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Remote Method Invocation: Agenda

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2001-2003 Marty Hall, Larry Brown
Remote Method
Remote Method Invocation 2
Steps to build and RMI application
Running and compiling an RMI program
Eample: Retrieving a String remotely
Example: Performing numerical integration
Enterprise RMI configuration
RMI Applets
Remote Method Invocation 3
RMI: Remote Method Invocation
Distribute objects across different machines to take
advantage of hardware and dedicated software
Developer builds network service and installs it on
specified machine
User requests an instance of a class using URL syntax
User uses object as though it were a regular, local object
Network connections happen automatically behind
the scenes
Java serialization lets you pass complex data
structures over the network without writing code to
parse and reconstruct them
Remote Method Invocation 4
RMI Operations
Stub Operation
Package identifier of remote object
Package method identifier
Marshall parameters
Send package to server skeleton
Skeleton Operation
Unmarshall Parameters
Calls return value or exception
Marshall method return
Send package to client stub
Remote Method Invocation 5
RMI Details
1. Starting: Build Four Required Classes
a. An interface for the remote object
Used by both the client and the server
b. The RMI client
This will look up the object on the remote server, cast it to the
type of the interface from Step 1, then use it like a local object.
Note that as long as there is a live reference to the remote
object, an open network connection is maintained. The
connection will be automatically closed when the remote
object is garbage collected on the client.
c. The object implementation
This object needs to implement the interface of Step a, and will
be used by the server
d. The RMI server
This will create an instance of the object from Step c and
register it with a particular URL
Remote Method Invocation 6
RMI Details, cont.
2. Compile and Run the System
a. Compile client and server.
Compiles the remote object interface and implementation
b. Generate the client stub and the server skeleton
Use the rmic compiler on the remote object implementation
for this.
The client system will need the client class, the interface
class, and the client stub class
If the client is an applet, these three classes must be
available from the applets home machine
The server system will need the server class, the remote
object interface and implementation, and the server
skeleton class
Remote Method Invocation 7
RMI Details, cont.
2. Compile and Run the System, cont.
c. Start the RMI registry
This only needs to be done once, not for each remote object
The current version of RMI requires this registry to be running
on the same system as server
d. Start the server
This step must be on the same machine as the registry of
step c
e. Start the client
This step can be done on an arbitrary machine
Remote Method Invocation 8
A Very Simple RMI Example:
The Four Required Classes
1. The Interface for the Remote Object
The interface should extend java.rmi.Remote, and
all its methods should throw
import java.rmi.*;
/** The RMI client will use this interface directly.
* The RMI server will make a real remote object that
* implements this, then register an instance of it
* with some URL.
public interface Rem extends Remote {
public String getMessage() throws RemoteException;
Remote Method Invocation 9
Simple Example,
Required Classes, cont.
2. The RMI Client
Look up the object from the host using Naming.lookup, cast it
to the appropriate type, then use it like a local object
import java.rmi.*; // For Naming, RemoteException, etc.
import*; // For MalformedURLException
import*; // For Serializable interface
public class RemClient {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
String host = (args.length > 0) ? args[0] : "localhost";
Rem remObject = (Rem)Naming.lookup("rmi://" + host + "/Rem");
} catch(RemoteException re) {
System.out.println("RemoteException: " + re);
} catch(NotBoundException nbe) {
System.out.println("NotBoundException: " + nbe);
} catch(MalformedURLException mfe) {
System.out.println("MalformedURLException: " + mfe);
Remote Method Invocation 10
Simple Example,
Required Classes, cont.
3. The Remote Object Implementation
This class must extend UnicastRemoteObject and
implement the remote object interface defined earlier
The constructor should throw RemoteException
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;
public class RemImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject
implements Rem {
public RemImpl() throws RemoteException {}
public String getMessage() throws RemoteException {
return("Here is a remote message.");
Remote Method Invocation 11
Simple Example,
Required Classes, cont.
4. The RMI Server
The server builds an object and register it with a particular URL
Use Naming.rebind (replace any previous bindings) or
Naming.bind (throw AlreadyBoundException if a previous
binding exists)
import java.rmi.*;
public class RemServer {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
RemImpl localObject = new RemImpl();
Naming.rebind("rmi:///Rem", localObject);
} catch(RemoteException re) {
System.out.println("RemoteException: " + re);
} catch(MalformedURLException mfe) {
System.out.println("MalformedURLException: " + mfe);
Remote Method Invocation 12
Simple Example: Compiling and
Running the System
1. Compile the Client and the Server
Prompt> javac
This compiles the Rem interface automatically
Prompt> javac
This compiles the RemImpl object implementation automatically
2. Generate the Client Stub and Server Skeleton
Prompt> rmic RemImpl
This builds RemImpl_Stub.class and
The client machine needs Rem.class, RemClient.class,
and RemImpl_Stub.class
The server machine needs Rem.class, RemImpl.class,
RemServer.class, and RemImpl_Skeleton.class
Remote Method Invocation 13
Simple Example: Compiling and
Running the System, cont.
3. Start the RMI Registry
Server> rmiregistry
On Unix systems you would probably add & to put the registry
process in the background
You can also specify a port number; if omitted, port 1099 is used
4. Start the Server
Server> java RemServer
Again, on Unix systems you would probably add & to put the
process in the background
5. Start the Client
Client> java RemClient hostname
Here is a remote message.
Remote Method Invocation 14
A Better RMI Example,
Numerical Integration
1. Simple Iterative Program
to Calculate Sums:
2. Use to Approximate
Numeric Integrals of the Form:
3. MidPoint Rule:
4. Motivation for RMI
Since smaller rectangles typically give better results, this can often
be very cpu-intensive
RMI can make it available on a fast floating-point box
Remote Method Invocation 15
Numerical Integration,
Example, cont.
public class Integral {
/** Returns the sum of f(x) from x=start to x=stop, where the function f
* is defined by the evaluate method of the Evaluatable object.
public static double sum(double start, double stop,
double stepSize,
Evaluatable evalObj) {
double sum = 0.0, current = start;
while (current <= stop) {
sum += evalObj.evaluate(current);
current += stepSize;
public static double integrate(double start, double stop,
int numSteps,
Evaluatable evalObj) {
double stepSize = (stop - start) / (double)numSteps;
start = start + stepSize / 2.0;
return(stepSize * sum(start, stop, stepSize, evalObj));
Remote Method Invocation 16
Numerical Integration,
Example, cont.
/** An interface for evaluating functions y = f(x) at a specific
* value. Both x and y are double-precision floating-point
* numbers.
public interface Evaluatable {
public double evaluate(double value);
Remote Method Invocation 17
Integration Example:
Four Required Classes
1. The RemoteIntegral Interface
The interface shared by the client and server
import java.rmi.*;
public interface RemoteIntegral extends Remote {
public double sum(double start, double stop, double stepSize,
Evaluatable evalObj)
throws RemoteException;
public double integrate(double start, double stop,
int numSteps, Evaluatable evalObj)
throws RemoteException;
Remote Method Invocation 18
Integration Example:
Four Required Classes, cont.
2. The Remote Integral Client
Sends the RemoteIntegral an Evaluatable to integrate
public class RemoteIntegralClient {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
String host = (args.length > 0) ? args[0] : "localhost";
RemoteIntegral remoteIntegral =
(RemoteIntegral)Naming.lookup("rmi://" + host + "/RemoteIntegral");
for(int steps=10; steps<=10000; steps*=10) {
System.out.println("Approximated with " + steps + " steps:" +
"\n Integral from 0 to pi of sin(x)=" +
remoteIntegral.integrate(0.0, Math.PI, steps, new Sin()));
System.out.println("'Correct' answer using Math library:" +
"\n Integral from 0 to pi of sin(x)=" +
(-Math.cos(Math.PI) - -Math.cos(0.0)));
} catch(RemoteException re) {
System.out.println("RemoteException: " + re);
} catch(NotBoundException nbe) {
System.out.println("NotBoundException: " + nbe);
} catch(MalformedURLException mfe) {
System.out.println("MalformedURLException: " + mfe);
Remote Method Invocation 19
Integration Example:
Four Required Classes, cont.
2. The Remote Integral Client, cont.
Evaluatable Sin function
class Sin implements Evaluatable, Serializable {
public double evaluate(double val) {
public String toString() {
Remote Method Invocation 20
Integration Example:
Four Required Classes, cont.
3. The Remote Integral Implementation
Remote object that calculates the integral value
import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;
public class RemoteIntegralImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject
implements RemoteIntegral {
public RemoteIntegralImpl() throws RemoteException {}
public double sum(double start, double stop, double stepSize,
Evaluatable evalObj) {
return(Integral.sum(start, stop, stepSize, evalObj));
public double integrate(double start, double stop, int numSteps,
Evaluatable evalObj) {
return(Integral.integrate(start, stop, numSteps, evalObj));
Remote Method Invocation 21
Integration Example:
Four Required Classes, cont.
4. The Remote Integral Server
Creates the RemoteIntegral and registers it with
the rmi registry
import java.rmi.*;
public class RemoteIntegralServer {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
RemoteIntegralImpl integral = new RemoteIntegralImpl();
Naming.rebind("rmi:///RemoteIntegral", integral);
} catch(RemoteException re) {
System.out.println("RemoteException: " + re);
} catch(MalformedURLException mfe) {
System.out.println("MalformedURLException: " + mfe);
Remote Method Invocation 22
Integration Example: Compiling
and Running the System
1. Compile the Client and the Server
Prompt> javac
Prompt> javac
2. Generate the Client Stub and Server Skeleton
Prompt> rmic v1.2 RemoteIntegralImpl
Client requires: RemoteIntegral.class,
RemoteIntegralClient.class and
Server requires: RemoteIntegral.class,
RemoteIntegralImpl.class, and
If the server and client are both running JDK 1.1, use the -v1.1
switch to produce the RMI 1.1 skeleton stub,
RemoteIntegralImpl_Skeleton, required by the server
Remote Method Invocation 23
Integral Example: Compiling
and Running the System, cont.
3. Start the RMI Registry
Prompt> rmiregistry
4. Start the Server
Prompt> java RemoteIntegralServer
5. Start the Client
Prompt> java RemoteIntegralClient
Approximated with 10 steps:
Integral from 0 to pi of sin(x)=2.0082484079079745
Approximated with 100 steps:
Integral from 0 to pi of sin(x)=2.0000822490709877
Approximated with 1000 steps:
Integral from 0 to pi of sin(x)=2.0000008224672983
Approximated with 10000 steps:
Integral from 0 to pi of sin(x)=2.00000000822436
Remote Method Invocation 24
Enterprise RMI Configuration
Stub files need to be placed on a HTTP
server for downloading
In Java 2, the RMI 1.2 protocol does not require the
Client must install an RMISecurityManager
to load the RMI classes remotely
System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());
Client requires a policy file to connect to
registry and HTTP server
Remote Method Invocation 25
Policy File for Client
grant {
// rmihost - RMI registry and the server
// webhost - HTTP server for stub classes
"rmihost:1024-65535", "connect";
"webhost:80", "connect";
Need to grant permission to ports 1024-65535 on the server
The server communicates with the rmiregistry (and client)
on a randomly selected source port
Alternatively, can set policies in java.policy located in
Remote Method Invocation 26
Enterprise RMI,
Remote Integral, Example
public class RemoteIntegralClient2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());
String host = (args.length > 0) ? args[0] : "localhost";
RemoteIntegral remoteIntegral =
(RemoteIntegral)Naming.lookup("rmi://" + host +
for(int steps=10; steps<=10000; steps*=10) {
("Approximated with " + steps + " steps:" +
"\n Integral from 0 to pi of sin(x)=" +
remoteIntegral.integrate(0.0, Math.PI,
steps, new Sin()));
} catch(RemoteException re) {
System.out.println("RemoteException: " + re);
Remote Method Invocation 27
Enterprise Example: Compiling
and Running the System
1. Compile the Client and the Server
Prompt> javac
Prompt> javac
2. Generate the Client Stub and Server Skeleton
Prompt> rmic v1.2 RemoteIntegralImpl
3. Place the files on the correct machines
Remote Method Invocation 28
Enterprise Example: Compiling
and Running the System, cont.
4. Start the HTTP Server
Place RemoteIntegral_Stub.class,
RemoteIntegeral.class, and
Evaluatable.class on an HTTP server
Verify that you can access the files through a browser
5. Start the RMI Registry
Server> /somedirectory/rmiregistry
Make sure that none of the class files are in the directory in
which you started the registry or available through the
6. Start the Server
Server> java -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=http://webhost/rmi/
Server must be started on same host as rmiregistry
Remote Method Invocation 29
Enterprise Example: Compiling
and Running the System, cont.
7. Start the Client
Client> java
RemoteIntegralClient2 rmihost
Approximated with 10 steps:
Integral from 0 to pi of sin(x)=2.0082484079079745
Approximated with 100 steps:
Integral from 0 to pi of sin(x)=2.0000822490709877
The rmihost is where server in which the rmiregistry
was started
Remote Method Invocation 30
An RMI Applet
Applet does not require a RMI Security
Applet can only access server in which
class files were loaded
RMI Registry and remote object server must be the same
HTTP host in which the applet was loaded
RMI 1.1 stub protocol not properly
supported in IE
RMI 1.2 stub protocol require Java Plug-In
or Netscape 6
Remote Method Invocation 31
RMI Applet, Example
import javax.swing.*;
public class RemoteIntegralApplet extends JApplet
implements ActionListener {
private Evaluatable[] shapes;
private RemoteIntegral remoteIntegral;
private JLabel result;
private JTextField startInput, stopInput, stepInput;
private JComboBox combo;
public void init() {
String host = getCodeBase().getHost();
try {
remoteIntegral =
(RemoteIntegral)Naming.lookup("rmi://" + host +
} catch(RemoteException re) {
reportError("RemoteException: " + re);
Remote Method Invocation 32
RMI Applet, Example
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
try {
int steps = Integer.parseInt(stepInput.getText());
double start = Double.parseDouble(startInput.getText());
double stop = Double.parseDouble(stopInput.getText());
showStatus("Calculating ...");
Evaluatable shape = (Evaluatable)combo.getSelectedItem();
double area = remoteIntegral.integrate(start, stop,
steps, shape);
} catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
reportError("Bad input: " + nfe);
} catch(RemoteException re) {
reportError("RemoteException: " + re);
Remote Method Invocation 33
RMI Applet, Result
Applet that communicates to a
remote object through RMI in Netscape 6
Remote Method Invocation 34
RMI is a pure Java-based protocol for
communicating with remote objects
Register (bind) and look-up remote objects in a
Java 2 no longer requires the skeleton class
needed with the RMI 1.1 protocol
Enterprise RMI configuration requires a RMI
Security Manager and client policy file for
2001-2003 Marty Hall, Larry Brown

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