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For the partial fulfllent of !e"ree of
Ba#helor of Ci$il En"ineerin"
%u&itte! &'
-B)E) CI.IL/
-B)E) CI.IL/
Departent of Ci$il En"ineerin"
()G)()12 Colle"e Of En"ineerin"3 Nan!e!
(ahara2htra %tate3 In!ia
45678 9 567:;
This is to certify that the report entitled RUDRANEE
INFRASTRUCTURE LTD. which is being submitted here with for the partial
fulfillment of B.E in Civil Engineering. of Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada
University, Nanded. This is the result of the Field training by Mr.Deepak
Khuhalra! Nen"a#a$e under my supervision and guidance. The wor embodied in
this report has not formed earlier for the basis of the award of any degree or
compatible certificate or similar title of this for any other diploma or university to the
best nowledge and belief.
Mr. Rahul R. Shar%a &r!'. DR. D. (. &a""e)ar
In *harge +ea, !' Depar"%en"
Fiel, Training Depar"%en" !' *ivil Engineering

Dr. Mr. -.S. La"hkar
M.-.M. C!llege !' Engineering/
* tae opportunity to e+press our gratitude towards Mr.Rahul R. Sharma
,&ecturer (ept. of "ivil 'ngineering) for this constant encouragement
and guidance. -e was constant source of motivation and inspiration.
%ithout his efforts the seminar could not have taen final phase.
* would also lie to than Mr.D.(.&a""e)ar ,-.$.(.(epartment of
"ivil 'ngineering. for his cordial support and finally to all those
respondent who has co/operated and provided valuable information to
complete this seminar report.
!t last * would lie to e+pand to our gratitude to all my friend, who have e+tended the
support and helped me to complete seminar report.
Mr.(eepa #hushalrao Nentaba0e
R$&& N$345

Shree )uru )obind Singh0i *nstitute of 'ngineering 6Technology at
2ishnupuri, Nanded.
The ,e"ail !' !ur pr!$e*" are a '!ll!)1
3. 0)ner 1 2 S--S IE4T.
5. &r!$e*" Engineer 1 2 Mr. San"!h R. Sherikar.
6. Si"e engineer 1 2 Mr. Kapil S!nule
7. Ar*hi"e*" 1 2 Ch!ugule San" 4 A!*ia"e Ar*hi"e*" 4 &lanner
8. S"eel Deigner 1 2 Mr. Danan$a9 +ir)e/ &une.
The site located in S.).).S.*.'.6T, 2isnupuri, Nanded. The owner of the site
is S.).).S.*.'.6T. and the name of his construction company is RUDRANEE
INFRASTRUCTER LTD. The site consists of the construction of (epartmental
building. The total si7e of the land is 58m94:m. *t is a );< Framed Structure. The
estimated cost of the construction is =.4 crores. The layout of the site is given below.
The purpose of the wor is to construct the departmental building. Future planning of
the college is also one of the factors considered. The soil available here is a 1lac
cotton Soil.
Some general information related to structure is given below.
Measurements of building are taen.
-t. from )& to plinth>?.<m
Floor to floor height>@m
Alinth to sill level>?m
Sill to bottom of beam><.<m
Slab thicness>8.?@m
(etail of opening
(> <.Bm94.<m
(? > ?.Bm9<.Bm
%?> ?m9<.<m
%<> ?.Bm9<.<m
The seDuence wor is as follows3
3. Shu""ering an, pla*ing !' Rein'!r*e%en".
5. Sla#/ S"air*ae/ Bea% 4 R.C.C. &ar,i *a"ing.
6. B.B.M.
7. &la"ering.
8. :a"er &r!!'ing.
<. Fl!!ring.
=. Birla :all Care &u""9.
>. &ri%er 4 &ain".
3. Ir!n pan1
*t is used for manual transportation of concrete, sand, cement mortar etc. in
small Duantity
5. Tr!)el1
*t is used for placing mortar where irregularities are observed on the concrete
surface for giving finishing and also used for masonry and plastering.
6. Sh!vel1
*t is used for gathering concrete, sand, mortar, e+cavation material and placing
them in iron pans.
7. Sa)1
*t is used to cut timber, plywood etc.
8. Tri2@uare1
*t is a right angle made of steel of this is used to chec the right angle of
shuttering wor, plastering etc.
<. :!!,en 'l!a"1
*t is used for finishing the concrete or the plastered surface.
=. -auge #!A1
*t is used for batching the fine and coarse aggregate by volume on the site
always capacity of one gauge bo+ is eDual to volume of one bag of cement.
>. &lu% #!#1
*t is used to chec the plumb or vertically of wor for column bloc masonry
wor. "oncrete, plastering etc. it is used for transfer of the points in the same vertical
plane. *t is usually made of wood or iron. *t is suspended by means of string tied in
its concrete.
B. +a%%er1
*t is used for in0ecting the nail on the nails on the form wor with the impact on
3C. S"ring1
*t is thin Nylon string used in the fi+ing and checing the alignment of any ind
of shuttering masonry and plastering wor.
33. +!!k1
*t is used for typing the reinforcement tube of internal diameter Bmm and
length as reDuired are used to be training that no air is trapped inside.
35. Level "u#e1
The thin transparent tube of internal diameter Bmm and length as reDuired are
used to be taing that no air is trapped inside.
The different eDuipment used at out site is as follows3
3. (i#ra"!r
5. Tr!lle9
6. MiAer
7. Bar Cu""er
3. (IBRAT0R1
Needle vibrators are used to compact and ensure the perfect bone of concert
and steel. *t consist of an electric motor having vibrating conductor cable and
vibrating elements attached with long still needle of dia. $f various si7es
depending upon the concrete member these vibrators are portable and can be
shifted from one place to another. &ength of cable is usually about C to ?8 m
and speed of motor is about ?:88 rpm. The si7e of needle used at out site is of
58 mm diameter for footings and @8 mm diameter for, slabs, beams and
*t is used for transporting concrete of other materials from lifts to the placing
point over the vertical distances. !lso the trolley is used for hori7ontal
transportation with the help of rails.
AF Til"ing "9pe3 *t has a conical drum which resolves about an inclined a+is of
B8 with the hori7ontal. The drum can be brought into different position for
mi+ing and discharging. *n small mi+ers the material are charge directly and in
mi+ers of large capacity for loading sip are used. 1lades are fi+ed in the
internal surface of the rotating drum, which does the mi+ing, the mi+ed
concrete discharged on iron sheet.
BF N!n "il"ing "9pe1 *t is also nown as rotary type mi+er. *t has a cylindrical
drum revolving with hori7ontal a+is. *t has opening on both sides, one for
charging 6 other for discharging. For charging loading sip is used which is
fi+ed with help of wire ropes.
*t is used to cut the reinforcement. The conventional methods are very tedious,
reDuires more time and more efforts. So now a days bar cutters are mostly
used on construction sites.
'ngineering structure are composed of materials are called as construction
material. "ement, !ggregate, Steel and %ater are the basic construction materials. *n
order to improve Duality and life of structure, it is necessary to study the materials at
3. Ce%en"1
"ementing materials are being used since the period when man started
construction activities. "ementing means any substances, which acts as binding agent
for different materials. B4 grade ordinary Aortland cement was used on the site.
5. Fine Aggrega"e1
The aggregate passing through @.CBmm *.S. sieve is termed as Efine aggregateF
Natural sand is the fine aggregate chiefly used in concrete mi+ may be obtained from
river, lae or pit. Sand when used in a concrete mi+ture, it should be properly washed
and tested to as certain that it is free from clay silt and other organic matter. Sea sand
is not directly used in its natural state for R.".". wor. The salt present is water sand
is liable to attac the steel reinforcement.
6. C!are Aggrega"e1
The aggregate which retain at @.CB mm *.S. sieve is termed as E"oarse
aggregateF. The ma+imum si7e of coarse aggregate for mass concrete is <8mm and
for plain concrete is 58mm. "rushed hard stone and gravel are common materials
used as coarse aggregate is usually obtained by crushing granite, crystalline lime,
Stone and good variety of sand stone.
7. S"eel Rein'!r*e%en"1
Steel is the one of the largest used material in field of construction though
strong is compression, concrete is e+tremely wea, in tension on the other hard steel is
strong in tension and e+tremely wea in compression. Thus the combination of steel
and concrete has proved to the idea tae up stresses.
The minimum si7e of bar used is :mm used for shear reinforcement and
ma+imum si7e used is <Bmm used mainly for columns and beams.
8. Bri*k1
1ric masonry is made of brics bond together with mortar.
1rics use on site3 burned brics
Type of bond3 Flemish bond
%all thicness3 <48 mm
<. :a"er1
%ater acts as lubricant for the fine and coarse aggregates and acts chemically
with cement to form the binding paste for the aggregate and reinforcement. %ater
used for both mi+ing and curing should be free from in0urious amount of deleterious
Aortable waters are generally considered satisfactory for mi+ing and curing of
concrete. *f water contains any sugar or an access of acid, alali or salt, it should not
be used.
7.7 F0RM :0RK
Form wor is defined on the comple+ system of temporary structure built to
contain fresh concrete. So as to form a homogenous mass of concrete at reDuired
shape and dimensions and for support until it get hardened. *t is used for construction
of beams, columns.
Ma"erial '!r '!r% )!rk1
Material to be used for form wor should be cheap stronger and easy to wor
timber is the most commonly used material. Timber to be used should be soft wood
free from nots and other defects should have concrete gains.
Timber shuttering panels are assembled at site and these shows greater
strength. These days for large wor, steel form on also intensively used. The whole
formwor must be stable and the individual parts must be connected in such a manner
that the 0oints are safe.
De2hu""ering !' '!r% )!rk1
i. 1eam side ? day
ii. 1eam bottom
a. Spanning up to 4m C day
b. Spanning over 4 to @.Bm ?@ day
c. Spanning over @.B to 5m and above <8 day
iii. "olumn side ? day
iv. Slab beam
a. Spanning up to 4 to @.Bm C day
b. Spanning over @.B to 5m ?@ day
3. Shu""ering an, pla*ing !' Rein'!r*e%en".
%hen we went to site for the field training all the shuttering as a mould
for slab and beam was done and placing of reinforcement was in progress for
the slab of second floor.
The thicness of slab is ?@8 mm. The slab is one way type. The main
reinforcement provided is of ?< mm dia. G ?<8 mm cHc. The distribution steel
is of : mm dia. G <:8 mm cHc.
The beam si7es are <48mm9:88mm, @B8mm9:88mm. The main steel
if of <B mm dia. The anchor bars are of ?8mm, ?<mm, <8mm and <Bmm
depending upon the design. The shear reinforcement is of dia. : mm dia. !nd
provided at <88 mm cHc.
5. Sla#/ S"air*ae/ Bea% 4 R.C.C. &ar,i *a"ing.
!fter the completion of placing of reinforcement after 4 days the actual
process of slab casting was started at ?8 am. The activity was completed in
around = hrFs. The concrete used is of M<B grade and having ratio of ?3?3<.
The tilting type of mi+er is placed on the ground and the concrete is
transported by using the bucet and rope arrangement. The concrete from the
bucet is then carried out by using the trollies. !fter pouring the concrete in
the moulds it is compacted using the needle vibrator and then the surface is
made plane by using wooden float by maintaining the proper slope.
6. B.B.M.
Similarly on the other side on the same floor the bric wor is going on.
The Flemish bond is used on the site. The bonding is done by using cement
mortar having proportion of ?35. The si7e of the wall depends upon the
position of the wall. %all thicness at the site is <48 mm.
7. &la"ering.
The plastering of same wor is started for the same portion on wich the
bric wor has been done.
The plastering wor is done using the mortar of proportions ?3@ for first
coat and ?3? for second or final coat. The first coat is rough and of ?< mm
thicness. The second layer is made smooth and of thicness : mm. For the
passage the second layer is done above ?.4 m from the base as there is
provision of dado wall.
8. :a"er &r!!'ing.
The water proofing has been done in sanitary units for second floor. *t is
mainly done to avoid the entry of water in the floor. *t is done in two layers.
First of all the floor is cleaned. Then a layer of cement mortar having
proportion of ?3@ of with ? g of water proofing compound per cement bag <8
mm thic is laid down. Then the brics are placed with mortar for bonding is
placed. Then the same two layers were placed and last <8 mm mortar layer is
placed with reDuired slope.
<. Fl!!ring.
The flooring wor of half portion of first floor was started on which all
other wors lie plastering etc has been done.
The flooring is done by using the 2itrified tiles having si7e 8.5m98.5m. First
of all the residue of sand after sieve is placed. Then the layer of cement mortar
of ratio ?3@ is laid down. The slope is maintained by using the level. The
0oints are also filled with neat cement slurry mi+ed with pigment to match the
colour of the tiles. Sirting is also done using same tiles.
=. Birla :all Care &u""9.
$n the first floor the flooring wor is completed and wor of placing 1irla
%all "are Autty was going to start
1irla %all "are Autty of <mm thic on plastered surfaces in all positions is
done. For this activity high Duality of wor has to be done for which silled
labours are reDuired. This is done to have a good appearance.
>. &ri%er 4 &ain".
The painting is done in three coats. First coat is of primer. Then after some
time the second and third layer of plastic emulsion paint is laid over the
7.< CURIN-
*t is process of maintaining the internal moisture in concrete to that complete
hydration of the cement can tae place. "oncrete derives its strength from the
hydration of cement particles. The hydration of cement is not momentary action but a
process continued for long time. The rate of hydration is fast in short but decrease as
the time passes. The Duantity of the product of hydration and amount of gel formed
depends upon the e+tent of hydration.
*n the field a higher water cement ratio is used because water used in the
concrete evaporates to the atmosphere. *f the hydration is continued unstopped, e+tra
water must be added to replenish the loss of water on account of evaporation.
Therefore curing cab be defined as a process of eeping the concrete must and warm
enough so the hydration of cement can continue.
?. To maintain sufficient moisture content in the concrete for complete hydration of
<. To maintain uniform temperature of concrete.
4. To reduce shrinage of concrete.
@. To preserve the properties of concrete such as impermeability, durability, strength
Me"h!, !' *uring1
Spraying and covering surface with wet gunny bags. These methods are
suitable for curing of the vertical surfaces lie column. The vertical surface is
covered with gunny bags and is ept wet by sprinling water.
A"" 8< (ays
Footing 8C (ays
Alinth 1eam 8@ (ays

C+A&TER N0. 8
"ement3 4?8rsH/per bag
Fine aggregate3 ?C88rsH/per brass
"oarse aggregate3 ?:88rsH/per brass
1rics3 @888rsH/per ?888nos
"arpenter 3 @88rsH/per day
-elper 3 <B8rsH/per day
Male collie 3 <B8rsH/per day
Female collie 3 ?B8rsH/per day
Fitter 3 @88rsH/per day
Alaster mason 3 @88rsH/per day
Alumber 3 @88rsH/per day
-elper 3 <B8rsH/per day
Flooring 3 B88rsH/per day
-elper 3 <B8rsH/per day
Mi+er operator 3 B88rsH/per day
2ibrator operator34B8rsH/per day
Da"e1 3GC=G36
The laying of form wor is complete and placing of reinforcement structure is
going on.
Da"e1 8GC=G36
The casting of slab, staircase and beams was started at ?8 am and finished at C
pm in the evening. 'Duipments lie mi+er, bucet and rope arrangement, trolleys and
vibrator were used.
Da"e1 C<GC=G36
"uring of casted slab was started.
Similarly the waterproofing of sanitary unit is going on.
Da"e1 C>GC=G36
$n the other portion the removal of shuttering is going on, on which the slab
casting is done before ?: days. !ppropriate method of removal by silled labours is
Da"e1 CBGC=G36
The 1. 1. M. wor of same portion is started.
The plastering of ceiling also started
Da"e1 33GC=G36
Same processes lie plastering, curing were going on.
Da"e1 36GC=G36
The water proofing was completed up to middle of the day.
Da"e1 38GC=G36
!s all the wor of ground floor was completed so they are thining to start the
wor of painting.
*mplant training has been a boon to the 1.'. "ivil 'ngineer as it given us an
insight for future professional carrier and the confidence for commanding the wor
allotted at hand. This training has given us lot of e+perience and nowledge regarding
the actual construction methods employed at site. The Aro0ect Manager, 'ngineers
and Supervisors while carrying out several wors cleared many aspects of the %or.
$bservation of Maintenance or Iuality and "ompletion of %or within stipulated
time was done.
%e learnt the better fact the "ivil 'ngineering is not a theoretical study but it
comes to life only after you are on field and tae command of the adverse situation
arising of the site. %e also got to meet the very professional people of this field and
their way of woring. Many a fundamental concepts were cleared of during the
training period.
Thus we conclude that we are amongst those fortunate few who are not thrown
on with theoretical study alone. 1ut we are well eDuipped with practical nowledge
and ready to face the world of construction in future

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