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Chapter 01

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Don't be afraid of physics!

You already know a great deal simply from having lived on this planet all of your lives. This course will help you to organize and understand what you've already learned, plus teach you the new things that will serve you in your further studies. Introduction office hours: #318 JLK (physics building !haron"#ane$aol%co& (3'( )8*+,1)"uesday."hursday (beginning -.3.)'13 : 1':3' /0 to 1):''' 10 1:'' 10 to ):'' 10 grading sche&e: 3 regular e2a&s3 final (counts t4ice 3 (56+('73 disc% 8ui99es ('7 : 1 e2a& total of si2 ;e2a&< grades3 the lo4est of 4hich 4ill be dropped% 0ath s=ills: (0"5 1'( or 1'8 G T!" #G! $%%&'(I) $ I' T&)T*** >asic ?nits: 1% Length (&eters !yste&e @nternational (!%@% &=s syste& 1Length + cubits3 stadia3 fatho&s3 inches3 feet3 +&T&", cubit (elbo4 to tip of &iddle finger not reproducible 0eter is defined as follo4s: 2 : ct : ()--3,-)*(8 &.s (1.)--3,-)*(8 s : 1 &! !ee% table pg% 3 16hat is lengthA Distance bet4een ) points% 6hat is areaA Length B length or (distance ) 6hat is Colu&eA Length B length B length or (distance 3 )% 0ass (-I. G"$+, 1t+@r cylinder in Drance &ore later (EF" 6G@H5" ho4 &uch physical stuff (&atter is present% 3% 1"i&e + &oons3 fortnights3 years3 Ee4 Ior= &inutes3 eons3 ,&/ '(, 6hat is ti&eA @nterCal bet4een ) eCents% 1eriod (" s Dre8uency (f 1.s (59 " : 1.f cesiu&+133 oscillates -31-)3J313,,' cycles : 1 second *% Glectric current (/&pere (% "e&perature (KelCin J% /&ount of substance (&ole

,% Lu&inous @ntensity (candela "hese , funda&ental 8uantities &a=e up the 0K! syste& of units% /ll other units are co&binations of these% !o&eti&es 4e use cgs (centi&eter+gra&+second syste& for conCenience% 6eKll discuss this &ore ne2t se&ester 4hen 4e touch on Haussian units% %owers of 01 'otation2 1'3 =ilo (= 1'+) centi(c 1'J &ega (0 1'+3 &illi (& 1'- giga (H 1'+J &icro (L 1'+- nano (n

Gngineers li=e to &ultiply these : H L L : 11'3 : & (&illi 4ill co&e up a lot ne2t se&ester in our study of electrostatics% 1&ngineering ,horthand2 Gngineers li=e to use n3 L3 &3 =3 03 H (all in po4ers of 3 "hey brea= the ;rules<3 i%e% )%( 2 1'+1 & : )(' && or (%83 2 1'* & : (8%3 =& 15o4 to do it: Loo= at the e2ponent% 6e 4ant it in po4ers of 3 (+-3 +J3 +33 '3 33 J3 Me&e&ber! 0oCing deci&al point to the left3 e2ponent nu&ber goes ?13 to the right3 it goes DF6E% J%*1 2 1'+8 s beco&es J*%1 ns

!ee table 1+* in te2t% Nhec= the dimensions of your ans4er! G2: 2 : 2' O C't O P at) QLR QLR QLR : QLR O Q"R O Q"R) ) Q"R Q"R QLR : QLR

1(imensional $nalysis and /onversion 3actors2

/ yacht is )' & long% G2press this length in feet%

Inside the front cover 4show5 of the te6t7ook, under 8.ength9, we see the conversion factor we need2 0 ft. : 1.;1< m. =y the rules of alge7ra, if we divide = T! sides of the a7ove e>uation 7y 1.;1< m, we get the following2 1 ft% '%3'( & = =1 '%3'( & '%3'( & ?hy do this@ The num7er 809 is called the 8multiplicative identity9. That means that we can multiply any num7er 7y 809 or anything that e>uals 0, without changing it* ?e choose the form of 809 to 7e 1 ft% '%3'( & ,7ecause we want m 4meters5 to 7e in the denominator. Then we can cancel the meters in the numerator with meters in the denominator and the unit of measure we are left with is ft. which is what we want*

)' & 1 ft% = J(%(, ft 1 '%3'( & + but this is the 6MFEH /E!6GM!

'otice that we have m 4meters5 in the numerator and also in the denominator. They will cancel each other Aust the same way that BCB : 0* ,IG'I3I/$'T 3IG#"&,: ho4 &any digits are =no4n preciselyA 6hat is not significantA /ny 9ero 4hose Sob it is to sho4 us 4here the deci&al point is located% G2 1: J,'3''' has ) sig% figs because the * 9eros to the right of the , are there to sho4 4here the deci&al point is located (eCen though itKs not there specifically % G2 ): '%''''''''*(J has only 3 sig figs% =#T3 *%,'' has * sig figs! 8%'' has 3 sig figs 1% !&allest is the li&it% Fnly round off to proper nu&ber of s%f% /D"GM perfor&ing calculations! )% e2: d : )1%) c& (3 sf t : 8%( s () sf

3% speed : dist.ti&e : )%*-* c&.s EF! : )%( c&.s *% !cientific notation% pg , botto&% 1Mules: #1 "he first nu&ber &ust be fro& 1 to -

#) 0oCe the deci&al point3 left e2ponent is O and right e2ponent is + #3 EeCer leaCe a ;na=ed< deci&al point! #* 6hen adding or subtracting3 the result &ay only haCe the nu&ber of deci&al points that the one 4ith the fe4est has% G2: 1J'%' & (* sf O'%J'- & (3 sf 1J'%J & #( 6hen &ultiplying or diCiding3 the result &ay haCe only the nu&ber of sig% figs% as the nu&ber 4ith the least sig% figs% Meturning to the e2a&ple fro& aboCe3
)' & 1 ft% = J(%(, ft 3 this product &ay haCe only 1 sig% fig%3 and so 4ould be 1 '%3'( &

reported as ,' ft% 5F6GTGM3 letKs calculate the price to build this yacht3 giCen the appro2i&ation that a lu2ury yacht costs U1('3''' per foot%
)' & 1 ft% U1('3''' = J(%(, ft = U-383J3'J(%(, 1 '%3'( & ft

"he correct ans4er is still li&ited to 1 sig fig3 and so is U1'3'''3''' 0ost of the logical fallacies that 4e 4ill be learning this se&ester can be found in the follo4ing 4onderful boo=3 4hich @ heartily reco&&end3 as it 4ill serCe you the rest of your liCes!! Attacking Faulty Reasoning3 3rd Gd%3 "% Gd4ard Da&er3 1--( 3allacy of 3ake %recision: 0a=e a clai& 4ith a =ind of &athe&atical precision that is i&possible to obtain% 6/H3 treat appro2% data as if it is precise3 ho4 could they possi7ly =no4 thatA ;-'7 of the ti&e3 you donKt listen to &e!< MeallyA Iou did a studyA ;6e only use 1'7 of our brain po4er%< "o counter V ;5o4 do you =no4 thisAA< !ho4 &e the data% Nite the study!! 1The ,cientific +ethod2 Wuestion 5ypothesis G2peri&ent /dSust

6e adSust the hypothesis to fit the obserCed (e2peri&ental results! $d hominem fallacies2 0. $7usive donDt let them make you angry* E. %oisoning the ?ell attempts to discredit the source. (iscuss the difference

7etween testimony and argument.

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