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Manual Testing Real Time

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1.differentiate between QA and QC?

QA:It is process oriented

it envolve in entire process of software developement.
Preventin oriented.
It is product oriented.
work to examin the quality of product.
Dedection orientd.
2.what is a bug?
A computer u! is an error" flaw" mistake" failure" or fault in a computer pro!ram that
prevents it from workin! correctly or produces an incorrect result.
3.what is a test case?
#estcase is set of input values" execution preconditions"expected results and execution
postconditions" developed for a particular o$ective or test conditons" such as to exercise a
paticular pro!ram path or to verify compliance with a specific requiremnt.
4.What is the purpose of test plan in your project?
test plan document is prepared y the test lead"it contains the contents like
introduction"o$ectives"test strater!y"scope"test items"pro!ram modules user
procedures"features to e tested features not to tested approach"pass or fail criteria"testin!
process"test deliverales"testin!"tasks"responsiilities"resources"schedu
le"environmental requirements"risks % contin!encies"chan!e mana!ement procedures"plan
approvals"etc all these thin!s help a test mana!er undersatnd the testin! he should do %
what he should follow for testin! that particular pro$ect.
.When the relationship occur between tester and de!eloper?
developer is the one who sends the application to the tester y doin! all the necessary code in
the application and sends the marshal id to the tester.#he tester is the one who !ives all the
input&output and checks whether he is !ettin! reqd output or not.A developer is the one who
works on inside interfacin! where as the tester is the one who works on outside interfacin!
".when testing will starts in a project?
the testin! is not !ettin! started after the codin!.after release the uild the testers perform
the smoke test.smoke test is the first test which is done y the testin! team.this is accordin!
to the testin! team.ut" efore the releasin! of a uild the developers will perform the unit
#.$f a bug has high se!erity then usually that is treated as high priority%then why do
priority gi!en by testengineers&project 'anagers and se!erity gi!en by testers?
'i!h severity u!s affects the end users ....testers tests an application with the users point of
view" hence it is !iven as hi!h severity.'i!h priority is !iven to the u!s which affects the
production.Pro$ect mana!ers assi!n a hi!h priority ased on production point of view.
(.what is the difference between functional testing and regresion testing
functional testin! is a testin! process where we test the functionality&ehaviour of each
functional component of the application...i.e.minimi(e utton"transfer utton"links etc.i.e we
check what is each component doin! in that application...
re!ression testin! is the testin! the ehaviour of the application of the unchan!ed areas when
there is a chan!e in the uild.i.e we chk whether the chan!ed requirement has altered the
ehaviour of the unchan!ed areas.the impacted area may e the whole of the application or
some part of the application...
1).do u *now abt integration testing%how do u intregate diff 'odules?
inte!ration testin! means testin! an application to verify the data flows etween the
module.for example" when you are testin! a ank application "in account alence it shows the
)**+as the availale alence.ut in dataase it shows the ),*+. main thin! is -inte!ration
done y the developers and inte!ration testin! done y the testers- u *now abt configuration 'anage'ent tool%what is the purpose of 'aintaining
all the docu'ents in configuration 'anage 'ent tool?
It is focused primarily on maintainin! the file chan!es in the history.
Documents are su$ected to chan!e .or ex: consider the #est case document .
Initially you draft the #est cases document and place it in /ersion control tool0/isual 1ource
1afe for ex2.#hen you send it for Peer 3eview .#hey will provide some comments and that
document will e saved in /11 a!ain.1imilary the document under!oes chan!es and all the
chan!es history will e maintained in /ersion control.
It helps in referrin! to the previous version of a document.
Also one person can work on a document 0y checkin! out2 at a time.
Also it keeps track who has done the chan!es "time and date.
4enerally all the #est Plan" #est cases"Automation des!in docs are placed in /11.
Proper access ri!hts needs to e !iven so that the documents dont !et deleted or modified.
12.+ow you test database and e,plain the procedure?
Dataase #estin! is purely done ased on the requirements. 5ou may !enerali(e a few
features ut they won6t e complete. In !eneral we look at
). Data Correctness 0Defaults2
,. Data 1tora!e&3etreival
7. Dataase Connectivity 0across multiple platforms2
8. Dataase Indexin!
9. Data Inte!rity
:. Data 1ecurity
13.suppose if you press a lin* in yahooshopping site in leads to so'e other co'pany
website?how to test if any proble' in lin*ing fro' one site to another site?
)2first i will check whether the mouse cusor is turnin! into hand icon or not;
,2i will check the link is hi!hlin!tin! when i place the curosr on the link or not;
72the site is openin! or not;
82if the site is openin! then i will check is it openin! in another window or the same window
that the link itself exitst0to check userfriendly ness of the link2
92how fast that wesite is openin!;
:2is the correct site is openin! accordin! to the link;
<2all the items in the site are opein! or not;
=2all other sulinks are openin! or not;
14.what are the contents of -./?
. %>=9?8@ .unction Aehaviours
3 %>=9?8@ 3equirements 0Butputs2 of the 1ystem that is defined.
1 %>=9?8@ 1pecification 0 'ow" Chat" Chen" Chere" and Cay it ehavior6s.
.31 %>=9?8@ .unction 3equirement 1pecification.
#his is a Document which contains the .unctional ehavior
of the system or a feature. #his document is also know as DA1 Dxternal Aehaviour
1pecification E Document. Br D.1 Dxternal .unction 1pecification.
1.what is 'eant by 0riority nad se!erity?
Priority means -Importance of the defect w.r.t cutomer requirement-
1everity means -1eriousness of the defect w.r.t functionality-
1".what is 'eant by 0riority nad se!erity?
). #his is assi!ned y the #est Dn!ineer
,. #his is to say how adly the devation that is occurin! is affectin! the other modules of the
uild or release.
). #his is assi!ned y the Developer.
,. #his is to say how soon the u! as to e fixed in the main code" so that it pass the asic
D!." #he code is to !enerate some values with some vaild input conditions. #he priority will e
assi!ned so ased on the followin! conditions:
aF It is not acceptin! any value
F It is acceptin! value ut output is in nonEdefined format 0say Gnicode Characters2.
A !ood example i used some unicode characters to !enerate a left defined arrow" it
displayed correctly ut after savin! chan!es it !ave some address value from the
stack of this server. .or more information mail me i will let you know.!e 'e so'e e,a'ple for high se!erity and low priority defect?
if suppose the title of the particular concern is not spelled corectly"it would !ive a ne!ative
impact.e! ICICC is spelled as a tittle for the pro$ect of the concern ICICI.then it is a hi!h
severity"low priority defect.
1(.what is basis for testcase re!iew?
the main asis for the test case review is
).testin! techniques oriented review
,.requirements oriented review
7.defects oriented review.
11.what are the contents of /./ docu'ents?
1oftware requirements specifications and .unctional requirements specifications.
2).What is difference between the Web application testing and Client /er!er testing?
#estin! the application in intranet0withoutrowser2 is an example for client Eserver.0#he
company firewalls for the server are not open to outside world. Butside people cannot access
the application.21o there will e limited numer of people usin! that application.
#estin! an application in internet0usin! rowser2 is called wetestin!. #he application which is
accessale y numerous numers around the world0Corld wide we.2
1o testin! we application" apart from the aove said two testin!s there are many other
testin!s to e done dependin! on the type of we application we are testin!.
If it is a secured application 0like ankin! siteE we !o for security testin! etc.2
If it is a ecommerce testin! application we !o for Gsaility etc.. testin!s.
21.2,plain your web application archtechture?
we application is tested in 7 phases
). we tier testin! EEF rowser compatiility
,. middle tier testin! EEF functionality" security
7. data ase tier testin! EEF dataase inte!rity" contents
22.suppose the product&appication has to deli!er to client at .))03%At that ti'e
you or your tea' 'e'ber caught a high se!erity defect at 303.4.e'e'ber defect is
high se!erity56ut the the client is cannot wait for long ti'e.7ou should deli!er the
product at .))0' e,actly.then what is the procedure you follow?
the u! is hi!h severity only so we send the application to the client and find out the severity
is preyority or not. if its preyority then we ask him to wait.
'ere we found defects&u!s in the last minute of the deliveryor realese date
#hen we have two options
).explain the situation to client and ask some more time to fix the u!.
,.If the client is not ready to !ive some some time then analyse the impact of defect&u! and
try to find workarounds for the defect and mention these issues in the release notes as
known issues or known limitations or known u!s. 'ere the workaround means remeady
process to e followed to overcome the defect effect.
7.Hormally this known issues or known limitations0defects2 will e fixed in next version or next
release of the software
23.8i!e 'e e,a'ples for high priority and low se!erity defects?
1uppose in one ankin! application there is one module A#I .acility. in that A#I facility when
ever we are dipositin!&withdrawin! money it is not showin! any conformation messa!e ut
actually at the ack end it is happenin! properly with out any mistake means only missin!
of messa!e . in this case as it is happeni! properly so there is nothin! wron! with the
application ut as end user is not !ettin! any conformation messa!e so he&she will e
confuse for this.1o we can consider this issue as 'I4' Priority ut JBC 1everity defects..
24.2,plain about 6ug life cycle?
,2 open defectEF
72send to developer
82EFif accepted moves to step9 else sends the u! to tester !ain
92fixed y developer EF
:2re!ression testin!EF
<2no prolem inuilt and si!noff
=2EFif prolem in uilt reopen the issue send to step7
2.+ow can you report the defect using e,cel sheet?
#o report the defect usin! excel sheet
Iention : #he .eture that een effected.
mention : #est Case ID 0Chich fail you can even mention any other which are
dependency on this u!2
Iention : Actual Aehavior
Iention : Dxpected Aehavior as mentioned in #est Case or D.1 or DA1 or 131 document
with section
Iention : 5our #est 1etup used durin! #estin!
Iention : 1teps to 3eEProduce the u!
Iention : Additional Info
Iention : Attach a 1creen 1hot if it is a 4GI u!
Iention : Chich other features it is lockin! ecause of this u! that you are unale to
execute the test cases.
Iention : 'ow much time you took to execute that test case or follow that specific #C
which leaded to u!
2".$f you ha!e e,ecuted 1)) test cases %e!ery test case passed but apart fro' these
testcase you found so'e defect for which testcase is not prepared%thwn how you
can report the bug?
Chile reportin! this u! into u!trackin! tool you will !enerate the testcase imean put the
steps to reproduce the u!.
2#.what is the diffn betn web based application and client ser!er application
#he asic difference etween we ased application % client server application is that the we
application are 7 trier % client ased are , trier.In we ased chan!es are made at one place
% it is refelected on other layers also whereas client ased separate chan!es need e installed
on client machine also.
2(.what is testplan? and can you tell the testplan contents?
#est plan is a hi!h level document which explains the test strate!y"time lines and availale
resources in detail.#ypically a test plan contains:
E#est strate!y
EDntry criteria
EDxit criteria
EGse cases&#est cases
E.eatures to e tested and not tested
21.+ow 'any testcases can you write per a day% an a!erage figure?
Complex test cases 8E< per day
Iedium test cases )*E)9 per day
Hormal test cases ,*E7* per day
3).Who will prepare -./4functional re9uire'ent docu'ents5?
What is the i'portent of -./?
#he Ausiness Analyst will pre pare the .31.
Aased on this we are !oin! to prepare test cases.
It contains
). Bver view of the pro$ect
,. Pa!e elements of the Application0.iled Hames2
7. Proto type of the of the application
8. Ausiness rules and Drror 1tates
9. Data .low dia!rams
:. Gse cases contains Actor and Actions and 1ystem 3esponces
31.+ow you can decide the nu'ber of testcases are enough for testing the gi!en
#he developed test cases are coverd all the functionality of the application we can say
testcases are enou!h.If u know the functionality covered or not u can use 3#I.
32.What is the difference between .etesting and :ata :ri!en ;esting?
3etestin!:it is manual process in which apllication will e tested with entire new set of data.
DataDriven #estin!0DD#2EIt is a Automated testin! process inwhich application is tested with
multiple test data.DD# is very easy procedure than retestin! ecause the tester should sit and
need to !ive different new inputsmanually from front end and it is very tedious and orin!
33.what is regression testing?
After the Au! fixed "testin! the application whether the fixed u! is affectin! remainin!
functionality of the application or not.Ia$orly in re!ression testin! Au! fixed module and it6s
connected modules are checked for thier inte!rity after u! fixation. do u test web application?
Ce applicatio testin!
we application shold have the followin! features like
).Attractive Gser Interface0lo!os"fonts"ali!nment2
,.'i!h Gsaility options
7.1ecuriry features0if it has lo!in feature2
8.Dataase0ack end2.
9.Perfromance0appearin! speed of the application on client system2
:.Ale to work on different Arowers0Arowser compatiility2
"B.1 compatiility0technicalled called as portaility2
<.Aroken link testin!.........etc
so we need to follow out the followin! test strate!y.
)..unctionality #estin!
,.Performance #estin!0Joad"volume"1tress"1calaility2
7.Gsaility #estin!
8.Gser Interface #estin!0colors"fonts"ali!nments...2
9.1ecurity #estin!
:.Arowser compatiility #estin!0differnt versions and different rowser2
<.Arokenlink and Havi!ation #estin!
=.Dataase0ackend2#estin!0data inte!rity2
?.Portaility testin!0Iulti B.s 1upport2....etc do u perfor' regression testing%'eans what test cases u select for
3e!ression testin! will e conducted after any u! fixedor any functionality chan!ed.
Durin! defect fixin! procedure some part of codin! may e chan!ed or functionality may e
manipulated.In this case the old testcases will e updated or completely re written
accordin! to new features of the application where u! fixed area.'ere possile areas are old
test cases will e executed as usual or some new testcases will e added to existin! testcases
or some testcases may e deleted.
3".what r the client side scripting languages and ser!er side scripting languages
client side scriptin! lan!a!es are
1erver side 1criptin! lan!ua!es are
Clent side sciptin! lan!ua!es are useful to validate the inputs or user actions from userside or
client side.
1erver side 1criptin! lan!ua!es are to validate the inputs at server side.
#his scriptin! lan!ua!es provide security for the application. and also provides dynamic
nature to we or client server application
cleint side scriptin! is !ood ecause it won6t send the unwanted input6s to server for
validation.from frontend it self it validated the user inputs and restricts the user activities and
!uides him
3#.if a !ery low defect 4user interface 5is detected by u and the de!eloper not
co'pra'ising with that defect what will u do?
user interface defect is a hi!h visiility defect and easy to reproduce.
.ollow the elow procedure
).3eproduce the defect
,.Capture the defect screen shots
7.Document the proper inputs that you are used to !et the defect in the derfect report
7.send the defect report with screen shots"i&ps and procedure for defect reproduction.
efore !oin! to this you must check your computer hard ware confi!uration that is same as
developper system confi!uration.and anlso check the system !raphic drivers are properly
installed or not.if the prolem in !raphic drivers the Gser interface error will come.
so first check your side if it is correct from your sidethen report the defect y followin! the
aove method.
3(.if u r only person in the office and client as*ed u for so'e changes and u didn%t
get what the client as*ed for what will u do?
Bnethin! here is very important.Hoody will ask test en!ineer to chan!e software that is
not your duty"even if it is related to testin! and anyody is not there try to listen care fully if
you are not understand ask him a!ain and inform to the correspondin! people immediately.
'ere the cleint need speedy service"we0our company2 should not !et any lame from
customer side. to get top two salaries fro' e'ployee tables
1elect L from emp e where ,FM0select count0L2 from emp e where salFe.sal2 order y desc
4).+ow 'any ;est<Cases can be written for the calculator ha!ing )<1 buttons%
Add%29ualto buttons.;he testcases should be focussed only on add<functionality but
'ot 8=$.What are those test<cases?
#estECases for the calculator
so here we have ), uttons totalie *")","7"8"9":"<"="?"ADD"Dqualto E), uttons
here u can press atleat 8 uttons at a time minimum for example *N)M for (ero u should
press 6(ero6 laled uttonfor plus u should press 6N6 laled uttonfor one u should press 6one6
laled uttonfor equalto u should press 6equalto6 laled utton *N)Mhere N and M positions
will not varyso first numer position can e varied from * to ? i.e from permutation and
cominations u can fill that space in )* waysin the same waysecond numer position can e
varied from * to ? i.e from permutation and cominations u can fill that space in )* ways
#otal numer of possiilities are M)*x)*M)**
#his is exhaustive testin! methodolo!y and this is not possile in all cases.
In mathematics we have one policy that the the function satisfies the startin! and endin!
values of a ran!e then it can satisfy for entire ran!e of values from startin! to endin!.
then we check the startin! conditions i.e one test case for 6*N*M6 0expected values you know
thatis 6*62then another testcase for 6?N?M60expected values you know thatis 6)=62only two
testcases are enou!h to test the calculator functionality.
41.what is positi!e and negati!e testing e,plian with e,a'ple?
Positive #estin! E testin! the system y !ivin! the valid data.
He!ative #estin! E testin! the system y !ivin! the Invalid data.
.or Dx"an application contains a textox and as per the user6s 3equirements the textox
should accept only 1trin!s.Ay providin! only 1trin! as input data to the textox % to check
whether its workin! properly or not means it is Positive #estin!.If !ivin! the input other than
1trin! means it is ne!ative #estin!..
42.+ow will you prepare ;est plan. What are the techni9ues in!ol!ed in preparing
the ;est plan.
#est plan means plannin! for the release. #his includes Pro$ect ack!round
#est B$ectives: Arief overview and description of the document
#est 1cope: settin! the oundaries
.eatures ein! tested 0.unctionalities2
'ardware requirements
1oftware requirements
Dntrance Criteria 0Chen to start testin!2:
#est environment estalished" Auilder received from developer" #est case prepared and
Dxit criteria 0when to stop testin!2:
All u! status cycle are closed" all functionalities are tested" and all hi!h and medium u!s
are resolved.
Pro$ect milestones: dead lines
43.What are the :efect >ife Cycle?
Defect life cycle is also called as u! life cycle. It has :sta!es namely
).new: found new u!
,.assi!ned: ud assi!ned to developer : developer is fixin! the u!
8.fixed : developer has fixed the u!
9.retest: tester retests the application
:.closed&reopened: if it is ok tester !ives closed stauselse he reopens and sends ack to
44.2,palin about 'etrics 3anage'ent?
Ietrics: is nothin! ut a measurement analysis.Ieasurment analysis and Improvement is one
of the process area in CII I J,.
4.What is perfor'ance ;esting and .egression ;esting?
Performance #estin!:Etestin! the present wrokin! condition of the product
3e!ression #estin!:E3e!ression #estin! is checkin! for the newly added functionality causin!
any erros interms of functionality and the common functionality should e stale
in the latest and the previous versions
4".+ow do you re!iew testcase?? ;ype of .e!iew...
types of reviewin! testcases depends upon company standards"vi(.."
peer review"team lead review"ro$ect mana!er review.
1ome times client may also review the test cases re! what is approach followin! for pro$ect
4#.$n which way tester get 6uild A% 6=ild 6% ....6uild ? of an application% just e,plain
the process..
After preparation of testcases pro$ect mana!er will release software release note in that
Document there will e G3J path of the wesite link from from that we will receive
the uild In case of we server pro$ects" you will e provided with an G3J or a ?,.):=.LLL.LLL
0Ce address2 which will help you access the pro$ect usin! a rowser from your system.
In case of Client server" the uild is placed in the /11 0Confi!uration tool2 which will help you
!et the .exe downloaded to your computer.
4(.apart fro' bug reporting wat is ur in!ol!e'ent in projectlife cycle
As a #est en!ineer Ce desi!n test cases"prepare testcases Dxecute #estcases" track the u!s"
analyse the results report the u!s. invovled in re!ression testin!" performance of system
testin! system inter!ration testin! At last preparation of #est summary 3eport
41.contents of test report
#here are two documents"which should e prepared at particual phase.
).#est 3esults document.
,.#est 3eport document.
#est 3esults doc will e preapred at the phase of each type of #estin! like .GJJ .GHC#IBHAJ
#D1# PA11"3D43D11IBH #D1# PA11"1AHI#5 #D1# PA11 etc...#est case execution a!ainest
the application.Bnce you prepared this doc"we will send the doc to our #J and PI.Ay seein!
the #est 3esults doc "#J will come to know the covera!e part of the testcase.'ere I
am !ivin! you the contents used in the #est 3esults doc.
).Auild Ho
,./ersion Hame
7.Client B1
8..eature set
9.Iain .eature
:.Defined #estcases on each feature.
<.QA en!ineer Hame
=.#est ecases executed.0Includes pass and fail2
?.#estcases on 'BJD0Includes lockin! testcases and deferred #estcases2
)*.Coverea!e 3eport0Chich includes the covera!e ratin!s in O "like O of testcases covered"O
of testcases failed2
Comin! to #est report"!enerally we will prepare #est report "once we rolled out the product to
our client.#his document will e prepared y #J and delivered to the client.Iainly"this
document descries the what we have done in the pro$ect"chievements we have reached"our
learnin!s in throu!hout the pro$ect etc...#he other name for #est report is Pro$ect Closure
3eport and we will summeri(e the all the activities"which have taken place in throu!h out the
pro$ect.'ere I am !ivin! your the contents covered in the #est 3eport.
).#est Dnvironment01hould e covered the B1"Application or weservers"Iahchine
,.#est Iethods0#ypes of #ests"we have done in the pro$ect like .unctional #estin!"Platform
#estin!"re!ression #estin!"etc..
7.Ia$or areas Covered.
8.Au! #rackin! Details.0Includes inflow and outflow of the us in our delivered pro$ect2
9.Cork schedule0Chen we start the testin! and we finished2
:.Defect Analasys
:.) Defects lo!!ed in different types of tests like .uncational #est"re!ressiion #est as per area
:., 1tate of the Defects at end of the #est cycle.
:.7 3oot cause analysys for the u!s marked as HB# A AG4.
<.QA oservations or learnin!s throu!ht the life cycle.
).write high le!el test cases
Crite all the testcases under hi!h level #C"which can e covered the main functionalities like
creation"edition"deletion" per prescried in the screen.
Crtie all the testcases under low level #C"which can e covered the screen"like input fields are
displayed as per the requirements"uttons are enaled or disaled"and testcase for low
priority functionalities.
Dxample a screen contains two edit oxes lo!in and password and a pust uttons BP and
3eset and check ox for the lael -3ememer my password-.How let us write hi!h level #C
and low level test cases.
'I4' JD/DJ #C
)./erify that Gser is ale to lo!in with valid lo!in and valid password.
,./erify that Gser is not ale to lo!in with invalid lo!in and valid password.
7./erify that 3eset utton clears the filled screen.
8./erify that a pop up messa!e is displayed for lank lo!in.
)./erify that after launchin! the G3J of the application elow fields are displayes in the
).Jo!in Hame ,.Password.7.BP AG##BH 8.3D1D# utton etc..
9.check ox"provided for the lael -rememer my pwd- is unchecked.
,./erify that BP utton should e disaled efore selectin! lo!in and passwrod fields.
7./erify that BP utton should ne enaled after selectin! lo!in and password.
8./erify that Gser is ale to check the check ox"providedfor the lael -rememer my pwd-.
In this way"we can cate!orise all the testcases under 'I4' JD/DJ and JBC JD/DJ.
1.wat is test scenario
#est scenario will e framed on asis of the requrement"which need to e checked..or that"we
will frame set of testcases"in other terms"we can say all the conditions"which can e
determined the testin! covera!e a!ainest usiness requirement.
Please see the elow example"which is exactly matched to my explanation.
As we know all most all the application are havin! lo!in screen"which contains lo!in name and
password.'ere is the test scenario for lo!in screen.
1cenario: G1D361 JB4IH
Condtions to e checked to test the aove scenario:
).#est lo!in field and Password fields indicisually.
,.#ry to lo!in with valid lo!in and valid password.
7.#ry to lo!in with invalin! lo!in and valid pwd. etcc........................................
2.wat is build duration
it is a tine !ap etween old version uild and new version uild in new version uild some
new extra features are added
3.wat is test deli!erables
#est deliverales are nothin! ut documents preparin! after testin! like test plan document
testcase template u!report template#est deliverales will e delivered to the client not only
for the completed activities "ut also for the activites"which we are implementin! for the
etter productivity.0As per the company6s standards2.'ere I am !ivin! you some of the #est
deliverales in my pro$ect.
).QA #estPlan
,.#estcase Docs
7.QA #estplan"if we are usin! Automation.
8.Automation scripts
9.QA Covera!e Iatrix and defect matrix.
:.#raceaility Iatrix
<.#est 3esults doc
=.QA 1chesule doc0descries the deadlines2
?.#est 3eport or Pro$ect Closure 3eport.0Prepared once we rolled out the pro$ect to client2
)*.Ceekly status report0sent y PI to the client2
)).3elease Hotes.
4.wat is ur in!ol!e'ent in test plan
#est lead is involved in preparin! test plan test ent!ineers are no way related in preparin! test
plan role #D is testcase desi!n "and execution and u!trakin! and reportin! them 4enarally #J
is involed in preparation of the #estPlan.Aut it is not mandatory only #J will take main part in
the preparaion of the #P.#est en!ineer can su!!est to #J"if he0or2 she has !ood understandin!
on pro$ect and resources"if he or she has more exp with the pro$ect"if #J is wron!ly !iven
deadlines.If your su!!estions are valid"#J will incorporate all of them to the #estPlan.Aut in
most of the companies #est en!ineers are $ust audians.
.which test cases are not to be auto'ated
All the test cases which are related to a feature of the product" that keeps on chan!in! 0there
are always some or the other enhancements in it2. .requent enhancements may chan!e the
GI" add&remove few controls. 'ence such cases" if automated" would involve lot of a intenance
".if a project is long ter' project % re9uire'ents are also changes then test plan
will change or not?why
5es..definitely. If requirement chan!es" the desi!n documents" specifications 0for that
particualr module which implements the requiremnts2 will also chan!e. 'ence the test plan
would also need to e updated. #his is ecause -3Dsource Allocation- is one section in the test
plan. Ce would need to write new test cases"review" and execute it. 'ence resource allocation
would have to e done accordin!ly. As a result the #est plan would chan!e
#.e,plain @//
/irtual 1ourse 1afe...
After complition of all pha!es .rom devolopment side devoloper store the code in devolopment
folder of /11"#estin! team copyin! code from that folder to testin! folder" after complitin!
aove pha!es from testin!" testers put the uild in ase line folder.It is version contrrole #ool
Iainly useful to devoloper" to storin! code and maintains version Copyin! a code from /11 Ay
devoloper is called C'DCPEIH Gpload the code in to /11 is called C'DCPEBG#.
(.who will assign se!erity A priority
the tester&dev should !ive the priority ased on severity of the u!
1everity means: is the impact of the u! on the app.i.e seriousness of the u! interms of the
Priority means: is how soon it should !et fixed i.e importance of the u! interms of customer
1.What is the :ifference between /tub ;esting and :ri!er ;esting?
stu testin!:
In top down approach"a core module is test that core module" small dummy
modules r stus r small dummy modules that test the core module.
Driver testin!:
in ottom up approach" small modules r test them a dummy core module called
driver is developed.
").What is a B8ood ;esterB?
Is one who tries to reak the developers software and in a position to venture the u!s. so
that atleast =*O u!s free software can deliver.
"1.wat is coo*ie And /ession testing ????
A small text file of information that certain Ce sites attach to a user6s hard drive while the
user is rowsin! the Ce site. A Cookie can contain information such as user ID" user
preferences" archive shoppin! cart information" etc. Cookies can contain Personally Identifiale
Information.1ession is a connection etween a server and client.
" would u do perfor'ance ;esting 'anually for web site.
Ay notin! the time to load ap!e or perform any action with stop watch. I know it sounds
funny ut this is the way performance is tested manualy.
"3.what is usecase? tell 'e the attribute of usecase?
- Gse Case is desription of functionality certain features of an application interms of Actors"
actions and responiilities.-
Gse Case attriutes are:
). Information of Document" ,. Description" 7. B$ective" 8. Actors" 9.PreEconditions" :.DataE
element desriptions" <.post conditions" =.primary flow" ?. Alternative flow and Ausiness
rules&interaction implimentations and etc....
"4.What is the difference between stress% !olu'e and load testing?
Joad #estin!:/ !radualy increase the load and check the performance of the application .v
check at what point or maximum load application can sustain.
stress testin!:In this testin! v check the performance of application under extrime condion
which rarely occurs like
0)2Iany concurrent user access the application for short time.
0,2extra ordinary lon! transction.
072very short transaction repeted quckly.
".when will do the beta test?when will do the alpha test?
Alpha and Aeta tests comes under Gser acceptance test. Ce will conduct these two system
ein! released.we are !ivin! oppurtunity to customer to check all functiolities covered or not.
Alpha testin! conductin! for software application y real customer at development site.
Aeta testin! conductin! for software product y model customer at customer site.
"".+ow do you select test cases for .egression ;esting4;he point is when there is
change code how do you co'e *now which part of code or 'odules it will affect5.
Consider an example of a form which has a username"password and and Jo!in utton.
#here is a code chan!e and a new utton -3eset- is introduced. 3e!ression testin!0for that
uild2 will include testin! only the -Jo!in- utton and not the 3eset utton 0testin! 3eset
utton will e a part of cunation testin!2. 'ence the 3e!ression tester need not worry aout
the chan!e in code"functionality. Aut he has to make sure that the existin! functionality is
workin! as desired.#estin! of -3eset- utton will e included as a part of 3e!ression" for the
next uild
"#.can any one e,plain the e,a'ple of high ser!ity and low priority% low ser!ity and
high priority% high ser!ity andhigh priority% low ser!ity and low priority
).hi!h severity and hi!h priority E Dataase connectivity cannot e estalished y multiple
,. low severity and low priority E 1mall issues like" incorrect numer of decimal di!its in the
7. low severity and hi!h priority E Ima!es not updated.
8. hi!h severity and low priority E In a module of say , interfaces" the link etween them is
roken or is not functionin!.
0)2'i!h priority % 'i!h 1everity:If u click on explorer icon or any other icon then system
0,2low prority % low severity:In lo!in window "spell of ok utton is -Po-.
072Jow priority % hi!h serverty:In lo!in window "there is an restruction lo!in name should e
= character if user enter ? or than ? in that case system !et cresh.
082'i!h priority % low severty :1uppose lo!o of any rand company is not proper in their it affect their usiness.
"(.what will be the ;est case for A;3 3achine A Coffe 3achine?
test cases for A#I Iachine
).successful insection of A#I card
,.un successful operation due to insert card in wron! an!le
7.un successful operation due to invalid account Dx:other ank card or time expired card
8.successful entry of PIH numer
9.un successful operation due to enter wronr PIH numer 7times
:.successful selection of lan!ua!e
<.successful selection of account type
=.un successful operation due to invalid account type
)*.successful selection of withdral operation
)).successful selection of amount to e withdral
),.successful withdral operation
)7.unsuccessful withdral operation due to wron! denominations
)8. unsuccessful withdral operation due to amount is !reaterthan day limit
)9.unsuccessful withdral operation due to lack of money in A#I
):. unsuccessful withdral operation due to amount is !reaterthan possile alance
)<.unsuccessful withdral operation due to transactions is !reaterthan day limit
)=. unsuccessful withdral operation due to click cancel after insert card
)?.unsuccessful withdral operation due to click cancel after insert card % pin numer
,*.unsuccessful withdral operation due to click cancel after insert card " pin numer %
,).unsuccessful withdral operation due to click cancel after insert card " pin numer "
lan!ua!e %account type
,,.unsuccessful withdral operation due to click cancel after insert card " pin numer "
lan!ua!e "account type % withdral operation
,7.unsuccessful withdral operation due to click cancel after insert card " pin numer "
lan!ua!e "account type "withdral operation %amount to e withdral
"1.;ell 'e abuot your daily acti!ities as a test engineer.
).Gnderstandin! the A31 and Gsecases Document
,.4ivin! system demo to PI" 1ystem analyst" desi!ner" Dev lead.
7.Preparin! the #est Actions in xls sheet.
8.Gpdatin! the #est Actions ased on review commnets y 1ystem analyst&Ausiness Analyst.
9.Preparin! the #estcases and Datasets01ystem level and !loal level datasets2 in word
:.updatin! the #est Cases ased on review comments y 1ystem analyst.
<.Installin! the applicationE#estin! environment set up.
=.Performin! .unctional"4GI"1ystem"Compatiility testin!0If necessary2" 3e!ression testin!
ased on #est cases
?.Preparin! the defect report" Au! trackin! list and sendin! daily status report to PI" leads.
#).in sdlc process what is the rool of 03%;>%:2@2>C02.%tester in each and e!ery
phase? pelese e,plain 'e in detail?
in the sdlc we have these phases
). initial phase
,.analysis phase!nin! phase
8.codin! phase
9.testin! and maintainance
In the initial phase pro$ect mana!er can prepare a document for the requirements" team
leader will prepare a team which is havin! test en!ineers" developer will provided y the
pro$ect mana!er" testee will prepare test cases for that particular pro$ect
Analysis phase all the memers have a meetin! to finalise the technolo!y to develop that
pro$ect" the employee" time "...
Desi!nin! phase the pro$ect mana!er like senior level mana!ement will !ive the directions
and source code to the team memers to develop the actual code" that is !uidelines will e
!iven in this phase
Codin! phase developer will develop the actual code usin! the source code and they
release the application to the testee
#estin! phase they deploy their test cases to that application and prepare a u! profile
document if there is any defect&u! in that application and send it ack to developer"
developer may rectify and releases tha application as ne(t uild and if the u! not undestand
it will send to the pr$ect lead in the delivery phase the sr test en! can deploy the application
in the client environment
Iaintainance phase if the client !et any prlem with the application it may solved y the
pr$ect lead withe help of testers and developers
#1.+ow do 7ou ;est Application with ha!ing any re9uire'ent and :ocu'ent?
If it is an existin! system or if a uild is availale thenwe explore the system while testin!.
#his helps knowin! thefunctional use of the system" and its usaility.
Ay askin! questions to end users and how they use it will emore eneficial. Also" you may
work with AA to know moreaout the system.
Alack ox test is nothin! ut the same where you explore the system without havin! any prior
knowled!e to the system.
#2.what is bac*end testing using /Q>?
Dxecutin! 1QJ statements to check if the data sumitted y a4GI pro!ram is updated in the
dataase or not;Decutin! the statement the data ase is connectin! to that particular chan!es
" updations or not it will test.Aackend testin! is the testin! the inte!ration etween the
applicationa and the dataase. It is checkin! the chan!es made in the dataase is !ettin!
reflected in the application.
Dxample: A new column is added in the tale. 'ere we test y !ivin! values in the
application and value has to e stored in the tale.
#3.What are the reasons why para'eteriDation is necessary whenload testing the
Web ser!er and the database ser!er?
Chen you test your applications" you may want to check how the application performs the
same operations with multiple sets of data. .or example" suppose you want to check how
your Ce site responds to ten separate sets of data. 5ou could record ten separate tests" each
with its own set of data. Alternatively" you can create Data #ale parameters so that your test
runs ten times" each time usin! a different set of data.
#4.difference between sretagic test plan A test plan?
srate!ic test is a or!anisational level term which is applied for all the pro$ects in the
or!anisation with small customisations
test plan is pro$ect level term and which can e applied for that specific pro$ect only.
test plan is a srate!ic document which descries how to perfoem testin! in an efficient
effective and optimsed way.Quality lead test lead can prepare this test plan
strate!ic test plan is a already or new test plan which can w used in the future for another
pro$ect also with some chan!es in the same or!anisation.
#.:raw 6ac*s of auto'ated testing?
Dpensive"lack of epertisation"all the areas we can not automate
#".when will u 'a*e update and 'odify the test object properties in the repository?
when ever the developer may chan!e any one of the o$ect properties definitely we have to
chan!e the same in the B3 o$ect repository. if new version net uild released from the
devlopment department wwe the test en!s must to modify or update the same is compulsary"
other wise tha test will show the u!
##.what are the docu'ent needed to create a test case?+ow u tell it is test case?
1ystem requirements specification" Gse case document" #est Plan
#(.in custo'er details for' ha!ing fields li*e custo'er na'e%custo'er address.
after co'pletion of this 'odule% client raise the change as insert the two radio
buttons after custo'er address. how you can chec* as a tester.
)..irst we need to verify wheater the radio utton are there are not;
,.Conform the radio uttons are present after the customer address or not.
7.verify the no of radio utton.
8. verify only one radio utton should e checked intially when we open the Customer details
form0if it is mentioned in .1 2
9. verify the functionality of the radio uttons i.e if we check one ratio utton "second radio
utton should e unchecked.
:. verify the spell check of radio utton lale name.
<. verify the alli!nment of radio uttons in the form. the ti'e of testing web based applications and client ser!er apllications% what
you absor!ed as a tester?
Ce !enerally check for the links"data retrievin! and postin!.
Ce perform load and stress testin! especially for Ce ased and ClientE1erver applications.
().What are the docu'ents re9uired to prepare test plan?
Introduction"scope"test team and their responsiilities"test environment"1&C%'&C
reqiurements"test data preparation"levels of testin!"seviroty%priority"shedule"risk"automation
plan"features to test"u! life cycle all these are documents of test plan.
(1.what is testing policy and testing 'ethodology? and what is the difference?
#estin! policy means all types of testin! or testin! techniques0i.e.functional testin!"sanity
testin! etc2.#estin! methodolo!y means white ox and lack ox testin!.
(2.What is co'parison testing?
Comparison #estin! means comparin! your software with the eter one or your Competitor.
Chile comparisan #estin! we asically compare the Performance of the software..or ex If you
have to do Comparison #estin! of PD. converter0Desktop Aased Application2 then you will
compare your software with your Competitor on the asis of:E
).1peed of Conversion PD. file into Cord.
,.Quality of converted file.
(3.What is the general testing process?
#estin! Process:
). #esdt requirements analysis
,. Creation of #est 1trate!y 0Chich includes creation of #est Cases2
7. Creation of #est Plans 0Chich includes #est Cases and#est Procedures2
8. Dxecution of test cases
9. Anly(e the test results
:. 3eport the defects if any
(4.What particiption a 'anual tester can do in docu'entation?Are there any tools
a!ailable for only docu'entation?
yes" Ianual tester will do 1u #est plan documents" as of my knowled!e no tool is used to
prepare documentation
(.What is the difference between low and high le!el test cases? e,a'ples please..
'i!h level #est cases are those which covers ma$or functionality in the application 0i.e retrive"
update display "cancel 0functionality related testcases2 "dataase testcases 2.
Jow level test cases are those which are related to GI related testcases.
(".$s it 'andatory to use =/2CA/2/ or directly one can write test casesfro'
Its not mandatory to write Gse Cases" If the requirements are clear you can !o ahead with
#est Cases. Gse Cases are written to know the usiness flow of the module&application.
( do u de!elop test harness?
#est DnvironmentN#est Aed
#est Dnvironment:1&w and '&w
#est Aed:#est Documents like #estPlan Document "#est Case Document.
#est Dnvironment means
Q #est Aed installation and confi!uration
Q Hetwork connectivityRs
Q All the 1oftware& tools Installation and confi!uration
Q Coordination with /endors and others
((.gi!en nre9uire'ent collection doc%tester can prepare which test plan?
test lead can prepare a test plan which performs testin! on an aplication in an efficient
effective and in an optimised way.test development will done y the testers usin! the test
plan in the test plan they prepare the test strate!y
(1.tester with de!elop 'ent *nowledge will be 'ore effecti!e .justify?
If tester has experience in Development" it will e useful when testin! for lo!ical thinkin!
where the error occurs" what is the cause; 'e can !uess the functionality of component; he
can easily understand the application environment; those are plus points which people have
development experience.
Precisely he can $ustify that either functionality is wron! or ri!ht and can analy(e the defects
1).last testcase for project will be written in which phase?
As far as the 1DJC is conerned last test case Cill e written for -Iaintenance Phase-
As far as the 1#JC is conerned last test case Cill e written for -Acceptance #estin!-
11.what is test scenario and test case ?please e,plain detail
#est 1cenario:
#est scenario is like layin! out plans for testin! the product" environmental condition" numer
of team memers required" makin! test plans" makin! test cases and what all features are to
e tested for the product. #est scenario is very much dependent on the product to e tested.
#est scenario is made efore the actual testin! starts.
#est Case:
#est case is a document which provides the steps to e executed which has een planned
earlier. It also depends on the type of product to e tested. Humer of test cases is
not fixed for any product.
12.What is the difference between 0roject 6ased ;esting and 0roduct 6ased ;esting?
Pro$ect ased is nothin! ut client requirements. product ased is nothin! ut market
requirements. Dx.strichin! shirt is a pro$ect ased and ready made shirt is product ased
?7.what is testin! process in related to Application testin! #estin! process is the one which
tells you how the application should e tested in order to minimi(e the u!s in the application.
Bne main thin! no application can e released as u! free application which impossile.
14.What is the difference b&n ;esting 3ethodology and ;esting 'ethods?
#estin! Iethodolo!y define process" set of rules and principle which are follow y !roup
concerned with #estin! the application. 'ere i explain < step testin! methodolo!y:
).#est 3equirement Analysis
,.#est Plan
7.#est Desi!n
8.#est execute
9. defect track
:. #est Automation
<. #est Iaintain
#estin! methods or we can say that #estin! #echniques:
Chite Aox #estin! 0Gnit #estin!" Inte!ration #estin!2
Alack Aox #estin! 01ystem #estin!" .unctional #estin!" Performance #estin!FJoad
testin!Fstress testin!Fvolume testin! % 1ecurity #estin!2GA# 0done y user&client with
actual&live data2
1.What are starting lin* to test while website testing?
Ce ased systems are those usin! the internet"intranet and extranets Ce ased testin!
only needs e done once for any applications usin! the we.Ce ased testin! are as follows:
)..unctional correctness
:./erification of code
1".+ow 8=$ testing will be done in 'anual testing for a website?
.or any testin! there should e some set of standards to e followed.Particularly in 4GI
testin!"look and feel should e !ood. Ce should follow the requirements specification
documents for 4GI testin!.
#here should e some screen shots 0!iven y client2 which we should follow as it is.
And for utton si(es" font"font si(e "colours used"placin! of links"o$ects and the placin! of the
o$ects in the pa!e should e followed some standards.If we take a utton in the pa!e that
should e some standard si(e. if the si(e of that utton is more or less the client feel ad
aout that.1o we should have miimum common sence while tesin! 4GI testin!. some time
there may e some mistakes in the screen shots provided y the client also"ut that is our
responsiility to raise those issues.
1#.What thing should be tested in regresson testing?
Chile doin! 3e!ression #estin! a tester must check that any Hew updation or Iodification or
Chan!e in .unctionality of a Particular Component or Iodule does not create any disorder and
any ne!ative affects on the functionality of the Application
1(.What are the docu'ent re9uired to prepare during testing?
Hormally #est en!ineers are responsile for any release of a pro$ect.Dven the release is for
sta!in! environment or chan!e request release or production release
#he minimum documents are
).#est Plan
,.#est Cases
7.#est Case 3eport
8.Au! report.
9.3elease notes0which contains known issues2.
:.installation document.
11.What is ;est data ?Whrere we are using this in testing process?
what are the i'portance of this data?
to execute test cases we shold have test data.this test data should e for positive and
ne!ative testin!s.for winrunner we can !et this test data from keyoard"excel sheets or from
data ase
1)).what is the difference between test case and test script?
#est case is a descrption what data to e tested and what data to e inserted what are the
actions to e done to check actual result a!ainst expected resultChat are the actual inputs we
will use; Chat are the expected results; is called test script
#est 1cript: Is a short pro!ram written in a pro!rammin! lan!ua!e used to test part of the
functionality of the software system. a written set of steps that should e performed manually
can also e called a test script"however this is more correctly called a test case.
1)1.What is the difference between bug%error%defect.
At the time of codin! mistake error"when the mistake noticed y the tester defect"tester sends
this defect to development team if the developera!rees then it is u!
1)2.what is the diffrence between 9ualityassurance and syste'testing e,plain in
detail with an e,a'ple?
Quality Assurance: It is nothin! ut uildin! an adequate confidence in the customer that the
developed software is accodin! to requirements.Dntire 1DJC comes under QA. It is process
1ystem #estin!: It is the process of executin! entire system ie checkin! the s&w as well as
parts of system.
1)3.+ow do you decide when you ha!e Etested enough?E
Chen the ?*O of requirements are covered " Iaximum defects are rectified except
0some2low level defects are not covered " customer satisfy that pro$ect and time is less" then
we are closin! the testin!.
1)4. What is the difference between 6uild 3anage'ent and .elease 3anage'ent ?
When will conduct build !erification and end to end testing?
Auild Iana!ement is mana!in! the issue fixture tasks in the ulds whereas 3elease ana!ment
is mana!in! the functionality to e incorporated in the 3elease.
Auild /erification #est0A/#2is done when the uild is first received y the testers. #he asic
functionality is checked with valid data. #his is done to check whether the uild is testale or
not. #his is done y testers.
Dnd to Dnd testin! is also called system testin!. Done y 1enior test en!ineers or #est lead.
1).what is boudarary !alue analysis? what is the use of it?
oundry value analusis is a technique for test data selection.#est en!ineer chooses the values
that lie alon! the data extreems.It includes max"mim"$ustinside"$ustout side"typicalvalues and
Aoundary /alue Analysis is a technique used for writin! the test cases..for example:If a
particular field accepts the
values from ) to )***" then we test that field y enterin! only )" )***" *" )**)" ???",.
i.e we check on the oundaries and then
minimumE) " minimum N) and maximumN)" maximumE).
1)".what is e9ui!alence partition? what is the use of it?
Dqualance nothin! ut select the valid and valid clases example as per client requirement the
edit ox access onaly
7E9 capital alphaets then we divided in ecp like vaid values only AES invalid values are aE(
and special characters like T"=UO
1)#.$f there is no sufficent ti'e for testing A u ha!e to co'plete the testing then
what will u do?
Chen I have less time to test the Product then I will take these followin! stepsEEE
)2 1anity or smoke testin!
,2 Gsailty #estin!
72 .ormal .unctionaltyand 4GI #estin!
82 Calkthrou!h with the Prduct
1)(.What is 'eaning by protype in /:>C ?
#his is a cyclic version of the linear model. In this model" once the requirement analysis is
done and the desi!n for a prototype is made" the development process !ets started.Bnce the
prototype is created" it is !iven to the customer for evaluation. #he customer tests the
packa!e and !ives his&her feed ack to the developer who refines the product accordin! to the
customer6s exact expectation. After a finite numer of iterations" the final software packa!e is
!iven to the customer. In this methodolo!y" the software is devolved as a result of periodic
shuttlin! of information etween the customer and developer. #his is the most popular
development model in the contemporary I# industry. Iost of the successful software products
have een developed usin! this model E as it is very difficult 0even for a whi( kidV2
to comprehend all the requirements of a customer in one shot. #here are many variations of
this model skewed with respect to the pro$ect mana!ement styles of the companies.
Hew versions of a software product evolve as a result of prototypin!.
1)1.what is difference between des*top and web application?
#he i!!est d&f &w Desktop and we application isE Desktop App 0DA2 is the machine
independent" hence evry chan!e has only reflects at the machine level. Chere as Ce App
0CA2 is the Internet dependent pro!ram" hence any chan!e in the pro!ram reflects at every
where" where it ecomes use. DW......
1uppose there are 9 machines in DA" 9 time installedindividually at every machine and if
there is any chan!e made in DA then at every machine chan!e has to e made. In CA where
the pro!ram or Application at the 1erver or at the one common machine" then if chan!es
made at only central or server or common machine all the chan!es !et reflected at
every client machine.
11).diffrence between application testing and product testing?
Product testin! means when any company does testin! for their own 0company6s2 product
ex... Hortan Ant/irus is the 1ymantec6s product@ if 1ymantec test the Hortan ie. called
as the Product testin!. Chere as if any company take some pro$ects from some other
companies like AAC company takes pro$ects from IAI and test that pro$ect on some char!es
ie called as Application #estin!.
111.what is a bro*en lin* in web testing and how test it.
Chen we clicked on 'yperlink if it opens Pa!e can6t e displayed then that 'yperlink is called
as Aroken link

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