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End Times

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What Does the Bible Mean by the "Time of the End"?

During the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, He promised that He would come againthe next time to establish His Kingdom on earth. But He also warned that before His return, man ind!s e"ils and suffering would dramatically increase, ending in #great tribulation# $%atthew &'(&)*. +wo seemingly opposite trends were to occur in the end time. ,n the one hand, interest in some ind of apocalypse would s yroc et. $-ctually, #apocalypse# comes from a .ree word meaning re"elation or un"eiling, but it has come to ha"e a popular meaning of end/ time cataclysm.* ,n the other hand, 0eter said #scoffers will come in the last days# people who don!t belie"e or respect the Bible $& 0eter 1(&/'*. +he period leading up to and during the final tribulation is addressed many times in the Bible. 2t is referred to as the time of the end, the end time, the end of the age, the latter days, the last days, the day of the Lord and similar phrases. +he Bible gi"es us a great deal of information about the end time, especially in the boo of 3e"elation and the other prophetic boo s. +he phrase end of the world appears in se"eral places in the King James 4ersion of the Bible. Howe"er, modern "ersions correctly translate those phrases as the #end of the age# $as in %atthew &'(1*. ,ur merciful Creator lo"es all people, and that!s why He mercifully gi"es us ad"ance notice of what to expect. 5et!s now get an o"er"iew of His warnings about the end time. First of all, just what is this age? .alatians )(1/' .race to you and peace from .od the 6ather and our 5ord Jesus Christ, who ga"e Himself for our sins, that He might deli"er us from this present e"il age, according to the will of our .od and 6ather... 2n the 7ew +estament, #this age# refers to the era of man!s rule from the creation of -dam and 8"e to the second coming of Jesus Christ. 0aul called it #this present e"il age.# +hat!s because 9atan is #the god of this age# and #the whole world lies under the sway of the wic ed one# $& Corinthians '(': ) John ;()<*. +he age #which is to come# $8phesians )(&)* begins with Christ!s return to resurrect the dead and to establish His Kingdom on earth $) Corinthians );(&)/&=*. What did the disciples ask Jesus, and what was His answer? %atthew &'(1 7ow as He sat on the %ount of ,li"es, the disciples came to Him pri"ately, saying, #+ell us, when will these things be> -nd what will be the sign of ?our coming, and of the end of the age># %any people don!t reali@e that Jesus was also a prophetin fact, history!s greatest 0rophet, foretold in Deuteronomy )A(); and )AB Chen as ed about the signs of His #coming, and of the end of the age,# He answered with a lengthy prophecy of the shoc ing end/time trends, such as wars and unusual natural disasters $recorded in %atthew &', %ar )1 and 5u e &)*. Ce will loo at details of this prophecy in future lessons.

What present world condition proves we are in the end ti e? %atthew &'(&)/&& 6or then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor e"er shall be. -nd unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be sa"ed: but for the elect!s sa e those days will be shortened. +he 7ew 8nglish Bible helps clarify "erse &&( #2f that time of troubles were not cut short, no li"ing thing could sur"i"eD# Entil the )<'Fs, there was no possible way, humanly spea ing, for all human life to be annihilated. +hat became possible with the in"ention and proliferation of nuclear weapons. +he de"elopment of modern chemical and biological weapons ha"e added to the ways all human life can be destroyed. 9o it!s greatly comforting to now that Christ promised to inter"ene to pre"ent worldwide destructionB $2n future lessons, we!ll learn additional e"idence that we are in the end time.* What will be the !reat cli a" of the end#ti e sufferin!? %atthew &'(&< 2mmediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be dar ened, and the moon will not gi"e its light: the stars will fall from hea"en, and the powers of the hea"ens will be sha en. Joel &(1) +he sun shall be turned into dar ness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the 5ord. +he time of #great tribulation# is followed by the #day of the 5ord.# Jesus! warning and ,ld +estament prophecies $%atthew &'(&): Daniel )&(): Jeremiah 1F(G* tell us that it will be the worst period of disasters and suffering the world has ever experienced. Bible prophecies tell us that the period leading up to the .reat +ribulation will be a time of increasing religious deception, religious persecution, demonic miracles, extreme natural disasters li e storms and earthHua es, economic distress, famines, disease epidemics, "iolence of all inds, intense conflicts in the %iddle 8ast, locali@ed wars plus great regional wars, and other terrifying e"ents and threats. +hese e"ents will be further explained in future lessons. But there is real hope beyond all of this. 0rophecy is gloom and doom for those who won!t submit to .od. But temporary fear is a healthy thing when it moti"ates us to put our faith in .odB Keep reading, and you will learn lots of good newsthe good news about how .od wants to guide, protect and bless you and gi"e you eternal life if you respond to Him. Why will $od allow hu anity to brin! all that sufferin! on itself? Hebrews )&(;/)) -nd you ha"e forgotten the exhortation which spea s to you as to sons( #%y son, do not despise the chastening of the 5ord, nor be discouraged when you are rebu ed by Him: for whom the 5ord lo"es He chastens, and scourges e"ery son whom He recei"es.# 2f you endure chastening, .od deals with you as with sons: for what son is there

whom a father does not chasten> But if you are without chastening, of which all ha"e become parta ers, then you are illegitimate and not sons. 6urthermore, we ha"e had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. 9hall we not much more readily be in subIection to the 6ather of spirits and li"e> 6or they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed best to them, but He for our profit, that we may be parta ers of His holiness. 7ow no chastening seems to be Ioyful for the present, but painful: ne"ertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who ha"e been trained by it. Humanity has chosen to reIect .od!s way and to follow the way of getthe way that leads to suffering and death. %an ind is set on the way of self/destruction, and .od will inter"ene, first to chasten, then to sa"e humanity from itself. Chen .od #chastens# $punishes* man ind, He does it out of love to teach us humans to repent of our sins and to turn to Him willingly. .od wants His children to be those #who eep the commandments of .od and the faith of Jesus# $3e"elation )'()&*. %an we have $od&s blessin!s and protection durin! the end ti e? 5u e &)(1= Catch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the 9on of %an. & 0eter &(< ...then the 5ord nows how to deli"er the godly out of temptations and to reser"e the unIust under punishment for the day of Iudgment... +he Bible gi"es us many examples of .od miraculously protecting His people or pro"iding a way of #escape# during times of danger. Ce can expect to see many such miracles in the futureB -t other times, some of .od!s people ha"e died as martyrs because of their beliefs. Keep these two comforting scriptures in mind( #?ea, though 2 wal through the "alley of the shadow of death, 2 will fear no e"il: for ?ou are with me: ?our rod and ?our staff, they comfort me# $0salm &1('*. #2n .od 2 ha"e put my trust: 2 will not be afraid. Chat can man do to me># $0salm ;=())*. .od!s people don!t need to be fearful of the conditions in the world, for .od is our protector and .reat 9hepherdB 8"en the thought of death need not terrify us because we now we will be resurrected to eternal lifeB 6or more about being #counted worthy to escape all these things,# see the #-pply 7ow# section below. 's there any hope for our loved ones who have not had any interest in the Bible? ) +imothy &(1/' 6or this is good and acceptable in the sight of .od our 9a"ior, who desires all men to be sa"ed and to come to the nowledge of the truth. & 0eter 1(< +he 5ord is not slac concerning His promise, as some count slac ness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should

come to repentance. Yes, there is! .od #desires all men to be sa"ed# and is #not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance# $emphasis added*. Be assured that e"ery person who has e"er li"ed will e"entually ha"e his or her opportunity to learn and li"e by .od!s truth $that is found in John A(1&: )'(= and -cts &(1A.

(isten to $od&s )rophecies and *Beware of False )rophets*

Chen His disciples as ed Jesus Christ about #the end of the age,# He ga"e an ama@ing detailed prophecy of what to expect in the future leading up to the end. Because they were on the %ount of ,li"es at the time, this prophecy $recorded in %atthew &', %ar )1 and 5u e &)* is called the #,li"et 0rophecy.# 2n that prophecy, Jesus made it clear what His followers must do before #the end.#He said, #+his gospel of the ingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness Jor warningK# $%atthew &'()', emphasis added throughout*. 9ee also %ar )=();. .od is completely fair and merciful. He has commissioned His Church to warn e"eryone of the dire conseHuences of sin as well as the wonderful results of obedience to .od. Howe"er, Jesus, echoing ,ld +estament warnings, said, #Beware of false prophets# $%atthew G();*. - true prophet did not fabricate any pronouncementhe was a messenger for .od!s re"elations. 2n fact, if any prediction #does not happen or come to pass,# that pro"ed he was not .od!s prophet $Deuteronomy )A(&)/&&*. But there ha"e always been plenty of self/appointed #prophets.# .od said, #2 ha"e not sent these prophets, yet they ran. 2 ha"e not spo en to them, yet they prophesied# $Jeremiah &1(&)*. Could .od say the same thing today regarding many people who claim to spea for Jesus Christ> 2n this lesson, you will learn how you can distinguish between false ministers and .od!s true ministers. -nd you will see how extremely cautious we need to be when we hear someone ma ing predictions about the futureB What was )aul&s warnin! about false reli!ious leaders? & Corinthians ))(1/', )1/); But 2 fear, lest somehow, as the serpent decei"ed 8"e by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 6or if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we ha"e not preached, or if you recei"e a different spirit which you ha"e not recei"ed, or a different gospel which you ha"e not acceptedyou may well put up with itB... 6or such are false apostles, deceitful wor ers, transforming themsel"es into apostles of Christ. -nd no wonderB 6or 9atan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. +herefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themsel"es into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their wor s. 9atan the de"il #decei"es the whole world# $3e"elation )&(<* He ne"er lets up in his efforts to use false ministers and others to mislead people. ,utwardly they usually seem spiritual, but their messages are counterfeitsmixtures of truth and error. -s 0aul said,

what they preach is actually #another Jesus# and #a different gospel.# +he Bible warns about false messages and false messengers repeatedly. 'n the +livet )rophecy, what was Jesus& first warnin! to His disciples? %atthew &'(1/; 7ow as He sat on the %ount of ,li"es, the disciples came to Him pri"ately, saying, #+ell us, when will these things be> -nd what will be the sign of ?our coming, and of the end of the age># -nd Jesus answered and said to them( #+a e heed that no one decei"es you. 6or many will come in %y name, saying, !2 am the Christ,! and will decei"e many.# %ar )1(;/= -nd Jesus, answering them, began to say( #+a e heed that no one decei"es you. 6or many will come in %y name, saying, !2 am He,! and will decei"e many.# Jesus meant for us to beware of the many churches and religious leaders claiming to represent Christ $calling themsel"es #Christian#* but not teaching the Bible accurately. 9ome are insincere and ha"e wrong moti"es. ,thers are sincere but they are sincerely wrongB 9ome will e"en #show great JmiraculousK signs and wonders to decei"e# $%atthew &'(&'*. 2t will be extremely easy to be misled and confused if we aren!t continually turning to the Bible to see what is true and what is false. What additional warnin! did Jesus leave His disciples? 5u e &)(;/A +hen, as some spo e of the temple, how it was adorned with beautiful stones and donations, He said, #+hese things which you seethe days will come in which not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be thrown down.# 9o they as ed Him, saying, #+eacher, but when will these things be> -nd what sign will there be when these things are about to ta e place># -nd He said( #+a e heed that you not be decei"ed. 6or many will come in %y name, saying, !2 am He,! and, !+he time has drawn near.! +herefore do not go after them.# 2n the end time, many religious leaders $and nonreligious people* would be saying that we are in the end time! +hat can ha"e two bad conseHuences( 6irst, since that part of their warning message is true, it influences people to belie"e the rest of their message is true. 9econd, with all the counterfeit messages around, it ma es it much harder for people to find the truth and .od!s true messengers! ,e!ardin! the end ti e, what is the ost co on -uestion? %ar )1(' #+ell us, when will these things be> -nd what will be the sign when all these things will be fulfilled># #When will these things be># 7aturally we all are curious about when Christ will return and when other e"ents will ta e place. 8"en after Jesus! resurrection, the disciples were still as ing when $-cts )(=*.Because of this curiosity, many preachers and writers ma e lots of money by predicting when Christ will come or when #the world will end.# But can anyone fi!ure out when %hrist will return? %atthew &'(1=

#But of that day and hour no one nows, not e"en the angels of hea"en, but %y 6ather only.# -cts )(G -nd He said to them, #2t is not for you to now times or seasons which the 6ather has put in His own authority.# 7o, we can!tB Jesus told His disciples that only .od the 6ather nows the time. But He did say that we should #watch# for signs that will indicate how far along we are in the prophesied seHuence of e"ents $%atthew &'(1&/''*. How can you reco!ni.e a false turn out to be true? inister even when so e of his or her predictions

2saiah A()</&F -nd when they say to you, #9ee those who are mediums and wi@ards, who whisper and mutter,# should not a people see their .od> 9hould they see the dead on behalf of the li"ing> +o the law and to the testimonyB 2f they do not spea according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. Deuteronomy )1()/; #2f there arises among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams, and he gi"es you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or the wonder comes to pass, of which he spo e to you, saying, !5et us go after other gods!which you ha"e not nown!and let us ser"e them,! you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams, for the 5ord your .od is testing you to now whether you lo"e the 5ord your .od with all your heart and with all your soul. ?ou shall wal after the 5ord your .od and fear Him, and eep His commandments and obey His "oice: you shall ser"e Him and hold fast to Him. But that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death, because he has spo en in order to turn you away from the 5ord your .od, who brought you out of the land of 8gypt and redeemed you from the house of bondage, to entice you from the way in which the 5ord your .od commanded you to wal . 9o you shall put away the e"il from your midst.# 2f a false minister is not correctly teaching all of .od!s Cord, there is #no light# in him. 2f he is not teaching obedience to .od!s commandments, he was not sent by .od. Jesus was Huoting Deuteronomy A(1 when He said, #%an shall not li"e by bread alone, but by e"ery word of .od# $5u e '('*. 5i ewise, true ministers of .od will be stri"ing to teach every word of God. What is much more important than knowin! when %hrist will return? %atthew &'('&/'' #Catch therefore, for you do not now what hour your 5ord is coming. But now this, that if the master of the house had nown what hour the thief would come, he would ha"e watched and not allowed his house to be bro en into. +herefore you also be ready, for the 9on of %an is coming at an hour you do not expect.# 5u e )&(1;/'F #5et your waist be girded and your lamps burning: and you yoursel"es be li e men who wait for their master, when he will return from the wedding, that when

he comes and noc s they may open to him immediately. Blessed are those ser"ants whom the master, when he comes, will find watching. -ssuredly, 2 say to you that he will gird himself and ha"e them sit down to eat, and will come and ser"e them. -nd if he should come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those ser"ants. #But now this, that if the master of the house had nown what hour the thief would come, he would ha"e watched and not allowed his house to be bro en into. +herefore you also be ready, for the 9on of %an is coming at an hour you do not expect.# Be ready spiritually at all times. 8"en if you new exactly when Christ would return, you still would not now when you will die. +hat can occur at any time. 9o .od wants us to stay ready and prepared by staying close to Himlo"ing, obeying and ser"ing Him e"ery day.

$od&s )rophets Did Much More /han )ass 0lon! )redictions1

#-ll 9cripture is gi"en by inspiration of .od# $& +imothy 1()=*. +herefore all Bible prophecies came from .od. .od!s prophets were merely the messengers who spo e and wrote down the re"elations from .od. 9ome prophecies apply to nations, some to indi"iduals and some to both. %any prophecies are conditional, especially those that apply to indi"iduals. Chat does that mean> Ce will see. 0eople mista enly assume that the prophets were only predicting. 7o, they had a dual role. .od sent them to predict and to preach $for example, see Jonah 1(&/'*.-nd what did they preach> +hey preached that people should repent of their sins and turn to .od#to warn the wic ed from his wic ed way, to sa"e his life# $8@e iel 1()A*. .od will bless and sa"e all who repent of their sinful ways and turn to a life of obeying and ser"ing Him. ?ou see, .od!s prophets were sent to motivate people with a #carrot and stic # message. 0rophecies included both warnings about punishments and promises of rewards. 2n Deuteronomy ))(&=/&A, we read a concise summary of the ind of message .od!s prophets were to preach( #Behold, 2 set before you today a blessing and a curse( the blessing, if you obey the commandments of the 5ord your .od...and the curse, if you do not obey the commandments of the 5ord your .od.# 5et!s now examine some of .od!s main purposes for gi"ing us His prophecies. 's fulfilled prophecy a proof of $od? 2saiah '=(</)) #3emember the former things of old, for 2 am .od, and there is no other: 2 am .od, and there is none li e %e, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, !%y counsel shall stand, and 2 will do all %y pleasure,! calling a bird of prey from the east, the man who executes %y counsel, from a far country. 2ndeed 2 ha"e spo en it: 2 will also bring it to pass. 2 ha"e purposed it: 2 will also do it.# .od said, #2 am .od, and there is none li e %e, declaring the end from the beginning...

2ndeed 2 ha"e spo en it: 2 will also bring it to pass.# -s we!ll see in 5essons ; and = in this series, we ha"e plenty of proof of the supreme power of .od. His many, many prophecies always come to pass exactly as He foretold because e ma!es them happen! 's fulfilled prophecy a proof of the Bible? & 0eter )(&F/&) Knowing this first, that no prophecy of 9cripture is of any pri"ate interpretation, for prophecy ne"er came by the will of man, but holy men of .od spo e as they were mo"ed by the Holy 9pirit. -t times, .od!s prophets Iust wrote down what they heard .od say to them. -t other times, they #spo e as they were mo"ed by the Holy 9pirit.# 8"ery single biblical prophecy of a past e"ent has been fulfilled perfectly, and we will examine some of them in future lessons. -s future prophesied e"ents happen, we will ha"e e"en more proof of the di"ine inspiration of the Bible. Does knowled!e of prophecy help us to interpret world news and events? %ar )1(&A/1G #7ow learn this parable from the fig tree( Chen its branch has already become tender, and puts forth lea"es, you now that summer is near. 9o you also, when you see these things happening, now that it is nearat the doorsB -ssuredly, 2 say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things ta e place. Hea"en and earth will pass away, but %y words will by no means pass away. #But of that day and hour no one nows, not e"en the angels in hea"en, nor the 9on, but only the 6ather. +a e heed, watch and pray: for you do not now when the time is. 2t is li e a man going to a far country, who left his house and ga"e authority to his ser"ants, and to each his wor , and commanded the door eeper to watch. #Catch therefore, for you do not now when the master of the house is coming in the e"ening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morninglest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. -nd what 2 say to you, 2 say to all( CatchB# ?es, it enables us to intelligently #watch# with understanding. Because Bible prophecy is accurate and reliable, it gi"es us a foundational world"iew and framewor by which we can analy@e the news. By it, we are able to sort out what has long/range significance from the flood of news that does not. Jesus told His disciples, #Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see# $5u e )F(&1/&'*. Does advance knowled!e prepare us so we will be cal hardships co e? and coura!eous when

John )=(), ' #+hese things 2 ha"e spo en to you, that you should not be made to stumble... #But these things 2 ha"e told you, that when the time comes, you may remember that 2 told you of them. -nd these things 2 did not say to you at the beginning, because 2 was with you.# #Chen the time Jof trialsK comes,# Christ does not want us to #stumble#to be shoc ed,

to panic or to fall away. +his is a maIor reason our lo"ing .od #re"eals His secret to His ser"ants# $-mos 1(G*. Chen .od!s prophecies come to pass exactly as He foretold, that strengthens our faith to trust Him for care and protection. Does $od !ive people understandin! and warnin!s before holdin! the accountable? 5u e )&('G/'A -nd that ser"ant who new his master!s will, and did not prepare himself or do according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he who did not now, yet committed things deser"ing of stripes, shall be beaten with few. 6or e"eryone to whom much is gi"en, from him much will be reHuired: and to whom much has been committed, of him they will as the more. .od is completely fair and merciful. He holds people accountable for what they now, being willing to o"erloo their #times of ignorance# $-cts )G(1F*. .od will not finally Iudge anyone without first teaching and warning about the dire conseHuences of sin as well as the wonderful results of li"ing .od!s way. 9ee also James '()G and John <('). What pri ary co ission did Jesus !ive to His disciples and His %hurch? %ar )=(); -nd He said to them, #.o into all the world and preach the gospel to e"ery creature.# +he #gospel# means good news because it is primarily about Christ!s coming to establish #the ingdom of .od# $%ar )()'*. But the message also includes a #witness# or warning about the end/time trials leading up to Christ!s return $%atthew &'()'*. -s John the Baptist prepared the way for Christ!s first coming $see %atthew 1()/1: 5u e 1(&/=*, this preaching of the gospel prepares the way for Christ!s second coming. %hrist&s co that ean? ission to His %hurch can be co pared to a *watch an2* What does

8@e iel 11()/G, )) -gain the word of the 5ord came to me, saying, #9on of man, spea to the children of your people, and say to them( !Chen 2 bring the sword upon a land, and the people of the land ta e a man from their territory and ma e him their watchman, when he sees the sword coming upon the land, if he blows the trumpet and warns the people, then whoe"er hears the sound of the trumpet and does not ta e warning, if the sword comes and ta es him away, his blood shall be on his own head. He heard the sound of the trumpet, but did not ta e warning: his blood shall be upon himself. But he who ta es warning will sa"e his life. #But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and ta es any person from among them, he is ta en away in his iniHuity: but his blood 2 will reHuire at the watchman!s hand.! #9o you, son of man( 2 ha"e made you a watchman for the house of 2srael: therefore you shall hear a word from %y mouth and warn them for %eD #9ay to them( !-s 2 li"e,! says the 5ord .od, !2 ha"e no pleasure in the death of the wic ed, but that the wic ed turn from his way and li"e. +urn, turn from your e"il waysB 6or why should you die, , house of 2srael>!#

- watchman was to sound a warning whene"er he saw danger approaching. +oday, .od!s Church ser"es in the role of spiritual #watchmen.# +his partly explains why prophecy is so important and why .od wants His Church to teach and preach those prophecies. .od is #not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance# $& 0eter 1(<*.

(et the Bible 'nterpret the Bible1

,ne awesome proof that the Bible is di"inely inspired is its perfect harmony and consistency all the way though, e"en though it was penned by about 'F writers o"er a span of ),;FF yearsB "he Bible never contradicts itself! 8"en places that appear at first glance to be contradictions are found, through more thorough study, to not be contradictory after all. %any people dismiss most prophecy as being merely allegorical or symbolic. -n important general rule is to ta e e"erything the Bible says as literally true except where it is clearly symbolic. -nd remember that e"erything in the Bible is important. 2f there is a symbol, then try to determine what it is symboli@ing. +hese days you can hear many people Huoting Bible "erses trying to support a point of "iew, but often they are twisting the meaning as people did e"en in 0eter and 0aul!s day $& 0eter 1();/)=*. 2nstead, when we are trying to understand a prophetic scripture, we should loo for the same subIect in other parts of the Bible and ne"er accept an interpretation that is contradictory. 6or example, we are able to understand much about the boo of 3e"elation by comparing it with the boo of Daniel, Jesus! ,li"et 0rophecy and other parts of the Bible. ?ou!"e probably heard the saying, #History tends to repeat itself.# +hat!s true partly because human nature stays the same and partly because .od chooses to repeat His actions in the ways He deals with man ind. +hus Bible prophecy is often dual. 8"en when a prophecy was fulfilled in most ways in the past, it often has another and more complete fulfillment in the latter days. +herefore, by studying the Bible and history to see how .od fulfilled a prophecy in the past, we can better understand how .od will li ely fulfill it in the future. 7ow let!s ta e a loo at some other eys for understanding Bible prophecy. What is the nu ber one focus of Bible prophecy? 5u e &'(''/'; +hen He said to them, #+hese are the words which 2 spo e to you while 2 was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the 5aw of %oses and the 0rophets and the 0salms concerning %e.# -nd He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the 9criptures. 5u e )F(&&/&' #-ll things ha"e been deli"ered to %e by %y 6ather, and no one nows who the 9on is except the 6ather, and who the 6ather is except the 9on, and the one to whom the 9on wills to re"eal Him.# +hen He turned to His disciples and said pri"ately, #Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see: for 2 tell you that many prophets and ings ha"e desired to see what you see, and ha"e not seen it, and to hear what you hear, and ha"e not heard it.#

2t is Jesus the Christ $the %essiah*. +he Bible has many prophecies of His first appearance to become our 9a"ior and His second appearance as glorified King of ings $) +imothy =();*. During His earthly ministry, His example and His message also re"ealed what .od the 6ather is li e. When Jesus preached about prophecy, what was His nu ber one focus? %ar )()'/); 7ow after John was put in prison, Jesus came to .alilee, preaching the gospel of the ingdom of .od, and saying, #+he time is fulfilled, and the ingdom of .od is at hand. 3epent, and belie"e in the gospel.# -cts )(1 Dto whom He also presented Himself ali"e after His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by them during forty days and spea ing of the things pertaining to the ingdom of .od. +he word #gospel# means good news. +he primary message that Jesus and the apostles preached was #the gospel of the ingdom of .od.# +hat included .od!s offer of eternal life so that we can #inherit the ingdom of .od# $) Corinthians );(;F*. 2ndirectly, the entire Bible is pointing toward the Kingdom of .od. %an we deter ine e"actly when prophesied events will happen? %atthew &'(1, 1&/1= 7ow as He sat on the %ount of ,li"es, the disciples came to Him pri"ately, saying, #+ell us, when will these things be> -nd what will be the sign of ?our coming, and of the end of the age>#D #7ow learn this parable from the fig tree( Chen its branch has already become tender and puts forth lea"es, you now that summer is near. 9o you also, when you see all these things, now that it is nearat the doorsB -ssuredly, 2 say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things ta e place. Hea"en and earth will pass away, but %y words will by no means pass away. But of that day and hour no one nows, not e"en the angels of hea"en, but %y 6ather only.# #o! +rying to predict exactly when prophetic e"ents will happen is a waste of time. 6ocus on what and why, more than when. Ce li"e in a dangerous and unpredictable world, so we need to always focus on being spiritually #ready# to meet our %a er, whether at our death or at His coming $%atthew &'(''*. Do we need to learn about the ori!ins and identities of ajor nations? -cts &=(G +o this promise our twel"e tribes, earnestly ser"ing .od night and day, hope to attain. 6or this hope!s sa e, King -grippa, 2 am accused by the Jews. James )() James, a bondser"ant of .od and of the 5ord Jesus Christ, to the twel"e tribes which are scattered abroad( .reetings. ?es, we do. 8nd/time Bible prophecy refers to nations by their ancient and tribal names that often are not used today. +here is "alue in learning history, especially Bible history.

0re prophecies, especially ones about individuals, often conditional? Deuteronomy 1F()</&F #2 call hea"en and earth as witnesses today against you, that 2 ha"e set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may li"e: that you may lo"e the 5ord your .od, that you may obey His "oice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days: and that you may dwell in the land which the 5ord swore to your fathers, to -braham, 2saac, and Jacob, to gi"e them.# ?es, what happens to you and me depends on whether we choose to obey or disobey .od. .od said, #2 ha"e set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life$ $emphasis added*.2t!s a matter of cause and effect. .od lets us choose what to sow, but we will reap what we sow $.alatians =(G/A*. What necessary chan!e in the nature of an does prophecy point to? 8@e iel 1=(&=/&G #2 will gi"e you a new heart and put a new spirit within you: 2 will ta e the heart of stone out of your flesh and gi"e you a heart of flesh. 2 will put %y 9pirit within you and cause you to wal in %y statutes, and you will eep %y Iudgments and do them.# By nature we ha"e a #heart of stone.# Ce tend to be hard/hearted, stubborn and #stiff/ nec ed# $Deuteronomy <(=*. +hat has to change. ,nce .od has opened our minds, He helps us with His 9pirit to see oursel"es as we really are. He leads us to repent of our sins so He can forgi"e us. He helps us to become spiritually con"erted. -fter con"ersion, a person begins to ha"e a #heart of flesh#a soft, humble and teachable heart. +hen .od!s promise is fulfilled( #2 will put %y law in their minds, and write it on their hearts# $Jeremiah 1)(11*. What are so e thin!s to consider to have a spiritually balanced interest in prophecy? %ar )1(&1 #But ta e heed: see, 2 ha"e told you all things beforehand.# %atthew &&(1;/'F +hen one of them, a lawyer, as ed Him a Huestion, testing Him, and saying, #+eacher, which is the great commandment in the law># Jesus said to him, #!?ou shall lo"e the 5ord your .od with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.! +his is the first and great commandment. -nd the second is li e it( !?ou shall lo"e your neighbor as yourself.! ,n these two commandments hang all the 5aw and the 0rophets.# 9ome people mostly ignore Bible prophecy and miss out on its benefitsthe biblical world"iew, the moti"ation and the comfort it can gi"e us. Concerning His prophetic teaching, Jesus said to #ta e heed.# ,ther people dwell too much on technical aspects of Bible prophecy li e trying to figure out exact dates and neglect matters much more important li e lo"ing .od and lo"ing other people. Chen you are reading prophetic sections of the Bible, be sure to meditate on the spiritual lessons that go with it. 6or example, many people assume that the boo of 3e"elation is

all predictions. 2n actuality, it is full of "aluable spiritual teaching.

3o e 0! 4"a ples of )rophecies 0lready Fulfilled1

%ll fulfilled prophecies are ama&ing. 'nly God can truly predict the future because only e has the power to ma!e is predictions come to pass ()saiah *+,-.//0. Bible prophecy begins with the story of -dam and 8"e in the .arden of 8den. 2n the midst of the beautiful garden stood two trees. .od had warned -dam not to eat of the tree of the nowledge of good and e"il. But the de"il, spea ing through a sna e, con"inced 8"e that .od was lying and withholding good things from them. #!?ou won!t dieB! the serpent hissed. !.od nows that your eyes will be opened when you eat it. ?ou will become Iust li e .od, nowing e"erything, both good and e"il!# $.enesis 1('/;, 7ew 5i"ing +ranslation*. 8"e belie"ed the lie. 9he and -dam both chose to disobey their Creator, so .od too away the idyllic blessings of life in the .arden of 8den and their opportunity to parta e of the tree representing eternal life. .od also foretold that they and all man!ind after themwould ha"e much more difficulty in this life with their relationships, childbearing, farming, earning a li"elihood and many related problems $.enesis 1()=/)<, &&/&'*. -ll man ind shares in these curses because #all ha"e sinned# $3omans 1(&1*. Howe"er, e"en in His comments to 9atan .od prophesied His plan for the #restoration of all things# $-cts 1()</&)*. He told the serpent, #2 will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her 9eed JJesus ChristK: He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel# $.enesis 1();*. Bruising Jesus Christ!s heel was metaphorical of His crucifixion and death, which could not hold Him. -fter Iust three days and three nights He was raised from the dead. Christ!s sacrifice pro"ided the way to remo"e the penalties of sin, and after Christ!s second coming, He will remo"e these curses from the earth.

0 3a plin! of )rophecies 0lready Fulfilled

7o human being can #see# the future. +he best anybody can do is to ma e an educated guess. .od!s prophets $sometimes called #seers#* ne"er #saw# into the future on their own. +hey were merely messengers who spo e or wrote what .od re"ealed. 6ulfilled prophecies therefore pro"e the supreme di"inity of .od and the absolute "eracity and "alidity of the Bible. Bible prophecies predict the details of the two greatest world e"ents, one in the past and one in the future. +hose #e"ents# are the first coming of Christ and the second coming of ChristB Ce will focus on them in future lessons in this series. +his lesson contains a "ery small sample of the hundreds of fulfilled prophecies of other e"ents now in the past. Did $od foretell a flood that would destroy the entire earth?

.enesis =(;/A, )G/)A +hen the 5ord saw that the wic edness of man was great in the earth, and that e"ery intent of the thoughts of his heart was only e"il continually. -nd the 5ord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grie"ed in His heart. 9o the 5ord said, #2 will destroy man whom 2 ha"e created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping thing and birds of the air, for 2 am sorry that 2 ha"e made them.# But 7oah found grace in the eyes of the 5ordD #-nd behold, 2 %yself am bringing floodwaters on the earth, to destroy from under hea"en all flesh in which is the breath of life: e"erything that is on the earth shall die. But 2 will establish %y co"enant with you: and you shall go into the ar you, your sons, your wife, and your sons! wi"es with you.# Because of the extreme e"il that per"aded the earth, .od used a worldwide flood $as described in .enesis G* to destroy e"ery human being except 7oah and his family. .od called 7oah to build an ar and at the same time to be a #preacher of righteousness,# warning the people to repent of their sins $& 0eter &(;*. .enesis =(1 apparently indicates .od announced His plan )&F years before the 6lood, which means that 7oah had )&F years to warn the people. +his is a remar able example of how .od is merciful and #longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance# $& 0eter 1(<*. ,ne proof of the 6lood is that Jesus Christ, the prophets and the apostles referred to 7oah and the 6lood as facts of history. -bundant geological e"idence also testifies of a worldwide flood. +here are great spiritual lessons to be learned from this series of e"ents including one that Jesus explained in %atthew &'(1G/1<. Did $od foretell enor ous blessin!s for the descendants of 0braha ? .enesis )&()/1 7ow the 5ord had said to -bram( out of your country, from your family and from your father!s house, to a land that 2 will show you. 2 will ma e you a great nation: 2 will bless you and ma e your name great: and you shall be a blessing. 2 will bless those who bless you, and 2 will curse him who curses you: and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.# .enesis );('/; -nd behold, the word of the 5ord came to him, saying, #+his one shall not be your heir, but one who will come from your own body shall be your heir.# +hen He brought him outside and said, #5oo now toward hea"en, and count the stars if you are able to number them.# -nd He said to him, #9o shall your descendants be.# .enesis )G()/A Chen -bram was ninety/nine years old, the 5ord appeared to -bram and said to him, #2 am -lmighty .od: wal before %e and be blameless. -nd 2 will ma e %y co"enant between %e and you, and will multiply you exceedingly.# +hen -bram fell on his face, and .od tal ed with him, saying( #-s for %e, behold, %y co"enant is with you, and you shall be a father of many nations. 7o longer shall your name be called -bram, but your name shall be -braham: for 2 ha"e made you a father of many nations.

#2 will ma e you exceedingly fruitful: and 2 will ma e nations of you, and ings shall come from you. -nd 2 will establish %y co"enant between %e and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an e"erlasting co"enant, to be .od to you and your descendants after you. -lso 2 gi"e to you and your descendants after you the land in which you are a stranger, all the land of Canaan, as an e"erlasting possession: and 2 will be their .od.# .enesis &&();/)A +hen the -ngel of the 5ord called to -braham a second time out of hea"en, and said( #By %yself 2 ha"e sworn, says the 5ord, because you ha"e done this thing, and ha"e not withheld your son, your only sonblessing 2 will bless you, and multiplying 2 will multiply your descendants as the stars of the hea"en and as the sand which is on the seashore: and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies. 2n your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you ha"e obeyed %y "oice.# .od foretold that -braham would ha"e a son in his old age and his descendants would be as numerous as the stars of hea"en and that he would #be a father of many nations.# +he fulfillment of the many promises gi"en to -braham, 2saac and Jacob is a big and exciting subIect in itself. . .od also ga"e a "ital spiritual promise to -braham. Chen .od said in .enesis &&()A and &=(' that #in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed,# He was primarily gi"ing a prophecy of the blessings to come through one descendantthe singular #9eed,# Jesus Christwho would be the #9a"ior of the world# $.alatians 1()=: ) John '()'*. .od ga"e this prophecy almost ),<FF years before the birth of JesusB Did $od tell 0braha that over the course of 566 years his descendants would be sojourners and later enslaved in a forei!n land and then liberated to *co e out with !reat possessions*? .enesis );()1/)' +hen He said to -bram( #Know certainly that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and will ser"e them, and they will afflict them four hundred years. -nd also the nation whom they ser"e 2 will Iudge: afterward they shall come out with great possessions.# +his ama@ing prophecy undoubtedly triggered many big Huestions in the mind of -bram $whose name was later changed to -braham*. Why and how will they get enslaved1 ow will God deliver them1 ow will they be able to come out of slavery with great possessions1 +he prophecy was fulfilled by -braham!s descendants migrating to 8gypt, later becoming ensla"ed there, and e"entually being deli"ered by .od under the leadership of %oses. +he liberation of the 2sraelites is described in 8xodus ) through )& $see especially 8xodus 1(&F/&&*. Did $od tell Moses that He would use any i!hty 4!ypt and !ive the a wonderful )ro ised (and? iracles to brin! 'srael out of

8xodus 1(G/A, )</&F -nd the 5ord said( #2 ha"e surely seen the oppression of %y people who are in 8gypt, and ha"e heard their cry because of their tas masters, for 2 now their sorrows. 9o 2 ha"e come down to deli"er them out of the hand of the 8gyptians,

and to bring them up from that land to a good and large land, to a land flowing with mil and honey, to the place of the Canaanites and the Hittites and the -morites and the 0eri@@ites and the Hi"ites and the JebusitesD #But 2 am sure that the ing of 8gypt will not let you go, no, not e"en by a mighty hand. 9o 2 will stretch out %y hand and stri e 8gypt with all %y wonders which 2 will do in its midst: and after that he will let you go.# 8xodus )F()/& 7ow the 5ord said to %oses, #.o in to 0haraoh: for 2 ha"e hardened his heart and the hearts of his ser"ants, that 2 may show these signs of %ine before him, and that you may tell in the hearing of your son and your son!s son the mighty things 2 ha"e done in 8gypt, and %y signs which 2 ha"e done among them, that you may now that 2 am the 5ord.# ?es, and He did all that He promised to doB He crushed the mighty power of 8gypt, liberated the 2sraelites and led them out of 8gypt. He pro"ided for the 2sraelites in a desolate wilderness for 'F years and then helped them conHuer the land of Canaan. +hese are the most miraculous and spectacular set of e"ents in all history except for the life, death and resurrection of Jesus ChristB +he boo s of 8xodus, 5e"iticus, 7umbers, Deuteronomy and Joshua are largely de"oted to these e"ents, and they are referred to freHuently throughout the ,ld and 7ew +estaments. 8xactly according to .od!s purpose and plan, He used innumerable miracles to show that great national and military power is nothing compared to .od!s supreme power. Did $od foretell that the house of 'srael would be con-uered and its people deported because of their sins? ) Kings )'();/)= #6or the 5ord will stri e 2srael, as a reed is sha en in the water. He will uproot 2srael from this good land which He ga"e to their fathers, and will scatter them beyond the 3i"er, because they ha"e made their wooden images, pro"o ing the 5ord to anger. -nd He will gi"e 2srael up because of the sins of Jeroboam, who sinned and who made 2srael sin.# -fter )F 2sraelite tribes bro e away to form the house of 2srael, their ing Jeroboam led the new nation away from .od!s laws into all inds of pagan idolatry. +herefore .od inspired the prophet -hiIah to foretell that .od would #uproot 2srael# and #scatter them beyond the 3i"er J8uphratesK.# 2n the region east of the 8uphrates, -ssyria was rising in power, and -ssyria would be .od!s instrument for punishing 2srael. .od #testified against 2srael and against Judah, by all of His prophets, e"ery seer, saying, !+urn from your e"il ways!# $& Kings )G()1*. -fter .od!s prophets warned )srael for about 233 years, the ing of -ssyria besieged 2srael!s capital city 9amaria for three years, conHuered it in G&& B.C. and #carried 2srael away to -ssyria# where they were scattered among other people $& Kings )G(;/G, &1*. Did $od foretell that the house of Judah would be con-uered by and carried into captivity in Babylon for 86 years because of their sins, but then they would be freed to return to their ho eland?

Jeremiah &;(A/)& #+herefore thus says the 5ord of hosts( !Because you ha"e not heard %y words, behold, 2 will send and ta e all the families of the north,! says the 5ord, !and 7ebuchadne@@ar the ing of Babylon, %y ser"ant, and will bring them against this land, against its inhabitants, and against these nations all around, and will utterly destroy them, and ma e them an astonishment, a hissing, and perpetual desolations. %oreo"er 2 will ta e from them the "oice of mirth and the "oice of gladness, the "oice of the bridegroom and the "oice of the bride, the sound of the millstones and the light of the lamp. -nd this whole land shall be a desolation and an astonishment, and these nations shall ser"e the ing of Babylon se"enty years. #!+hen it will come to pass, when se"enty years are completed, that 2 will punish the ing of Babylon and that nation, the land of the Chaldeans, for their iniHuity,! says the 5ord: !and 2 will ma e it a perpetual desolation.!# Jeremiah &<()F 6or thus says the 5ord( -fter se"enty years are completed at Babylon, 2 will "isit you and perform %y good word toward you, and cause you to return to this place. +hese ama@ingly specific prophecies were indeed fulfilled precisely. 6or o"er 1FF years, .od sent prophets to warn Judah about her sins, but those warnings were mostly ignored. +he GF/year span refers to two things( a GF/year duration of the Babylonian 8mpire and a GF/year punishment of Judah. +hese two spans are not the same GF years, but they greatly o"erlap. +he proclamation that freed the Jewish capti"es is described in & Chronicles 1=(&F/&1. Did $od use drea to foretell four successive world#rulin! e pires and then the 9in!do of $od on earth? Daniel &(1=/'; #+his is the dream. 7ow we will tell the interpretation of it before the ing. ?ou, , ing, are a ing of ings. 6or the .od of hea"en has gi"en you a ingdom, power, strength, and glory: and where"er the children of men dwell, or the beasts of the field and the birds of the hea"en, He has gi"en them into your hand, and has made you ruler o"er them allyou are this head of gold. #But after you shall arise another ingdom inferior to yours: then another, a third ingdom of bron@e, which shall rule o"er all the earth. -nd the fourth ingdom shall be as strong as iron, inasmuch as iron brea s in pieces and shatters e"erything: and li e iron that crushes, that ingdom will brea in pieces and crush all the others. #Chereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter!s clay and partly of iron, the ingdom shall be di"ided: yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, Iust as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. -nd as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the ingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. -s you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men: but they will not adhere to one another, Iust as iron does not mix with clay. #-nd in the days of these ings the .od of hea"en will set up a ingdom which shall ne"er be destroyed: and the ingdom shall not be left to other people: it shall brea in pieces and consume all these ingdoms, and it shall stand fore"er. 2nasmuch as you saw that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands,

and that it bro e in pieces the iron, the bron@e, the clay, the sil"er, and the gold the great .od has made nown to the ing what will come to pass after this. +he dream is certain, and its interpretation is sure.# 0lease read the entire second chapter of Daniel to get the full context. .od inspired Daniel to correctly interpret 7ebuchadne@@ar!s dream about a great image. Daniel told the ing #you are this head of gold# $"erse 1A*, so Babylon was the first empire in the seHuence. +hen during the reign of the Babylonian King Belsha@@ar, Daniel had a "ision that re"ealed that the next two world/ruling empires would be the ingdom of #%edia and 0ersia# and then the ingdom of #.reece,# which would split into four di"isions $Daniel A()/A, &F/&&*. +he next great empire in history was the 3oman 8mpire with its successi"e re"i"als. %ost Bible scholars agree with this interpretation of the four parts of the image, as a comparison with history ma es it rather ob"ious. +he really exciting part of the prophecy is that all these human ingdoms will be replaced someday when #the .od of hea"en will set up a ingdom which shall ne"er be destroyed# $Daniel &(''/';*. 2t!s awesome that in this one chapter .od ga"e an outline of the next &,;FFL years down to the second coming of Christ to establish .od!s KingdomB Did $od foretell about :;6 years in advance who by name would con-uer Babylon, set the Jewish captives free and even enable the to rebuild Jerusale and the te ple? 2saiah ''(&=/&A #Cho confirms the word of His ser"ant, and performs the counsel of His messengers: who says to Jerusalem, !?ou shall be inhabited,! to the cities of Judah, !?ou shall be built,! and 2 will raise up her waste places: who says to the deep, !Be dryB -nd 2 will dry up your ri"ers!: who says of Cyrus, !He is %y shepherd, and he shall perform all %y pleasure, saying to Jerusalem, #?ou shall be built,# and to the temple, #?our foundation shall be laid.#!# 2saiah ';()/=, )1 #+hus says the 5ord to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand 2 ha"e heldto subdue nations before him and loose the armor of ings, to open before him the double doors, so that the gates will not be shut( !2 will go before you and ma e the croo ed places straight: 2 will brea in pieces the gates of bron@e and cut the bars of iron. 2 will gi"e you the treasures of dar ness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may now that 2, the 5ord, who call you by your name, am the .od of 2srael. #!6or Jacob %y ser"ant!s sa e, and 2srael %y elect, 2 ha"e e"en called you by your name: 2 ha"e named you, though you ha"e not nown %e. 2 am the 5ord, and there is no other: there is no .od besides %e. 2 will gird you, though you ha"e not nown %e, that they may now from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is none besides %e. 2 am the 5ord, and there is no other...! #2 ha"e raised him up in righteousness, and 2 will direct all his ways: he shall build %y city and let %y exiles go free, not for price nor reward,# says the 5ord of hosts. 2saiah records .od foretelling the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the temple before they

were e"en destroyedB He foretold the freeing of the Jewish capti"es before they were ta en into capti"ityB He foretold the name of Cyrus long before he was e"en bornB He said, #2 will dry up your ri"ers# $''(&G*, a prophecy of Cyrus!s strategyto di"ert the waters of the 8uphrates so his soldiers could wade up the ri"erbed into the city of Babylon. .od e"en foretold that someone would unloc the #double doors# or #gates# facing the ri"er on that night $';()*. 0art of the fulfillment of .od!s prophecies was Cyrus!s proclamation to rebuild .od!s temple $8@ra )()/'*. +he theme of chapters 'F through 'A of 2saiah is that predicti"e prophecy is a maIor proof of .od!s uniHue and supreme power. +he detailed predictions regarding Cyrus show how .od has absolute dominion o"er His creationB .od sums this up well in the prophecy of Cyrus in 2saiah '=())#2ndeed 2 ha"e spo en it: 2 will also bring it to pass. 2 ha"e purposed it: 2 will also do it.#

%hrist&s First %o in!<)rophesied in Detail1

When 4esus 5hrist fulfilled all the Bible prophecies regarding is life, death and resurrection, that proved absolutely that e was the promised 6essiah, 7on of God and $7avior of the world$ (/ 4ohn *,/*0. +he Bible foreshadowed the sacrifice of Jesus Christ two thousand years in ad"ance in the true story of -braham and his son 2saac( -braham lo"ed his son 2saac as much as any parent could lo"e a child. -braham and his wife 9arah had longed for a child, but 9arah was #barren#unable to concei"e. Howe"er, .od promised them that they would ha"e descendants, and after a &;/year/long wait, when -braham was )FF and 9arah was <F, they had a son together whom they named 2saac. +his miraculous birth was a type of the future miraculous birth of Jesus Christ. +hen when their pride/and/Ioy was an older teenager or young adult, .od shoc ed -braham with a command to sacrifice his son as a burnt offering at the top of %t. %oriah $at the present/day Jerusalem*. .od was testing -braham!s faith and obedience and gi"ing us a picture of what He would go through in gi"ing His 9on for us. -s grief/stric en as -braham was, he agreed to carry out .od!s command because he belie"ed that .od would resurrect 2saac in order to fulfill His promises regarding descendants. +he Iourney lasted three days, so in -braham!s mind, his son was as good as dead for three days. 2saac could ha"e resisted but apparently did not. -t the last second, .od stopped -braham from slaying 2saac. -braham!s faith had been pro"en. -s a substitute for 2saac, .od pro"ided a ram. +he willingness of -braham and 2saac to carry out .od!s command illustrates the willingness of .od the 6ather and His 9on to ma e the ultimate sacrifice because of their lo"e for all the world. +he substitution of the ram was a type of Jesus suffering the death penalty in our place. -nd the sparing of 2saac was a type of Jesus! resurrection from the dead. 9ee .enesis && and Hebrews ))()G/)<. +his poignant story gi"es us a deeper appreciation and sympathy for the sacrifice by

the 6ather and 9on for all of us.

/he 4ssential )urposes for %hrist&s First %o in!

+he hea"enly 6ather and the 9on, also called the Cord, are both .od $John )()*. +hey planned #before the foundation of the world# that the Cord would one day temporarily gi"e up His glory and power in hea"en, be born as a human being and set a perfect example for man ind of how to li"e a godly life $) 0eter )(&F: John )()': 0hilippians &(;/ )): ) John &('/=*. Jesus Christ re"ealed .od!s ama@ing plan for enabling man ind to recei"e eternal life as children in the Kingdom of .od $3omans A()'/)G*. Jesus, as .od in the flesh, then allowed Himself to be illed in order to pay the penalty of sin for all $John 1()=: 3omans ;(=/)F*. His resurrection and return to His former glory in hea"en were the final proofs that He was .od and had become man ind!s %ediator, 5ord and 9a"ior $) +imothy &(;: -cts ;(1F/1): & 0eter )())*. 2n fact, the entire Bible points directly and indirectly to the past, present and future wor of Jesus Christ. 5et!s now ta e note of se"eral important prophecies and their fulfillments. Was the Messiah to be a descendant of 9in! David? 2saiah ))() +here shall come forth a 3od from the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots. Jeremiah &1(; #Behold, the days are coming,# says the 5ord, #+hat 2 will raise to Da"id a Branch of righteousness: a King shall reign and prosper, and execute Iudgment and righteousness in the earth.# %atthew )() +he boo of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the 9on of Da"id, the 9on of -brahamD 7ote that Jesse, mentioned in 2saiah ))(), was the father of 2srael!s greatest ing, Da"id. During Jesus! ministry, some people Huic ly became con"inced that He was the promised #son of Da"id.# +hen during Jesus! triumphal entry into Jerusalem se"eral days before He was crucified, #the multitudes who went before and those who followed cried out, saying( !Hosanna to the 9on of Da"idB!# $%atthew &)(<*. Was the Messiah to co e fro Bethlehe ? %icah ;(& #But you, Bethlehem 8phrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to %e the ,ne to be 3uler in 2srael, whose goings forth are from of old, from e"erlasting.# %atthew &() 7ow after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the ing, behold, wise men from the 8ast came to JerusalemD +here were two Bethlehems, one in the region of 8phrathah in Judea and the other to the

north, in the region of the biblical tribe of Mebulun. But %icah!s prophecy is clear. Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea as %icah foretold. Would the Messiah be born of a vir!in other? 2saiah G()' +herefore the 5ord Himself will gi"e you a sign( Behold, the "irgin shall concei"e and bear a 9on, and shall call His name 2mmanuel. 5u e )(&=/1; 7ow in the sixth month the angel .abriel was sent by .od to a city of .alilee named 7a@areth, to a "irgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of Da"id. +he "irgin!s name was %ary. -nd ha"ing come in, the angel said to her, #3eIoice, highly fa"ored one, the 5ord is with you: blessed are you among womenB# But when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and considered what manner of greeting this was. +hen the angel said to her, #Do not be afraid, %ary, for you ha"e found fa"or with .od. -nd behold, you will concei"e in your womb and bring forth a 9on, and shall call His name J89E9. He will be great, and will be called the 9on of the Highest: and the 5ord .od will gi"e Him the throne of His father Da"id. -nd He will reign o"er the house of Jacob fore"er, and of His ingdom there will be no end.# +hen %ary said to the angel, #How can this be, since 2 do not now a man># -nd the angel answered and said to her, #+he Holy 9pirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will o"ershadow you: therefore, also, that Holy ,ne who is to be born will be called the 9on of .od.# -n angel appeared first to %ary to tell her that she would concei"e a child by the Holy 9pirit. +he angel appeared later to Joseph to explain to him that %ary!s conception was a fulfillment of 2saiah!s prophecy $%atthew )(&F/&1*. Did the biblical sacrifices point prophetically to Jesus& sacrifice? Hebrews <())/)& But Christ came as High 0riest of the good things to come, with the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is, not of this creation. 7ot with the blood of goats and cal"es, but with His own blood He entered the %ost Holy 0lace once for all, ha"ing obtained eternal redemption. Hebrews )F())/)& -nd e"ery priest stands ministering daily and offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can ne"er ta e away sins. But this %an, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins fore"er, sat down at the right hand of .odD +he boo of Hebrews explains how the animal sacrifices and temple rituals reHuired of ancient 2srael were a physical type of the perfect sacrifice of Christ. +hey pointed to the future #5amb of .od who ta es away the sin of the world# $John )(&<*. +he sacrifice of the lamb for 0asso"er dramatically pointed to #Christ, our 0asso"er JwhoK was sacrificed for us# $) Corinthians ;(G*. -s a fulfillment of prophecy, Jesus died on the "ery day of 0asso"er. +he lamb!s blood on the doorposts of the 2sraelites! houses symboli@ed the shed blood of Christ who died so we can be forgi"en and sa"ed $3omans ;(<*.

Would the Messiah be crucified? 0salm &&()= 6or dogs ha"e surrounded %e: the congregation of the wic ed has enclosed %e. +hey pierced %y hands and %y feet. 5u e &1(11 -nd when they had come to the place called Cal"ary, there they crucified Him, and the criminals, one on the right hand and the other on the left. John &F(&;, &G +he other disciples therefore said to him, #Ce ha"e seen the 5ord.# 9o he said to them, #Enless 2 see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, 2 will not belie"e.#D +hen He said to +homas, #3each your finger here, and loo at %y hands: and reach your hand here, and put it into %y side. Do not be unbelie"ing, but belie"ing.# Crucifixion is the only form of execution li ely to cause a piercing of hands and feet. ?et ama@ingly, this prophecy was stated about AFF years before the 3omans started using crucifixion for condemned criminalsB Would any of the Messiah&s bones be broken? 0salm 1'(&F He guards all his bones: not one of them is bro en. John )<(1&/11, 1= But when they came to Jesus and saw that He was already dead, they did not brea His legs... 6or these things were done that the 9cripture should be fulfilled, #7ot one of His bones shall be bro en.# 2n spite of all the brutal and cruel torment that Jesus recei"ed, .od made sure that none of His bones were bro en in order to fulfill this prophecyB Would the Messiah be betrayed by a trusted friend for =6 pieces of silver? 0salm ')(< 8"en my own familiar friend in whom 2 trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted up his heel against me. Mechariah ))()& +hen 2 said to them, #2f it is agreeable to you, gi"e me my wages: and if not, refrain.# 9o they weighed out for my wages thirty pieces of sil"er. Chen Jesus indicated it was Judas 2scariot who would betray Him, He said this was a fulfillment of the prophecy of 0salm ')(< $John )1()A, &=*. -nd Judas was indeed paid 1F pieces of sil"er for his traitorous act $%atthew &=()'/);*. 2n fact, no fewer than &< prophecies were fulfilled in the &'/hour period leading up to Jesus! death. 2n a sermon by the apostle 0eter, he said, #But those things which .od foretold by the mouth of all His prophets, that the Christ would suffer, He has thus fulfilled# $-cts 1()A*.

Jesus %hrist</he $reatest )rophet

% great many of 4esus8 teachings were prophetic! %nd is startling prophecies clarify many other Bible prophecies, especially those of the end time. Here!s the story behind the prophecy %oses recorded of the great #0rophet# who was to come( -fter escaping from 8gypt and wandering in the wilderness for nearly 'F years, the 2sraelites were ready to cross the Jordan 3i"er into the 0romised 5and. ,n this occasion, .od inspired %oses to summari@e what they had experienced and what .od had taught them. +hat summary is the boo of Deuteronomy. %oses reminded the 2sraelites that .od was not going to permit him to go into the 0romised 5and because he had impetuously disobeyed .od!s specific instructions at Kadesh $7umbers &F(G/)&: Deuteronomy 1(&1/&A*. +he 2sraelites must ha"e felt pretty ner"ous at the idea of facing many new challenges and dangers without %oses, who had led them for 'F years. +o reassure them, .od did three things. 6irst, He reminded e"eryone that He, .od, was in charge and that He personally would lead and protect them $Deuteronomy 1)(A*. 9econd, He inaugurated Joshua to ta e %oses! place and said, #-s 2 was with %oses, so 2 will be with you# $7umbers &G()A/&F: Joshua )(;*. +hird, .od ga"e %oses and the nation a prophecy that someday there would be another prophet li e %oses. .od said, #2 will raise up for them a 0rophet li e you from among their brethren, and will put %y words in His mouth, and He shall spea to them all that 2 command Him# $Deuteronomy )A()A*. -t times during Jesus! ministry, people guessed that Jesus was the promised #0rophet# $John =()': G('F*. -fter Jesus! resurrection, 0eter and 9tephen both declared that Jesus was indeed #the 0rophet# foretold through %oses $-cts 1(&F/ &1: G(1G*.

Jesus> /he )rophet

By some counts, Jesus ga"e approximately )FF recorded predicti"e prophecies during His ministry. %any were about His future return to the earth and other end/time e"ents. %any others were about His arrest, trial, suffering, death and resurrection. 2n part, He was trying to prepare His disciples for all that. But more than that, His prophecies plus their exact fulfillments were further proofs that He was the 9on of .od and therefore "ery .od. 5et!s now ta e note of se"eral important prophecies and their fulfillments. Did Jesus prophesy specific thin!s about His disciples? %atthew &=(&)/&;, 1)/1' 7ow as they were eating, He said, #-ssuredly, 2 say to you, one of you will betray %e.# -nd they were exceedingly sorrowful, and each of them began to say to Him, #5ord, is it 2># He answered and said, #He who dipped his hand with %e in

the dish will betray %e. +he 9on of %an indeed goes Iust as it is written of Him, but woe to that man by whom the 9on of %an is betrayedB 2t would ha"e been good for that man if he had not been born.# +hen Judas, who was betraying Him, answered and said, #3abbi, is it 2># He said to him, #?ou ha"e said it.#D +hen Jesus said to them, #-ll of you will be made to stumble because of %e this night, for it is written( !2 will stri e the shepherd, and the sheep of the floc will be scattered.! But after 2 ha"e been raised, 2 will go before you to .alilee.# 0eter answered and said to Him, #8"en if all are made to stumble because of ?ou, 2 will ne"er be made to stumble.# Jesus said to him, #-ssuredly, 2 say to you that this night, before the rooster crows, you will deny %e three times.# 6or example, He predicted that His disciples would forsa e Him, that 0eter would deny Him three times and that Judas 2scariot would betray Him. +hese were all fulfilled exactly $%atthew &=('G/;F, ;=, =</G;*. Jesus pronounced *woe* on three cities of His day2 What happened to the ? %atthew ))(&F/&' +hen He began to rebu e the cities in which most of His mighty wor s had been done, because they did not repent( #Coe to you, Chora@inB Coe to you, BethsaidaB 6or if the mighty wor s which were done in you had been done in +yre and 9idon, they would ha"e repented long ago in sac cloth and ashes. But 2 say to you, it will be more tolerable for +yre and 9idon in the day of Iudgment than for you. #-nd you, Capernaum, who are exalted to hea"en, will be brought down to Hades: for if the mighty wor s which were done in you had been done in 9odom, it would ha"e remained until this day. But 2 say to you that it shall be more tolerable for the land of 9odom in the day of Iudgment than for you.# Jesus preached in and did mighty miracles in three towns where almost e"eryone reacted with disbelief. +hen Jesus #began to rebu e the cities# saying #woe to youB# +oday, almost nothing remains of those three towns. %lbert Barnes8 #otes on the Bible says( #+his has been strictly fulfilled. 2n the wars between the Jews and the 3omans, Chora@in, Bethsaida, Capernaum, etc., were so completely desolated that it is difficult to determine their former situation.# +he people who li"ed in those towns will someday ha"e their opportunity to repent and recei"e sal"ation, but the fate of those towns is testimony to the accuracy of Jesus! pronouncement. Did Jesus predict the destruction of the te ple and Jerusale ? %atthew &'()/& +hen Jesus went out and departed from the temple, and His disciples came up to show Him the buildings of the temple. -nd Jesus said to them, #Do you not see all these things> -ssuredly, 2 say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down.# 5u e &)(&F/&' #But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then now that its desolation is near. +hen let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in the country enter her. 6or

these are the days of "engeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those daysB 6or there will be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people. -nd they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away capti"e into all nations. -nd Jerusalem will be trampled by .entiles until the times of the .entiles are fulfilled.# +he destruction of the temple and Jerusalem in -.D. GF by the 3oman army under +itus was a first fulfillment of this prophecy. -nother destruction will ta e place in the future, as the ,li"et 0rophecy is primarily about the #end of the age# $%atthew &'(1*. Did Jesus predict He would die and be raised to life *in three days*? John &()</&) Jesus answered and said to them, #Destroy this temple, and in three days 2 will raise it up.# +hen the Jews said, #2t has ta en forty/six years to build this temple, and will ?ou raise it up in three days># But He was spea ing of the temple of His body. %ar )'(;A #Ce heard Him say, !2 will destroy this temple made with hands, and within three days 2 will build another made without hands.!# %ar A(1) -nd He began to teach them that the 9on of %an must suffer many things, and be reIected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be illed, and after three days rise again. -t times, Jesus said He would rise #in three days# or #within three days,# which means no later than three days. -t other times, He said #after three days,# which means no sooner than three days. +a en together, these statements show that it would occur in exactly three days. Did Jesus predict that His body would be in the to b e"actly *three days and three ni!hts*? %atthew )&(1A/'F +hen some of the scribes and 0harisees answered, saying, #+eacher, we want to see a sign from ?ou.# But He answered and said to them, #-n e"il and adulterous generation see s after a sign, and no sign will be gi"en to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. 6or as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the 9on of %an be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.# Jesus had performed many public miracles and yet the hostile 0harisees still as ed for another #sign.# -t that point, Jesus did not entertain them with another miracle, but He ga"e them the ultimate sign and proof that He was who He said He wasthe %essiah and 9on of .od. He said that after He died, He would be #three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.# +he popular idea of a 6riday afternoon crucifixion and 9unday morning resurrection does not add up to three days and three nightsB +he truth is that Jesus died and was entombed on a Cednesday afternoon and was resurrected on the following 9abbath $9aturday*

afternoon. Did Jesus pro ise His second co in! to earth? John )'()/1 #5et not your heart be troubled: you belie"e in .od, belie"e also in %e. 2n %y 6ather!s house are many mansions: if it were not so, 2 would ha"e told you. 2 go to prepare a place for you. -nd if 2 go and prepare a place for you, 2 will come again and recei"e you to %yself: that where 2 am, there you may be also.# %ar A(1A #6or whoe"er is ashamed of %e and %y words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the 9on of %an also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His 6ather with the holy angels.# 5u e )&('F #+herefore you also be ready, for the 9on of %an is coming at an hour you do not expect.# 5u e &)(&G #+hen they will see the 9on of %an coming in a cloud with power and great glory.# Jesus repeatedly referred to His second coming in His statements and parables. +he next lesson will focus on prophecies of Christ!s second coming. Did Jesus prophesy terrible deception in the future, especially in the end ti e? %atthew &'('/;, )), &1/&= -nd Jesus answered and said to them( #+a e heed that no one decei"es you. 6or many will come in %y name, saying, !2 am the Christ,! and will decei"e manyD #+hen many false prophets will rise up and decei"e manyD #+hen if anyone says to you, !5oo , here is the ChristB! or !+hereB! do not belie"e it. 6or false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to decei"e, if possible, e"en the elect. 9ee, 2 ha"e told you beforehand. +herefore if they say to you, !5oo , He is in the desertB! do not go out: or !5oo , He is in the inner roomsB! do not belie"e it.# %atthew G();/&1 #Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep!s clothing, but inwardly they are ra"enous wol"es. ?ou will now them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles> 8"en so, e"ery good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. - good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 8"ery tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. +herefore by their fruits you will now them. #7ot e"eryone who says to %e, !5ord, 5ord,! shall enter the ingdom of hea"en, but he who does the will of %y 6ather in hea"en. %any will say to %e in that day, !5ord, 5ord, ha"e we not prophesied in ?our name, cast out demons in ?our name, and done many wonders in ?our name>! -nd then 2 will declare to them, !2 ne"er new you: depart from %e, you who practice lawlessnessB!# Jesus began His ,li"et 0rophecy about the end time with the words, #+a e heed that no one decei"es you,# and then repeatedly warns of decei"ers. 9ome deception is done in

His name, by those calling Him 5ord and claiming to be Christian and yet teaching things contrary to the Bible. Chat does Christ thin of those who masHuerade as His followers and preach counterfeit messages> -t the time of Iudgment, He will say to them, #2 ne"er new you: depart from %e, you who practice lawlessnessB# $%atthew G(&1*. Did Jesus indicate that any in the end ti e will be sayin! that this is the end ti e? 5u e &)(A -nd He said( #+a e heed that you not be decei"ed. 6or many will come in %y name, saying, !2 am He,! and, !+he time has drawn near.! +herefore do not go after them.# 2n other words, a seemingly endless "ariety of preachers will claim that Jesus is the Christ but won!t be teaching the truth. +oday we see religious and secular leaders saying that we are approaching the end of the world as we now it, but with widely di"ergent messages about what we should do. Could this be 9atan!s way of creating so many counterfeit messages that it becomes difficult for most listeners to tell who is teaching the truth of the Bible> Did Jesus pro ise that He would build His %hurch? %atthew )=()A #-nd 2 also say to you that you are 0eter, and on this roc 2 will build %y church, and the gates of Hades shall not pre"ail against it.# Jesus promised it, and He did it. 0lus He promised, #2 will ne"er lea"e you nor forsa e you# $Hebrews )1(;*. +he Church began as described in -cts &()/'&. 2t has continued on despite incredible opposition from 9atan and many other enemies of the true Church. Jesus said, #+he gates of Hades JHellK shall not pre"ail against it.# 8"en with periodic persecution and martyrdom of true Christians, the Church has sur"i"ed and continues to do .od!s wor of preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of .od.

By Many Wonderful )rophecies, We 0re Blessed With the +pportunity for ?nderstandin!1
Bible prophecies are important because they are re"elations from .od. #0rophecy ne"er came by the will of man, but holy men of .od spo e as they were mo"ed by the Holy 9pirit# $& 0eter )(&)*. -nd .od inspired many prophets and apostles to write down prophecies of a coming glorious %essiah and #9a"ior of the world# $) John '()'*. 3emar ably, the ,ld +estament prophets didn!t understand a lot about how their prophecies would be fulfilled. %any Huestions in their minds went unanswered. 8"en the angels longed to better understand the prophecies of the %essiah $) 0eter )()F/)&*B 2t has been through Jesus Christ, the apostles and the Church that humans and angels can at last understand the #mystery# of the o"erall plan of .od and the central role of Jesus Christ in that plan through both His first and second comings $8phesians 1(A/)F*. 3eferring to the spiritual understanding that is a"ailable to us through the Bible, Jesus said, #But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear: for assuredly, 2 say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not

see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it# $%atthew )1()=/)G*. Keep in mind that nowledge is only "aluable when it is used and applied. 5et!s now ta e note of se"eral important prophecies and their fulfillments. Did Jesus pro ise He would return with *power and !reat !lory*? %atthew &'(&</1F #2mmediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be dar ened, and the moon will not gi"e its light: the stars will fall from hea"en, and the powers of the hea"ens will be sha en. +hen the sign of the 9on of %an will appear in hea"en, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the 9on of %an coming on the clouds of hea"en with power and great glory.# He said He would return after the .reat +ribulation and after hea"enly signs. He also said #the tribes of the earth will mourn# rather than welcoming HimB What was the essa!e that Jesus and the apostles re!ularly preached? %ar )()' 7ow after John was put in prison, Jesus came to .alilee, preaching the gospel of the ingdom of .odD 2t was #the gospel of the ingdom of .od.# +he focus of the 7ew +estament is on the exciting anticipation of the coming Kingdom of .od $or as %atthew often called it, #the ingdom of hea"en#*. +he .ree word translated #gospel# means good news. Chat is the Kingdom of .od> 2t is the go"ernment of .od, which the Bible shows will literally rule o"er all the earth beginning with Jesus Christ!s return as King of KingsB +herefore, e"ery ,ld +estament and 7ew +estament prophecy of future peaceful, utopian conditions is based on the sure promise that Christ will return to bring about those conditionsB What were ost of Jesus& parables about? %atthew )1()), )<, &', 1), 11, 1A, '), '1/';, 'G, ;& He answered and said to them, #Because it has been gi"en to you to now the mysteries of the ingdom of hea"en, but to them it has not been gi"enD #Chen anyone hears the word of the ingdom, and does not understand it, then the wic ed one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. +his is he who recei"ed seed by the wayside...# -nother parable He put forth to them, saying( #+he ingdom of hea"en is li e a man who sowed good seed in his field...# -nother parable He put forth to them, saying( #+he ingdom of hea"en is li e a mustard seed, which a man too and sowed in his fieldD# -nother parable He spo e to them( #+he ingdom of hea"en is li e lea"en, which a woman too and hid in three measures of meal till it was all lea"enedD #+he field is the world, the good seeds are the sons of the ingdom, but the tares are the sons of the wic ed oneD #+he 9on of %an will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His ingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessnessD #+hen the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the ingdom of their 6ather. He who has ears to hear, let him hearB -gain, the ingdom of hea"en is li e treasure

hidden in a field, which a man found and hid: and for Ioy o"er it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. -gain, the ingdom of hea"en is li e a merchant see ing beautiful pearls... #-gain, the ingdom of hea"en is li e a dragnet that was cast into the sea and gathered some of e"ery ind...# +hen He said to them, #+herefore e"ery scribe instructed concerning the ingdom of hea"en is li e a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old.# %ost were # ingdom parables#teaching numerous insights into the Kingdom of .od. 9uch parables about #a man tra"eling to a far country# who later returns $%atthew &;()'* and about #a certain nobleman JwhoK went into a far country# and later returned $5u e )<()&* are clearly referring to Jesus going to hea"en and later returning to earth. What will be one of %hrist&s first acts as He is co in! to earth? ) +hessalonians '()1/)G But 2 do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who ha"e fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who ha"e no hope. 6or if we belie"e that Jesus died and rose again, e"en so .od will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. 6or this we say to you by the word of the 5ord, that we who are ali"e and remain until the coming of the 5ord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 6or the 5ord Himself will descend from hea"en with a shout, with the "oice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of .od. -nd the dead in Christ will rise first. +hen we who are ali"e and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the 5ord in the air. -nd thus we shall always be with the 5ord. He will resurrect $bring bac to life* the dead saints and change the li"ing saints to immortal lifeB $2n the Bible, the word saint refers to a true follower of Christ, one who has the Holy 9pirit.* -s this scripture shows, #the 5ord Himself will descend from hea"en with a shout, with the "oice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of .od.# +here won!t be anything secret about His return. -s other scriptures also show, it will be a spectacular displayB $9ee also ) Corinthians ); for a rather thorough discussion of the resurrection.* We are told to *watch* for %hrist&s co in!2 What does that ean? %atthew &'('&/;) #Catch therefore, for you do not now what hour your 5ord is coming. But now this, that if the master of the house had nown what hour the thief would come, he would ha"e watched and not allowed his house to be bro en into. +herefore you also be ready, for the 9on of %an is coming at an hour you do not expect. #Cho then is a faithful and wise ser"ant, whom his master made ruler o"er his household, to gi"e them food in due season> Blessed is that ser"ant whom his master, when he comes, will find so doing. -ssuredly, 2 say to you that he will ma e him ruler o"er all his goods. #But if that e"il ser"ant says in his heart, !%y master is delaying his coming,! and begins to beat his fellow ser"ants, and to eat and drin with the drun ards, the master of that ser"ant will come on a day when he is not loo ing for him and at an hour that he is not aware of, and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion

with the hypocrites. +here shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.# 2t means we need to stay spiritually awa e and "igilant because we don!t now when He will return. 2t means to stay close to .odready to meet our %a er at anytimesince the end of this life comes at death or when Christ returns, whiche"er comes first. 2t means to be busy about our 6ather!s businessobeying and ser"ing Him and ser"ing our fellow man. 2t means to watch for His coming with hope and eager anticipation. #Catch, stand fast in the faith, be bra"e, be strong# $) Corinthians )=()1*. How does John describe the return of %hrist? 3e"elation )<(=/)= -nd 2 heard, as it were, the "oice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings, saying, #-lleluiaB 6or the 5ord .od ,mnipotent reignsB 5et us be glad and reIoice and gi"e Him glory, for the marriage of the 5amb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.# -nd to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. +hen he said to me, #Crite( !Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the 5ambB!# -nd he said to me, #+hese are the true sayings of .od.# -nd 2 fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, #9ee that you do not do thatB 2 am your fellow ser"ant, and of your brethren who ha"e the testimony of Jesus. Corship .odB 6or the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.# 7ow 2 saw hea"en opened, and behold, a white horse. -nd He who sat on him was called 6aithful and +rue, and in righteousness He Iudges and ma es war. His eyes were li e a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one new except Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called +he Cord of .od. -nd the armies in hea"en, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. 7ow out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should stri e the nations. -nd He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of -lmighty .od. -nd He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written( K27. ,6 K27.9 -7D 5,3D ,6 5,3D9. Here is the "ision that Christ ga"e to John of what Christ!s return will be li emaIestic, spectacular and awe/inspiringB +he saints will be made ings and priests and will #reign on the earth# $3e"elation ;()F*, but Christ will reign supreme o"er allB Does the book of ,evelation be!in and end with e phasis on %hrist&s return? 3e"elation )(G Behold, He is coming with clouds, and e"ery eye will see Him, e"en they who pierced Him. -nd all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. 8"en so, -men. 3e"elation &&(G, )&, )G, &F #Behold, 2 am coming Huic lyB Blessed is he who eeps the words of the prophecy of this boo D #-nd behold, 2 am coming Huic ly, and %y reward is with %e, to gi"e to e"ery one according to his wor ...# -nd the 9pirit and the bride say, #ComeB# -nd let him who hears say, #ComeB#

-nd let him who thirsts come. Choe"er desires, let him ta e the water of life freelyD He who testifies to these things says, #9urely 2 am coming Huic ly.# -men. 8"en so, come, 5ord JesusB ?esB +he last Huote of Jesus Christ in the Bible is Him saying, #9urely 2 am coming Huic ly.# -nd then John adds, #-men. 8"en so, come, 5ord JesusB# +ruly, .od!s people should be #loo ing for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great .od and 9a"ior Jesus Christ# $+itus &()1*.

0 3hort History of Jerusale

and the Holy (and

+he #land of Canaan# is first mentioned in .enesis ))(1). -fter -braham had li"ed there for &' years, .od promised #all the land of Canaan# to him and his descendants #as an e"erlasting possession# $.enesis )G(A*. +hen '1F years later, after the 2sraelites had become ensla"ed in 8gypt, .od miraculously deli"ered them out of 8gypt under the leadership of %oses $8xodus )&('F*. .od promised #to gi"e them the land of Canaan#a #land flowing with mil and honey# $8xodus =(': 1(A*. Ender the leadership of Joshua, .od enabled the 2sraelites to conHuer the Canaanites and to settle in that land. Howe"er, for about four hundred years, the 2sraelites ne"er fully conHuered the Jebusites, the inhabitants of Jerusalem $Joshua );(=1*. 2t was King Da"id who finally too full control of the city, also nown as #Mion,# and Da"id called it #the City of Da"id# $& 9amuel ;(=/G*. 2srael became a powerful nation under Da"id and 9olomon, and Jerusalem became the capital. 9olomon built a magnificent temple on %t. %oriah, the same hilltop where -braham was to sacrifice his son 2saac $.enesis &&(&: & Chronicles 1()*. -fter 9olomon!s death, when the nation split in two, Jerusalem continued to be the capital of the southern house of Judah. 2n ;A= B.C., Judah was conHuered by 7ebuchadne@@ar, Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed, and the sur"i"ors were ta en as capti"es to Babylon. But in ;1< B.C., Babylon was conHuered by the 0ersians, and all who had been capti"es were allowed to return to their homelands. Ender the leadership of Merubbabel, 8@ra and 7ehemiah, the Jews who chose to return rebuilt the city and temple, although not to their former glory. Chen Judea came under the domination of the 3oman 8mpire, King Herod enlarged and beautified the temple. %ost of Jesus Christ!s ministry was in Judea and .alilee, and many of the important e"ents that too place during His ministry occurred in Jerusalem, including His crucifixion and resurrection. +he Church was born when Christ!s disciples recei"ed the Holy 9pirit as they were gathered in Jerusalem to obser"e the festi"al of 0entecost $-cts &()/'*. Chen the legions of 3ome crushed a Jewish rebellion in -.D. GF, Jerusalem and the temple were once again destroyed. Centuries later, in =1A, %uslim -rabs too the city. 2n =<) %uslims completed the Dome of the 3oc , and many belie"e it was built on the site where the temple had pre"iously been. 9ince then, Jerusalem has changed hands se"eral times. 2n );)G, the ,ttoman +ur s sei@ed control and dominated the %iddle 8ast for four centuries.

2n )<)G, during Corld Car 2, the British defeated the ,ttoman 8mpire and gained control of Jerusalem. 6inally, in )<'A, after Britain announced it would relinHuish control of 0alestine, the Enited 7ations "oted to di"ide 0alestine between the -rabs and the Jews. -s the British withdrew, the modern state of 2srael was born. Cithin hours, armies from fi"e surrounding -rab nations attac ed 2srael, determined to destroy it. -fter months of fighting, 2srael was the "ictor. But 2srael has had to fight additional defensi"e wars in )<;=, )<=G, )<G1 and se"eral other maIor s irmishes since then. 2n the )<=G war, the 2sraelis gained control of the ,ld Citythe eastern part of Jerusalem including the +emple %ount. Howe"er, so far 2srael has allowed the %uslims to eep religious control of the +emple %ount in order to a"oid a maIor confrontation with them. +oday, there are ;G 2slamic nations, including && -rab countries. 9ince many of these surrounding nations are hostile toward 2srael, the tiny nation of 2srael often thin s of itself as Da"id facing a giant .oliath. +oday, Jerusalem is considered a holy city in Christianity, Judaism and 2slam. .od pic ed Jerusalem to be #the holy city# but, shamefully, for much of its history, it has been more li e #9odom and 8gypt# $3e"elation ))(&, A*. Jerusalem was earlier nown as 7alem, which means #peace# $.enesis )'()A: 0salm G=(&: Hebrews G()/&*. Howe"er, the city has not li"ed up to that either. -ccording to Ci ipedia, #Jerusalem, in the course of its history, has been destroyed twice, besieged &1 times, attac ed ;& times, and captured and recaptured '' times.# -fter Jesus Christ, the 0rince of 0eace, returns to earth, Jerusalem will become the capital of the entire world $2saiah &()/1*. 2t will truly be a holy city and city of peaceB +hen after the %illennium, it will be replaced by an e"en greater city7ew Jerusalem $3e"elation &)(&*.

What Does the Bible 3ay 0bout the Middle 4ast?

Was Jerusale prophesied to be a focus of uch end#ti e conflict? Mechariah )&(&/1 #Behold, 2 will ma e Jerusalem a cup of drun enness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem. -nd it shall happen in that day that 2 will ma e Jerusalem a "ery hea"y stone for all peoples: all who would hea"e it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against itD# Jerusalem was predicted to be the center of contro"ersy and conflict in the end time#a cup of drun enness# and #a "ery hea"y stone for all peoples.# Will 'srael be ri!ht in the iddle of ajor end#ti e wars? Daniel ))('F/'; #-t the time of the end the ing of the 9outh shall attac him: and the ing of the 7orth shall come against him li e a whirlwind, with chariots, horsemen, and with many ships: and he shall enter the countries, o"erwhelm them, and pass through. #He shall also enter the .lorious 5and, and many countries shall be o"erthrown: but these shall escape from his hand( 8dom, %oab, and the prominent people of -mmon.

#He shall stretch out his hand against the countries, and the land of 8gypt shall not escape. #He shall ha"e power o"er the treasures of gold and sil"er, and o"er all the precious things of 8gypt: also the 5ibyans and 8thiopians shall follow at his heels. #But news from the east and the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go out with great fury to destroy and annihilate many. #-nd he shall plant the tents of his palace between the seas and the glorious holy mountain: yet he shall come to his end, and no one will help him. +he land of Canaan, later nown as 2srael and e"en later as 0alestine, has always been a maIor crossroad and has often been co"eted and conHuered by competing powers. #-t the time of the end# there will be maIor wars between #the ing J ingdomK of the 9outh# and #the ing J ingdomK of the 7orth.# 9ince the focus of the Bible is on the area of 2srael, #south# means mostly south of 2srael and #north# means mostly north of 2srael. 0rophecies in Daniel, 3e"elation and elsewhere ma e it clear that #the ing of the 7orth# will be a 8uropean re"i"al of the ancient 3oman 8mpire. But until recent times, it was hard to imagine a coalition of forces to the south that would ha"e enough power to compete with the 8uropean power. Howe"er, in the last few decades, we!"e been seeing the growing power of 2slamic fundamentalism that could increasingly unite the %uslim world. Why were :@5A and :@B8 key prophetic turnin! points in history? %atthew &'()'/)= #-nd this gospel of the ingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. +herefore when you see the Nabomination of desolation,! spo en of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place# $whoe"er reads, let him understand*, #then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.# +his passage refers to #the holy place,# implying a place for the worship of .od. Jesus referred to the prophecy #spo en of by Daniel the prophet,# so He must ha"e been referring to Daniel )&()), especially since we now that prophecy is for #the time of the end# $"erse <*. 2n Daniel )&()), we see that the setting up of #the abomination of desolation# coincides with the time when #the daily sacrifice is ta en away.# +herefore, #the holy place# must refer to a Jewish altar where animal sacrifices are made. 6or Judaism, there is only one city in the world Hualified to ha"e a holy altar, and that is Jerusalem. -nd the Jews had no control of the Holy 5and until )<'A and the +emple %ount in Jerusalem until the 9ix Day Car of )<=G. %any prophecies are dual, ha"ing a former fulfillment and a more complete final fulfillment. 2n fact, Daniel!s prophecy has had two former fulfillments. ,ne was in )=G B.C. when -ntiochus 8piphanes desecrated the temple and forbade Jewish sacrifices, referred to in Daniel ))(1). +he other was in -.D. GF when the 3omans destroyed the temple and abolished the Jewish priesthood and sacrifices $5u e )<('1/''*. +o understand Daniel )&()) $a future e"ent*, it is "ital to understand these past e"ents, as .od often causes history to repeat itself. What else can we learn by co parin! (uke&s parallel account of Jesus& prophecy?

5u e &)(&F/&' #But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then now that its desolation is near. +hen let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in the country enter her. 6or these are the days of "engeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those daysB 6or there will be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people. -nd they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away capti"e into all nations. -nd Jerusalem will be trampled by .entiles until the times of the .entiles are fulfilled.# Jerusalem!s #desolation# happens right after Jerusalem is #surrounded by armies.# +here will be spiritual desolation and #great distress# when freedom of religion is ta en away. +here will be desolation $de"astation* of the city when #Jerusalem will be trampled by .entiles.# -nd Jerusalem will become largely desolate $empty* of its citi@ens because many #will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away capti"e into all nations.# Does the Bible tell of an end#ti e 0rab confederation deter ined to destroy the nation of 'srael and its chief backer, the ?nited 3tates? 0salm A1()/A Do not eep silent, , .odB Do not hold your peace, and do not be still, , .odB 6or behold, your enemies ma e a tumult: and those who hate you ha"e lifted up their head. +hey ha"e ta en crafty counsel against your people, and consulted together against your sheltered ones. +hey ha"e said, #Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, that the name of 2srael may be remembered no more.# 6or they ha"e consulted together with one consent: they form a confederacy against you( the tents of 8dom and the 2shmaelites: %oab and the Hagrites: .ebal, -mmon, and -male : 0hilistia with the inhabitants of +yre: -ssyria also has Ioined with them: they ha"e helped the children of 5ot. +he following Huote is from 0rophecy of an -rab Confederation( $9dom includes the 0alestinians and some of the +ur s. +he )shmaelites, descendants of 2shmael, are many of the -rab peoples throughout the %iddle 8ast and 7orth -frica. 6oab is the area of central Jordan. +he agrites appears to refer to other descendants of Hagar, mother of 2shmael. commonly eHuated with the 0hoenician city of Byblos, modern Jubayl in 5ebanon. %mmon refers to northern Jordan around -mman, the capital $which gets its name from -mmon*. %male! appears to refer to a branch of 8domite 0alestinians. :hilistia is the area around what is today nown as the .a@a 9trip. -nciently "yre was a maIor city/state in southern 5ebanon along the %editerranean coast. %ssyria ethnically appears to refer to inhabitants of Central 8urope who migrated there many centuries ago, while geographically -ssyria is in what is today northern 2raH. "he children of Lot refers to %oab and -mmonagain, regions of modern/day Jordan.# Will the !reat battle co only called *0r a!eddon* take place in the Holy (and? 3e"elation )=()'/)= 6or they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the ings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of .od

-lmighty. #Behold, 2 am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and eeps his garments, lest he wal na ed and they see his shame.# -nd they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, -rmageddon. +he final battle is actually called #the battle of that great day of .od -lmighty.# But before the actual battle, the demonic spirits #gathered them Jthe armiesK together to the place called in Hebrew, -rmageddon#northwest of Jerusalem $"erse )=*. +he actual battle will be at #the 4alley of Jehoshaphat# near Jerusalem $Joel 1(&, )&*. +here, .od says, #2 will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem# and #will go forth and fight against those nations# $Mechariah )'()/1*. +he armies that were planning to fight each other turn and #ma e war with the 5amb,# but #the 5amb will o"ercome them, for He is 5ord of lords and King of ings# $3e"elation )G()'*.

/he $reat /ribulation

What is the Great "ribulation1 What nations and people are prophesied to suffer through that time1 What is God8s purpose for it1 We shall see this and much more! During Corld Car 22, the Japanese too more than )1F,FFF prisoners, and the death rate was &G percentB +hat story in"ol"ed E.9. -rmy &nd 5t. 8dward +res i who #for two years, three months, and ); days sur"i"ed as a prisoner in three Japanese internment camps spread around the 0hilippinesplaces where the punished found themsel"es hanging by their arms at the camp gate or beaten with electric cattle prods while standing in water. 0laces where prisoners would hide the dead to get extra food rations until the smell became too great and where the decomposing bodies would rise out of their gra"es e"ery rainy season demanding to be reburied. #+hen, in the late summer of )<'', +res i found his nec tethered by ropes to hundreds of other emaciated prisoners...and these barefooted men Jwere forcedK to march. J%any exhausted men died along the way.K #JEpon reachingK the port...G;F 0,Cs were crammed li e sardines into the hull of what sur"i"ors later called a !hell ship.! 2t was li e a furnace down there, no water, no facilities at all, nothing. .uards used a rope to lower a fi"e/gallon can of water and peelings of rotten tropical "egetables to the star"ing prisoners. +hey!d send a tin can down there for wasteJprobablyK the same can they put the food and water in. +he 0,Cs JspentK )' days in that foul and steamy hold.# %ost thought they would either star"e to death or suffocate from lac of air. +he article goes on to tell about +res i!s ama@ing escape, which he belie"ed to be miraculous. 9adly, the suffering of 0,Cs in CC22the star"ation, diseases, torture, inIuries and executionsgi"es us an idea of the inds of misery that many will suffer during what the Bible calls the .reat +ribulation.

$od %an and Will )rotect His )eople1

Before we focus on the scary e"ents of the end time, let!s be assured of .od!s desire and

power to protect His followersB Countless times, .od has miraculously protected people from all inds of dangers. 8"en when .od allows His children to die, He often has protected them from other trials, such as capti"ity, torture or prolonged suffering. 9ometimes the way that .od protects is to warn His people to #flee# from imminent danger to a place where He will eep them safe $%atthew )F(&1*. .od told 5ot to get out of 9odom before He destroyed it. .od told Joseph in a dream to ta e the infant Jesus and %ary and #flee to 8gypt# $%atthew &()1*. +he term Great "ribulation comes from Jesus! ,li"et 0rophecy. Jesus told His disciples $including future disciples*, #+herefore when you see the !abomination of desolation,! spo en of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place Jexplained in 5esson )FK...then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains... 6or then there will be great tribulation# $%atthew &'();/)=, &), emphasis added throughout*. - prophecy about .od protecting a large part of His Church during the .reat +ribulation is in 3e"elation )&()'( #But the woman Jsymbolic of .od!s ChurchK was gi"en two wings of a great eagle Jsupernatural helpK, that she might fly JfleeK into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time J1O yearsK, from the presence of the serpent J9atan"erse <K.# Howe"er, .od will allow some members of His Church to be persecuted and e"en martyred $"erse )G*. J0lease note that the theory of a secret #rapture# of saints to hea"en before the +ribulation and is not 9cripturally or Bible based.K Christ was e"idently referring to the time of the .reat +ribulation when He promised His Church, #Because you ha"e ept %y command to perse"ere, 2 also will eep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth# $3e"elation 1()F*. +here definitely is a positi"e side to all the end/time calamities. 7ot only will they bring many people to repentance, but they let us now that Christ will soon return, resurrect the saints and set up the Kingdom of .od on earthB What is the $reat /ribulation? %atthew &'(<, &), &< #+hen they will deli"er you up to tribulation and ill you, and you will be hated by all nations for %y name!s sa eD #6or then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor e"er shall beD #2mmediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be dar ened, and the moon will not gi"e its light: the stars will fall from hea"en, and the powers of the hea"ens will be sha en.# %any people ha"e suffered #tribulation,# meaning great affliction, trial or distress. But in spea ing of the end time, Jesus said, #6or then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be$ $%atthew &'(&): see a parallel account in %ar )1()<*. +herefore, the .reat +ribulation is how Jesus described history!s worst/e"er time of

widespread tribulation. ,ther prophecies that refer to this time of unprecedented suffering are Jeremiah 1F(G: 8@e iel ;(< and Daniel )&(). Jesus also said, #2f those days had not been cut short Jby .odK, no one would survive, but for the sa e of the elect those days will be shortened# $%atthew &'(&&, 7ew 2nternational 4ersion*. +his "erse not only shows that the .reat +ribulation will be terrible, it pro"es we are in the end time. ,nly since the in"ention of nuclear weapons has it been possible to destroy all life on earth. +he .reat +ribulation is also described in 3e"elation =(</)) and many other ,ld and 7ew +estament prophecies. 's the $reat /ribulation directed toward 'srael Cwhich, as we saw in (esson @, often refers to the odern 0 erican and the British peopleD as well as Judah Cthe odern Jewish nation called 'sraelD? Jeremiah 1F(G -lasB 6or that day is great, so that none is li e it: and it is the time of Jacob!s trouble, but he shall be sa"ed out of it. +he answer is yes $and #British people# includes people of -ustralia, 7ew Mealand, 9outh -frica and other people of British descent*. 2t is #the time of Jacob!s J2srael!sK trouble# $Jeremiah 1F(G*. 2n 5esson <, we learned that the prophetic descendants of Jacob, whose name was changed to 2srael, are the peoples who settled most prominently in .reat Britain and the Enited 9tates of -merica. +he prophecy in Daniel )&() is directed toward #your people,# meaning the descendants of .od!s chosen nation of 2srael. 2n 5u e!s account of the ,li"et 0rophecy, Jesus said, #6or this is the time of punishment in fulfillment of all that has been written Jby the prophetsK# $5u e &)(&&, 724*. 2n "erse &1, who are #this people#> Jesus probably meant descendants of both 2srael and Judah. He went on to say, #+hey will fall by the sword and will be ta en as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the .entiles until the times of the .entiles are fulfilled# $"erse &', 724*. +he reference to Jerusalem shows the punishment will include Judah, the modern Jewish state of 2srael. Why will $od punish the 'sraelite people? Deuteronomy '(;/A, &1/&G, 1F/1) #9urely 2 ha"e taught you statutes and Iudgments, Iust as the 5ord my .od commanded me, that you should act according to them in the land which you go to possess. #+herefore be careful to obser"e them: for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes, and say, !9urely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.! #6or what great nation is there that has .od so near to it, as the 5ord our .od is to us, for whate"er reason we may call upon Him> #-nd what great nation is there that has such statutes and righteous Iudgments as are in all this law which 2 set before you this day>... #+a e heed to yoursel"es, lest you forget the co"enant of the 5ord your .od which He made with you, and ma e for yoursel"es a car"ed image in the form of

anything which the 5ord your .od has forbidden you. #6or the 5ord your .od is a consuming fire, a Iealous .od. #Chen you beget children and grandchildren and ha"e grown old in the land, and act corruptly and ma e a car"ed image in the form of anything, and do e"il in the sight of the 5ord your .od to pro"o e Him to anger, 2 call hea"en and earth to witness against you this day, that you will soon utterly perish from the land which you cross o"er the Jordan to possess: you will not prolong your days in it, but will be utterly destroyed. #-nd the 5ord will scatter you among the peoples, and you will be left few in number among the nations where the 5ord will dri"e you... #Chen you are in distress, and all these things come upon you in the latter days, when you turn to the 5ord your .od and obey His "oice $for the 5ord your .od is a merciful .od*, He will not forsa e you nor destroy you, nor forget the co"enant of your fathers which He swore to them.# .od chose 2srael to be His model nation to demonstrate to the rest of the world the goodness and wisdom of .od!s laws. But with all the understanding and other blessings comes a stricter accountability. 0rophecy indicates that the +ribulation will moti"ate many people to repent of their sins and turn to .od. 2f you end up in capti"ity #in the latter days,#you can turn to .od for mercy. #6rom there you will see the 5ord your .od, and you will find Him if you see Him with all your heart# $Deuteronomy '(&</1F*. .od will begin punishing the rest of the world beginning about one year before the return of Christ. +hat period will be the first part of #the day of the 5ord# $-cts &(&F*, and that will be explained in 5esson )1. 's the $reat /ribulation also a ti e of persecution of true %hristians? 5u e &)()& #But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, deli"ering you up to the synagogues and prisons. ?ou will be brought before ings and rulers for %y name!s sa e.# %atthew &'(< #+hen they will deli"er you up to tribulation and ill you, and you will be hated by all nations for %y name!s sa e.# %ar )1()1 #-nd you will be hated by all for %y name!s sa e. But he who endures to the end shall be sa"ed.# 2n the ,li"et 0rophecy $recorded in these three chapters*, Jesus was spea ing to His disciples $and future disciples* about the persecution to come. 2t is the time when a world religious power will #persecute the saints of the %ost High# $Daniel G(&;*. -llied with the religious leader will be the #beast# of 3e"elation )1(G who will #ma e war with the saints and...o"ercome them# $see also 3e"elation )G(=*. +hat religious leader and #the beast# will be explained in the next lesson. -s was explained abo"e, .od will miraculously protect a great number of His people especially ones who are spiritually close to God. 3emember that it is ne"er too late to

repent and surrender to .od. 7o matter what ind of suffering you are ine"en in a foreign concentration camp.od says, #+hen you will call upon %e and go and pray to %e, and 2 will listen to you. -nd you will see %e and find %e, when you search for %e with all your heart# $Jeremiah &<()&/)1*. Does $od use ene y nations as instru ents for His purposes? 2saiah )F(; #Coe to -ssyria, the rod of %y anger and the staff in whose hand is %y indignation.# .od used -ssyria as #the rod of JHisK anger# to conHuer and deport the rebellious house of 2srael. 5ater, .od used Babylon as His agent to conHuer the increasingly sinful house of Judah and to ta e them capti"e $Jeremiah &F('*. +hese punishments ser"e as types of the end/time punishments. +he conseHuences for continued disobedience to .od will be se"ere. #+he 5ord will cause you to be defeated before your enemies... ?ou shall beget sons and daughters, but they shall not be yours: for they shall go into capti"ity... +he 5ord will bring a nation against you from afar, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flies, a nation whose language you will not understand, a nation of fierce countenance, which does not respect the elderly nor show fa"or to the young# $Deuteronomy &A(&;, '), '</;F*. Does 3atan insti!ate the be!innin! of the $reat /ribulation? 3e"elation )&()&/)1 #+herefore reIoice, , hea"ens, and you who dwell in themB Coe to the inhabitants of the earth and the seaB 6or the de"il has come down to you, ha"ing great wrath, because he nows that he has a short time.# 7ow when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth, he persecuted the woman who ga"e birth to the male Child. 9atan not only hates Christ!s followers, he also has a special hatred for the descendants of 2srael e"er since .od chose them to be His #holy people# to # eep all His commandments# as a role model for all other nations. +he #woman# 9atan persecutes can symboli@e both .od!s Church and physical 2srael. Does the $reat /ribulation be!in =E years before %hrist returns? +he prophetic phrase #a time Jone yearK and times Jtwo yearsK and half a time J)P& yearK# refers to 1O years. +he #saints# $#the holy people#* will be persecuted for 1O years $Daniel G(&;: )&(G*. - large part of the Church $#the woman#* will be di"inely protected and #nourished# during that same time $3e"elation )&()'*. -pparently simultaneously, the gentiles, led by #the beast,# will #tread the holy city JJerusalemK underfoot for forty/ two months# $3e"elation ))(&: )1('/;*. -t the same time, .od!s #two witnesses...will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days# $3e"elation ))(1*. -ll these phrases mean the same length of time1O years.

/he Beast, the False )rophet and the 0ntichrist

What or who is the end.time Beast1 What or who is the %ntichrist1 What will the international geopolitics be li!e in the end time1 6ollowing is the important story $a short history* of how #Christianity# became a state/sponsored religion. 2t will set the stage for you to understand the prophesied end/time re"i"al of the 3oman 8mpire. 2n His ,li"et 0rophecy, the first thing Jesus warned about was counterfeit Christianity or +rinitarianism $%atthew &'('/;*. -lmost from the start, decei"ers began trying to influence and infiltrate the 7ew +estament Church. Before long, there were se"eral branches of Christianityone trying to stay faithful to the pure truth of the Bible and Christ!s teachings, and others blending the Bible with other beliefs and philosophies. +his blending is called syncretism, and many of the popular pagan 3oman beliefs that were added to Christianity actually originated with the ancient Babylonian mystery religion. 3oman emperor Constantine decided to ma e Christianity $and the +rinity* the official state religion to further unify and strengthen his empire. He used his power to bring different factions of Christianity together, and the result was official recognition of "arious beliefs that were similar in many ways to the worship of pagan 3omans. 6or example, by this time the "isible maIority church had adopted a water baptism based on the pagan belief of triads. +hus, Jesus name baptism was replaced by the trinity in 1&; -D at the reHuest of 3oman emperor Constantine in 7icea. +his state/sponsored church further e"ol"ed and grew in power and became nown as the 3oman Catholic Church. -t times, the bishop of 3ome, or pope, has had such great political as well as religious authority that he could enthrone and depose emperors. Because of the intimate relationship between church and state, for se"eral centuries the empire was called the oly 3oman 8mpire. +he combined churchPstate persecution of other Christians became especially intense during that time. +he 3oman Catholic Church adopted a go"ernmental structure that is stri ingly similar to the go"ernmental structure of the old 3oman 8mpire. +hat is why historians ha"e remar ed upon the 3oman Catholic Church being a mirror #image# of the 3oman 8mpire. What is revealed about *the !reat harlot* in ,evelation :8? 3e"elation )G()/=, );, )A +hen one of the se"en angels who had the se"en bowls came and tal ed with me, saying to me, #Come, 2 will show you the Iudgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters, with whom the ings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drun with the wine of her fornication.#

9o he carried me away in the 9pirit into the wilderness. -nd 2 saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, ha"ing se"en heads and ten horns. +he woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, ha"ing in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. -nd on her forehead a name was written( %?9+83?, B-B?5,7 +H8 .38-+, +H8 %,+H83 ,6 H-35,+9 -7D ,6 +H8 -B,%27-+2,79 ,6 +H8 8-3+H. 2 saw the woman, drun with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. -nd when 2 saw her, 2 mar"eled with great ama@ement... +hen he said to me, #+he waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues... #-nd the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns o"er the ings of the earth.# 9he has powerful influence worldwideo"er #peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues# $"erses ), );: see also )A(1*. 9he commits #fornication# with the world!s political leaders compromising principles and exchanging fa"ors $"erse &*. 2n her history, she has embraced #blasphemy# and #filthiness# $"erses 1/ '*. %any of her teachings originated in the ancient Babylonian mystery religion $"erse ;*. 9he is considered the #mother# church of many other churches $"erse ;*. 9he has been responsible for the persecution and martyrdom of many true Christians $"erse =*. +he #woman# is headHuartered in #that great city# $"erse )A*.

Who and what will people be re-uired to worship under the end#ti e ,o an 4 pire called *Babylon*? "he ;alse :rophet will demand to be worshipped. He is described in & +hessalonians &(1/' as #the man of sinDthe son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself abo"e all that is called .od or that is worshipped, so that he sits as .od in the temple of .od, showing himself that he is .od Jdespicably antichrist!K# 2n Daniel G(&F, &;, we read that the #other hornD shall spea pompous words against the %ost High, shall persecute the saints of the %ost High, and shall intend to change times and law.# "he Beastthe e"il dictatorwill be worshipped because 9atan will exalt and empower him $3e"elation )1('*. #-ll who dwell on the earth will worship him# $"erse A*. -nd the other beast $the 6alse 0rophet* #causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast#much li e the worship of the 3oman emperors of old $"erses ))/)&*. Both the Beast and the 6alse 0rophet will be possessed by the spirit of #the dragon J9atan

the de"ilK,# which explains why they will ha"e ama@ing power and charisma $3e"elation )=()1: )&(<*. "he $image of the beast$primarily a powerful church organi@ationwill be worshipped $3e"elation )1()'/);*. 8"idently it is a powerful church organi@ation that is structured li e the early 3oman 8mpire $#the beast who was wounded by the sword and li"ed#"erses 1, )'*. 2t is led by #another beast#the powerful religious leader who #performs great signs# $"erse )1*. +he religious leader demands worship of the image and those who refuse to worship it will be illed $"erse );*. Babylon the great of 3e"elation )G and )A. +oday, we might call this #the new world order#a worldwide commercial and cultural system with a one/world religion as a unifying foundation. #9he says in her heart, N2 sit as Hueen, and am no widow, and will not see sorrow!# $3e"elation )A(G*. +he merchants of the earth especially will mourn her fall, #saying, N-las, alas, that great city that was clothed in fine linen, purple, and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls!# $"erses );/)=*. #By your sorcery all the nations were decei"ed# $"erse &1*.

What Does the Bible 3ay and 7ot 3ay 0bout *0ntichrist*?
-lmost e"eryone has heard the term #-ntichrist,# but "ery few now what the Bible says about #antichrist.# %any assume it refers to some ind of terribly e"il and miraculously powerful apocalyptic archenemy of Jesus Christ. +hose somewhat familiar with Bible prophecy now that a 9atan/possessed tyrant called #the beast# will lead the world!s armies in fighting against Christ in the battle of %rmageddonmore accurately called #the battle of that great day of .od -lmighty# $3e"elation )=()1/)=: )<()<*. But the Bible doesn!t call that tyrant #the -ntichrist.# -nother end/time e"il leader is called #the false prophet,# but the Bible doesn!t specifically use the term #the -ntichrist# for him either. +hat raises the Huestion( 9hould we be referring to either the Beast or the ;alse :rophet by the term %ntichrist1 Chat is important is that we read the Bible for what it actually says and belie"e itand not ma e a big issue of whether the word antichrist applies to a specific prophesied figure or not. 2n the Bible, #antichrist# $.ree ( antichristos* is mentioned in only four places, all in John!s epistles. +he word #anti# means #against# or #ad"ersary of# or #in place of.# John wanted to ma e clear that any teaching that contradicts Christ!s identity or teaching is #antichrist,# and the false teachers are #antichrists,# meaning enemies of 5hrist. 9oon after the Church of .od was founded, heretical decei"ers began trying to interIect their own ideas into it. ,ne influential and diabolical heresy was gnosticism. +he gnostics taught the lie that spirit is always good and matter $including the human body* is always e"il. <ocetism, one branch of gnosticism, taught that Christ only seemed

to ha"e a body. 5erinthianism, another "ariant, taught that the di"ine Christ Ioined the man Jesus at baptism and then left him before he died. 9bionism, a third "ariant, taught that Jesus was only a man and not .od. -ll these ideas reIected the truth that .od actually came #in the flesh# $became a mortal man and therefore capable of death* and then actually died. But the only way the death of Jesus could pay for the sins of all man ind is for Christ to ha"e been both God and man when He died. 6ollowing are explanations of the four "erses in John!s epistles( 2n ) John &()A, John says, $6any antichrists have JalreadyK come# $emphasis added throughout*, indicating that already #it is the last hour#that the age of false teachers and counterfeit Christianity was already well under way. Jesus had warned, #6or false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to decei"e, if possible, e"en the elect# $%atthew &'(&'*. John also spea s of the singular word #antichrist.# Chen antichrist is singular, the original .ree gi"es us no indication as to whether or not, in 8nglish, we should capitali@e antichrist. -lso in ) John &()A, John said, #?ou ha"e heard that the %ntichrist is coming.# John gi"es no indication as to how this idea got started. Cas it Iust a rumor> ,r did one or more apostles teach it> +he idea does harmoni@e with the prophecy in Daniel G(A, &F and &; that prophesies a #little horn# who will spea #pompous words against the %ost High.# 0erhaps #antichrist# had become the popular terminology for what 0aul had prophesied in & +hessalonians &()/=. 0aul wrote that #the day of ChristDwill not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sinDwho opposes and exalts himself abo"e all that is called .od# $"erses &/'*. +he .ree "erb translated #opposes# is anti!eimai literally, #be against.# 2n .alatians ;()G and in ) +imothy )()F, it is translated #contrary to.# +his is li ely why the 6alse 0rophet is most often associated with the -ntichrist, as we mentioned in the lesson. 2n ) John &(&&, we now that any liar who denies the central truth that Jesus was and is the Christthe prophesied %essiah and 9a"ioris an antichrist, an enemy of both the 6ather and the 9on. 2n ) John '(1, John again ac nowledges that #you ha"e heard Jthe -ntichristK was coming.# But John goes on to say that antichrist is #already in the world.# John!s main point is that #e"ery spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of .od. -nd this is the spirit of the -ntichrist#the spirit from 9atan that is in the #false prophets# $"erse )*. 2t is e"il to deny either Jesus! full deity or His humanity during His earthly ministry and at the time of His death. $-lso see ) John )()/1.* 2n & John )(G, John says, #6or many decei"ers ha"e gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming Jbeing incarnatedK in the flesh. +his is a deceiver and an antichrist.$ +here ha"e been many of the -ntichrist spirit. -nyone who denies Jesus Christ in all things is indeed of the -ntichrist or of the -ntichristian spirit $ Colossians 1()G: %atthew G(&)/&1*. +he ultimate -ntichrist, of course, is 9atan the de"il. He has tried many schemes to destroy Christ and to thwart .od!s plan of sal"ation for man ind. He was the

tempter of 8"e and -dam and still #decei"es the whole world# $3e"elation )&(<*. He led Herod to try to ill Jesus while He was a baby. He tried to tempt Jesus to sin. He stirred up hostility toward Jesus and finally succeeded in getting Jesus illed. $.od and Christ allowed that because it was a part of .od!s plan of redemption for man ind.* -nd it will be 9atan who possesses the Beast and the 6alse 0rophet at the end of the age and lures the world!s great armies to fight against Christ $3e"elation )1(': )=()1/)'*.

What Does the Bible 3ay 0bout the Day of the (ord?
+he boo of 3e"elation gi"es great insight into how these subIects tie together and describes the seHuence of end/time e"ents. What does the Bible ean by the *day of the (ord*? 2saiah )1(=/)1 Cail, for the day of the 5ord is at handB 2t will come as destruction from the -lmighty. +herefore all hands will be limp, e"ery man!s heart will melt, and they will be afraid. 0angs and sorrows will ta e hold of them: they will be in pain as a woman in childbirth: they will be ama@ed at one another: their faces will be li e flames. Behold, the day of the 5ord comes, cruel, with both wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and He will destroy its sinners from it. 6or the stars of hea"en and their constellations will not gi"e their light: the sun will be dar ened in its going forth, and the moon will not cause its light to shine. #2 will punish the world for its e"il, and the wic ed for their iniHuity: 2 will halt the arrogance of the proud, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible. 2 will ma e a mortal more rare than fine gold, a man more than the golden wedge of ,phir. +herefore 2 will sha e the hea"ens, and the earth will mo"e out of her place, in the wrath of the 5ord of hosts and in the day of His fierce anger.# +he Day of the 5ord usually refers to a time when .od and Christ are powerfully inter"ening in the world to punish e"il. 2t usually refers to #the great and dreadful day of the 5ord# that will come $upon all the nations$ Iust before Christ!s second coming $%alachi '(;: ,badiah )();, emphasis added throughout*. 9ometimes it is almost synonymous with the #time of the end.# Howe"er, occasionally it has a dual fulfillment. 2saiah )1 begins with a warning of how .od will punish Babylon, which most li ely refers to its destruction in ,ld +estament times $"erses )/=*. But "erses </)1 are ob"iously more specifically describing the end/ time #day of the 5ord,# when .od will cause spectacular hea"enly signs and #will punish the world for its e"il.# 6urthermore, from the beginning of Christ!s inter"ention, the Day of the 5ord can in one sense be considered to last fore"er because Christ will fore"ermore rule the world. 7e"er again will 9atan be #the ruler of this world# $John )&(1): )'(1F: )=())*. Do synony ous phrases for Day of the (ord usually show that it will be a ti e of aweso e and dreadful punish ent? 2saiah )1(<, )1 Behold, the day of the 5ord comes, cruel, with both wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and He will destroy its sinners from it...

#+herefore 2 will sha e the hea"ens, and the earth will mo"e out of her place, in the wrath of the 5ord of hosts and in the day of His fierce anger.# 2saiah 1'(A 6or it is the day of the 5ord!s "engeance, the year of recompense for the cause of Mion. ) Corinthians ;(; Deli"er such a one to 9atan for the destruction of the flesh, that his spirit may be sa"ed in the day of the 5ord Jesus. Clearly the Bible uses se"eral other expressions for the Day of the 5ord including #day of His fierce anger,# #day of the 5ord!s "engeance# and #day of the 5ord Jesus.# What is the relationship between the $reat /ribulation and the Day of the (ord? %atthew &'(&</1F #2mmediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be dar ened, and the moon will not gi"e its light: the stars will fall from hea"en, and the powers of the hea"ens will be sha en. #+hen the sign of the 9on of %an will appear in hea"en, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the 9on of %an coming on the clouds of hea"en with power and great glory.# Joel &(1) +he sun shall be turned into dar ness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the 5ord. Jesus said the terrifying hea"enly signs will occur #immediately after the JgreatK tribulation.# -nd through Joel, .od said these hea"enly signs will occur $before the coming of the great and awesome day of the 5ord.# 9o chronologically spea ing, the .reat +ribulation comes before the Day of the 5ord. +he Day of the 5ord will be direct punishment from Jesus Christ on the rest of unrepentant humanity $3e"elation )=(<*, especially the nations that are a part of the political, religious and commercial #Babylon the .reat# and anyone else who opposes Jesus the Christ $3e"elation )G(;: )A(&*. When will the Day of the (ord be!in? 2saiah =)(& +o proclaim the acceptable year of the 5ord, and the day of "engeance of our .od: to comfort all who mourn... 2saiah =1(' 6or the day of "engeance is in %y heart, and the year of %y redeemed has come. +he Bible doesn!t clearly answer when the Day of the 5ord will begin. Howe"er, in Bible prophecy, the word day often represents one year $7umbers )'(1': 8@e iel '(=*. 6urthermore, other scriptures seem to indicate that the Day of the 5ord will begin one year before Christ returns. 6or example, we read in 2saiah 1'(A, #6or it is the day of the 5ord!s "engeance, the year of recompense for the cause of Mion.# -lso, in 2saiah =)(&, #the acceptable year of the 5ord# seems to be eHuated with #the day of "engeance of our .od.#

Ce now that the .reat +ribulation will begin 1O years before Christ returns. 2t seems the last year of that period will be the Day of the 5ord. Ce now for sure that #the ser"ants of our .od# will be protected from the #harm# that Christ will pour out on the earth $3e"elation G(1: see also 1()F and )&()'/)G*. 6any scriptures assure us of .od!s desire and power to protect His people. What do the seven *seals* of ,evelation represent? 3e"elation ;() -nd 2 saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a scroll written inside and on the bac , sealed with se"en seals. +he first rule of Bible interpretation is to let the Bible interpret itself. - comparison between the se"en #seals# and the seHuence of e"ents that Jesus foretold in the ,li"et 0rophecy in %atthew &'('/< gi"es us a clear understanding. Here is a "ery brief summary( :st 3eal $3e"elation =()/&: %atthew &'('/;*( 2ncreasing religious deception. Fnd 3eal $3e"elation =(1/': %atthew &'(=/G*( Cars increasing in freHuency and de"astation. =rd 3eal $3e"elation =(;/=: %atthew &'(G*( 6ood shortages and famines increasing. 5th 3eal $3e"elation =(G/A: %atthew &'(G*( Disease epidemics increasing and becoming more deadly. ;th 3eal $3e"elation =(</)): %atthew &'(<*( 2ncreasing persecution climaxing in the .reat +ribulation. Bth 3eal $3e"elation =()&/)=: %atthew &'(&<*( - great earthHua e and terrifying hea"enly signs. 8th 3eal $3e"elation =()G: A()/&, =: %atthew &'(1F*( Day of the 5ord $#the great day of His wrath#*, including the se"en trumpet plagues. What are the seven tru pets that co prise the seventh seal Cthe Day of the (ordD? 3e"elation A()/& Chen He opened the se"enth seal, there was silence in hea"en for about half an hour. -nd 2 saw the se"en angels who stand before .od, and to them were gi"en se"en trumpets. +he se"enth seal includes se"en angels blowing their trumpets one/by/one. -fter each trumpet blast, there is a cataclysmic e"ent. +he first four are described in 3e"elation A( Destruction of "egetation $"erse G*. De"astation of oceans and sea life $"erses A/<*. De"astation of ri"ers and fresh water $"erses )F/))*. 9un, moon and stars dar ened $"erse )&*. +he fifth trumpet #plague# is described in 3e"elation <()/)&. +he director or ! ing! of this wa"e of affliction is described as !the angel of the -byss, whose name in Hebrew is -baddon, and in .ree , -pollyon! $"erse )), 724*. +hese titles, in Hebrew and .ree , mean !destruction! and !destroyer,! respecti"ely. -nd we later see that the 9atan/led !beast! power emerges from this abyss or bottomless pit $3e"elation )G(A*, showing that the

locusts here are probably the forces of this 8urope/centered power bloc directed by 9atan. +he sixth trumpet #plague# is described in 3e"elation <()1/&). 2ncredibly, it describes a &FF/million/man army that will # ill a third of man ind#B -pparently the army comes from nations east of the 8uphrates 3i"er. +his e"ent, the second woe or sixth trumpet plague, seems to be a massi"e counterattac against the 8uropean/led forces of the first woe or fifth trumpet plague. +he se"enth trumpet announces #se"en angels ha"ing the se"en last plagues, for in them the wrath of .od is complete# $);()*. 8ach angel has a bowl full of the wrath of .od, and each bowl in turn is poured out on the earth. +hey are described in 3e"elation ); and )=. +he fifth angel pours #his bowl on the throne of the beast# $)=()F*. +he sixth angel prepares the way for the climactic battle commonly referred to as #-rmageddon# $)=()&/ )=*. What does *0r a!eddon* ean? What does the prophecy say? 3e"elation )=()&/)= +hen the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great ri"er 8uphrates, and its water was dried up, so that the way of the ings from the east might be prepared. -nd 2 saw three unclean spirits li e frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 6or they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the ings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of .od -lmighty. #Behold, 2 am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and eeps his garments, lest he wal na ed and they see his shame.# -nd they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, -rmageddon. -lthough 9atan and the demons are doomed to lose any battle with Christ, they ne"er gi"e up trying to defeat Him. ,nce again, Christ will use their efforts to fulfill His purposes. +he #spirits of demons# wor ing under 9atan and through the Beast and the 6alse 0rophet #go out to the ings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God %lmighty$ $3e"elation )=()1/)'*. "hat is the real name of the final battle between Christ and the armies of the world. Jesus Christ ma es use of the demonic influences #to gather the nationsDto pour on them %y indignation, all %y fierce anger# $Mephaniah 1(A*. +he prophecies indicate that the armies will intend to attac the opposing armies. But as Christ descends to the earth, 9atan turns their attention and hostility toward Christ. -ll nations, including the armies of the Beast, #will ma e war with the 5amb, and the 5amb will o"ercome them, for He is 5ord of lords and King of ings# $3e"elation )G()'*. #-nd they Jthe demonsK gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, -rmageddon# $3e"elation )=()=*. -rmageddon literally means #%ount of %egiddo.# 2t is northwest of Jerusalem. +o the east of it is a broad "alley in which numerous battles ha"e been fought in the past. ,ne of its names is #plain of %egiddo# $Mechariah )&())*. +his will be the central gathering place, but the huge armies will e"idently be spread out o"er a much larger area. -s Christ descends toward Jerusalem, the area around Jerusalem will become the primary

area of battle. #Behold, the day of the 5ord is comingD 6or 2 will gather all the nations to battle against JerusalemD +hen the 5ord will go forth and fight against those nationsD -nd in that day His feet will stand on the %ount of ,li"esD -nd the 5ord shall be King o"er all the earth# $Mechariah )'()/', <*. +he actual battle begins when the se"enth angel pours out his bowl. +hen there will be an earthHua e more de"astating than anyone has experienced beforeB 2slands and mountains will disappearB +he #cities of the nations# will fall, including the leading city the Bible refers to as #Babylon.# - hail storm will rain down hail stones that will weigh perhaps G; to )FF pounds each $3e"elation )=()G/&)*. +he fall of Babylon is more fully described in 3e"elation )A. Christ will capture the Beast and the 6alse 0rophetthe consummate antichrists described in the last lessonand cast them into the la e of fire and will ill all the opposing armies $3e"elation )<()</&)*. +he prophet Mechariah records the fate of these armies that fight against Christ( #-nd this shall be the plague with which the 5ord will stri e all the people who fought against Jerusalem( +heir flesh shall dissol"e while they stand on their feet, their eyes shall dissol"e in their soc ets, and their tongues shall dissol"e in their mouths# $Mechariah )'()&*. What will be the !reat triu phant cli a" of the Day of the (ord? 3e"elation ))();/)A +hen the se"enth angel sounded( -nd there were loud "oices in hea"en, saying, #+he ingdoms of this world ha"e become the ingdoms of our 5ord and of His Christ, and He shall reign fore"er and e"erB# -nd the twenty/four elders who sat before .od on their thrones fell on their faces and worshiped .od, saying( #Ce gi"e ?ou than s, , 5ord .od -lmighty, the ,ne who is and who was and who is to come, because ?ou ha"e ta en ?our great power and reigned. #+he nations were angry, and ?our wrath has come, and the time of the dead, that they should be Iudged, and that ?ou should reward ?our ser"ants the prophets and the saints, and those who fear ?our name, small and great, and should destroy those who destroy the earth.# 3e"elation )<())/)= 7ow 2 saw hea"en opened, and behold, a white horse. -nd He who sat on him was called 6aithful and +rue, and in righteousness He Iudges and ma es war. His eyes were li e a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one new except Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called +he Cord of .od. -nd the armies in hea"en, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. 7ow out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should stri e the nations. -nd He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of -lmighty .od. -nd He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written( K27. ,6 K27.9 -7D

5,3D ,6 5,3D9. ) Corinthians );(;F/;' 7ow this 2 say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the ingdom of .od: nor does corruption inherit incorruption. Behold, 2 tell you a mystery( Ce shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twin ling of an eye, at the last trumpet. 6or the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 6or this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 9o when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written( #Death is swallowed up in "ictory.# ) +hessalonians '()1/)A But 2 do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who ha"e fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who ha"e no hope. 6or if we belie"e that Jesus died and rose again, e"en so .od will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. 6or this we say to you by the word of the 5ord, that we who are ali"e and remain until the coming of the 5ord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 6or the 5ord Himself will descend from hea"en with a shout, with the "oice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of .od. -nd the dead in Christ will rise first. +hen we who are ali"e and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the 5ord in the air. -nd thus we shall always be with the 5ord. +herefore comfort one another with these words. Cith the se"enth trumpet comes the announcement of mar"elous news for the saints and for the future of the world( Jesus Christ lays claim to His rulership of the worldB +he &' elders in hea"en announce that it is time to #reward ?our ser"ants the prophets and the saints#B +he great climax of the Day of the 5ord will be the awesome return of Christ, so "i"idly described in 3e"elation )<, and the raising from the dead of the saints, which is #the first resurrection# $&F(=*. -lmost all of ) Corinthians ); discusses the resurrection. 2t tells us that the blowing of #the last trumpet# will signal the resurrection $"erse ;&*. +he resurrection of the saints is also described in ) +hessalonians '()=/)G and is referred to in many other scriptures.

$od&s /ruth 's Far More Wonderful /han Fiction1

6rom the beginning of time, countless stories, fantasies and fairy tales ha"e been written by authors who were imagining some ind of paradise or utopia. -nd almost e"ery religion has ideas about what life will be li e after death. But once you really understand what the Bible re"eals, you!ll see that no one has e"er en"isioned any life as beautiful, as Ioyous and as meaningful as the truth about .od!s plan for humanity. Ce now that traumatic e"ents that will ta e place before Christ returns, including the .reat +ribulation, the Day of the 5ord and #-rmageddon.# -ll of that is a necessary part of .od!s plan to bring humanity to repentance. -nd that prepares the way for Christ to

establish His Kingdom on earth. Chen Christ returns to earth, He will glorify all the saints by resurrecting those who ha"e died and by gi"ing immortality to all who are li"ing $) +hessalonians '()1/)A*. 2t is through the resurrection and change that the saints will #inherit the ingdom of .od# $) Corinthians );(;F/;'*. Where will our *ho e* be? What will %hristians inherit? %atthew ;(; Blessed are the mee , for they shall inherit the earth. Mechariah )'(< -nd the 5ord shall be King o"er all the earth. 2n that day it shall be#+he 5ord is one,# and His name one. Jesus said the mee will inherit, not hea"en, but the earth. Chat can be more appealing than planet earth once all its problems are sol"ed> +hin of this mar"elous showcase of .od!s creation without any e"ildoing, without any natural disaster and without any man/ made disasters. Ce can thin of it as #hea"en on earth#B Jesus ad"ised us to pray #?our ingdom come# $%atthew =()F*. He meant for us to pray for .od!s Kingdom to come rule the earth. - long time ago, an archangel decided he would #ascend into hea"en# to replace .od $2saiah )'()1*. Cith that rebellion, he became 9atan the de"il. 8"er since then, it is 9atan who #decei"es the whole world# $3e"elation )&(<*. ,ne of his lies $the +rinity* has become a part of most religionsthe lie that people will go to hea"en when they die. 0fter %hrist&s return, will there still be hu an bein!s on the earth? Mechariah )'()= -nd it shall come to pass that e"eryone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the 5ord of hosts, and to eep the 6east of +abernacles. 8@e iel 1=()F/)) #2 will multiply men upon you, all the house of 2srael, all of it: and the cities shall be inhabited and the ruins rebuilt. #2 will multiply upon you man and beast: and they shall increase and bear young: 2 will ma e you inhabited as in former times, and do better for you than at your beginnings. +hen you shall now that 2 am the 5ord.# 2saiah &G(= +hose who come He shall cause to ta e root in Jacob: 2srael shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit. -lthough it appears the maIority of people on earth will die during the .reat +ribulation and the Day of the 5ord, many millions of others will sur"i"e. $9veryone who is left of all the nationsDshall go up from year to year to worship the King JChristK# $Mechariah )'()=*. .od will choose 2srael once again to be the model of a nation obedient to .od $Deuteronomy '(;/A*, and this time 2srael will li"e up to that calling. But many prophecies regarding #2srael# during the %illennium will also apply e"entually to all,

especially as people are spiritually con"erted and become part of the #2srael of .od# $3omans =()/;: .alatians 1(&G*. What will be the job of the saints after they are resurrected? 3e"elation &F('/= -nd 2 saw thrones, and they sat on them, and Iudgment was committed to them. +hen 2 saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of .od, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not recei"ed his mar on their foreheads or on their hands. -nd they li"ed and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. But the rest of the dead did not li"e again until the thousand years were finished. +his is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. ,"er such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of .od and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years. 3e"elation ;(A/)F 7ow when He had ta en the scroll, the four li"ing creatures and the twenty/four elders fell down before the 5amb, each ha"ing a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. -nd they sang a new song, saying( #?ou are worthy to ta e the scroll, and to open its seals: for ?ou were slain, and ha"e redeemed us to .od by ?our blood out of e"ery tribe and tongue and people and nation, and ha"e made us ings and priests to our .od: and we shall reign on the earth.# 2n 3e"elation &F, we learn that the resurrection of the saints is called #the first resurrection.# +hey will then be immortal, so there will be no possibility of dying again $experiencing a #second death#*. +heir purpose will then be to assist Christ in ruling the world. #+hey shall be priests of .od and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years.# +he word millennium means a thousand years. Chen spelled with a capital #%,# it refers to 3e"elation &F(' and = and all the millennial propheciesthe many biblical prophecies of all that will be fulfilled during those thousand years. Christ and the saints will li"e fore"er, not Iust a thousand years. But after a thousand years, a new period will be ushered in with the second resurrection. 2n 3e"elation ;, we read of the #new song# regarding the #saints# that says, #?ouDha"e made us ings and priests to our .od: and we shall reign on the earth.# -s such, they will be assisting the King of Kings and 5ord of 5ords $3e"elation )<()=*. What will be the most important step in re ovin! evil influences in the world? 3e"elation &F()/1 +hen 2 saw an angel coming down from hea"en, ha"ing the ey to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the De"il and 9atan, and bound him for a thousand years: and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should decei"e the nations no more till the thousand years were finished. But after these things he must be released for a little while.

3e"elation )A(& -nd he cried mightily with a loud "oice, saying, #Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for e"ery foul spirit, and a cage for e"ery unclean and hated birdB# 9atan will be bound for a thousand yearsrestrained so he can ha"e no influence on anyone. #Bottomless pit# is a translation of the .ree word abyssos. - better translation is #abyss,# meaning an extremely deep chasm. -t the end of the %illennium, 9atan will be released #for a little while# but then will be put away fore"er. What is the prophetic eanin! of the Day of 0tone ent?

5e"iticus &1(&=/&G, 1& -nd the 5ord spo e to %oses, saying( #-lso the tenth day of this se"enth month shall be the Day of -tonement. 2t shall be a holy con"ocation for you: you shall afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire to the 5ord... #2t shall be to you a sabbath of solemn rest, and you shall afflict your souls: on the ninth day of the month at e"ening, from e"ening to e"ening, you shall celebrate your sabbath.# .od!s Holy Days reflect stages in .od!s plan of sal"ation. Ce now that the 6east of +rumpets pictures Jesus Christ!s return at the last trumpet. 7ext, the symbolic meaning of the Day of -tonement builds on the meaning of the 0asso"er. -s the 0asso"er pictures our indi"idual reconciliation with .od made possible by the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Day of -tonement pictures the time when the in"itation to be reconciled with .od will be extended to all humanity. 6urthermore, this Holy Day pictures the transition time between Christ!s second coming and the beginning of world peace. +herefore, a critical part of the fulfillment of the Day of -tonement will be the binding of 9atan and the demons. Will there be peace on earth? 2saiah <(=/G 6or unto us a Child is born, unto us a 9on is gi"en: and the go"ernment will be upon His shoulder. -nd His name will be called Conderful, Counselor, %ighty .od, 8"erlasting 6ather, 0rince of 0eace. ,f the increase of His go"ernment and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of Da"id and o"er His ingdom, to order it and establish it with Iudgment and Iustice from that time forward, e"en fore"er. +he @eal of the 5ord of hosts will perform this. %icah '(1/' He shall Iudge between many peoples, and rebu e strong nations afar off: they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hoo s: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. But e"eryone shall sit under his "ine and under his fig tree, and no one shall ma e them afraid: for the mouth of the 5ord of hosts has spo en. Mechariah A('/; #+hus says the 5ord of hosts( N,ld men and old women shall again sit in the

streets of Jerusalem, each one with his staff in his hand because of great age. #N+he streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in its streets.!# +hese inspiring prophecies show Jesus Christ, the #0rince of 0eace,# bringing this elusi"e dream to reality. 7ot only will there be peace between nations, but e"en the cities will be safe and peaceful, #full of boys and girls playing in JtheirK streets#B What city will be the capital of the earth? Jeremiah 1()G #-t that time Jerusalem shall be called +he +hrone of the 5ord, and all the nations shall be gathered to it, to the name of the 5ord, to Jerusalem. 7o more shall they follow the dictates of their e"il hearts.# 2saiah &(1 %any people shall come and say, #Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the 5ord, to the house of the .od of Jacob: He will teach us His ways, and we shall wal in His paths.# 6or out of Mion shall go forth the law, and the word of the 5ord from Jerusalem. #Mion# was the name of a small mountain in Jerusalem and is often used as a synonym for Jerusalem. Jerusalem at last will truly be #the holy city# and will li"e up to its name, which includes the word for peace $%atthew '(;: Hebrews G(&*. What fa ous people will rule the :F tribes of 'srael? Jeremiah 1F(G/< #N-lasB 6or that day is great, so that none is li e it: and it is the time of Jacob!s trouble, but he shall be sa"ed out of it. #N6or it shall come to pass in that day,! says the 5ord of hosts, N+hat 2 will brea his yo e from your nec , and will burst your bonds: foreigners shall no more ensla"e them. #NBut they shall ser"e the 5ord their .od, and Da"id their ing, whom 2 will raise up for them.!# 8@e iel 1G(&'/&; #Da"id %y ser"ant shall be ing o"er them, and they shall all ha"e one shepherd: they shall also wal in %y Iudgments and obser"e %y statutes, and do them. #+hen they shall dwell in the land that 2 ha"e gi"en to Jacob %y ser"ant, where your fathers dwelt: and they shall dwell there, they, their children, and their children!s children, fore"er: and %y ser"ant Da"id shall be their prince fore"er.# %atthew )<(&A 9o Jesus said to them, #-ssuredly 2 say to you, that in the regeneration, when the 9on of %an sits on the throne of His glory, you who ha"e followed %e will also sit on twel"e thrones, Iudging the twel"e tribes of 2srael.# .od will raise upresurrectDa"id. He will reunite 2srael into one nation and #Da"id %y ser"ant shall be ing o"er them.# $3emember that Jesus Christ will be King o"er all the world.* Ender Da"id will be the )& apostles. Will it be a ti e of health, healin!, abundance, prosperity and joy? 2saiah 1;()/G

+he wilderness and the wasteland shall be glad for them, and the desert shall reIoice and blossom as the rose: it shall blossom abundantly and reIoice, e"en with Ioy and singing. +he glory of 5ebanon shall be gi"en to it, the excellence of Carmel and 9haron. +hey shall see the glory of the 5ord, the excellency of our .od. 9trengthen the wea hands, and ma e firm the feeble nees. 9ay to those who are fearful/hearted, #Be strong, do not fearB Behold, your .od will come with "engeance, with the recompense of .od: He will come and sa"e you.# +hen the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. +hen the lame shall leap li e a deer, and the tongue of the dumb sing. 6or waters shall burst forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert. +he parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water: in the habitation of Iac als, where each lay, there shall be grass with reeds and rushes. 5e"iticus &=(1/= #N2f you wal in %y statutes and eep %y commandments, and perform them, then 2 will gi"e you rain in its season, the land shall yield its produce, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit. #N?our threshing shall last till the time of "intage, and the "intage shall last till the time of sowing: you shall eat your bread to the full, and dwell in your land safely. #N2 will gi"e peace in the land, and you shall lie down, and none will ma e you afraid: 2 will rid the land of e"il beasts, and the sword will not go through your land.!# +here are many Bible prophecies about the physical conditions in the world of tomorrow. 0eople will be healed of their sic nesses, inIuries and disabilitiesB +here will be no famines, food shortages or disease epidemicsB +here will be abundance and prosperity. 8"eryone who submits to the laws of our lo"ing .od will be greatly blessedB #+hey shall obtain Ioy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away# $2saiah 1;()F*. How will people all over the world be tau!ht the truth of the Bible? 2saiah 1F(&F/&) -nd though the 5ord gi"es you the bread of ad"ersity and the water of affliction, yet your teachers will not be mo"ed into a corner anymore, but your eyes shall see your teachers. ?our ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, #+his is the way, wal in it,# whene"er you turn to the right hand or whene"er you turn to the left. 2saiah &(&/1 7ow it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the 5ord!s house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted abo"e the hills: and all nations shall flow to it. %any people shall come and say, #Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the 5ord, to the house of the .od of Jacob: He will teach us His ways, and we shall wal in His paths.# 6or out of Mion shall go forth the law, and the word of the 5ord from Jerusalem.

+he immortal saints were priests and teachers under Christ who will spread the gospel o"er the world. 2saiah 1F(&F/&) spea s of these #teachers.# 2n addition representati"es from all o"er the world will come to Jerusalem to learn .od!s #ways,# #paths,# #law# and #word,#and then they will ta e that nowledge bac to their nations $2saiah &()/1*. 7o one will need to say, #NKnow the 5ord,! for they all shall now %e, from the least of them to the greatest of them# $Jeremiah 1)(1'*. 6or, #the earth shall be full of the nowledge of the 5ord as the waters co"er the sea# $2saiah ))(<*. -nd .od truly #desires all men to be sa"ed and to come to the nowledge of the truth# $) +imothy &('*. ?ou may ha"e noticed Huite a few references in this lesson to the boo of 2saiah. 2t has more messianic and millennial prophecies than any other boo . +here are many additional prophecies of the %illennium throughout the Bible. .od has blessed us with a clear "ision of the fabulous future He has in store for usB %ay we ha"e the focus, dedication and determination to wal in His paths. 2f Jesus is not your 9a"iour, why not follow the -postolic formula as found in -cts &(1A. +his fulfills the need of rebirth $John 1(;: +itus 1(;* as spo en by Jesus. His word is the foundation upon which we must base our li"es uponB $8phesians &(&F* +he .ospel message has ne"er changed. $Hebrews )1(A* Why doesn&t $od reveal even ore about our lon!#ter future? Daniel )&(</)F -nd he said, #.o your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. #%any shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wic ed shall do wic edly: and none of the wic ed shall understand, but the wise shall understand.# Hebrews ))(= But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to .od must belie"e that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently see Him. Hebrews )F(1;/1A +herefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. 6or you ha"e need of endurance, so that after you ha"e done the will of .od, you may recei"e the promise( #6or yet a little while, and He who is coming will come and will not tarry. #7ow the Iust shall li"e by faith: but if anyone draws bac , %y soul has no pleasure in him.# 2f .od re"ealed e"erything in boo s, our houses could not contain all the boo s. But it!s ama@ingand a priceless blessingthat .od has re"ealed so much about the futureB -nd .od told Daniel that in #the time of the endDthe wise shall understand Jmuch more about Bible prophecyK# $Daniel )&(</)F*. #+he wise# are .od!s ser"ants who trust, obey and ser"e Him. 8ach time a prophecy is fulfilled, there is another proof of .od. .od has gi"en us mountains of proof #that He is JexistsK, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently see Him# $Hebrews ))(=*. Ce don!t need to now the details of our future since we ha"e .od to lead us e"ery step of the way. .od has re"ealed all we need to now about how to

li"e our li"es now. Bible prophecy should greatly moti"ate us to a"oid the prophesied conseHuences of disobedience and to see the prophesied rewards of obedienceB With all this insi!ht into the future, what should we do? 5u e '(' But Jesus answered him, saying, #2t is written, !%an shall not li"e by bread alone, but by e"ery word of .od.!# %atthew )<()=/)G 7ow behold, one came and said to Him, #.ood +eacher, what good thing shall 2 do that 2 may ha"e eternal life># 9o He said to him, #Chy do you call %e good> 7o one is good but ,ne, that is, .od. But if you want to enter into life, eep the commandments.# -cts &(1A +hen 0eter said to them, #3epent, and let e"ery one of you be bapti@ed in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins: and you shall recei"e the gift of the Holy 9pirit.# +here are many parts to the answermany more than can be cited here. Jesus said we should li"e #by e"ery word of .od# $5u e '('*. He also said, #2f you want to enter into life, eep the commandments# $%atthew )<()G*. 0eter said, #3epent, bapti@ed in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins: and you shall recei"e the gift of the Holy 9pirit# $-cts &(1A*. -fter that first step into reality, 2 strongly encourage you to continue your study of the Bible. 9tay informed about world e"ents and trends and try to understand them in the light of Bible prophecy. 6ind others to worship and fellowship with and share the .ospel with all you come into contact with. 2f we remain faithful unto the end, the reward is eternal life. .od bless you.

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