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B M P 2 Corrected / Orthodontic Courses by Indian Dental Academy

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The main objective of the biomechanical preparation is removal of
organic substrate and micro organisms from root canal system.
1899 first endodontic hand piece introduced. The problem associated
with stainless steal hand instruments are
Canal preparation is inconsistent making obturation less predictable
Many instruments and steps are needed. ence it is a tome consuming.
Canal transportation occurs when larger stiffer instruments are used.
Traditional coronal enlargement instruments remove more dentin.
!n order to overcome these problems the rotary instruments are evolved.
These instruments are made up of

"#$ %ickel
## $ Titanium
&$ Cobalt
'oran added to improve the surface hardness.
The first rotary system which developed is profile system
The (rofile system was developed by Tulsa )ental !n 199#. Their first
product was (rofile &9 *eries. The &9 indicates that the rate of increase
between file si+es in this series is at a constant rate of &9$. !n sometime,
some part of %ickel was substituted by &$ cobalt.
They are made up of %ickel-titanium i.e. ""$ wt nickel and #"wt$
titanium. These %iTi files have uni.ue properties of super elasticity and
shape memory. )ue to these properties, the instruments adapt well in
curved canals and maintain canal shape better than stainless steel files.
Some unique features of these instruments include:
- *trength and fle/ibility in curved canals.
- 0adial landed 1-shaped flutes and cutting edges with &23 negative
rake angles which leave the debris coronally and prevent the
instruments from screwing into dentin.4fig b5
- 'ullet shaped nose with rounded transition angle. This design helps the
file remain self-centered in the canal and also reduces the chances of
canal transportation and procedural errors.4fig c5
- 7ariable taper shafts that reduces the number of instruments4 fig a5
Fig a fig fig !
Range of instruments:
The (rofile range comprises 6 instrument types with each type having
different length. They can easily identified by the coloured rings on
Profile orifice shapers:
" to 8$ taper.
8vailable in no. 1-9 4&2-825.
:ength 19mm
1sed to prepare coronary section of canal, removing gutta-percha
and sealer before inserting a root post. The (rofile 2." also can be
used for the root canal treatment of deciduous teeth. The handle has
6 rings.
0.06 profile taper:
Taper 9$
- 8vailable in no. 1"-#2.
:ength; &1mm-&"mm.
These files used to prepare middle section of canal. The handle has &
coloured rings.
0.04 profile:
Taper #$, %o. 1"-92.
!t is available in length &", &1 and 61mm.
The handle of 2.2# profile carries single coloured ring.
Motor and speeds:
<or best performance and avoid any breakage the instruments should
used at constant speed between 1"2-6"2rpm.
<or this, independent electric motor can be used. This motor will
provide high tor.ue and run .uickly allowing comfortable vibration free
These may also used directly on the dental chair unit with a high gear
reduction rate contra-angle hand piece.
=.g. electrically driven 4#2,222rpm5 with a speed of 622rpm obtained
with 1&2;1 contra angle.
Golden Keys:
15 Light pressure: >nly light pressure is needed, no heavier than
when writing with pencil. (rofile instruments, particularly the
smaller si+e should never forced into canal otherwise wind up
may occur, possibly to the point of breakage.
2) In and out movement:
The high fre.uency bending caused by high-speed rotation
especially in curved canals, leads to stresses in the %i- Ti alloy used.
!t can be best avoided by a slight in and out movement 4&-6mm5
while working. !t will help in distributing the fatigue uniformly
along the length of instrument. =ach instrument is used in the root
canal for a period of only "-12 seconds.
3) Irrigation:
Through out entire se.uence irrigate as fre.uently and abundantly
with syringe using &."$ sodium hypochlorite. <or apical preparation
and final preparation %a>Cl and =)T8 can be used alternatively.
<or very difficult canals, in an early preparatory stage a lubricant
like ?lyde may be of advantage.
#5 'efore canal preparation started with (rofile, it is very important
to insert stainless steel hand files to the level &mm deeper than
the desired depth. The advantage of these are two-fold;
15 !t gives information regarding canal morphology and curvature
&5 Creates a patent pathway for rotary instruments.
Operational Sequence:
1) Crown-down:
=stimate the provisional working length using diagnostic A-ray. The
first objective is to pen the root canal as far as minimum estimated
working length i.e. for e.g. if your estimated working length is
&1mm, &1mm-6mm, 18mm. The stopper on the instrument is
adjusted to the 18mm. Then the instruments are used in following
Profile 0.5 No. 3 (0.06/40:. !t is 19mm relatively and it is easily
inserted into the canal. Bithout any hindrance, from opposing teeth,
with C 62." already rotating in canal, insert without any e/cessive
pressure and apply simple in and out movement, for about "-12
seconds. Bhen the progression become difficult do not increase the
pressure. 92 for ne/t si+e file.
Profile 0.5 No. 2 (0.06/30): !t is smaller than %o. 6 2." so it moves
more apically compared to the previous instrument. 1se it in the
same way as beforeD withdraw as soon as progression is difficult.
Profile 0.06/25; This (rofile has a smaller diameter than the
previously used instruments and is more fle/ible due to greater
length of its cutting section used in this instrument same as previous
Profile 0.06/20: The instrument penetrates more apically than the
preceding one .1se in same way as before.
Profile 0.04/25; *ame as the previous one.
Determination of working length: 'y using conventional E-file
4%o.12, %o. 1"5 with help of radiograph.
!f preferred, an ape/ locator is also used to complete the crown-down
procedure and determine working length.
3) Apial preparation until the e!at working length"
(rofile 2.2#F&2; 1se this instrument to e/act working length.
(rofile 2.2#F&"; 1se to e/act working length.
!f the canal anatomy is large %o. 62, %o. 6" can be used each till
e/act working length.
#5 #inal flaring; !t is by using 2.29 F &2 profile with the profile
2.29F&2 inserted into the canal while it is rotating without an
apical pressure and is applied in an in and out movement.
#or wide anals:
1. Crown down 2." C 4.2@F"25
2." C 6 4.29F#25
&. )etermination of working length;
8pical preparation .2#F&"
<inal flaring 4.29F&"5 profile
Advantage of profile 29 series:
1. These files stay centered in canal and maintain canal curvature.
&. The instrumentation time re.uired for profile system is less
compared to stainless steel files. !t reduces the operator and
patient fatigue.
6. The instrument is wider at )!? 4end of cutting part5. Therefore
gives necessary coronal flare to root canal automatically.
#. The tip is bullet shaped so that there is less chance of canal
transportation and procedural errors.
". :ess debris e/trusion compared to step back techni.ue 4inrich
et al5.
9. (repare the root canal with 6-) effect.
1. :oss of tactile sensation; There is less feed back from rotary
instruments regarding direction of curvature and location of
apical terminus.
&. !ntracanal separation is most often problem while using profile
system. 'reakage of %iTi instruments can occur without any
visible signs of permanent deformation.
6. The %i-Ti rotary profile system has low cutting efficiency.
#. There is chance of corrosion of profile rotary instruments when
used along with sodium hypochlorite. !t leads to chloride
corrosion which leaves micropitting on instruments, surface
leading to crack formation and instrument failure.
)esigned by *teve 'uchanan. These instruments create funnel shaped
root canal more efficiently.
The instrument has variable pitched flutes that are closer nearer the tip
and further apart toward shank. !t allows the instrument to be stronger at
tip where stress can be more e/tensive. The larger spacing of the flutes
at the shank provides good fle/ibility and cutting efficiency.
Range of instruments:
15 GT rotary files; There are # files in this group length &1mm,
&"mm. These files have two coloured rings. =ach of the file
has different taper i.e. ?.T. 1&$ 42.1&5
?T 12$ 42.125
?T 8$ 42.285
?T 9$ 42.295
of i"str#me"ts
- #$ taper.
- &2-6" no.
8vailable in &1, &" and 61mm. They have only one ring. They are
mainly used to prepare the terminal part of root canal.
$%T% A!!essory files; These are 1& taper available in 6", "2, and @2
si+e length &1mm and &"mm.
!dentified by the three grooves on handle.
1sed to refining the final preparation.
Operations sequence:
15 Crown down; !t can be done using ?.T. rotary files.
a. (rofile ?.T. 2.21& taper with tip si+e &2 take to resistance.
b. (rofile ?.T. 2.12 taper with tip si+e &2 taken to resistance.
c. (rofile ?.T. 2.28 taper with tip si+e &2 taken to resistance.
d. (rofile ?.T. 2.29 taper tip si+e &2 taken to resistance.
'efore this patency of is canal checked with %o. 8 stainless steel file.
&5 )etermination of working length.
65 8pical preparation.
a. (rofile 2.2# taper si+e &2.
b. (rofile 2.2# taper si+e &"
c. (rofile 2.2# taper si+e 62.
d. (rofile 2.2# taper si+e 6"
#5 <inal refining of root canal. This is by using ?.T. accessory files.
T&ese i"str#me"ts &a'e follo(i"g )esig" feat#res*
1. (rogressive taper; The protaper has varying tapers within one file
ranging from 6."$ to 19$ this makes it possible to shape the
specific sections of root canal with one file.
&. Modified guiding tip and varying tip diameter;
- The modified guiding tip allows one to follow the canal better
without any transporation and procedural errors.
- The varying tip diameter helps in cutting the specific areas of root
canal without stressing the instrument in other sections.
6. %ew cross-section of instrument;
- These instruments will have conve/ triangular cross-section. This
design results in a reduced contact are between cutting blade and
dentin. !t increases the cutting efficiency and decreases the
torsional strain of instrument.
#. 7arying helicle angle and pitches;
". %ew shorter handle; The length of the handle reduced to 1"mm to
1&."#mm to allow for better access.
Range of instruments:
8vailable in two sets;
- *haping files 46 files5 i.e. *A1, *1 G *&.
- <inishing files 46 files5 <1, <& G <6.
SX or auxiliary shaping file (SX):
!dentification by lack of its ring on handle. This instrument has highest
increase in taper from )2 to )9 46."$ to 19$5. These files are mainly
used for initial preflaring and relocation of canal orifices.
*1 or shaping file 1; !t has purple identification ring on its handle.
*& or shaping file &; !t has white identification ring on its handle.
These instruments 4*1 G *&5 mainly useful in shaping of coronal and
middle third of canal.
Finishing file: 3 in number:
- <inishing file 4<15; Tip diameter 2.&2 yellow identification ring.
- <inishing file & 4<&5; Tip diameter 2.&", red identification ring.
- <inishing file 6 4<65; Tip diameter 2.62, blue ring.
These instruments has fi/ed taper from )1 and )6 i.e. <1-@$, <&-8$
and <6-9$.
These instruments mainly used in preparation of apical third of canal at
full working length.
Guidelines for use of pro-taper:
1. =stablish straight line access.
&. 1se instrument in well irrigated and lubricated canal i.e. %a>Cl
1@$ =)T8 also can be used.
6. =stablish a smooth glide path with %o. 12, and no. 1" stainless
steel file.
#. Clean the flutes of file fre.uently and inspect for any signs of
". 1se tor.ue controlled electric motor with handpiece at &22-
9. <orce should never be applied to a fileD only a light brushing
motion should be used.
@. 1se the instruments in recommended se.uence.
Operation sequence:
1. =stablish straight line access and gliding path, using no. 12 and
no. 1" stainless steel file. )etermine estimated working length
using diagnostic /-ray.
&. <lood the canal with %a>Cl and begin shaping with shaper *1
using light brushing motion .?o no. deeper than 6-.uarter of
estimated length recapitulate and irrigate.
6. %ow use *A to improve straight line access and relocate the
canals, with same motion. !nsert the instrument while it is
rotating. !f a light resistance is felt it is withdrawn in a brushing
motion. %ever force instrument once you feel resistance. This
instrument will cut more coronal dentin create more flare and
thus allow better instrumentation in apical region.
#. %ow determine e/act working length using stainless steel file
4%o. 12 or no. 1"5 with help of well angulated radiograph or
electronic ape/ locator.
". %ow use *1 and *& to full working length with brushing motion.
9. %ow with finishing file 4<15 passively e/tend the preparation
2."mm short of working length withdraw after 1 second.
The <1 has tip diameter 2.&2mm. !f no. &2 hand instruments found to
be snug at the ape/, preparation is finished.
!f <1 and no. &2 hand instrument is loose continue preparation with
<&. !t has tip diameter 2.&"mm. 8gain confirm with no. &" hand
instrument, if it is snug. !rrigate and finish the preparation.
!f <& is loose continue preparation with <6 which 2.62mm tip
diameter, followed by confirmation with no. 62 hand instrument. !f it
is snugly fitting finish the preparation.
'etween each instrument it is very important to irrigate copiously
with %a>Cl and recaputation with E-file to maintain patency.
$traight line a!is
% gliding path
&'rushing motion)
Determination of )"L"
And $1 to full )"L"
$2 file * full )"L"
#1 file * full )"L" +auging of apial
#oramin &,-file -2.)
#2 file * full )"L"
$traight line a!is %
gliding path
$2 file * full )"L" #1 file * full )"L" +auging of apial
-file -2.)
#2 file * full )"L"
- igh cutting efficiency.
a. Triangular cross section.
b. 'alancing pitch and helicle angle.
- <ewer instruments to complete the preparation.
- :ess debris in apical region.
- <ile stress is minimi+ed.
- Modified guiding tip enables file to easily follow a prepared glide
path without goughing side walls.
- !ncreased tactile sense due to triangular cross-section.
- Cutting efficiency decrease with use.
- (ossibility of canal transportation. Therefore instrument is
immediately removed once working length has been reached.
- *everely curved canal difficult to use so hand (rotapers are better
!t was so named because light touch is needed and as the speed of
instrumentation is increased.
This instrument is specially engineered nickel-titanium ?ates-?lidden-
like reamers that allows enhanced tactile controls and enhanced apical
preparation larger than those created with other rotary systems.
The instrument consists of set of !*> si+ed rotary files i.e. from no. &2
to 1#2 in length &1, &", 61mm. :ight speed instruments also have half
si+es &&.", &@.", 6&.". These half si+es are color coded e/actly same to
that of previous si+e but also have white or black ring on handle them
easy in identification from full si+e.
Some unique design feature of light speed instrument:
- *hort cutting heads and long non-cutting taper less shafts.
- They have radial lands and 1-shaped spiral grooves between
radial lands.
- lightly longer non-cutting pilot tip.
1. These instruments should rotate at constant speed between
1"22-&222. !t should not e/ceed &222. This constant speed is
very important because %i-Ti files will not sustain repeated
change in tor.ue.
&. *traight-line access to mid-root is very important because they
glide the rotating instrument in curves of root canal.
6. Maintain patency of canal using hand-instruments before
starting the preparation with light speed instruments.
#. 8lways use progressively larger instruments in correct se.uence
from smaller to larger .%ever skip a si+e to gain time.
". !rrigate copiously with sodium hypochlorite and =)T8
alternatively between each instrument.
9. >nce the instrument reached to B.:. do not linger at that point
and immediately withdraw while rotating.
+#ri!& Lig&t spee) te!&"i,#e*
1. Initial apical rotary (IAR): <irst light speed instrument which
begins to cut canal wall at B.:.
-% Master api!al rotary .MAR/*
!t is the last instrument to form the apical preparation. This is ?-
1& light speed larger than !80.
0% Fi"al rotary .FR/*
The last step back instrument which completes the preparation.
It has 4 steps:
A!!ess a") !oro"al pre-flari"g*
>nce the orifices are located they are enlarged using ?ates-?lidden
drills 4%o. 1&5.
1etermi"atio" of (or2i"g le"gt& a") IAR*
B.:. should determined using 1" %o. stainless steel file and
verified radiographically or electronically.
%ow start using light-speed instruments 4%o. &25 to B.:. The
first few instruments are may not ream the canal wall because canals are
too large these instruments are called non-binding instruments. 8lways
begins with %o. &2 never skip the si+e. =ventually one instrument will
begin to cut at B.:. !t is called initial apical rotary 4!805.
1etermi"e MAR*
8ll light speed instruments used after !80 are called binding
instruments. These instruments are used in controlled forward and
backward movement 46-#mm5 it is called pecking movement. This
forward movement reams the canal and backward motion tends to clean
the head.
%ow use the instrument se.uentially with pecking movement.
The last instrument which used to prepare the apical portion is
depending on many factors like;
- )egree and angle of curvature.
- (resence of secondary or tertiary curves.
- )iameter of root apices.
1sually the si+e of M80;
- <or anterior 92-@2 no.
- <or posterior teeth #2-"2.
Step back and recapitulation:
:ight speed instruments are stepped back after selecting the M80. The
step-back is 1mm from previous instrument. <inally all canals are
recapitulated with respective to their M80* and irrigation should be
Manufacture recommended techni.ue;
ere the initial apical rotary 4!805; file is identified by gauging the
apical canal diameter.
To gauge the light speed instruments must used by hand advancing
apically by advancing apically using moderate pressure but never
rotated. The initial smaller si+e instrument easily goes to working
length. >ne instrument which is not going to full working length, it is
called first light speed si+e to bind 4<:*'5. <rom this instrument we
should begin rotary instrumentation.
Determining the apical preparation size: *tart instrumenting with
<:*' with slow continuous movement until it engages the canal wall.
<rom this point give slowly controlled forward and backward
movements 4pecking movement5. This pecking movement translates
downward cut of the dentin count the no. of pecks it takes <:*' to
reach the working length. 0epeat the counting of pecks for each
se.uentially larger instruments.
The instrument which takes atleast 1& pecks to reach working
length is the M80. This is called the H1& peckIs ruleJ.
Complete api!al i"str#me"tatio"*
8fter determining the M80 use ne/t instrument #mm shorter
than the B.:. This enables the *impli<ill ?.(. (lug to closely match the
si+e and shape of canal preparation. !f you are obturating with
standardi+ed ?( step back should start from #mm so that each
instrument length is 1mm shorter than previous one.
I"str#me"t mi))le root*
!nstrument with se.uentially larger si+e instrument the #-"mm of
canal with only full si+e instruments 4skip half si+e instrument5. These
instruments should not enter the apical "mm of canal. !nstrument with
larger si+e instrument until the si+e which will not pass easily the apical
e/tent of coronal third of canal.
0ecapitulate; 0ecapitulate to working length with M80 of each
Lig&t spee) te!&"i,#e taper te!&"i,#e*
!t is also called hybrid technique. !n this techni.ue canals are
cleaned and shaped in a crown-down fashion by using tapered
instruments. The apical portion of canal cleaned by using light speed
instruments. The master apical rotary files are selected using 1& pecks
1. The light speed instruments produce larger apical
preparation, because of their tip design. )ue to this there is
better removal of necrotic material and micro-organism in
apical area, with larger canal space more disinfecting
solutions reach apical area and ensure a better disinfection.
&. There is no or little transportation when canal
prepared with light speed instruments. 4?lossen et al K>=
Time consuming because of too many instruments used in the
1esig"e) y 1r% 3o&" M!Spa))e" i" -44-%
!t has following design features;
1. (ositive rake angle; The profile and most of the other
instruments has negative rake angle which result in
scraping rather than cutting action. The slight positive
rake angle as in the case of E6 results in digging and
plowing of dentin. !t will improve the cutting efficiency.
&. 7ariable flute angle; The flute angle is variable i.e. taper
increases from tip to handle. *o more debris removal from
the canal.
6. Bide radial land; !n E6 has increased mass of metal in
peripheral area near the blade. !t has good mass of metal
behind the cutting blade. !t makes the E6 resistant to
torsional or rotary stress.
Design of K3 Rotary system
#. 8ccess handle; The E6 files has short handle so that it
can be used easily in posterior region of the mouth.
". 7ariable core diameter or flute depth; The flute depth is
less in the tip of the instrument where the strength is more
important. !t gradually increases as it moves up. !t results in
more fle/ibility and increased debris removal.
9. *implified color coding; The E6 system has only two
tapers 2.2# 4green5 and 2.29 4orange5. The instrument handle
has two colour bands on handle. The top band signifies taper
and bottom band conforms !*> si+ing.
@. *afe ended tip; !t avoids ledging, perforations +ipping and
other nasty surprises.

Range of Instruments:
'ody shapers; They have enhanced taper of 2.28, 2.12 and 2.1& with tip
si+e no. &" and in length 1@, &1 and &"mm length. They are mainly used
for coronal shaping.
<iles are which are used for apical preparation 2.2& taper files, tip si+e
1"-#2 in length &1mm, &"mm and 62mm.
2.2# taper files, 2.29 taper fileL tip si+e 1"-92, and in length &1mm,
&"mm, 62mm.
1. %ever force an instrument apically.
&. <re.uent irrigation with sodium hypochlorite with
=)T8 is desirable.
6. (atency should maintained during preparation.
(atency can be maintained using small E-file 49-
1"5 after every rotary file.
#. Check the flutes of E6 files for bend, or stretch,
shiny spot, if found discard immediately. !n the
case where root canals are linked the files are
discarded after single use.
". 1se electric tor.ue control motor with auto
reverse to rotate the files in proper rpm 4622-
6"2rpm5. The instrument should not use more
than "-@ seconds.
- !f the canals are severely curved, scouting of
middle third and coronal third with hand files before advancing
into rotary file is important.
- Crown down instrumentation is desirable. !t
implies cleaning of coronal third is done first then middle third
and finally apical third.
- <irst obtain straight line access.
- :ocate canal orifice and obtain canal patency
using hand files.
- 'egin crown down by taking 2.1& taper E6
body shaper to resistance 46-#mm down the canal5. !t should be
done with =)T8 gel followed by flushing with %a>Cl.
- Take ne/t 2.12 taper E6 shaper to resistance.
- 0ecapitulation and irrigation can be done to
clear the debris from coronal and middle third of canal.
- 'efore rotary instrumentation in apical area
it is important to e/plore with hand instruments 4E-file 12-1"5. !t
helps to determine any curvature calcification or patency. 8fter
achieving this goal operator should passively introduce no. 12 or
1" E file to estimated working length.
- The working length is confirmed by the use
of a well angulated radiograph or electronic ape/ locator.
- >nce the true working length is established
the E6-rotary files are introduced in a canal in a crown down
fashion. !t can be done by two ways;
a. Bith se.uence 4from longer tip si+e
to smaller with fi/ed taper5.
b. Bith varying taper 4mi/ing the taper
as tip si+e diminishes5.
- Bith se.uence; ere start
instrumentation with tip si+e 6" 42.29 taper5 or large to tip si+e
no. &2 or 1", until full working length is achieved. !n the case
where canals are narrow 2.2# taper series are also used in similar
- Variable taper sequence:
2.29 E6 M #2 to resistance.
2.2# E6 M 6" to resistance.
2.29 E6 M 62 to resistance.
2.2# E6 M &" to resistance.
2.29 E6 M &2 to B.:.
2.2# E6 M &" to B.:.
2.29 E6 M &" to B.:.
Combination of K3 and light speed technique:
ence shaping of coronal and middle third of canal done by using E6
rotary system. The apical shaping can be done using light speed
1. =/cellent cutting ability.
&. Moves smoothly in canal and give ro'ust sense of tatile
6. =/cellent fracture resistance.
#. More fle/ible.
". )ue to their access handle they can be use efficiently in
posterior teeth or patient with limited mouth opening
4shortening of handle by "mm without affecting the
working length of file5.
9. :ess screwing in effect in E6 compared to other brands of
%iTi files 4because of variable flute pitch5.
)eveloped by 'rassler 1*8. !t has following design features.
1. !t has alternate contact point design.
- !mproves cutting efficiency.
- (revents screwing into dentin.
- =nhances debris removal.
- Centres the file within the canal.
&. =lectro-polished surface.
- =liminates surface imperfections.
- !ncreases file sharpness.
6. (recision tip; !t has a nonactive tip, fully active precisely at 1mm
4)15. The file has good self-centring capacity in canal with less
#. %o radial lands and with variable pitch and helicle angle.
- <le/ibility is ma/imi+ed.
- Tor.ue is minimi+ed.
- *harp cutting edge.
- ?ood controls over procedure.
Range of instruments:
The real word end se.uence file available in both 2.2# and 2.29 tapers.
The kit consists of following files.
=/peditor file; it is 2.2# taper, no. &@, &1mm used to estimating the
canal si+e.
2.29 taper file; with si+e e/tra small, small, medium, and large.
2.2# taper file; with si+e e/tra small, small, medium, and large.
i.e. small 4no. 1"-625.
Medium 4&"-#25
:arge 46"-"25.
*peed; !t run in portable hand piece with speed of #"2-922rpm. This
portable handpiece has several advantages.
- !t is light in weight and good tactile controls.
- !t has tor.ue controls and autoreverse
- %ine-speed options are available 4&22-
1222rpm5 thus deliver a outstanding power5.
1. 8fter access opening confirm F establish patency by moving a
no. 12 or 1" stainless steel E-file with help of no. 1" stainless E-
file creating a glide path. 8fter obtaining the glide path working
length should determined with help of /-ray F 8pe/ locator.
&. 1sing an endo-se.uence e/peditor rotary file penetrate the canal
until significant resistance 4i.e. progress is no longer easy5. %ow
remove e/peditor rotary file. %ow we should choose the ne/t
si+e file by information gained by.
- (reoperative radiograph.
- 0esistance of C 12 hand file.
- )epth of penetration of e/peditor.
!f =-file is goes down half away it means canal is small.
!f =-file goes more than half away it means canal is medium.
!f =-file is loose that means canal is large.
6. %ow according to the si+e determined by e/peditor file choose
appropriate si+e of file. 1se these files in a crown down fashion
i.e. 462, &", &2, 1" for small canal5. 1se each file until resistance
is encountered .1sually no. @2 file with will go to full working
length with resistance.
1esig" feat#re*
1. Triangular cross section.
- *harper cutting edges with good cutting
- :ess tor.ue re.uired.
&. =lectrochemical polishing;
- 0emoves microsurface imperfections
produced during manufacture, it reduces the
fracture of instrument.
- 0esult in smooth cutting edge with less
stresses in the canal.
- !mproved resistance to metal fatigue.
6. 8lternate heli/ angle of instrument . The cutting edges of
instrument has alternate heli/ angle as it rotates in the canal.
- 0educes the tor.ue by @"$ so there is no
screwing in effect.
- !t reduces the cutting length of instrument.
- =nhanced debris removal.
- ?uard against binding, grabbing file
#. *ofte/ tip;
- =nsure e/cellent centring in the canal.
- )ecreases risk of deviation.
Range of instrument available:
These are available in different tapers;
2.& taper 41"-#2 no.5.
2.# taper 4&"-6"5
2.9 taper 4&"-#25
2.8 taperD 2.12 taper L 46"-#25.
These instruments have !*> si+ing color coding . 8vailable in length &1,
&", 61 mms. These are available in two kits i.e. 1&mm handle and 1"mm
*peed; Cordless single micromotor can be used at a speed 41&"-
9&"rpm5. These hand pieces;.
8re compact light weight, comfortable and have time tor.ue control
with autoreverse feature.
Fi'e i"str#me"t te!&"i,#e*
*tep 1; =stablishing glide path using 12 no. hand E-file 4*chotlander
and canal finder C 12 2.2& taper5.
*tep &; !nsert a 12, C #2 into canal in light in and out painting motion,
while moving circumferentially around the canal. Then use ne/t 2.28
taper in a same manner. These instruments are restricted to #F6
of canal only.
*tep 6; Measure working length.
*tep #; <or preparation of apical portion of canal, start with 2.2& taper
no. &" gradually inserted to working length. !f this file is not going to
the working length, instrument with hand file 4k-file no. 1"5 .Bhen
working length has reached, continue with 2.2& 4no. &"5, change to 2.2#
N &" and 2.29 N &" proceed to B.:.
Three instrument technique:
8fter some e/perience in wide canals we can use this techni.ue.
ere first 6 steps are same as above in step # go directly to 2.29 taper N
&" to full working length.
- :ess work tor.ue 4@"$5.
- More debris removal.
- >ptimum controls.
- 0educed risk of metal fatigue.
- !mproved resistance to instrument fracture.
1. *traight flute design; Most of the other rotary file systems
helically fluted like appearance. They act like a wood screw, so
natural tendency to self thread. The liberator is a straight flute
design so there is 2$ self threading.
&. :ack of radial lands so less friction. :iberator rotary files have no
land area so not friction.
6. igher rpmm reduces tor.ue. The liberator file rotates at high
rpm 1222 to &222. *o less tor.ue generated and less file
#. 0oane softe/ tip that keeps file centred and minimi+es ledging
and file separation.
". =fficient dentin removal O :iberator %iTi files .uickly and more
efficiently removes dentin because of their sharp cutting blades
moving at high velocity. *o there is more kinetic energy
generated. 4:iberator delivers 6& times more kinetic energy than
conventional file system5.
9. :ess transverse micro-cracks. The pattern of grinding is parallel
with a/is of file. This compare to conventional file where
grinding pattern is perpendicular to a/is is resulting in transverse
micro-cracks in file.
Range of instruments:
The liberator files available in different tapers;
2.2&, 4&"-@25.
2.2# 462-@25
2.29 46"-825
They available &1, &", and 61 length.
1. Comple/ canal systems may re.uire.
- 0educed rotational speed.
- 1se 2.& taper files.
- and filing.
&. 'e sure that straight line access is there for canal orifices.
6. >perate liberator at 1222-&222 rpm.
#. 8dvance each liberator slowly 4no-packing movement5.
". !rrigate between each liberator file.

Straight flute design
Straight flute Helicle flute
Less transverse micro-cracks
Conventional file
Liberator file
For small root )iameter*
8ccess opening and determine working length using small fle/ file.
=stablish gliding path using 12 no. file for select file tip si+e according
to root diameter. @2 no. liberator place rotating file into the canal and
apply sufficient pressure to advance to depth "mm short of working
92 no. liberator advance #mm short of working length.
"" no. liberator advance 6mm short of working length.
"2 no. liberator advance &mm short of working length.
#" no. liberator advance 1mm short of working length.
6" no. liberator advance 2."mm short of working length.
&" no. liberator advance slightly beyond the foramen.
*haping is completed irrigate dry and fill the canal.
For me)i#m si5e) root )iameter*
%o. @2 liberator rotating file into the canal with slight apical pressure
advance to depth &mm short of working length.
%o. 92 advance to depth 1mm short of working length.
%o. #" advance to depth 2."mm short of working length.
%o. 62 advance to depth slightly through apical foramen.
*haping is completed.
File tip si5e for large root )iameter*
82 no. liberator rotating file introduced into the canal and
"" liberator file is advanced to a depth 2."mm short of foramen.
6" no. :iberator file advanced to a depth slightly through foramen.
*haping is completed.
Design feature:
1. *afe core, variable pitch and neutral rake angle.
*afe core O 0educes chances of instrument fracture, variable pitch O
)ecrease screw in effect.
%eutral rake angle; eliminates gouging, and grabbing of positive rake
angle and inefficiency and heat build of negative rake angle
&. %o radial lands; Thus no dragging, friction heat build and
inefficiency which can cause fracture.
6. %on-cutting tip prevents ledging and transportation.
#. 7ariable taper; %atural root canal has variable taper. *o these
variable taper files shape effectively especially in apical third
area. 4)eep apical preparation and eliminates taper lock5, natural
shape of canal maintained.
". (arabolic cross section; !t is most efficient cross-sectional design
especially for deep hole reaming action in root canal.
9. =ndonol; !t uses a specially formulated %iTi-alloy for
manufacturing of 7-taper files. This metal has superior
mechanical features.
@. =asy color coding for identification.
8. *hort handle.
- *traight line access and establish glide path
4C 12 7 hand file5.
- )o not over prepare the working length.
- )o not over heat %iTi files. *uper elastic
and shape memory properties may be lost.
- 1 second rule: Cut the dentin only for 1
- 8lways use a lubricant.
- *et electric motor between &"2-#22rpm.
- 1se light apical pressure.
- Consider &1mm length whenever possible
for better access.
- )o not over use the file. The file should be
used for 6-# individual canals. !f file
damaged discard immediately.
- Bhen apical third of canal has abrupt
curvature use hand files for preparation.
Range of instruments:
!t is 6 file systems;
2.12 taper tip diameter 62
2.28 taper tip diameter &"
2.29 taper tip
diameter &2
1. ?lide path; C12 7-hand files. 12 47>&5 - C 12 47>#5 - C 12
47>95. )etermine working length.
&. Coronal shaping; &"47285 O 62 47295 to the point of resistance.
6. 8pical shaping; 62 47125 O &" 47285 O &2 47295 to the point of
#. <inal shaping
62 47125 to working length for large canal.
&" 47285 to working length for medium canal.
&2 47295 to working length for small canals.
!ntroduced by )aryl ?reen O manufactured by Micromega instrument
Co, from %iTi.
Features and benefits:
1. Three cutting edges for a positive cutting in curette effect.
&. 'igger inner core provides better
resistance to fracture.
6. (rogressive fluting present, so less screwing in effect.
#. Three variable tapers which peel the canal wall on small contact
". Tip which stays centred in the canal.
9. 7ersatile it can be used along with sonics and hand files.
@. =conomical as it re.uires few instruments.
Spee)* these files can be run in contraangle handpiece at a speed of 622-
I"str#me"ts* 8vailable in 6
&$ taper C &2-#", in &1, &", &9mm in length,
#$ taper O &2-62 in &1, &", &9mm
9$ taper C &2-62 &1mm, &"mm.
For easy !a"als*
- :ocate canal orifice and determine working
- 1se 2.29 taper C 62 to &F6 of working length
by slow in and out movement with
circumferential filling.
2.2# taper C 62 to &mm short of working length.
- 2.2& C 62 taper to full working length.
0ecapitulate with hand file and irrigate.
For easy canals
1iffi!#lt !a"als
For canals with
Average difficulty
For !a"als (it& a'erage )iffi!#lty
*ame techni.ue but the se.uence begins with C &"
<or difficult canals use the same procedure but se.uence begins with C
1esig"* Feat#res a") e"efits*
- (ositive rake angle with active cutting
- Bider radial lands which provides blade
support while providing peripheral strength to resist torsional
and rotary stress.
- The third radial land stabili+es and keeps the
instrument centered in canal and minimi+es over engagement.
0adial land relief reduces the friction on the walls.
- *afe ended tip; *afe cuttingD non cutting.
- *hort handle; *o easy posterior access.
Range of instrument; These instruments are available in different taper.
!t consists of range of instruments with identical tip si+e C &" 1@, &1,
&"mm length.
2.1& taper.
2.12 taper
2.28 taper
2.29 taper
2.2" taper
2.2# taper
2.26 taper
2.2& taper L C 1"-#2, 1@, &1, &"mm length.
This instrument run in high tor.ue gear reduction slow speed hand
Techni.ue; Crown down starting with larger taper file first and
progressing with file with lesser taper.
- *traight line access and check for patency of
- )etermination of working length.
- =stablishment of glide path.
- 1se light pecking movement O now start
instrument with 2.1& taper instrument advances till you meet
- Then follow the fre.uency instrument till C
2.26 taper.
- 8pical preparation with 2.2& taper Puantec
file from 1"-#2 to working length.
- 1ni.ue #-file design with flat edged flutes
prevents instrument from getting caught on
canal walls.
- !t works in reaming motion provides
uniform canal preparation.
- 0educes preparation time.
A'ailale i"*
- 1"-82 tip si+es in &1 and &"mm length.
- (recision grounded flutes.
- *elf-centering bullet tip.
- 18mm length for easy use in initial flaring.
- !*> colour coded easy for identification.
Range of instruments available in:
- 2.8 Taper 4tip si+e 92, #"5.
- 2.9 Taper 4tip si+e 6", &"5.
- 2.# taper from no. 1"-"".
=stablishment of straight line access and patency. !nstrument in a crown
down fashion.
- %avi-<le/ 2.28F92 till significant resistance.
- %avifle/ 2.28F#" till significant resistance.
- %avifle/ 2.9F6"
- %avifle/ 2.9F&"
Determine working length:
- %< 2.2# F #" till resistance.
- 2.2# F 6" till resistance.
- 2.2#F62 till resistance.
- 2.2# F &" till resistance.
This se.uence should repeated until the 2.2#F&" taper reaches to
full working length.
!rrigate and recapitulate.
(roper biomechanical cleaning and shaping of root canal system is
the basis of endodontic therapy. *ince the introduction of first rotary
instrument, various new systems have been established in the
market, the benefits of which are apparent in their perfect preparation
of the root canal system. Their widespread use in regular practice is
being looked upon with skepticism because of over+ealous tooth
removal and a highly mechanical approach.
%evertheless, the combination of anatomic, biologic and
pathophysiologic knowledge of the tooth and skill of the operator
play a large role in optimi+ing the .uality of root canal treatment.
DCNA 2004

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