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John Hillman's Letter To Gov. Scott

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Title Clearing

November 8, 2011
Honorable Rick Scott
Office of the Governor
The Capitol, PLOS
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001
Re: Ryan Christopher Rodems, Circuit Judge
Dear Governor Scott,
I am writing with respect to the pending nomination of Ryan Christopher ("Chris") Rodems to serve
Florida as a Circuit Judge.
Nationwide Title Clearing, Inc. is a real estate finance servicing company. We represent eight of the ten
largest residential mortgage lenders in the country, and in that capacity prepare and process millions
mortgage-related documents every year. We employ approximately 200 staff at our Palm Harbor
facility, and as such represent one of the larger private employers in Pinellas County.
We have been in this business for over twenty years, and in the course of that time have had occasion to
engage the services of many lawyers. Of all of them, Chris Rodems is one of the very best.
Chris started working as legal counsel for this company approximately one year ago. Since then, he has
represented our interests in at least fifteen different cases. His contributions have included a wide
variety of activities, including the preparation and filing of complaints and bar grievances, assistance in
crafting appropriate responses to local news stories concerning the "credit collapse" of 2008, and
assistance to our staff during depositions. His duties have brought him into contact with a number of
our staff, and he has without exception worked very well with them. His demeanor has always been
professional, and his instincts and presence of mind have infallibly directed the course of our legal
matters toward a successful outcome.
I have gotten to know Chris quite well during this time. He is a remarkable individual, and I believe him
to be ideally qualified to serve our state as a Circuit Judge. Our work together has impressed me to rely
on him for both the breadth of his legal knowledge and the clarity of his analytical skills. He seems
always able to digest a complex fact situation, identify the intentions motivating the various parties
involved and suggest a plan of action that will lead to a winning resolution. I have him yield
to the temptation to be distracted by issues tangential to the matter at hand. Instead, he focuses
directly on strategies that will lead to solutions. ,

1(, 2011
2100 Alt 19 North, Palm Harbor, FL 34683
Tel 800-346-9152 Fax 727-772-1950
Govern\J; 't '. '.; ...AfIC;l
I have no hesitation in recommending that you appoint Chris to serve Florida as a Circuit Judge.
Please feel free to call me if you have any questions about this letter.


John Hillman, CEO
Nationwide Title Clearing, Inc.

Neil Gillespie
From: "Scott Open Government" <>
To: "Neil Gillespie" <>
Cc: "Lesser, Brittany" <>
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 11:31 AM
Attach: SKMBT_C35314021011370.pdf
Subject: RE: request for public records
Page 1of 5
Dear Mr. Gillespie,

An additional search of the Executive Office of the Governors files has produced the attached
two pages responsive to your request. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance to


Savannah Sams
Office of Open Government
Executive Office of Governor Rick Scott
PL-04 The Capitol
Tallahassee, FL 32399
(850) 717-9245

Please note that Florida has a broad public records law, and that all correspondence to me via
email may be subject to disclosure. Under Florida law email addresses are public records.
Learn more about how Governor Rick Scott is creating an environment where private-sector jobs can grow and
Floridas schools prepare students for college and careers. Sign up to receive Governor Scotts e-mail updates at


From: Neil Gillespie []
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 7:18 PM
To: Lesser, Brittany; General Counsel
Cc: Scott Open Government; Governor Rick Scott; Pam Bondi; Adam Putnam; J eff Atwater; Paul F Hill; Mary Ellen
Bateman; J ohn Thomas Berry; J ohn F Harkness; Gregory William Coleman; Eugene Keith Pettis; Adria E Quintela;
Special Rapporteur Gabriela Knaul; Shuaib Chalklen Special Rapporteur Disability; InfoDesk UN Geneva;
Hyacinthe Medenou; Gianni Magazzeni UN Geneva; Eunice Ajambo; Revi Kumar; Css Intern1 Ohchr; C
Christopher Anderson, III; Virlindia A Doss; Michelle Wilson; J odi J ones; Gilbert Singer; FL Comm Human

Neil Gillespie
From: "Neil Gillespie" <>
To: "Scott Open Government" <>
Cc: "Lesser, Brittany" <>; "General Counsel"
<>; "Governor Rick Scott"
<>; "Pam Bondi" <>; "Adam Putnam"
<>; "J eff Atwater" <J>; "Paul F
Hill" <>; "Gregory William Coleman" <>; "Eugene Keith
Pettis" <>; "Special Rapporteur Gabriela Knaul"
<SRindependenceJ>; "Shuaib Chalklen Special Rapporteur Disability"
<>; "Hyacinthe Medenou" <>; "Revi Kumar"
<>; "C Christopher Anderson, III" <>; "Virlindia A
Doss" <>; "Michelle Wilson" <>;
"Gilbert Singer" <>
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2014 1:20 PM
Attach: J ohn Hillman letter to Gov. Scott November 8, 2011.pdf; 2013, 01-10-13, Leslie J acobs for AG, can't
find EPC HR file.pdf
Subject: Re: request for public records
Page 1of 8
Bonnie Hazleton
Director of Open Government
Executive Office of Governor Rick Scott

Dear Ms. Hazleton,
Thank you Ms. Hazleton, I appreciate your response and explanation. If the record cannot be located, I
will note that in my affidavit about the record. The record is a letter dated November 8, 2011 that J ohn
Hillman, CEO of Nationwide Title Clearing, Inc. wrote to Gov. Scott in support of Ryan Rodems for
judge, claiming Mr. Rodems "...contributions have included a wide variety of activities, including the
preparation and filing of complaints and bar grievances..."
The Florida Bar denied there are public records showing Rodems prepared and filed complaints and bar
grievances for Nationwide Title Clearing, Inc., or that he made any such complaints and bar grievances.
So I dont understand Mr. Hillmans letter to Gov. Scott, which I got from Carter Andersen of the J NC,
see attached.
A reasonable person might read Mr. Hillmans letter at face value, and given The Florida Bar denied it
has records of "complaints and bar grievances" by Mr. Rodems or Nationwide Title Clearing, conclude
Mr. Rodems is somehow working for The Florida Bar in some kind of confidential position, "including
the preparation and filing of complaints and bar grievances..."
Also, is not clear why Mr. Hillman made a distinction between "complaints" and "bar grievances".
Perhaps Mr. Rodems is part of a grievance committee.
Regarding my request for oaths of office, I believe the oaths of office for the Attorney General and two
Assistant AGs are kept by the Department of State. I want the oaths to include in a complaint showing
certain persons violated their oath of office. Ms. Lessers referral,
"For the other oaths you will need to contact the Attorney Generals office."
is not helpful because the Attorney General is obstructing my efforts. For example, the Attorney General
claims it cannot locate the personnel file of Eugene P. Castagliuolo, see the attached letter of Leslie
J acobs, Public Records Coordinator.
"The Attorney General's office of Human Resources has been unable to locate the personnel file of Mr.
Castagliuolo. His name is on an employee spreadsheet kept by the office and he is listed as being an
employee of the Attorney General's Tampa Economic Crimes division from September 19, 1995 through
October 3, 1996. This is the only information we are able to locate at this time. Should you have any
questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 850-245-0140."
I retained Mr. Castagliuolo briefly in 2011 and it was a disaster. I believe his personnel file shows why
he is no longer employed by the Attorney General. In 2011 Castagliuolo spoke about his career with the
Attorney General as it were recent and long-term. But the response of Ms. J acobs shows he left his job
with the AG in 1996 after a year, which is fifteen years prior to 2011.
For an insight into Mr. Castagliuolo, one should read his email threats to Bar Counsel Leonard Clark
made in 2013, which Mr. Clark provided me as a public record.
Mr. Castagliuolo was upset that The Florida Bar did not dismiss my meritorious complaint against him
quickly enough. The Bar told Castagliuolo beforehand it planned to dismiss the complaint, but patience
is not Mr. Castagliuolo's strong suit:
From: <>
To: "Leonard E Clark" <>
Cc:, "Ryan Rodems" <>
Date: 02/12/2013 12:25 PM
"No way no how Mr. Clark.
You called me PRECISELY BECAUSE you had just spoken to the local chair. This case was and is
VERY important to me, it is the one case I have to think about, not the hundreds or perhaps thousands
that you have to think about. So my memory of these events is flawless and perfect and I KNOW what
you said to me. And so does Mr. Rodems, because we spoke by phone after your news, we were both
happy that justice had finally been served. No, try this on somebody else, Mr. Clark, it's not going to
work with me.
Eugene P. Castagliuolo, Esquire"
From: <>
To: "Leonard E Clark" <LClark@f1abar.orq>
Cc: sbloemen@flabar.orq, "Ryan Rodems" <>, "Michael Laurato"
Date: 02/12/201311:13AM
"Mr. Clark, I cannot remember when (if ever) in my career that I've been so deceived and outright lied to
by an attorney in a position such as yours. I am seriously considering filing an ethics violation against
YOU myself, but I want to calm down and consider this situation rationally before I do.
No, Mr. Clark, you most certainly did NOT tell me that, following the chair's "recommendation," that
you would yourself have to make yet another "recommendation." What you explicitly told me was that
both you and the chair were in complete agreement that not a scintilla of evidence existed in support of
Page 2of 8
this creep's complaint(s), not only against me, but against the other attorneys as well.
No, Mr. Clark, you most certainly did NOT tell me that, following the chair's "recommendation," that
you would yourself have to make yet another "recommendation." What you explicitly told me was that
both you and the chair were in complete agreement that not a scintilla of evidence existed in support of
this creep's complaint(s), not only against me, but against the other attorneys as well. You made it quite
clear that this matter was done and over with. There was no indecision on your part, other than that you
planned to wait until Gillespie's ridiculous Florida Supreme Court pleading deadline had passed (on or
about December 10, 2012) before you would send out the letter advising me of your decision, and
advising him that, once again, he was a loser.
As you well know, Mr. Clark, the REAL problem with this matter is that The Florida Bar shivers and
quakes whenever Gillespie opens his mouth or begins to type. Gillespie certainly has received far more
consideration from your Office than I, a Florida Bar member, has enjoyed. By seeking to avoid
Gillespie's venom, you have thrown me and several other Florida Bar members under the bus. That you
and your colleagues do not protect Florida Bar members who have been savaged by garbage like
Gillespie is sad.
I assure you that this is not the end of this Mr. Clark.
Eugene P. Castagliuolo, Esquire"
In other emails Castagliuolo threatened and insulted me, and attempted to enlist Mr. Rodems and Mr.
Laurato in his offensive conduct toward me, which they declined.
Ms. Hazleton, can you locate Mr. Castagliuolos employment file with the state of Florida?
Or the oaths of office for the Attorney General et al?
Thank you in advance for the courtesy of a response.
Neil J . Gillespie
8092 SW 115th Loop
Ocala, Florida 34481
Phone: 352-854-7807
----- Original Message -----
From: Scott Open Government
To: Neil Gillespie
Cc: Lesser, Brittany ; General Counsel ; Governor Rick Scott ; Pam Bondi ; Adam Putnam ; J eff Atwater ; Paul
F Hill ; Gregory William Coleman ; Eugene Keith Pettis ; Special Rapporteur Gabriela Knaul ; Shuaib Chalklen
Special Rapporteur Disability ; Hyacinthe Medenou ; Revi Kumar ; C Christopher Anderson, III ; Virlindia A
Doss ; Michelle Wilson ; Gilbert Singer
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2014 2:55 PM
Subject: RE: request for public records

Dear Mr. Gillespie:
Page 3of 8

I apologize that you have not yet received the record you are seeking. I can assure you that the
neither Ms. Lesser or the Office of Open Government is not concealing the record or intentionally
withholding it from you. When my staff initiated a search for the record, the search results indicated
that the record had been archived. Generally, when a record is archived this means that a record has
been sent to the Department of State (DOS) because it is a certain number of years old and eligible for
the DOS process of cataloging and placing in the records archive until such time as it exceeds its
retention period. However, there are times when agencies may send records which are not needed
for day to day activities, to the DOS in order to free up filing space. In these instances, the records
are stored until they are eligible for archive. In this case, the custodian agency is responsible for
requesting the record from storage in order to provide to the requestor. My staff did not realize that
the record you are seeking was in fact, being stored. Ms. Lesser has assisted us in locating the record
which we have requested from storage. As soon as the record is received from storage, we will
forward it to you electronically. Again, my apologies for the confusion and the delay in processing
your request.


Bonnie Hazleton
Director of Open Government
Executive Office of Governor Rick Scott
PL-04 The Capitol
Tallahassee, FL 32399

Please note that Florida has a broad public records law, and that all correspondence to me via email
may be subject to disclosure. Under Florida law email addresses are public records.
Learn more about how Governor Rick Scott is creating an environment where private-sector jobs can grow and
Floridas schools prepare students for college and careers. Sign up to receive Governor Scotts e-mail updates at

From: Neil Gillespie []
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 7:18 PM
To: Lesser, Brittany; General Counsel
Cc: Scott Open Government; Governor Rick Scott; Pam Bondi; Adam Putnam; J eff Atwater; Paul F Hill; Mary
Ellen Bateman; J ohn Thomas Berry; J ohn F Harkness; Gregory William Coleman; Eugene Keith Pettis; Adria E
Quintela; Special Rapporteur Gabriela Knaul; Shuaib Chalklen Special Rapporteur Disability; InfoDesk UN
Geneva; Hyacinthe Medenou; Gianni Magazzeni UN Geneva; Eunice Ajambo; Revi Kumar; Css Intern1 Ohchr; C
Christopher Anderson, III; Virlindia A Doss; Michelle Wilson; J odi J ones; Gilbert Singer; FL Comm Human
Relations; Neil Gillespie
Subject: Re: request for public records

Page 4of 8
Brittany Lesser
Communications Director
Florida Department of State

Ms. Lesser,
RE: "For the other oaths you will need to contact the Attorney Generals office."
No Ms. Lesser, your office has the records. Provide the requested records immediatley.
And the fact that you/DOS and/or Office of Open Government are concealing the letter of J ohn
Hillman, CEO of Nationwide Title Clearing as received by Gov. Scott, tells me that is likely an
important document. Provide the requested records immediately.
Neil J . Gillespie
8092 SW 115th Loop
Ocala, Florida 34481
Phone: 352-854-7807
----- Original Message -----
From: Lesser, Brittany
To: Neil Gillespie ; General Counsel
Cc: Scott Open Government
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 2:43 PM
Subject: RE: request for public records

Mr. Gillespie,

We are in the process of locating the letter. For the other oaths you will need to contact
the Attorney Generals office.

Thank you,

Brittany Lesser
Communications Director
Florida Department of State
500 South Bronough Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399
850.245.6125 /
From: Neil Gillespie []
Sent: Wednesday, J anuary 29, 2014 5:55 PM
To: Lesser, Brittany; General Counsel
Cc: Scott Open Government
Subject: Re: request for public records

Ms. Lesser,
Page 5of 8
I appreciate the oaths of the justices you provided. However you did not provide the Oath of Office
for the Attorney General of Florida, and AAGs,
Pamela Bondi Attorney General of Florida
Diana R. Esposito, Chief-Assistant Attorney General, Tampa
Kenneth V. Wilson, Florida Assistant Attorney General
The Office of Open Government said the signed letter of J ohn Hillman, CEO of Nationwide Title
Clearing as received by Gov. Scott was sent to the Department of State. Is that a factualstatement? If
that statement is not factual, please advise me immediately.
You may provide the records in PDF by email. I do not need paper copies mailed.
Thank you in advance for the courtesy of a response. Time is of the essence.
Neil J . Gillespie
8092 SW 115th Loop
Ocala, Florida 34481
----- Original Message -----
From: Lesser, Brittany
To: Neil Gillespie ; General Counsel
Cc: Scott Open Government
Sent: Friday, J anuary 24, 2014 5:33 PM
Subject: RE: request for public records

Mr. Gillespie,

We are looking through our archives to see if we have the letter you requested and Ill be
in touch about that. Attached are the oaths you requested.

Thank you,

Brittany Lesser
Communications Director
Florida Department of State
500 South Bronough Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399
850.245.6125 /

From: Neil Gillespie []
Sent: Thursday, J anuary 23, 2014 2:09 PM
To: Lesser, Brittany; General Counsel
Cc: Scott Open Government; Neil Gillespie
Subject: Fw: request for public records

Page 6of 8
Dear Ms. Lesser and Mr. Atkinson, when can I expect a response or acknowledgment to my records
request, forwarded below?
Thank you in advance for the courtesy of a response.
Neil Gillespie
----- Original Message -----
From: Neil Gillespie
To: Brittany Lesser
Cc: ; Neil Gillespie
Sent: Wednesday, J anuary 22, 2014 2:20 PM
Subject: request for public records

Brittany Lesser, Communications Director
Florida Department of State
Dear Ms. Lesser,
The Office of Open Government referred me to you. This is a request for public records.
The attached unsigned letter of Nov-08-2011 shows J ohn Hillman, CEO of Nationwide Title
Clearing, Inc. wrote to Gov. Scott in support of Mr. Rodems for judge. Carter Andersen of the J NC
provided the unsigned letter to me.
This is a request for the signed letter as received by Gov. Scott. The Office of Open Government
said the letter was sent to the Department of State.
Also, perhaps in error, I made the following records request to J . Andrew Atkinson, General
Counsel, Florida Department of State,
This is a request for records, the Oath of Office for the Chief J ustice, and each J ustice of the Florida
Supreme Court.
Chief J ustice Ricky Polston
J ustice Barbara J . Pariente
J ustice R. Fred Lewis
J ustice Peggy A. Quince
J ustice J orge Labarga
J ustice J ames E.C. Perry
J ustice Charles Canady
This is a request for records, the Oath of Office for the Attorney General of Florida, and AAGs
Pamela Bondi Attorney General of Florida
Diana R. Esposito, Chief-Assistant Attorney General, Tampa
Kenneth V. Wilson, Florida Assistant Attorney General
You may provide the records in PDF by email. I do not need paper copies mailed.
Thank you in advance for the courtesy of a response.
Page 7of 8
Neil J . Gillespie
8092 SW 115th Loop
Ocala, Florida 34481


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Page 8of 8

November 8, 2011

Honorable Rick Scott
Office of the Governor
The Capitol, PL05
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001

Re: Ryan Christopher Rodems, Circuit Judge

Dear Governor Scott,

I am writing with respect to the pending nomination of Ryan Christopher (Chris) Rodems to serve
Florida as a Circuit Judge.

Nationwide Title Clearing, Inc. is a real estate finance servicing company. We represent eight of the ten
largest residential mortgage lenders in the country, and in that capacity prepare and process millions
mortgage-related documents every year. We employ approximately 200 staff at our Palm Harbor
facility, and as such represent one of the larger private employers in Pinellas County.

We have been in this business for over twenty years, and in the course of that time have had occasion to
engage the services of many lawyers. Of all of them, Chris Rodems is one of the very best.

Chris started working as legal counsel for this company approximately one year ago. Since then, he has
represented our interests in at least fifteen different cases. His contributions have included a wide
variety of activities, including the preparation and filing of complaints and bar grievances, assistance in
crafting appropriate responses to local news stories concerning the credit collapse of 2008, and
assistance to our staff during depositions. His duties have brought him into contact with a number of
our staff, and he has without exception worked very well with them. His demeanor has always been
professional, and his instincts and presence of mind have infallibly directed the course of our legal
matters toward a successful outcome.

I have gotten to know Chris quite well during this time. He is a remarkable individual, and I believe him
to be ideally qualified to serve our state as a Circuit Judge. Our work together has impressed me to rely
on him for both the breadth of his legal knowledge and the clarity of his analytical skills. He seems
always able to digest a complex fact situation, identify the intentions motivating the various parties
involved and suggest a plan of action that will lead to a winning resolution. I have never seen him yield
to the temptation to be distracted by issues tangential to the matter at hand. Instead, he focuses
directly on strategies that will lead to solutions.

I have no hesitation in recommending that you appoint Chris to serve Florida as a Circuit Judge.

Please feel free to call me if you have any questions about this letter.


John Hillman, CEO
Nationwide Title Clearing, Inc.
Phone(850)414-3990 Fax(850)487-2564
January 10,2013
Mr. NeilJ. Gillespie
Ocala, FL34481
DearMr. Gillespie:
ThiswillrespondtoyourDecember26letterinwhich,pursuantto Ch. 119,F.S.,you
"thepersonnelfile ofEugeneP. Castagliuolo."
TheAttorneyGeneral'sofficeofHumanResourceshasbeenunableto locatethe
personnelfile ofMr. Castagliuolo. Hisnameisonanemployeespreadsheetkeptbythe
officeandheislistedasbeinganemployeeof theAttorneyGeneral'sTampaEconomic
Crimesdivisionfrom September19, 1995throughOctober3, 1996. Thisistheonly
informationweareabletolocateatthistime. Shouldyouhaveanyquestionsorconcerns,
pleasedo nothesitateto contactourofficeat850-245-0140.
~ ~
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"T . "... .. '" ' __ I. 's., ;*1
r" ~ S'I" 1 .- ... J ... _ _.. ~ ..
, OfficeoftheAttorneyGeneral ~ 016H26525733
PL01,TheCapitol ~ '- $0045
Tallahassee,FL32399-1050 '* ._
fa 01/10i2013
:J: MailedFrom 32399
Mr.NeilJ. Gillespie
8092 SW11S
3Cj.481 :::':i5E:7 Ri:;E:7 i I.Ii"i .. i I ill Ii "i utili 1111 IIi,i II11 IIiJ 11It. i. IIIi IIi" i.'
VIA United Parcel Service (U.P.S.) August 12, 2013
J ohn F. Harkness, Executive Director J ohn T. Berry, Legal Director
The Florida Bar The Florida Bar
651 East J efferson Street 651 East J efferson Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2300 Tallahassee, FL 32399-2300
Email to: Email to:
VIA U.P.S. No. 1Z64589FP295705073 VIA U.P.S. No. 1Z64589FP298841081
RE: Records Request and Information Request
Mr. Berry, as Legal Director, what is the status of my request for an investigation made March
28, 2013 to then-President Gwynne Young:
RE: Request for Investigation, Witness Tampering, Obstruction of J ustice
Kimberley Pruett-Barry, and Robert W. Bauer, TFB No. 2013-00,540 (8B)
Mr. Harkness, as officer of The Florida Bar (Rule 1-5.1), the Executive Director, with duties
prescribed in Chapter 2 (Rule 1-5.2 Duties), you need to be informed on this matter.
This records request is directed to Mr. Harkness as the Records Custodian [Rule 2.420(b)(3), Fla.
R. J ud. Admin.] for The Florida Bar.
1. Records for William Barry and/or Kimberly Pruett-Barry (and any variation of her name)
and an arbitration offer or settlement offer from or through The Florida Bar for $127,000, or any
other amount. Enclosed Kim Pruetts email sent me Tuesday, May 21, 2013 4:33 PM stating:
The bar would have given me 127K in Arbitration TWO years ago!
Mediation was a joke! They only offered us 75K, Bauer wanted his 40K out of that,
keep in mind I could have 127k In Arbitration through the Bar over a year ago!
2. Records for Florida Bar complaints made by Ryan Christopher Rodems on behalf of
Nationwide Title Clearing, Inc. Enclosed is an unsigned draft letter of J ohn Hillman, CEO,
addressed to Gov. Rick Scott Re: Ryan Christopher Rodems, Circuit J udge. The letter was
provided to me last year by J effrey Carter Anderson, Chair, Thirteenth Circuit J NC.
This sentence shows the records requested, underline added:
His contributions have included a wide variety of activities, including the preparation and
filing of complaints and bar grievances, assistance in crafting appropriate responses to
local news stories concerning the credit collapse of 2008, and assistance to our staff
during depositions.
3. Records for William Barry and/or Kimberly Pruett-Barry (and any variation of her name)
and any complaint(s) against attorney Peter R. McGrath.
J ohn F. Harkness, Executive Director, The Florida Bar August 12, 2013
J ohn T. Berry, Legal Director, The Florida Bar Page - 2
4. Records for William Barry and/or Kimberly Pruett (and any variation of her name) and
any complaint(s) against attorney Robert W. Bauer.
Thank you in advance for the courtesy of a response.
Neil J . Gillespie
8092 SW 115th Loop
Ocala, Florida 34481
Originals to J ohn F. Harkness, Executive Director, and J ohn T. Berry, Legal Director, each
signed in wet ink
Cc: Florida Bar email service list

Neil Gillespie
From: "kim" <>
To: "Neil Gillespie" <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: Bauer
You have NO IDEA!
He lied to us at every turn, charged us MEGA BUCKS for conversations he NEVER had,
racked up a 40K +bill, but never asked for the Ins Policy from the Defendant, come to
find out the defendants Ins Policy had a Limit of Liability of only 200K. The bar would
have given me 127K in Arbitration TWO years ago!

He charged us THOUSANDS of dollars for "scheduling depos" that were CRUCIAL to our case.
Yet, I kept wondering why they were never happening. Come to find out, HE NEVER EVEN SPOKE
the OTHER SIDE about scheduling these depos!!!! HE LIED!

He NEVER followed through on ANYTHING, and I mean NOTHING!

We have already paid him 15K and then he refused to do anything else with our case
until we paid him the balance of the 40K! This was after mediation.

Mediation was a joke! They only offered us 75K, Bauer wanted his 40K out of that, keep in mind
I could have 127k In Arbitration through the Bar over a year ago!
We begged Bauer to do the Depos AFTER the mediation to show we mean't business,
he REFUSED until we paid him. This is unethical.

Oh the list goes on and on............

When I talked to Ms. Craft today she BEGGED me to file the complaint.


November 8, 2011

Honorable Rick Scott
Office of the Governor
The Capitol, PL05
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001

Re: Ryan Christopher Rodems, Circuit Judge

Dear Governor Scott,

I am writing with respect to the pending nomination of Ryan Christopher (Chris) Rodems to serve
Florida as a Circuit Judge.

Nationwide Title Clearing, Inc. is a real estate finance servicing company. We represent eight of the ten
largest residential mortgage lenders in the country, and in that capacity prepare and process millions
mortgage-related documents every year. We employ approximately 200 staff at our Palm Harbor
facility, and as such represent one of the larger private employers in Pinellas County.

We have been in this business for over twenty years, and in the course of that time have had occasion to
engage the services of many lawyers. Of all of them, Chris Rodems is one of the very best.

Chris started working as legal counsel for this company approximately one year ago. Since then, he has
represented our interests in at least fifteen different cases. His contributions have included a wide
variety of activities, including the preparation and filing of complaints and bar grievances, assistance in
crafting appropriate responses to local news stories concerning the credit collapse of 2008, and
assistance to our staff during depositions. His duties have brought him into contact with a number of
our staff, and he has without exception worked very well with them. His demeanor has always been
professional, and his instincts and presence of mind have infallibly directed the course of our legal
matters toward a successful outcome.

I have gotten to know Chris quite well during this time. He is a remarkable individual, and I believe him
to be ideally qualified to serve our state as a Circuit Judge. Our work together has impressed me to rely
on him for both the breadth of his legal knowledge and the clarity of his analytical skills. He seems
always able to digest a complex fact situation, identify the intentions motivating the various parties
involved and suggest a plan of action that will lead to a winning resolution. I have never seen him yield
to the temptation to be distracted by issues tangential to the matter at hand. Instead, he focuses
directly on strategies that will lead to solutions.

I have no hesitation in recommending that you appoint Chris to serve Florida as a Circuit Judge.

Please feel free to call me if you have any questions about this letter.


John Hillman, CEO
Nationwide Title Clearing, Inc.

Neil Gillespie
From: "J enny J olinski" <J J>
To: "Neil Gillespie" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: Public Record Request - 2013/08/12 - Gillespie
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Dear Mr. Gillespie,
I received various copies of your August 12, 2013 letter from those you copied. My responsibility is to
respond to public record requests per Rule 2.420, Florida Rules of Judicial Administration and
applicable law.. Your letter contained various public record request to which I responded.

You requested records for William Barry and/or Kimberly Pruett-Barry, and I provided the response to
your record request.
1. "Records for William Barry and/or Kimberly Pruett-Barry (and any variation of her name) and an
arbitration offer or settlement offer from or through The Florida Bar for $127,000, or any other amount."

According to our Lawyer Regulation Department, there are no public records that comply with your

As for your second statement:
For request 2, the response is calls into question the veracity of J ohn Hillman, CEO of Nationwide Title
Clearing, Inc. who claimed in a draft letter to Gov. Scott that Mr. Rodems "...contributions have
included a wide variety of activities, including the preparation and filing of complaints and bar
grievances..." Perhaps the records show Nationwide Title Clearing, Inc. as the complaint. I also know
Mr. Rodems is a complainant in a UPL complaint against me dated May 1, 2013, Case No. 20133090
(5). Can you follow-up on this request?

The Lawyer Regulation Department found no records of Mr. Rodems as a complainant other than the
UPL complaint he has filed against you. I did not mention the UPL complaint in that it was not filed on
behalf of Nationwide Title Clearing, Inc. which was your request. There were no records from Mr.
Hillman or Nationwide Title Clearing, Inc.

What would you like me to follow up? The UPL complaint is an open complaint and consequently, you
need to request documents from the Bar counsel handling the complaint. If the follow-up is regarding
Mr. Rodems and Nationwide, there are no records.


Jenny R. Jolinski, CRM CDIA+
Records Manager,
The Florida Bar
651 East Jefferson Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2300

Please note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Many written communications to or from The Florida Bar regarding Bar business may be
considered public records, which must be made available to anyone upon request. Your e-mail communications may therefore be subject to public

From: "Neil Gillespie" <>
To: "Jenny Jolinski" <>
Date: 08/20/2013 02:40 AM
Subject: Re: Public Record Request - 2013/08/12

J enny R. J olinski, CRM CDIA+
Records Manager, The Florida Bar
Dear Ms. J olinski,
Thank you. The first item is a request for an information update directed to Mr. Berry. Is your response
made on behalf of Mr. Berry to that question?
For request 2, the response is calls into question the veracity of J ohn Hillman, CEO of Nationwide Title
Clearing, Inc. who claimed in a draft letter to Gov. Scott that Mr. Rodems "...contributions have
included a wide variety of activities, including the preparation and filing of complaints and bar
grievances..." Perhaps the records show Nationwide Title Clearing, Inc. as the complaint. I also know
Mr. Rodems is a complainant in a UPL complaint against me dated May 1, 2013, Case No. 20133090
(5). Can you follow-up on this request?
Thank you.
Neil Gillespie
----- Original Message -----
From: J enny J olinski
To: Neil Gillespie
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 10:54 AM
Subject: Public Record Request - 2013/08/12

Dear Mr. Gillespie,
I am responding to your public record request dated August 8, 2013 per Rule 2.420, Florida Rules of
Judicial Administration and applicable law. Please send correspondence related to this request to my

Your request regarding "Request for Investigation, Witness Tampering, Obstruction of Justice,
Kmiberley Pruett-Barry, and Robert W. Bauer, TFB No. 2013-00,540(*B)" is not a public record request.

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Your public record requests:
1. "Records for William Barry and/or Kimberly Pruett-Barry (and any variation of her name) and an
arbitration offer or settlement offer from or through The Florida Bar for $127,000, or any other amount."

According to our Lawyer Regulation Department, there are no public records that comply with your
2. "Records for Florida Bar complaints made by Ryan Christopher Rodems on behalf of Nationwide
Title Clearing, Inc."
According to our Lawyer Regulation Department, there are no public records in which Mr. Rodems is
listed as a complainant.
3. "Records for William Barry and/or Kimberly Pruett-Barry (and any variation of her name) and any
complaint(s) against attorney Peter R. McGrath."
According to our Lawyer Regulation Department, there are no public records regarding this request.
4. "Records for William Barry and/or Kimberly Pruett (and any variation of her name) and any
complaint(s) against attorney Robert W. Bauer."
According to our Lawyer Regulation Department, there was an inquiry from Ms.. Pruett,. RFA13-12396,
that was closed on May 21, 2013. No complaint was filed consequently, there are no public records.

Per Rule 3-7-1(a)(1) "Disciplinary matters pending at the initial investigatory and grievance committee
levels shall be treated as confidential by The Florida Bar...."


Jenny R. Jolinski, CRM CDIA+
Records Manager,
The Florida Bar
651 East Jefferson Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2300

Please note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Many written communications to or from The Florida Bar regarding Bar business may be
considered public records, which must be made available to anyone upon request. Your e-mail communications may therefore be subject to public
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