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Metric Cameras

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The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol.

XXXIV, Part 5/W12

J. Peipe a, M. Stephani b
a b

Bundeswehr University Munich, D-85577 Neubiberg, Germany - Technical University Munich, D-80290 Munich, Germany -
Commission V, WG V/4 & IC WG III/V

KEY WORDS: Digital Camera, Metric Camera, Camera Calibration, Architectural Photogrammetry, Rectification of Cylindrical Surfaces ABSTRACT: The stability and geometric quality of a Rollei d7 metric5 digital camera equipped with a 5 megapixel CCD sensor and several metric features were investigated. From a series of calibration measurements it could be stated that the camera provides quite stable values of the interior orientation parameters. In addition, a narrow nearly circular cylindrical apse of a small church of the Romanesque period covered with frescoes was photographed with the d7 metric5. For the evaluation of the photos a new procedure for rectification of cylindrical surfaces was used. 1. METRIC CAMERAS Analogue metric cameras have been used in aerial photogrammetry for a long time. They are characterized by technical features such as In this paper, a new 5 megapixel SLR camera is described which presents several important metric features, e.g. fixfocus and a solid connection between lens and CCD sensor. Some calibration work using a targetted point field and automated measurement software was carried out to prove the stability of the camera. In addition, the photogrammetric performance of the d7 metric5 was tested in an architectural photogrammetry application. 2. D7 METRIC5 DIGITAL CAMERA The Rollei d7 metric5 is a digital single-lens reflex (SLR) camera equipped with a colour CCD sensor of approx. 5 million pixels (Fig. 1; Tab. 1; Bock & Pomaska, 2002; Rollei Fototechnic, 2003). The images can be displayed immediately after acquisition on a 2.5 colour screen to check the image quality.

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robust mechanical structure of the lens-camera system high stability of the camera geometry: the interior orientation parameters remain unchanged and can be treated as known over a long period of time (fixed focal length, fixfocus) lenses are almost free of distortion principal point offset is equal to zero plane image surface by mechanical flattening definition of an image coordinate system by fiducial marks

In the same way, the metric camera principle has been applied to the construction of instrumentally stable terrestrial cameras for close range photogrammetry applications (Luhmann, 2000). Metric cameras such as WILD P31 and Zeiss UMK provide large image formats up to 130 x 180 mm2. If their calibration parameters are once determined, they allow for immediate and uncomplicated image measurement and processing. On the other hand, these cameras are not easy to handle, heavy, unflexible and expensive. They have been successfully applied, e.g. in architectural and archaeological photogrammetry, but were not successful in solving industrial measurement tasks. Off-the-shelf digital cameras have to be regarded as non-metric cameras. They have been developed so far for the mass market but not in accordance with photogrammetric stability demands. The interior orientation values of such a camera have to be determined by simultaneous calibration within the 3-D object reconstruction process - as far as somewhat precise results are required.

Figure 1. Rollei d7 metric5


The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXIV, Part 5/W12

Sensor Number of pixels Sensor format Lens

2/3" CCD 2552 x 1920 approx. 9 mm x 7 mm 7 mm focal length ( = 28 mm for 35 mm camera)

Sensitivity Dimensions Weight

equivalent to ISO 100 151 x 102 x 106 mm3 approx. 650 g

Image data Storage medium

6.4 MB uncompressed raw data per image SmartMedia, CompactFlash, PCMCIA Card Typ I, II, III Table 1. Technical specifications of the Rollei d7 metric5

The digital data are saved to memory cards inserted into the camera (SmartMedia, CompactFlash, PCMCIA Cards .....). Subsequently, they can be downloaded to a computer and converted from the special Rollei RAW format into usual data formats such as BMP, TIFF, JPEG by the Rollei d-Image software. The 7 mm wide angle lens - equivalent to 28 mm for 35 mm cameras - is fixed at a certain focus setting. In addition to the compact and rugged construction of the camera, there is a rigid connection between the lens and the CCD sensor. These features are undoubtedly attributes of a metric camera. 3. RESULTS OF CAMERA CALIBRATION In the course of a project to determine deformations of an object in aircraft industry by photogrammetric means, a d7 metric5 was calibrated several times over a period of six weeks (Peipe & Stephani, 2003). The interior orientation and lens distortion parameters of the camera, i.e. principal distance c, principal point offset x0/y0, radial-symmetric and tangential distortion coefficients were calculated simultaneously with the numerical 3-D reconstruction process by bundle adjustment. The results (Tab. 2) show differences of only a few m between the six data sets of c, x0 and y0. Standard deviations amounted to 0.8 m for c, 0.5 m for x0 and 0.6 m for y0. As far as the distortion parameters are concerned, corresponding values (in relation to their accuracy) were derived from the six bundle adjustments. Therefore it can be stated, that the d7 metric5 can be regarded and used as digital metric camera, i.e. the interior geometry of the camera remains stable over a longer period of time.

4. EXAMPLE FROM CULTURAL HERITAGE The photogrammetric performance of the digital metric camera was tested in an application related to architectural photogrammetry. Using the new equipment a narrow nearly circular cylindrical apse of a small church of the Romanesque period covered with frescoes was photographed. Images of the lower vertical cylinder and the semi-spherical ceiling were taken (Fig. 2 and 3). For capturing the images inside the apse presenting a diameter of 5.50 m and a height of 4.40 m only, the internal flash unit of the camera was used. Unfortunately, the intensity of the flash light was not perfectly adjusted at that time. This caused suboptimally exposed areas in the images.

Figure 2. Image of the lower central part of the apse

c (mm) 7.428 7.429 7.429 7.428 7.428 7.431

x0 (mm) 0.293 0.294 0.293 0.293 0.293 0.298

y0 (mm) - 0.042 - 0.048 - 0.044 - 0.049 - 0.043 - 0.048

Table 2. Results of camera calibration Figure 3. Image of the ceiling


The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXIV, Part 5/W12

Drawings of the frescoes exist; they were performed earlier by the Politecnico di Milano. Some results of this work are published in Bezoari et al. (2001; see Fig. 4 and 5).

Figure 5. Drawing of the central ceiling Figure 4. Drawing of the lower part of the frescoes

Figure 6. Scaled image mosaic of an orthographic view of the lower central part of the apse For the evaluation of the digital photos, a new procedure for rectification of curved surfaces was applied (Stephani, 2001). Due to irregularities of the cylindrical shape of the apse one has to accept small discrepancies if an orthographic projection of the lower central part using more than one image is performed. A mosaic of two orthographically restituted images is presented in Fig. 6. 5. CONCLUDING REMARKS The Rollei d7 metric5 color camera is well suited for both, industrial and architectural photogrammetry. The stability of the interior orientation elements allows for applications where on the job camera calibration is not desired or even not possible. The high resolution of the sensor in combination with a small and stable focal length provides wide angle images which are necessary if high accuracy of the object reconstruction is demanded. The new camera is easy to handle. As image data storage CompactFlash cards should preferably be used instead of a microdrive due to lower thermal strain of the interior of the camera. 6. REFERENCES Bezoari, G., Vitelli, G., Selvini, A., Guerra, F., Miniutti, D., 2001. Santuario della Madonna della Ghianda con cappelletta del XIV secolo in Mezzana di Somma Lombardo. In: Misura e rappresentazione, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano, pp. 279 282. Bock, I. ,Pomaska, G., 2002. Software Development for Remote Control of Digital Metric Cameras via LAN and Internet. In: Int. Archives of the Photogrammetry, Rem. Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. 34/5, Korfu, pp. 3-6. Luhmann, T. (2000). Nahbereichsphotogrammetrie. Wichmann, Heidelberg, 571 p. Peipe, J., Stephani, M., 2003. Untersuchungen zur Stabilitt und metrischen Qualitt einer digitalen 5 Megapixel Messkamera. In: Photogrammetrie - Laserscanning - Optische 3DMesstechnik (ed. T. Luhmann), Wichmann,Heidelberg (in press) Rollei Fototechnic (2003). Product Information d7 metric5 Stephani, M. (2001). Rappresentazione digitale per mezzo della trasformazione proiettiva di unimmagine fittizia. In: Rivista dellagenzia del Territorio, Nr.2, Roma, pp. 21-30.


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