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ASCII Control Characters

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ASCII Control Characters

The following table lists ASCII Control codes in octal, decimal, hexadecimal and their
corresponding Control-key combinations.
Char Oct Dec Hex Control-Key Control Action
N! " " " #$ N!l character
S%& ' ' ' #A Start %f &eading
ST( ) ) ) #* Start of Te(t
+T( , , , #C +nd of Te(t
+%T - - - #. +nd %f Transmission
+N/ 0 0 0 #+ +N/1iry
AC2 3 3 3 #4 AC2nowledge
*+! 5 5 5 #6 *+!l, rings terminal bell
*S '" 7 7 #& *ackSpace 8non-destr1cti9e:
&T '' ; ; #I &ori<ontal Tab 8mo9e to next tab position:
!4 ') '" a #= !ine 4eed
>T ', '' b #2 >ertical Tab
44 '- ') c #! 4orm 4eed
C? '0 ', d #@ Carriage ?et1rn
S% '3 '- e #N Shift %1t
SI '5 '0 f #% Shift In
.!+ )" '3 '" #A .ata !ink +scape
.C' )' '5 '' #/ .e9ice Control ', normally (%N
.C) )) '7 ') #? .e9ice Control )
.C, ), '; ', #S .e9ice Control ,, normally (%44
.C- )- )" '- #T .e9ice Control -
NA2 )0 )' '0 # Negati9e Ac2nowledge
SBN )3 )) '3 #> SBNchrono1s idle
+T* )5 ), '5 #C +nd Transmission *lock
CAN ," )- '5 #( CANcel line
+@ ,' )0 '; #B +nd of @edi1m
S* ,) )3 'a #D S*stit1te
+SC ,, )5 'b #E +SCape
4S ,- )7 'c #F 4ile Separator
6S ,0 ); 'd #G 6ro1p Separator
?S ,3 ," 'e ## ?ecord Separator
S ,5 ,' 'f #H nit Separator
Printing Characters
Char Octal Dec Hex Description
SA -" ,) )" Space
I -' ,, )' +xclamation mark
J -) ,- )) /1otation mark 8KL1otM in &T@!:
N -, ,0 ), Cross hatch 8n1mber sign:
O -- ,3 )- .ollar sign
P -0 ,5 )0 Aercent sign
K -3 ,7 )3 Ampersand
Q -5 ,; )5 Closing single L1ote 8apostrophe:
8 0" -" )7 %pening parentheses
: 0' -' ); Closing parentheses
R 0) -) )a Asterisk 8star, m1ltiply:
S 0, -, )b Al1s
, 0- -- )c Comma
- 00 -0 )d &yphen, dash, min1s
. 03 -3 )e Aeriod
T 05 -5 )f Slash 8forward or di9ide:
" 3" -7 ," Dero
' 3' -; ,' %ne
) 3) 0" ,) Two
, 3, 0' ,, Three
- 3- 0) ,- 4o1r
0 30 0, ,0 4i9e
3 33 0- ,3 Six
5 35 00 ,5 Se9en
7 5" 03 ,7 +ight
; 5' 05 ,; Nine
U 5) 07 ,a Colon
M 5, 0; ,b Semicolon
V 5- 3" ,c !ess than sign 8KltM in &T@!:
W 50 3' ,d +L1als sign
X 53 3) ,e 6reater than sign 8KgtM in &T@!:
Y 55 3, ,f /1estion mark
$ '"" 3- -" At-sign
A '"' 30 -' pper case A
* '") 33 -) pper case *
C '", 35 -, pper case C
. '"- 37 -- pper case .
+ '"0 3; -0 pper case +
4 '"3 5" -3 pper case 4
6 '"5 5' -5 pper case 6
& ''" 5) -7 pper case &
I ''' 5, -; pper case I
= '') 5- -a pper case =
2 '', 50 -b pper case 2
! ''- 53 -c pper case !
@ ''0 55 -d pper case @
N ''3 57 -e pper case N
% ''5 5; -f pper case %
A ')" 7" 0" pper case A
/ ')' 7' 0' pper case /
? ')) 7) 0) pper case ?
S '), 7, 0, pper case S
T ')- 7- 0- pper case T
')0 70 00 pper case
> ')3 73 03 pper case >
C ')5 75 05 pper case C
( '," 77 07 pper case (
B ',' 7; 0; pper case B
D ',) ;" 0a pper case D
E ',, ;' 0b %pening sL1are bracket
F ',- ;) 0c *ackslash 8?e9erse slant:
G ',0 ;, 0d Closing sL1are bracket
# ',3 ;- 0e Caret 8Circ1mflex:
H ',5 ;0 0f nderscore
Q '-" ;3 3" %pening single L1ote
a '-' ;5 3' !ower case a
b '-) ;7 3) !ower case b
c '-, ;; 3, !ower case c
d '-- '"" 3- !ower case d
e '-0 '"' 30 !ower case e
f '-3 '") 33 !ower case f
g '-5 '", 35 !ower case g
h '0" '"- 37 !ower case h
i '0' '"0 3; !ower case i
Z '0) '"3 3a !ower case Z
k '0, '"5 3b !ower case k
l '0- '"7 3c !ower case l
m '00 '"; 3d !ower case m
n '03 ''" 3e !ower case n
o '05 ''' 3f !ower case o
p '3" '') 5" !ower case p
L '3' '', 5' !ower case L
r '3) ''- 5) !ower case r
s '3, ''0 5, !ower case s
t '3- ''3 5- !ower case t
1 '30 ''5 50 !ower case 1
9 '33 ''7 53 !ower case 9
w '35 ''; 55 !ower case w
x '5" ')" 57 !ower case x
y '5' ')' 5; !ower case y
< '5) ')) 5a !ower case <
[ '5, '), 5b %pening c1rly brace
\ '5- ')- 5c >ertical line
] '50 ')0 5d Closing c1rly brace
^ '53 ')3 5e Tilde 8approximate:
.+! '55 ')5 5f .elete 8r1bo1t:, cross-hatch box

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