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Iso 12096 (RT)

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First edition
Submerged arc-welded steel tubes for
pressure purposes - Radiographic testing
of the weld seam for the detection of
Tubes en acier soud& ci /arc immerg6 pour service sous pression -
ContrcYe radiographique du cordon de soudure pour la dbtection des
Reference number
IS0 12096:1996(E)
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IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are
circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
a vote.
International Standard IS0 12096 was prepared by Technical Committee
lSO/TC 17, Steel, Subcommittee SC 19, Technical delivery conditions for
steel tubes for pressure purposes.
8 IS0 1996
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced
or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, rncluding photocopying and
mrcrofilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organizatton for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed In Switzerland
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Submerged arc-welded steel tubes for pressure
purposes - Radiographic testing of the weld seam for
the detection of imperfections
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies requirements for
radiographic testing of the longitudinal or spiral weld
seam of submerged arc-welded steel tubes for the
detection of imperfections using the X-ray film tech-
One set of acceptance criteria is considered, together
with two image quality classes Rl and R2.
IS0 5579:1985, Non-destructive testing -
Radiographic examination of metallic materials by X-
and gamma rays - Basic rules.
IS0 7004: 1987, Photography - Industrial
radiographic film - Determination of IS0 speed and
average gradient when exposed to X- and gamma-
IS0 11484:1994, Steel tubes for pressure purposes
- Qualification and certification of non-destructive
testing (NDT) personnel.
3 General requirements
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which,
through reference in this text, constitute provisions
of this International Standard. At the time of publi-
cation, the editions indicated were valid. All standards
are subject to revision, and parties to agreements
based on this International Standard are encouraged
to investigate the possibility of applying the most re-
cent editions of the standards indicated below.
Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of cur-
rently valid International Standards.
IS0 1027:1983, Radiographic image quality indicators
for non-destructive testing - Principles and identifi-
IS0 2504:1973, Radiography of welds and viewing
conditions for films - Utilization of recommended
patterns of image quality indicators II. Q. I.).
IS0 5576:-l, Non-destructive testing - Industrial
radiology - Vocabulary.
1) To be published.
3.1 For the purpose of this International Standard,
the definitions given in IS0 5576 shall apply.
3.2 The radiographic inspection covered by this
International Standard is usually carried out on tubes
after completion of all the primary production process
These activities shall be carried out by NDT personnel
trained and qualified in accordance with IS0 11484,
as nominated by the manufacturer. In the case of
third-party inspection, this shall be agreed between
the purchaser and manufacturer.
3.3 The tubes to be tested shall be sufficiently
straight to ensure the validity of the test. The surfaces
of the weld seam and adjacent parent metal shall be
sufficiently free from foreign matter and surface ir-
regularities which could interfere with the interpret-
ation of the radiographs.
COPYRIGHT 2003; International Organization for Standardization

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IS0 12096:1996(E) 0 IS0
Surface grinding is permitted in order to achieve an
acceptable surface finish.
3.4 In cases where the weld reinforcement is re-
moved, markers, usually in the form of lead arrows,
shall be placed on each side of the weld, so that its
position can be identified on the radiograph.
3.5 Identification symbols, usually in the form of
lead letters, shall be placed on each section of the
weld being radiographed so that the images of these
symbols appear in the radiograph to ensure un-
equivocal identification of the section.
3.6 Permanent markings shall be provided on the
tube surface to provide reference points for the ac-
curate relocation of the position of each radiograph.
Where the nature of the material and/or its intended
service conditions render stamping impossible, other
suitable means shall be provided for relocating the
radiographs, for example, by paint marking or by ref-
erence to accurate sketches.
3.7 When radiographing a continuous length of
weld with separate films, adjacent films shall overlap
by at least 10 mm to ensure that no portion of the
weld length remains unexamined.
4 Test method
4.1 The weld of longitudinally or spirally welded
tube shall be radiographically tested using the X-ray
film technique.
By agreement between the purchaser and manufac-
turer, the use of fluoroscopic methods is permitted
but only when the manufacturer can demonstrate
equivalence to the X-ray film technique.
4.2 Two image quality classes are specified:
class Rl : X-ray examination technique with
enhanced sensitivity;
class R2: X-ray examination technique with
standard sensitivity.
NOTE 1 Most applications are covered by the use of
image quality class R2.
Image quality class RI is intended for more important and
difficult applications where image quality class R2 may be
insufficiently sensitive to reveal all the imperfections to be
detected. Image quality class RI requires the use of fine-
grain films and lead screens and, therefore, generally re-
quires a longer exposure time. The required image quality
class will be stated in the relevant product standard.
4.3 The films shall be at least fine-grain for image
quality class RI and shall be at least medium-grain for
image quality class R2 (see IS0 5579 and IS0 7004).
The front intensifying screen, for both image quality
class RI and image quality class R2, shall have a
thickness of between 0,02 mm and 0,25 mm. Other
thicknesses may be adopted for the back intensifying
In cases where a double film technique is used, the
intermediate screen, when used, shall also be within
the thickness range specified for the front intensifying
4.4 Salt intensifying screens shall not be used.
4.5 No back-scattered or internally scattered X-ray
radiation shall reach the film.
If there is any doubt regarding the adequacy of pro-
tection from back-scattered X-ray radiation, a charac-
teristic symbol (typically a 3,2 mm thick letter B) shall
be attached to the back of the cassette or film holder,
and a radiograph made in the normal manner. If the
image of this symbol appears on the radiograph at a
lighter density than the background, it is an indication
that protection against back-scattered X-ray radiation
is insufficient and it is essential that additional pre-
cautions be taken.
4.6 The beam of radiation shall be directed at the
centre of the section of the weld seam under exam-
ination and shall be normal to the tube surface at that
4.7 The diagnostic length shall be such that the in-
crease in penetrated thickness at the ends of the
useful length of a radiograph shall not exceed the
penetrated thickness at the centre of the radiograph
by more than 10 % for image quality class RI or by
more than 20 % for image quality class R2, provided
that the conditions specified in 4.11 and clause 7 are
not compromised.
4.8 The single-wall penetration technique shall be
used. If this technique is impractical because of the
dimensions, the use of the double-wall penetration
technique is permitted.
4.9 The distance between the film and the weld
surface shall be as small as possible.
COPYRIGHT 2003; International Organization for Standardization

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0 IS0 IS0 12096:1996(E)
4.10 The minimum source-to-specimen distance, d,
shall be chosen such that the ratio of this distance to
the effective dimension of focal spot J i.e. d/f, con-
forms to the values given by the following equations.
For image quality class Rl
d/f> 15~~'~
For image quality class R2
d/f > 7,5,x2/3
where x is the specimen thickness, in the direction
of the radiation beam, plus the separation between
the film and the surface remote from the radiation
5.3 To determine the required image quality value
for the double-wall penetration technique, the steel
thickness referred to in table 1 shall be twice the
penetrated nominal thickness.
6 Processing of film
The radiographs shall be free from imperfections due
to processing or other defects that could interfere
with interpretation.
7 Viewing conditions for radiographs
The minimum luminance of the illuminated radiograph
shall be 30 cd/m2 for densities less than or equal to
2,5 and IO cd/m2 for densities greater than 2,5.
These relationships are shown graphically in figure 1.
8 Acceptance
4.11 Exposure conditions shall be such that the
density of the radiograph of the sound weld metal in
the area under examination is not less than 2,0 for
image quality class RI and not less than 1,7 for image
quality class R2.
NOTE 2 For image quality class R2, the minimum density
may be reduced to 1,5, by special agreement between the
purchaser and manufacturer.
Fog density, defined as the total density (emulsion and
base) of a processed unexposed film, shall not exceed 0.3.
4.12 To maintain sufficient sensitivity, the voltage
of the X-ray tube shall be as low as possible and the
maximum values given in figure2 shall not be ex-
5 Image quality
5.1 The image quality shall be determined using a
mild steel image quality indicator (1.0.1.) of the type
specified in IS0 1027 and agreed between the pur-
chaser and manufacturer. This I.Q.I. shall be placed
on the surface facing the source of radiation, either
adjacent to the weld or, in the case of wire type
I.Q.l.s, across the weld. The I.Q.I. shall only be placed
on the film side when the surface facing the radiation
source is inaccessible. In these circumstances, a let-
ter F shall be placed near the I.Q.I. and this pro-
cedural change recorded in the test report.
For further details, refer to IS0 2504.
5.2 The two image quality classes specified within
this International Standard are defined in table 1.
8.1 All indications found on the radiograph shall be
classified as weld imperfections or defects as defined
in 8.1.1 or 8.1.2.
8.1.1 Imperfections are discontinuities in the weld
seam detectable by the radiographic testing method
described in this International Standard. Imperfections
with a size and/or population density that are within
the acceptance criteria defined in the relevant product
standard are considered to have no practical impli-
cations on the intended use of submerged arc-welded
tubes for pressure purposes.
8.1.2 Defects are imperfections with a size and/or
population density equal to or greater than the ac-
ceptance criteria defined in the relevant product stan-
dard. Defects are considered to adversely affect or
limit the intended use of submerged arc-welded tubes
for pressure purposes.
8.2 Acceptance limits for radiographic examination
of the weld seam are given below. These limits shall
be used unless alternative requirements are specified
in product standards.
8.2.1 Cracks, incomplete penetration and lack of
fusion are not acceptable.
8.2.2 Individual circular slag inclusion and gas
pockets up to 3,0 mm or T/3 in diameter (T is the
specified wall thickness), whichever is the smaller, are
The sum of the diameters of all such permitted indi-
vidual imperfections in any 150 mm or 12T of weld
length, whichever is the smaller, shall not exceed
6,0 mm or 0,5T, whichever is the smaller, where the
COPYRIGHT 2003; International Organization for Standardization

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IS0 12096:1996(E)
0 IS0
separation between individual inclusions is less than
8.2.3 Individual elongated slag inclusions up to
12,0 mm or T in length, whichever is the smaller, or
up to I,5 mm in width are acceptable.
The maximum accumulated length of such permitted
individual imperfections in any 150 mm or 12T of weld
length, whichever is the smaller, shall not exceed
12.0 mm, where the separation between individual
inclusions is less than 4T.
8.2.4 Individual undercuts of any length having a
maximum depth of 0,4 mm are acceptable.
Individual undercuts of a maximum length of T/2
having a maximum depth of 0,5 mm and not exceed-
ing 10 % of the specified wall thickness are accepta-
ble, provided that there are not more than two such
undercuts in any 300 mm of the weld length. All such
undercuts are dressed out.
8.2.5 Any undercuts exceeding the above limits shall
be repaired, the suspect area cropped off or the pipe
8.2.6 Any undercuts on the inside and outside
welds, of any length and depth, which are coincident
in the longitudinal direction on the same side of the
weld are not acceptable.
8.3 Actions to be taken on tubes containing defects.
Tubes containing weld seam defects shall be sub-
jected to one or more of the actions described in 8.3.1
to 8.3.4.
8.3.1 Defects shall be removed by grinding, chipping
or machining, provided that the remaining wall thick-
ness is within specified limits. The dressed area shall
be checked for complete removal of the defect by ei-
ther the magnetic particle or liquid penetrant test
8.3.2 Should the removal of the defect reduce the
wall thickness below the specified limit, the weld area
shall be repaired by welding carried out in accordance
with an approved welding procedure. The repaired
area shall then be subject to radiographic examination
in accordance with the requirements of this Inter-
national Standard.
8.3.3 The section of tube containing the defective
weld area shall be cut off within the limits of the re-
quirements placed on minimum tube length.
8.3.4 The entire tube shall be rejected.
9 Test report
When specified, the manufacturer shall submit to the
purchaser a test report that includes, at least, the fol-
lowing information:
reference to this International Standard;
the type and details of the inspection technique;
any deviation, by agreement or otherwise, from
the test method;
the type of X-ray equipment, the tube voltage ap-
plied and the anodic current intensity;
the time of exposure, type of film and screen, and
source-to-specimen distance;
the system of marking used;
the film processing technique;
the weld geometry, wall thickness and welding
process used;
the following geometric relationship:
focal spot size,
focal-film distance,
object-film distance,
radiation angle with respect to weld and film,
the image quality class;
results of the radiographic examination and the
statement of conformity;
the date of the examination and the endorsement
by the inspector.
COPYRIGHT 2003; International Organization for Standardization

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0 IS0 IS0 12096:1996(E)
Table 1 - Image quality classes
Steel thickness)
Image quality class Image quality class
greater than
less than or equal
Rl R2
hole diameter wire diameter hole diameter wire diameter
mm mm mm mm
4,5 10 0.40 0.16 0.50 0.20
10 16 0,50 0.20 0.63 0.25
16 25 0.63 0.25 0.80 0.32
25 32 0.80 0,32 1 ,oo 0.40
32 40 1 ,oo 0.40 1.25 0.50
40 60 I,25 0.50 1.60 0.63
I) The steel thickness refers to the overall weld thickness.
COPYRIGHT 2003; International Organization for Standardization

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IS0 12096:1996(E)
1 2 3 45 7 10 20 30 4050 ?O 100 200 300 500
x (mm)
d Distance between the source of radiation and the surface of the weld seam facing the source of radi-
Effective size of the source of radiation
x Specimen thickness, in the direction of the radiation beam, plus the separation between the film and
the surface remote from the radiation source
Figure 1 - Required minimum values of ratio d/f as a function of distance, x
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IS0 12096:1996(E)
y 1000
1 2 3 45
10 30 40 50
Thickness (mm)
Figure 2 - Permissible maximum X-ray tube voltage as a function of specified nominal wall thickness
COPYRIGHT 2003; International Organization for Standardization

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IS0 12096:1996(E)
KS 23.040.10; 77.040.20; 77.140.30
Descriptors: pipes (tubes), pressure pipes, steel tubes, welded tubes, tests, non-destructive tests, radiographic analysis, X-ray
analysis, determination, weld defects.
Pnce based on 7 pages
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