2014-15 Innovative Learning Grant Application: Instructions
2014-15 Innovative Learning Grant Application: Instructions
2014-15 Innovative Learning Grant Application: Instructions
The Virginia Beach Education Foundation provides funding to Virginia Beach City Public Schools
teachers and staff to support innovative projects and learning programs that equip students
with the skills that they need to succeed as 21st century learners, workers and citizens.
Educators and staff who work directly with Virginia Beach City Public School students
can apply.
Your principal and bookkeeper are required to sign that they approve of your project.
A department of technology staff member, computer resource specialist, or a library
media specialist must sign that they approve the use of any equipment listed on the
budget page of this application.
Grants awarded are for requests for funding up to $2,000.
Email application to vbefinnovativegrant@vbschools.com by the deadline; 4 p.m. Friday,
October 3, 2014.
Principals will be notified if their program has been approved for funding.
Funds for the approved projects will be dispersed in November to school bookkeepers.
To apply, download the application from the Forms section of vbcps.com (Select
Education Foundation).
Do not include ANY reference to your schools identity after page 2 or points will be
deducted from the application. This is a blind review.
Make the application simple, but specific.
Remember that your audience is made up of people who may not teach and may
not understand some of the language/acronyms used in education.
Type all answers and answer all questions.
Contact Debbie Thomas at dthomas@vbschools.com or 757.263.1069 for more
Award Information:
Awards will be made based on how well a grant project
o aligns with Compass to 2015: A Strategic Plan for Student Success
o complements, supports and enhances VBCPS curricula and instructional objectives
o supports classroom instruction and improves student achievement/learning
o implements innovative practices and opportunities that may be replicable divisionwide
DEADLINE IS Friday, October 3, 2014 @ 4:00 P.M.
Summaries of previously funded grants may be viewed at www.vbef.org from the Projects page.
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(For office use only)
2014-15 Innovative Learning Grant Application
Cover Page
(This page will not be given to reviewers.)
Project Title:
Directors Name: School:
C0-Directors Name:
Team Member(s) (a maximum of six individual names):
Subject area/grade level(s):
Number of students involved/affected:
Grant amount requested: $
*If technology software or equipment is listed on your budget for this project, your school CRS, LMS or
VBCPS Department of Technology representative must sign here:
I , certify that the software/equipment
listed below is within VBCPS Technology Standards.
CRS/Technology Signature Title ______________
DEADLINE IS Friday, October 3, 2014 @ 4:00 P.M.
Signatures Office Use Only
Project Director Bookkeeper By Deadline
Principal CRS/Technology C&I approved
Code ____________
(For office use only)
2014-15 Innovative Learning Grant Application
(This page will not be given to reviewers.)
I have carefully read this application and support the implementation of this project. I am willing to
deposit grant money into a designated account and accept responsibility for the disbursement of
funds in an appropriate manner. Any unused funds will be returned to the Virginia Beach Education
Foundation (VBEF) within thirty (30) days of project completion.
I understand that the grantee may be requested to present this project to others. I will support his/her
involvement in that process. I understand that all winners are required to meet specific deadlines.
I understand that I am participating in a competitive process and that my application does not
guarantee funding. I understand that, if awarded a grant, I will be responsible for conducting the
project as detailed in this application and for submitting proper documentation to the Virginia
Beach Education Foundation.
I understand that if I am awarded and accept a grant, I am committing myself to the following in
accordance with the deadlines established by the Virginia Beach Education Foundation. Failure to
comply will jeopardize future requests for funding and may result in a request for a refund of grant
1. Submit a Project Directors Evaluation and Financial Report within thirty (30) days after project
completion or by June 18, 2015 (whichever date comes first).
2. Spend funds only for items approved in grant budget. Changes in expenditures must be pre-
approved by the VBEF Coordinator or a return of funds to the Education Foundation will be
3. Allow information about the project to be disseminated by the Virginia Beach Education
4. Give a brief presentation on the project and results at a VBEF meeting, if requested to do so.
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DEADLINE IS Friday, October 3, 2014 @ 4:00 P.M.
2014-15 Innovative Learning Grant Application
All portions of the application must be completed and typed.
VBCPS Strategic Goal: By 2015, 95 percent or more of VBCPS students will graduate having
mastered the skills they need to succeed as 21
century learners, workers and citizens. We will
know we have reached this goal when all of our students are:
Academically proficient,
Effective communicators and collaborators,
Globally aware, independent, responsible learners and citizens; and
Critical and creative thinkers, innovators, and problem solvers.
VBCPS has identified the following Strategic Objectives to reach the VBCPS Strategic Goal and
Student Outcomes of Compass to 2015:
Engage Students: All teachers will engage every student in meaningful, authentic, and rigorous
work through the use of innovative instructional practices and supportive technologies that will
motivate students to be self-directed and inquisitive learners. (SO1)
Balanced Assessment: VBCPS will develop and implement a balanced assessment system that
accurately reflects student demonstration and mastery of VBCPS outcomes for student success.
Responsiveness to Students: Each school will improve achievement for all students while closing
achievement gaps for identified student groups, with particular focus on African American males.
Create Opportunities: VBCPS will create opportunities for parents, community, and business
leaders to fulfill their essential roles as actively engaged partners in supporting student
achievement and outcomes for student success. (SO4)
Capacity Building: VBCPS will be accountable for developing essential leader, teacher, and
staff competencies and optimizing all resources to achieve the s school divisions strategic goal and
outcomes for student success. (SO5)
from to
Subject area/grade level:
Time of day project will occur:
Number of students involved/affected:
School student population (as of June, 2013)
Grant amount requested: $
Code ____________
(For office use only)
DEADLINE IS Friday, October 3, 2014 @ 4:00 P.M.
2014-15 Innovative Learning Grant Application
If technology software and/or equipment are listed, the school CRS, LMS or Department of Technology
representative must sign on Page 1.
Compensation for food, an instructors time or stipends for personnel services are not approved
budget items.
At the conclusion of your project, you will be required to submit a financial statement and
copies of original receipts for all expenditures.
Types of Expenditures
Materials / Supplies / Equipment (explain equipment use) Amount
A.) TOTAL Materials / Supplies / Equipment $
Additional Fees (building use, transportation, custodial, postage, etc.)
B.) TOTAL Fees $
C.) TOTAL Requested From Foundation $
NOTE: If Line A.) and/or Line B.) equal more than Line C.), please name additional funding sources
for the project here:
* The Education Foundation reserves the right to provide an amount less than the total requested.
Code ____________
(For office use only)
DEADLINE IS Friday, October 3, 2014 @ 4:00 P.M.
2013-14 Innovative Learning Grant Application
Project Title:
Executive Summary: (Please describe your overall project in 100 words or less.)
Please note: Grant application reviewers may not be educators. Please provide as much information as
possible about the project that will thoroughly answer questions a reader might have about who, what, where,
why and how related to your project activities including items you have included in your budget.
Please limit your response to each question to no more than 250 words (excluding attachments).
1) How will your proposed program promote innovative learning in our schools?
2) Describe how these activities will engage students in Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, and Problem
3) Provide at least 3 examples of how your project will provide students opportunities to demonstrate
effective communication and collaboration. Please ensure your examples include at least 3 of the
following 21st century skills for VBCPS: Information Literacy, Listening, Collaboration, Communication.
4) List 3-5 milestones or outcomes you expect students to have achieved as a result of participating in your
project. Include (below or as an attachment) guiding questions, performance-based assessments or
rubrics that you will you use to determine whether the students met the milestones and achieved the
outcomes you listed.
5) How can your project be tailored to facilitate division-wide implementation? Identify which project costs
are one-time for start-up and which are annually recurring. Discuss how selected project costs might be
minimized or internalized as part of division-wide replication process.
DEADLINE IS Friday, October 3, 2014 @ 4:00 P.M.