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EI Working Paper 2008-2

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Econometric Analysis of Ship Life Cycles

are safety inspections effective?

Govert E. Bijwaard1 and Sabine Knapp

Econometric Institute, Erasmus University Rotterdam2

Econometric Institute Report 2008-2


Due to the shipping industrys international legal framework and the existence of
loopholes in the system, an estimated 5-10 percent of substandard ships exist which are
more likely to have incidents with high economic cost. This article uses ship life cycles
to provide insight into the effectiveness of inspections on prolonging ship lives. We
account for fluctuations in the relevant economic environment and the (possible time-
varying) ship particulars. We use a unique dataset containing information on the timing
of accidents, inspections, ship particular changes of more than fifty thousand ships over
a 29 year time period (1978-2007). The results of our duration analysis reveal that the
shipping industry is a relative safe industry but there is a possible over-inspection of
vessels. It also reveals the need to improve transparency related to class withdrawals
and changes of classification of the vessel. Another interesting finding is that for the
majority of ship types an increase in earnings decreases the incident rate. This is in
contrast to the industry perception of the impact of earnings. The effect of inspections
vary across ship types and the prevention of incidents with high economic costs can be
improved by better coordination of inspections, data sharing and a decrease in the
number of inspections . Further, more emphasis should be placed on the rectification
and follow up of deficiencies.

Bijwaard is financially supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) nr.
Econometric Institute, Erasmus Univ., P.O. Box 1738, NL-3000 DR, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, or


The development of the world economy is closely related and influenced by the
commercial shipping industry. Today 90 percent3 of global trade is carried by sea. The
shipping industry provides the basis for economic growth since it facilitates the
distribution of resources and manufactured goods. According to the United Nations
Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)4, total world seaborne trade
reached 7.11 billions of tons (goods unloaded) in 2005, an increase of 284 percent
compared to 1970. In terms of total activity of the sector measured in ton-miles5, this
accounts to 29,045 billion ton miles in 2005 compared to 10,654 billion ton-miles in
1970. Besides the contribution of shipping to the global economy, UNCTAD further
estimates an additional economic contribution to the global economy of USD 380
billion in freight rates deriving from the operation of ships. Most cargo carried by sea is
crude oil and oil products which amount to 65.9 percent of the total cargo carried or
11,705 ton miles. Other important cargoes are dry bulk general cargo and container
trade. The latter remains the fastest growing segment within the shipping industry due
to the fast economic development of China. Regardless of this importance of the
shipping industry as a prime user of the oceans, not much has changed amongst policy
makers of ocean governance since the 1970s. Wilkinson (1979) already pointed out
that most effort of policy makers is geared towards fisheries and little towards shipping
and pollution. Integrated maritime and marine policies on areas related to ocean
governance do not exist.

Compared to the total amount of freight or passengers which are carried each year, the
shipping industry is a very safe industry. However, ship accidents occur and they may
have a significant economic impact on the coastal state, the fisheries, the environment
or lead to loss of life. It is very hard to measure the economic cost of incidents6. For
instance, consider in the case of oil spills. The cost of such an incident depends on the
type of oil spilled, oceanographic conditions, the regional location and the efficiency of
the oil response. Notwithstanding the estimation of socio-economic factors (Grigalunas
et al, 1988). In the case of passenger vessel incidents the number of people onboard is
often unknown and the value associated with the loss of life varies. For dry bulk carrier
incidents, very little is reported in the media and economic loss is mostly associated
with the value of the vessel and its cargo.

This article provides insight into the effectiveness of inspections in preventing

accidents. It builds on the dataset originally used by Knapp and Franses (2007b) and
complements it with additional data for a extended time period. It exploits a unique,
global dataset combining various types of safety inspections of ships over a time period
of 29 years. We also account for the economic shipping cycles to reflect the changes of
the economic condition of the shipping industry on the ship incident rate.

For a comprehensive analysis of the effect of inspections and the economic shipping
cycle on ship incidents the full history of this information should be exploited including

International Maritime Organization
UNCTAD, Review of Maritime Transport, 2006
Tonnage of cargo shipped times average distance transported
We use the term incidents to cover accidents, casualties as per the definition of the International Maritime
Organization (IMO) and total loss of a vessel excluding constructive total loss for insurance purposes

general ship particulars7 and changes thereof during its economic life. One approach for
inference could be to apply a logit or probit model on the probability of a ship incident.
In such a model, the dynamics are discarded because it only considers whether a ship
had an accident at fixed points in time. The choice of these fixed points has a big
impact on the estimation results. It is also not straightforward to include time-varying
covariates into such a model. We have information on daily basis and therefore use
duration analysis on the length of the ships economic life is the natural approach for
this dynamic framework. It enables us to measure the effect of inspections on the
incidence rate of a vessel.

Table 1 lists some of the major maritime incidents for oil tankers and passenger vessels
starting in 1912 with the Titanic claiming 1,517 lives to one of the most recent
passenger vessel accident claiming 1,000 lives (Al Salam Boccachio 98,2006).
According to the International Oil Pollution Claim Fund (IOPCF) and the International
Tanker Owners Pollution Federation (ITOPF), the associated costs can vary from USD
9.5 billion (Exxon Valdez, 1989) to USD 37 million (Sea Empress, 1996) where the size
of the vessel or oil spill is not directly related with the associated economic costs
(ITOPF, 2007). According to Grey (1999), accident costs translated to USD/tons of oil
spilled reveals a wide range from as little as USD 667/tons of oil spilled (Haven, 1991)
to USD 180,000/tons of oil spilled (Shinryu Maru No 8, 1995) This further
demonstrates the difficulty in estimating the true economic cost associated with an oil
spill. For most incidents, an estimated cost figure could not be found, especially for
some of the older incidents.

Very often the shipping industry triggers legislative reactions after incidents. For the
US, the Exxon Valdez incident triggered the creation of the Oil Pollution Act (OPA90)
while for the European Union (EU), the two latest incidents at the coast of France and
Spain, the Erika (1999) and Prestige (2002) triggered a full revision of the EU maritime
legislative framework dealing with all aspects of the shipping industry the so called
EU Third Maritime Safety Package.

Despite the development of a complex legislative framework in the shipping industry,

parts of the enforcement remain weak. This is due to the fact that the industry is very
global and its regulatory framework is based on international law. The loopholes in the
enforcement create a market for substandard ships which is estimated by the OECD to
comprise 5-10 percent 8 of the world fleet. These substandard ships distort competition
to prudent ship owners since costs are saved to cut the edges on what would otherwise
be acceptable. Following a series of major oil tanker accidents in the 70s, the concept
of port state control (PSC) evolved which allows port states to conduct safety
inspections on foreign flagged vessels entering its ports. The countries grouped
themselves into PSC regimes based on Memoranda of understanding and today, there
are currently 10 such regimes in force covering most of the port states.

From a public perspective, the desired situation is to promote safe, secure and
environmentally friendly maritime transportation and to decrease the number of

Ship particulars is a standard term used in the shipping industry and contain the description of physical
characteristics of a vessel such as ship type, hull type, gross tonnage and operational items such as ownership, safety
management or the registry of a vessel.
Peijs, K. (2003). Mnage a trois. Speech at Mare Forum (November 2003: Amsterdam)

substandard vessels in order to prevent the likelihood of a maritime incident bearing
substantial economic costs.

Table 1: Major Shipping Incidents of Oil Tankers and Passenger Ships

Spill Size
Ship Name Year Location (tonnes) Economic Costs
Titanic 1912 North Atlantic 1,517 lives
Torrey Canyon 1968 Scilly Isles, UK 119,000 No estimate
Sea Star 1972 Gulf of Oman 115,000 No estimate
Metula 1974 Magellan Street, Chile 47,000 No estimate
Jakob Maersk 1975 Oporto, Portugal 88,000 No estimate
Urquiola 1976 La Coruna, Spain 100,000 No estimate
Argo Merchant 1976 Nantucket Sound, USA 28,000 No estimate
Hawaiian Patriot 1977 300 nautical miles off Honolulu 95,000 No estimate
Amoco Cadiz 1978 Off Brittany, France 223,000 US$ 282 million
Independenta 1979 Bosphorus, Turkey 95,000 No estimate
Atlantic Empress 1979 Off Tobago, West Indies 287,000 No estimate
Irenes Serenade 1980 Navarino Bay, Greece 100,000 No estimate
Castillo de Bellver 1983 Off Saldanha Bay, South Africa 252,000 No estimate
Nova 1985 Off Kharg Island, Gulf of Iran 70,000 No estimate
Herald of Free Enterpr. 1987 Off coast of Belgium 193 lives
Dona Pax 1987 Philippines 4,000 lives
Odyssey 1988 Off Nova Scotia, Canada 132,000 No estimate
Khark 5 1989 Off Atlantic coast of Morocco 80,000 No estimate
Exxon Valdez 1989 Prince William Sound, USA 37,000 US$ 9.5 billion
Scandinavian Star 1990 Baltic Sea 158 lives
ABT Summer 1991 700 nautical miles off Angola 260,000 No estimate
Haven 1991 Genoa, Italy 144,000 US$ 96 million
Aegean Sea 1992 La Coruna, Spain 74,000 US$ 60 million
Katina P 1992 Off Maputo, Mozambique 72,000 No estimate
Braer 1993 Shetland Islands, UK 84,700 US$ 83 million
Estonia 1994 Baltic Sea 852 lives
Sea Empress 1996 Milford Haven, UK 72,000 US$ 62 million
Nakhodkha 1997 Japan 17,500 US$ 219 million
Erika 1999 Off Coast of France 20,000 US$ 180 million
MV Joola 2002 West Africa 1,863 lives
Prestige 2002 Off the Spanish coast 77,000 Euro 778 million
Tasman Spirit 2003 Pakistan 30,000 US$ 291 million
Al Salam Boccachio 98 2006 Red Sea 1,000 lives
Source: compiled by authors from various sources, (spill size is in tonnes of oil spilled)

On a regional scale and based on data from one country, Cariou et all (2007a,b) touch
upon the topic of effectiveness of PSC inspections and concludes that some of the ship
characteristics appear to be significant predictors for risk. Talley et al (2005) look at the
probability of a vessel being inspected by the United State Coast Guard for a safety
inspection versus a pollution inspection. They recommend a revision of the targeting of
ships for inspection in order to enhance their effectiveness. Knapp and Franses
(2007a,b,c) look at various aspects of safety inspections using binary logistic regression
on combined datasets. They estimate that a port state control inspection leads to a 5 to
10 percent decrease in the probability of a very serious casualty. They recommend that
targeting of ships for inspections can be enhanced by using data from various port state

control regimes and industry inspections and by taking inspections of other regimes into
account. Another policy recommendation is to revise the release of a vessel from
detention. Furthermore, their analysis shows the importance of ownership versus
registry to define the risk profile of a vessel.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section I we explain the combination of datasets

and variables used in this article. To obtain a general impression of the data some
descriptive statistics are given. Section II explains the construction of the variables and
models used for duration analysis. It also presents its results including the visualization
thereof by taking policy implications into account. In Section III we discuss the results
and present our conclusions.

I. The Datasets and Variables

A. Combination of Datasets to create ship life cycles

The dataset used in this analysis is compiled from several sources which will be
explained in this section in detail. Particular care was placed on the creation of the data
with respect to the choice of the data sources which are limited in the shipping industry
due to its secretive and political nature. The final data comprises of information on
52,130 ships over 100 gross tonnage and contains 748,621 events, ships incidents,
inspections and changes in ship particulars, over a 29 year time period (1978-2007).
The information in the data can be split into four main groups:

1. possible time-varying ship particular data (e.g. ship type, ship yard country,
beneficial ownership of a vessel, DoC Company9, flag and classification
2. economic data representing the shipping markets influencing the shipping
economic cycles (on a monthly basis)
3. information on safety inspections
4. data on the timing of incidents and regular death of a vessel (demolition of a

To create the dataset, we combine data from the three major data providers11 in the
shipping industry. Due to the nature of the shipping industry, it is difficult to obtain raw
data on ship inspections, in particular from port state control regimes (PSC), or industry
inspections. We have to our disposal information on safety inspections from six PSC
regimes. However, the data could not be obtained from all regimes for the whole time
period. The data was further complemented by data from industry inspection systems12
and safety management audits (ISM13 audits). For each vessel we have a number of
ship related information: the flag state, the classification society, the ship yard country,

Document of Compliance Company, the company which is responsible for the safety management on commercial
vessels trading internationally and according to international requirements
Classification societies are companies who deal with the technical aspect of shipping and sometimes also conduct
inspections on behalf of the flag state. In this case, they are called recognized organization (RO). This article will not
emphasize on the role of ROs.
Lloyds Register Fairplay, Lloyds Maritime Intelligence Unit and Clarksons Shipping Intelligence Network
CDI, SIRE, RigthShip, Greenaward Foundation
Audits performed under the International Safety Management Code (ISM Code)

the owner and the DoC company. Many ships change their flag, class society, owner or
DoC company during their life. We have information when such a change occurs.

To account for the differences in the types of cargo markets we divide the dataset into
datasets per ship type. The main cargo markets are dry bulk, liquid bulk (tanker) and
general cargo. We further distinguish the container vessels from the rest of general
cargo vessels. We also identify passenger vessels. Finally, all other ship types14 are
aggregated to the other ship type category.

The data on safety inspections include port state control inspections, ISM audits,
detention15 of a vessel and the number of deficiencies found during a port state control
inspection. Furthermore, three industry inspections performed primarily on oil tankers
and dry bulk carriers are included. The industry inspections are called vetting
inspections and are performed by the Chemical Distribution Institute (CDI) on chemical
tankers and oil tankers, by RightShip16 primarily on dry bulk carriers and by the Oil
Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) on oil tankers. The inspection system
of OCIMF is called SIRE which is used in this article.

There are currently ten port state control regimes operating worldwide and we have
data from about 60 countries or six regimes including the most important regimes. Port
state control inspections are neither cross-recognized amongst regimes nor do they
recognize industry inspections. This implies that a possible selection bias due to the
targeting criteria is negligible.

Furthermore, the dataset contains information on the timing of various ship incidents
such as the total loss of a vessel and casualties. It also contains information on the
timing of regular death (demolitions) of a vessel which indicates the regular end of a
ships economic life. It is very difficult to obtain accurate information on ship
demolitions and three data sources17 were combined to create the best possible dataset.
Casualties are divided according to seriousness into very serious, serious and less
serious casualties based on the International Maritime Organization (IMO) MSC
Circular 953 of 14th December 2000. The total loss of the vessel implies the loss of a
vessel either because it is completely destroyed or because it has submerged18. Usually
the IMO includes a total loss of a vessel in the category of very serious casualties. In
some cases we can distinguish a total loss from a very serious casualty. In such
occasion we treat a total loss of a vessel separately. The dataset used for this analysis
can be seen as a representative dataset of the world fleet under the jurisdiction of the
international conventions.

B. Economic data

According to Stopford (2003) four markets determine the shipping cycles and influence
the cash flow: 1) the freight market, 2) the sales and purchase market of vessels, 3) the

Other ship types are e.g. research vessels, offshore vessels, dredgers, training vessels, etc.
A vessel is detained when it is found in severe violation of the international conventions and is only released after
the rectification of its deficiencies.
RightShip is an independent vetting inspection system located in Melbourne, Houston and London and performs
inspections on all ship types but primarily dry bulk carriers
Data from Lloyds Register Fairplay, Lloyds Maritime Intelligence Unit and Clarksons
Lloyds Maritime Intelligence Unit and Lloyds Register Fairplay, definitions received with the casualty data

new building market and 4) the demolition market. Since this cash flow influences the
amount of money that is available for the maintenance of the vessel and the safety
quality, it is important to include economic data that reflects these four markets. The
Shipping Intelligence Network from Clarksons, which is one of the main ship brokers
in the shipping industry, provided the relevant economic data.

For the freight rate market, we use earnings per day (in USD) as defined by
Clarksons19, for the sales and purchase market of vessels, we use the second hand price
of vessels (USD per deadweight20 - DWT), for the new building market, we use the new
building prices of vessels (USD per DWT) and for the demolition market, we use the
scrap price of a vessel (USD per lightweight21 ton - LTD). For container vessels, the
DWT is replaced by TEU22 for earnings and new building prices. In constructing the
variables, we account for inflation rates23 for the USD for the time frame on hand and
deflate the nominal values. Missing values were replaced with average values of
changes in the ship cycles based on Stopford (2003).

A summary of the development of the variables presented as real values and converted
to an index for earnings, new-building prices and second hand prices is given in Figure
1, 2 and 3. Figure 4 visualizes the development of scrap prices. The figures give the
development of the variables for the last 17 years (1990 to 2007) where most data was
available. One can easily observe the steady increase in real earnings per day since
2002, especially for tankers and dry bulk carriers. The same development can be seen
for new-building prices and scrap values.

C. Descriptive and nonparametric analysis

To get an idea of the data we start with a nonparametric comparison of the different
ship types. Table 2 provides an overview of the dataset. The table lists general ship
particular information along with a summary of the changes of such particulars
(averages and total) and a summary of time varying variables.

More than one-third of the vessels in our sample data are general cargo vessels (34
percent; 17,879 vessels). We also have many tankers (24 percent; 12,533 vessels) and
dry bulk carriers (14 percent; 7,264 vessels). The average number of port state control
inspections per vessel is the highest for dry bulk carriers (9.68) followed by container
vessels (6.66) despite the fact that these two ship types are not defined as high risk
vessels by the various MoUs. General cargo vessels show the highest detention rate
(15.1 percent), the highest average number of deficiencies per inspection (2.03) and a
slightly higher average number of very serious casualties than all other ship types while
dry bulk carriers show a slightly higher number of changes of the main ship particulars
than all other ship types.

Clarksons Research Studies: Sources and Methods for the Shipping Intelligence Weekly,
Deadweight is a measurement of how much weight of cargo, equipment, provisions the ship can carry
Lightweight ton is a measurement used in the demolition market to define the weight of a ship ready for sea but
without fuel, fresh water and stores
TEU is the abbreviation for twenty-foot equivalent unit, the measurement used in the container trade
Historical monthly inflation rates can be obtained from

Figure 1: Real ship earnings index per ship type from 1990-2007 (1993/01=100)


Clark Sea Index ($/day)


tanker earn. Index ($/day)

400 dry bulk earn. Index ($/day)

container earn. Index ($/TEU)








1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Note: 2007 is only covered until October

Figure 2: Real new-building prices index per ship type from 1990-2007 (1993/01=100)


tanker ($/DWT)
120 dry bulk ($/DWT)

general cargo ($/DWT)

110 container ($/TEU)







1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Note: 2007 is only covered until October

Figure 3: Real second hand prices index per ship type from 1990-2007 (1993/01=100)


tanker ($/DWT)

390 dry bulk ($/DWT)

general cargo ($/DWT)

container ($/TEU)






1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Note: 2007 is only covered until October

Figure 4: Logarithm of real scrap prices per ship type for 1990-2007 (1993/01=100)

ln av. Tanker ($/Mill)

ln av. dry bulk ($/Mill)


ln av. general cargo ($/Mill)

0.50 ln av. all ships ($/Mill)

ln($ million)





1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Note: 2007 is only covered until October

Table 2: Descriptive Statistics
Dry General
Container Tanker Bulk Cargo Passenger Other ST
# of vessels 5063 12533 7264 17879 2637 6754
Av. Gross Tonnage (grt) 25926 26567 30882 10639 15496 4262
Percentage double hull 2.8% 4.7% 3.6% 6.1% 4.6% 6.5%
Total PSC inspections 33,721 49,408 70,334 100,159 7,170 5,492
Total ISM audits 3,596 8,870 5,770 13,931 2,081 3,202
Total RightShip inspections n/a 517 31,986 2,747 n/a n/a
Total CDI inspections n/a 10,785 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Total SIRE inspections n/a 15,169 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Av. # PSC per vessel 6.66 3.94 9.68 5.60 2.72 0.81
Av. # ISM audit per vessel 0.71 0.71 0.79 0.78 0.79 0.47
Av. # RightShip per vessel n/a 0.04 4.40 0.15 n/a n/a
Av. # CDI per vessel n/a 0.86 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Av. # SIRE per vessel n/a 1.21 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Percentage detained 5.9% 6.5% 9.4% 15.1% 2.1% 5.1%
Av # deficiencies found 0.95 0.86 1.46 2.03 1.47 1.50
Changes of Ship Particulars
Total flag changes 7,631 19,561 14,564 26,646 2,359 6,006
Total DoC changes 5,564 12,334 7,998 15,535 1,795 768
Total Owner changes 7,319 19,236 14,732 22,633 1,874 775
Total Class changes 6,416 17,211 12,150 21,793 2,228 4,849
Total Class withdrawals 782 2,617 1,710 3,802 458 2,922
Av. # flag state changes 1.51 1.56 2.00 1.49 0.89 0.89
Av. # DoC changes 1.10 0.98 1.10 0.87 0.68 0.11
Av. # Owner changes 1.45 1.53 2.03 1.27 0.71 0.11
Av. # Class changes 1.27 1.37 1.67 1.22 0.84 0.72
Av. # Class withdrawal 0.15 0.21 0.24 0.21 0.17 0.43
Casualties and Regular Death
Total # death 228 1,295 510 1,350 142 555
Total # Total loss 24 112 103 677 49 256
Total # very serious
accidents 533 1,271 947 2,732 316 197
Total # serious accidents 630 4,093 1,254 1,849 483 263
Total # less serious accidents 533 1,271 947 2,732 316 197
# Very serious/ship 0.11 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.12 0.03
# Serious/ship 0.06 0.04 0.07 0.06 0.13 0.05
# Less serious/ship 0.12 0.33 0.17 0.10 0.18 0.04
n/a = not applicable

Simple Kaplan Meier survival curves of the accident free life of a vessel, that is the
time till a ship experiences a very serious accident, a total loss or a demolition, give a
first impression of how the probability of ship accidents changes over the lifetime of a
vessel. These survival curves are depicted in Figure 5. Separate survival curves are
produced for each ship type. The survival of a vessel without any major accident
gradually decreases until the vessel is 23 years old, after which it decreases sharply,
especially for tankers. A reason for this strong decrease in survival could be the phase
out of single hull tankers due to international requirements of Marpol 73/78
(International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships). Very few
alternatives are available for these tankers. It is therefore understandable to see less
tankers older than 30. All these tankers have to be scrapped by 2010, the latest,
depending on the type of trade and year built.

Comparison of the survival of the different ship types reveal that container vessels and
passenger ships show a slightly higher survival probability than general cargo vessels,
dry bulk and other ship types. Note that around 65% of the vessel does not experience
any (very serious) accidents till they have reached 30. Thus, our data on ship life time
duration is heavily censored, in the sense that all is known that they survived more than
30 years. The Kaplan-Meier curves only provide an indication of the survival
probability. Kaplan-Meier survival curves ignore the dynamic selection inherent to ship

Figure 5: Kaplan Meier Survival (till 1999) for event death, total loss and very serious




KM survival probabilities


0.75 tanker
0.70 general cargo
dry bulk
0.65 passenger


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
age of ship

To proceed, in the next section we estimate duration models where the individual
incidence rate of ships is allowed to depend on the timing of inspections, changes of
ship characteristics and on the economic conditions. The duration analysis also
controls for time-invariant ship characteristics.

II Duration Analysis

A. Models for the Ship incident rate

We are interested in the effect of safety inspections on ship survival. The ship specific
incidence rate is therefore the natural starting point of the specification of the model.
We take the time till death, total loss or a very serious accident of the vessel as the
duration of interest. The first two events are terminal events, that is, the ship has
reached its economic life or is lost, while the very serious accidents can be recurrent.
As the age of the ship is measured in days, we assume it is a continuous random
variable. Let the variable denote current calendar time. We express the incident rate
of an individual ship at a given point in time in terms of the age of the vessel t,
(possibly time-varying) ship particular characteristics X(t), time-intervals (6 or 12
months) since an inspection or ship particular change Y(t) and the current value of some

economic indicators Z(). The economic indicators are measured on a monthly basis,
the other variables are available on a daily basis. We assume that the incidence rate has
a proportional hazard specification.

Pr(t T < t + dt | T t , X ( s ), Y ( s ),0 s t , Z ( ))

(t | X , Y , Z , ) = lim
dt 0 dt
X ( t )' + Y ( t )' + Z ( )'
= 0 (t ; )e ,

where 0 represents the baseline incidence rate, that is the age dependence. We adopt a
piecewise constant specification six different intervals (0-4, 5-10, 11-15, 16-20, 21-25,
25+ ) for the age dependence. For identification we fix the incidence rate of the first
interval to one. Thus, the parameters of the age dependence are the difference of the
incidence rate at a particular age of a ship compared to a recent built ship (0-4 years
old). The three different types of covariates affect the incidence rate proportionally.

To emphasize the different nature of the incorporated covariates we use a notation x, y

and z. Concerning x, we include ship characteristics that are determined at the moment
the ship is built and that remain constant, like the tonnage, the primary ship yard where
the vessel was built and whether the ship is a double hull. Some of the ship
characteristics change over time. For example, the flag and owner of a vessel change
frequently (see Table 2). The effect of the economic environment on the incidence rate
is captured by the economic variables z() that were discussed in detail in section I.B.
The economic variables change on a monthly basis, in calendar time. We center these
variables by their temporal mean and take the logarithm.

The specification of the y(t) variables requires some discussion. These variables are all
interval indicators starting from an event that may affect the ship incidence rate. We
distinguish three types of such variables: time since an inspection, time since a ship
particular change and time since a minor incident. The reason why we construct the
variables in such a way is that we believe that these events all have a temporal effect on
the incidence rate. We expect that after an inspection the vessel is safer. However, this
effect on the incidence rate fades out as the time since the inspection progresses. We
decided to allow for a one-year lasting effect of an inspection on the incidence rate.24
Similarly, we allow for a one-month lasting effect of a class survey overdue, a one-year
effect of a class change and, a six-month effect of class withdrawal. For changes in flag,
ownership, DoC Company and minor incidences we allow for a two period effect; one
(immediate) effect in the first six months after the change and another effect from six to
twelve months.

Table 3 provides an overview of the variables included in the model. The variables
describe ship life cycles and can be grouped into ship related variables, inspection
related variables and, economic variables.

A one-year period seems rather arbitrary. We also estimated a two interval, 6 months and 6-12 months, effect and
a linear effect restricted on a one-year time period. The one-year constant effect gave the best interpretable results. A
continuous, say log-linear, inspection-effect may lead to the ridiculous result that ten years after the inspection we
have a huge effect of this inspection on the incidence rate.

Table 3: Summary of Variables used for ship life cycles
X-variables: ship characteristics # Duration interval/Remarks Reason for including in the model
Ship Yard country 18 individual countries and groups Reflects construction quality of vessel, important countries are kept individual
Tonnage 1 gross tonnage (logarithm) To distinguish between trade routes within each market segment
Double Hull 1 Binary variable (0/1) To reflect type of vessel
Flag 187 individual flag Reflects legislative enforcement individual flags
Classification Society 28 individual class Reflects type of class of vessel and survey quality individual class societies
DoC Company 5 Grouped into 5 variables Reflects level of safety management
Ownership 5 Grouped into 5 variables Reflects level of safety culture
Y-variables: interval variables
Change of flag 2 6 months and 12 months Reflects entry of ship into a different market
Change of class 5 12 months includes type of change Reflects possible technical problem with vessel
Class survey overdue 1 1 month Reflects technical problem of vessel
Withdrawal of class 1 6 months Reflects action taken by class in case surveys are overdue
Change of DoC 2 6 months and 12 months Reflects change of safety management
Change of Ownership 2 6 months and 12 months Reflects possible transition to a different market
Port State Control 6 1 year Enforcement of intern. conventions on the port state level
Detained 1 1 year To account for detention of a vessel and rectification of deficiencies
Total Deficiencies 1 Continuous variable Total deficiencies at time of inspection
ISM audits 1 1 year To account for ISM audits which audit the safety management system
CDI inspections 1 1 year To account for industry inspections mainly for tankers and dry bulk carriers
SIRE inspections 1 1 year To account for industry insp. performed by oil majors on oil and chemical tankers
RightShip inspections 1 1 year To account for industry insp. performed on dry bulk carriers for charterer
Greenaward certified 1 Interval when ship was certified To account for certification of tankers to be environmentally friendly and safer
Very serious casualty 2 6 month and 1 year As per IMO definition
Serious casualty 2 6 month and 1 year As per IMO definition
Less serious casualty 2 6 month and 1 year As per IMO definition
Z variables: Economic variables
Earnings or Clarksons Index 2 $/day or $/TEU for container ships To account for the economic situation of the shipping market
Second Hand Prices or Ships Value 2 $/DWT or Value in Mil. $ To account for the second hand market of ships
New-building Prices 2 $/DWT or $/TEU for container ships To account for the new building market of ships
Demolition Prices or Value 2 $/LDT or value in Mil. $ To account for the demolition market of ships
Total Variables 296 Total possible variables The number of variables varies in each ship specific model

The ship related variables provide the basic risk profile of a vessel. We use the ship
specific flag state and classification societies in the model. We include dummies for the
shipyard country, the country in which the vessel was primarily built. The important
shipyard countries are included while minor ship yards are grouped into regional
dummies. For beneficial ownership and the DoC Company, we use a grouping of
countries based on UNCTAD and the UN system as follows: OECD countries,
developing countries, least developed countries, former east block countries and
unknown owners.

Of the many classification societies, which exist today, only 10 are member of the
International Association of Classification Societies (IACS). The shipping industry
considers IACS as the club of the best societies who developed common
implementation rules on structural issues. Recognition of class societies is very
important for their role as inspectors on behalf of a flag state. This role is not analyzed
in this article. The main reason is that due to confidentiality it is very difficult to obtain
data for classification societies when they act as recognized organizations. However,
their traditional role as class society responsible for the retaining of the class of the
vessel and construction is taken into consideration. This is an important role with
respect to the safety aspect of a ship. For the variable change of class, we therefore
further indicate the type of change (eg. IACS to IACS, Non IACS to IACS, etc.).

The inspection information is grouped into port state control inspections, ISM audits,
detention25 of a vessel and the number of deficiencies found during a port state control
inspection. Furthermore, three industry inspections, primarily performed on oil tankers
and dry bulk carriers, are taken into consideration (CDI, RightShip and SIRE).

A well know issue in duration models is that neglecting unobserved heterogeneity in

proportional hazards models leads to spurious negative duration dependence and
attenuation bias in the regression coefficients (see e.g. Lancaster (1990) and van den
Berg (2001) ). We attempted to fit a gamma mixed proportional hazard, but in none of
the models this lead to an indication of unobserved heterogeneity or a change in the
parameters and, therefore, we do not present the details of the models with unobserved

To account for the ship-specific economic conditions of each market segment, we

estimate separate models for each main ship type, namely general cargo vessels, dry
bulk carriers, container vessels, tankers, passenger ships and other ship types.

B. Estimation Results

In principle the duration of interest is the time until the end of a ships life. Both death
and total loss of a vessel indicate the end of a ships life. In the shipping terminology
death of a ship is the end of the ships economic life, which implies it is considered not
profitable to continue to let it float and subsequently the ship is demolished. Death of a
ship can be due to economic conditions or due to an accident. Total loss of a ship
implies it is destroyed or it has submerged. However, sometimes a very serious casualty
implies a total loss. Due to the difficulty to obtain accurate data on the demolition of
A vessel is detained when it is found in severe violation of the international conventions and is only released after
the rectification of its deficiencies.

vessels, necessary to make a clear distinction between demolition of a vessel due to
total loss and demolition due to a very serious accident, we present two models. First, a
model in which we use total loss and death (model type 1) as the event of interest and,
second, a model in which we also include, the possibly recurrent, very serious
casualties (model type 2) in the incident-event indicator. Both models are estimated for
each ship type separately.

An issue is that some of these economic variables are highly correlated. We excluded
economic variables with high correlations (> .5), especially second and prices and new-
building prices. Most emphasis is given on earnings since this variable is viewed as the
most important factor in determining the cash flow that is available to the ship owner,
besides the cash flow generated by the other markets. The next important factors are the
second hand market and the scrap market. For container vessels, the correlation26 of all
other economic variables with real earnings was more than 90 percent and therefore
only real earnings are used.

Table 4 provides the estimates of the hazard coefficients for selected variables for each
ship type.27 A negative coefficient indicates that an increase in the variable reduces the
incidence rate, and therefore it is associated with a longer ship life. The time unit is one

The most striking result is that the effect of the inspections differs substantially across
the ship types and that this effect changes when very serious casualties are included in
the incident-event indicator. For dry bulk carriers most port state inspections lead to a
decrease in the incidence rate in the year after the inspection, although this is less
pronounced when the incident-event indicator includes very serious incidents. Port state
inspections also decrease the incidence rate for tankers (only for death and total loss)
and for general cargo vessels. For container vessels we only find a significant negative
effect of inspections performed by the Via del Mar. Neither for passenger nor for other
ships have we found any significant effect of the port state control inspections on the
incidence rate.

A possible explanation why the effect is less pronounced when very serious casualties
are added to the models is that neither there cross-recognition across port state control
regimes nor industry inspections exits. Therefore ships get over inspected and the effect
is becomes less pronounced as we would expect. In addition, every inspection place a
time burden on the crew during the time the ship is in a port. Time is critical for port
operations. An overload of inspections also cuts into the resting hours of crew and it
can therefore have a negative effect on the safety performance. Fatigue of the crew is a
known problem in the shipping industry. Unfortunately, little has been achieved to
monitor the fatigue problem. A possible remedy is to coordinate inspections

The high correlation of the other economic variables could be partly explained due to the different scaling, namely
$/TEU or $/mTEU compared to $/day or $/DWT for the other ship types. This is due to the different characteristics
of the container trade.
The estimated effects of all other variables included, such as flags, classification societies, ownership and the DoC
company are listed in Appendix 1 for further reference

Table 4: Main Estimation Results for the Parameters of the Proportional Hazard Models of the Ship Incidence Rate (1=death and total loss, 2=death, total loss and very
serious casualty)
Variable tanker1 tanker2 dry bulk1 dry bulk2 gen. cargo1 gen. cargo2 container1 container2 other ST1 other ST2 passenger1 passenger2
Inspections (PSC, Flag state, Vetting and ISM audits)
PSC: Paris MoU -0.392** -0.027 -0.651** -0.317* -0.583*** -0.053 -0.575 0.053 0.078 0.087 -0.417 -0.180
(0.144) (0.104) (0.204) (0.133) (0.119) (0.072) (0.323) (0.156) (0.204) (0.228) (0.482) (0.232)
PSC: Vina del Mar -0.256 -0.230 -1.106** -1.166*** -0.605** -0.707*** -0.978 -1.040* -0.122 0.098
(0.275) (0.244) (0.395) (0.299) (0.210) (0.194) (0.778) (0.516) (0.396) (0.363)
PSC: Indian Ocean MoU 0.151 0.274 -0.134 -0.220 0.234 0.202 0.603 0.162 0.804* 0.976*
(0.214) (0.182) (0.321) (0.247) (0.175) (0.148) (0.436) (0.325) (0.394) (0.405)
PSC: USCG -0.594*** -0.143 -1.026** -0.015 -1.341*** -0.233 0.213 -0.080 0.355 0.567 -0.018
(0.178) (0.127) (0.348) (0.149) (0.356) (0.165) (0.431) (0.236) (0.283) (0.299) (0.317)
PSC: AMSA -1.038 -0.503 -0.970* -0.570** 0.022 -0.027 -0.369 -0.178 -0.820 -0.415 0.851
(0.553) (0.337) (0.418) (0.203) (0.320) (0.221) (0.738) (0.446) (0.858) (0.825) (0.542)
PSC: Caribbean MoU 0.364 0.023 0.358 -0.330
(1.018) (1.253) (0.908) (0.908)
PSC: Detention 0.522 0.264 0.766* 0.533 0.083 0.004 1.106 0.375 -0.026 -0.739 1.992** 0.372
(0.356) (0.325) (0.338) (0.281) (0.248) (0.187) (0.760) (0.535) (0.853) (1.135) (0.652) (0.992)
PSC: # of deficiencies 0.312 0.415** 0.045 0.038 0.332*** 0.246*** 0.208 -0.104 -1.259 -0.956 -0.241 0.370
(0.181) (0.152) (0.135) (0.116) (0.083) (0.067) (0.392) (0.318) (1.070) (1.007) (0.208) (0.419)
ISM audits 0.284* 0.243* 0.593** 0.437** 0.555*** 0.380*** 0.265 0.542** -0.446 -0.516 0.091 0.208
(0.127) (0.109) (0.221) (0.151) (0.141) (0.107) (0.354) (0.179) (0.353) (0.404) (0.418) (0.278)
CDI inspections -0.644** -0.054
(0.209) (0.137)
RightShip inspections -0.336 -0.097 -0.958** -0.147
(1.013) (0.580) (0.362) (0.150)
SIRE inspections -0.832** -1.494***
(0.291) (0.284)
Greenaward certified -0.272
Changes in flag, DoC company, owner and classification society
Flag changes 6m -0.615** -0.318* -0.725* -0.669** -0.625** -0.164 -0.855 -0.118 0.726** 0.716** 0.665 0.544
(0.212) (0.156) (0.288) (0.206) (0.193) (0.128) (0.676) (0.249) (0.221) (0.232) (0.434) (0.294)
Flag changes 12m -0.376 -0.325 -0.819* -0.462* -0.216 0.001 0.362 0.010 0.660** 0.735** 0.270 0.608
(0.218) (0.166) (0.390) (0.227) (0.171) (0.121) (0.369) (0.242) (0.255) (0.257) (0.631) (0.327)
DoC com. changes 6m -0.533** -0.503*** -1.505** -0.780*** -0.684*** -0.605*** -0.419 -0.272 -0.035 -0.812 -0.369 -0.630
(0.193) (0.150) (0.511) (0.223) (0.195) (0.133) (0.462) (0.236) (0.479) (0.746) (0.753) (0.377)
DoC com. changes 12m -0.167 -0.231 -1.932** -0.883*** -0.610** -0.621*** -0.691 -0.521 -0.136 -0.021 -0.978 -0.983*
(0.160) (0.135) (0.705) (0.253) (0.192) (0.132) (0.508) (0.273) (0.549) (0.574) (1.009) (0.444)
Owner changes 6m -0.933*** -0.717*** 0.290 0.230 -0.490* -0.081 -0.632 -0.212 -0.230 -0.294 -0.252 -0.570
(0.253) (0.184) (0.271) (0.193) (0.193) (0.125) (0.442) (0.240) (0.463) (0.528) (0.804) (0.361)

Table 4 cont.: Variable tanker1 tanker2 dry bulk1 dry bulk2 gen. cargo1 gen. cargo2 container1 container2 other ST1 other ST2 passenger1 passenger2
Owner changes 12m -0.976*** -0.399* 0.160 0.025 -0.056 0.068 -0.410 -0.012 -0.078 -0.534 0.521 -0.438
(0.256) (0.161) (0.296) (0.218) (0.160) (0.115) (0.393) (0.214) (0.430) (0.521) (0.539) (0.350)
Class withdrawals 6m 3.838*** 3.611*** 3.769*** 3.286*** 3.401*** 3.118*** 2.964*** 2.729*** 2.452*** 2.531*** 3.388*** 2.872***
(0.081) (0.070) (0.134) (0.107) (0.077) (0.066) (0.216) (0.170) (0.150) (0.154) (0.223) (0.170)
Class overdue 1m 1.063*** 0.997*** 0.169 0.220 1.583*** 1.501*** 1.345* 0.929 0.890* 0.934** 0.467 0.201
(0.280) (0.272) (0.483) (0.455) (0.194) (0.182) (0.560) (0.571) (0.354) (0.359) (1.047) (1.015)
Changes in class
IACS to IACS 12m 0.279** 0.263** 0.280 0.562*** 0.451*** 0.626*** 1.078*** 0.909*** 1.008*** 1.045*** 0.207 0.882***
(0.096) (0.086) (0.167) (0.133) (0.086) (0.073) (0.264) (0.197) (0.166) (0.178) (0.372) (0.188)
IACS to NIACS 12m -0.206 -0.216 -0.326 0.196 0.445 0.581** 0.028 0.193 -0.110 0.119
(0.337) (0.288) (0.657) (0.396) (0.253) (0.202) (0.480) (0.466) (0.905) (0.810)
NIACS to NIACS 12m 1.077*** 0.901*** 0.386 0.772** 0.995*** 0.935*** 0.612 0.447 1.314* 1.510* -1.001
(0.213) (0.210) (0.366) (0.291) (0.144) (0.135) (0.642) (0.554) (0.668) (0.684) (1.083)
NIACS to IACS 12m 0.022 0.452 0.616 0.119 0.335 0.659 1.330*
(0.496) (0.325) (0.436) (0.336) (0.305) (1.141) (0.554)
Class change unknown 12m 0.122 -0.101 0.624** 0.377 0.461*** 0.478*** 1.270*** 0.782** -0.022 0.195 -0.151 -0.201
(0.131) (0.119) (0.230) (0.207) (0.106) (0.090) (0.347) (0.280) (0.123) (0.132) (0.352) (0.241)
Economic variables
Earnings (in logs) -0.232* -0.154 -1.068*** -1.311*** -0.027 -0.023 0.474 0.953*** -0.758*** -0.689*** n/a n/a
(0.098) (0.081) (0.291) (0.211) (0.137) (0.118) (0.276) (0.184) (0.126) (0.130)
New-building prices (in logs) 0.688 1.250* n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.628* 0.642* n/a n/a
(0.835) (0.597) (0.276) (0.287)
Second hand prices (in logs) 0.608 0.380 n/a n/a 0.229 1.253*** n/a n/a -0.859** -1.022** n/a n/a
(0.690) (0.486) (0.219) (0.168) (0.298) (0.315)
Scrap prices (in logs) n/a n/a 1.713*** 2.131*** 0.093 -0.107 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
(0.392) (0.295) (0.159) (0.140)
Previous accidents
less serious 6m -1.030 0.083 -0.522 0.723* -0.477 0.580 -0.016 0.703 0.453 0.909**
(1.037) (0.487) (0.660) (0.324) (0.714) (0.348) (0.522) (0.643) (0.790) (0.340)
less serious 12m 0.052 0.576 -0.522 0.142 -0.675 -0.533 -0.016 0.611 0.859 0.111
(0.621) (0.454) (0.660) (0.485) (0.627) (0.444) (0.522) (0.649) (0.684) (0.605)
serious 6m -1.420 -1.676* 0.422 0.084 -0.691 -1.321* -1.131* -0.392 0.321 0.644 0.608 0.918
(0.753) (0.812) (1.004) (0.686) (0.592) (0.548) (0.466) (0.951) (0.560) (0.565) (1.065) (0.487)
serious 12 m 0.944* 0.709* -0.076 0.295 -0.846 -0.308 -1.131* 1.158* -0.130 0.031 0.608 0.883*
(0.425) (0.320) (1.033) (0.524) (0.605) (0.367) (0.466) (0.559) (0.620) (0.645) (1.065) (0.440)
very serious 6m -0.984 n/a 0.612 n/a 1.100* n/a n/a 2.250*** n/a n/a
(1.041) (0.995) (0.435) (0.662)
very serious 12m 1.251** n/a -0.207 n/a 1.285*** n/a n/a 0.772 n/a n/a
(0.472) (0.777) (0.321) (0.898)

Table 4 cont.: Variable tanker1 tanker2 dry bulk1 dry bulk2 gen. cargo1 gen. cargo2 container1 container2 other ST1 other ST2 passenger1 passenger2
Duration dependence, tonnage and double hull
Tonnage (ln) 0.258*** 0.192*** 0.367*** 0.314*** 0.135*** 0.077*** 0.337*** 0.227*** -0.122*** -0.104*** -0.070 -0.016
(0.026) (0.023) (0.053) (0.043) (0.022) (0.020) (0.069) (0.049) (0.030) (0.030) (0.060) (0.045)
Double Hull -0.471** -0.303 -0.457 0.127 -0.542*** -0.432*** -1.493* -0.974* 0.051 0.027 0.029 -0.551
(0.174) (0.158) (0.333) (0.191) (0.148) (0.125) (0.635) (0.402) (0.155) (0.153) (0.486) (0.357)
5 to 10 years -0.598* -0.467** -0.852* -0.243 -0.858*** -0.365* -1.565* 0.048 0.259 0.202 -1.157* 0.475*
(0.234) (0.160) (0.367) (0.209) (0.218) (0.149) (0.777) (0.209) (0.216) (0.235) (0.555) (0.237)
11 to 15 years -0.365 -0.192 -1.087* 0.026 -0.750*** -0.148 -1.619 0.085 0.691*** 0.619** -0.180 0.171
(0.239) (0.160) (0.434) (0.206) (0.195) (0.140) (1.042) (0.261) (0.192) (0.208) (0.431) (0.262)
16 to 20 years -0.309 0.146 -0.256 0.156 0.111 0.415*** 0.576 0.499 0.662*** 0.687*** -0.081 0.391
(0.240) (0.159) (0.263) (0.194) (0.161) (0.125) (0.545) (0.287) (0.186) (0.200) (0.401) (0.257)
21 to 25 years 1.622*** 1.145*** 1.152*** 1.049*** 1.040*** 0.999*** 2.524*** 1.695*** 0.808*** 0.855*** 0.613 0.923***
(0.172) (0.128) (0.209) (0.159) (0.149) (0.117) (0.380) (0.204) (0.178) (0.190) (0.350) (0.237)
> 25 years 2.231*** 1.731*** 1.339*** 1.303*** 1.088*** 1.056*** 3.030*** 2.031*** 1.565*** 1.707*** 1.190*** 1.124***
(0.189) (0.138) (0.237) (0.180) (0.156) (0.124) (0.406) (0.224) (0.174) (0.184) (0.289) (0.212)
Constant -9.530*** -8.024*** -9.615*** -8.186*** -8.365*** -7.262*** -12.344*** -8.768*** -5.030*** -5.921*** -7.799*** -6.086***
(0.534) (0.420) (0.679) (0.530) (0.411) (0.342) (0.848) (0.593) (0.506) (0.561) (0.983) (0.703)
Log-likelihood 662.787 -189.879 213.223 -474.869 -521.089 -1834.959 -6.540 -584.243 -776.823 -627.112 -103.164 -479.445
Note: * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001, n/a=not applicable

A counterintuitive result seems the positive effect of detention on the incidence rate (model 1) for
dry bulk carriers and passenger vessels. One would expect that detaining a ship is a very strong
remedy to rectify deficiencies, because it prevents a substandard vessel from continuing
operating. However, our results indicate that the timing of the release from detention is perhaps
not correct and subsequently a substandard vessel is released too early from detention. Another
reason for the positive effect could be that deficiencies are not followed up correctly in
particular if they are not serious enough to be detainable deficiencies. The positive effect of the
number of deficiencies for tankers (model 2) and general cargo (model type 1 and 2) supports
this interpretation and applies to all types of deficiencies found. One could improve the release
from detention by establishing a system which evolves the flag state administrations. This puts
more pressure on flag states to react because a ship owner only chooses a flag which reacts on a
detention. Detention can mean a substantial loss of revenue of a ship owner.

For all ships, except for passenger and other ships, the coefficients for the ISM audits are positive
which implies that the incidence rate increases in the year after inspection. This might be caused
by an improper implementation of the ISM code or due to a selection of bad ships. Industry
inspections (vetting inspections) performed on oil tankers, chemical tankers and dry bulk carriers
show the expected negative effect on the incidence rate.

The variables indicating the changes of ship particulars over its lifetime give mixed results. A
change of flag decreases the incidence rate for tankers, dry bulk carriers and general cargo while
it increases the incidence rate for other ship types. The effect of a flag change seems to be
confined to the first half a year after the flag has changed. A change of DoC company also
decreases the incidence rate within a period of six months for tankers, dry bulk carriers and
general cargo vessels for both model types while it is not significant for any other ship types. For
the period of 6 months to 1 year, a change of DoC company decreases the incident rate for dry
bulk carriers, general cargo vessels and passenger vessels (type 2 model only). A change of
ownership decreases the incidence rate for tankers (for 6 and 6-12 months) and general cargo
vessels (only within 6 months) but is insignificant for any other ship type.

At first impression the decrease in the hazard with respect to the DoC company seems rather odd.
The DoC company is the technical manager of the vessels and responsible for the safety quality.
If a ship owner decides to change the respective company but remains to hold the vessel, some
additional costs are associated with this change in the form of an investment. It could mean that
the owner wants to continue to trade and therefore makes an investment in the ship hence the
negative effect. For the change of ownership of a vessel, the negative effect is more difficult to
explain. A possible explanation can be found in the characteristics of the tanker market, in which
a certain standard needs to be maintained at all levels. This does not apply to the general cargo
market which shows the worst safety record of the commercial fleet. For the other ship types, e.
g. dry bulk, we would expect to see a positive relationship between the change of ownership and
the incidence rate. The entry of the vessel into the second hand market could imply that less
money is spent by the owner to maintain the vessel. However, for none of the other ship types,
this variable is significant. This finding, that a change in ownership decreases the incidence rate,
is new and contradicts to the findings of previous studies.

A class withdrawal is a very important indicator for a substandard vessel as it leads to a big
increase in the incidence rate for all ship types and both model types. The same applies for
overdue conditions of class with the exception of dry bulk carriers, passenger vessels and
container vessels (type 2 models). For class changes we also take the type of change into account.
Most class changes lead to an increase in the incidence rate within a time period of 6-12 months.

The effect of a NIACS to NIACS (non IAICS) society change is generally the highest. Note that,
contrary to the effect of inspections, the effect of changes in ship particulars hardly differ
between model 1 and model 2. This indicates that changes of ship particulars have a similar
effect on the incidence rate of the terminal events, death and total loss, as on the incidence rate of
the recurrent very serious accidents, while inspections mainly influence the incidence rate of
terminal events.

An important contribution of our paper is that we measure the effect of the economic
environment on the ship incidence rate. For that purpose we merged the relevant economic
indicators on a monthly basis (1978 to 2007) to the shipping data (see section 1.B). For passenger
vessels, we do not use any economic variables because for this ship type different market
dynamics apply. For some economic variables we do not have the information for all ship types.
For these missing variables we use the averages for other ship types. The logarithms of the
following economic variables (in real terms, centered by their mean) are used in the models:

general cargo ships: earnings (ClarkSeaIndex), second hand prices, scrap prices (average
of all ships);
container ships: earnings;
dry bulk ships: earnings, scrap prices;
tankers: earnings, new-building prices, second hand prices;
other ship types: earnings (ClarkSeaIndex), new-building prices (Average of all ships),
second hand prices (average of all ships).

The estimated effects of these economic variables on the ship incidence rate are shown in Table
4. First we discuss the effect of the earnings level on the incidence rate. The earnings per day
give an indication of the freight rate market for ships. An increase in earnings for tankers, dry
bulk and other ship types decreases the incidence rate while it increases the incidence rate for
container vessels (type 2 model). This implies that more money is available for maintenance and
improved safety management. This can further imply that substandard ships are not driven from
the market at low earnings but that there is always a certain part of the fleet which operates at
substandard level. These results do not confirm the the shipping industry and regulators
hypothesis that a good market brings more substandard ships into trade. However, this hypothesis
seems to hold for container vessels.

The second economic variable is the new-building price of ships, which is an indicator of the
new building market for ships. New-building prices evaluated for tankers and other ship types
have a positive effect on the incidence rate. The third economic variable, the second hand price
of vessels, provide an indication of the sales and purchase market for ships. The results for
second hand prices give mixed effects on the incidence rate. For general cargo vessels the effect
is positive while for other ship types the effect is negative. The final economic variable we
included in our models is the scrap price of ships, which is an indicator for the demolition
market. Scrap prices have a positive effect on the incidence rate for dry bulk carriers. This might
reflect the specific market characteristics. If demand for vessels is high and ship yards have
limited capacity, new building prices rise and waiting periods are extended for the delivery of a
new vessel. The owner might be more reluctant in scrapping the vessel until the new vessel has
been delivered and might, therefore, invest less in the current vessels maintenance, thereby
slowly degrading its safety quality. In addition, tight supply will make it also more difficult to
obtain a vessel on the second hand market. These two combined might explain the positive effect
of new-building prices (tankers, other ship types) and second hand prices (general cargo) on the
incidence rate.

It is more difficult to explain the negative effect of second hand prices (other ship types) and the
positive effect of scrap prices (dry bulk carriers) on the incidence rate. Under normal conditions,
this would not be expected since high scrap prices will help the cash flow of the owner. A
tentative explanation is that, due to shortage of vessels caused by high freight rates, the owner
prefers to keep the vessel in trade and to extend its economic life. For the dry bulk market,
earnings (freight rate) and scrap prices have an opposite effect on the incidence rate. An
interesting finding is that general cargo vessels seem to be less influenced by the economic
situation of the market, especially for the type 1 models.

The effect of previous (very) serious accidents28 on the incidence rate display mixed results. We
allow for an effect on the incidence rate in the first six months after the accident and for a,
separate, effect six to twelve months after the accident. The occurrence of a very serious accident
(for model 1) leads to strong positive effects for tankers (6-12 months), general cargo and other
ship types (first six months). A recent serious accident leads for tankers to first decrease and
later, six months after the accident, to an increase in the incidence rate. The initial decrease in the
incidence rate, also observed for general cargo and container vessel, may be explained by an
initial extra caution after the accident. After six months the cautiousness is loosened and because
an accident is an indicator of a substandard ship the incidence rate rises again. A minor, less
serious accident only has a positive significant effect for dry bulk carriers and passenger ships for
a time period of 6 months.

The two final important variables we discuss are tonnage and whether a ship has a double hull.
With respect to tonnage, the results show that larger vessels have a higher incidence rate. This
does not hold for other ship types and passenger vessels, which is a surprising result. Normally,
smaller vessels are perceived to be more substandard than larger vessels. Double hull ships have
a lower incidence rate for tankers (model type 1), general cargo and container vessels (model
type 1 & 2).

The duration dependence, the effect of the age of the vessel on the incidence rate, as implied by
the estimated piecewise constant baseline hazard shows a similar pattern for all ships (only other
ships show a slightly different pattern). In Figure 6 we display the baseline hazard for the type 1
model (death and total loss). A repetitive discussion in the shipping industry is the age
dependence of risk. The baseline hazard tells the story. For tankers, dry bulk, general cargo
container and passenger vessels, the baseline hazard first decreases until approximately age 15
when it starts to increase in large steps.

We end with a short discussion on the effect of the remaining variables listed in Table 5 in
Appendix A. Note that there is less difference in the results between the type 1 and type 2
models, than for the variables we have discussed so far. The results further show that unknown
DoC company locations increase the incidence rate for all ship types and models (except other
ship types and passenger ships type 2 models) compared to DoC companies from OECD
countries. The same applies for tankers for DoC companies from the former Eastern European
countries and for DoC companies from least developed countries for general cargo vessels. DoC
companies from developing countries decrease the hazard for general cargo ships (type 2 model).

Beneficial ownership of a vessel shows a similar pattern for unknown owners compared to
owners from OECD countries for dry bulk, general cargo and container vessels. Owners from
least developed countries also increase the incidence rate for tankers and dry bulk carriers while
Of course, the effect of very serious accidents on the incidence rate is not estimated when we consider model 2 in which very
serious casualties are included in the incident-event indicator.

they decrease the incidence rate for general cargo vessels. An interesting result is the negative
effect on the incidence rate for owners from former East European countries and developing
countries for tankers and other ship types. For passenger vessels, no significant difference was
found for ownership compared to OECD countries.

Figure 6: Change in baseline hazard (death and total loss)



baseline hazard





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
age of vessel
tanker dry bulk general cargo container other ST passenger

The included flag states have mainly a positive effect on the incidence rate. The reference flag
are all other flags not in the model. Flags which decrease the incidence rate are China (dry bulk,
general cargo and container), Denmark (other ST), Indonesia (general cargo, passenger), Japan
(general cargo, passenger), Marshall Islands (other ST), Philippines (general cargo), Singapore
(other ST), Sweden (general cargo), South Korea (tanker, general cargo, other ST), US (dry bulk,
general cargo and passenger) and Vietnam (general cargo). Important flags such as Panama,
Cyprus, Malta, Bahamas, Liberia or the Marshall Islands (except other ST) mainly show a
positive effect on the incidence rate. In addition, some of the traditional maritime nations also
show a positive effects such as Germany (dry bulk, general cargo and container), Greece (tanker,
other ST), Italy (tanker, passenger), Netherlands (general cargo, container), Norway and NIS
(tanker), Russian Federation (tanker, general cargo, other ST) and the UK (other ST and

With respect to the classification societies the impact of class are found both positive and
negative can change from positive to negative (or vice versa) per ship type. It reflects the various
specializations into ship types of the classification societies compared to the reference category.
For tankers, RINA, ABS and Lloyds Register increase the hazard compared to the reference
category NKK while for dry bulk carriers, Germanischer Lloyd, Croatian Register of Shipping,
ABS, China Classification Society and Lloyds Register decrease the hazard compared to NKK.
For general cargo vessels, only DNV shows a decreased hazard compared to NKK for type 1
model while Lloyds shows an increased hazard for type 2 models.

No significant difference could be found for container vessels with the reference category. For
other ship types, Lloyds Register, DNV, Bureau Veritas, the Russian Maritime Register of
Shipping and the Korean Register of Shipping (KRS) show an increased hazard compared to the

benchmark Germanischer Lloyd. Finally, for passenger vessels, only the KRS show a decreased
hazard compared to Germanischer Lloyd.

C. Policy Simulations

This section will provide some graphs to visualize some of the effects on survival of a vessel. In
visualizing these effects, we will emphasize on the most important variables, see Table 4. For the
construction of the figures we use the following basic ship profile: double hull, tonnage (ln 10.4),
flag (Panama), classification society (Lloyds Register), changes in ship particulars (3 flag
changes, DoC company changes and ownership changes at age 10, 15 and 20), 4 class
withdrawal and class change (IACS-IACS) at age 5, 10, 15 and 20, 1 less serious casualty at age
5, 1 serious casualty at age 10 and 1 very serious casualty at age 15, DoC company and Owner
country of location is a country belonging to the OECD. For the economic variables, averages
have been used. In each of the next figures the survival probability for this basic ship profile
(denoted by basic survival) is compared to the survival of an alternative scenario.

We start with PSC inspections scenario. Figure 7 visualizes the change in the survival probability
for a policy regime with an annual PSC inspection (Paris MoU) compared to the basic survival
for dry bulk carriers. For basic ship profile the survival probability gradually decreases over its
life cycle to about 55%. When we add an annual Paris MoU inspection to the profile, the survival
probability increases, up to a 10%-point when the vessel is aged 35. As the vessel gets older, the
effect becomes more pronounced.

Figure 7: Effect of PSC inspections on the survival probability (dry bulk, type 2)







0.70 Basic survival

0.65 annual PSC inspection


















Age of the vessel

Figure 8 and 9 demonstrate the effect of annual industry vetting inspections on the survival.
These SIRE and CDI inspections are only performed on tankers. The effects of these inspections
are similar to the PSC inspections depicted in the previous picture. Again the effect of the
inspection increases with age.

Figure 8: Effect of SIRE vetting inspections on the survival probability (tanker, type 1)







Basic survival

0.86 annual SIRE inspection















Age of the vessel

Figure 9: Effect of CDI vetting inspections on the survival probability (tanker, type 1)







Basic survival

0.86 annual CDI inspection


















Age of the vessel

Figure 10 demonstrate the effect of annual RightShip inspections on the survival, an industry
inspection only performed on dry bulk vessels, for the type 1 model. The survival curve is similar
to the survival curve for CDI and SIRE inspected tankers. The result is interesting as one would
expect to see a stronger effect of vetting inspection on dry bulk carriers than of vetting
inspections on tankers. The concept of performing inspections on dry bulk carriers only started in
2001 compared to the 70s and 80s for tanker inspections. The two segments of the industry are

very different and currently only one type of industry inspection is performed on dry bulk
carriers compared to the double inspections performed on tankers.

Figure 10: Effect of RightShip vetting inspections on the survival probability (dry bulk, type 1)







Basic survival

0.86 annual RightShip inspection









Age of the vessel

The results show that the risk of death or total loss for tankers and dry bulk carriers is low and
that the shipping industry is a relatively safe industry. Inspections decrease the risk based on
annual inspections.

Figure 11 shows the combined effect of all types of annual inspections - port state control,
vetting inspections and ISM audits, on the survival of tankers. The survival probability is
calculated for both types of models and the difference in survival compared to the basic ship
profile is shown. The survival probability decreases faster for the type 2 models (total loss, death
and very serious casualty) compared to the type 1 models (only total loss and death). The effect
of the combined inspections on the survival probability is about 11% (type 1) and 19% (type2) at
age 30. This is an accumulation of the effect over the lifetime of a ship.

However, when we compare these results with the inspection effects in the previous graphs we
see that the effect of the combined inspections hardly change if more inspections are performed.
This is further visualized in Figure 12 for the type 1 model. This graph combines the basic
survival with survival probabilities of annual PSC inspections and annual industry inspections
(both types are considered: CDI and SIRE). If the ship is not inspected, the survival probability
decreases gradually to 0.87 at age 35. With annual PSC inspections, survival increases to 0.91 at
age 35, a difference of 4%. With the addition of each of the industry inspections (annually), the
marginal increase in survival is 2% and 1%, respectively. Hence, each additional inspection type
only adds a small effect in decreasing the risk of an accident for a vessel.

We conclude that these results indicate that too many inspections are performed on ships (in
particular tankers) and that the benefit of an additional inspection is negligible. This further
reflects the lack of cross-recognition and coordination of inspection efforts amongst port state

control inspections and with industry inspections. The inspections are not coordinated and only
limited consultation on the outcome of other inspections is made. While industry inspections do
consult the outcome of port state control inspections, if the data is readily available, port state
control inspections do not consult the outcome of industry inspections. As a result a vessel could
easily be inspected several times within a short time period.

Figure 11: Combined effect of inspections on the survival probability (tanker, model type 1&2)

difference type 1 model


difference type 2 model




0.70 Basic survival type 1

annual inspections (PSC, CDI, SIRE), tanker type 1
0.65 Basic survival type 2
annual inspections (PSC, CDI, SIRE), tanker type 2

















Age of the vessel

Figure 12: Comparison of inspection effects on the survival probability (tanker, model type 1&2)


Industry Insp.

0.94 0.94
Annual PSC


basic survival

basic survival Annual Ind. Insp. type 1
0.82 Annual Ind. Insp. type 1 Annual PSC insp. type 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Age of vessel

Figures 13 and 14 visualize the effect of class withdrawals and type of classification societies
changes (e.g. IACS to IACS, NIACS to IACS etc.) over the ships life cycle. We slightly adjust

our basic ship profile. For the class withdrawals, depicted in Figure 13, the reference category is
now without class withdrawals while for class changes, depicted in Figure 14, the reference
category is now without class changes. In both cases we assume that no changes in the other ship
particulars occur. The other aspects of the basic ship profile remain the same.

Figure 13 clearly demonstrate the effect of a class withdrawal on the survival probability for a
general cargo vessel (type 2 models). Four different scenarios are presented no class
withdrawals, a withdrawal every 5 years, a withdrawal every 2 years and a withdrawal every
year. The gap in the survival probability between the no withdrawal scenario and the other
scenarios gradually increases. Class withdrawal can be seen as a strong indicator of a substandard
vessel. A policy implication for this finding is the need to develop legislation which enhances
transparency and the reporting requirements of classification societies when classification is
withdrawn. The European Union (EU) in its recast directive has this requirement for
classification societies which are recognized by the EU. But it currently lacks enforcement since
the information on class withdrawals is not readily made available in a combined format for the
regulators, this holds in particular for port state control officers and industry inspections.

Figure 13: Effect of class withdrawals on the survival probability for general cargo (type 2)









no withdrawal withdrawal every 5 years

0.55 withdrawal every 2 years withdrawal every year

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Age of vessel

All type of class changes, either within IACS or between IACS and Non-IACS classification
societies, clearly decrease the survival probability (see Figure 14). This is consistent across ship
types. The effect is the strongest for changes within the NIACS class. An interesting finding is
that the effect of a change from IACS to NIACS class is the smallest. This is in contrast with the
industry perception. They perceive the group of IACS classification societies as the best class
societies. A direct policy implication is to enhance transparency amongst class societies with
reference to transfer of class, not just within IACS but also amongst all types of class transfers.
Similar to the information available on class withdrawals, the change or transfer of class from
one society to another is not readily available in combined format. It is therefore difficult to
include these data in the risk profiling of vessels to target for inspections.

Figure 14: Effect of changes in ship particulars on the survival probability, dry bulk, type 2





no change


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Age of vessel


The last graph in this section visualizes the effect of the ship earnings on the survival probability.
Again as reference scenario we apply the basic ship profile as used in construction of Figures 7 to
10. Thus, the basic survival represents the survival for a ship with the averages economic data.
Two alternative scenarios are considered: an increase- and a decrease in earnings, both by 20%,
Figure 15 shows the effect on the survival probability for a dry bulk carrier.

Figure 15: Effect of economic conditions on the survival probability, dry bulk, type 2



20% increase in earnings

basic survival


20% decrease in earnings



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Age of vessel

An increase in earnings increases the survival probability and vice versa. This finding, as already
explained before, contradicts to industry believes. Although earnings are not under direct control
of the regulatory framework for safety measures, the results are still of interest to the regulators.

On several occasions, the industry postulated that changes in freight rates explain changes in
incident rates. The common perception was that an increase of freight rates brings more
substandard vessels into the market and therefore leads to more detentions and incidents.
However, we cannot confirm this for most ship types. Only for container vessels this perception
seems true. We therefore conclude that other factors than an increase in earnings has induced the
increase of incident rates.

III Discussion of Results and Conclusions

This article has investigated the effect of inspections on survival of ships for various types of
inspections. It is based on a unique and comprehensive dataset which allows the creation of ship
life cycles and the measurement of changes of ship particulars, inspections and economic cycles
over the life cycle of a vessel.

The results show that the shipping industry is a relative safe industry and that the incident rate of
total loss and death is not very high. Despite the fact that the risk is low, the high economic costs
associated with an incident should underline the importance of improving the effectiveness of
inspections to prevent such incidents. The results indicate that there is room for improvement in
targeting ships for inspections since there is little cooperation amongst port state control regimes
and industry inspections. There are too many inspections with little added benefit for certain
vessels (e.g. tankers). The positive effect of detention and the number of deficiencies found
during an inspection on the survival probability also indicates a lack of rectification of
deficiencies and a imperfect follow up. This is also caused by the lack of cross-utilization of
inspection data. A direct policy implication is to enhance inspection efforts across the various
types of inspection regimes be it the port state control regimes or industry inspections and to
promote data-sharing to improve the targeting of vessels for inspections.

Another interesting finding is that changes of ship particulars have a similar effect on the
incidence rate of the terminal events, death and total loss, as on the incidence rate of the recurrent
very serious accidents, while inspections mainly influence the incidence rate of the terminal
events. In addition, class withdrawal and change of class are strong indicators of substandardness
for all ship types. A direct policy implication is to enforce the legal framework to enhance
transparency in disclosing information on class withdrawals and changes of class.

With respect to the impact of economic environment, the results show that an increase in
earnings for tankers, dry bulk and other ship types decreases the incidence rate while it increases
the incidence rate for container vessels (type 2 model). This implies that more money is available
for maintenance and improved safety management. This can further mean that substandard ships
are not driven from the market at low earnings but that always a certain part of the fleet operates
at substandard level. These results do not confirm the hypothesis believed by the shipping
industry and regulators that a good market brings more substandard ships into trade. However,
this hypothesis seems to hold for container vessels.

As a future research topic, the authors recommend the inclusion of the role of classification
societies as recognized organizations. Another path for future research is the inclusion of the ISM
auditor into the analysis. The results show a positive effect of ISM audits on the hazard which
indicates that there is a lack of implementation of the ISM code. A direct policy implication is a
revision of the code and adaptation to the various ship types.

As a final recommendation, the prevention of incidents with high economic costs can be
improved by a better coordination of inspections, data sharing and a decrease the number of
inspections. More emphasis should be placed on the rectification and follow up of deficiencies.


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Appendix A

Table A1: Estimation Results for the Parameters of the Proportional Hazard Models of the Ship Incidence Rate of Covariates Flag, Class, Ownership and DoC company (1=death
and total loss, 2=death, total loss and very serious casualty)
Variable tanker1 tanker2 dry bulk1 dry bulk2 gen. cargo1 gen. cargo2 container1 container2 other ST1 other ST2 passenger1 passenger2
DoC Company (Reference: DoC Companies from OECD countries)
Former East European 1.960*** 1.653*** 0.185 -0.714 -0.232 -0.357 0.829 1.348* 0.195 -0.327
(0.385) (0.295) (0.780) (0.626) (0.348) (0.224) (0.587) (0.605) (0.727) (0.669)
Developing Countries -0.046 -0.174 0.015 -0.122 0.057 -0.463*** 0.687* 0.253 -0.342 -0.437 0.280 -0.715
(0.149) (0.127) (0.288) (0.169) (0.176) (0.129) (0.351) (0.239) (0.422) (0.561) (0.569) (0.392)
Least Developed Countries 0.560 0.290 -0.275 1.026* 0.500 0.067 0.077
(0.475) (0.456) (0.750) (0.399) (0.323) (1.017) (0.903)
DoC Company unknown 0.667*** 0.445*** 1.295*** 0.540*** 1.072*** 0.374*** 1.022*** 0.494*** 0.192 0.506* 1.001* 0.309
(0.094) (0.076) (0.167) (0.101) (0.126) (0.075) (0.261) (0.137) (0.204) (0.251) (0.391) (0.222)
Owner (Reference: Owners from OECD countries)
Former East European -0.877** -1.160*** 0.696 0.379 -0.262 -0.177 -0.246 -0.741 -0.914** -0.983** 0.316 -0.499
(0.340) (0.304) (0.507) (0.398) (0.181) (0.158) (0.537) (0.625) (0.345) (0.302) (0.510) (0.440)
Developing Countries -0.091 -0.175* -0.114 -0.118 -0.069 -0.118 -0.323 -0.389* -0.389* -0.359* 0.023 0.146
(0.094) (0.084) (0.153) (0.121) (0.083) (0.071) (0.248) (0.187) (0.156) (0.161) (0.292) (0.204)
Least Developed Countries 0.714* 0.619* 1.640*** 1.279*** -0.571* -0.531* 0.935 0.243 -0.008 -0.135 0.732 -0.192
(0.302) (0.289) (0.334) (0.326) (0.235) (0.224) (0.971) (0.815) (0.594) (0.551) (0.631) (0.543)
Owner unknown 0.021 -0.041 0.372** 0.395*** 0.247** 0.187** 0.941*** 0.699*** 0.021 0.131 0.467 0.090
(0.079) (0.073) (0.125) (0.116) (0.075) (0.067) (0.234) (0.182) (0.103) (0.110) (0.242) (0.168)
Classification society (Reference: Nippon Kaiji Kyokai/Germanischer Lloyd)
Registro Italiano Navale (IT) 0.379** 0.342** 0.151 0.265 -0.077 -0.037 -0.559 0.330 0.131 0.169 0.244
(0.137) (0.123) (0.294) (0.269) (0.156) (0.137) (0.670) (0.493) (0.484) (0.365) (0.247)
Other Class 0.307 0.283 0.910*** 0.943** 0.521 0.455 0.966 0.610 0.382 0.491
(0.458) (0.421) (0.276) (0.293) (0.290) (0.285) (0.951) (0.866) (0.419) (0.432)
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (JP) reference reference reference reference reference reference -0.250 0.033 0.011 -0.380 -0.112 -0.189
(0.326) (0.237) (0.298) (0.283) (1.188) (0.766)
Germanischer Lloyd (DE) -0.255 -0.085 -0.836* -0.580* -0.043 0.043 reference reference reference reference reference reference
(0.215) (0.176) (0.356) (0.266) (0.109) (0.094)
Croatian Register of Shipping 0.435 0.699 -1.481* -1.756* 0.543 0.362
(0.688) (0.502) (0.627) (0.788) (0.350) (0.295)
Lloyd's Register (UK) 0.223* 0.208* -0.543*** -0.298* 0.107 0.216** -0.269 -0.072 0.926*** 0.756*** 0.253 0.200
(0.102) (0.092) (0.147) (0.118) (0.088) (0.077) (0.230) (0.174) (0.170) (0.173) (0.293) (0.198)
Det Norske Veritas (NO) 0.200 0.179 -0.331 -0.072 -0.337* -0.033 -0.861 -0.509 0.500* 0.472* -0.005 0.161
(0.117) (0.104) (0.190) (0.150) (0.148) (0.124) (0.624) (0.390) (0.217) (0.227) (0.443) (0.242)
No Class Recorded -0.304 -0.396 -0.365 -0.489 -0.243 -0.197 -0.716 0.177 1.034*** 1.063*** 0.574 -0.092
(0.357) (0.307) (0.518) (0.509) (0.172) (0.158) (0.820) (0.489) (0.140) (0.142) (0.359) (0.301)

Classification society tanker1 tanker2 dry bulk1 dry bulk2 gen. cargo1 gen. cargo2 container1 container2 other ST1 other ST2 passenger1 passenger2
Bureau Veritas 0.192 0.098 -0.207 -0.096 -0.156 0.082 -0.073 0.045 0.509** 0.548** -0.509 -0.112
(0.119) (0.109) (0.155) (0.127) (0.100) (0.088) (0.267) (0.194) (0.192) (0.202) (0.319) (0.220)
American Bureau of Shipping 0.308** 0.272** -0.800*** -0.486*** -0.134 0.058 -0.585 -0.327 -0.163 -0.221 0.082 0.208
(0.115) (0.103) (0.161) (0.131) (0.152) (0.130) (0.349) (0.245) (0.196) (0.206) (0.464) (0.303)
Russian Mar. Reg. of Shipping -0.004 -0.044 -0.259 -0.270 -0.154 0.017 -0.148 -0.075 1.688*** 1.620*** 0.811 0.114
(0.215) (0.205) (0.239) (0.195) (0.110) (0.101) (0.493) (0.401) (0.167) (0.166) (0.482) (0.421)
Korean Reg.of Shipping (KR) 0.014 0.256 -0.254 0.059 0.405* 0.509*** -0.911 -0.353 1.318*** 1.373*** -1.700* -0.245
(0.366) (0.282) (0.286) (0.227) (0.187) (0.152) (0.692) (0.410) (0.374) (0.395) (0.716) (0.750)
China Classification Society -0.445 -0.395 -0.755** -0.523* 0.059 0.194 -0.109 -0.220 -0.386 -0.361 -1.367
(0.256) (0.230) (0.283) (0.231) (0.184) (0.173) (0.340) (0.281) (0.587) (0.582) (1.196)
Bulgarski Koraben Register -0.744 -0.611 -0.105 -0.107 -0.580 -0.460 0.356 0.411 0.770 0.893 1.054 0.570
(0.435) (0.472) (1.885) (1.694) (0.443) (0.424) (0.767) (0.660) (0.513) (0.532) (0.573) (0.467)
Flags (Reference: all other flags not in the model)
Antigua 0.597 1.138* 0.993* 0.075 0.622*** 0.349 0.697* 1.039* 0.231
(0.934) (0.549) (0.433) (0.270) (0.150) (0.427) (0.272) (0.521) (1.024)
Azerbaijan -1.643 -0.589 -1.274
(1.152) (0.661) (1.027)
Bahamas 1.008*** 0.916*** 0.521 0.254 -0.005 0.110 0.537 0.471 0.057 0.078 1.206*** 0.513*
(0.173) (0.152) (0.320) (0.246) (0.161) (0.123) (0.408) (0.319) (0.265) (0.275) (0.320) (0.239)
Brazil -0.515 -0.858 1.107*** 0.782** 1.328** 0.981* 0.426 0.473
(0.630) (0.622) (0.295) (0.278) (0.409) (0.383) (1.434) (1.524)
Belize 0.940*** 0.822*** -0.118 -0.927 -0.195 -0.166 0.237 0.107 -0.282 -0.127 2.432** 1.277
(0.196) (0.197) (0.939) (1.019) (0.190) (0.178) (0.602) (0.538) (0.427) (0.419) (0.913) (0.806)
Bermuda 0.091 0.283 -0.292 0.163 0.225 -0.074 0.185 -0.391 -0.219 0.064 0.626
(0.437) (0.386) (0.603) (0.529) (0.230) (0.236) (0.598) (0.448) (0.889) (0.858) (0.477)
Cayman Islands -0.330 0.278 -0.380 0.129 0.280 1.464* 1.512* -0.091 0.093
(0.530) (0.409) (0.741) (0.366) (0.278) (0.693) (0.602) (0.531) (0.476)
China -0.534 -0.519 -1.181** -1.006** -1.111*** -1.076*** -1.136 -1.242* -0.984 -0.822 0.863 0.414
(0.356) (0.320) (0.398) (0.325) (0.243) (0.219) (0.629) (0.609) (0.767) (0.766) (0.561) (0.634)
Cyprus 1.099*** 1.072*** 0.115 0.083 0.337** 0.305** 0.364 0.527* 0.236 0.160 0.895* 0.246
(0.186) (0.172) (0.210) (0.164) (0.113) (0.102) (0.344) (0.257) (0.242) (0.242) (0.400) (0.343)
Danish Intern. Register -0.220 -0.364
(0.717) (0.501)
Denmark 0.695 0.172 0.213 0.140 -0.147 -1.451* -1.873 -1.038
(0.457) (0.438) (0.362) (0.288) (0.857) (0.724) (1.029) (1.035)
France -0.251 0.155 0.059 -0.224 0.279 0.391
(0.432) (0.383) (0.434) (0.407) (0.364) (0.393)
French Territory of the Afars 0.897

Flag tanker1 tanker2 dry bulk1 dry bulk2 gen. cargo1 gen. cargo2 container1 container2 other ST1 other ST2 passenger1 passenger2
Gibraltar 1.024 1.107* -0.695 0.515
(0.591) (0.445) (1.028) (0.380)
Germany 0.805 0.741 1.094* 1.426** 1.654*** 1.280*** 1.846*** 1.280*** -1.125 -0.979 0.431 0.795
(0.793) (0.648) (0.430) (0.445) (0.279) (0.226) (0.367) (0.251) (0.748) (0.750) (0.335) (0.452)

Greece 1.051*** 0.998*** 0.208 0.186 -0.236 -0.132 0.501 -0.243 0.733** 0.763** 0.603 0.271
(0.168) (0.146) (0.290) (0.210) (0.310) (0.286) (0.719) (0.715) (0.251) (0.255) (0.384) (0.248)
Hong Kong 0.777* 0.338 0.137 0.102 0.491* 0.247 0.655 0.684* -0.609 -0.577 0.270 -0.190
(0.306) (0.301) (0.369) (0.238) (0.240) (0.242) (0.405) (0.338) (1.029) (1.081) (1.101) (0.756)
India 0.669** 0.772*** 0.515 0.226 0.352 0.339 2.736*** 2.286*** 0.395 0.599 0.669** 0.772***
(0.215) (0.194) (0.301) (0.301) (0.235) (0.199) (0.555) (0.344) (0.517) (0.527) (0.215) (0.194)
Indonesia 0.136 0.214 -0.116 -0.544 -0.759* -0.870* -0.036 -0.438 -0.604 -0.487 -1.832 -1.878**
(0.330) (0.300) (1.410) (1.240) (0.376) (0.354) (0.576) (0.517) (0.419) (0.439) (1.073) (0.718)
Iran 0.888* 0.871** 1.181** 1.047*** 0.355 0.369 1.821*** 1.448*** 2.984*** 1.856*
(0.353) (0.328) (0.382) (0.298) (0.199) (0.195) (0.432) (0.350) (0.670) (0.802)
Isle of Man -0.842 0.004 -0.482 -0.578 0.428 -0.667 0.484 0.499 0.238
(0.828) (0.495) (0.951) (0.840) (0.456) (0.669) (0.635) (0.730) (1.033)
Italy 0.932*** 0.845*** -0.653 -0.449 0.327 0.288 -0.189 -0.575 -0.731 1.462** 0.448
(0.204) (0.179) (0.819) (0.540) (0.258) (0.216) (0.969) (0.564) (0.551) (0.456) (0.323)
Japan -0.161 -0.021 -0.346 -0.528 -1.168*** -1.257*** 0.617 -0.461 0.157 0.205 -0.876 -0.899*
(0.291) (0.227) (0.539) (0.457) (0.194) (0.171) (1.108) (1.032) (0.193) (0.197) (0.752) (0.456)
Liberia 0.998*** 0.907*** 0.280 0.279 0.245 0.177 -0.484 0.278 0.867** 0.928** 0.459 0.195
(0.143) (0.123) (0.241) (0.184) (0.186) (0.158) (0.554) (0.296) (0.302) (0.320) (0.520) (0.485)
Luxembourg 1.306*
Madeira 1.953*** 1.611*** 0.335 0.301 1.745 0.715 -0.592
(0.350) (0.358) (0.347) (0.307) (1.238) (0.439) (0.719)
Malaysia -0.777 1.673** 0.693 -0.207 -0.328 0.554 0.435 -1.257 -0.898
(0.563) (0.566) (0.700) (0.316) (0.334) (0.537) (0.432) (0.924) (0.918)
Malta 0.813*** 0.787*** 0.225 0.065 0.082 0.253** -0.067 0.090 -0.168 -0.244 0.928* 0.257
(0.133) (0.121) (0.173) (0.147) (0.122) (0.098) (0.395) (0.312) (0.425) (0.431) (0.392) (0.376)
Marshall Islands 0.466 0.483* 0.203 0.036 1.198** 0.741* 0.461 -0.138 -1.389* -1.243*
(0.262) (0.207) (0.567) (0.367) (0.396) (0.357) (0.765) (0.529) (0.547) (0.491)
Netherlands -0.642 1.716 1.008*** 0.799*** 0.251 0.819* -0.001 -0.029 0.048 -1.167
(1.018) (1.203) (0.184) (0.142) (1.011) (0.398) (0.388) (0.397) (1.107) (0.956)
Norway 0.845*** 0.653*** 1.114 0.453 0.222 0.223 0.510 0.479
(0.216) (0.195) (1.000) (0.848) (0.231) (0.230) (0.335) (0.341)
Norwegian Intern. Register 1.262*** 1.058*** 0.756 0.327 -0.292 0.233 0.113 -1.240 -0.949 0.780
(0.214) (0.183) (0.455) (0.422) (0.327) (0.243) (1.076) (0.829) (0.769) (0.719)

Flag tanker1 tanker2 dry bulk1 dry bulk2 gen. cargo1 gen. cargo2 container1 container2 other ST1 other ST2 passenger1 passenger2
Panama 0.781*** 0.694*** 0.322* 0.217 0.239** 0.258** 0.289 0.456* -0.076 0.093 1.205*** 0.318
(0.118) (0.108) (0.161) (0.132) (0.085) (0.080) (0.270) (0.211) (0.176) (0.181) (0.281) (0.216)
Philippines 0.145 0.167 -0.872 -0.857 -1.044*** -1.049*** 0.191 0.471 0.011 0.142 0.996* 0.777**
(0.338) (0.330) (0.532) (0.476) (0.225) (0.216) (0.394) (0.331) (0.260) (0.265) (0.426) (0.300)
Portugal 0.419 0.782* 0.322 1.463
(0.846) (0.360) (0.374) (0.914)
Russian Federation 1.117*** 0.935*** 0.752 0.689 0.366** 0.157 0.251 -0.006 0.412* 0.517** 0.277 0.046
(0.248) (0.240) (0.683) (0.473) (0.131) (0.125) (0.643) (0.574) (0.204) (0.199) (0.699) (0.541)
Singapore 0.700*** 0.513*** 1.446*** 0.837** 0.096 0.360* 0.633 0.819** -0.895* -1.438**
(0.138) (0.135) (0.340) (0.286) (0.236) (0.166) (0.385) (0.293) (0.419) (0.547)
Spain -0.072 -0.766 0.159 0.339 -0.937 0.337 0.681 1.586*** 0.503
(0.821) (0.781) (0.377) (0.307) (1.083) (0.516) (0.560) (0.425) (0.391)
Sweden -0.231 0.757 -1.293* -0.051 -1.719 -1.628
(0.773) (0.392) (0.628) (0.359) (1.150) (1.168)
South Korea -0.713 -0.692* 1.022* 0.070 -0.616** -0.490* 0.915 0.672 -1.353*** -1.398*** 2.466*** -0.398
(0.452) (0.348) (0.455) (0.391) (0.234) (0.205) (0.811) (0.503) (0.372) (0.414) (0.669) (0.968)
St. Vincent & Grenadines 0.725*** 0.767*** 0.150 0.137 0.180 0.087 -0.272 -0.160 0.342 0.494* 1.354** 0.318
(0.196) (0.186) (0.242) (0.192) (0.108) (0.099) (0.385) (0.361) (0.230) (0.240) (0.415) (0.396)
Thailand -0.802 -0.778 0.473 0.351 0.173 0.152 0.001 -0.323 -0.554 -0.394 1.099 0.549
(0.461) (0.421) (0.597) (0.475) (0.186) (0.171) (0.354) (0.483) (0.962) (0.966) (0.680) (0.789)
Turkey 0.872*** 0.750*** -0.022 -0.083 -0.344 -0.479 0.163 0.564
(0.233) (0.218) (0.252) (0.222) (0.268) (0.245) (0.662) (0.555)
United Kingdom 0.242 0.463 1.142 0.156 0.352 0.230 0.311 0.565 0.505** 0.631*** 0.089 0.764*
(0.285) (0.238) (0.623) (0.667) (0.309) (0.237) (0.431) (0.303) (0.186) (0.192) (1.019) (0.326)
United States of America -0.272 -0.229 -1.782* -1.029* -2.269*** -1.728*** -0.537 -0.452 0.611*** 0.578** -1.503 -1.008*
(0.171) (0.159) (0.727) (0.430) (0.493) (0.345) (0.878) (0.662) (0.173) (0.190) (0.974) (0.505)
Vietnam -1.597 -0.613 -0.753* -0.698* 2.055*** 1.391 0.341 0.379
(1.069) (0.640) (0.304) (0.284) (0.553) (0.725) (0.849) (0.878)
Note: * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001, n/a=not applicable


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