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Brigham Young and Other Prophet Quotes

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Brigham Young - Brethren, this church will be led to the very brink of hell by the

leaders of this people. (ttested to by !oshua !ones, "#$", %rovo Bowery&

Brigham Young ' (od will preserve a portion of this people, of the meek and humble, to
bear off the kingdom to the inhabitants of the earth ()ontributor "*+,$-&
Brigham Young ' . told the people that if they would not believe the revelations that
(od had given he would suffer the devil to give revelations/. told the people that as true
as (od lived, if they would not have truth they would have error sent unto them, and they
would believe it. (!une #, "#0, 1iscourse p. ,*#, 1eseret 2ews 3ol -- no. -*&
Brigham Young ' 4hen the spirit of persecution, the spirit of hatred, of wrath, and
malice ceases in the world against this people, it will be the time that this people have
apostati5ed and 6oined hands with the wicked, and never until then. (!ournal of
1iscourses 3ol. 7, p. -,0, "#80&
Brigham Young ' 9ome may say, :Brethren, you who lead the )hurch, we have all
confidence in you, we are not in the least afraid but what everything will go right under
your superintendence; all the business matters will be transacted right; and if brother
Brigham is satisfied with it, . am.: . do not wish any <atter-day 9aint in this world, nor in
heaven, to be satisfied with anything . do, unless the 9pirit of the <ord !esus )hrist, the
spirit of revelation, makes them satisfied. . wish them to know for themselves and
understand for themselves, for this would strengthen the faith that is within them.
9uppose that the people were heedless, that they manifested no concern with regard to the
things of the kingdom of (od, but threw the whole burden upon the leaders of the people,
saying, :.f the brethren who take charge of matters are satisfied, we are,: this is not
pleasing in the sight of the <ord. =very man and woman in this kingdom ought to be
satisfied with what we do, but they never should be satisfied without asking the >ather, in
the name of !esus )hrist, whether what we do is right. (! of 1, 3olume ,, 1iscourse #&
Brigham Young ' . have often said to the <atter-day 9aints -- <ive so that you will know
whether . teach you the truth or not. 9uppose you are careless and unconcerned, and give
way to the spirit of the world, and . am led, likewise, to preach the things of this world
and to accept things that are 2?@ of (od, how easy it would be for me to lead you
astrayA But . say to you, live so that you will know for yourselves whether . tell the truth
or not. @hat is the way we want all 9aints to live.: (Brigham Young, !1 "#+-7#&
=5ra @aft Benson ' 9ometimes from behind the pulpit, in our classrooms, in our council
meetings, and in our church publications, we hear, or read or witness things that do not
sBuare with the truth. @his is especially true where freedom is involved. 2ow do not let
this serve as an eCcuse for your own wrongdoing. @he <ord is letting the wheat and the
tares mature before he fully purges the church. De is also testing you to see if you will be
misled. @he devil is trying to deceive the very elect. (n =nemy Dath 1one @his,
p. ,"0&
!ohn @aylor - @he church will go into bondage both temporarily and spiritually and in
that day the mighty and strong one spoken of in 1)#8 would come. ( <eaf in Eeview
!oseph >ielding 9mith ' (pure doctrine of men in this Buote& @he lay members of the
church are under obligation to accept the teachings of the authorities, unless they can
discover in them some conflict with the revelations and commandments the <ord has
given. @here are times when the leading brethren have eCpressed their own opinions on
various sub6ects/ they have a perfect right to do, but when the <ord has spoken through
his servants who hold the keys, there should be unity among the members of the church.
(%rophets %rinciples F 2ational 9urvival GG... ' answers to (ospel Huestions -+""--,&
!oseph >ielding 9mith ' .t is a very apparent fact that we have traveled far and wide in
the past -* years. 4hat the future will bring . do not know. But if we drift as far afield
from fundamental things in the neCt -* years, what will be left of the foundation laid by
the %rophet !oseph 9mithI .t is easy for one to observe to see how the postasy came
about in the primitive church of )hrist. re we not traveling the same roadI (6ournal
entry, 1ec -#, "J,#&
!oseph 9mith !r. - You will live to see men arise in power in the church who will seek to
put down your friends and the friends of our <ord and 9avior, !esus )hrist. Kany will be
hoisted because of their money and worldly learning which they seem to be in possession
of+ and many who are the true followers of our <ord and 9avior will be cast down
because of their poverty. (Kosiah Dancock !ournal %. -#&
!oseph 9mith !r. ' ?ne great evil is that men/imagine that when there is any thing
like power, revelation, or vision manifested that it must be of (od/nothing is a greater
in6ury to the children of men than to be under the influence of a false spirit, when they
think they have the spirit of (od/the world always mistook false prophets for true
ones. (@ry the 9pirits, @imes and 9easons 3ol , 2o. "", pril ", "#7- %%. 077, 070&
!oseph 9mith !r. 4e have heard men who hold the priesthood remark that they would
do anything they were told to do by those who preside over them (even& if they knew it
was wrong; but such obedience as this is worse than folly to us; it is slavery in the
eCtreme; and the man who would thus willingly degrade himself should not claim a rank
among intelligent beings, until he turns from his folly. man of (od would despise the
idea. ?thers, in the eCtreme eCercise of their almighty authority have taught that such
obedience was necessary, and that no matter what the saints were told to do by their
presidents they would do it without any Buestions. 4hen elders of .srael will so far
indulge in these eCtreme notions of obedience as to teach them to the people, it is
generally because they have it in their hearts to do wrong themselves. (Killenial 9tar,
vol. "7, L ,#, % 8J,-8.&
Deber ). Mimball ' But the time will come when the <ord will choose a people out of
this people, upon whom De will bestow Dis choicest blessings. ()ontributor "*+,$-&
%resident !oseph 9mith read the "7th chapter of =5ekiel - said the <ord had declared by
the %rophet, that the people should each one stand for himself, and depend on no man or
men in that state of corruption of the !ewish church - that righteous persons could only
deliver their own souls - applied it to the present state of the church of !esus )hrist of
<atter-1ay 9aints ' said if the people departed from the <ord, they must fall ' that they
were depending on the prophet, hence were darkened in their minds, in conseBuence of
neglecting the duties devolving upon themselves, envious towards the innocent, while
they afflict the virtuous with their shafts of envy. (@eachings of the %rophet !oseph
9mith, 9ection >ive "#7--7,, p.-,0-,#
!. Eeuben )lark ' (@his modern state& is teaching the children that officers of 9tate, not
(od, shall be looked to for a guide as standards of life. .nto the field of religion, the holy
of holies of the soul of man, this modern world state also enters to dethrone (od and
eCalt the state into (odNs place. @his is the archest treason of them all. >or man robbed
of (od becomes a brute. @his sin must be felt, not told for words cannot measure the
height and breadth of this iniBuity; nor can the human mind encompass the punishment
of those who shall commit this sin. (""O"$O,#&
D 3erlyn nderson ' Eeligious history testifies that, with the single eCception of the
inhabitants of the city of =noch, no people to whom the gospel has given have remained
faithful to their covenants for more than a few generations. @ime after time the <ord has
established Dis church among a group who has lived his commandments for a few years
and then fallen away, thus bringing upon themselves Dis 6udgment. @his cycle of human
folly which so many prophets have noted, has repeated itself with such consistent
regularity that any group which finds itself to be the favored recipients of the gospel
would do well to assume that their apostasy is certain, and the only Buestion about is how
long it will take. (no source cited&
D. 3erlyn nderson ' %eople who regard themselves as members of the only true church
have the fatal tendency to consider themselves immune from the disease of deception.
Mnowing that they belong to the <ordNs )hurch and have Dis scriptures and Dis prophet
to guide them, they blindly assume that this adeBuately protects them against false
beliefs. ll history teaches the folly of such an assumption, and the scriptures
specifically deny its validity. .n fact it is those who have the truth plainly manifest unto
them who have the most to fear as the following scriptures states. Behold, there is the
agency of man, and here is the condemnation of man; because that which was from the
beginning is plainly manifest unto them and they received not the light. 1 F ) J,+,"
(>rom the (reat and bominable )hurch of the 1evil, p. "#$&
Dugh 2ibley - Kany have noted the strong tendency of <atter-1ay 9aints to avoid
making waves. @hey seem strangely touchy on controversial issues. @his begets an
eCtreme lack of candor among the saints, which in turn is supported by a new doctrine
according to which we have a prophet at our head who relieves us of all responsibility for
seeking knowledge beyond a certain point, making decisions or taking action on our own.
(wakening to our wful 9ituation, p. ,*.&
Dugh 2ibley ' 9t. ugustine had learned by hard eCperience that you canNt trust
revelation because you canNt control it ' P@he 9pirit bloweth where it listeth (!ohn ,+#&Q.
@he )hurch needed something handier and more reliable than revelation and that is
eCactly wha the rhetorical education had to offer. @he gifts of the 9pirit, not to be trusted,
were replaced by rites and ceremonies that could be timed and controlled. /awe and
reverence for rank is everything. 1edicated to the establishment. .f you know what
is good for you, says the manager, you will keep my commandments and not make
waves. @hat is why the rise of management always marks the decline of culture.
(from <eaders to Kanagers&. Please forgive the improper use of quotation marks here.
This quote needs to be cleaned up and Im not certain how to do that with multiple

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