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The Last Leaf

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Old MC Annex Building, Malhacan, City of Meycauayan, Bulacan

Tel. No.: (044)22!442 " #$a%c&'ulacan(
Lesson Plan in Literature for Grade 7 Students
Remedial Instruction
I O!"e#ti$es
At the end of the lesson the student is expected to:
acquire new words and use each in sentence;
identify the characters and events in the story;
put in sequence the events in the story; and
write a summary of the story that will include characters, setting, conflict and
II Su!"e#t Matter
Focus: Elements of short story
pring!oard: "he #ast #eaf !y $% &enry
'aterials: &andout, painting, visual aids, dictionary
I. Pro#edure Learnin% Tas&s
"eacher(s Activity tudents( Activity
A Routine
' Pra(er
#et us pray first% 'ay I as) *** to lead
the opening prayer+
"han) you ***%
,ood morning, class-
.efore you ta)e your seats, )indly
chec) if there are pieces of paper under your
chairs, pic) it up and arrange your chairs
) C*e#&in% of Attendan#e
/ow, let us chec) the attendance, row
leaders, do we have a!sentees today+
Row 0%
Row 1%
Row 2%
Row 3%
It is nice to hear that all are present
+ Re$ie,
/ow, let us have a short review a!out
our topic last time% 4ho would li)e to remind
"hat(s right- 5o you have any question
#et us pray% Almighty ,od6 7tudent(s
,ood morning, ma(am-
7tudents pic) up the pieces of paper and
arrange their chairs9
I(m glad to report that every!ody is present in
our row%
I(m glad to report that every!ody is present in
our row%
I(m glad to report that every!ody is present in
our row%
I(m glad to report that every!ody is present in
our row%
'a(am, last time we discussed a!out the short
story "he &appiest .oy in the 4orld !y /:'
Learning to Live Life; Living Lifes Learning
or clarification regarding our last topic+
If none, then let us proceed to our
lesson for today%
C Moti$ation
<"he ,reat ,iraffe =hallenge>
? A set of riddles will !e given to the
=lass% elected students will answer the
riddles, if they get the correct answer they will
get a reward, if otherwise, they will have to
deal with consequence of stic)ing a giraffe
picture in his@her forehead for the rest of the
su!Aect period%
$)ay, now that you(re all motivated, let(s have
our lesson proper%
- .o#a!ularies
.efore moving on to our topic, let us
first unloc) the difficult words that are present
in the selection%
E -urin% Readin%
$)ay class, now that we have unloc)ed the
difficult words, let(s proceed%
I have here the copy of the short story, "he last
leaf !y $% &enry% /ow, I want you all to read it
quietly !ecause I(m going to as) you a set of
questions, afterwards%
/one, ma(am%
7"he students(( will participate in the activity9
7 "he students( will read the story silently9
Moti$ation /Riddles01 2T*e Great Giraffe C*allen%e3
0% 2:BB am, the door!ell rings and you wa)e up% Cnexpected visitors, it(s your parents
and they are there for !rea)fast% Dou have straw!erry Aam, honey, wine, !read and
cheese% 4hat is the first thing you open+
1% Dou are in a room with three mon)eys% "he first mon)ey has a !anana, the second
mon)ey has a stic), and the third mon)ey has nothing !ut a chee)y grin%%% 4ho is the
smartest primate+
2% A poor man is sitting in a pu!% &e sees that the man next to him is extremely rich%
8oor man: I have an ama;ing talent; I )now almost every song that has ever existed%
"he rich man laughs%
8oor man: I am willing to !et you all the money you have in your wallet that I can sing
a popular song that includes a ladyEs name of your choosing% "he rich man laughs
Rich man: $F, how a!out my daughterEs name, Goanna Armstrong?'iller+
"he poor man goes home rich% 4hat song did he sing+
3% "wo friends were leaving the restaurant and as they passed the cashier, one of them
paid his !ill !ut the other handed the cashier a slip of paper with the num!er 0BB30HB
written on it% "he cashier studied the num!er for a moment, and then let the friend pass
!y without paying% 4hy+
Learning to Live Life; Living Lifes Learning
I% "here is an ancient invention still used in some parts of the world today that allows
people to see through walls% 4hat is it+
J% Its K letter it(s greater than ,od, eviler than a demon, poor people have it, wealthy
people need it% 4hat is it+
K% &ow many types of animals did 'oses ta)e on his ar)+
H% ix glasses are in a row% "he first three are filled with mil) and the last three are
empty% .y moving only one glass, can you arrange them so that the full and the empty
glasses alternate+ 4hat do the num!ers 00, JL, and HH all have in common+
L% A girl who was Aust learning to drive went down a one?way street in the wrong
direction, !ut didnEt !rea) the law% &ow come+
0B% #oo) at me% I can !ring a smile to your face, a tear to your eye, or even a thought to
your mind% .ut, I canEt !e seen% 4hat am I+
1. )ou* +ye,
2. )ou"-u#an
3. -a%%y Bi*thday
4. .004.0 (/ O0+ NOT-/N1
2O3 / AT+ NOT-/N1)
5. 0indo4
6. Nothing
7. Mo,e, didn5t 'uild the a*6,
Noah did.
8. 7ic6 u% the ,econd gla,, and
%ou* the #il6 into the fifth
gla,, and then %ut it 'ac6 in
the ,econd %o,ition.
9. 8he9, 4al6ing
10. )ou* Me#o*ie,
A% 8re?reading
? "he "eacher will discuss the life of $% &enry, the author of the short story entitled <"he #ast
:oca!ulary 5evelopment
"he student will give the meaning of the words !elow using a dictionary:
0% Approach ?
1% 8neumonia ?
2% :ine ?
3% urvive?
I% 'asterpiece?
After )nowing the meaning the student will use the words in her own
.% 5uring? Reading
0% "he teacher will give the student a copy of the short story The :a,t
:eaf 'y $% &enry% "he student will read the story silently%
1% As the student read the text, the teacher will as) the student to
underline the name of the characters, the setting and the words listed in
the voca!ulary development%
=% 8ost?reading
"he teacher will as) the student the ff% questions:
Learning to Live Life; Living Lifes Learning
0% 4ho are the characters in the story+
1% 4here and when did the story happen+
2% 4hat did 'r% .ehrman paint !efore he died+
3% "ry to descri!e his masterpiece%
I% 4hat did 'r% .ehrmanEs painting do for Gohnsy to help her survive+
J% 4hat feeling did it give her+
K% 4hy does ue call M"he #ast #eafM .ehrmanEs masterpiece+
H% 4hat is the theme of the story "he #ast #eaf !y $% &enry+
8ut these lines in correct order:
Ten Lines fro4 T*e Last Leaf
&ere are ten lines from the end of the story% 8ut them into the
correct order to find out how 'r% .ehrman created his masterpiece%
"ry to do this without loo)ing at the !oo)%
a9 "here was a light he had ta)en outside% ***
!9 'r% .ehrman died of pneumonia today in the hospital% ***
c9 "here was green and yellow paint% ***
d9 &e was helpless with pain% ***
e9 &e painted his great masterpiece !efore the last leaf fell% ***
f9 And they found some things% ***
g9 "he night had !een so cold and wild% ***
i9 "here were materials for painting% ***
h9 omeone found him in his room% ***
A9 &is clothes were as wet and cold as ice% ***
III E$aluation
In your qui; note!oo): 4rite a summary of the short story that includes the
characters, setting, conflict and resolution%
I. Assi%n4ent
,o over the short story again% In your assignment note!oo) write an essay !ased on
the guide questions !elow:
0% 4hat can you say a!out the friendship of Gohnsy and ue+
1% 5o you have a friend li)e ue+
2% 4hat is the most caring action your friend did for you+
3% 4hat are you willing to do for your friends+
Learning to Live Life; Living Lifes Learning

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