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January Semester 2014 Bmhr5103 - Human Resource Management Assignment

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The assignment has been designed to develo st!dents" abilit# to eval!ate di$$e%ent
t#es o$ %omotion %a&ti&es'
This assignment sho!ld be &omleted individ!all#'
Assignmn! "#$m%!:
a' (se do!ble sa&e and 1)*oint o$ Times Ne+ Roman $ont'
b' This assignment sho!ld &ontain abo!t 3000*5000 +o%ds ,at 15*)0 ages-'
&' .%ovide %e$e%en&es' Re$e%en&es sho!ld !se the Ame%i&an .s#&hologi&al
Asso&iation ,A.A- $o%mat
d' Re$e%en&es sho!ld be latest ,#ea% )005 and on+a%ds-
Assignments sho!ld be s!bmitted a&&o%ding to the $i0ed date'
.lagia%ism is not a&&etable' I$ #o! a%e not s!%e +hat is meant b# lagia%ism1
%e$e% to the va%io!s +ebsites +hi&h dis&!ss this matte%1 e'g'
'M%n%gmn! (i)mm%: *$#m#!i#n Sni#$i!+ #$ C#m,!n-is./
.%omotion and talent management a%e ve%# imo%tant in HR' Re&entl#1 d!e to man#
&hanges in o!% +o%3 setting as +ell as &ost o$ living iss!es1 man# emlo#ees have
sta%ted to voi&e o!t thei% %ight $o% %omotion' Management1 on the othe% hand1 d!e to
demand and s!l# $a&to%s1 a%e in the ag%eement that &ost need to be at the lo+est
oint' These t+o &ont%adi&ting oinions1 might &%eate man# &on$li&ts at the +o%3 la&e'
Sho!ld %omotion be based on senio%it# o% &ometen&ies4 5hat a%e the e0e&ted o%
!ne0e&ted o!t&omes i$ %omotions a%e based on senio%ities o% &ometen&ies4
1' 6o! a%e %e7!i%ed to &ond!&t a %esea%&h on this iss!e'
)' 6o! &an &hoose eithe% to do this %esea%&h b# !sing EITHER the 7!antitative o%
7!alitative method' 6o! a%e also %e7!i%ed to &hoose onl# ONE &oman# as the
ta%get o!lation'
a' 8o% 7!antitative #o! a%e allo+ed to eithe% !se %evio!s 7!estionnai%es
o% &%eate #o!% o+n 7!estionnai%es' The%e m!st be a minim!m o$ 10
7!estions ,e0&l!ding demog%ahi& 7!estions s!&h as gende%1 age et&'-
!sing the li3e%t s&ale o$ 1*9' These 7!estionnai%es sho!ld be able to
&at!%e #o!% %esondents" oinion on the above stated dilemma' ,Note /
6o! a%e %e7!i%ed to atta&h #o!% 7!estionnai%es as a%t o$ #o!% aendi0-'
St!dents +ho !se this method a%e %e7!i%ed to get at least )0
b' 8o% 7!alitative #o! ma# &ond!&t inte%vie+ sessions +ith at least :NE
HR manage% $%om #o!% sele&ted &oman#' As3 thei% oinion on this matte%
b# $o&!sing on this dilemma' 6o! a%e %e7!i%ed to design at least 5
inte%vie+ 7!estions e0&l!ding demog%ahi& 7!estions' ,Note / 6o! a%e
%e7!i%ed to list all the inte%vie+ 7!estions as a%t o$ #o!% aendi0-'
&' 8o% eithe% method1 #o! a%e s!b;e&ted to the &lea%an&e $%om the
%esondents' In the event that the %esondents disag%ee to dis&lose thei%
ba&3g%o!nd1 #o! a%e %e7!i%ed to ta3e ne&essa%# a&tion to ens!%e thei%
3' R,#$! 2$i!ing
a' Based on #o!% %esea%&h1 +%ite a &om%ehensive %eo%t on this iss!e' B# !sing at
least 8I<E latest a%ti&les ,)009 and above-1 #o! a%e %e7!i%ed to ;!sti$# #o!%
oinion1 #o!% %esea%&h $indings and %evio!s lite%at!%es'
b' 8o% =!antitative #o! &an anal#se #o!% data b# !sing an# anal#sis tools s!&h as
E0&el1 S.SS1 SEM o% an# othe% %elevant anal#sis tools'
&' 8o% =!alitative method 6o! have to %eo%t #o!% inte%vie+ o!t&omes'
d' .%ovide #o!% &on&l!sion and %e&ommendations on the dilemma'

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