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World Geodetic System 84

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World Geodetic System

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The World Geodetic System is a standard for use in cartography, geodesy, and navigation. It
comprises a standard coordinate frame for the Earth, a standard spheroidal reference surface
(the datum or reference ellipsoid) for raw altitude data, and a gravitational euipotential
surface (the geoid) that defines the nominal sea level.
The latest revision is WGS 84 (dating from !"#$ and last revised in %&&$), which was valid
up to a'out %&!&.
(!)(citation needed)
Earlier schemes included WGS 72, WGS 66, and WGS 60.
W*+ #$ is the reference coordinate system used 'y the *lo'al ,ositioning +ystem.
! -ain parameters
% .istory
/ The 0nited +tates 1epartment of 1efense World *eodetic +ystem !"22
$ The 0nited +tates 1epartment of 1efense World *eodetic +ystem !"3%
4 5 new World *eodetic +ystem6 W*+ #$
o 4.! 7ongitudes on W*+ #$
o 4.% 0pdates and new standards
2 +ee also
3 8eferences
# E9ternal links
Main parameters
The coordinate origin of W*+ #$ is meant to 'e located at the Earth:s center of mass; the
error is 'elieved to 'e less than % cm.
The W*+ #$ meridian of <ero longitude is the IE8+ 8eference -eridian,
4./! arc seconds
or !&%.4 metres (//2./ ft) east of the *reenwich meridian at the latitude of the 8oyal
The W*+ #$ datum surface is an o'late spheroid (ellipsoid) with ma>or (transverse) radius a
? 2/3#!/3 m at the euator and flattening f ? !@%"#.%43%%/42/.
The polar semiAminor
(conjugate) radius b then euals a times (! A f), or 2/4234%./!$% m.
,resently W*+ #$ uses the E*-"2 (Earth *ravitational -odel !""2) geoid, revised in %&&$.
This geoid defines the nominal sea level surface 'y means of a spherical harmonics series of
degree /2& (which provides a'out !&& km hori<ontal resolution).
The deviations of the
E*-"2 geoid from the W*+ #$ reference ellipsoid range from a'out B!&4 m to a'out
C#4 m.
E*-"2 differs from the original W*+ #$ geoid, referred to as E*-#$.
Efforts to supplement the various national surveying systems 'egan in the !"th century with
F.8. .elmert:s famous 'ooks Mathematische und Physikalische Theorien der Physikalischen
Geodsie (Mathematical and Physical Theory of Physical Geodesy). 5ustria and *ermany
founded the Zentralbro fr die Internationale rdmessung (Dentral Eureau of International
*eodesy), and a series of glo'al ellipsoids of the Earth were derived (e.g., .elmert !"&2,
.ayford !"!&@ !"%$).
5 unified geodetic system for the whole world 'ecame essential in the !"4&s for several
International space science and the 'eginning of astronautics.
The lack of interAcontinental geodetic information.
The ina'ility of the large geodetic systems, such as European 1atum (E14&), Forth
5merican 1atum (F51), and Tokyo 1atum (T1), to provide a worldwide geoAdata
Feed for glo'al maps for navigation, aviation, and geography.
Western Dold War preparedness necessitated a standardised, F5T=Awide geospatial
reference system, in accordance with the F5T= +tandardisation 5greement
In the late !"4&s, the 0nited +tates 1epartment of 1efense, together with scientists of other
institutions and countries, 'egan to develop the needed world system to which geodetic data
could 'e referred and compati'ility esta'lished 'etween the coordinates of widely separated
sites of interest. Efforts of the 0.+. 5rmy, Favy and 5ir Force were com'ined leading to the
1o1 World *eodetic +ystem !"2& (W*+ 2&). The term datum as used here refers to a
smooth surface somewhat ar'itrarily defined as <ero elevation, consistent with a set of
surveyor:s measures of distances 'etween various stations, and differences in elevation, all
reduced to a grid of latitudes, longitudes, and elevations. .eritage surveying methods found
elevation differences from a local hori<ontal determined 'y the spirit level, plum' line, or an
euivalent device that depends on the local gravity field (see physical geodesy). 5s a result,
the elevations in the data are referenced to the geoid, a surface that is not readily found using
satellite geodesy. The latter o'servational method is more suita'le for glo'al mapping.
Therefore, a motivation, and a su'stantial pro'lem in the W*+ and similar work is to patch
together data that were not only made separately, for different regions, 'ut to reAreference the
elevations to an ellipsoid model rather than to the geoid.
In accomplishing W*+ 2&, a com'ination of availa'le surface gravity data, astroAgeodetic
data and results from .I85F
and Danadian +.=85F surveys were used to define a 'estA
fitting ellipsoid and an earthAcentered orientation for each of initially selected datum. (Every
datum is relatively oriented with respect to different portions of the geoid 'y the astroA
geodetic methods already descri'ed.) The sole contri'ution of satellite data to the
development of W*+ 2& was a value for the ellipsoid flattening which was o'tained from the
nodal motion of a satellite.
*ravimetric datum orientation
,rior to W*+ 2&, the 0.+. 5rmy and 0.+. 5ir Force had each developed a world system 'y
using different approaches to the gravimetric datum orientation method. To determine their
gravimetric orientation parameters, the 5ir Force used the mean of the differences 'etween
the gravimetric and astroAgeodetic deflections and geoid heights (undulations) at specifically
selected stations in the areas of the ma>or datums. The 5rmy performed an ad>ustment to
minimi<e the difference 'etween astroAgeodetic and gravimetric geoids. Ey matching the
relative astroAgeodetic geoids of the selected datums with an earthAcentered gravimetric
geoid, the selected datums were reduced to an earthAcentered orientation. +ince the 5rmy and
5ir Force systems agreed remarka'ly well for the F51, E1 and T1 areas, they were
consolidated and 'ecame W*+ 2&.
The United States Department o Deense World Geodetic
System !"66
+teps to the improvement of a glo'al system were the 5strogeoid of Irene Fischer and the
astronautic -ercury datum. In Ganuary !"22, a World *eodetic +ystem Dommittee composed
of representatives from the 0nited +tates 5rmy, Favy and 5ir Force, was charged with the
responsi'ility of developing an improved W*+ needed to satisfy mapping, charting and
geodetic reuirements. 5dditional surface gravity o'servations, results from the e9tension of
triangulation and trilateration networks, and large amounts of 1oppler and optical satellite
data had 'ecome availa'le since the development of W*+ 2&. 0sing the additional data and
improved techniues, W*+ 22 was produced which served 1o1 needs for a'out five years
after its implementation in !"23. The defining parameters of the W*+ 22 Ellipsoid were the
flattening (!@%"#.%4), determined from satellite data and the semima>or a9is (2,/3#,!$4
meters), determined from a com'ination of 1oppler satellite and astroAgeodetic data. 5
worldwide 4H I 4H mean free air gravity anomaly field provided the 'asic data for producing
the W*+ 22 gravimetric geoid. 5lso, a geoid referenced to the W*+ 22 Ellipsoid was derived
from availa'le astrogeodetic data to provide a detailed representation of limited land areas.
The United States Department o Deense World Geodetic
System !"72
5fter an e9tensive effort e9tending over a period of appro9imately three years, the
1epartment of 1efense World *eodetic +ystem !"3% was completed. +elected satellite,
surface gravity and astrogeodetic data availa'le through !"3% from 'oth 1o1 and nonA1o1
sources were used in a 0nified W*+ +olution (a large scale least suares ad>ustment). The
results of the ad>ustment consisted of corrections to initial station coordinates and coefficients
of the gravitational field.
The largest collection of data ever used for W*+ purposes was assem'led, processed and
applied in the development of W*+ 3%. Eoth optical and electronic satellite data were used.
The electronic satellite data consisted, in part, of 1oppler data provided 'y the 0.+. Favy and
cooperating nonA1o1 satellite tracking stations esta'lished in support of the Favy:s
Favigational +atellite +ystem (FF++). 1oppler data was also availa'le from the numerous
sites esta'lished 'y *E=DEIJE8+ during !"3! and !"3%. 1oppler data was the primary data
source for W*+ 3% (Figure /#). 5dditional electronic satellite data was provided 'y the
+ED=8 (+euential Dollation of 8ange) Euatorial Fetwork completed 'y the 0.+. 5rmy in
!"3&. =ptical satellite data from the Worldwide *eometric +atellite Triangulation ,rogram
was provided 'y the EDA$ camera system (Figure /"). 1ata from the +mithsonian
5strophysical ='servatory was also used which included camera (Eaker Funn) and some
laser ranging.
1oppler satellite ground stations providing data for W*+ 3% development
Worldwide geometric satellite triangulation network, EDA$ cameras
The surface gravity field used in the 0nified W*+ +olution consisted of a set of $!& !&H I
!&H eual area mean free air gravity anomalies determined solely from terrestrial data. This
gravity field includes mean anomaly values compiled directly from o'served gravity data
wherever the latter was availa'le in sufficient uantity. The value for areas of sparse or no
o'servational data were developed from geophysically compati'le gravity appro9imations
using gravityAgeophysical correlation techniues. 5ppro9imately $4 percent of the $!& mean
free air gravity anomaly values were determined directly from o'served gravity data.
The astrogeodetic data in its 'asic form consists of deflection of the vertical components
referred to the various national geodetic datums. These deflection values were integrated into
astrogeodetic geoid charts referred to these national datums. The geoid heights contri'uted to
the 0nified W*+ +olution 'y providing additional and more detailed data for land areas.
Donventional ground survey data was included in the solution to enforce a consistent
ad>ustment of the coordinates of neigh'oring o'servation sites of the EDA$, +ED=8, 1oppler
and EakerAFunn systems. 5lso, eight geodimeter long line precise traverses were included for
the purpose of controlling the scale of the solution.
The 0nified W*+ +olution, as stated a'ove, was a solution for geodetic positions and
associated parameters of the gravitational field 'ased on an optimum com'ination of
availa'le data. The W*+ 3% ellipsoid parameters, datum shifts and other associated constants
were derived separately. For the unified solution, a normal euation matri9 was formed 'ased
on each of the mentioned data sets. Then, the individual normal euation matrices were
com'ined and the resultant matri9 solved to o'tain the positions and the parameters.
The value for the semima>or a9is (a) of the W*+ 3% Ellipsoid is 2 /3# !/4 meters. The
adoption of an aAvalue !& meters smaller than that for the W*+ 22 Ellipsoid was 'ased on
several calculations and indicators including a com'ination of satellite and surface gravity
data for position and gravitational field determinations. +ets of satellite derived station
coordinates and gravimetric deflection of the vertical and geoid height data were used to
determine localAtoAgeocentric datum shifts, datum rotation parameters, a datum scale
parameter and a value for the semima>or a9is of the W*+ Ellipsoid. Eight solutions were
made with the various sets of input data, 'oth from an investigative point of view and also
'ecause of the limited num'er of unknowns which could 'e solved for in any individual
solution due to computer limitations. +elected 1oppler satellite tracking and astroAgeodetic
datum orientation stations were included in the various solutions. Eased on these results and
other related studies accomplished 'y the Dommittee, an aAvalue of 2 /3# !/4 meters and a
flattening of !@%"#.%2 were adopted.
In the development of localAto W*+ 3% datum shifts, results from different geodetic
disciplines were investigated, analy<ed and compared. Those shifts adopted were 'ased
primarily on a large num'er of 1oppler T85FET and *E=DEIJE8 station coordinates
which were availa'le worldwide. These coordinates had 'een determined using the 1oppler
point positioning method.
# ne$ World Geodetic System% WGS 84
In the early !"#&s the need for a new world geodetic system was generally recogni<ed 'y the
geodetic community, also within the 0+ 1epartment of 1efense. W*+ 3% no longer provided
sufficient data, information, geographic coverage, or product accuracy for all then current and
anticipated applications. The means for producing a new W*+ were availa'le in the form of
improved data, increased data coverage, new data types and improved techniues. *8+ #&
parameters together with availa'le 1oppler, satellite laser ranging and Jery 7ong Easeline
Interferometry (J7EI) o'servations constituted significant new information. 5n outstanding
new source of data had 'ecome availa'le from satellite radar altimetry. 5lso availa'le was an
advanced least suares method called collocation which allowed for a consistent com'ination
solution from different types of measurements all relative to the Earth:s gravity field, i.e.
geoid, gravity anomalies, deflections, dynamic 1oppler, etc.
The new World *eodetic +ystem was called W*+ #$. It is currently the reference system
'eing used 'y the *lo'al ,ositioning +ystem. It is geocentric and glo'ally consistent within
K! m. Durrent geodetic reali<ations of the geocentric reference system family International
Terrestrial 8eference +ystem (IT8+) maintained 'y the IE8+ are geocentric, and internally
consistent, at the fewAcm level, while still 'eing metreAlevel consistent with W*+ #$.
The W*+ #$ originally used the *8+ #& reference ellipsoid, 'ut has undergone some minor
refinements in later editions since its initial pu'lication. -ost of these refinements are
important for highAprecision or'ital calculations for satellites 'ut have little practical effect on
typical topographical uses. The following ta'le lists the primary ellipsoid parameters.
&llipsoid reerence Semi'ma(or a)is a Semi'minor a)is b *n+erse lattenin, -!.f/
G0S 80 2 /3# !/3.& m L 2 /42 34%./!$ !$& m %"#.%43 %%% !&!
WGS 84 2 /3# !/3.& m L 2 /42 34%./!$ %$4 m %"#.%43 %%/ 42/
The very small difference in the flattening thus results in aMvery theoreticalMdifference of
&.!&4 mm in the semi polar a9is. For most purposes, the differing polar a9es can 'e merged
to 2 /42 34%./ m, with the inverse flattening rounded to %"#.%43.
.andheld *,+ receiver indicating its reference meridian is &.&#$ arcminutes (or 4./
arcseconds) east in the W*+#$ datum
1on,it2des on WGS 84
W*+ #$ uses the IE8+ 8eference -eridian as defined 'y the Eureau International de
which was defined 'y compilation of star o'servations in different countries. The
mean of this data caused a shift of a'out !&& metres east away from the ,rime -eridian at
*reenwich, 0N.
The longitude positions on W*+ #$ agree with those on the older Forth 5merican 1atum
!"%3 at roughly #4H longitude west, in the eastAcentral 0nited +tates.
Updates and ne$ standards
The latest ma>or revision of W*+ #$ is also referred to as OEarth *ravitational -odel !""2O
(E*-"2), first pu'lished in !""2, with revisions as recent as %&&$. This model has the same
reference ellipsoid as W*+ #$, 'ut has a higherAfidelity geoid (roughly !&& km resolution
versus %&& km for the original W*+ #$).
-any of the original authors of W*+ #$ contri'uted to a new higher fidelity model, called
This new model will have a geoid with a resolution approaching !& km,
reuiring over $.2 million terms in the spherical e9pansion (versus !/&,/!3 in E*-"2 and
/%,343 in W*+ #$).

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