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The author states that out of mercury "The" Mercury can be produced.

Thus he lets us
know that there are two kinds of mercury. If we take mercury (quicksilver) to produce
"The" Mercury (Philosophical Mercury) we notice a difference in meaning of the one
word or symbol.
Spagyrists confirm that the philosophical Mercury can be obtained from all the minera
since it is one of the three asentials out of which all matter consists, as our author also
assures us. The difficullty arises when we are confronted with the fact that we must
produce it.
The mineral world likewise receives its seed first from God. Its origin is found in the
starry heavens from whence its divine influence and siderial impressions became an airy-
fluidic substance. In connection with the mercurial spirit and sulphuric soul added to the
earthy salt, it became a perfect and complete body. Sould either of them be made to
perpetuate and to multiply, it would have to be reduced again to its first matter or seed, by
which it can be made, through art and the help of fire, into a fixed medicine, from which
can then be born the true Stone of Philosophers. This you should note most of all, that all
minerals and metals have their origin in one substance. If you know it and watch for it,
then you will find it necessary to bread up the metals so you can find, by way of the
elements, their first cause or root.
In Geneva folio of 1658 Paracelsus states: "Now it should first of all be realized that the
element of water is the mother of all minerals, though water itself is utterly unlike these.
So also is the earth related to wood, though earth is no wood. Nevertheless, wood comes
from it. In the same way stone, iron, etc., are from water. Water becomes that of which
itself it is not. It becomes earth, which it is not. Watever is destined to pass into its
ultimate matter must necessarily differ from tis beginning. The beginning is of no avail.
Now, in water is the primal matter, namely, the three first substances, fire, salt and
The reader should bear in mind that the water mentioned here is not the common water
with the formula H2O, but the condensation of the sideral heat, or philosophical mercury,
in its primal state of existence.
Valentine, Paracelsus and other alchemists confirm over and over again that to extract
"THE" mercury from metallic bodies is nothing else but to resolve them, or to reduce
them into their first matter. This is the mercury that was in the center of the earth before
the generation of the metals, namely a damp and viscous vapor, containing invisibly with
itself natural mercury and sulphur, the principles of all metals.
What reaily is the Philosophers' Stone? It is nothing else but a compound of the white
eagle and the red lion, as produced by the artists. By it, common metals can be improved,
and silver be elevated into gold. The poor can become rich and the sick be made healthy.
This way, you will recognize the omnipotence of God.
What about the red lion? We find in Basil Valentine and other alchemists a green lion
mentioned. Why the difference in color? While the red lion represents the sulphur or oil
of the substance, so does the green lion in the antimonial process represent the green gum
(lion) from wthich is extracted the red blood of the dragon. One can now see the various
meanings attached to the words and symbols. The context of the substance involed is the
same, namely the alchemical oil or sulphur which is of a reddish color depending on
intensity, pureness, and preparation.
What is the White Eagle?
The white eagle is nothing else but the slowly rising mercury/sulphur (vapor), at the top
tof the digestion flask, from the calx of gold at the bottom. This sulphur at the top is very
subtle and volatile. It is called Azoth, Eagles Gluten.
What is the Red Lion?
The red lion is an incombustible sulphur, like fixed red juice of the Lily, remaining on the
bottom of the digestion flask and is called red lion (Leo rubens).
How are the White Eagle and the Red Lion prepared?
By way of the cleansed philosophical, sublimated, and reawakened golden looking
mercury and the amalgamated gold.
Again, before shedding more light on the subject he keeps asking: how do you prepare
the red lion and the white eagle? He tells us by taking the purified and sublimated,
resuscitated philosophical mercury. The difference of teh mercuries, at one time crude
quicksilver then purified, the mercurious-sulphurous and not philosophical, certainly will
not make things any easier to comprehend. He calls the substance where it is derived
from gold-colored mercury an amalgamated gold. What is meant by that again? We will
have to be patient a lttle longer. A few pages hence he will give us further instruction as
to how to get this mercury to this golden state.
In "De Hydropisi" von Hohenheim tells us that the sulphur of metals, and indeed, that
sulphur which can be extracted from minerals, is said to be of special utlity in dropsy, for
it is of a drying nature, and is, as it were, a sun, or solar heat, which disperses the rain of
the body, and causes it to pass off in vapor. On another occasion he says: "The sulphur of
the metals is an oiliness extracted from the metals themselves, endowed with very many
virtues for the health of man.
"Another sulphur is drawn from metals before they have undergone the fire, as from the
gold and silver marchasites and others, which take rank and excellence according to the
nobility of the mineral. So also is drawn the mineral of marchasite and cobalt, according
to the nature and property of each."

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