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What Is A Safety and Health Management System

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What is a Safety and Health Management System?

A safety and health management system means the part of the Organisation's management system which covers:
the health and safety work organisation and policy in a company
the planning process for accident and ill health prevention
the line management responsibilities and
the practices, procedures and resources for developing and implementing, reviewing and maintaining the
occupational safety and health policy.
The system should cover the entire gambit of an employer's occupational health and safety organisation. The key elements
of a successful safety and health management system are:
1. Policy and commitment
The workplace should prepare an occupational safety and health policy programme as part of the preparation of the Safety
Statement required by Section 20 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005. Effective safety and health policies
should set a clear direction for the organisation to follow. They will contribute to all aspects of business performance as
part of a demonstrable commitment to continuous improvement. Responsibilities to people and the working environment
will be met in a way that fulfils the spirit and letter of the law. Cost-effective approaches to preserving and developing
human and physical resources will reduce financial losses and liabilities. In a wider context, stakeholders' expectations,
whether they are shareholders, employees or their representatives, customers or society at large, can be met.
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2. Planning
The workplace should formulate a plan to fulfil its safety and health policy as set out in the Safety Statement. An effective
management structure and arrangements should be put in place for delivering the policy. Safety and health objectives and
targets should be set for all managers and employees.
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3. Implementation and operation
For effective implementation, organisations should develop the capabilities and support mechanisms necessary to achieve
the safety and health policy, objectives and targets. All staff should be motivated and empowered to work safely and to
protect their long-term health, not simply to avoid accidents. These arrangements should be:
underpinned by effective staff involvement and participation through appropriate consultation, the use of the
safety committee where it exists and the safety representation system and,
sustained by effective communication and the promotion of competence, which allows all employees and their
representatives to make a responsible and informed contribution to the safety and health effort.
There should be a planned and systematic approach to implementing the safety and health policy through an effective
safety and health management system. The aim is to minimise risks. Risk Assessment methods should be used to
determine priorities and set objectives for eliminating hazards and reducing risks. Wherever possible, risks should be
eliminated through the selection and design of facilities, equipment and processes. If risks cannot be eliminated, they
should be minimised by the use of physical controls and safe systems of work or, as a last resort, through the provision of
PPE. Performance standards should be established and used for measuring achievement. Specific actions to promote a
positive safety and health culture should be identified. There should be a shared common understanding of the
organisations vision, values and beliefs on health and safety. The visible and active leadership of senior managers fosters
a positive safety and health culture.
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4. Measuring performance
The organisation should measure, monitor and evaluate safety and health performance. Performance can be measured
against agreed standards to reveal when and where improvement is needed. Active self-monitoring reveals how effectively
the safety and health management system is functioning. Self-monitoring looks at both hardware (premises, plant and
substances) and software (people, procedures and systems, including individual behaviour and performance). If controls
fail, reactive monitoring should find out why they failed, by investigating the accidents, ill health or incidents, which could
have caused harm or loss. The objectives of active and reactive monitoring are:
to determine the immediate causes of substandard performance
to identify any underlying causes and implications for the design and operation of the safety and health
management system.
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5. Auditing and reviewing performance
The organisation should review and improve its safety and health management system continuously, so that its overall
safety and health performance improves constantly. The organisation can learn from relevant experience and apply the
lessons. There should be a systematic review of performance based on data from monitoring and from independent audits
of the whole safety and health management system. These form the basis of complying with the organisations
responsibilities under the 2005 Act and other statutory provisions. There should be a strong commitment to continuous
improvement involving the development of policies, systems and techniques of risk control. Performance should be
assessed by:
internal reference to key performance indicators
external comparison with the performance of business competitors and best practice in the organisations
employment sector.
Many companies now report on how well they have performed on worker safety and health in their annual reports and how
they have fulfilled their responsibilities with regard to preparing and implementing their Safety Statements. In addition,
employers have greater responsibilities under Section 80 of the 2005 Act on Liability of Directors and Officers of
Undertakings that requires them to be in a position to prove they have pro-actively managed the safety and health of their
workers. Data from this Auditing and reviewing performance process should be used for these purposes.
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What issues should a review of the safety and health management system cover?
An organisation should carry out an initial review of the safety and health management system, and follow this up with
periodic reviews. The initial review should compare existing safety and health practice with:
the requirements of safety and health legislation
the provisions set out in the organisations Safety Statement
safety and health guidance in the organisation
existing authoritative and published safety and health guidance
best practice in the organisations employment sector

The following checklist may be used for the review
Is the Safety Statement clear and concise so that it can be read and understood by those who may be at risk?
Is the Safety Statement available at the workplace to which it relates and are workers given relevant extracts
where they are at specific risk?
Is the overall safety and health policy of the organisation and the internal structure for implementing it adequate,
e.g. are responsibilities of named persons clearly outlined?
Does the Safety Statement contain a systematic identification of hazards and an assessment of risks for the
workplace(s) it covers?
Are Risk Assessments being carried out on a regular basis as risks change and are the necessary improvements
made to keep the safety and health management system up to date?
Are the necessary safety control measures required for a safe workplace identified and implemented, e.g. the
provision of safe access and egress, good housekeeping, clear passageways and internal traffic control?
Are written safe procedures for those operations that require them available, e.g. for routine processing and
ancillary activities, handling and using chemicals, preventive maintenance, plant and equipment breakdown
maintenance, accident and ill-health investigations, emergency planning, assessment of personal protective
equipment (PPE) requirements?
Are procedures available for monitoring the implementation of safety systems and control measures, e.g. are
safety audits being carried out?
Is safety and health training being carried out and does the training give adequate information to workers on risks
they might be exposed to?
Is the impact of this training and the level of understanding of the information assessed by anyone?
Do safety consultation, employee participation and representation procedures exist and are these procedures
effective, e.g. is there good co-operation between employer, managers and employees on safety and health issues
at the workplace? Is there a safety committee in existence and if so does it comply with the 2005 Act
requirements? Are safety committee meetings constructive with meeting reports and follow-up action lists? Is the
safety representative or representatives involved at every stage of the safety consultation process?
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A Safety Statement should have a safety and health policy incorporated into it. What is this policy?
A safety and health policy is a written document which recognises that safety and health is an integral part of the
organisations business performance. It is a statement by the organisation of its intentions and approach in relation to its
overall safety and health performance and provides a framework for action, and for the setting of its safety and health
objectives and targets. The safety and health policy must:
be appropriate to the hazards and risks of the organisations work activities and include a commitment to protect,
so far as is reasonably practicable, its employees and others, such as contractors and members of the public, from
safety and health risks associated with its activities.
include a commitment to comply with relevant safety and health legislation, Codes of Practice and guidelines, as
a minimum.
provide a framework for measuring performance and ensuring continuous improvement by setting, auditing and
reviewing safety and health objectives and targets.
be documented, understood, implemented and maintained at all levels of the organisation.
clearly place the management of safety and health as a prime responsibility of line management from the most
senior executive level to first-line supervisory level.
cover employee safety and health consultation, safety committee meetings where they exist, worker participation
and safety representation and includes a commitment to provide appropriate resources to implement the policy.
provide for employee co-operation and compliance with safety rules and procedures.
Organisations achieving high standards of safety and health develop policies that recognise the:
contribution that safety and health can make to business performance by preserving and developing human and
physical resources, by reducing costs and liabilities, and by expressing corporate responsibility.
need for leaders to develop appropriate organisational structures and a culture that supports risk control and
secures the full participation of all members of the organisation.
requirement to resource and plan policy implementation adequately.
necessity of approaching injury, ill health and loss prevention by systematically identifying hazards, assessing
and controlling risks.
need for the organisation to develop an understanding of risks and risk control and to be responsive to internal
and external change.
requirement to scrutinise and review performance to learn from experience.
connection between quality, the environment, safety and health, and good management practice.
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What critical safety and health issues should be addressed, and allocated adequate resources, in the safety and
health policy?
Critical safety and health issues, which should be addressed and allocated resources, in the safety and health policy,
include the:
design, provision and maintenance of a safe place of work for all employees
design, provision and maintenance of safe means of access to and egress from each part of the workplace
design, provision and maintenance of any article, plant, equipment or machinery for use at work in a safe
manner, provision of systems of work that are planned, organised, performed, maintained or revised, so as to be
safe, particularly for safety critical process operations or services
performance of ongoing hazard identification and Risk Assessments, and compliance with the general principles
of prevention as set out in the legislation
provision and maintenance of welfare facilities and PPE
preparation of emergency plans and the provision of first-aid training
reporting of accidents and dangerous occurrences to the Authority and their investigation
provision and dissemination of safety and health information, instruction, training and supervision as required
operation of safety and health consultation, employee participation and safety representation programmes
review and keeping up-to-date the safety and health policy in order to prevent adverse effects on the safety and
health of employees from changing processes, procedures and conditions in the workplace
appointment of people responsible for keeping safety and health control systems in place and making them aware
of their responsibilities
establishment of monitoring arrangements, including safety and health inspections and audits, which should be
used by the employer to ensure ongoing compliance with legal duties, responsibilities and controls
development of in-house safety and health competence
employment of external safety and health experts as required
use of standards, Codes of Practice, guidelines or industry practices
co-operation required from employees and disciplinary procedures for non-compliance.
However, this list is not exhaustive and the critical safety and health issues that could be covered by the policy will depend
on the risks in the organisation. If the above issues are adequately covered elsewhere in the Safety Statement or in the
safety and health management system, they might need only to be referred to in the safety and health policy. Backup
documentation may also be referred to in the policy.
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Can I get an example of a safety and health policy anywhere?
Safety and health policies are specific to each individual organisation The content of the policy of an organisation should
be based on the hazards and risks present in the organisation and should reflect the fact that systematic hazard
identification and risk assessment have been undertaken. As a minimum, the policy should contain a commitment that
safety and health legislation will be complied with and should specify those responsible for implementing the policy at all
levels in the organisation and define their responsibilities. Employees responsibilities should also be addressed. An
organisations policy declaration may be as follows:
To all employees:
As your employer, we are required to comply with all safety and health legislation that
applies to this company. With this in mind we have carried out Risk Assessments of all our
key operations and processes in all the workplaces we control. We have discussed these
Risk Assessments with all relevant employees and worked with the safety committee in
preparing this Safety Statement.
This statement sets out the safety and health measures we are implementing to protect
everyone who works here.
The Board of ABC Ltd has endorsed this statement and gave me the responsibility to
implement it. I am committed to ensuring that the safety and health measures set out in our
Safety Statement are met.
John Kelly, Safety and Health Manager, will give advice and information on how to comply
with this Safety Statement but everyone, especially if you are in a management or
supervisory position, is responsible for ensuring compliance where they work.
We expect all employees to co-operate with us so that we can achieve our target of avoiding
accidents. Consultation on safety and health matters, between senior managers and all
employees, will be carried out through the safety committee, which you have selected.
You must play your part under the Safety Statement. Comply with all the safety and health
rules for your area. Work safely and think of others as you do. Know and understand the
Risk Assessments for your area. Report safety and health problems to your supervisor.
Know who your safety representative is and contact him or her with any safety and health
enquiries you may have.
Joan McCarthy
Managing Director
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What are the responsibilities of management regarding the implementation of safety and health in the
Responsibility for safety and health management ultimately rests with the employer. This responsibility is normally
delegated to executive directors, senior managers, line managers, supervisors and employees. Each persons authority and
duties should be clearly defined, documented and communicated to them. The organisational and reporting structure for
implementing these duties should be illustrated in an in-house organisational chart. In addition each director on the
organisations board needs to accept their responsibilities in providing safety and health commitment and leadership by:
ensuring that each members actions and decisions at board level always reinforce the message in the
organisations Safety Statement
preventing a mismatch between individual board members attitudes, behaviour or decisions and the
organisations Safety Statement so as not to undermine workers belief in maintaining good safety and health
Accidents, ill health and incidents are seldom random events. They generally arise from failures of control and involve
multiple contributory elements. The immediate cause may be a human or technical failure, but such events usually arise
from organisational failings, which are the responsibility of management. Successful safety and health management
systems aim to utilise the strengths of managers and other employees. The organisation needs to understand how human
factors affect safety and health performance. Senior executive directors or other senior management controlling body
members and executive senior managers are primarily responsible for safety and health management in the organisation.
These people need to ensure that all their decisions reflect their safety and health intentions, as articulated in the Safety
Statement, which should cover:
the appointment of someone at senior management level with executive responsibility, accountability and
authority for the development, implementation, periodic review and evaluation of their safety and health
management system
the safety and health ramifications of investment in new plant, premises, processes or products. For example such
changes could introduce:
new materials - are they toxic or flammable, do they pose new risks to employees, neighbours or the public and
how will any new risks be controlled?
new work practices - what are the new risks and are managers and supervisors competent to induct workers in
the new practices?
new people - do they need safety and health training and are they sufficiently competent to do the job safely?
only engaging contractors to do new or ongoing projects that reinforce rather than damage the organisations
safety and health policies
recognising their continuing responsibility for safety and health even when work is contracted out
providing their customers with the necessary safety and health precautions when supplying them with articles,
substances or services
being aware that although safety and health responsibilities can and should be delegated, legal responsibility for
safety and health still rests with the employer.

Senior managers responsibilities include:
preparing safety and health policies and consulting employees, including the safety committee where it exists,
and the safety representative, as appropriate
devising safety and health strategies for key high risks
setting safety and health objectives and targets for employees
devising plans to implement the safety and health policy
ensuring that appropriate organisational structures are in place
identifying and allocating resources for safety and health
ensuring that the safety and health policy is effectively implemented and checking whether objectives and targets
have been met
reviewing the effectiveness of the safety and health management system
implementing any necessary improvements derived from carrying out Risk Assessments
giving all personnel the authority necessary to carry out individual safety and health responsibilities
devising appropriate arrangements whereby employees are held accountable for discharging their responsibilities
establishing clear and unambiguous reporting relationships
devising job descriptions that include safety and health responsibilities
incorporating safety and health performance in the appraisal system where personal appraisal systems exist
developing safety and health cultures in project teams and team working situations.
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How can an organisation control safety and health aspects of contractors work?
Although organisations routinely contract out either all or parts of their work activities, they may still retain some of the
legal responsibility for health and safety, particularly if they directly control how this work is done. For this reason, the
organisation should establish and maintain procedures for controlling the safety and health aspects of contractor work.
These should include:
pre-planning for medium or long-term contracts. This will involve carrying out a full safety and health pre-
qualification procedure; for short-term contracts, safety and health aspects should be suitably checked by
questionnaire or review
ensuring the contractor has prepared Risk Assessments and an up-to-date Safety Statement, which are specirfic
for the project to be undertaken
defining responsibility for and setting up communication links between appropriate levels of the organisation and
the contractor before work starts and throughout the contract
who is responsible for developing and providing site safety rules and method statements
providing safety and health training and induction of contractor personnel, where necessary, before work begins
monitoring safety and health aspects of contractor activities on site
establishing procedures for communication of accidents and incidents involving the contractors personnel
Additionally, it is also necessary for organisations to check the ability of contractors where they work close to, or in
collaboration with, direct employees or with other contractor's employees. Such arrangements should cover the:
recruitment and placement procedures that ensure employees (including managers) have the necessary physical
and mental abilities to do their jobs or can acquire them through training and experience. This may require
individual fitness assessments by medical examination and tests of physical fitness or aptitudes and abilities
where work-associated risks require it
systems to identify safety and health training needs arising from recruitment, changes in staff, plant, substances,
technology, processes or working practices
training documentation as appropriate to suit the size and activity of the organisation
refresher training to maintain or enhance competence, to include where necessary contractors employees, self-
employed people or temporary workers who are working in the organisation
communication systems and resources made available to ensure work is co-ordinated safely and the risk of
accidents are minimised
arrangements to ensure competent cover for staff absences, especially for staff with critical safety and health
general health promotion and surveillance schemes that contribute to the maintenance of general health and
fitness; this may include assessments of fitness for work, rehabilitation, job adaptation following injury or ill-
health, or a policy on testing employees for drugs or alcohol abuse
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Effective safety and health management includes effective emergency planning. What should this cover?
The organisation should establish and maintain procedures to respond to accidents and emergency situations, and to
prevent and minimise the safety and health impacts associated with them. This is required by Section 11 of the Safety,
Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005. Emergency planning should cover:
the development of emergency plans
the testing and rehearsing of these plans and related equipment, including fire fighting equipment and fire alarms
training personnel on what to do in the event of an emergency, particularly those people who have to carry out
duties (e.g. fire-fighting teams, first- aiders)
advising people working or living near the installation about what they should do in the event of an emergency
familiarising the emergency services with the facilities at the organisation so that they know what to expect in the
event of an emergency.
The emergency plan itself should include:
details on the installation, availability and testing of suitable warning and alarm systems
details of emergency scenarios that might occur, including the means for dealing with these scenarios
the emergency procedures in the organisation, including the responsibilities of key personnel, procedures for fire-
fighting and evacuation of all personnel on site and first-aid requirements
details of emergency services (e.g. fire brigade, ambulance services, spill clean-up services) and the contact
arrangements for these services
internal and external communications plans
training plans and testing for effectiveness
details on the availability of emergency rescue equipment and its maintenance log.
The organisation should periodically test, review and revise its emergency preparedness and response procedures where
necessary, in particular after the occurrence of accidents or emergency situations. The emergency plan should dovetail
with the Safety Statement as required by Section 20 of the 2005 Act. Major accident hazard sites covered by the EU
COMAH Regulations, need to have emergency plans in place to cover major accidents involving chemicals. Details of
what is required are covered at Control of Major Accident Hazards on this website.
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What key questions should an employer ask her/himself to determine the adequacy of safety and health
management in the organisation?
The following are some key questions for employers to assist in determining the adequacy of their safety and health
management in the organisation:
Does your executive board of directors or senior management team ensure all their decisions reflect the safety
and health intentions in your Safety Statement?
Does your executive board of directors or senior management team recognise the need to involve all staff in
issues that affect their safety and health?
Do your directors and senior managers provide daily safety and health leadership in the organisation?
Do you have an agreed safety and health policy? Is it written into your Safety Statement?
Have you allocated responsibilities for safety and health to specific people - are they clear on what they have to
do and are they held accountable?
Is safety and health always considered before any new work is started or work equipment is bought?
Did you consult and involve your staff and your safety representatives effectively?
Have you identified the hazards and assessed the risks to your own staff, to others and to the public in the
workplaces you control?
Do you set standards for the premises, plant, substances, procedures and people you control or the products you
produce? Are these standards in place and the risks effectively controlled?
Do you have an emergency plan to deal with serious or imminent danger, e.g. fires, process deviations, gas leaks,
the effects of poor weather, floods etc?
Does your staff have sufficient information about the risks they are exposed to and the preventive measures they
must take?
Do you have the right levels of safety and health expertise? Are your employees properly trained and do they
attend the training provided by you?
Do you need specialist safety and health advice from outside and if so have you arranged to obtain it?
Does all your staff accept their responsibilities under safety and health law?
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How can the safety and health management system be monitored?
It should be a line-management responsibility to monitor safety and health performance against predetermined plans and
standards. Monitoring reinforces managements commitment to safety and health objectives in general and helps to
develop a positive safety and health culture by rewarding positive work done to control risk. Two types of monitoring are
1. Active Systems, that monitor the design, development, installation and operation of management arrangements,
safety systems and workplace precautions.
2. Reactive Systems, that monitor accidents, ill health, incidents and other evidence of deficient safety and health
1. Active monitoring
Every organisation should collect information to investigate the causes of substandard performance or conditions
adequately. Documented procedures for carrying out these activities on a regular basis for key operations should be
established and maintained. The monitoring system should include:
identification of the appropriate data to be collected and accuracy of the results required
monitoring of the achievement of specific plans, set performances criteria and objectives
installation of the requisite monitoring equipment and assessment of its accuracy and reliability
calibration and regular maintenance of this equipment together with documented records of both the procedures
involved and the results obtained
analysis and records of the monitoring data collected and documented actions to be taken when results breach
performance criteria
evaluation of all the data as part of the safety and health management review
documented procedures for reviewing the monitoring and safety and health implications of forthcoming changes
to work systems.
Techniques that should be used for active measurement of the safety and health management system include:
systematic inspections of workplace processes or services to monitor specific objectives, e.g. weekly, monthly or
quarterly reports
systematic review of the organisations Risk Assessments to determine whether they are functioning as intended
or need to be updated, and are the necessary improvements being implemented
plant or machinery inspections, e.g. statutory plant inspections and certification
environmental sampling for dusts, chemical fumes, noise or biological agents
analysis of safety and health management system records.
2. Reactive monitoring
A system of internal reporting of all accidents (which includes ill health cases) and incidents of non-compliance with the
safety and health management system should be set up so that the experience gained may be used to improve the
management system. The organisation should encourage an open and positive approach to reporting and follow-up and
should also put in place a system of ensuring that reporting requirements are met.
The organisation should establish procedures for investigating accidents and incidents to identify their causes, including
possible deficiencies in the safety and health management system. Those responsible for investigating accidents, and
incidents should be identified and the investigation should include plans for corrective action, which incorporate measures
restoring compliance as quickly as possible
preventing recurrence
evaluating and mitigating any adverse safety and health effects
reviewing the Risk Assessments to which the accident relates
assessing the effects of the proposed remedial measures.
These techniques are explained in more detail in Appendix D of theAuthority's Guidance Workplace Safety and Health
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Should the management of safety and health be audited in addition to
monitoring performance?
Monitoring provides the information to let the organisation review activities and decide how to improve performance.
Auditing and performance review are the final steps in the safety and health management control cycle. They constitute
the feedback loop that enables an organisation to reinforce, maintain and develop its ability to reduce risks to the fullest
extent and to ensure the continued effectiveness of its safety and health management system. Audits, by the organisations
own staff or by external bodies, complement monitoring activities by looking to see if the safety and health management
systems are actually achieving the right results. Combine the results from measuring performance with information from
audits to improve the organisations overall approach to safety and health management.
The organisation should establish and maintain a programme and procedures for periodic safety and health management
system audits to be carried out. This enables a critical appraisal of all the elements of the safety and health management
system to be made. Auditing is the structured process of collecting independent information on the efficiency,
effectiveness and reliability of the total safety and health management system and drawing up plans for corrective action.
These audits should be carried out in addition to routine monitoring, inspection and surveillance of the safety and health
management system. The purpose of these audits is to ensure the continued suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the
safety and health management system. The audit process should ensure that the necessary information is collected to allow
management to carry out this evaluation adequately.
The organisation should establish and maintain audit records consistent with the safety and health management system
records. Their retention times should be established and must comply with legal requirements.
Further information on setting up and operating a safety and health management system audit is given in Appendix E of
the Authority's Workplace Safety and Health Management.
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What should be contained in the system audit protocols and
The protocols and procedures for the audit on the health and safety management system should include the following:
the allocation of resources to the process
personnel requirements, including that of the audit team, i.e. competence required for auditors (auditors should
have the appropriate training and skills so that they can assess physical, human and other factors and the use of
procedures as well as documents or records - wherever possible, auditors should be independent of the activity
being audited and include support from a wider range of specialists if necessary)
the methodologies for conducting and documenting the audits, which may include checklists, questionnaires,
interviews, measurement and direct observation
the procedures for reporting audit findings to those responsible to facilitate timely corrective action and
a system for auditing and tracking the implementation of audit recommendations to include addressing the
possible need for changes to safety and health policy, objectives and other elements of the safety and health
management system.
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What key questions should an employer ask her/himself when
measuring, reviewing and auditing their safety and health
The key questions that an employer should ask when measuring, reviewing and auditing their safety and health
performance are:
Do you know how well you perform in safety and health?
Are your executive board, your directors and senior management team kept informed of your safety and health
performance and do you report on this performance in your annual report?
How do you know if you are meeting your own objectives and standards for safety and health? Are your
controls for risks good enough?
How do you know you are complying with the safety and health laws that affect your business?
Do your accident or incident investigations get to all the underlying causes - or do they stop when you find the
first person that has made a mistake?
Do you have accurate records of injuries, ill health, bullying complaints and accidental loss?
Do you report on safety and health failures to your board and your directors?
How do you learn from your mistakes and your successes?
Do you carry out safety and health audits at least annually? If you do, what action do you take on audit findings?
Do the audits involve staff at all levels? Do you involve your safety representative and safety committee, where it
exists, in the audits?
When did you last review your Safety Statement and your safety and health performance?
Does your executive board of Directors or senior management team review your safety and health performance
and ensure safety and health risk management systems are in place and remain effective?
Has your executive board and your Directors or senior management team appointed someone at Director level to
ensure safety and health risk management issues are properly addressed and is this person competent to do so?
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How does the employer train staff to ensure they have the skills,
knowledge and attitudes to make them competent in the safety and
health aspects of their work?
Under Section 10 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, employers must provide their employees with the
instruction and training necessary to ensure their safety and health. There are specific training obligations for employees
involved in the safety consultation and safety representation processes. Safety and health training must form part of the
training of all people who work at the workplace. Training helps people acquire the skills, knowledge and attitudes to
make them competent in the safety and health aspects of their work. It includes formal off-the-job training, instruction to
individuals and groups, and on-the-job coaching and counselling. However, training is not a substitute for proper risk
control, for example to compensate for poorly designed plant or inadequate workstations. The key to effective training is
to understand job requirements and individual abilities.
In order to train staff to ensure they obtain the necessary skills, knowledge and attitudes to make them competent in the
safety and health aspects of their work, it is important to identify appropriate training objectives and methods by first
identifying the training needs. Training needs may be organisational, job-related and individual:
1. Organisational needs: Everyone in the organisation should know about the organisations Safety Statement and the
philosophy underlying it and the structure and systems for delivering the policy. Employees should also know which parts
of the systems are relevant to them, to understand the major risks in the organisations activities and how they are
2. Job-related needs: These fall into two main types - management needs and non-management needs.
Management needs include:
leadership skills
communication skills
techniques of safety and health management
training, instruction, coaching and problem - solving skills relevant to safety and health
understanding of the risks in a manager's area of responsibility
knowledge of relevant legislation and appropriate methods of control, including risk assessment
knowledge of the organisations planning, measuring, reviewing and auditing arrangements
awareness of the financial and economic benefits of good safety and health performance.

Non-management needs include:
an overview of safety and health principles
detailed knowledge of the safety and health arrangements relevant to an individuals job
communication and problem-solving skills to encourage effective participation in safety and health activities.

3. Individual needs: Individual needs are generally identified through performance appraisal. They may also arise
because an individual has not absorbed formal job training or information provided as part of their induction. Training
needs vary over time, and assessments should cover:
induction of new starters, including part-time and temporary workers
maintaining or updating the performance of established employees, especially if they may be involved in critical
emergency procedures
job changes, promotion or when someone has to deputise
introduction of new equipment or technology
follow-up action after an incident investigation.
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How does an organisation ensure it has access to sufficient safety and
health knowledge, skills and/or experience to identify and manage
safety and health risks effectively?
Organisations should ensure they have access to sufficient safety and health knowledge, skills or experience to identify
and manage safety and health risks effectively, and to set appropriate objectives by:
training managers to a sufficient level of competence to be able to manage their activities safely and keep up to
date with developments in safety and health
employing appropriate safety and health professionals as part of the management team to advise the organisation
on relevant safety and health matters
acquiring the necessary skills and advice from external providers as required.
Whichever method or combination of these methods is chosen by an organisation it does not relieve the employer and the
management of the organisation from their legal responsibilities to ensure a safe workplace.
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What is the role of the safety and health advisor?
Safety and health advisers should have the status and competence to advise management and employees with authority and
independence. By virtue of the definition of competent person under the 2005 Act, they must possess sufficient training,
experience and knowledge appropriate to the work to be done. They should be capable of advising on:
formulating and developing safety and health policies, not just for existing activities but also with respect to new
acquisitions or processes
promoting a positive safety and health culture in the organisation and securing the effective implementation of
safety and health policy
planning for safety and health, including the setting of realistic short and long term objectives, deciding priorities
and establishing adequate systems and performance standards
day-to-day implementation and monitoring of policy and plans, including accident and incident investigation,
reporting and analysis
reviewing performance and auditing the whole safety and health management system.
To do this properly, safety and health advisers should:
be properly trained by reputable organisations or be individuals who are suitably qualified; having membership
of recognised professional safety and health bodies such as IOSH or BOHS and having a qualification to at least
Diploma level in a recognised third-level safety and health course will offer routes for demonstrating competence
maintain adequate information systems on topics including safety and health law, safety and health management
and technical advances
demonstrate the ability to interpret the law in the context of the organisation
be involved in establishing organisational arrangements, systems and risk - control standards relating to hardware
and human performance, by advising line management on matters such as legal and technical standards
establish and maintain procedures for reporting, investigating, recording and analysing accidents and incidents
establish and maintain procedures, including monitoring and other means such as review and auditing, to ensure
that senior managers get a true picture of how well safety and health is being managed (where a benchmarking
role may be especially valuable)
present their advice independently and effectively.
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What information should be covered in accident and incident reports?
Key information to be covered in accident, ill-health and incident reports include:
1. The event:
Details of any injured person, including age, sex, experience, training, etc.
A description of the circumstances, including the place, time of day and conditions.
Details of the event, including:
any actions which led directly to the event
the direct causes of any injuries, ill-health or other loss
the immediate causes of the event
the underlying causes, e.g. failures in workplace precautions, risk control systems or management arrangements
Details of the outcomes, including in particular:
the nature of the outcome for example, injuries or ill-health to employees or members of the public;
damage to property; process disruptions; emissions to the environment; creation of hazards
the severity of the harm caused, including injuries, ill-health and losses
the immediate management response to the situation and its adequacy, i.e.
Was it dealt with promptly?
Were continuing risks dealt with promptly and adequately? Was the first-aid response adequate?
Were emergency procedures followed?
whether the event was preventable and if so how.
2. The potential consequences:
What was the worst that could have happened?
What prevented the worst from happening?
How often could such an event occur (the Recurrence Potential)?
What was the worst injury or damage, which could have resulted (the Severity Potential)?
How many people could the event have affected (the 'Population Potential')?
3. Recommendations:
Prioritised actions with responsibilities and targets for completion
Whether the risk assessments need to be reviewed and the safety statement updated.
4. Learning from and communicating results from investigations:
The organisation, having learnt from its investigations, should:
identify root causes in the safety and health and general management of the organisation
communicate findings and recommendations to all relevant parties
include relevant findings and recommendations from investigations in the continuing safety and health review
5. Cautions in using accident and ill health data:
Accident and ill health data are important, as they are a direct indicator of safety and health performance. However, some
cautions relating to their use are:
most organisations have too few injury accidents or cases of work-related ill health to distinguish real trends
from random effects.
if more work is done by the same number of people in the same time, increased workload alone may account for
an increase in accident rates.
the length of absence from work attributed to injury or work-related ill health may be influenced by factors other
than the severity of injury or occupational ill health. Such factors can include poor morale, monotonous work,
stressful working conditions, poor management / employee relations and local advice or traditions.
accidents are often under-reported, and occasionally over-reported. Levels of reporting can change. They can
improve as a result of increased workforce awareness and better reporting and recording systems.
a time delay can occur between safety and health management system failures and harmful effects. Moreover,
many occupational diseases have long latent periods. Management should not wait for harm to occur before
judging whether safety and health management systems are working.
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