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Manual Testing Full NOTES

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Terminologies used in software industry

1) REQ: requirement

2) Defect: it is a deviation in the APPLICATION with respect to requirement. It is

Formal name.

3) Bug: it’s a informal name of a defect.

Whenever a defect is found by a test engineer it should be raised to the
developers. Once the developers accept the defect, it is termed as BUG.
4) Error : Mistake in the source code is known as error which is done by
5) Issue : Problem faced by the customer or the end users.
6) Failure : Multiple issues will lead to failure.
When the end users face lot of issues that will lead to the failure.

QA and QC
QA: is quality assurance.
It is a process oriented.
QC: is a quality control.
It is a product oriented.


It is a procedure that focus on providing It is a procedure that focus on fulfilling the

assurance that quality requested will be quality requested.

QA aims to prevent the defect QC aims to identify the defect.


It is a method to manage quality verification It is a method to verify the quality validation

It does not involve executing the programs. It always involves executing the programs.
It is a preventive technique. It is a corrective technique.

RTM: requirement traceability matrix.

KT: knowledge transfer.

DOMAIN: It is a categorization of the software application into various fields. Each software
company will work for various domains.
Finacle: it is a banking software used by the banks.

Servers and environments

We have usually 3 types of servers.
1. Development server.(used by developers)
2. Testing server or QA server(used by test engineers)
3. Production server(end users)
We have 3 different servers because developers, testengineers, end users should use the
application and work independently.

When developers are working for 1 feature. That feature is given to testing team, during that
time developers can start working for another feature.
Due to this
1. Everybody can work independently.
2. Dependency will not be there.
3. If any problems occurs it can be handled separately.
4. Disturbance will not be there for end users.
Stake holders
A person who directly (or) indirectly involved in a software application (or) project is a stake
It is a procedure to develop the software application.
It consists of different stages or phases.
CRS: customer requirement specification
BRS: business requirement specification.
SRS: system/software requirement specification.
BA: business analyst.
HR: human resource.
HLD: high level design.
LLD: low level design.
TE: test engineer.
PM: project manager

gathering / collection

Feasibility study

High level design


Low level design





Requirement Gathering/Collection:
Usually customer or client gives a requirement in the form of CRS/BRS. And it is converted
into SRS by BA. BA is business analyst. BA acts like bridge b/w customer and company.
BA should be good in
1. Communication skills
2. Domain expert
3. Convincing skills.
4. Technical expert.
5. Analyzing skills
BA collects all the requirement from the customer and gives to Software Company.

This is Requirement Gathering/Collection.

Feasibility study:In this phase BA,HR,ARCHITECT,FINANCE,PM will discuss all the
information that is needed about the Project.
BA will explain about the Requirement.
HR will think for needed resource.
Finance will take care about budget.
Architect will think which technology we should use for project.
PM will take the final decision
and gathers all the data information to proceed for the next stage or Phase.

Design: once everything is fine, we go for design. In design phase, we have HLD and LLD.
Usually design phase is done by architect or senior developers.
High level design: It is just like a blue print. It shows the external architecture of the
Low level design: It shows the internal architecture of the Application.
Both HLD and LLD are the documents.
Coding:Once the design is done,developers starts writing the code for application by looking
at design and requirement.
This is done in Development Server. All developers will be involved in this.
Testing:Once coding is done, developers will give application to test engineers. All test
engineers start testing the application and find defects. If any defects are found in software
application, it again goes back to the developers. They will fix it and again given back to Test
Engineers.Like this process continues, till Application meets the Requirement.
Once everything is completed, we will go for next phase called installation.

Installation/Deployment:Making the software application available for end users is called

installation. i.e Moving the Software from Testing Server to Production Server.
It is done by the software company once testing is completed.Customer/Client should
approve for installation.
It can be done by Installation Team/ Testing Team/Development Team.

Maintenance:Once software is provided to customer or end users, if they face any problem,
a support has to be provided, that is maintenance.
Initially it will be free. Later it will be paid.
Free service will be provided based on the agreement b/w customer and company.
During maintenance, defect fix will be handled and changes will be taken care.
Changes can be Adding, Modifying, Deleting a feature.


Water fall model

It is one of the oldest traditional models.
When we go for water fall model?
1. When the customer freezes the requirement
2. For any short-term project.
3. For developing simple application.
What are the advantages of waterfall model?
1. We can expect stable application.
2. There will be no disturbance for the team members if the requirement does not
Drawbacks of waterfall model?
1. Testing happens after coding.
2. Requirement and design are not tested.
3. Developers used to do testing before. (currently it is done by test engineers)
4. If requirement changes it leads to lot of REwork.
Why developers are not involved in testing?
1. Developers always focus how to build the software not to break the software.
2. They always be over confident what they do.
3. They does not like to find their own mistake.
4. Since it is not easy to find their own mistake , even though mistake are there they
will hide it.

Spiral model / ITERATIVE MODEL

This is also one of the traditional model.

When do we go for spiral model?

1. When the customer gives requirement part by part.
2. When there is a lot of dependency b/w the modules.
What are the advantages of spiral model?
1. Customer can see the application partially and can get confidence.
2. Requirement changes can be done.
What are the drawbacks of the spiral model?
1. Requirement and design are not tested.
2. Testing happens only after coding.
3. Developers used to do testing.
4. If there is any requirement changes it may delay the projects.

Requirement changes are of two types.

1. Major: whenever there is a major changes we work only on that changes.we cannot
work on the new requirement.
2. Minor: whenever there is a minor change we can work on that changes and also we
can work on the new requirement.

V and V model
V and V means verification and validation model
Verification is a process of checking “are we building product right”
Validation is a process of checking “are we building right product”.
V and V is done only by test engineer.
Verification is QA process.
Validation is a QC process.
When do we go for V and V model?
1. When the customer needs high quality products
2. For complex applications
Ex: Banking, health care applications, space applications, airlines applications,
navy applications.
3. For Long term projects. (more than one year).

Review CRS and AT Acceptance

Write ATP and ATC testing /UAT

Review SRS againest CRS

Write STP and STC

Review HLD Againest

High level SRS IT
design Write ITP and ITC

Review LLD against HLD

Low level FT
design Write FTP and FTC

coding White box

verification testing

verification validation
Software is
ready for

Advantages of V and V model

1. Testing is started at initial stage.
2. Requirement and design are tested
3. The downward flow of defects are less.
4. Requirements changes can be done.
5. Quality will be high compared to other models.
6. Rework will be less.
Drawbacks of V model
1. Documentation work will be more.
2. Too much of resource are needed.
Explain about V and V model?
V and V means verification and validation model. It is one of the best model in SDLC. In
this model the development and testing are done parallelly the left side of model is done
by developers and the right side of the model is done by the test engineers.
When the customers give the requirement of 100 pgs documents in the form of CRS. It is
converted in the form of SRS by BA. At same time, review of CRS is done by test
engineers. If there is any mistakes it goes back, if not it will continue the process. The

SRS will be reviewed against the CRS to find the defects. Parallelly they prepare the test
plan and test cases.
Once the documentation of development process is done, with the design and coding, the
software is ready for testing.
First testing is white box testing. This testing is done by the developers, then there will be
FT it is done by the TE. At the same time the execution of the test cases are also done.
After FT the IT is done, later ST and then AT is done by the customer then it is released
to end users.
The review of the document is verification and it is based on QA.
The testing of application is validation and it is based on QC.
Prototype model
Prototype is a dummy model that is a non-working application.
When we go for prototype model?
1. When the customer is not clear about requirement.
2. When the software company is new to the domain, then they will go for prototype
3. When the developers are new to the technologies.It is a experimentation.
4. When the customer and software company are new to the business.
Advantages of prototype model
1. Initially customer can get to know what he gets on.
2. Initially itself developers will also come to know what they should deliver on last day.
3. Requirement changes can be done initially itself.
4. Initially investment is very less.
Drawbacks of prototype model
1. There will be a delay in the actual start of the real project.
2. Investment is done on non-working product.
3. Too many changes can disturb the rhythm of the company.


• Testing the functionality of an application with respect to given REQ.
• Checking the application with the intent of finding the defect.
• Checking the behavior of an application to see whether it meets customer REQ or not.
• Testing the process of QA and QC.

Testing the software without using any tool and ensure its working fine.
Testing the software by using the tool to ensure it is working fine.
(the tool can be selenium)
Televisionremote: if we operate by using the remote it is a automation testing
if we do without remote it is manual testing.

Why testing is important?

Every software is developed for business purpose if testing is not done, end users may find
the defects while using the applications.

This will spread negative impact in the market and number of users who uses application will
be reduced. This will become loss for the investor on business. To avoid all those things s/w
testing has to be done before it is released to end users.

Testing the application in all the possible ways is scenarios.
It can be +ve scenarios or -ve scenarios.
Testing the application with valid or expected data is called +ve scenarios. It is also called
positive testing.
Testing the application with invalid or unexpected data is called -ve scenarios. It is also called
negative testing.
To identify the defects we should find the scenarios first.
Scenario is not a defect or defect is not a scenario.
+ve scenarios and -ve scenarios are not a defect.
Few cases we may get confused, whether it is a +ve scenario or -ve scenario. In this case we
can judge whether it is a defect or not a defect based on REQ.
1. It is a time-consuming process.
2. It is a repetitive in nature (Because of REGRESSION TESTING)
3. Turn around time is more in manual testing, so we go for automation testing.
4. Need more Man Power.


Testing the defect fixed which is done on an application is called retesting.
Testing the impacted areas of an application :
1. After the defect fixed.
2. After changes done in application.
Changes can be adding, modifying and deleting a feature.

Why Regression Testing has to be done ?



Functional testing tools
1. Selenium(can be used with core java ,python,perl…)

2. QTP/UFT(quick test professional, unified functional test) can be used with

VBS(visual basic scripting, java script)

Selenium is a free and is an open source.

Thought works is a company that came up with the selenium tool.

Qtp/uft is a paid and licensed is with HP.

(HewlettPackard). Before it was with Mercury.
QTP is older version, UFT is latest version.

3. Winrunner.
4. Silk test.
5. Test partner.

The tools which we are using are

1. Functional testing tools
1. Selenium : selenium is a tool which is in demand and it is a open source and free
tool. The best combination is that selenium is used by core java. Thought works is
the first company to come with the selenium.
2. Qtp/uft: it is powerful tool and it is a paid and licensed tool.
The best combination is that qtp is used by vbs.

Performance testing tools

Testing an Application by applying LOAD and check RESPONSE TIME.
1. Load runner
2. J meter.
3. QA Load
4. Silk performer.

5. Neo load
Load runner is a licensed tool. It is with HP.

Test management tools

1. QC/ALM(quality center /application life cycle management)
It is a licensed tool. It is with HP. It is PAID TOOL
2. JIRA.(best tool for AGILE model)
3. OTM(Oracle Test Manager)
4. Test link
Using the above tools we can manage the testing activities like below.
Ex :QC/ALM. Below are the modules of QC/ALM.
Req-Add requirement/Edit req/Delete req
Test Plan-Write test cases
Test Lab -Execute test cases.
Defect - Report/Raise/Log a defect.Track a defect.

What are the test management activities?

1. Going through the req given by the customer and adding to the test management tool.
2. Write test cases by identifying scenarios
3. Execute test cases and write results.
4. Find defect and report a defect. Track a defect.
Defect or Bug Tracking tools
1. Bugzilla: It is a open source and free.
2. QC/ALM(quality center /application life cycle management)
it is a licensed tool. it is with hp.
3. JIRA.(partially free)

In Bugzilla, we cannot add the requirement, write test cases and execute test cases.
We can only report the defect and track the defect.


White box Grey box Black box

testing testing testing

Unit testing Functional testing

Glass box testing Behavioral testing
Structural testing Closed box testing
Transparent testing
Open box testing

White box Testing : Testing the source code or internal structural of an application is
White box testing.
It is usually done by developer.
When situation demands, even Test Engineer can do this if we know
Black box Testing:Testing the user interface(UI) or graphical user interface(GUI) of an
application is known as black box testing.
Here we don’t worry about internal structure of an application.
It is done by test engineers.
Grey box Testing:Testing the source code and user interface of an application parallely
together is called grey box testing.
It is done by a person who is aware of both testing and source code of an
Application. Means he can be a developer or test engineer. OR he can be
SDET(Software Developer Engineer in TEST).

White box testing tools / Unit testing tools
Junit: when the source code is written in java to test that we use junit.
Nunit: when the source code is written in .net to test that we use nunit.
Selenium is a tool to test the black box testing. It cannot be used for WBT.

manually automation
1. Check each and every code(LOC) 1. Write a pgm to develop
Manually without using a tool 2. Write a pgm to test the developed pgm
Ex .check the syntax and logics etc 3. Run the test pgm in a tool

manually automation
1. Check each and every 1. Write a pgm(TEST SCRIPT)(using selenium,
Functionality without using a qtp)
Tool on ui. To use selenium core java is used
For qtpvb is used.
2.Run the test pgm in the tool.

Difference b/w scenario and test cases.

Scenario Test cases

It will tell all the possible ways we can test the It is step by step procedure to test the
application application.

Scenarios says “what to test” Test cases says “how to test”.


Scenario is a high-level document. Test case is a low-level document.

Scenario doesn’t have a navigation steps. Test cases have a navigation steps.

Scenarios doesn’t say where the exact defect is Test cases will tell where the exact defect is
present. present.

Scenarios take less time to write. Test cases take more time to write.

Template is a format used to write a test cases.

Test cases
A test case is a document which contain all the possible scenarios and explains step by step.
When do we write test cases?
When the developers are developing the application, we will write a test case.
There are two stages
1. Test case preparation/writing
2. Test case execution.
Under the test case preparation, we have to fill following sections like

Software testing life cycle (STLC)

It is a procedure to test the software application.
It has a different stages or phases like

System study

Write test plan


System study: It is going through the requirement given by the customer and understand how
the system works.
Write test plan: It is a document which is prepared for FUTURE testing activities.
It is done by the test lead or test manager. Because the plans will be done by experienced

Write test cases: It is a step by step procedure to perform the testing on the application. It is
done by test engineer. Once we go through the requirement, we identify the scenarios and
then converted into the test cases. To write the test case, we need requirement and test case
template or tools (qc/alm, JIRA)
Prepare RTM:(requirement traceability matrix): It is a document which is prepared to check
whether every requirement has atleast one test case or not.
To prepare RTM, we need both requirement and test cases.
Execute test cases:Once the requirement is given to the test engineer, he writes test cases for
the application. After the developer gives the developed application,then the test cases are
executedand it is compared with expected result and actual result. If the expected result and
actual result are same, then the status is PASS, if the expected result and actual result are not
same status will be FAIL. This is called execute test cases.
So, to execute test cases we need test cases and software application. This is where exactly
the software is been tested. This is the most important phase of software testing life

Defect tracking:While executing the test cases, we may come across the defects.
These defects are raised/logged/reported to the developers.
Once we raise, we should also check what is happening to that Defect.
This is called defect tracking.
It is done by using tool called Bugzilla, QC/ALM, JIRA

Test execution report: Once we execute the test cases, we should prepare one document
called test execution report. This document tells about how many test cases are PASS and
how many test cases are FAIL.
Till here customer involvement will be there. According to the customer, this is the end of the

Retrospective Meeting/Postmortem Meeting:

In this meeting, all the team members will gather together like PM, TL,DL, DEV,BA, TM
and they discuss about the good and improvements needed once the project is done. This will
be very useful for next release or next project.


Differed/postpone Duplicate Cannot Invalid/ RFE Cannot
fix reject reproduce


If the defect is not fixed properly

When we are executing the test cases if the expected result and actual result are not same, we
come across the defect.Then the defect is raised to the developer, the status will be
NEW/OPEN. That defect will be assigned to the concerned developer or development
lead(If we don’t know the correct developer), then the status is ASSIGNED.
Then developer will reproduce the defect and if it is Reproducible, it will be accepted. Then
he starts fixing the defect in the development server and it has to be installed to Testing
Server.Then he should change the status to FIXED.
The test engineer starts retesting the defect fixed in the testing server. If the defect is properly
fixed, then the status will be CLOSED. If the defect is not properly fixed, then again, the
defect is REOPEN to the developer.

This whole process is called DEFECT LIFE CYCLE / BUG LIFE CYCLE / STATUS

What is deferred/postpone?
Whenever test engineer raises the defect, the developer accepts the defect but he will not fix
the defect immediately. He will fix it later, then the status of those defects will be done as
Ex : Whenever there is a major defect and minor defect. Developer have less time to fix the
major defect,in this case the developer will fix the major defect and for minor defect he will
make status as deferred or postpone.

What is duplicate status?

Whenever the test engineer finds the defects and he raise it. If another test engineer or same
test engineer finds the same defect and raises it unknowingly/mistakenly, then status ofthat
second defect will be changes as DUPLICATE by Developers.
To avoid this DUPLICATE status, check whether the same defect is already raised or not in
the Repository(Ex : BUGZILLA, QC/ALM, JIRA) before raising any defect.

Can’t be reproduce/unable to reproduce:

When the test engineer finds the defects, but developer cannot be able to reproduce that
defect. So he will change the status as “cannot be reproduced”.
Ex :mobile hang .. etc.
Reasons for can’t be reproduce
1. Installation problem
2. Improper defect report.
3. Inconsistent bug. ( A bug which occurs sometimes and does not occur sometimes )

Can’t be fixed
Whenever the developer is unable to fix the defect that is raised by the test engineer, then he
changes the status as “can’t be fixed”. And it is a valid defect, but he can’t fix the defect.
Ex : Whenever Technology does not Support to fix that defect, then developer will change
the status to “can’t be fixed”

Finally what to do for this defects will be decided by Managers / Customer.


What is Invalid/Rejectstatus:
Whenever the test engineer raises the defects but developer will not accept the defect as
VALID and he changes the status to INVALID / REJECT.

Reasons for invalid :

Due to the misunderstanding of the requirement.
1. If test engineers misunderstand requirement
New/open assign invalid closed

2. If developer misunderstand the requirement

New/open assign invalid assign/reopenfixed closed

Request for enhancement (RFE)

Whenever the test engineer raises the defect which is not given in the requirement so the
developer will take it as suggestion. In this case he will change the status as RFE.

Severity will tell how much that defect is affecting the customer business.
Types of severity
1. Blocker / Showstopper
2. Critical
3. Major
4. Minor
5. Trivial (this defect is negligible)

Priority says which defect has to be fixed first by the developer.
For every defect we have to set priority.
Different types of priority
1. High
2. Medium
3. Low
1. Urgent
2. High
3. Medium
4. Low

1. P1
2. P2
3. P3

Who will set severity and priority?

Test engineer will set severity and priority.
Developer or managers can discuss about this if they want to change it they have to provide
proper justification.
Priority is very much important for the developer to decide which defect has to be fixed first
If priority is not there, developer may fix the easy defects and they leave all the important
As a project point of view, the important part of defects has to be fixed earlier. To manage
these things, we have severity and priority for each and every defect.


Test case name / ID
Project name
Module name
Requirement number
Test data
Test case type

Test case environment

Test case description
Test steps
Step NO Description/Action Input Expected Actual Status comments
DATA result result

Approved by
Approved date

Header part
Test data: it is the data we need to execute the scenarios.
Pre conditions: it is the action which we should do before executing the scenarios.
Test case type: in this section we should write which type of testing we are going to use.
Priority: assigning the priority to each and every test cases will help us in prioritizing the
Test case description: summery of test cases.

When ever the test engineer finds the defect it has to be raised or logged or reported to
developer. For this we have to create a defect report.
When we create the defect report in tools like BUGZILLA, or by using the excel file or word
Template for defect report
Defect ID This will be auto generated if we use the tools

Build no It is the number of build where defect has found

Test case no It is a number of the test case where we found this defect
Test environment
Module no
Reported by
Brief description
Test data
Steps to reproduce

Expected result
Actual result
Attachment of screen shot


It is a testing which is mainly done to check the business scenarios of the application which is
done by the customer.
It is an end to end testing which is done by the customer to ensure the application is fit for
business scenarios or not.
Why acceptance testing is done?
1. This is mainly done to get a confidence for customer before he releases the product to the
end users.
2. Because of business pressures, software company might be releasing the Application to
the customer with some defects. To ensure this is not there, customer will do acceptance
3. If the product is released to the end user without checking the business scenarios, it will
affect the customer business. To avoid this, acceptance testing has to be done.
4. We may forget some of the business scenarios to test and those scenarios would be tested
by the customer.
If the customer finds the defect during the acceptance testing. That is negative to test
So before giving application to customer, we should think all those business scenarios and
finds defects.

Alpha testing and Beta testing are types of acceptance testing

Difference between alpha and beta testing

Alpha testing Beta testing

Alpha testing is performed by tester who are Beta testing is performed by the client or
usually an internal employee of an end users who are not an employee of an
organization. organization
Alpha testing is performed at the developer Beta testing is performed at the client
site location or end user of product
Reliability and security testing are not Reliability and security and robustness are
performed in depth in alpha testing checked during beta testing

Alpha testing involves both black box and Beta testing typically uses black box testing
white box testing techniques Techniques
Alpha testing requires lab environment or Beta testing doesn’t require lab environment
testing environment or testing environment because software is
available for end users and is said to be real
time environment
Long execution cycle may require for alpha Only few weeks execution are required for
testing beta testing
Critical issues or fix are addressed by Most of the issues or feedback are collected
developers immediately in alpha testing from beta testing will be implemented in
future version of the product
Virtual environment Real time environment
Done at Offshore Done at Onsite
Alpha testing is done under controlled Beta testing is done under uncontrolled
environment environment

Approaches of acceptance testing.

Approach no 1 : BA or IT Engineers of customer will do acceptance testing at customer
place. (BETA)
Approach no 2: Employees or test engineer of customer will do acceptance testing at
customer place. (BETA)
Approach no 3: Test engineers of software company will do acceptance testing at
customer place. (BETA)
Approach no 4: Test engineer or BA of software company will do acceptance testing
under the control of customer at developer place. (ALPHA)

Hot fix / incident management system


When the software company releases the product to customer/end user, if the end
user/customer finds any defects in the software, customer will raise an incident to software
company and software company should fix the defect as early as possible and give back to
the customer. This situation is called hotfix.
If any problem is find by the customer or end user in the production server, it will be raised as
the incident to the software company. Every incident is raised in the form of ticket and every
ticket will have a priority.
The commitment between software company and customer is called service level agreement.
PRIORITY of Ticket Time given to fix
P1 – 3hrs
P2 – 10 hrs
P3 – 1 day
P4 – 3 days
P5 – 10 days

Fish bone diagram / ISHIKAWA diagram

Root cause for defect



Whenever there is a production issue all the team members will gather together, and they
discuss about reason for production issues that is documented in the form of fish bone
diagram. The main purpose of this is to find the root cause of the production issue.


Between two planned releases of an application, some times customer gives a unplanned
release which is done in short duration. It is called short term release.

Usually we have 3 servers like development server, testing/ QA server, production server.
Customer gives the requirement then the developer start writing the source code for
developing the application in the local system, this source code will be saved in the
repository(Ex: github,vct, cvt). There white box testing will be done by developers. The
source code will be compiled and compressed, then we will be getting a file called BUILD.
All this will be happened in development server.
The build has to be installed from development server to testing server. It will be done by the
installation team or testing team or development team, depending upon project to project.
Once build is installed to the testing server, testing team will perform different type of testing
depending upon the content of the build. ex. For new features, FT, IT, will be done for old
features regression testing. for defect fixes retesting will be done.
While doing the testing, we find the defects that will be raised to the developers.
Development team will reproduce the defect and they will fix it in the local system and it is
saved in the repository again. Same process will be repeated for every build, until we get the
final stable build.
Once the testing is completed, we will give the application to the customer for acceptance
testing. Customer will do acceptance testing in the testing server or customer will have their
own server called user acceptance testing server (UAT Server).

Once everything is fine application is released to end users that is for production server. This
is called production release OR Go-LIVE.

What is release?
Starting from gathering the requirement, developing the application, testing the application,
finally releasing it to the end users is called release.
That is called production release or GO-LIVE.

What is a build?
The compiled and compressed format of source code is called build.
A build contains different formats like compress and archive.
Compress format:
1. Zip
2. Multiple files can be made in single file.
3. Size of the file will be reduced.
Archive format
1. .Jar(java archive), .war (web archive), .tar (tape archive) , .gz(Gun Zip)
2. Multiple files are made in a single file.
3. Size of the file will be almost same.
What does build contain?
A build contains
1. New features
2. Old features
3. Defect fixes
It depends upon the contents which developer will add inside a build, and it varies from build
to build.
What is test cycle?

It is effort or time spent to test the application once the build is given. The duration of each
test cycle can be days or weeks or months, depending upon the build and application size.

Retesting and regression testing with respect to build


release 1 release 2 release 3

build1 build2 build1 build2 Build

build1 build2 Build
no 3 no 3
no 3

initial builds final stable builds

A single Application can have single Release or Multiple release.


A Release can have multiple Builds.

The final stable build will be released to production server.
The first build of first release, we cannot do retesting and regression testing.
For all other remaining builds, we can do Retesting and Regression testing based on the

Test strategy is the approach to test the software application.
Based on the situation, one approach should be selected.

Based on that selected approach, we plan how to take it forward.

How do you a define a format of good test case?

A good test case should have the header, body and footer sections.
It should contain the attributes which are easily understandable.
Ex in body section it should contain
1. Step no
2. Description
3. Input

4. Expected result
5. Actual result
6. Status
If the test case contains all the possible scenarios that can be called good test case.
What is a good test case?
a good test case is a test case which is easily understandable to every test engineer.
It should cover all the scenarios with respect to requirement.
A good test case should be written by applying like boundary value analyses, equivalence
partitioning, error guessing.
A test cases has to be reviewed by another test engineer and find mistakes in it. Those
mistakeshave to be corrected then it becomes a good test case.
What would you do if you have a large suite and execute it in very less time?
First, we have to execute the basis features of an application that is smoke testing.

Difference b/w functional and non-functional testing?

Functional testing Non-functional testing
Functional testing Performance testing
Integration testing Compatibility testing
System testing Globalization testing
Security testing
Accessibility testing
Usability testing
Reliability testing
Checking for single users and single Checking for multiple users
platform and single language. 1. Multiple platforms
Focus on Normal People. 2. Multiple languages

What is negative testing?

Testing the invalid or unexpected data then it is called negative testing.
How do you ensure that the testing having the good coverage?

We prepare RTM document.

Apply test case technique.


It is testing the basic features of an application before we do thorough testing like functional,
integration, system testing.
Why we do smoke testing?
Test engineer will get confidence on basic features, that is working fine or not.
If we find the defect in the basic features only, that create a good impact on the testing team.
If there are any blocker or critical defect found in the basic features, developer will get more
time to fix the defect.

When we do smoke testing?

Once the build is given by the developer, we start doing smoke testing first.
For every build given by the developer we start with smoke testing first we assure basic
feature are working fine.
When time is less for testing team to do the testing, we will do smoke testing and if the
customer is fine, we will release to customer.

Difference b/w formal and informal smoke testing?

Formal smoke testing Informal smoke testing

We have documentation(TEST CASE) There is no Documentation
We have a proof There isNO proof
It has a procedure There is no proper procedure

Difference b/w smoke testing and sanity testing

Smoke testing Sanity testing
It is testing the basic features only It is testing the new features and bug fixes
It is shallow and wide testing It is narrow and deep testing
It is done on the unstable builds It is done on the stable builds
Only positive testing is done Both positive testing and negative testing are

It is the subset of regression testing.


Testing the application randomly without following any formal documents like requirement,
test cases etc.
Why we do adhoc testing?
An application can be used by different set of people or end users,
1. Children
2. A person with happy mode
3. A person with depressed mode.
4. A drunken person
5. Illiterate

6. Mad
When we are not able to get the defect through our regular testing like FT, IT, ST we can
think about adhoc testing so that we can get more defects.

This is the best testing for gaming application. Because while playing games usually
children will click where ever they want without their knowledge.
This testing is mandatory for gaming applications, for other applications we will do
testing based on customer request or based on situation.
When we are not getting much defects with functional, integration and system testing think
about adhoc testing we will definitely get defects.

All the defects we found through adhoc testing need not to be fixed by the developer unless
it is crashing the applications.


Testing the response time of an application by applying load for an application is known as
performance testing.
Load: number of users who uses the application.
Response time: time taken to get the expected screen based on the user actions.

Types of performance testing

Load testing:
Testing the response time of an application by applying the load which is less than or equal
to designed number of users. (it will be given by customer).
Ex: if the customer want application for 1 lakh users, then the designed number of users is 1

Stress testing:
Testing the response time of an application by applying the load which is greater than
designed no of users, that can be around 10-20% greater than the load.
Ex : Req-100000 users ------ response time should be within 2sec.
Stress testing 1,10,000 users --------- response time 2sec

Volume testing
Testing the response time of an application by transferring huge volume of data through
Ex : Huge data sharing through share it, Bluetooth, google drive by uploading more photos
and checking the time taken to transfer that data.

Soak testing
Testing the response time of an application by applying load continuously for some
duration of time.
Ex :72 hrs more users are using application continuously and we will check the response time
for 72 hrs

Can we do performance testing manually?

Yes, but there are some drawbacks, like:
1. Too much cost will be involved because of multiple human resource and multiple
devices, a huge place for gathering everybody.
2. There will be no accuracy in the results, we human beings we do not perform all the
actions at same time because of this result may vary.
So, we go for automation (Ex: J METER, LOAD RUNNER etc)

Testing the functionality of an application continuously for some duration of time. This can
be done by single users. It is to check the consistency of an application.
Ex: Mobile should function properly with one user for long time.

Standalone applications: it does not depend on the server. It is installed separately

Ex calculator, calendar, word.
Client server application: using an application by server by using internet connection.
Web applications:fully depends on internet connection.
Ex. Chrome---gmail--- facebook
Generally, we have three types of application
1. Standalone applications
2. Client server application
3. Web applications

Standalone applications:
This kind of applications can be installed, accessed and used without any dependency on
server or internet.
Ex notepad, calculator, word, calendar.
This is the fastest applications with respect to response time.
Client server applications:
In this case we have software in two categories.
1. Client software
2. Server software
Client software will be installed by the end users usually from play store.
Server software will be available at the company location.
To use client software to interacting with each other, we need server software. To connect to
the server software, we need internet.
In client server application static elements will be already stored in the mobile , only dynamic
elements will be accessed through the internet.
This is the fastest compared to the web application and slower compared to standalone
Ex whatsapp, facebook, gmail, redbus app.
Web application:
In this we access the application through the browser. Here static and dynamic element will
load together.
Ex: we can access gmail or fb any other application by entering the url into the browser.
We need internet connection compulsory.
Here the browser will act as client.

Testing the application with different hardware and software platforms is called compatibility
Why do we do compatibility testing?
1.To ensure that application is working for multiple platforms because there might be
different types of users.
2.To check whether the application is working in all platforms or not.

Software Compatibility Testing :

Ex : In Different O.S like :
Windows(w7, w8, w8.1, w10 etc)
Linux(ubunto,federo etc)
MACINTOSH(Tiger, Lion, Leopard,snow leopard, mountain lion, sierra etc)
All above is for PC

Android (mobile)
Alpha, beta, cupcake, donut, éclairs,foreo, gingerbread, honey comb, icecream
sandwich, jellybean, kitkat, lollypop, mar……, noughet, oreo, pie,

Hardware Compatibility Testing :

Ex : In different Processor like – Intel, AMD
In different Mother Board like – Intel, ASUS
In different RAM
In different ROM
In different Hard disk

In different Graphics card

Mobile compatibility testing:

When we test an application for different operating system and also for each different
versions like kitkat, windows, ios and for each brand of mobile

(ex:Samsung, redmi, nokia etc)

For each brand, for different models like A series, M series, Galaxy for SAMSUNG -
Xperia c4, c5, z5 for SONY - v15, v7, v19 for VIVO

Browser compatibility testing:

Mozilla Firefox
Internet Explorer
Netscape Navigator

What kind of bugs we find in compatibility testing?

1. Look and feel changes
2. Object overlapping (Login and cancel button sitting on one another)
3. Certain images will not displayed in certain browsers
4. Scroll bar issues
5. Alignment issues/problems
6. Scattered content
7. Certain buttons, links and components may work in one browser and may not work in
another browsers


Testing an application which is developed for multiple languages is globalization testing.

When the language is changed, the translated content may not be proper because a machine
translator could not understand the exact meaning of the word displayed.This may happen
because of below reasons:
1. Machine does not have feeling
2. It cannot understand exact meaning.
3. It cannot understand exact grammer.
4. It cannot understand exact spelling.
All these are reasons for wrong translation. So, we go for human translator.
If a person is very good with multiple languages local and international, we could perform
good globalization testing.

Types of globalization testing

1. I18N: Internationalization
2. L10N: Localization
Testing the application whether it displays the right content at the right place in the right
language is called I18N testing.
Ex :

Testing the application with respect to the local culture or local standard to that country or
state or region is localization testing.

Rs $
Dd/mm/yyyy mm/dd/yyyy
Pin code zip code
(560097) (CA 12345) , (SJ 25634)



Touch screen

Pick up , drop , type of cab, confirm
Your name, mother name , father name, age, aadhar card etc

Pick up , drop , type of cab, confirm
M1 marks, 1st sem , btech – pass , yofp, backlogs?

Long press, PIN, password, pattern, finger print, facelock, iris, voice,


Testing whether the application is suitable for physically challenged people or not.
Ex : RGB (red green blue) colour should not be used in the application.
Every feature or component in an application should be accessed by mouse and also by

RGB color, blind people will not be able to view that.

Mouse and keyboard: anybody who is injured with wrist, they can still use the application
using the keyboard.

Tools used for accessibility testing

1. In focus
2. Wave

Testing the application whether it is able to recover from crash state or not.


Testing the beauty of an application is called aesthetic testing.

Testing the application, whether it is user friendly or not
Who should do usability testing?
1. End users is the best
2. Customer or client 2nd best.
3. Others project team members.
4. Nobody is there, test engineer has to do usability testing.

Test strategy:
Strategy is an approach to do any type of task.

Test plan is a document which is prepared for future testing activities.
It is usually prepared by the test lead or manager.
Test engineer can also involve – if there is any support needed for test lead or manager.
Test plan contain different sections or attributes like:

1. Objective: this section tells about the purpose of preparing the test plan.
2. Scope: This will say the limitations.
This section will tell about
a) Features what to be tested. (Ex: GMAIL)
b) Features what not to be tested. (Ex: FB,INSTAGRAM)
3. Schedule and milestone:
This section will tell which activity has to done first and which activity has to done
It is just like a time table of the project.

REQ - wtc – Etc - AT(milestone) – PR(milestone)

4. Entry and exit criteria : This section tells about when to enter and when to exit each
type of testing.

5. Defect tracking: This section will tell about whenever a defect is found how to track
the defect and which is the tool, we are using to track the defect. And what are the
terminologies we are using to raise the defect.

6. Assumptions: This section will tell about what are the

assumptions we have during this project.
Ex : All employees will be there in the office daily

7. Risk: This section will tell about what are the possible risk
happen during the project.
Ex : All employees are not in office. Leave/Quit

8. Contingency plan or mitigation plan: this section will tell about

how to over come the risk which occurs during the process.
Ex : Arrange regular KT among the employees when everyone
are there in office, before Risk occurs.

9. Roles and responsibilities

This section will contain what are the roles and responsibilities for team members.

a. Ex: Roles and responsibilities for test engineers.(Manual test engineer)

Going through the requirement and understanding the requirement and identifying the
scenarios and writing the test cases, prepare RTM, and execute test cases when the
build is given, find the defect and raise the defects.
b. For automation test engineer:
We should perform above task plus we should write test scripts and execute test
scripts by using the selenium tool. Manage test script.

10. Environment: This section contains which platform we are using for testing purpose
ex. Window 10,8,7 chrome browser,

11. Deliverables: This section will tell what are the documents that should be prepared
for the project. EX: Test plan, Test cases, RTM, Defect reports etc.

Graphs and metrices: This section contains the graphs and metrices that are
prepared for project.


It is a document which is prepared to test that every requirement having at least one
test case or not.
Mapping from requirement to test case to automation test script to defect. This is
called forward traceability matrix.
Mapping from defect to automation test script to test case to requirement this is called
backward traceability matrix.
Mapping from test case to requirement and test case to automation test script to defect
this is bidirectional traceability matrix.
Mapping from test case to automation test script to defect can be traceability matrix.

FUNCTIONAL TESTING / Field level Testing / Component Testing

Testing each and every component individually and thoroughly with respect to requirement is
called functional testing.

Testing the data flow between two or more dependent modules is called integration testing.

Testing the application end to end just like a real user is called system testing.
It is a done on a Testing Server, which is similar to Production server.

System Testing Scenarios

Ex 1 : Sign UP -> Login-> Compose->Sent Items-> Logout
Ex 2 : Login -> Inbox->Read Email->Reply-> Sent Items->Logout
Ex 3 : Login ->Settings->Reset Password-> Save New Password-> Logout-> Login(new

9 am - 9 pm - 10 defects

10 am – 5 pm - No defects Build

Defect seeding:

Injecting the defect in the application by developer to check the efficiency of test engineer is
called defect seeding.
This is done based on the request of manager.

Build 01
Login-A - Defect raised (MASKING defect)

Build 02
Login – A -Retesting
Compose-B – Defect

Defect masking:
Whenever one defect is hiding another defect that is defect masking.

Defect leakage:
The defect which is not found by the testing team but it is found by the customer or end users
it is called defect leakage.

For a good testing team defect leakage percentage should be 0%.

Defect Triage Meeting/Call

Manager arranges a meeting with all the development team and testing team and discuss
about the existing defects which are not fixed because the defect age should not be increased.
And defect status should be moved for further level until the defect status is closed.
This meeting is known as defect triage meeting. It is the main part of agile meeting.
(New,Assign,Deferred,Fixed,Unable to Reproduce,Duplicate,Reopen,RFE)
Main intention of this is to CLOSE the defects as early as possible.

Defect Density:
Defect density = Number of defects / Total size of the project (LOC/Duration)
Ex :
DD = 100 / 2000 (loc)
DD = 100 / 6 months (duration)

Number of defects means the defect which are considered as valid defect not all the reported

Latent Defect : It is a defect which is found once application is released to Production

server and that defect is there in Production server for long time.

(System Integration Testing)
Testing the data flow between 2 or more systems


International software testing qualifications board
It is a certification for software testing engineers.


Static testing Dynamic


Walk through

Black BOX White BOX

testing testing
techniques techniques

boundary value analysis statement coverage

equivalence partitioning branch coverage
error guessing path coverage
decision table cyclomatic complexity
state transition diagram
use cases

Testing which is performed on the document is called static testing.

There is no execution here.

Types of static testing:
Finding the mistakes in the document is called review.
In review we have types
1. Self-review: review done by ourselves
2. Peer to peer review: review done by others who is equal to us.
3. Manager review: review done by managers

Walk through:
Explaining about the document to the set of people who are not aware of that.

It is the kind of auditing process which is done on the documents for a software company.

CMMI: capability maturity model integrated. (FOR SOFTWARE COMPANIES)

It has five levels CMMI 1, CMMI 2, CMMI 3, CMMI 4, CMMI 5.
Highest level is CMMI Level 5
SEI: Software Engineering Institute
CMMI is the recognition given by SEI

ISO : International Organization for Standardization.

It is for Hardware.

Testing which is done on the application is called dynamic testing, that is on source code or
user interface of an application
Here in this testing, execution takes place.

Black box testing techniques

Boundary value analysis:
Testing the boundaries of certain components or element present on web page is called
boundary value analysis

Ex testing on text field which accepts only 3-10 characters.


Equivalence partitioning:
It is the technique where we come up with given range of requirement. Here it contains one
valid and two invalid data.

Error guessing:
It is the technique where we come with all the possible error message for different scenarios .
It is error guessing
Here we have more of Negative scenarios.

Decision table:
It is the table which helps us to decide how many numbers of test cases are needed for a
given set of requirements.

The formula for this is 2^n= no of test cases or scenarios.

Where n is number of conditions or components

State transition diagram:

It is a technique which is used to come up with the flow of an application in a easy manner.
This can be used in system testing and integration testing.
For atm machine this diagram helps a lot.

Use cases:
Use case testing is the functional black box testing technique that helps us testers to identify
the scenarios that excises whole system on each transition basis from start to finish.

Characteristics of use case testing

Use case can capture interaction between actor and system.
Actors represent user and interaction is that each user take part into.
Test cases based on use cases and are referred as scenarios.
Capability to identify the gaps in the system which would not find by testing individual
components is isolation.

Very effective in defining the scope of acceptance testing.

White box testing techniques:
Path testing: testing all the independent paths in a program is called path testing.
100% statement coverageis not equal to 100% branch coverage is not equal to path
100% branch coverage is not equal to 100% statement coverage.
100% path coverage is equal to 100% branch coverage + 100% statement coverage
Cyclometric complexity
It is a technique which is mainly used to reduce the complexity in the source code.
If the source code is complex then testing also become complex.
Formula1: (e-n) +2
Formula 2: number of predicate nodes+1
Formula3: number of regions + 1
Formula 4: number of paths
Conditional testing:
Testing all the conditional statements like if, else, switch to, is called conditional testing.
Loop testing:
Testing all the looping statement like for, while, do while is called looping testing.

Testing the defect fixed or bug fixed of an application is called retesting.

Testing the impact areas of an application after
1. After the defect fixed.
2. After changes done in application.
Changes can be adding modifying and deleting a feature.
Why we do regression testing?
To make sure that existing features are still working properly after the changes is done in the
application or whenever a defect is fixed for an application.
When do we do regression testing?
1. After the defect fixed.
2. After changes done in application.
Changes can be adding modifying and deleting a feature.

How do we do regression testing?

Test engineer will write test case manually the test cases which has been executed again and
again will be categorized and a separate document will be maintained as regression test cases
Whenever we have to do regression testing, we will start testing by using the test cases.
Since the regression testing is repetitive in nature better, we will always go for automation
Full execution:
Executing all the test scripts is called full execution.
Batch execution:
Executing the partially test scripts is called batch execution.
Types of regression testing
Unit regression testing:
Whenever a new feature is added for existing module and the impact is only for that
particular module, we can also call it as unit.
When we do regression testing for that unit, we do not do regression testing for any other unit
that is called unit regression testing.
Regional regression testing:
Whenever there is a change in one module and that module is having dependency with other
few modules not all the modules, then we do regression testing for all the dependent
modules, we call them as regional regression testing.

Full regression testing:

Whenever there is any change in the application and because of that change if we have an
impact on the whole application then we do complete testing again for whole application.
This is called full regression testing.

Difference between QC and QA

Quality analysis Quality control
it is a process oriented it is a product oriented
it is a verification process It is a validation process
it is a preventive method it is a detective method
Here we check “are we developing product Here we check “are we developing right
right” product”

It involves only static testing It includes dynamic testing

Testing the data flow between two or more dependent modules is called integration testing.
Ex: In gmail, if we send a mail, the sent mail should be displayed in sent items.
Checking whether it there in sent items or not is a integration testing.
Types of integration testing
Integration testing

Incremental integration testing Non incremental integration testing

Top Down Bottom Up

P C2

C1 C1

C2 P
Incremental integration testing:
Whenever parent module is there, child module is added and we do integration testing.
Whenever child module is there, parent module is added and we do integration testing
between these modules.

Non incremental integration testing:

Whenever we cannot find which is a child and which is a parent module, even then we do
integration testing between them, this is called non incremental integration testing.



Stubs and drivers

Dummy Modules

Acts like a child module when CHILD MODULE IS NOT PRESENT



Acceptance Testing

Cake – cool cake, chocolate, 10 kgs,

Happy birthday to Nikki


A - 1 year PARENT

B - 1 year - Data Base - STUB - CHILD

B – 1 year CHILD
A – 1 year – DRIVER – PARENT

Ex : Machine Critical Applications(SPACE, SUBMARINE, AIRFORCE, NAVY,


What is STUBS and DRIVERS ?

OrOne module is ready and another module is not ready, how can we do integration
testing ?

It is a dummy module which acts like a child module.
Whenever there is no child module available, stubs will receive the data and acknowledges
the data.
It is a dummy module which acts like a parent module.
Drivers will send or trigger data and send data to child module.

Stubs and drivers are mainly used in critical projects related to space, medical, Submarines,
defence etc.

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