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2011 Boletn Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromticas 10 (5): 470 - 475

ISSN 0717 7917

Artculo Original | Original Article

Insecticidal Effect of Schinus latifolius Essential Oil on the Housefly,
Musca domestica L.

[Efecto Insecticida del Aceite Esencial de Schinus latifolius en Mosca Domstica, Musca domestica]

Alejandro URZA
, Dania DI COSMO
& Yanina ROSSI

Laboratory of Chemical Ecology, Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Casilla 40, Correo 33, Santiago,
Meat Laboratory, Technological Faculty, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Casilla 40, Correo 33, Santiago, Chile.
Laboratory of Fine Chemicals and Natural Products, Faculty of Chemical Sciences. Catholic University of Crdoba, Camino a Alta
Gracia Km 10, (5000) Crdoba, Argentina.
Contactos | Contacts: Alejandro URZA E-mail address:

The composition of essential oil (EO) from Schinus latifolius obtained by hydro distillation of dry leaves was analyzed using gas chromatography (GC-FID)
and gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy (GC/MS). The insecticidal effect of the oil on the house fly Musca domestica was evaluated by placing flies in a
sealed glass jar containing a piece of EO-treated cotton yarn. The dose necessary to kill 50% of flies (LC50) in 0.5 and 1 h was determined at 261C. The
essential oil from Schinus latifolius showed significant insecticidal properties [LC50 = 31.98 mg/dm
(0.5 h) and LC50 = 19.20 mg/dm
(1 h)]. According to
GC-FID and GC/MS analysis a total of 54 compounds were identified accounting for 99.45% of the EO, with limonene (50.23%); -pinene (15.01%); -
pinene (11.81%); sabinene (4.71%) and -thujene (2.18%) as the main components. The EO from Schinus latifolius appears promising as a natural
insecticide against houseflies. The composition of the Schinus latifolius essential oil reported in this study is different to that reported in other publications.
The most important characteristic is the high content of limonene (50.23%), which can be attributed to the time of year and the geographic location of the
sampled plants.

Keywords: Musca domestica; Schinus latifolius; essential oil composition; natural insecticide; antagonist effect among monoterpenes

La composicin del aceite esencial (AE), obtenido por hidrodestilacin de hojas secas de Schinus latifolius se analiz mediante cromatografa de gases (CG-
FID) y cromatografa de gases / espectrometra de masas (CG/EM). La actividad insecticida del aceite contra la mosca domstica, Musca domestica se evalu
colocando las moscas en un frasco de vidrio sellado con un trozo de hilo de algodn tratado con diferentes cantidades de AE. La dosis necesaria para matar el
50% de las moscas (LC50) en 0,5 y 1 hora se determin a 26 1C. El aceite esencial de Schinus latifolius mostr un buen efecto insecticida [DL50 = 31,98
(0,5 h) y DL50 = 19,20 mg/dm
(1 h)]. De acuerdo con los anlisis de GC-FID y CG/EM, un total de 54 compuestos fueron identificados lo que
representa el 99.45% del AE, siendo limoneno (50.23%); -pineno (15.01%); -pineno (11.81%); sabineno (4.71%) y -tujeno (2.18%) los componentes
principales del AE. El AE de Schinus latifolius parece prometedor como un insecticida natural contra la mosca domstica. La composicin del aceite
esencial de Schinus latifolius encontrado en este trabajo es diferente al informado en otras publicaciones. La caracterstica mas importante es el alto
contenido de limoneno (50.23%), que podra atribuirse a la poca del ao y la ubicacin geogrfica de las plantas recolectadas.

Palabras Clave: Musca domestica; Schinus latifolius; composicin del aceite esencial; insecticida natural; efecto antagnico entre monoterpenos

Recibido | Received: 20 de Agosto de 2011.
Aceptado en versin corregida | Accepted in revised form: 26 de Agosto de 2011.
Publicado en lnea | Published online: 30 de Septiembre de 2011.
Declaracin de intereses | Declaration of interests: Financial support for this work was provided by Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH), DICYT, 020941UM and
FONDEF D08I1102.
Este artculo puede ser citado como / This article must be cited as: Alejandro Urza, Dania Di Cosmo, Javier Echeverra, Roco Santander, Sara M. Palacios, Yanina Rossi.
2011 Insecticidal Effect of Schinus latifolius Essential Oil on the Housefly, Musca domestica L. Bol Latinoam Caribe Plant Med Aromat 10(5): 470 475.
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Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae) is one of the
most common insects associated with man. Flies are
mechanical vectors of several human and animal
diseases (Malik at al., 2007).
Many insecticides have been used for housefly
control, however, their use can affect human health,
agricultural ecosystems and the environment in
general (Reed, 2002).
In addition, houseflies develop resistance to
insecticides and one of the major mechanisms of
resistance is a change in the target site (Kozaki et al.,
Integrated pest management programs (IPM)
appear to be a good alternative for the control of house
flies. These programs combine different control
methods that include the use of botanical insecticides
(Tripathi et al., 1973; Malik et al., 2007). Among
botanical insecticides, plant essential oils (or their
components) have been evaluated as they show a
broad spectrum of biological activity including
toxicity, repellant, oviposition and feeding deterrence
(Isman, 2001; Isman

and Machial, 2006; Batish et al.,
2008; Rosell et al., 2008; Palacios et al., 2009a;
Kumar et al., 2011). In our continuing interest in the
potential of essential oils (EO's) from Chilean flora as
insecticides against Musca domestica (Urza et al.,
2010a; Urza et al., 2010b ), we present an evaluation
of the insecticidal property of a widespread species
endemic to Central Chile, Schinus latifolius ( Gilles ex
Lindl.) Engler, (Riedeman and Aldunate, 2001). In
addition to being a medicinal plant with antiseptic
properties (Muoz et al., 1981), a key factor in its
selection was that the citrus-scented leaves of S.
latifolius are used to repel insects and that the EO
extracted from leaves of the close Schinus molle L. is a
well known house fly repellent (Wimalaratne et al.,
1996) with proven insecticidal properties (Palacios et
al., 2009a).

Limonene; -pinene; -pinene; bornyl acetate; -
terpineol; 4-terpineol; 1-octanol and octanoic acid
were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO,
USA). Dimethyl-2,2-dichlorovinyl phosphate (DDVP)
was provided as a gift by Professor H. Masuh from the
Center of Investigation on Pests and Insecticides,
CONICET, Argentina. The essential oil component
analysis was performed using gas chromatography
(GC-FID) and gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy
(GC/MS). Qualitative analysis was performed using a
Thermo Scientific Trace GC Ultra linked to a ISQ
quadrupole mass spectrometric detector with an
integrated data system (Xcalibur 2.0, Thermo Fisher
Scientific Inc. USA); quantitative analysis was carried
out using a Shimadzu GC-9A gas chromatograph
fitted with a FID-9 detector (Shimadzu Corporation,
Kyoto, Japan). The same capillary column (Rtx-5MS,
film thickness 0.25 m, 60m x 0.25 mm, Restek
Corporation, Bellefonte, PA. USA) was used in both

Plant material
Leaves of Schinus latifolius were collected from
Huaqun del Mar (V Regin, Chile, 32 18 49.57S,
71 28 16.03W) at an altitude of 35 m over the
average sea level during the flowering season,
November 2010. Voucher specimens were deposited
in the Herbarium of the National Natural History
Museum, Santiago, Chile. The leaves were dried in an
oven with circulating air at 40 C for 24 h.

Essential oil extraction and analysis
Essential oil was extracted from 387 g of dry milled
leaves for 4 h by hydro distillation (2.5 L, H
O) in a
Clevenger-type apparatus. The EO was dried over
anhydrous sodium sulfate. The EO component
analysis was performed by gas chromatography (GC-
FID) and gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy
(GC/MS) using the instrumentation described above.
The operating conditions were as follows: on-column
injection; injector temperature, 250 C; detector
temperature, 280 C; carrier gas, He at 1.25 ml/min;
oven temperature program: 40 C for 5 min, increase
to 260 C at 5 C/min, and then 260 C for 5 min. The
mass detector ionization employed an electron impact
of 70 eV. Recording conditions employed a scan time
of 1.5 s and a mass range of 40 to 400 amu.
Compounds in the chromatograms were identified by
comparison of their mass spectra with those in the
NIST08 library database, and by comparison of their
retention index with those reported in the literature
(Adams, 2007), for the same type of column or those
of commercial standards, when available.

Fly collection and maintenance
The colonies of M. domestica used in this study
originated from adults collected in the experimental
field of the Universidad Catlica of Crdoba, in
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Crdoba, Argentina, using a sweep net. The flies were
transferred to a small cage and then reared in
entomological cages (303030 cm) at 26 1 C
under a 12:12 light: dark cycle and 70% humidity.
Adult flies were provided with water and fed a 1:1
(v/v; approximately) mixture of granulated sugar and
powdered milk. Bran and milk were prepared at a
weight ratio of 1:3 and 100 g of this mixture was
placed on a plastic plate as an oviposition site.

The bioassay was designed so the flies would have
high probability of coming into contact with volatile
compounds within the one hour test period; therefore,
the flies were allowed access to the total space within
the exposure vessel. Ten 4-5 day old adult house flies,
of both sexes, were placed in a glass jar (1.2 dm
fitted with a screw cap that had a 7-cm length of
cotton yarn suspended from the center of its inner face.
Different dosages of pure EO (without solvent) were
applied to the yarn. The control vessel had no
compound on the cotton yarn. The jars were sealed
tightly and maintained at temperature of 26 1 C.
Each test was repeated three times. The assay was
also conducted with the cotton yarn enclosed in a
breathable cloth bag to prevent direct contact.
Dimethyl 2,2-dichlorovinyl phosphate (DDVP), a
volatile organophosphate, was used as a positive
control. Mortality in each group was assessed after one
hour of exposure.

Data analysis
The mean mortality data of the three repeated assays
per dose (4-6 doses) was used to calculate the LC
Probit analysis (Harvard Programming; Hg1, 2) was
used to analyze the dose-mortality response.

From the dry leaves of S. latifolius (387g), 1.33 g
(0.34%) of EO was obtained. The composition of the
EO is listed in Table 1. Limonene (50.23%)(1); -
pinene (15.01%)(2); -pinene (11.81%)(3); sabinene
(4.71%)(4) and -thujene (2.18%)(5) were the
principal components of S. latifolius EO.

Table 1: Composition of the essential oil of leaves of Schinus latifolius.

Compound RI % Identification Compound RI % Identification
2-Hexanal 860 0,05 RI, MS
1334 0,08 RI, MS
Tricyclene 929 0,20 RI, MS -Copaene 1394 0,44 RI, MS
-Thujene (5) 934 2,18 RI, MS Decyl acetate 1412 0,22 RI, MS
-Pinene (2) 943 15,01 RI, MS, Co-I Dodecanal 1414 0,13 RI, MS
Camphene (7) 958 1,16 RI, MS (E)-Caryophyllene 1445 0,10 RI, MS
Sabinene (4) 982 4,71 RI, MS
1452 0,05 RI, MS
-Pinene (3) 986 11,81 RI, MS, Co-I 2-Dodecenal 1479 0,36 RI, MS
-Myrcene 994 0,82 RI, MS Aromadendrene 1487 0,42 RI, MS
-3-Carene 1018 0,13 RI, MS Germacrene D 1505 0,29 RI, MS
-Terpinene 1024 0,07 RI, MS -Muurolene 1521 0,41 RI, MS
-Cimene 1034 1,55 RI, MS NI 1532 0,09
Limonene (1) 1040 50,23 RI, MS, Co-I -Cadinene 1538 0,18 RI, MS
-Ocimene 1054 0,09 RI, MS - Cadinene 1544 1,02 RI, MS
-Terpinene 1067 0,08 RI, MS -Amorphene 1560 0,06 RI, MS
1-Octanol 1074 0,08 RI, MS, Co-I Elemol 1571 0,06 RI, MS
Terpinolene 1096 0,06 RI, MS -Calacorene 1589 0,07 RI, MS
NI 1333 0,12 Viridiflorol 1598 0,05 RI, MS
trans-Pinocarveol 1154 0,09 RI, MS Spathulenol 1607 0,56 RI, MS
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Octanoic acid 1174 0,52 RI, MS, Co-I Ledol 1615 0,08 RI, MS
4-Terpineol 1190 1,09 RI, MS, Co-I Guaiol 1623 0,28 RI, MS
-Cymen-8-ol 1195 0,05 RI, MS NI 1627 0,24
Myrtenal 1212 0,13 RI, MS Cubenol 1657 0,06 RI, MS
NI 1238 0,10 -Eudesmol 1661 0,07 RI, MS
Carvone 1259 0,07 RI, MS -Cadinol 1668 0,79 RI, MS
1-Decanol 1276 0,55 RI, MS -Cadinol 1682 1,30 RI, MS
1284 0,23 RI, MS Bulnesol 1695 0,11 RI, MS
Bornyl acetate (6) 1299 0,59 RI, MS Guaiol acetate 1704 0,15 RI, MS

RI: Retention index; MS: Mass spectrum; Co-I: standard; NI: not identified.

As far as we can determine, the composition
of only two EO samples from Schinus latifolius have
been investigated. Barroso et al., 1991, reported as
major compounds: -pinene (35%) (3), sabinene
(24%) (4) and -pinene (21%) (2) and in the sample
studied by Niemeyer and Teiller, 2007, they reported:
-pinene (24.2%) (3), bornyl acetate (19.7%) (6), -
pinene (16.6%) (2) and camphene (19.7%) (7). The
composition of the Schinus latifolius essential oil
found in this study is different to that previously
reported. The most important differences are the high
content of limonene (50.23%) (1) and the low content
of sabinene (4), bornyl acetate (6) and camphene (7),
which can be attributed to the time of year and the
geographic location of the sampled plants
(Shoonhoven et al., 2005).

Figure 1: Principal monoterpenoids in the essential oil of Schinus latifolius

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The fumigant effects of EO against adult M. domestica were evaluated by determining the LC
values, which are
presented in Table 2.

Table 2: LC
of Schinus latifolius essential oil on Musca domestica
Time (h) Mean LC
in mg/dm
0.5 31.98 (10.3498.96)
1 19.20 (7.7147.67)
Time: 1 h; t: 26 1 C

The insecticidal properties of some
monoterpenoids have been determined using the same
bioassay, in which the LC
in a 0.5 h experiment was
12.1 mg/dm
for -pinene, 6.2 mg/dm
for limonene
and 6.4 mg/dm
for -pinene (Palacios et al., 2009b).
The insecticidal properties of an essential oil may be
related in principle to its individual components. The
proportion of limonene in the S. latifolius EO was
50.23%, which means the LC
dose of S. latifolius EO
(31.98 mg/dm
) contains approximately 16 mg of
limonene. This amount is around 2.6 times higher than
the LC
of pure limonene (6.4 mg/dm
). These results
demonstrate that the insecticidal property of limonene
is affected through an antagonistic mechanism
probably produced by other major monoterpenes
present in the S. latifolius essential oil.

Financial support for this work was provided by
Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH), DICYT,
020941UM and FONDEF D08I1102

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