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Jason Ramirez Mr. Gango 5 English 12 4/9/2014 1. Describe wha !o" #i# $or !o"r %h!sical %ro&ec in a leas 25 wor#s. Include the total number of hours you spent on the project. Please BOLD the number of hours. 'or m! %h!sical %ro&ec ( ) in er*iewe# + %eo%le an# *i#eo a%e# heir answers o crea e a mini #oc"men ar! abo" heir e,%eriences abo" #i*orce. ) s%en 18 hours and 45 minutes on i . 2. E,%lain how !o"r %h!sical %ro#"c -%ro&ec . rela es o( s"%%or s an#/or b"il#s "%on he con en o$ !o"r research %a%er. /e s%eci$ic an# gi*e e,am%les. M! o%ic is on #i*orce an# i s e$$ec on chil#ren( so who be er o in er*iew han 0i#s whose %aren s ha*e gone hro"gh #i*orce1 ) in er*iewe# Ma hew Es2"i*el( 3ris ian 4o%ez( an# s%ecial g"es +. 5ha is he mos im%or an s0ill !o" ha*e ac2"ire# #"ring he %ro&ec %hase( or he mos im%or an hing !o" learne# abo" !o"rsel$6 ) learne# how o reall! a0e he role o$ a %s!chologis b! as0ing lo s o$ 2"es ions( an# "sing ac i*e lis ening s0ills. 3onnec ing on some sor o$ emo ional le*el 4. /e *er! s%eci$ic an# #escribe all he wa!s in which he %ro&ec was 0nowle#geable $or !o" emo ionall!( in ellec "all! an#/or %h!sicall!. ) was *er! 0nowle#geable beca"se ) see how i #oes reall! a$$ec %eo%le 5. Describe %roblems !o" enco"n ere# #"ring he com%le ion o$ !o"r %ro&ec ho"rs an# e,%lain how !o" han#le#/sol*e# hese %roblems. 5ell $or one he e#i ing so$ ware 7#obe 8remier 0e% crashing on me owar# he en# o$ m! %ro&ec ( also one o$ m! %ar ici%an s #i#n9 wan o be in m! *i#eo an!more. :o $or he e#i ing %roblem )9# #o a bi sa*e an# hen close an# hen $or m! missing %ar ici%an ) re%lace# him wi h /ren#a an# ) in er*iewe# her ;. )$ gi*en he o%%or "ni ! o re#o he %h!sical %ro#"c /%ro&ec ( wha wo"l# !o" #o #i$$eren l!6 ) wo"l# "se m! ime more wisel! an# "se a be er e#i ing so$ ware. <. Di# !o"r %ro&ec "rn o" he wa! !o" en*isione# i in he beginning or #i# !o" ha*e o mo#i$! !o"r %lans/*ision6 =ow #i# !o" a#&"s i 6 ) came o" a li le be er han ) ha# wan e# i oo.

>. =ow #oes his %ro&ec rela e o !o"r $" "re goals6 =ow will his area o$ in eres con in"e o be a %ar o$ !o"r li$e6 )$ no a all( wh!6 ) wan o be a %s!chologis ( ?es a big %ar o$ m! li$e@ 9. 5ha gra#e wo"l# !o" gi*e !o"rsel$ $or !o"r %ro&ec 6 J"s i$! he e*al"a ion o$ !o"r gra#e in a leas 25 wor#s( gi*ing s%eci$ic s"%%or . 4i0e a / beca"se ) wor0e# *er! har# on m! %ro&ec ( ) o" in he labor ) rie# #oing as m"ch research as %ossible.

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