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Report - Vulnerability Mapping - Vulnerability Mapping and WatSan Component (VMWC) Project - Mohammad - Ali

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Vulnerability Mapping


Vulnerability Mapping and WatSan Component (VMWC) Project

Implemented by: Dhaka Ahsania Mission
Supported by: Concern Universal Bangladesh

Vulnerability Mapping

Vulnerability Mapping and WatSan Component (VMWC) Project

July 2009

Implemented by: Dhaka Ahsania Mission

Supported by: Concern Universal Bangladesh
Preface This publication ‘Vulnerability Mapping’ is an initiative
which is anticipated to have a positive impact in
Neither the vulnerable area nor the vulnerable
addressing the vulnerable area and vulnerable
community usually gets under coverage of government
community of the working areas in any type of
and non-government initiatives, in most cases, in our
development initiative. The document will help in
country. The facilities from the service provider remain
developing a common understanding about the issue of
underutilized as the vulnerability is not assessed as a
vulnerability in terms of disaster, water and sanitation.
pre-requisite. Surprisingly, they, in many cases, are
Moreover, this will encourage the development
treated as hard to reach group or area. On the other
organizations working with the same goal of disaster risk
hand, as the community is not aware of the
reduction in addressing the vulnerable groups and in
vulnerability; it cannot utilize the local resources to
initiating development activities accordingly.
fight against hazards and disasters that frequently occur
in our country. In this regard, ‘Vulnerability Mapping
We would like to thank Concern Universal Bangladesh
and WatSan Component (VMWC) project introduces the
(CUB) and other project partners and associates for
activity ‘Vulnerability Mapping’ at community, ward,
their valuable contribution in this significant
union and upazilla level with the views to make the
publication. We look forward to undertaking more
overall community aware of vulnerable group as well as
innovative approaches towards addressing the disaster
vulnerable area in terms of water, sanitation and
through identifying the vulnerable groups.
disaster. Through this mapping, the vulnerable pockets
in the working area are identified by the community
itself in a participatory approach. It also emphasizes on
ensuring the distribution of the project facilities to the Shafiqul Islam
appropriate vulnerable group/ community and on Director (Programs)
disseminating the vulnerability information to the sector Dhaka Ahsania Mission
actors at micro and macro level.
T able of Contents
List of Acronyms

CUB Concern Universal Bangladesh

DAM Dhaka Ahsania Mission
DRR Disaster Risk Reduction
DFWS Disaster Friendly Water and Sanitation
GO Government Organization
LGI Local Government Institute
NGO Non-government Organization
OSP Other Service Provider
O&M Operation and Maintenance
PAT Para Action Team
SMC School Management Committee
TW Tubewell
Unicef United Nations Children’s Fund
UZSTF Upazilla Sanitation Taskforce
USTF Union Sanitation Taskforce
UP Union Parishad
VMWC Vulnerability Mapping and WatSan Component
WatSan Water and Sanitation
WSTF Ward Sanitation Taskforce
Part - I

Introducing to
Vulnerability Mapping and WatSan Component Project
Bangladesh is one of the highest disaster prone countries in the world. Every year, the country
experiences frequent natural disasters causing huge loss of lives and properties due to its
geographic location and climatic condition. The horrible disasters like flood, cyclone, tornado, tidal
surge, river erosion, drought, hill slide and earthquake are common phenomenon here. The
social, economic, demographic and environmental problems are exacerbated by these natural
disasters. Disaster directly affects water and sanitation condition. WatSan infrastructures like
tubewell and latrine are mostly damaged in the disaster exposing millions of people to high risk of
health hazards, wasting large efforts and repeated investments. Ultimately it slows down the
development of the country. There are multiple examples of damaged water and sanitation
facilities and post flood prevalence of high rate of diarrheal incidences during the flood in the year

Disaster friendly water and sanitation concept and technologies intend to provide disaster resilient functional water and sanitation
facilities and allow the people in having continuous access to the facilities during and after disaster. The facilities are developed in a
way to make them friendly in use especially during the disaster. These contribute in limiting the spread of diseases due to
contaminated water and lack of sanitation facilities all the time and during disasters and post-disasters especially. The concept has
been piloted in a small scale through ‘Vulnerability Mapping and WatSan Component’ project. Concern Universal Bangladesh (CUB)
and Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) jointly undertake this project with a view to test the effectiveness of the concept and to
disseminate learning to other sector stakeholders.

Project Objectives
The specific objectives of the projects are to:

• Promote disaster friendly concept and technology at micro and macro levels.
• Identify set-up and needs of the community through vulnerability mapping.
• Ensure availability of potable water to the targeted population through provision of water sources.
• Improve sanitation for the targeted population through provision of sanitation facilities.
Implementation Strategies
The project is being implemented on pilot basis to assess the effectiveness of disaster
friendly concept and technologies. The project undertakes initiatives to implement few
elements of the concept and to establish a functional mechanism to sustain the process.
The major strategies to be followed in this project are to:

• Identify disaster friendly appropriate WatSan technologies based on community

opinion and consultation with the sector stakeholders.
• Mobilize the institutions like UP, SMC, Para committee and Hat bazaar committee for
implementation of hardware facilities.
• Facilitate UP to play coordinating role in the implementation process.
• Orient private sector, other service provider (OSP) like driller, latrine producer and
mason and link them with disaster friendly WatSan program.
• Develop the community as well as institutional capacity for implementation of the hardware and software activities under the
project through training and orientation.
• Select site for hardware installation based on vulnerability mapping and need assessment.
• Undertake simulation and cultural event based social mobilization activities for community awareness building.
• Promote entrepreneurship for care taking and sustaining operation and maintenance of the constructed WatSan facilities.
• Crystallize disaster friendly WatSan concept based on good practices of the sector stakeholders and lessons learned from this

Program Activities
Capacity Development
• Project sharing/ launching at upazilla level
• Upazilla level planning workshop
• Project sharing/ Advocacy workshop with Union Parishad
• Union and Ward Sanitation Taskforce reform
• Training on UP led disaster friendly total sanitation
• Stakeholders’ workshop (GO-NGOs, Teachers & Religious leaders)
• Child and Adolescent Group training
• Ward Sanitation Taskforce training (including Rural Sanitation Engineer)
• Teachers Training on school based activity
• Caretaker Training on Operation and Maintenance

Social Mobilization & Community Awareness
• Vulnerability Mapping
• Community Ignition (Situation analysis, Feces calculation, Disease transmission route, WatSan situation during and after
disaster, Disaster preparedness etc.)
• Awareness raising campaign (Rally, Slogan, Household Visit)
• Cultural Program

Provisioning Disaster Friendly Water and Sanitation

• Latrine at institutions
• Latrine at public places
• Eco-toilet at the household level
• Tubewell at institutions
• Tubewell at public places
• Tubewell installation at the community level
• Tubewell / platform renovation at the community level
• Water Quality Test

Advocacy and Learning Dissemination

• National Conference on Disaster Friendly Water and Sanitation

• World Water Day observation
• National Sanitation Month observation
• Publication on Disaster Friendly WatSan Technology
• Website on Disaster Friendly Water and Sanitation
• Audio-visual documentary on Disaster Friendly WatSan
Expected Outputs
• Improved coordination and linkage among all the institutions.
• Activated Local Government Institute and WatSan Taskforces at the Union and Ward level.
• Disaster Friendly WatSan concept adopted by the stakeholders.
• Organized initiatives for incorporating disaster friendly WatSan concept in the national policy for water supply and sanitation
and sector development framework.
• Improved access of the target beneficiaries to disaster resilient WatSan facilities.
• Improved sanitation and hygiene practices by the targeted people.
• Strengthened disaster preparedness capacity of the institutions and community people to sustain operation and maintenance
of the WatSan facilities.
• Reduced diarrheal incidence in the project area.



Part - II

Introducing to Vulnerability Mapping

Introducing to Vulnerability Mapping
With the view to identify set-up and needs of the community, ‘Vulnerability Mapping’ was initiated at field level. ‘Vulnerability Mapping’
focuses on identifying the vulnerable area and group by the community itself. In terms of project components, it highlights water
and sanitation situation during normal period and disaster, risk of disaster on water and sanitation infrastructure, different facilities
under risk of disaster and capability of the community as major indicators. Analyzing such types of basic indicators, ‘Vulnerability
Mapping’ was completed at para, ward, union and upazilla level. It was finalized at union and upazilla level to be disseminated at
macro level.

Vulnerability describes the potential to be harmed physically and/or psychologically which is often understood as the counterpart of
resilience.  In relation to hazards and disasters, vulnerability is a concept that links the relationship that people have with the
environment to social forces and institutions and the cultural values that sustain and contest them. In other words, it is the extent to
which a community can be affected by the impact of a hazard1.

The concept of social vulnerability emerged most recently within the discourse on natural hazards and disasters. Most work
conducted so far focuses on empirical observation and conceptual models. It emphasizes on understanding the social conditions that
transform a natural hazard (e.g. flood, cyclone, river erosion etc.) into a social disaster. The concept emphasizes two central

1. Both the causes and the phenomenon of disasters are defined by social processes and structures. Thus, it is not only a geo-
or biophysical hazard, but rather the social context that is taken into account to understand ‘natural’ disasters.

2. Although different group of a society may share a similar exposure to a natural hazard, the hazard has varying consequences
for these groups, since they have diverging capacities and abilities to handle the impact of a hazard.

Vulnerability Assessment
Vulnerability assessment is the process through which the vulnerability is identified, quantified and prioritized or ranked in an
organized system. Vulnerability in the perspective of disaster management means assessing the threats from potential hazards to the

 , 2 Vulnerability, Wikipedia 

population and to the infrastructure developed in that particular area. Vulnerability assessment has many things in common with risk
assessment. Risk analysis is principally concerned with investigating the risks surrounding physical plant or other object, its design
and operation. Such analyses tend to focus on causes and the direct consequences for the studied objects.

Vulnerability analysis, on the other hand, focuses both on consequences for the object itself and on primary and secondary
consequences for the surrounding environment. It also concerns itself with the possibilities of reducing such consequences and of
improving the capacity to manage future incidents. In general, vulnerability analysis serves to categorize key assets and to drive the
risk management process.

Vulnerability assessment in ‘Vulnerability Mapping and WatSan Component’ project was performed according to the following steps:

1. Classify the assets such as safe water option, safe sanitation facility, institutions and public places used as shelter during
disaster and the capabilities (resources through wealth ranking) in a system.
2. Identify the vulnerabilities or potential threats to resource such as condition of safe water and sanitation option during
normal period and safe water and sanitation facilities under risk of disaster.
3. Assess the vulnerability and present in order (ranking).

Objectives of Vulnerability Mapping

The objectives of the Vulnerability Mapping are to:

• Make the overall community aware of vulnerable group as well as vulnerable areas in terms
of water, sanitation and disaster.
• Identify vulnerable pockets in the working area by the community itself in a participatory
• Ensure distribution of the project facilities to appropriate vulnerable group/ community.
• Disseminate vulnerability information to the sector actors at micro and macro level.

Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping

Vulnerability Mapping focuses the issue of identifying vulnerable areas based on the analysis of major indicators from the area map.
The vulnerable area is identified and marked as well. The map, at different level, represents all relevant information (water sources,
safe water option, hygienic latrine, safe water option under risk of disaster, condition of the safe water option during disaster, total
household, poor and hardcore poor household etc.) and the ranking of the areas according to the analysis.
Steps followed in developing Vulnerability Mapping Major Indicators for Vulnerability Assessment

Vulnerability Mapping was developed at different level such as para, ward, union and − Water Options (Functional Tubewell-with
upazilla. At the very outset, the vulnerability mapping was developed at para level platform and without platform, Non-functional
identifying the pockets within the para. Then, based on para map and information, the Tubewell)
− Sanitation Facilities
maps at ward, union and upazilla level were finalized. The detail of the steps is as follows. − Tubewell under risk of disaster (Functional-with
platform and without platform, Non-functional
• Vulnerability Mapping at Para level − Hygienic Latrine under risk of disaster
− Wealth Ranking (Rich, Middle Class, Poor,
With the view to identify the vulnerable area/ pocket in the respective para, according to Hardcore Poor)
existing situation analysis, a mass gathering within the area was organized at the very − Water bodies (River, Canal and Pond etc.)
beginning. The community from all walks of life joined the gathering. Transect walk, − Institutions (School, Mosque, College,
Water source mapping, Experience sharing and discussion were the methods in − Growth Centre
developing the water resource map. The activities initiate through Transect walk. After − Cyclone/ Flood centre
completing the transect walk, the community developed the area map and identified the
household, infrastructure, water points, latrines etc. Accordingly, analyzing the important indicators of wealth ranking, the
households were classified into Rich, Middle Class, Poor and Hardcore Poor. Then, the households were marked with the status of
wealth ranking. Afterward, the issue of disaster was introduced to the community in detail. The community has shared the
experience about disasters in the area. They highlighted the vulnerable situation within the area, WatSan situation during and after
disaster and affected zones of the area in detail. Accordingly, the areas of the para which were mostly affected by disaster were
identified. Afterward, they made the consensus on the group/ households who are capable to fight
against disaster and its damage utilizing their own resources. The community, then assessed the
vulnerability and categorized the total area into different groups as most vulnerable, moderately
vulnerable and less vulnerable based on WatSan situation, affect of disaster and capability of
household. And, later, they marked the areas in map with different color to reflect vulnerability.

• Vulnerability Mapping at Ward level

Ward Sanitation Taskforce (WSTF) has integrated vulnerability mapping at ward level with the
support of the representative from Para Action Team (PAT). Vulnerability mapping at ward level
was developed based on the compiled para map of the respective ward. The ward map shows
especially the vulnerable paras within ward area.

The map was developed through demarcation of the para areas. Then the compiled information of
vulnerability mapping at para level was included in the respective para area and was analyzed in
detail by the representatives of WSTF. As the members of WSTF come from the respective paras
within the ward, they easily could share information and also could review the information accordingly. The WSTF then analyzed
information of the paras and compared with one another. Based on the comparative analysis of the information and risk of disaster,
WSTF analyzed situation of all respective para and finalized the ranking accordingly. The basic indicators such as hygienic latrine,
safe water option, WatSan situation during normal period as well as during disaster and wealth ranking were analyzed in detail for
vulnerability analysis.

• Vulnerability Mapping at Union level

The vulnerability mapping at union level was developed and finalized by Union Sanitation Taskforce (USTF). The USTF herewith
identified the vulnerable wards within the union area. It developed the union map identifying all nine wards in the respective union.
The situation of different wards was analyzed based on the compiled information of vulnerability mapping at ward level. The varying
affects of disaster from ward to ward and the relevant information was mainly considered for the analysis. Again, the information
was assessed comparatively to finalize the comparative analysis of the wards as the same as done at ward level. It helped the USTF
in finalizing the ranking of the wards within the union accordingly.

• Vulnerability Mapping at Upazilla level

Finally, at upazilla level, the vulnerability mapping was developed and finalized by Upazilla Sanitation Taskforce. The UZSTF
developed the upazilla map based on the union mapping. It identified the vulnerable unions within the respective upazilla. The
upazilla map indicated the unions into different ranking of vulnerability. Depending on the compiled information of vulnerability
mapping at union level, the situation was analyzed and the ranking was finalized accordingly. And, at last, it finalized the
vulnerability mapping of the respective upazilla marking the unions in different classes as most vulnerable, moderately vulnerable
and less vulnerable.

Vulnerability Analysis at Upazilla level

Doulatkhan Upazilla, Bhola

In Doulatkhan upazilla, there are nine unions named by Charkholifa, North Joynagar,
Charpata, South Joynagar, Meduya, Bhobanipur, Sayedpur, Madanpur and Hazipur.
There are 28,694 households in total in the upazilla, out of which, 5,631 and 10,065 are
hardcore poor and poor respectively. In the upazilla, the unions Bhobanipur, Sayedpur,
Modonpur and Hazipur are identified as the most vulnerable unions. North Joynagar,
South Joynagar and Meduya are marked as less vulnerable and two unions Chakholifa
and Charpata are moderately vulnerable. In the four most vulnerable unions, the
percentage of hardcore poor and poor in total is 87.2%, 62.8%, 94.8% and 95.3% respectively. The latrine coverage is 17.86%,
46.92%, 13.27% and 10% respectively. There are only 4 safe water options in Modonpur union for 633 households. On the other
hand, only 6 safe water options exist in Hazipur for 400 households. In both the unions, no water option remains safe during
disaster. So, during disaster, the vulnerable community becomes more vulnerable due to lack of the facility of safe water and
sanitation. Moreover, due to tidal flow, most of the areas in both unions get under water two times per day. And, that’s why;
installation of hygienic latrine and safe water option here is quite challenging. In Sayedpur union, on an average, 51 families have a
one safe water option. In Bhobanipur, there are 41 safe water options for 1125 households, whereas only 18 remain safe during
disaster. No way, the community can overcome the situation as the poor and hardcore poor are 87% of the total in the union.
Accordingly, the latrine coverage of both the union also is not satisfactory. In Bhobanipur, the latrine coverage is only 17.86%
according to the baseline survey conducted on June 2008. On the other hand, Charkholifa and Charpata unions are moderate in
terms of vulnerability. The situation is a bit better than that of the most vulnerable unions. The rate of poor and hardcore poor is
66.5% and 79.6% in Charkholifa and Charpata union respectively. On an average, 27 HHs and 23 HHs enjoy the facility of one safe
water option. But, the situation of latrine coverage (16.50% and 23.97% respectively) is quite dissatisfactory on the other hand.

Chilmari Upazilla, Kurigram

In Chilmari upazilla, there are six unions named by Ramna, Thanahat, Noyarhat,
Oshtomir Char, Ranigonj and Chilmari. As per the information of vulnerability mapping,
there are 24,699 households in the upazilla, out of which 7,500 and 10,799 are hardcore
poor and poor respectively. Oshtomir Char is the most vulnerable out of total six unions.
The poor and hardcore poor jointly cover 74% percent of total population. On an
average, around 150 households have only one safe water option (TW with platform).
Only 13 safe water options remain safe during disaster. The latrine coverage is 31%.
Only Noyarhat and Ramna unions are less vulnerable in the upazilla. On the other hand,
Ranigonj, Thanahat and Chilmari are moderately vulnerable in terms of the relevant

In Ranigonj, Thanahat and Chilmari union, there are 5,227, 6,516 and 1,557 HHs respectively. The percentage of poor and hardcore
poor people is 76.98%, 75.70% and 81.95% accordingly. 87 and 62 families in Ranigonj and Chilmari union have only a one safe
water option respectively. Dramatically, only 30 and 23 TWs remain safe in both the union during disaster that makes the people
vulnerable severely. On the other hand, in Thanahat union, only 6.88 HHs have a safe water option and 592 TWs remain safe during
disaster. But, the river erosion of the Brohmaoputra has made the union one of the vulnerable. The latrine coverage also in
Ranigonj, Thanahat and Chilmari is 23.72%, 27.08% and 22.87% respectively. Only two unions, Noyarhat and Ramna are
comparatively less vulnerable in the upazilla. However, in Noyarhat, on an average, 90.96 HHs have a safe water option. Whereas,
13 HHs in Ramna union enjoy the facility of one safe water option on an average.
Part - III

Ward wise Basic Information

Ward Based Basic Information
Upazilla: Chilmari, Kurigram

Table: 01, Information of Ranogonj and Nayerhat Union

Tubewell under risk of

Household Tubewell Nos. of Families
Hygienic with
Functional Functional
No. latrine unhygie
Union Ward of Hard With Non- Total With Non- Total (accordi nic Ranking
para core Poor Others Total With functi With functi ng to latrine/
out out
Poor Plat onal Plat onal social without
Plat Plat
form form map) latrine
form form

1 6 337 523 124 984 0 70 1 71 0 39 1 40 167 817 1

2 6 148 332 83 563 2 70 16 88 1 56 14 71 124 439 1
3 6 106 400 278 784 4 72 2 78 1 30 0 31 253 531 2
4 6 159 303 199 661 8 231 4 243 7 109 2 118 215 446 3

5 11 115 424 284 823 3 294 0 297 3 189 0 192 308 515 3
6 9 148 332 130 610 16 164 26 206 8 164 24 196 72 538 3
7 4 63 94 52 209 8 108 7 123 5 76 6 87 19 190 2
8 5 78 187 15 280 6 195 0 201 4 103 0 107 33 247 1
9 4 76 199 38 313 13 157 1 171 1 76 1 78 49 264 1
Ranigonj Total 57 1230 2794 1203 5227 60 1361 57 1478 30 842 48 920 1240 3987
1 3 114 116 19 249 3 44 6 53 0 42 4 46 13 236 1
2 4 113 88 8 209 2 83 5 90 0 34 1 35 22 187 1
3 3 62 65 64 191 3 47 12 62 0 31 8 39 104 87 3

4 3 41 32 16 89 3 78 2 83 2 66 2 70 0 89 1
5 5 165 256 257 678 2 33 0 35 2 23 0 25 315 363 3
6 4 130 183 70 383 1 88 2 91 0 22 0 22 34 349 3
7 4 116 108 59 283 4 253 5 262 2 89 2 93 89 194 2
8 4 123 88 68 279 4 80 0 84 0 59 0 59 11 268 1
9 4 119 111 47 277 7 65 8 80 0 24 3 27 124 153 2
Noyarhat Total 34 983 1047 608 2638 29 771 40 840 6 390 20 416 712 1926
Ward Based Basic Information
Upazilla: Chilmari, Kurigram

Table: 02, Information of Thanahat and Ramna Union

Tubewell under risk of Nos. of
Household Tubewell Families
disaster Hygien
Functional Functional ic
No. unhygie
Union Ward of Hard With Non- Total With Non- Total nic Ranking
With With (accor
para core Poor Other Total out funct out functi latrine/
Plat Plat ding to
Poor Plat ional Plat onal without
form form social
form form latrine

1 8 87 184 181 452 55 247 0 302 28 245 0 273 177 275 2

2 10 294 399 260 953 43 115 18 176 39 111 15 165 373 580 1
3 14 167 391 243 801 61 250 23 334 7 233 11 251 275 526 1
4 9 176 232 252 660 25 195 18 238 5 166 16 187 113 547 1

5 6 180 220 128 528 139 306 15 460 36 236 10 282 51 477 2
6 8 104 371 262 737 77 232 13 322 41 199 13 253 223 514 3
7 11 124 327 142 593 76 249 0 325 76 249 0 325 148 445 1
8 10 290 155 289 734 142 510 5 657 35 394 0 429 169 565 3
9 12 575 226 257 8 328 601 49 978 87 481 21 589 236 822 2
Thanahat Total 88 1997 2505 2014 6516 946 2705 141 3792 354 2314 86 2754 1765 4751
1 6 191 156 152 499 3 150 12 165 0 77 12 89 132 367 1
2 9 251 456 371 8 27 326 26 379 4 143 11 158 263 815 2
3 6 154 182 234 570 80 221 14 315 0 120 2 122 330 240 3

4 7 148 218 31 397 31 167 7 205 11 90 0 101 55 342 1

5 6 55 229 154 438 27 292 18 337 9 110 1 120 85 353 1
6 5 81 159 187 427 51 272 23 346 9 130 22 161 153 274 1
7 12 335 269 195 799 35 234 10 279 1 95 5 101 213 586 2
8 5 198 264 152 614 72 261 5 338 14 129 1 144 152 462 2
9 10 212 345 237 794 59 275 21 355 0 127 11 138 102 692 3
Ramna Total 66 1625 2278 1713 5616 385 2198 136 2719 48 1021 65 1134 1485 4131
Ward Based Basic Information
Upazilla: Chilmari, Kurigram

Table: 03, Information of Chilmari and Ashtomirchar Union

Tubewell under risk of

Household Tubewell Nos. of Families
Hygieni with
Functional Functional
No. c latrine unhygien
Union Ward of Hard With Non- Total With Non- Total (accordi ic Ranking
para core Poor Other Total With functi With functio ng to latrine/
out out
Poor Plat onal Plat nal social without
Plat Plat
form form map) latrine
form form

1 3 65 82 38 185 0 28 6 34 0 16 3 19 58 127 1
2 2 38 34 11 83 0 57 2 59 0 8 1 9 7 76 1
3 2 96 33 22 151 0 66 3 69 0 26 3 29 0 151 1
4 3 121 36 17 174 1 61 0 62 0 21 0 21 39 135 2

5 3 126 99 44 269 0 44 2 46 0 21 1 22 62 207 1

6 3 96 33 38 167 2 26 0 28 0 21 0 21 81 86 2
7 2 57 45 25 127 9 79 1 89 3 46 0 49 32 95 2
8 3 142 49 44 235 5 45 1 51 4 18 1 23 44 191 3
9 3 38 86 42 166 8 75 2 85 0 26 1 27 33 133 3
Chilmari Total 24 779 497 281 1557 25 481 17 523 7 203 10 220 356 1201
1 5 234 278 70 582 0 68 0 68 0 40 0 40 174 408 1
2 5 71 236 222 529 7 177 0 184 2 77 0 79 238 291 2
3 5 139 198 72 409 0 73 0 73 0 31 0 31 81 328 1
Ostomir Char

4 5 32 68 20 120 1 54 0 55 1 54 0 55 97 23 3
5 5 26 89 49 164 3 77 0 80 3 40 0 43 11 153 1
6 3 207 239 58 504 0 178 0 178 0 178 0 178 39 465 2
7 5 52 150 45 247 10 110 0 120 2 29 0 31 121 126 3
8 2 57 166 7 230 0 168 0 168 0 132 0 132 95 135 1
9 4 68 254 38 360 0 36 0 36 0 21 0 21 127 233 1
Total 39 886 1678 581 3145 21 941 0 962 8 602 0 610 983 2162
Ward Based Basic Information
Upazilla: Doulatkhan, Bhola
Table: 04, Information of Charkholifa and North Joynagar Union

Tubewell under risk of Nos. of Families

Household Tubewell
disaster Hygieni with
No. Functional Functional c latrine unhygien
Union Ward of Hard Non- Total Non- Total (accordi ic Ranking
para With With ng to latrine/
core Poor Other Total With functi With functio
out out social without
Poor Plat onal Plat nal
Plat Plat map) latrine
form form
form form

1 4 2 217 150 369 17 1 0 18 0 0 0 0 97 272 2

2 4 85 198 212 495 23 6 0 29 0 3 0 3 103 392 3
3 5 47 245 129 421 6 12 0 18 1 2 0 3 93 328 1

4 5 96 237 233 566 16 1 0 17 0 0 0 0 91 475 2

5 5 79 377 352 808 18 1 0 19 0 0 0 0 107 701 1
6 5 233 315 167 715 20 5 0 25 0 0 0 0 88 627 2
7 4 67 171 184 422 40 3 2 45 0 0 0 0 62 360 2
8 5 81 452 106 639 20 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 90 549 1
9 4 38 346 119 503 23 3 0 26 0 0 0 0 84 419 3
Char Kholifa
Total 41 728 2558 1652 4938 183 32 2 217 1 5 0 6 815 4123
1 4 123 133 480 736 11 2 1 14 1 0 0 1 150 586 1
2 3 140 164 311 615 20 1 0 21 0 0 0 0 55 560 3
North Joynagar

3 5 44 170 295 509 17 0 1 18 3 0 0 3 170 339 3

4 3 71 203 236 510 13 3 0 16 0 0 0 0 202 308 3
5 4 43 258 345 646 29 1 0 30 0 0 0 0 112 534 3
6 4 59 280 78 417 11 6 3 20 1 1 0 2 375 42 2
7 4 62 221 398 681 15 1 2 18 0 0 0 0 106 575 2
8 4 82 260 183 525 11 5 1 17 1 0 0 1 127 398 1
9 5 108 285 43 436 22 3 0 25 0 0 0 0 84 352 2
Joynagar Total 36 732 1974 2369 5075 149 22 8 179 6 1 0 7 1381 3694
Ward Based Basic Information
Upazilla: Doulatkhan, Bhola

Table: 05, Information of Charpata and South Joynagar Union

Tubewell under risk of Nos. of

Household Tubewell Families
disaster Hygienic
No. Functional Functional latrine
Union Ward of Hard Non- Total Non- Total (accordin Ranking
With With c latrine/
para core Poor Other Total With functi With functi g to
out out without
Poor Plat onal Plat onal social
Plat Plat latrine
form form map)
form form

1 4 107 346 114 567 13 1 0 14 6 0 0 6 89 478 1

2 4 38 317 110 465 14 2 1 17 4 0 0 4 108 357 1
3 5 95 403 199 697 29 1 2 32 2 0 0 2 182 515 2

4 3 114 420 129 663 16 2 0 18 2 0 0 2 241 422 1

5 3 26 173 111 310 19 3 2 24 0 0 0 0 104 206 3
6 4 85 281 61 427 28 1 5 34 0 0 0 0 60 367 2
7 4 54 479 156 689 31 3 2 36 0 0 0 0 73 616 2
8 4 65 204 73 342 31 4 2 37 0 0 0 0 103 239 1
9 4 74 462 9 545 19 2 1 22 0 0 0 0 168 377 2
Charpata Total 35 658 3085 962 4705 200 19 15 234 14 0 0 14 1128 3577
1 5 46 210 203 459 22 3 0 25 4 2 0 6 233 226 1
2 4 35 70 489 594 16 2 0 18 3 1 0 4 154 440 1
South Joynagar

3 4 32 98 229 359 12 2 0 14 7 2 0 9 87 272 2

4 5 166 110 185 461 17 5 2 24 3 0 0 3 230 231 2
5 5 53 98 210 361 24 3 4 31 2 1 0 3 135 226 3
6 5 37 95 309 441 19 3 3 25 5 2 0 7 176 265 2
7 5 75 235 45 355 27 1 0 28 9 0 0 9 218 137 1
8 5 51 106 316 473 16 6 0 22 2 1 0 3 79 394 3
9 3 66 170 367 603 7 4 0 11 3 3 0 6 156 447 3
Joynagar Total 41 561 1192 2353 4106 160 29 9 198 38 12 0 50 1468 2638
Ward Based Basic Information
Upazilla: Doulatkhan, Bhola

Table: 06, Information of Medua and Bhabanipur Union

Tubewell under risk of Nos. of Families

Household Tubewell
disaster Hygienic with
No. Functional Functional latrine unhygie
Union Ward of Hard Non- Total Non- Total (accordin nic Ranking
para With With g to latrine/
core Poor Other Total With functi With functi
out out social without
Poor Plat onal Plat onal
Plat Plat map) latrine
Form form
form form

1 4 22 59 31 112 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 14 98 1
2 4 11 103 41 155 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 38 117 1
3 3 8 45 77 130 6 1 0 7 3 0 0 3 36 94 3
4 4 28 96 67 191 2 1 0 3 0 1 0 1 30 161 2

5 3 1 42 44 87 3 0 0 3 1 0 0 1 37 50 3
6 3 9 34 29 72 5 0 0 5 2 0 0 2 7 65 2
7 3 8 57 21 86 3 1 0 4 0 1 0 1 29 57 3
8 3 4 27 64 95 5 1 0 6 1 1 0 2 53 42 3
9 3 8 39 39 86 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 18 68 1
Medua Total 30 99 502 413 1014 28 6 0 34 10 5 0 15 262 752
1 1 52 2 6 60 2 2 0 4 2 2 0 4 28 32 2
2 1 40 3 0 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 22 1
3 1 85 4 0 89 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 89 1

4 1 77 16 43 136 4 0 0 4 2 0 0 2 14 122 2
5 1 102 20 10 132 5 0 0 5 5 0 0 5 48 84 1
6 1 70 14 0 84 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 84 1
7 1 167 37 7 211 6 0 0 6 6 0 0 6 30 181 2
8 1 100 38 47 185 7 0 0 7 1 0 0 1 54 131 3
9 1 102 52 31 185 16 0 0 16 1 0 0 1 6 179 3
Total 9 795 186 144 1125 41 2 0 43 18 2 0 20 201 924
Ward Based Basic Information
Upazilla: Doulatkhan, Bhola

Table: 07, Information of Sayedpur and Madanpur Union

Tubewell under risk of Families

Household Tubewell Nos. of
disaster with
No. Functional Functional unhygie
Union Ward of Hard Non- Total Non- Total nic Ranking
With With (according
para core Poor Other Total With functi With functio latrine/
out out to social
Poor Plat onal Plat nal without
Plat Plat map)
form form latrine
form form

1 2 27 94 23 144 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 52 92 1
2 4 163 94 30 287 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 66 221 1
3 4 124 201 330 655 17 1 1 19 13 1 0 14 135 520 1
Sayedpur Total

4 3 219 183 117 519 4 0 0 4 2 0 0 2 262 257 2

5 3 122 142 120 384 12 1 0 13 3 1 0 4 230 154 3
6 4 181 223 370 774 17 3 0 20 6 3 0 9 288 486 3
7 5 114 538 604 1256 24 1 0 25 5 1 0 6 585 671 2
8 4 97 477 331 905 28 5 0 33 4 5 0 9 443 462 2
9 7 289 915 570 1774 27 9 0 36 2 9 0 11 1082 692 2
Sayedpur Total 36 1336 2867 2495 6698 132 21 1 154 38 21 0 59 3143 3555
1 2 44 0 0 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 1
2 1 64 0 0 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 1
3 2 97 0 0 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 1

4 2 57 13 1 71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 1
5 2 28 42 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 48 2
6 2 95 30 0 125 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 110 2
7 2 22 40 0 62 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 26 36 2
8 1 57 4 0 61 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 21 40 3
9 1 34 5 0 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 1
Total 15 498 134 1 633 4 0 0 4 4 0 0 4 84 549
Ward Based Basic Information
Upazilla: Doulatkhan, Bhola

Table: 08, Information of Hazipur Union

Tubewell under risk of Nos. of Families

Household Tubewell
disaster Hygienic with
No. Functional Functional latrine unhygien
Union Ward of Hard Non- Total Non- Total (accordin ic Ranking
para With With g to latrine/
core Poor Other Total With functi With functi
out out social without
Poor Plat onal Plat onal
Plat Plat map) latrine
form form
form form

1 1 35 29 5 69 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 69 1
2 1 17 8 2 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 1
3 1 27 12 0 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 1
4 1 20 7 2 29 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 29 2

5 1 10 19 8 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 1
6 1 16 11 1 28 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 28 2
7 1 15 23 0 38 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 38 2
8 1 67 32 1 100 1 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 40 60 3
9 1 17 16 0 33 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 33 3
Hazipur Total 9 224 157 19 400 6 0 1 7 6 0 0 6 40 360

Red Most Vulnerable

Yellow Moderately Vulnerable
Green Less Vulnerable
Part - IV

Vulnerability Mapping
Working areas of the Project ‘Vulnerability Mapping and WatSan Component’
Affected Areas in Bangladesh by Flood 1998 and Flood 2007
Cyclone Tracks History and SIDR 2007 in Bangladesh
Chilmari Upazilla, Kurigram
Wealth and Disaster Map of Chilmari Upazilla
WatSan Vulnerability Map of Ramna Upazilla
Wealth and Disaster Map of Astomirchar Union
Chilmari, Kurigram
WatSan Vulnerability Map of Astomirchar Union
Chilmari, Kurigram
Wealth and Disaster Map of Chilmari Union
Chilmari, Kurigram
WatSan Vulnerability Map of Chilmari Union
Chilmari, Kurigram
Wealth and Disaster Map of Nayerhat Union
Chilmari, Kurigram
WatSan Vulnerability Map of Nayerhat Union
Chilmari, Kurigram
Wealth and Disaster Map of Ramna Union
Chilmari, Kurigram
WatSan Vulnerability Map of Ramna Union
Chilmari, Kurigram
Wealth and Disaster Map of Ranigonj Union
Chilmari, Kurigram
WatSan Vulnerability Map of Ranigonj Union
Chilmari, Kurigram
Wealth and Disaster Map of Thanahat Union
Chilmari, Kurigram
WatSan Vulnerability Map of Thanahat Union
Chilmari, Kurigram
Doulatkhan Upazilla, Bhola
Wealth and Disaster Map of Doulatkhan Upazilla
WatSan Vulnerability Map of Doulatkhan Upazilla
Wealth and Disaster Map of Bhobanipur Union
Doulatkhan, Bhola
WatSan Vulnerability Map of Bhobanipur Union
Daulatkhan, Bhola
Wealth and Disaster Map of Charkhalifa Union
Doulatkhan, Bhola
WatSan Vulnerability Map of Charkhalifa Union
Daulatkhan, Bhola
Wealth and Disaster Map of Charpata Union
Doulatkhan, Bhola
WatSan Vulnerability Map of Charpata Union
Daulatkhan, Bhola
Wealth and Disaster Map of Dakshin Joynagar Union
Doulatkhan, Bhola
WatSan Vulnerability Map of Dakshin Joynagar Union
Daulatkhan, Bhola
Wealth and Disaster Map of Hazipur Union
Doulatkhan, Bhola
WatSan Vulnerability Map of Hazipur Union
Daulatkhan, Bhola
Wealth and Disaster Map of Madanpur Union
Doulatkhan, Bhola
WatSan Vulnerability Map of Madanpur Union
Daulatkhan, Bhola
Wealth and Disaster Map of Medua Union
Doulatkhan, Bhola
WatSan Vulnerability Map of Medua Union
Daulatkhan, Bhola
Wealth and Disaster Map of Sayedpur Union
Doulatkhan, Bhola
WatSan Vulnerability Map of Sayedpur Union
Daulatkhan, Bhola
Wealth and Disaster Map of Uttar Joynagar Union
Doulatkhan, Bhola
WatSan Vulnerability Map of Uttar Joynagar Union
Daulatkhan, Bhola

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