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Teen Tragedy

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By: Sitora Jennings


I woke up today and got ready for school it was my first day. I was moving from my old school because my mom was getting
a new job. I didnt really mind it though, I mean new friends right? Well anyway I put a beautiful dress on that my nana had made
for me it is white, it has lace on the collar bone part and it goes to me knees. I wore my new black loafers to. As for my hair I wasnt
sure whether I should put it up in a bun or leave it down. I asked my mum and she suggested I put it in a bun so I did. I went and
looked in the mirror I felt quite pretty. I dont really wear make-up though, I dont think that I need it. So you can get an idea of
how I look Ill explain; I am 56, 17, Italian, Russia, and Irish. I have green eyes and auburn hair with natural high lights. Im quite
light-skinned but I dont mind I like myself. Anyhow I did decide to put on some peach lipstick just because I want to make a good
impression on my first day to high school first day being a junior.

I went downstairs to a plate of bacon, eggs and an English muffin with cranberry juice on the side. After I ate I got in my car
and drove to school. It was a rather beautiful morning in California I especially loved it when it was sunny but cool. It toke me about
fifteen minutes to get to school, once I got there I sat in my car and waited for the bell I was so nervous I didnt know anyone at this
school, I didnt know anyone in America for that matter. I decided to read my book "wonderland of Gregorian" it is a splendid novel.
When the bell rang I was just getting to the juicy part. I take a deep breath and got out of my car, as soon as I got out a group of
people looked at me I felt myself blushing so I smiled and hurried along. "Where is D-9" I thought loudly. "Excuse me are you
lost?" I jumped I looked up and this very tall very handsome boy stood before me. " you help me please?" he
chuckled and said "...yeah no problem" I melted from his smile and couldnt help but simile back. "Follow me ill help you look for
uhhh..." he glanced at my paper "D-9, Im Johnny by the way nice to meet you" "Im lily short for Lillian nice to meet you too". He
stared at me for a while then said it sounds like you have a bit of an accent where you from are?" I didnt answer for a while because
Im a bit timid, after what seemed like a century I final squeaked out "I speak Italian but I was raised in Scotland". He raised his
eyebrows and nodded as if I just did an amazing trick. I smiled half at him half at the ground. We stayed quiet the rest of the way I

felt as if I said something wrong I mean dont people at least go " oh really thats so cool". When I arrived at my homeroom
everyone looked at me and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest. I toke a deep breath and walked to my seat. As I was sitting a
boy said "hey beautiful can I get at that" and a couple girls nearby giggled. I looked at him in wonder and shock, but I didnt
respond to him. He kept looking at me so I asked "can I help you?" And he rudely responded by saying "yeah you can help me un-
zip my pants" again the girls giggled. I looked at him in disgust and raised my hand he then gave me a very mad look. Like he was
threating me with his eyes, the teacher notice my hand and pointed at me "can I move seats I am not comfortable with where I am".
He nodded his head and told me to sit in the desk by the window. As I got up to move I made sure my bag covered my buttocks.

Class started and to my horror the teacher whose name is Mr.Fren gestured toward me and began to say hello and welcome
back, Id like to introduce our newest member to our homeroom Lillian Ger...Se...Vick, am I saying that right?" I nodded. Ok now
that, thats out the way lets get started. What we are going to do now is go around the room and tell everyone about our summer
vacation. The boy that was making rude comments to me raises his hand first. He didnt even wait to be called on he just started.
well I went to New York and got so wasted and did some many bicthes" he high fived a guy next to him and had a satisfied grin on
his face. Mr. Fern did not look happy he told him to watch his language and to keep it pg. He asked if anyone else wanted to share
but no one raised their hand. I kind of tuned everyone out and next thing I knew class was over. I packed up and walked out of class
to be greeted by rude man. He had the nerve to come and talk to me hey hows it going my name Greg whats yours". I decided to
be mean because he left a bad impression of himself on me so I responded by saying "I was good until I saw you and you already
know my name, I said it in class, if you forgot thats your own fault". I felt pretty pleased with myself I felt that I gave it to him
good. That is until he totally ignored me and kept talking to hear himself. "So you want to go grab some lunch? Its on me". I flat
out said no and walked off. I heard him say "bicth" under his breathe. It irritated me beyond compare, just because I wont go with
you makes me the bad person. I was so angry that I didnt hear Johnny call me so when he tapped me I jumped. He jokingly said " is
this how we are always going to meet...with you jumping?" I laughed "I hope not" I was calling you but I guess you didnt hear me
so I ran up to catch up" " oh Im sorry I...I just had a bad morning". Want to talk about it?" "No but thanks for asking" no
problem...and listen if you ever want to chill just let me know ok" "okay I will". I smiled to myself. He just made my day a whole lot
better. I was still smiling to myself when a girl came up and blocked my path. She stood there sizing me up then said "I can tell
youre new so let me break it down. Johnny is my boyfriend were just on a break right keep your hands off him, got it".
Then she turned and walked away I was so confused I was just talking to him. She and her friend were like those movies I have seen.
Every brunette needs a blonde I guess.
I just kept walking to my next class which was history oh how I wanted the day to be over.

At the end of the day I walked to my car and when my car was in sight I saw Johnny there I smiled; I felt that he liked me. I
walked up to him "are you stalking me now?" He laughed "no but I did want to ask you something" "oh and what is that?" I thought
he was going to ask me on a date but instead he asked "my buddy Greg is throwing a party and I was wondering if you like to
come" I looked at the ground and then up at him and shyly said uh...Id love to but its just that...well I dont know anybody really.."
"Thats why you should come get to meet people" "I dont know I-" "come on itll be fun" "....fine" "yes! Ill pick you up at 8:00".
What did I just get myself into, did I just really agree to go to a party with people I dont know.

When I got home I checked the clock 3:45, I had about four hours till the party. My mum wasnt home yet and neither was
my sister. Probably with her boy toy. I went and made a peanut butter honey sandwich and turned on the tele. As usually nothing
was on so I just sat there staring at the teles black screen. I started thinking about Johnny and his almost greyish eyes and his lips.
He was so gorgeous. Then it hit me Greg is that rude man in my home room; as if I didnt have enough concern. I got up and went
to take shower and started getting ready. I decided to just blow dry my hair and leave it how it was, I wanted to wear sweat but I
guess I should at least try. So I went and grabbed a long sleeve white shirt, I put on my burnt orange ripped skinnies and my
combat boots. Since it was going to be at night I added my dark orange, green and white infinite scarf. I painted my nail and put
some peach lipstick on. By the time I was done getting ready it was 7:13 and my mom came home. I asked her if she knew where
Rebecca was and she said that shes sleeping over her boy toys house. I told her I was going to a party at 8:00 with a friend and that
he was coming to pick me up at 7:40. She looked at me and sighed "why is everyone ditching me" "mum no one is ditching you we
just still have some summer in us. She laughs and said have fun. I hugged my mum goodnight and went to make some hotdogs, I
didnt really like eating at parties. When I finished them the doorbell rang. I went and opened it "hey lily" "hi Johnny" "ready?"
Yeah let me get my bag" ""okay". I ran upstairs and got my bag I looked in the mirror and decided to put some blush on.

I went back down and smiled at Johnny and said lets go he motioned for me to go first I looked at him and made a 'well done
face' I giggled to myself. He's such a gentleman he even opened the car door for me.

When we were about 10 minutes from the party Johnny stopped the car and looked at me I looked at him and said "why'd
you stop" he looked at me then turned and looked out the windshield "I just uhh...I just uhh wanted to ask you umm..." "Yeah...go
ahead Johnny say it" " I was wondering if you be okay with walking the rest of the way" "oh umm sure why not" he gave me a look
like had just spilled something on me. I guess I looked kind of bummed because he said "its because I dont want to risk drinking

then driving and also if I have my car my girl is going to want to go for a ride". yeah no its perfectly fine I understand". We
walked the rest of the way in silence.

When we arrived at the party Johnny completely ditched me. I got a little pissed because I only came because he asked me.
But he was my ride so I was stuck there. I went to the backyard of the house, which was huge, it was two stories and I think there
was about six bedrooms the kitchen was big as a restaurants kitchen. In the backyard they had a Jacuzzi and pool. I got a drink and
went to sit in a lawn chair. I wish I had brought my book I could have at least read. Instead I laid back and looked at the skies. I
realized I was drinking alcohol and contemplated switching to water, but I decided to just drink it, after I finished my drink` I was
starting to feel a buzz. I got up and went back to the drink table and filled my cup up again and got some chips I didnt know what
any of them where but I tried them anyways. I walked back to my lawn chair and continued looking at the stars.
I was just finishing my drink when a guy came over and offered me another drink. I looked at him accusingly and said are
you trying to get me drunk?" He laughed and jokingly said I think youre doing that all on your own". I stayed quiet for a while
then said Im a big girl, I can handle my liquor. I smiled devilish at him and stood up and wrapped my arms around him, I wasnt
going to do anything but I wanted to see what he would do. He set the liquor down and grabbed my waist and pulled me closer.
You know youre really sexy whats your name is"? "Call me lily, whats you name" "ok lily my name is Pierce" "oh wow that a cool
name" "thank you baby". I was thrown off by him calling me baby. I let go of him and looked at him as sexily as I could. I had to
make sure I didnt get drunk, I wasnt a slut drunk but I didnt want him to be in control. Peirce looked my body up and down and
bit his lip so...lily want to take this chat somewhere more comfortable". I told myself that I should say no but I felt frisky. I grabbed
the beer and handed it to him and said "lets".

When we got in the house I saw Johnny he was talking to some friends when one of them pointed at me. Johnny turned
around and saw me he had a scared worried look on his face. He patted his friends shoulder and came hurrying over but he had a
hard time because there were people crowding him. Peirce and I made it up the stairs before he could get to us. Peirce led me to an
empty bedroom and closed the door. I walked up to him and kissed him. I looked up at him and I guess he was pleased because he
had an 'animal' look in his eyes. He pushed me onto the bed and we started making out. He was making his way down to pull my
jeans down when there was a knock on my door. Peirce yelled "this room is a little occupied at the moment" he went back to kissing
me and fiddling with my zipper when another knock came, annoyed he got up and opened the door to see Johnny standing there.
Jonny saw me on the bed with my zipper undone and he got very red. He turned to Pierce and in a voice that you could tell he was

holding his anger back he said Pierce what the fuck are you doing" Pierce, annoyed, said " yo man Im trying to get it in can you go
away" Johnny just stood there staring from me to Pierce and said "no Lily is my date here so can you let her come with me" "look
Johnny I saw her sitting down in a lawn chair by herself so I went to go talk to her...if she was you date how come she was alone?" "
okay so I wasnt with her; doesnt mean you can just do her ok" "sorry man but you snooze you lose" pierce started closing the door
but Johnny slammed it back open and pushed pierce to the side and walked up to me. " lily come on lets go" "but I having so much
fun" "lily lets go" just then everything went black the music turned off and everyone started screaming then it went completely
quiet no one was moving no one was speaking. I grabbed Johnny and hugged him so I could feel safer " Johnny Im scared whats
going on" " I dont know but stay close to me" "ok" then after what seemed like forever the lights came back on and the music
started again. I kept holding Johnny for a while just in case it happened again. it must have been a blackout you can let go now if
you want" I let go but I smiled because he added if you want. He grabbed my hand and led me out of the house and down the stairs.
He looked at me and told me that we should go I said "let me just go to the bathroom first" when I opened the door and turned on
the light there was a dead body all cut up on the floor. I screamed so loud that I made myself light headed. Johnny and some other
people came running. They saw the body and screamed too, the host of the party called the cops and the last thing I remembered
before I passed out is Johnny grabbing me and holding me.

I woke up on the couch and Johnny was sitting over me I thought it was a dream so I stupidly said "I love you" then when he
said " you awake" so I quickly said "no, no I...uh...I thought you were someone else... Oh...ok...are you ok" " uh, yeah
but what happened I had the cra-" just as I was saying that I saw the cop standing behind Johnny. I dont know why but I started
crying. Johnny got a scared look in his eyes and looked at the cop. The cop came to my side and asked me to calm down and explain
what exactly happened and what I saw. I looked at him in disbelief and stupidly said, off emotion, "what the fuck do you think
happen there was a damn dead body in the bathroom, you dont just- just know how to explain that you-you dont see that every day
in fact I should have never even came to this par-" the cop interrupted " look I know your upset but I need you to tell me exactly
what you saw so we can find who did this" I nodded " ok, then did you know the person?" I shook my head no did you see anything
unusually other than a dead body before you fainted?" It toke a second to think and suddenly I got a flash of a dark figure standing
outside the window across the street. I looked at the cop in disbelief and he looked confused. "I-I saw a person standing outside
across the street. I couldnt tell if it was a guy or girl but there definitely was someone there".


The next morning I got up shaken and felt as if the whole experience was a dream, I mean stuff like that doesnt just happen
does it? I got a call from Johnny as I was putting some eyeliner on. I kind of just stared at it because I didnt remember giving it to
him, but then again I dont remember much of anything from that night. I answered it on the third ring. Hello? Lilly? Yeah?
Johnny is that you? Howd you get my number? You gave it to meRemember? Oh, no not reallyI dont remember much of
anything from last night to be honest Oh, well did you still want me to come pick up? I gave a pause Hello? Lilly you still there?
Ok so maybe I did just see a dead body last night but Johnny, my crush, the hottest guy at school, giving me a ride hell yeah.
YeahSure, ok call me when you get here. Ok be there in about 20 Minutes. Ok see you then, bye bye. My day was
starting perfect, I was so happy, I couldnt stop smiling. When I went down for breakfast my mom looked at me and said what are
you so happy about? What? I cant just be happy for another day of life? No, no you can, I was just wondering; considering what
happened last night. Oh, well now my mood is gone. I sunk down in my chair and almost started crying when my phone rang. I
hopped up and kissed my mom bye and said bye to my sister and went out the door. There in front of MY house was the gorgeous,
hot Johnny. I waved and walked up to his car. Hey Johnny, hey Lily. During the drive we talked about what happened last night
and he asked me if I was ok.
I told him I didnt want to talk about it, that Id rather just forget all about it and let the police deal with it. He looked at me
as if I had on a funny outfit or something, and said in disbelief are you kidding me, you have the most important piece of evidence
that the police need; you saw a figure for Christ sake. I started to get angry how dare he yell at me over the fact that I wanted to
forget the most traumatizing moment in my life. Well Im sorry for not wanting to remember the dead body of another human
being; do you know how traumatizing it was for me to see that! I cried for an hour when I got home! I had nightmares all weekend;
how dare you yell at me for wanting to forget it. I was starting to cry, I wanted to get out; I wanted to run off and hide. My perfect
day was turning to crap. I looked out the window trying to cover my tears. I didnt want him to see me cry. He pulled over and
turned off the car, I felt his gaze on me but I kept looking out the window. Lilylook, Im sorryI, I didnt mean to yell. I kept
quiet until I knew I wouldnt cry as soon as I started talking. Johnny figured I wasnt going to say anything so he continued. Its
just. He toke a long deep sigh. That guy that was killed back there, he was one of my closest friends and you know something,
something that could help the police to find his murderer. He was starting to cry, I turned toward him and did something I didnt
even expect. I kissed him. He looked at me in shock, it toke me a minute to realize what I just did. Oh, oh. My. Gosh, Im sorry I

dont what came over me oh. My. gosh I got out the car and walked away I was about to turn the corner when Johnny called out.
Lily wait! I didnt stop though I just walked faster.
When first period started Greg came over to my desk and started talking to me, as if my morning wasnt bad enough already.
I moved away to a different desk hoping he get the hint. Obviously he didnt caused he followed me to the new desk. What! Greg!
What do you want damn little ma is fiery. I rolled my eyes and looked forward, praying that he leave me alone. So lily why is a
fine girl like you still single, and is there a way I could make you un-single. Greg Im flattered that you find me attractive, but I
dont like you were so rude to me on the first day I got here. He started searching for word to try and cover his sorry bottom. I-I
was just joking around Im really a nice guy, and I just really like you a lot. Please just give me a chance. Thats all Im asking. I got
angry for a second because I wanted to so badly to not believe him, but I did. I thought about it for a second; he was kind of cute but
I liked Johnny and I wouldnt be fully devoted to him. On the other hand he could help me get over Johnny since Johnny does have a
girlfriend. Oh no he has a girlfriend and I kissed him. My heart started to beat; the last thing I needed was to be bothered with the
anger of Cathy and her minion. I guess I was quiet for quite a while and the look of panic was showing because Greg asked if I was
okay. Yeah, yeah Im fine. You know what I love to go on a date with you everyone deserves a chance right. His face went from
confused to beyond happy, I could tell he was concealing his happiness because he had a weird face like he just did something
awesome by mistake. He got his composure and said, Ok umm can I take you out Friday at 9:00? Yeah sounds great.
At lunch I frantically searched for Johnny. When I spotted him he was sitting with Cathy and some friends; it be too risky to
go talk to him now. So I decided to just call him later on when I got home. While I was still planning out how I was going to talk to
Johnny, Greg came up behind me and asked if he could eat lunch with me. All of a sudden I felt really bad, I was playing him. He
really did like me and I said yes to going on a date with him because I was trying to get over someone else. Sure, where do you
want to eat at? Would you be ok with eating with my friends? He pointed over toward Johnny and Cathy; I really didnt want to
but I didnt want him to ask why not, he knew that I talked to Johnny because he saw us come in together at the party. Sure. We
walked over to them and I avoided eye contact with Johnny I couldnt bring myself to see how hed react to me being there. Greg
greeted his friends and when I looked up at who was there Cathy was giving the death stare. While all the guy were starting to talk
about what happened last Friday Cathy came over to me; I wanted to run I really didnt want any dramawell anymore drama. So,
Lily I see that Greg has an interest in you. Ye-yeah I guess he does. She was quiet for a moment, I could feel her gaze on me like
fire. Hmm is all she said, she sat there staring at me for a while and then got up and walked over to Johnny. I looked up at all of
them and felt so lonely. Greg wasnt even paying attention to me and he there only reason I was over here. Greg must have read my
mind because he looked back and saw how miserable I looked. He went from laughing to looking very concerned. I got up and sped
away, but apparently not fast enough because he caught up with me. He grabbed my arm and turned me toward him. Lily whats

wrong? I didnt say anything I felt like crying I wanted to disappear but I didnt know why. I looked up at him and told him that I
was fine and I just needed some air. I know youre not fine, please I want you to be happy whats wrong? I looked down at the
ground and I started to cry, I dont know I just feel so alone, I feel like a part of me has been ripped away. I was sniffing now he
pulled me into a hug and I started balling my eyes out. He grabbed my hand a lead me to the benches outside. He lifted my chin so
that I was looking into his eyes. Lily, you are the most beautiful girl Ive ever seen in my life, and I dont know much about you yet
but I will try my hardest to make you feel welcomed and wanted an-. I kissed him, I kissed him like I loved him, and surprisingly it
felt amazing I felt like all my problems were going away and that everything was going to be all right. I stopped when I couldnt
breathe anymore and looked down and giggled. He was silent, probably from shock that I actually kissed him. Well my kiss did
what I wanted it to do, it shut him up. He looked at me and smiled a huge smile and licked his lips, I bit my lips and gave him a sexy
look. I grabbed his hand and told him to follow me. Where are we going? he sounded a bit concerned, he probably thought that
was trying to have sex. I want to show you my secret thinking place. His smile came back and he picked up the pace.
It takes about five minutes to get to my thinking spot from the school. It is very beautiful, it is a little groove of rocks that
form an open cave like shape. Under it is a steam, and its just so elegant and surreal. I asked him what he thought of it, wow, its-
its so beautiful, its like those pictures Ive seen of famous tourist sites. I giggled and said, Well it reminds me of home and its
quiet and stress reliving yeah I bet, am I the only person youve shown this place to? I nod. Awesome I feel so special. He
laughed it was the first time Ive heard him laugh before; I liked it, it was cute. We spent the rest of the day there I decided I call in
and pretend to be my mom and Gregs mom when school ended. I was surprised at how easy it was to be myself with Greg; with
Johnny I felt I had to impress him and actwell not myself. It just felt right with Greg; plus he is cute so I guess I see how things
work out I mean the worst that could happen is that my feelings for Johnny grow instead of shrink.
I was just falling into a comfortable little daze when I saw someone standing across the stream standing behind a tree. I
jumped up and tried looking closer. Greg looked at me in with a worried face and was starting to say something but it went quiet. I
looked back at him and he was looking in the same direction as me, he looked up at me with scared yet ready eyes. We both looked
back but the figure was gone. Did you see that? I knew he had but I just wanted clarification. He shook his head and looked up at
me yeah, but. He paused, then started grabbing his stuff and rushing to get away. I grabbed his arm and asked him why he was
rushing off. He didnt say anything he just brushed my arm off and rushed away.
The next day Greg wasnt at school I tried calling him a coupler time at lunch and after school but he never answered I
started getting a little worried. Not to mention that it was Friday so I had to wait a whole two days to see him again. Then I got
mad I finally gave him a chance and after our first date he disappears, at least I didnt give anything up. I brushed it away and got

into my car; I wish I had asked him where he lived, or I could ask Johnny where he lives I mean they basically best buds right? I
turned off my car and called Johnny, when he answered he sounded like he was trying to shush someone. He- Hello? Um. Johnny?
Is this a bad time? no. no. not at all whats up? Ok, umm. Could you give me Gregs address I was with him yesterday and he
kind of rushed off and I havent been able to get a hold off him so I wanted to see if he was ok. Oh, are you guys- kind of, I dont
know yet, but um his address? Oh, yeah. Sure no problem. After he gave me his address I hung up and put into my GPS. As I was
driving to his house I couldnt help but think who Johnny was try to hush up. It didnt sound like a hush up Im on the phone it
sounded like a hush up so no one knows you here. I used to watch a lot of crime shows and movies so I like to think that I have a bit
of intuition. First Greg rushed off after he saw that person, now Johnny was hushing someone up. What was going on, maybe thats
just them, I mean Ive only know them for a little while. I couldnt help but think that it had something to do with the murder.
There was only one way for me to figure it out and that was to confront them both starting with Greg.
When I got to Gregs house I went up an knocked on his door and started to get really nervous, we werent really dating but
we werent just friends either. So I didnt really know how to introduce myself, I was about to walk back to my car when someone
came to the door. umm. Hi, my names Lillian. Im looking for Greg; is he here? the person who opened the door just stood there for
a minute then opened it and looked me dead on in the face and said: yeah, but he is not aloud to come out a talk so why dont you go
on back home. He slammed the door in my face, normally if someone treated me with that type of disrespect I would bang and kick
and yell till they listened to me. However one my possible boyfriend would think I crazy and two I think the guy who answered is
crazy. So I just went back to my car and sat in it for awhile.
I was about to start up my car when I looked up and saw Greg standing in the doorway he, made a texting mimic then a
calling one. So I toke out my phone and showed it to him and he nodded his head. Then he started putting up numbers so I guessed
he was giving me his number so I typed it in. when I finished typing his name he had already shut the door so I started up my car
and went home.

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