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Image Compression: A Survey

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Research J ournal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 7(4): 656-672, 2014

ISSN: 2040-7459; e-ISSN: 2040-7467

Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2014
Submitted: J anuary 17, 2013 Accepted: July 03, 2013 Published: J anuary 27, 2014

Corresponding Author: Mehwish Rehman, Department of Computer Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information
Technology Wah Cantt., 47040, Pakistan, Tel.: +9233351788872

Image Compression: A Survey

Mehwish Rehman, Muhammad Sharif and Mudassar Raza
Department of Computer Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information
Technology Wah Cantt., 47040, Pakistan

Abstract: Image Compression is a demanding field in this era of communication. There is a need to study and
analyze the literature for image compression, as the demand for images, video sequences and computer animation
has increased at very high rate so that the increment is drastically over the years. Multimedia data whether graphics,
audio, video data which is uncompress requires considerable transmission bandwidth and storage capacity. So this
leads to the need of compression of images and all multimedia applications to save storage and transmission time. In
this study we discuss different compression algorithms used to reduce size of images without quality reduction.

Keywords: Compression, image, lossless, lossy, review


An approach of reducing the volume of graphics
file in bytes without influenced image quality to
unacceptable level. This minimization in size enables
more images storage in an available memory space and
cut down the transmission duration that is demanded by
an image to be downloaded over the Internet.
Compression can be classified in to two types Lossy
and Lossless compression (Mudassar Razaet al., 2012;
Naeemet al., 2008) technique. In Lossless compression
there is no information loss and the image also retains
its quality it can be remodeled exactly the same as the
original. Main application is Medical imagery (Masood
et al., 2012).
In Lossy compression loss and missed information
is bearable. Application is commercial distribution
(DVD). Lossless methods cannot provide enough
compression ratios. In this study, a review of various
lossy and lossless algorithms (Fig. 1) used so for image
compression are explained, this will be helpful for
researchers for further research by considering the
existing work.


Two essential and basic parts are reducing
redundancy and irrelevancy. Reducing Redundancy
focuses to reproduce exactly from the image. Parts of
the image are omitted unnoticed by the receiver from
naked eye namely Human Visual System in irrelevancy
There are several image compression algorithms
some of them are lossy and some are lossless such as
fractal image compression, transform-based image
compression (DCT, DWT) (Sharif et al., 2011a, b),
image compression using wavelet coding, ESPIC
EBCOT, Embedded zero tree wavelet algorithm,
SPIHT algorithm, Set Partitioned Embedded Block
coding and Wavelet difference reduction algorithm.
Recent compression methodologies successfully
achieve high compression rate and maximum quality of
perception relative to previous one.


Fractal image compression: At first Fractal Image
Compression (FIC) was recommended but major
drawback of FIC was poor retrieved image quality
when compression is apply on noisy or corrupted
images. So, to overcome this limitation, HFIC is
proposed in which contrast and brightness estimate
through M-estimation. The main drawback is high
computational cost which is solving through PSO
which reduce time needed for searching. This technique
is efficient because it retain the quality of image (J eng
et al., 2009). Figure 2 shows some Fractal Image
Compression Techniques.

Region-based heuristic search compression: By
using different transformations classes a novel
algorithm that enlarges the block-based scheme.
Implemented methods are not block based of fixed size
square. It is region based large and irregular shaped
segments of images can be used as regions. These
region-based transformations used to encode images.
Heuristic algorithms used to construct these
transformations (Thomas and Deravi, 1995; Hartenstein
et al., 2000). Nearest neighbor search is based on pre-

Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(4): 656-672, 2014


Fig. 1: Lossy and lossless image compression methods

Fig. 2: Fractal image compression techniques

quantization and orthogonal projection which are
parameters of fractal transform. It is shown from results
that our new technique has the ability to enhance both
rate of compression and fidelity thus encoding time and
memory demand minimizes (Avcibas et al., 2002). A
method for exploiting the time redundancy of region
borders is proposed. The additional information
improves the signal quality produced by the classified
region coding scheme. The predictor used for image
sequence coding is very simple. In order to achieve
better results more complex predictor based on motion
estimation and compensation (Sanderson and Crebbin,

Low complexity fractal-based compression:
Technique based on human visual system is the method
using a simple and competent 44 blocks is divided
into perceptually shade and edge blocks. For each edge
block instead of using MMSE criterion from small
domain pool with respect to every 52 edge patterns
Firstly it finds Same domain block using properties like
mean, range, location and orientation. By guessing
mean intensity correlation found in the neighborhood of
a shade block can be easily decreases (Kumar and J ain,
1997). Shade region of image suitably can code by
Pattern based technique is proved by simulation.
Table 1 shows some Fractal Image Compression
Proposed Scheme not only is better in term of
encoding speed and compression ratios (Kumar
et al., 1998). Region are coded corresponding to
segmentation map computed already that explicit
region based functionalities images (Tong and
Wong, 2002).

Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(4): 656-672, 2014

Table 1: Fractal image compression techniques
Ref. Technique Features Merits Demerits Application Results
J eng et al.
Huber fractal
Embedded linear
huber regression
into encoding
Preserve image
Suitable for
corrupted image
Due to noise in image
HFIC has good
robustness against the
outliers PSNR>26.42
Thomas and
Deravi (1995)
Using heuristic
search fractal
efficiently exploited
through self-
Achieves a double
The encoding
takes an order
longer than the
Multimedia and
image archiving
Compression ratios
Kumar et al.
Bath Fractal
based method
Focus on visual
pattern with least
and better
Low cost and real
time consumer
Use of higher block
size gain higher
compression ratios

Kumar and J ain
Low complexity
Based on human
vision system
High speed
encoding speed
and higher
compression ratios

Suitable for low cost
applications and
Progressive Image
Transmission (PIT)
Encode test image in
16 sec
Only in 2 iterations
achieves decoded
Mitra et al.
Fractal image
compression with
genetic algorithm
Considered and
exploited self
property of images
efficiency means
reducing the coding
extensive search
Real life images Compression ratio is
9.97 PSNR is 31.53
Truong et al.
Fractal DCT
inner product
MSE calculations of
the given range
block is done with
Faster - Applicable to
various enhanced
With same PSNR
value encoding time
six times faster than
baseline method
J eng and Shyu
scheme in
Lowest frequency
data is used to aid
fractal image
Retrieved image
quality is not
- This algorithmhelps
FIC to reduce
computation time
Faster ~4.7 times

Compression using genetic algorithm: Performance
of the fractal based on GA comprises of 3 components
total amount of search space points second number of
cycles T and initial population size S. Iterations will
varies from image to image for sake of near-optimal
solution. Image self transformability characteristic is
take into account and also reduced. Compression
implements the GAs which greatly decreases the search
space. It discusses practical implementation of the
proposed method and classification technique (Mitra
et al., 1998).

Progressive decoding method: Fixed point iteration
approach with control parameter is progressive when
we set control parameter as one Contractive
transformation and particularly reverts back. Based on
the new iteration procedure, a progressive decoding
algorithm, which does not need any specific fractal
encoder and is beneficial for low bandwidth
transmission (Heet al., 2004).

DCT inner product with FIC: In order to attain a
quicker encoding, that exploits every repeated
computation for the eight dihedral, a method of
classification shrunken domain pool size the eight
orientation measurement is still needed at each search
entry. For quad tree applications with a small/large
block size same calculation is also done. For better
speed of the decoder the fast algorithm can be applied
independently without effecting PSNR (Truong et al.,

Fast fractal based on one norm of normalized block:
For fractal coding an accelerating scheme on
normalized block is proposed. It contains ability to grab
the best matched block with a reduced search. It is
proved from results that it yields the same or superior
quality as the baseline algorithm, while its runtime is
shortened ~19 times (Heet al., 2004).

Combination of fractal image compression and
vector quantization: Fractal image compression and
oriented mean shape gain VQ efficiently merged. We
use two quad tree based schemes fast top down
heuristic technique and with a large range multiplier
method. Generation of an embedded code is not
possible with it because embedded codes allow
progressively transmission capability and scalability
(Hamzaoui and Saupe, 2000).

Simple classification in frequency domain: Lowest
frequency data is utilizes to aid fractal image
compression. The overall decoding is carried out 4.7
times faster than is possible using the baseline method
while the resultant image quality is not effected the
quality of retrieve image is also preserved (J eng and
Shyu, 2000).

Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(4): 656-672, 2014


Fig. 3: Compression methods based on DCT


It is proposed for medical image compression. It
enhances the compression output by exploiting spectra
similarity and quality of image is also preserve. It
involves division of n*n image into same size sub
image. Unitary transform is applied on each sub image
(Wu and Tai, 2001). In J PEG to retain the quality as
compression ratios in average level achieved, discrete
cosine transform Bit rate is reduced. For bit level
reduction three main methods of band gathering
matching similarity and significance selection are
discussed (Nijim et al., 1996). In prescribed set of
frequency ranges we predefine several WDCT matrices.
Minimization the error of reconstruction for input block
of image best WDCT matrix is searched which then
compressed transform coefficients. Matrix index are
send toward decoder side to reconstruct image and then
corresponding WDCT inverse matrix is multiplied to
coefficients (Cho and Mitra, 2000).

DCT based image compression: Benefits of various
approaches are combined by DCT based compression
method (Fig. 3). Firstly, Image is divided into variable
size blocks using partitioning in vertical and horizontal
direction. For reducing statistical redundancy by a bit
plane of each image block. In decompression of images
blocking artifacts can be eliminated by post filtering.
Significantly better compression results are shown than
J PEG and other techniques (Ponomarenko et al., 2007).

3D-DCT coder for medical image compression: The
advancement in compression algorithms are needed by
lossless medical imaging for diagnostic purposes attain
high compression Ratio. In this with very high fidelity
and low bit rate an adaptive 3D DCT image coder is
presented. Compression ratio increases and alleviates
blocky effects by this method. Decrement of blocking
effects could be achievable when employed to the 3-D
cuboids. As background that is darker occupy most
contents of image. Due to this reason to compress
medical images 3D coder is more suitable choice. In
segmentation phase to generatethe Huffman codes we
have use a 3D zigzag scanning pattern instead of 2D
zigzag scan (Tai et al., 2000).

Medical image compression: First we calculate and
measures difference area b/w correct predicted points
for deciding significant coefficients. Goal of
compression is obtained instead of the whole
coefficients by recording and significant coefficients
transmission. To reconstruct coefficients among two
sequent important coefficient equations is used on the
decoder side (Belloulata and Konrad, 2002).
Table 2 shows an overview of some DCT based
compression methods.


Embedded Zero Wavelet algorithms (EZW): This is
robust image compression technique in which
embedded nature of bit stream is maintained during the
transmission. For this first wavelet coefficients are
partition into S parts then code and quantize them one
by one thus S embedded bit stream which are different
from each other are created (Creusere, 1997). Coding
that simultaneously offers lossless as well as lossy
recovery. For optimizing the functionality of both
coding methods, Division of two layers is
recommended. For consumption of energy and de-
correlation first coding layer is on a DWT that is
produced by wavelet filter kernel choice in correct way.
Using an adaptive wavelet packet integer algorithm
remaining part of image is de-correlated in second layer
(Marpe et al., 2000). Two techniques based on EZW
coding were proposed to enhance the working of
method. Using both methods one can make gains
significant in compression performance can be highly
achievable through a fixed transform. Coding resulting
System outperforms a baseline system by using fully
embedded EZW (Adams and Antoniou, 2000). The
approach relies upon EZW. In progressive medical
image transmission EZW algorithm is known as

Table 2: Discrete cosine transformcompression methods
Ref. Technique Features Merits Demerits Application Results
Wu et al. (2001) DCT spectral
transmission or
Simple manipulation
of images fast image
transfer over large n/w
Medical images PNSR 4-8 dB and
max compression
Tai et al. (2000) 3-D discrete
Local energy
Decoded images
quality is better
than by J PEG
Medical images bpp is <0.25

Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(4): 656-672, 2014


Fig. 4: Wavelets based compression

controlled and manageable resolution constraint and
rate constraint (Dilmaghani et al., 2004).

Hybrid coding: A hybrid coding system that uses a
hierarchy of set partition in SPIHT and vector
quantization VQ for image compression is presented.
To form the wavelet trees the coefficient of the input
image wavelet is rearranged from all the sub-bands of
the same orientation that are composed of the
corresponding wavelet coefficients. Wavelet trees
grouped into two classes based on the amplitude
distribution a simple tree classifier has been proposed.
Each class of wavelet trees is encoded using an
appropriate procedure, specifically either SPIHT or VQ
(Su et al., 2005).

Wavelet-based space frequency image compression:
SFS has rate distortion criterion which suits the image
representation that is a good alternative for images.
Because of speckle texture especially in ultrasound
image and the unique shape of scanned regions mean
unusual characteristics Partition. It is more optimum
representation for compressing ultrasound images in
medical. To compress ultra sound images background
area and ultrasound scanned region should be operated
individually is an appropriate way to compress medical
ultrasound images is shown in this study (Guo et al.,

Binary space partition scheme and geometric
wavelets: This algorithm uses two BSP and GW
methods. BSP scheme uses a simple description of the
images. In image processing and computer graphics
field, it has range of applications. This method splits the
convex field into two sub domains by dividing it with a
hyper plane. This subdivision process is done in order
to reduce the given cost. The approach repeatedly
partitions image by straight lines in a stepwise way and
geometric representation extraction. This method
benefits in betterment of PSNR with increased bitrates
(Chopra and Pal, 2011). Figure 4 shows different
Wavelets based Compression methods.

Performance analysis using wavelets of image
compression: Wavelet compression and decompression
process are highlighted with the extent to affected
image quality as well as main point and still images
compression. Image quality is measured or picture
quality scale by using pre-determined image quality
with the help of PSNR and its comparison with a DCT
is also discussed. Result provides a good reference and
for application developer makes it possible and easy to
make choice of good wavelet compression system. In
Short performance of image compression by
implementing wavelet is discussed (Grgic et al., 2001).

Wavelet compression of chromosome images: In this
coding scheme for the chromosomes, ROIs lossless
compression is mainly used during our examination and
testing for comparison on the whole image. In second
case with use of bit rate separately background of
chromosomes are compressed lossless. Easy
manageable performances for lossless compression in
this section along with all results presented are
described in terms of PSNR in decibel and b/p for lossy
compression (Liu et al., 2002).

Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(4): 656-672, 2014

Predictive embedded zero tree wavelet: Predictive
EZW wavelet coding is a zero tree based codec. The
functional units for PEZW are zero trees for coding.
Minimum complexity and good coding efficiency is
gained by this algorithm (Liang, 1999). ECZQR in the
wavelet transform domain is a unique scenario that
depends on energy clustering and zero quad tree
representation is proposed. To use large rectangular
blocks to represent zeros it first uses Morphological
dilation to extract the arbitrarily shaped clusters of
significant coefficients within each sub-band (Chiu
et al., 2001; Zhong et al., 2000).

For satellites images wavelet based compression
scheme: We present almost lossless image compression
for enhancing images quality level. Firstly encode
input image by the CCSDS recommendation. Then to
produce residual image reconstructed by the code by
subtracting resultant image from original image.
Compressed image decode by decoder and bit plane
after receiving encoded data. The proposed method is
easier to implement due to low complexity (Chen et al.,

Embedded wavelet pixel classification and sorting:
In this study the embedded image compression
structuring and hierarchy of working in wavelet domain
is describe by using the concept of pixel sorting and
classification. Pixel grouping and sorting methods for
better understanding the working of previous method
can also characterized implicitly or explicitly. We
develop algorithm domain in wavelet not so complex
explicit and suitable way to classify and sort pixel. At
variable complexity modes without any post process
PCAS algorithm shows efficient higher performance
with quality or spatial scalability (Peng and Kieffer,

Convergent algorithms for succewith applications to
wavelet image compression: In this study, we will
state and prove some properties of the SAVQ algorithm
and also propose and analyze a new version of it. This
modified algorithm achieve more stable rate x
distortion performance in the sense that its parameters
can be set PSNR performance regardless of particular
image coded also obtained. This is a very desirable
result as finding the optimum parameters for each input
image would be computationally expensive (Craizer
et al., 1999). Global maximum entropy can be observed
through three step scalar quantizer performed after
discrete wavelet transform. It help us to describe
minimum quantization error with entropy constrained
and minimum entropy with an error bound, which are
useful for applicable in real implementations (Wu and
Hsu, 2000).

Multi-wavelet transform coding: Multi-wavelet
decomposition algorithm on multi-scaling basis
initialization phase has been shown more powerful and
suitable. For this purpose different techniques have
been considered. The working capability of multi-
wavelet coder is matched with the scalar wavelets
results and outcome. These multi-wavelets are
examined to compression problem (Cotronei et al.,

Wavelet-based color image compression:
Implementation of CSF from even to local variations
within decomposition sub band of spatial frequencies at
max precision. Method is suitably efficient to be
applicable for luminance and also color images. At
beginning of study a surface over spatial frequency this
directs to quantization task noise shaping under visual
perception. To check modeling of CSF in constraints of
a DWT based codec for achieving better compression
quality which is also visually optimal for this
implementation choices were also point out (Nadenau
et al., 2003).

Reduced memory and line-based wavelet
compression (LBRMBIC): Approach for line based
wavelet transforms and it divides memory which is to
be consumed in two different classes that is filtering
memory and synchronization memory. Entropy coding
algorithm that can merge with line based transform with
very low memory consumption. It is also
experimentally shown competitive performance with
image coders. This algorithm is better with respect to
memory usage and computations (Chrysafis and
Ortega, 2000).

Dynamic contrast based quantization: Strategy for
the purpose of visual quality restoration has been
proposed at any bit rate. For every DWT sub band
quantizer size is estimated. On the outcome of
psychophysical experiments contrast are chooses
applied by using threshold and sub band threshold
targets constitute and against many natural image
maskers of wavelet sub band quantization distortions
presented (Chandler and Hemami, 2005).

Compression based on adaptive wavelet packet: Best
wavelet algorithm implementation and discuss by basic
target image construction out absurdly large amount of
time requirement adapted to required image. For better
performance with computational burden high speed
packet coder is designed for performing better merged
with a simple quantization scheme. Results are also
examined on various textured images including not
only PSNR.As compared to standard techniques this
scheme is approximately 4 times speedy (Meyer et al.,
2000). 9/7 filter for compression of image blocks the
number of multiplications is reduced by a ratio of 5/12
and the speed of implementation of the wavelet
transform increased is proposed. In comparison with its
lifting-based implementation, the number of
multiplications is decreases by a ratio of 5/12 and the

Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(4): 656-672, 2014

Table 3: Image compression using coding of wavelet coefficients
Ref. Technique Features Merits Demerits Application Results
EZW algorithm EZW algorithm
divide the wavelet
quantize and code
each of them
Small amount of
memory is
For the lena image
bpp =1.0 with S =
256 PSNR =35.06
Marpeet al.
Two layer wavelet
based algorithm
Both lossless and
lossy compression
- Transmission of
Similar or superior
pure lossy still
Liu et al.
compression of
Depending on
features of ROI
method for
Transmission in
- biomedical
image archiving
achieved is double
Liang (1999) Predictive
embedded zero
tree wavelet coder
Zero trees are the
fundamental coding
units for PEZW
Efficient coding
wise and
Internet and
Both efficient but
PEZW has much
low complexity
Chenet al.

For satellite
images wavelet
based compression
Image compression
based on lossless
high quality
images with less
transmission time
- Satellite image
transmission and
storage system
For lunar 92% of bit
Peng and
Embedded image
In wavelet domain
method of modeling
and ordering
Scalability with
Transmission of
digital images
1.0 bpp and PSNR =
0.45 db
Wu and Hsu

Transforms in
Global max of an
entropy function
Different decision
Maintain good
image fidelities
with high ratio of
- Multi-resolution
et al. (2000)
Multi wavelet
Embedded coding
scheme based on
Fast transmission
of image data
- - Compression ratio is
128:1 for lena image
et al. (2003)
color image
codec for visually
visual quality
- Medical imagery
or SAR images
gain of about 30%

and Ortega
Line based
reduced memory
Solve low memory
wavelet image
Efficient in term
of speed and
- Mass
market consumer
based coders
Meyer et al.
Adaptive wavelet
packet image
Fast 2D convolution
Visually pleasant
- ~4 time more fast
than standard
Adams and
- Reversible
embedded image
Much better than
baseline system

speed of implementation of the wavelet transform is
increased (Meng and Wang, 2000).

Multi wavelet packets image compression
techniques: The pre exist standards of compression
like J PEG algorithm wavelet transforms and
quantization method has capability of surpassing. In
order to perform better wavelet transform filters are
required. It mixed number of desired characteristics as
symmetry and orthogonally (Collins and Atkins, 2001).
Integer wavelet transform: For lossless from lossy
compression difference between integer (IWT), infinite
precision DWT is analyzed. Due to IWT usage
structure for quality degradation is presented. Rounding
operation can be changed through added white noise
which is not linear based on the hypothesis. Transfer
functions were measured for equivalent computation
impact of few sources of noise on the reconstructed
pixel. Through simulation verification is done for
model. To validate theory as input, white noise (salt) is

Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(4): 656-672, 2014

used at beginning to validate theory. Secondly entire
compression system used and natural images in
framework of real applications (Zeng and Cumming,
2001). See Table 3 for Image Compression using
Coding of Wavelet Coefficients.


It is lossy compression technique for multimedia
application and wireless transmission. Two phases of
this method are Prediction and Quantization. In
prediction more information convey from each sample
pixel depend on hierarchical structure among pixel in
image then integrate this with quantization method
SPIHT to enhance compression performance (Kuo
et al., 2002).

Image and video compression: For conjunction 2D
pattern matching used that depends on range of
methods with different run length encoding and
adaptive distortion for image and videos lossy
compression. Tree based matching search is used by
basic kernel for computation with a region growing
scheme. Expanded and run length encoded segments
are in decompression matched patterns and requires
minimal computation for simplicity (Alzina et al.,
2002). Here Quad tree decomposing Algorithm is
described. It is simple way in order to achieve
representation of an image at variable resolution ranges.
For variety of image processing application this
representation can be use and helpful. Through quad
tree decomposition with using optimal choice for quad
tree decomposed here proposed way to enhance
performances of compressing and equation based bit
allocation procedure derived from rate distortion theory
for some Gaussian field (Liu and Zhao, 2008).
The proposal use information related to original
image by a non stationary model. Preservation of edges
sharpening is made possible in resulting solution while
the introduced artifacts are considered and discuss here
reduced. The advantage is first the degradation which is
undesirable such as blocking artifacts (Ozcelik et al.,
1995). In this study purpose is to design ahigh quality
compression system which is cost effective for the
efficient transmission. Both lossless such as contour,
run length and arithmetic as well as block predictive
lossy compression for graphics is supported and
introduce various efficient algorithms that helps and
storing images locally consists of both graphical and
video data at the same time and architecture of the
professional communication is also described (Schaar-
Mitrea, 2000). See Table 4 for Image and Video
Compression based methods.
To cut down reconstruction error, it is Pre/post
filtering framework to near block boundary in image
and video compression based on wavelets.


Inpainting techniques finishes visual redundancy
which is inherent in natural images. Some prominent
characteristics in filtering are proposed in the removal
of tilling of JPEG (Liang et al., 2005) at the encoder
side extracted from images. Some area of image also
skip in encoding process based on the features those are
extracted and at the decoder side recover after using
assisted inpainting method. Due to delivered assistant
Information It has the capability to remove too much
regions so compression ratio can be greatly increased

Table 4: Image and video compression
Ref. Technique Features Merits Demerits Application Results
Kumar and J ain
Two dimensional
pattern matching
image and video
Lossy data
framework based
on a 2D pattern
Good compression
Space and time
Image and video
Lena image
CR =32.01
PSNR =27.5
Chenet al.
Image compression
via improved
quad tree
Simple technique
to obtain an image
Better compression
- Video and HDTV
Better perform
than transform
coding or sub
Ozcelik et al.

based on recovery

An iterative
technique for
reducing the
compression rates
images cannot be
ranging fromvideo
telephony to HDTV
For lena image
Hybrid video
Cost-effective high
Efficient video and
graphics storage
and transmission
Cost TV and video
factors up to
Lianget al.
Pre/post filter for
wavelet image and
video method
framework to
reduce the
reconstruction error
Simplicity and
- Real-time
ratio of 120:1

Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(4): 656-672, 2014

and at a time for better quality of visual in saving
regions already loosed and remove for good visual
quality efficiently at the same time (Liu et al., 2007).
As in term of quality and edge preservation of image, it
is indicated from result that proposed model is
particularly suitable for images with high contrast
image. It exhibits lossy compression (Hong and Bao,


In this study lossless compression technique is
proposed in order to obtain compression at high ratio
(Fig. 5). As characteristics of image maximized local
and global redundancy so it reduces redundancy at both
local and global level. First divided image into blocks
of different length and then depending on the
characteristics of pixels in each block encode these
pixels. Technique gives more efficiency with respect to
other lossless algorithms and better result is achieving
(Wu and Tan, 2000; Ranganathan et al., 1995). Lossless
compression technique applied on medical imaginary
redundancies in spatial and temporal domain in order to
decrease size of image and it also reduces storage space
without degrading image. Time needed for computation
is also decrease. At first stage to exploit temporal
redundancy in image data OSS is apply. Using cluster
analysis redundancy in data I temporal domain is also
removed. Standard technique for dynamic data (Ho
et al., 1997). Almost same or high compression ratio is
achieved by LOCO-I then provided with state of art
schemes depending on arithmetic code (Weinberger
et al., 2000). Lossless Predictive Burrows Wheeler
Transformation (PBWT) and Gradient Adjusted
Prediction (GAP) block sort algorithms which are
useful in compression of textexual data. From
implementing Gradient Adjusted Prediction predictor
the performance can also be improved. From results
achieved by the experiment the efficiency our proposed
methods can also be checked (Ng and Cheng, 1999).
The algorithm recommended is a better substitution for
lossless. In case of real time imaginary obtained results
are reasonable with exploitation of spatial redundancy.
The implementation of the method is carried out in
MATLAB. On MRI, CT scan, ultrasound and
Mammogram experimental calculations are also
applied. For future compression Multiple Array
Technique we can use Huffman/Arithmetic coders and
then transmission is done through the Wi-Fi media
(Devaraj et al., 2005). For training template from
training model Lossless novel block is presented of
error diffused images. Multi- template is constructed for
representing texture features (Huang and Chung, 2007).
We examine approach which contain block division of
the image and then from a codebook of scans each
block is choose. Semi adaptive and adaptive codebooks
design and use is also studied. We also match with the
best obtained outcomes via standard JPEG (Memon
et al., 1995). A direct 3D lossless compression method
depending upon region growing has been introduced.
Its performance is the same as that of the corresponding
2D SLIC algorithm when it is applied to the same
number of slices at worst case. In most practical cases
dealing with medical images and examine remarkable
efficiency by proposed method (Wu and Tan, 2000).
The coding procedure consisting two passes. It
groups dots of 2*2 to cell where number of black dots
is used to represent each cell and the black dots location
in cell. In first step encoding is done of black dots in the
cell and in 2
round position is encoded. Firstly we
perform lossless compression Lossless compression in

Fig. 5: Lossless image compression algorithms

Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(4): 656-672, 2014

Table 5: Lossless image compression algorithms
Ref. Technique Merits Demerits Application Result
Wu and Tan (2000) Variable block size
Higher compression
Time and space
imaging and satellite
Better performthan
other lossless
schemes for lena CR
Ho et al. (1997) Dynamic image data
Requirement of
storage space is
reduced more than
95% and retain
- Medical image Compression ratio
>80: 1
Weinberger et al.
LOCO compression
performance in
is slow than
compression about
10 times
Faster than
Ng and Cheng
Gradient adjusted
prediction and
burrows wheeler
In text compression
results are excellent
Compression the
result is poor if
directly applied into
Used in text
Better than lossless
Devaraj et al. (2005) Lossless
compression using
multiple array
complexity and
faster compressions
- Medical and
Than other lossless
image compression
CR is same or
higher standards
X- ray 2.9:1
Huang and Chung
Texture- and
Multiple Template
Based algorithm
Low memory and
transmission time
- Suitable for error-
diffused images
improvement ratio
of proposed
algorithmis 17.6%
than previous
Wu and Tan (2000) 3D lossless image
compression based
on region growing
Better performance
due to exploitation of
Performance is
the same as 2D SLIC
applied to the same
num of slices
Medical images -

pass it can be refined to be lossless (Ng and Cheng
2003). Incorporation of Progressive and near lossless
technique is presented in a single framework. Proposed
coder proved to be competent as experimental
performance than conventional compression schemes
(Chen et al., 2002).

Multistate segmentation loss less compression: To
manage the size and number of region tree is pruned.
Overhead of rate optimization exists in coding
segmented data. Image model can be implemented
having pixel description present nearly region edges
which are in interior is another advantage of proposed
scheme (Lee and Park, 2003).

Ordered binary decision diagram: A lossless
compression algorithm for images based on OBD
diagrams is presented. OBDD is searched by algorithm
which is helpful for representing the image and then
efficiently do coding of ordered binary decision
diagram. With respect to a previous study the result of
this shows improvement in great aspect (J eng et al.,

Conditional arithmetic coding prediction and
adaptive lifting: In reducing prediction mistake due to
variance of stationary signal. In general dimensional
case optimal predictors is first calculated of a lifting
scheme. With corresponding update filters optimal
predictor filter is applied by sampling and row column
for lossless compression of still images. In quincunx
case to improve the results for enhancing efficiency of
linear predictors in nonlinear means by directional post
processing (Cardinal, 2001; Boulgouris et al., 2001).
Table 5 shows some Lossless Image Compression


First recent study is reviewed on compound image
compression. Then the SPEC algorithm which includes
system segmentation and coding detail description is
provided then experimental results are given at last
stage. Two main contribution of SPEC algorithm are to
separate text/graphics from pictures accurate
segmentation algorithm and for compressing text and
graphic lossless coding method is designed. It is
validate from experimental output that SPEC is an
algorithm having less complexity. Much better visual
quality is provided (Lin and Hao, 2005).

Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(4): 656-672, 2014


New method utilizing a two dimensional
transversal filters related to disparity estimation in
stereo images due mismatching effects is represented.
For reconstructing the block to minimize the quantity of
filter coefficients reduced ordered filtering. It is
enhanced block matching scheme version. During the
comparison the outcome of standard block matching
methods results of this technique showed that proposed
scheme is best option for the mismatching effects (Seo
et al., 2000).


In this study, various Cellular Neural N/w
Universal Machine (CNNUM) algorithms were
presented for the extremely fast compression of still and
moving images. The key idea is to split the image into
spatial sub bands storing only the subtraction of
reconstruction from a lower sub-band and the original
image removing spatial redundancy. This algorithm
performs better in lossless compression and superior to
J PEG standard with respect to compression ratio and
speed (Venetianter and Roska, 1998).


In this study sequential probability assignment
algorithm is provided which do coding of an image
with a O bit length of code that is the algorithm can be
called as the best tiling algorithm. The burden of
computation of the algorithm is O Nn^3. Major study
contribution is that in image rectangle tiling class as
useful method is introduce and efficient in term of
computation and exactly same computational
complexity progressive transmission is also possible
(Lee, 2000).


Suitable lossless compression focused on coding of
block Arithmetic. With respect to binary source
symbols probabilities P0 and p1arithmetic it parses its
coding interval. Template moving approach is used
across bi level by BACIC with BAC. To index
probability table template is used as a 12 bit context
table is constructed and adapts to each image
information (Reavy and Boncelet, 2001).


By implementing J BIG2 standard compression of
text images is examined. First SPM based J BIG-2
comparison with PM and S systems based are first
given according to efficiency of their coding. SPM
system contains 8% much better in case of lossless. As
compared to bit rate in the lossy case better control is
noticed over quality of reconstructed image by SPM
system. The major advantages is that it cut down time
and storage almost 2-4% too much memory consumed
and 2-3 times longer encoding time (Ye and Cosman,


It support packet decompositions also preserves
edges lost by SPIHT. In this collection of sub-band
organized in increasing resolution level is used to
represent original image. LL sub-band is lowest
resolution level. For the purpose to rebuild the image
each successive resolution level comprises of the
additional sub bands with double vertical and horizontal
resolution. As layers increase performance decreases.
This development is better for applications where
remote browsing of large compressed images involves
(Taubman, 2000).


Fuzzy vector quantization algorithms: An algorithms
which perform efficiently and exploit advantage of
fuzzy clustering is propose where demands of VQ
problem is also fulfilled. Effective strategies are
milestone on which it is based upon for transition from
soft toward crisp/hard decisions during the clustering
process. Measurement of the uncertainty related to
training vector assignment is also done in this study
with the help of several functions which contain which
are implemented in fuzzy K-means algorithms. For
designing codebook in compression of image based on
VQ the proposed Algorithms can also used
(Karayiannis and Pai, 1995). A new VQ technique is
presented in study which uses FRLVQ before applying
Standard VQ algorithm as a pre process. The proposed
algorithm helps to design codebook in an image
compression application. An improvement in resulting
codebook PSNR is achieved by FRLVQ-fuzzy VQ is
shown by the experimental results. In selection RL is
insensitive indicated by further testing both the learning
rate control parameter and of the initial codebook
(Iwahashi et al., 2003).

Image compression based on fuzzy algorithms:
System performance depends on wavelet based sub
band and vector quantization decomposition. By using
wavelet filters original image is decomposed in variable
resolution sub band sets to separate frequency bands.
Using Linde Buzo Gray algorithm the obtained bands
are quantized and via unsupervised learning several

Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(4): 656-672, 2014


Fig. 6: Image compression schemes using fuzzy algorithms

Table 6: Compression based on fuzzy algorithm
Ref. Technique Features Merits Demerits Results
Karayiannis and Pai
Fuzzy vector
Efficient algorithmfor
designing vector quantize
Speed, simplicity and
- FVQ algorithm
codebook design
better than previous
Karayianniset al.
Fuzzy Algorithms for
Learning VQ (FALVQ)
Wavelet based sub band
decomposition and vector
Low computational
Better image quality
- Compression
ratio >8:1

fuzzy algorithms for learning quantization all
prototypes update of neural network these algorithms
perform vector quantization. These algorithms are
tested on the reconstructed images to calculate quality
(Karayiannis et al., 1998). See Fig. 6 and Table 6 for
Image compression schemes using Fuzzy Algorithms.


The proper A3D-DWT and asymmetric zero tree
are effectively merged together for rate-distortion
improvement in proposed lossy method of compression.
It is shown by experiments that the proposed adaptive
AT3DSPIHT method performs not only much good
then the existing compression schemes relay on 3D-
DWT and A3D-DWT for hyper spectral images but
also better perform at the weakest correlated spectral
bands then 2DSPIHT (Shusterman and Feder, 1994).
For analyzing image which are hyper spectral in which
for compression criteria target detection and
classification were used. With an unsupervised learning
first we identified interest target in a hyper spectral
image scene. To obtain fractional abundance images the
entire image cube is compressed for these targets (Du
and Chang, 2004).


Several modified SPIHT algorithms are also
introduced for compressing multispectral images in the
spectral dimension by implementing KLT or VQ for the
purpose to take a strong interband dependency benefits
that such images contains. On adaptive it is seems that
3-DSPIHT is more appropriate due to its lower
complexity of design. Performance is much out class
both when multispectral and hyper spectral images are
considered. The comparison is also given with respect
to other schemes (Luigi Dragotti et al., 2000). The use
of pixel based error measures is our proposed method
with multispectral image more likely the spectrum
reconstruction accuracy according to the pixels. Usually
grey level or RGB images are being compressed. For
images which are multispectral are presented for
measures some quantitative quality (Kaarna et al.,
2000). The working performance of a custom hardware
implementation is dramatically enhanced and with the
slight adjustment in existing algorithm desired output
can also achieved. With fixed order SPIHT thus the
original algorithms PSNR curve is also matched (Fry
and Hauck, 2005). Highly scalable SPIHT combines the
features of spatial scalability through the necessary
details of the original SPIHT algorithm like scalability;
compression efficiency and low complexity are also
kept (Danyali and Mertins, 2004). The error-tolerant
SPIHT algorithm is discussed here implement simple
modifications and extensions to the conventional
SPIHT coder. In terms of computational complexity the
ER-SPIHT organization adds little overhead to either
the encoder or decoder. The use of RCPC and CRC
concatenated coding does add considerably to the
processing requirements, although the complexity is
comparable with other error-correcting methods
(Truong et al., 2000b). Analyzing texture mapping
homogeneity and by incorporating reduction of speckle
into compression scheme improvement of image
compression and interpretation is gain. At start in
hierarchical trees SPIHT classical set partition
implements wavelet compression scheme and changes
for controlling the speckle reduction rate using various
schemes of encoding to homogeneous and non
homogeneous scene area (Martin and Bell, 2001).


Novel method is presented for compression of gray
image Rate of bits and the quality of image shows that
STC method is reliable then BTCC method. Execution
cycle of proposed method is min than half than BTCC.
In each block by considering noise and increasing the

Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(4): 656-672, 2014

execution time images quality is also preserved in a
satisfactory ways of proposed shade tree method can
get improvement at very high rate (Chung and Wu,
2000; Wu and Tai, 1998).


An intra sub band approach based on wavelets is
quite unique than method which depends on zero tree
type. A small symbol set is utilize for converting the
information detail of wavelet coefficient which is desire
and meaningful. The bit stream contains progressive
transmission property and organized at the sub band
order. It is enlightened as more competitive from the
output. Maintaining color images fidelity at high rate is
achieved from test of perceptual view (Tsai, 2000).


Data re-ordering technique is a better alternative
for the context modeling. The computation and memory
complexity in the proposed technique are greatly
reduced with a small per cent (<3% in worst case) of
compression ratio decrease (Xu et al., 2003).


Color-quantized images scheme for compression
that relies and developed on progressive code of color
information. B-trees structure of is implemented except
using color indexes to linear list sorting. An image can
be retain as original image color from two color with
this the new algorithm in progressive way and lossless
recovery is achieved (Koh et al., 2003; Ratakonda and
Ahuja, 2002). Transformed image was partition into
several sub images with respect to frequencies for the
purpose to achieve good compression quality (Wu,


The CDC method presented consists of relatively
simple but effective techniques for decomposition and

Table 7: Coding schemes
Ref. Type Features Merits Demerits Application Result
Kuo et al.
ESPBIC Method based on
spatial prediction
requirement is
less, computation
efficiency and
high visualization
Filters selected
not guarantee to
be optimal
Real-time and
performance with
the baseline J PEG
compression ratio
is 1:86
Lin and Hao
SPEC Compound
algorithmfor real
time applications
Low complexity
visually lossless
- Real-time
Much better
J PEG ratio of
compression from
10:1 to 20:1 also
Lee (2000) CNNUM Spatial sub band
coding algorithm
for the lossy or
If sub band is
effected badly
depend on size of
sub band
image storage
and multimedia
The gain of
the proposed
compared to the
was 3-7%
Suet al. (2005) BACIC Method suitable
for lossless bi-
level image
Simple, efficient
easy-to implement
consumption is
hard to quantify
Halftone images On the typed
BACIC achieve
high CR
Tsai (2000) Stack-run-end
Low complexity
wavelet based
image coding
scheme usually
develop for color
consumption used
for transmission
- Wireless
Refining zero tree
type method
Chung and Wu
S-tree and
Novel method for
gray images
Speed and
satisfactory image
quality also
- Real-time
and retrieval of
Execution time is
less than over
BTTC method
Kaarnaet al.
implemented in
the spectral
algorithmof multi
spectral images
Good encoding
Too much
due to 3 lists
Remote sensing
compression ratios
of 10:1

Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(4): 656-672, 2014

compression of grayscale images. The AIW represents
an approach for obtaining the inverse solution using a
layered network with BP algorithm. It is able to utilize
a pair of different data types, corresponding to different
physical quantities (Mateu-Villarroya and Prades-
Nebot, 2001; Valova and Kosugi, 2000).

Fast fractal image compression using the hadamard
transforms: The algorithm using the HT has been
proposed to increase the speed of encoder and still good
quality of images is provided for the FIC. The
improvement is achieved by removing all computations
which are repeated of the eight dihedral symmetries of
domain blocks. In performing the HT only +, -
operations are included these operations are more
suitable for software and hardware implementations.
This new algorithm can be easily applied most of the
fast algorithms such as quad tree and classification
mechanisms (Reichel et al., 2001).


Coding schemes discussed in this study are
implemented in different fields for various applications
owing to their unique characteristics. For wide
commercial usage there various available schemes but
for improved performance there is need of newer and
better techniques to be developed. Still this field
demands more progress and research possibilities. We
discuss different image compression techniques and
their merits demerits their applications. See Table 7 for
more coding schemes.


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