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Performance Appraisal The City Bank Limited: Ms. Afroza Begum

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Performance Appraisal

The City Bank Limited

Name of the staf MS. AFR!A B"#$M Staf %& '(()(*'
#rade "+"C$T," FF%C"R F-nctional &esi.nation ASSC%AT" MANA#"R
&i/ision perations &epartment "0port Payment
Branch N1A Cl-ster N1A
Be.innin. of Appraisal Period (23(23'(22 "nd of Appraisal Period 4232'3'(22
S-ccess Criteria "/al-ation
Company Planned Tar.ets 2 ' 4 ) 6 7
B-siness 58ecti/es 9P% -tcomes
Objective 1
Ensure that day to day
transactions are executed in
1. All export documents have been lodged
& dispatched on same day.
2. Ensure that export proceeds against
export documents and Advance TT have
been realized on the same day.
. !egotiation o" export documents
#. $ayment o" buying house
commission as per %& ' &ontract
(. )ealization o" di*erent
charges'interest as per +O&'+anction
, ensure that -$, serial
no. 1 to # Every
transaction executed
.ithout error and
smoothly .ithout any
major complaint.
Everything is being done
.ithin stipulated time
As a result , have
/nished my "or
responsibility every
transaction success"ully.
, ensure that realization
o" di*erent charges'
interest deduct as per
+O&'+anction during this
Objective 2
Appropriate communications have
been made .ith related concerns
"or settlement o" export proceeds
& disputed issues
Ensure that appropriate communications
have been initiated to the business unit0
client0 management or correspondent
ban1s to resolve settlement o" export
proceeds and pending issues "or execution
o" transactions
, ensure that al.ays ,
communicate .ith related
parties to resolve o" export bill0
export proceeds & disputed
1 City HR
,mplementation o" service
excellence benchmar1
1. Ensure that no complain "rom customers
regarding the services provided by T+2
2. Ensure that satis"actory level o" standard
set by the ban1 3as per &)$ manual0
&irculars0 +%As 4 is being maintained.
&ustomer service is the
main priority o" my duties
.ith maintaining all
regulatory issues. Every
day , complete proceeds
realization and data supply
properly .ithin time
management. At the end0 ,
have no pending .or1 in
customer service. , have no
complain "rom customer or
)5 and they are highly
satis/ed .ith my co
Objective #
,ssuance o" $)&
1. ,denti/cation0 data collection & chec1ing
o" realization o" export bills against .hose
$)& are issued.
2. Ensure time to time $)& issuance and
delivery o" that to customers in time.
, ensure that $)& issued in the
due time a"ter chec1ing related
all in"ormation
Objective (
E6$ register /ll up and "ollo.
up .ith )5 i" non7submission
o" E6$.
1. )egular /ll up exp register related to
export payment unit.
2. -eep record cases o" non7submission
!oti"ying to relate )5 & client.
E6$ register /ll up & "ollo. up
is one o" the main .or1 in our
duties so , ensure that every
day , complete this regularities.
Objective 8
)egular "ollo.7up o" overdue
export bill
1. )egular "ollo.7up o" overdue export bills
by sending periodic reminders to
exporter9s .ho have overdue bills.
2. Ta1e necessary initiatives and regular
correspondence "or repatriation o" overdue
export bill
, have regular basis "ollo. up
overdue bill to report and
remind the exporter9s to

Objective :
$rocess improvement
To improve T+2 related processes related
issues .ith an emphasise to reduce service
cycle time as .ell as operational
;e have up date /lling
procedure .ithout any help
o" logistic support and also
helped in atomization o"
certain /elds related to our

Objective <
Ensure sending o" all reports0
statements and returns .ithin
stipulated time "rame.
1. That all periodical 3daily0 .ee1ly0
monthly0 =uarterly & yearly4 reports0
statements and return have been
submitted to the regulatory authorities
.ithin the cut up time.
2. !ecessary /ll up and +ubmission
o" E6$ duplicate & triplicate to returns
unit in time.
. ,ssuance o" !O& & Tax related
certi/cate and +ubmission source tax
statement to >O /nance
All reporting0 E6$ submission0
!O& & tax related certi/cation
has been done in time and
there .as no reminder "rom
customer0 >.O or Authority.
City HR
Objective ?
&ross "unctional training and
1. To ade=uately e=uip sel" .ith the
"unctions o" other des1 .ithin the unit and
should cable to .or1 in any des1 o" the
2. To ac=uire su@cient 1no.ledge on the
"unctions o" other units0 capable to .or1 in
the other units and extend necessary
support as and .hen re=uired.
, ensure that , have su@cient
1no.ledge on the "unctions o"
other units0 capable to .or1 in
the other units and extend
necessary support as and .hen
Objective 1A
,+O ?AA1B2AA< &erti/cation
"or Operations by October
To execute transactions in line .ith
applicable rules0 regulations and ,+O
documentation to obtain the ,+O
, help our unit head to
perpetrate ,+O certi/cate and ,
ensure that our all the
transaction has been done
applicable rules0 regulations
and ,+O documentation to
obtain the ,+O certi/cation.

Objective 11
,mprove audit rating during
2A11 "rom that o" 2A1A
1. )evie. o" all the audit issues to
ensure that appropriate response have
been sent.
2. Ta1e appropriate measures and
discuss .ith the related groups so that
the same incident doesn9t repeat.
. Ensure that number o" audit
issues have been reduced during the year
2A11 in comparison .ith the year 2A1A
Al.ays0 , 1eep my
responsibilities updated0 +o
that , have no major audit
issues during the period in
my area.

Objective 12
$articipation into C2)
To participate in the C2) campaign
announced by the ban1 time to time and
collects the C2) as per the given target.
All C2) campaign , have
success"ully achieved 1A<D

,ery #ood #ood
nt Needed
Beha/io-ral Competencies 2 ' 4 ) 6 7
2. &eli/erin. Res-lts
Etilize resources e*ectively and optimizes'improve systems & .or1
processes to achieve business objectives
)evie.s $er"ormance against targets on a regular basis
&ontinuously see1 "or raising standards & delivering stretch
objectives and encourage others to do the same
Al.ays learn "rom mista1es and ta1e meaning"ul ris1s that are in the
best interest o" the company
'. Leadership
&reates an enthusiastic .or1 environment .here people can .or1
and enjoy
+ho.s ethical a.areness0 displays "airness and earns trust through
o.n behaviours
City HR
Total Score 1.51
-eeps "ocused on 1ey priorities and ensures that things happen as per
2evelops clear0 simple and less complicated plans
%eads e*ectively by setting personal examples
4. C-stomer Foc-s
2emonstrates a Fcan do9 and Gexible attitude .hich builds credibility
and trust in the eyes o" the customer
Ta1es initiatives proactively to identi"y & address customer needs
5aintains good relationship .ith all level o" customers and al.ays
deals customers honestly0 "airly & courteously
Acts on customer "eedbac1
). Comm-nicatin. : %n;-encin.
Approachable0 see1s "eedbac1 "rom team members0 reacts positively
on others9 vie.s and exhibits a.areness o" o.n impact
&oncise0 structured and "ocused .hilst delivering 1ey messages and
style o" communication is aligned .ith the context
%istens care"ully and explains complex issues0 ideas & concepts
clearly and persuasively
6. %nte.rity : Con<dentiality
2emonstrate ethical behaviours consistently that are compliant .ith
companyHs principles0 policies and procedures
!ever compromise and do the opposite o" .hat he'she thin1s is right
!ever disclose con/dential in"ormation to any person "or any purpose
3other than authorized disclosures4 and use such in"ormation "or
personal gain
/erall Performance Ratin.
Line Mana.ers Recommendations
to Achie/e
e of
Area 1
Area 2
Area #
Trainin. : &e/elopment Plan
City HR
Total Score 0.72
,ery #ood
%mpro/ement Needed
)ecommended "or counseling I,mprovement !eededJ
)ecommended "or service to be terminated IEnacceptableJ
)ecommended "or promotion
Annual per"ormance appraisal
>al" Kearly per"ormance appraisal
)ecommended "or +alary ,ncrement
Job Holders Comments
Line Managers Comments
Counter Signing Ocer!s Comments"
City HR
Line Managers
#ame (in BLOCK letters) $ate
Job Holders Signature #ame (in BLOCK letters) $ate
Counter Signing
Ocers Signature
#ame (in BLOCK letters) $ate

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