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Ecosystem Project Rubric

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Name: _______________________________________________ Period: ___________________

Rubric for Ecosystem Project

*Must be turned in every time you turn in a component

Component 1 Due 3/7/17 Total: _________ Grade: _____

Criteria 3 2 1 0
Plant/Animal The name, status, and three The name, status and two The name and status and one The name and status but no
Information interesting facts are present interesting facts interesting facts interesting facts
Pictures All 3 pictures present 2 pictures present 1 pictures present No pictures present

Component 2 Due 3/10/17 Total: _________ Grade: _____

Criteria 3 2 1 0
Food Plant/animal food chains have a Plant/animal food chains Food chain is incomplete Food chain not done
Chain producer, a herbivore and a have a producer, a
carnivore (each on a separate herbivore, and a carnivore
page) (both on one page)
Food Web Plant/animal food chains are Only four food chains are Only three food chains are Only the two food chains are present
present with in the food web. present within the food present within the food web within the food web
Food web must consists of at web
least 5 different food chains
(each food web on a separate
Energy All three organisms from the All three organisms from All three organisms from the Not all three organisms are in the
Pyramid food chain are present in the the food chain are present food chain are present but not energy pyramid and are not in the
correct order (each energy in the correct order but in the correct order correct order
pyramid on a separate page) they are both on the same
*if all three are on the same page the highest grade you can receive is a B.
Name: _______________________________________________ Period: ___________________

Component 3 Due 3/17/17 Total: _________ Grade: _____

Criteria 3 2 1 0
Ecosystem Ecosystem is identified and Ecosystem is identified Ecosystem is identified Ecosystem and location are not
student explains where it is but student does not state identified
located where it is located
Abiotic Student explains the following Student only explains 3 Student only explains 2 out of Student only explain 1 to no factors
Factors abiotic factors for their out of four factors four factors
ecosystem: temperature,
climate, water, soil
Biotic Student explains at least 3 Student only explains 2 Student only explains 1 plant Student only explains plants or
Factors plants and animals within their plants or animals and animal animals
Classification Animal classification includes: Animal classification is Animal classification is Animal classification missing
species, population, community missing one factor missing two factors
and then ecosystem

Component 4 Due 3/23/17 Total: _________ Grade: _____

Criteria 3 2 1 0
Limiting Student creates a limiting Student creates a limiting Student creates a limiting No limiting factor graph for animal
Factor factor graph for each factor factor graph for two factors factor graph for one factor
graphs (all three on one page)
Name: _______________________________________________ Period: ___________________

Component 5 Due 3/31/17 Total: _________ Grade: _____

Criteria 3 2 1 0
Human Student explains at least 3 Student explains at least 2 Student explains at least 1 Student fails to explain how humans
impact ways that humans have ways that humans have way that humans have have affected their ecosystem
affected their ecosystem affected their ecosystem affected their ecosystem
Laws Student explains three things Student explains 2 things that Student explains 1 things that Student doesn’t explain ways that
that have been put in place to have been put in place to have been put in place to laws and people have helped out
protect their ecosystem protect their ecosystem protect their ecosystem their ecosystem
Importance Student explains why Student explains why Student explains why Student doesn’t explain the
ecosystem is so special and ecosystem is so special and ecosystem is so special and importance of their ecosystem
important at least 3 reasons important at least 2 reasons important at least 1 reason

Table of Contents Due 4/21/17 Total: _________ Grade: _____

Criteria 3 2 1 0
Layout All pages are numbered and Pages are numbered but are Not all pages are numbered No numbered pages and not in
in correct order in portfolio not in correct order order

Reference Pages Due 4/21/17 Total: _________ Grade: _____

Criteria 3 2 1 0
Layout Student has correctly cited Student has correctly cited Student has correctly cited Student has correctly cited 60% of
90% of references in MLA 80% of references in MLA 70% of references in MLA references in MLA format
format format format
Name: _______________________________________________ Period: ___________________

Component 6 Due 4/21/17 Total: _________ Grade: _____

Criteria 3 2 1 0
Ecosystem Student explains and Student explains and Student only explains where Ecosystem is not mentioned
describes the ecosystem and describes the ecosystem but ecosystem is located
its importance does not explain its
Abiotic All five factor present 4 factors present 3 factors present 2 to no factors present
Biotic Endangered or threated Endangered or threated Endangered or threated Endangered or threatened plant or
factors animal or plant species is animal or plant species is animal or plant species is animal not present in story as main
main character and 2 main character and 1 main character and no character
additional biotic factors additional biotic factor additional biotic factors
Endangered All animals are described Only the main character and Only the main character is No characters described
animals and one additional animal described
plants described
Human Student explains how people, Student explains 2 out of Student only explains 1 out Student does not explain human
impact corporations and government three human impacts of the three human impacts impact
have affected ecosystem
Pictures Student includes at least 5 Student includes at least 4 Student includes at least 3 Student includes at least 2 pictures
pictures pictures pictures
Grammar Student has no grammatical Student has 1-3 grammatical Student has 4-6 grammatical Student has more than 6 grammatical
errors errors errors errors
Binding Book is bound Book is in a report cover Book is in a folder Book is not bound or in a project
cover or folder
Turned in Turned in on time N/A N/A Not turned in on time. Remember
on time that no late projects will be
accepted unless you have an
excused absence.

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