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Project Worksheet English 9

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Lesson 1.

“Auld Lang Syne” &

“I Think Continually of Those Who Were Truly Great

Activity 1.0
Form an acronym of GREATNESS by giving an equivalent to each letter in the word. The word equivalent
in each letter should be a trait that you believe makes a person great e.g. G for generous.
Answer this:
G = _____________________
R = _____________________ How do we celebrate the greatness of the people we know? Who
E = _____________________ do we consider truly great?
A = _____________________ _______________________________________________________
T = _____________________
N = _____________________
E = _____________________
S = _____________________ _______________________________________________________
S = _____________________ ______________________________________________________.

Activity 1.1
Read the song “Auld Lang Syne” and the poem “I Think Continually of Those Who Were Truly Great” on
your book. Then answer the following questions.

“Auld Lang Syne”

1. When ―Auld Lang Syne‖ is usually sung?
2. Who is being referred to in the song?
3. What makes the persona‘s friends unforgettable?
4. What experiences have they gone through?
5. Do Filipinos love to sing this song during a New Year‘s celebration?

“I Think Continually of Those Who Were Truly Great”

1. What distinct quality of those who are great does the persona mention in the first stanza?
2. Based on the 2nd stanza, what should not be forgotten?
3. What is the legacy of those who are great?

Activity 1.2
Copy and study the statements below. Check the statement that refers to both poems. If the statement
refers to the first poem, write 1. Otherwise, write 2.
_____1. Nature pays tribute to persons of valor.
_____2. The persona recounts old memories of friendship.
_____3. The text is marked with vivid imagery.
_____4. Personification is utilized by the author.
_____5. The text talks about what endures through time.

Activity 1.3
Read the poems again to note the similarities and differences between the two in terms of the use of
figurative language and its content. Use the Venn diagram to note their answer.

I Think
Auld Lang Continually
Syne Those Who
Truly Great
Lesson 2: Martin Luther King Jr. on Greatness

Activity 2.0
Look at the pictures below. Write information about each person.

__________________ ____________________ ___________________ __________________

__________________ ____________________ ___________________ __________________
__________________ ____________________ ___________________ __________________
__________________ ____________________ ___________________ __________________
__________________ ____________________ ___________________ __________________

Activity 2.1
Learn more about greatness through the life of Martin Luther King Jr. Watch/Listen to him and answer the
questions that follow.

1. Who is Martin Luther King Jr.?


2. According to him, who has the potential to be great? List them.


Activity 2.2

Read this infographic excerpt and pay attention to the

highlighted words.

Questions to Answer:
1. What elements are used in the infographic?
2. Is knowledge easily understood when represented in an
infographic? Why?

3. Take note of the word ―later‖. What does it signify as used
in the sentence?
4. Observe how the phrase, in the White House, is used in the
inforgraphic. How does the phrase signify?
Activity 2.3
In this Facebook template, write your own definition of greatness in two (2) to three (3) sentences.

Activity 2.4

Go back to the poem I Think Continually of Those Who Were Truly Great and MLK‘s definition of
greatness. What are traits of those who were truly great according to the author? Look for a person who
exemplifies these qualities.

Create a simple infographic. Your infographic must be accurate, attractive, and well-written. Use the space
Lesson 3: Types of Adverbs

Activity 3.0

Read and compare the two selections below. Which is more interesting to read? Why? What word/s made
the other more detailed? Take note of the additional words or phrases that have been added in Selection B.
Categorize them according to what question they correspond. Use the matrix provided below.


The sounds awakened her, though her sister slept on. The sounds slowly awakened her, though apparently
She snuck out and hurried following the noise and the her sister across the room slept on. It was nearly
lights shining. She looked at the scene that was midnight. She snuck out quietly and hurried across
enfolding before her. She touched the shoulder of a the street following the noise and the lights shining
fireman who was reaching for a fire extinguisher brightly. She looked about quickly at the scene that
stowed and raising her little voice asked, "What was enfolding before her. She tentatively touched the
happened?" shoulder of a fireman who was reaching for a fire-
extinguisher stowed just inside the cab of the truck
"Accident!" He jumped down from the truck's cab and and raising her little voice asked worriedly, "What
rushed off. happened?"
She repeated, "Accident? In the middle of the night?" "Accident!" He jumped down from the truck's cab and
In the midst of the firemen and paramedics she rushed off.
ignored the bustle around her and looked about to see She repeated quietly, "Accident? In the middle of the
if anyone noticed the eleven-year old girl in a pink night?"
bathrobe and slippers who had just joined them.
In the midst of the firemen and paramedics she
She crouched and peered under the Chevy Blazer ignored the bustle around her and looked about to see
that perched half on and half off the sidewalk. A if anyone noticed the eleven-year old girl in a pink
bicycle lay crumpled. She recognized it. It was her bathrobe and slippers who had just joined them. She
sister's! crouched down and quickly peered under the Chevy
Blazer that perched precariously half on and half off
the sidewalk. A bicycle lay crumpled beneath the
under carriage. She recognized it immediately. It was
her sister's!'

Where? When? How? To What Extent? How Frequent?

Activity 3.1

Encircle the adverb. Put an arrow to the word/s it describes. Then identify its type.

______________ 1. Alice fell into the rabbit hole. _____________ 10. Dennis always brings his dog

______________ 2. I often visit my grandparents. _____________ 11. She is amazingly skillful in both

______________ 3. Wet pieces of clay fell everywhere. spending and saving money.

______________ 4. Sean never likes that old hotel. _____________ 12. The boys were extremely

______________ 5. I jog sometimes. nice to the new student.

______________ 6. Yesterday, they play the games. _____________ 13. The football game was rather fun.

______________ 7. The show will begin soon. _____________ 14. Today, mother is inspired.

______________ 8. George will come here? _____________ 15. Jim saw the cat on the sidewalk.

______________ 9. Allison moved away.

Activity 3.2

Write 3 sentences for each type of adverb. Encircle the adverb used.

Adverb of Manner

1. _________________________________________________________________.
2. _________________________________________________________________.
3. _________________________________________________________________.

Adverb of Time

1. _________________________________________________________________.
2. _________________________________________________________________.
3. _________________________________________________________________.

Adverb of Place

1. _________________________________________________________________.
2. _________________________________________________________________.
3. _________________________________________________________________.

Adverb of Frequency

1. _________________________________________________________________.
2. _________________________________________________________________.
3. _________________________________________________________________.

Adverb of Degree

1. _________________________________________________________________.
2. _________________________________________________________________.
3. _________________________________________________________________.

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