 2/0500
3ussia (3u6*e) 0/028" 2%/!5%!
&in,apore (Do**ar) 0/7""5 1/2508
.kraine (7ry8nia) 0/0851 11/7520

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